East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 04, 1901, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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tub i itAninn rirBB or
TBB l,.n t ,, TBI
tiiat'i mi rtna
VOL 14.
. --. .,--,
Mm 1
...ot a Nibble ..
if these .'bee' that isl.'l go 1. Iai rv
OM ha the t rn tlnvor of its kind. All
are in perfect condition, being n.ot or
t.H new nor tim riK'. We learned how
tn Imy cheese limp ag anil kMf liow
to keep it in g-sxf condition
American cheese
Inifsirted Swiss bnBM
I, dam cheese, etc.
Our gr.a'eries nrt g'Msl -tn mcli to
please anyone.
White Hoqsc Grocery.
Next to the Pnst'dtice.
The Boston
C. & B.
Suits and
Just Arrived
The finest line that will 1 shown in fondle
tun ..... i ! . :i .. if will i .u ir.'ii) fm to
$jo. Hants ir.iti i to JH.
are here. A 1 1
spring style
to $6.
fascial imiii'r in sterling unver
novelties consisting 0' nail ble it
knit. - flaw huttnncrs. cti
5utnmer Sporting; Good.
Hie-elitll I Hits Ilk lo Me,
Bali rv t.. ti fl Mtnki e lo M.M
Catuhw'i i. it- .u. to :; i.K
I'm gat S.-in, i m mens.- line, t-balla
nic lv polished l ft, other set $1.48,
fl tfo ! .; :.
Bicycles and Sundries.
UV show tin- tnrcri ittfuliu w libel in
the I tilted titatr.
Columbia IJ ri'i 4i and fVl
Cleveland 4 ..ml .ra).
lmiwrial 9ft, 180, :' an 'I l"
Hieyele biiihIi it yrik lUo, ktraphlt
nr. h-iUIh ii', 1 mi Wit Be, wi li
"o-ln-J" oil IW. , IwIIh i'w to
Harden Seeds.
4.0U0 lun'kiu.ji- garden kw1i, new
Uhm1 ; wurtli elnewliiTi- liere m Bale
al "J'i' Ru an Hnf gram- im
uorte.1 lae a 1 ,yri
Toilet Soap
TIiIm line ). our NtronKliold. 'ic,
H- , c and lo. ttr. ijreat valwt, iooi
Boutin, warranted.
l.arye u u H II amouia 16e.
Coil. Bilvir kniver ami forka, war
rante.1 1(1 ynrt, fj Ht Bat
Ne ini,rtiilonr itinli-, 'V to tth
vwlui 'Sih .
Anv pui. iMtttern 111 Ute limine 61
Lli'Ke hue la.ki.-n or (j.-i.U-' purMW
ami ).. k.-t booka ' to 1 If
New 1 111. Ki.ular U-lta witli i-lteiiile
rihtam anil aplkuM till- tu $1.6U.
Vii illiur lurin- aliinmeiit of imiiortnl
i rwiie nr, all abailue, new :
Frederick Nonl
I 1 G It N b ft A C NEWS.
There's no use
Sending your money away
Our line of BLACK DRESS coons lor spring
has the approval of the tashionaldr world.
Our lint- of WASH FABRICS compel thr admira
tion of all beholders ami we show in Pendleton a
stock equal to any Portland stock.,
We Itelieve our diipinv of Silk, Flannel and Km
broiderrd Serge WAIST MATERIALS is the most
complete ever ghown in this part of the conntrv-
Our showing of lace
will be of interest to
We will fie pleaded
The selling
Will not catch
Evapxrated Stock, very fancy.
Qet our Wholesale Prices . . .
An Artistic ar)d
ficf)ly purnised Parlor
ahould oautain one of our exquiaiudy Inlaid
parlor suiUw, upholatered in rich Uautaaka in
beautiful nliad- ol oiors, that will uiakt- tin
"luut tuuBiulile" of your room "like one grand
Hw.M-t Bong" in their harmony. We Law BOiue
Land. 111. new deaigns in parlor furniture at
pi ice thai w ill Burpriae you
BflKER A FOLSOM, Main Street.
HI.04-K Jud, ro.NTAlMM u UOTB, WELL
UtOAVKD, UKVMh, with Qffy wa'ikk,
US II -TIN .-nil BTi WHiril lr .ft.lKI
thk PMH KitoM IW UOWM WK9 fO
AMOVK i'HK rtlHTKKrt' rit'HOOI.. ::::::::
Apply at the East
curtains and rnhied curtains
this class of buyers.
to have you come and see them
& Hexter.
The newest and
1" st
25c and 30c
Red Shoes and Hose
For inlants. children and misses.
I Hose 25c and 35c. Shots h$c to
J2.50. Also high cut lace
Samples free
'I the new
Capsheal safe
ty pin. Call
at the store
m and get a card j
y of pins.
price will be 10c per dozen
on any fabric, not even veiling
309-311 Court Street.
Orcgonian Office,
Thp I'narliv K. Cr-kor i!.tnti will
erts't a hotel in an KraiH'iiHM to rout
l,(kl,mt), on the i-. rnerof Powell and
Ooary otn-et.
.Indue K.lbriile llflnei-y oi the
circuit court of t ook countv, war
placisl 111 nom inat Ion on the eiehth
hlol for mavor of Chicago hv the
ropuhlii'an citv i-otivi-nt ion Sattidrny
IM interext on the f. ,.w,tHH tl per
iint homl lnol by thr Maryland
Hