ILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION tri raoru uig rat KASTORROONIAN ''.'"' in nr. n roa iDTntinu. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH II, 1901 JL. 14. NO. 40 I (o (WmBJ 1 P Will I L, IIVSJOU .nDAfPDV CTfiDP Pood for Pasters rinir m in Dill oi iara nmv hoi ulr miMitH ul nil mcillw but wr run Hit' Illil.iV ((XC-1 U'lll, HHOHimiH'H. liavt' n spci'inlty nolerteu Htock of .Inn I aiul ciiniiMi ti"t iiihI the b I I. a. I I. . I . M M 1 w I I I I i ' - - 1 1 1 I ii i-ii rv i r t . miu.ii ''i 'ii" ' 1 1 liri' r-iiiiic m-iiin. a iiir .-fii ..... 1 . . I. i 1 I i V I 1 1 t 1.1 i I n i "J . t i.i a. . i fj.! V 'hiic IhiiKc (!nwirv ii inn uwu.n vii " vi j. t tin' l'ostnlliec. -&Ju fa 4s" . The Boston .KNOX HATS.. tiff Hats edora Hats Tush Hats . tMt Spring Styles; new catalogue now read) OOODS JUST hosiery, Belts, Purses, New silks, New stock lid you get a sample card of safety pins? Walnut Sawing Machine this month. jde a olumbia Tie leading wheel in the world. ry part made perfect, hunt a watch. t Road w beel $50 $35 $25 irtford indetta IQ. iV J., Hartford or Dunlop 01 tires. poy'H iron wagons, all steel, lap that will h Wiiiil hard unugc. life madp, $2 .Ml. trden Seeds. ilonu to tiled at M regular price, fa package c. Now crop warranted. nil "if SOBM of tli- line we carry. .kntlknivea, Htutionory, Latin-' or gents purses, Magazine.- mid Periialieals, Tovs, dolls ami games, 80I100I Supplies. redericK No Mr. Sheepman On this showing we ask ynn to hay your lamb intf nnd shear ing supplies of us. ::::::: Alexander $5.00 . $2.50 IN collars. for Dresses. Dried Evaporated Stock, very fancy. Qet our Wholosale Prices . . . C. R0HRMAN, : : : : 309-311 Court Street. An Artistic qqc! Richly Furnished Parlor should tnntalB one of our exquisitely Inlaid Itarlor suites, npholetorod in rich dainaHkH In laututiful shade of colors, lliat will make tlie "tout en-em hie" of your roouiH "like one grand sweet soug" in in. -ii harmony. We havu sumc handsome now designs in parlor furniture at prices that will surprise you. IAMBS0ME RESIDENCE SUE HKlH'K -Ml, tXtNTUNINU U lettlii W1U WATKH, i.KVKK, WITH CITY WAT Kit, ON Tt'HTIN WM I I WHICH IS tiUAUKU, wu.i. hi: hold at a low i-um k n Kajh tkiims. ihk iu.ock m tjnwnai VOMOi mUOOT K 1 1. VI I HK H AMlSDMK UKSI DKNt'K PKOI'Klt n OK K. L H.M I'l'H, ANI akkokk- VMM UaW vikan ok thk atOVMTAWl am thk P0UMM HOOM QOUUffBY AS WMUL AS A KINK VIKW OK THK TOWN KHOM ITS l.oWI.K KM l 000 AHOVK. T HK HI8TEHH' Apply at the East Why buy elswwliere When you can buy your groceries and other supplies here for less money. The place to buy is where you find the largest stork, the DfSt goods and the lowest prices. Our stock is by Fir the largest in Pendleton We are confident in the goodness of our goods. Compare our prices and .save money. You'll find it worth your while. & Hexter. Store IosYer,y The Kind that Wears Well. The Best for the Honey. Thanking all those who have waited for these we wish to announce thai the)- are here. 15c, 25c, 35c and 40c. Loulsine Silks All the new colors. Call and get the price. Fruit. FOLSOM. Main Street. SCHOOL. Orcgoiiam Office. GENERAL NEWS. According to the census return junt isBUt'd, the population of th central provinces of India has decreased I . I (X) , -000, due to famine. Kdwant Tinker, formerly champion wing shot of the world, anil n well known lintel keeper of Providence, died in that, city Iriday. T he total appropriations of the lifty ixth congress jiist closet! was ft, 110, 01 A2; for the rlrst session 710,180, stiL' and the second. fTiH. nil, !'.'. A charter is asked for in New Jersey for lbs American Tin Can company with a capital of 17,000,000 and an au thortod capital of $78,0tX),0tH. A storm with the fury of a tornado passed in the vicinitv 01 Texarkana, Arkansas, Saturday. Many hniltlings MN deslrovcd hut no liv8 were lost. Under the new schemo the British armv tor home defense will consist of 156,000 regulars, 100,000 reservos. 150,000 militia, 15,000 veomanry and 250,000 volunteers. Tom Jenkins, of Cleveland, Ohio, champion heavvwcight wrestler of tlie Kniteil States, defeated Hali Ali at St. houis, winning two falls in 10 minutes. Jenkins weighed l.r ami the Turk L'.'!5 pounds. Tim steamer Numidian, with the Strathcona horse on hoard, arrived at Halifax, Friday, from Liverpool. The steamer anchored in the stream to pay off the men. The soldiers will pro ceed to Ottawa at. once. Andrew Carnogie has offered to give 150,000 for a peollc lihrary huilding for Vancouver, H. C, the only condl t n in la'ing the city furnish a suitalile situ and agree ' to contrihute $5iKK) annually for its maintenance. State Senator Christopher Li Magco of I'ittshnrg died at Harrishurg, Penn. His death was unexpected, as it was c m rally lieheved that he was improv ing in health, though he had long heen suffering from a cancerous alllic t i or . W. I. H. steveimon was killed in a dnol with pistols with a THmver man named Kroderiel; I.ehrecht. The latter was not hit, hut k 1 1 1 I young Stcveuson at tlrst shot. Stevenson, helore going to Colorado, was in the employ of a Texas railway company. The Colorado stockgrowers' asmi ia tion atl'ipted a resolution requesting the department f the interior to send an inspector West to inquire into local conditions and give settlers, cattle owners and others a hearing relative to forest IIMl'tl regulations. Wills Point, Texas, was visited hy a cyclone m Saturday. Four persons were killed ami twenty injured. Fourteen dwellings were entirely ruined anil a large nuiuher damaged The storm did great damage in the country over which it passed. John HitttT, the well known pioneer historian and journalist, died at his home in San Francisco, aged 70 years. He was a prominent member of the Society of PioneMl ami was the author of numerous works, his hest known being his "History of California." Another victim of hazing in West Point lias come to light through the resignation of Frederick Kensel, as a cadet in the United Stales military academy. Kouscl will return at once to his home, West Somerville, one of the suburbs of Huston His eyes are permanently injured by his hazing ex perience. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. The Idaho legislature failed to make auy appropriation for the liuCfalo ex position. The Washington legislature appropriatetl 2',000. A tire Friday niuht at WOMM di si roved the bouse of Maud Murdock and burned up $2000 in cash which she bail in the bouse. Mrs. M. J. Koberts, an Oregon pioneer ol 1K53, died at the home of her son, J. A. Koberts, at Springfield, Oregon, Friday. She was bum in Ohio, October 12, IMS. The Idaho legislature is still in aes sion although pay ol its members was topped iai Thursday. The legislature bas been in session 66 days, ami the limit fixed by law is HO days. "Sjmjc" Marsh, a cow boy, a Helena, Montana, shot ami wounded Dick HarhiHon ami smith White, and was aboot to tire at Frank Howard, when the latter killed him at the first shot. Howard gave himself up. Retrospect. It is an evil day tor the wilt- anil mother when she m- her worn face in tbr motor, ami asks the tjuestioi), " Uoek it uav ? lXc i'. pay to sacrifice In .hi: nd kappi'icas Vo wedded low ' " but it..:. .. auotber (piek iToe which rightly takes pioeeaeMi ot lioea it laiy ? It is this: "Is it MM kary to ri tie health and h.ippuieSk to wedttetl lover" Half a million women iiijkwt i Ne ' 1 buy Itave bv weak MM bar been Bads lrong by Hi lleice's lavon.c Prescript ion lie. were kick unit " Kavontv I'reacrip tiou " m u tl e them well H will da the uuif to. ulinokl every wuiiuui who . . It a fair and Mithlul trial. It t ' weak cUlajt draiub, heals nl. 1 1 ai ion and cures It tranqu !:. the inflaniiiiatioii ..le fell, .11. v neiV'k .. i eutourajjen llir appetite. I ckih . i-a! to Iwcuine ujothn. aatl .1 thrculcaiu ito.luiia.1' '(iicll e..k. acd n ' write- Mi, j A KklJoiu ot Wat apriaos kV-'Mrti t Ark . "anil uiy ulc! irliuued My hubuu.l fcol miuthct Uuvlor fur ate but I vttmvti tu iaki drug luiit ud a" '" At lut I tul.l lli. tltknor that If In-. 111. dinar did nut help ut. 1 would g uiwk i" lit PUircc'i uudulii. - 1 tlld m. uud by tht- nun 1 llad taken thcui uar iiiuutlt I uuild : lay uvu huuarwork, except waalillia and t. ,,led ny 1,'ard. 11 to.. I sra. .1. niter tlian I had .. ' Iieen While walllllK l-al. . .otlilili; hill., mi Hlfet cauic illii- uar wa. I tie aiatli .htldl ahe ia uuw elevcu Uluulh. old mat u a l.ealtl.. . lukA A. (of uir. 1 I. el SS tuuufc uuw H" 1 Jld tkt rigbteeu yeara of nit. an. thim . I can clwetfullv recoauueud lit Cn, 1 . adt'u. I" all .ulfcnuK wuliiallkiud 1 lo. lol I'lel.l, . VSMi"( ivlleut Uliui''" 't" "k heatlaclte. A BOILER EXPLODED IN BUILDING IN CHICAGO. -O Ten or More Persons Killed and Many Injured. - o ACCIDENT OCCURRED IN A LAUNDRY o People on Street Cars and tbe Street, Many ot Them Workmen Going to Work, Be came Panic Stricken. Chicago, March 11. A huge boiler, in the basement of the huilding ooeapied bv the Sanitaay Laundry company, to Madison street, exploded at H o'clock this morning, completely wrecking that structure and three others ail joining, badly damaging tbe stores along the street for a block la--tween Tliroop and lAXitnis streets, caus ing the loss of several lives ami the in jury of a se .r,. ,,r more of laundry em ployes. About seventy-live (ample were in tbe building at the time of the disaster. At 11 o'clock seven bodies had been tRketi from tbe ruins, only one 01 whom is yet identified, that of Hertha Kincaid. The force of the explosion was terrific tireat masses of brick were hulled against buildings three hundred feet away. Tbe adjacent buildings wreeked are 1 1 1 barracks of the Volumeers of America, Wildstoue's dye shop, Donan's candy factory and a vacant building. The wilder! confusion followed the explosion, hundreds of people going to work on street cars ami afisit ami tonante ol Bearby bolMlnge belnc panlea stricken. The work of rescue is seriously re tarded by great crowds of people. The OteeBM of the wounded could he heard above the roar and erashing of timbers. Nineteen of tbe injured have been taken to the hospitals, sev eral of whom are fatally hurl. J ho eighth Body Rocovsrad. The eighth lusty, that of a liirl, crushed almost out oi human sem blance, was found at noon. The seven corpses at the morgue have how been Identified, as follows: lieorge l'hil, engineer I'.essie Kincaba, Minnie Olson, F.mnia Sebraska, Irani, I latin Mink , Katie Kelly and Marshal Jam by. The injured at the hiwiituls number twenty-live. Some of the corpses are in a frightlul condition. The lusty of one girl was gathered in a basket, tbe iron gnders having chopped her to pieces. The head ol another was smashed flat. The explosion was caused by absence of water 111 the boil er. which is sanl to have heen 111 poor OOnditlon. Tbe total prOpert damage aggregates $40,000. HAWAIIAN ISLAND NliWS first Lsalslalurs .Is In session, ins Importation of Nro Labor; a Fallfe tul Wire. Honolulu, March 1, via San Fran cisco, March 11. Hawaii's lirst Ameri can legislature cunvelierl here on ruarv 20. Up to the present I-el time nothing bas DOM done, but much is in urofpect. Tbe natives that control th legislature have been 111 every (sissibl way obstructed and hampered by the republican an I democratic whites that are members anil consequently little orourees has resulted The native law inukers are doing their best to become Americanised. The first action which they asserted themselves was tbe exuelliitg from the Hour ol tie Ik.iiu. Territorial Secretary 11 Cooper. At the 00111 maud of l'resldent Dole he entered the house and pro ceedeu to Instruct the natives as what they should do and what they should not do, thereby so angering tin in that they tired him out bag and baggage After this act the Declare tiou of I n 1. p. nd. in 1 was reed iu 1.0th Kngikh and Hawaiian and then ordered spread upon the minutes of the bouse. Toxlay, the seventh ol the session, several bill were introdaced auioag them a bill providing municipal and county governments for the different cities and inland This bill though opposed by the governor and the large planters, will assuredly pass The Ocuaaic steamer Zualandia ar rived hero February 24 I rota Santa Monuu. Calii '., with 766 VorUi Kico laborers lor tbe sugar plantation On 11. i trio here, several died and since arrival, neverel more have succumbed While here the negroes Were guarded and not allowed off tbu steamer except to be 1 ted to the smaller Island s learners. Win. N Marshall, a well known uewsuaoer man ot ( ai norma who has laseii held in orison bere for (our month fur libel, waa yesterday dotted by liov. Iole. One of tbe recently imported negroes states that if tbe planters eiry out their auuouuced intention of importing 2U.IAJ0 uugroeai th it tbe colored people will be strong enough to control the it-i-iiei '..Hi 1 lining, tbe maa eeid "Most of my people are republicans Krom long ieuuliartty with Aetericen isditick we van do better American I i, 1 He then 11 a- graeter part of tbe ruling ipulal.on of these island, end a year s nwlUouce will give us en e vote. We shall dentanu me cuustaeru tion and representation that our num erical strength entitles US to. " I A abort time ago Lulia wile ol the leper l,ui Huolape, preaeuted herself to be taeeiuiaed for leprosy, uleiming that she waa infaotsd, end reel nesting banishment so as to join her husband Kpon close inspection it was found that the faithful wife bad painted her body with Iodine end steins to resemble the ravages caused by the dread d as to deceive the doctors and 1 een teneetl to Molokai. She says that her place is hy her husband's side for they were made one "in sickness and in beaiah." THK NriW YORK MARKET. Rsported by I. L. Ray c0 . Psnetaton. Chleaeo Board or Trade and Now York Stock Rxshanee erokers. Sew York, March 11. The wheat market was very steady today, Kiver poo' closing the same as on Saturday, ft ll1,,. New York 0xncl at S0e and hung around this polBl all day, clos ing at 7U:I4, The visible supply BBOWed a decrease for tbe week of I.JM.ilOO bushels and corn an increase of l,2."sl, miO bushels. Stocks strong. Money 2 (er cent. Olomd Saturday, 7UJ7-S. Opened today, 10. Mange today, t to 80. Oloeed today, "M . May corn. Hi. Whsat In Chleaeo. Chicago, March II. May wheat opened at 7."i'u ami closed at 7" :t-8 cents )ier bushel. A TORNADO IN TENNESSEE. A Number or People Ellled. Many la jured and Much Property Destroyed. Memphis, March 11. Seven persons were killed utright and many injured, with n tremendous loss of property, is, tbe record of Saturday's storm in this section. Neer forest City, Arkansas, II. Wilson and cbibl were killed .1. a. Wool lei 's house shattered ami Woolley killed and his wife injured. Koheit Alien ami John latttire were also killed. At Muss Hill, Mrs. Mollis Dorr, 1 rank Howling ami Osuier Koberts were killed. At Covington. Toon., A. S. l.eatei was 1. 1 1 h-l when the roof of a church fell on his home. At Conway, Ark., fifty bouses were un roofed. I n Memphis a number of buildings were damaged NATION JURY DISAORRID. Ihsra Will Be a Ssaond Trial or the Saloon Smashers. Wichita Kans., March II. -The jury, which tried Mrs. Nation and or.bers for destroying proper! v in a saloon raid, this morning reMirted a disagree ment. The vote was seven for convic tion and five for aciilittel. Two of the wnmt 11 defendants did 110 actual smashing ami one of them could not be acquitted unless all were. A new trial will occur The decision of the jury will likely result in more smash ing bere. Partner of Morgans. New York, March II. -tieorgn W. I'erkins, second vice president of tbe .New York Life Insurance company, has la-en admitted as a partner in the linn of J. I'. Morgan .V Co., Ilreiel t i'o. ol I'hiledolphia, and Morgan, llerjes a Co. of I'eris. Mr. I'erkins won his high position in tbe business wurbl hy increasing industry and ap plication. He waa thirtv-mne years obi on January .11 last. He ia a direc tor in the New York Heciirity and Trust company and of the National City bank. He began business as en 0A0O boy. Ueneral Harrison No Batter. Indianapolis, March II.-- At U O'elook tbis morning llemamin llarri son is practically no better or no worse. Dr. Jausoeon says really be ia a very sick men, but the only danger is 1 nllarninat ion In tbe left lung, the extending of which would cause pneu monia. Harrison's Condition Unohaneed. lM(liauesilis, Merch IK At 1 o'clock tiiis ati.-r n (ieneral Man 1 son 's condition is unchanged. He is ap parent lv holding his own. Karcelona, March 1 1 . --Strikers tired two fai-Uiriea at Manileu, Cetelonia. Tbe soldiers were called out anil two men were killed ami a uuinlair of other injured in a light which fol lowed. ob Injures Olflalals. .Madrid, March IK A mob stoned e government olbce Pslay and injured four olllcials. Blew His Heed Off. St Kouin, Mo., Merch II. lurumr collector of water rates, Iiuis Orund, blew on the top of bis head with a shotgun this morning because it waa found ueceeeery to amputate hi leg on account of blood poisoning. in IV. m, March 11. United States Minister Conger started tbis morning for home. Tbe diplomatic corps, the military comiuaiiifars end many mil slonarieswera present to bid him I ue well and a eafe journey. ii I oe minute 1 11, March IK Oeueral Dewel is 1. i.oii, -I pi be near Kroou- stadt, iu tbe northern part of tbe '.range rivur colony, preparing to cross tbe railwey iu an easterly direction. TO CUB A COLO 1H 0MB DAT. Take Laiallv Bruiao quiulus Table. w HEN you want to buy Ko to u in tu who deulH 111 win 1- you wani to buy paper go U a man w In i It-ale in pajtir; whoa you want to buy junk go to a man who dealt in junk; when you want to buy a bicycle go to Ii. J. STILLMAN Ho dfttvle iu bicycle Corner Matin euid Wnbb SU. Fendkatoo. On. NICARAGUAN CANAL TURNED DOWN BY ENGLAND. Great Britain Cannot Accept the Treaty as Amended. o DOES NOT SURPRISE ADMINISTRATION e ' TraDscoutlDaotal Railroads Faforad by tit Decision, aod It Will Be Used is an Excuse to Delay Anion Washington. March II. laird Paon eefnto today SnbOalttsd Ul Secreterv Hay Ins instructions from I lams due 00) respecting, the llav-l'suucsfote treaty. I'he dOCMMnt practically closes the negotiations with Kngland on the subject of the Nicaraguan canal. It states that Kngleinl cannot accept the senate amendments to the treaty ami expresses regret that these steps bad to b taken in this course. Hut no alternative. however, is offered. Secretary Hay immediatelv took the mite to I'resiilsnt Mckinley. It is asserted in some iptarters bere that tbis news is tint disappointing to tbe administration, as Kngland's de cision acts in tbe way of a harrier to further action upon the Nicaraguan project, which is not one which receives the enthusiastic supirt of the administration forces. It it even in timated by some knowing ones, friends of the canal, that tireat Britain's ac tion will be iie. for all it is worth as an uenei for delaying authnrliatnui for the construction of the canal and it is just what tbe transcontinental railroads wanted Hltshall Addsd to committee. (In Saturday, just U'ture adjourn ment of the senate, Morgan, chairmen of the committee on intertM'eenic canals, asked unanimous consent tbet Mitchell lie appointed to succeed bis predecessor, McHrhlc, as a tnuinlwr of that committee. He raaliied, be said, that it was an unusual request, but it was made because ol the notable in terest in canal legislation always mani -tested by Mitchell, who, IlkeMcBrlde, was an earnest soil able advocate of tbe canal. After the request bad been granted without comment, Hoar, ed dressing the chair, remarked thai for very obvious reasons 110 objections were made to the request ol Morgan, hut be felt hound to sav thai it was likely to give rise to great IMH veiiiemo on both sides ol tbe chain lair DEPUTY SMURIHI KILLtl). He Killed una Bobker But ths Olhsr Ishot and Killed Him. HUs ktuii, March II iNiputv Hberilf Ham Holaoan was kilied in enght with two roblatra in Calaveras count v lest night. He k 'led one robUr and the other escaped in a buggy. He la being pursued by a posse It IS leare.l that the man in custody of the ulhcers will be lynched. sla Counterfeiters kaptarsd. 1'hiwnix, Merch il.-HIg counter feiter! who have been tl ling 'be country with silver dollars were cap tured here this morning. Plottooal' i. . March 11. Kreua If brown, the cashier whu wrecked the tiet man National, at Newiairt, Kentucky, has been located at Celb.ln Ipeniab Honduras, by a Post re-irler. lie expects never to return unless hie hopes fur making a lorlune aie .... I l-u.l 11.. ... . ,, .a, le.k-ed that i.-aii.o .... I. " n ,T tfttUihiimc amk lit into raring rAUM. hi IlWllIilll. London, March ll.-Hcengbe die- ...I. I.... atal.. thai liu.ala tlBS forillSlly given notice to China that uuleea that .,..L..,i,i.iil .hall aiu-11 thu Maitcbnrlaii ft ............ - - - a - convention agreement at an early uaie it will be withdrawn ami harder terms will be substituted. China has ap uealed to Knglatel, the United Hutes. Japan aud iiermany, protesting against the demands snails Helps British. Aden, March 11. Abyssinians sent hy aejpatOI Bfonollk toco oiieratewllb tbe British ageiust "Mad Mullah,' iu Soiualllaud, beve deiealed the faiietlu'a forcee In a severe belt Is, e hundred of whom wore killed. sir Uleola's Oefeul. New Yurk, Merch 11 Miuuie Orl ttendeneOtt. O belle of Han Iraitcieco, end aocially of high onuiteutions.mekes her debut next week iu vaudeville. clothun 1 ld hr.. AND ATinUNITIOiN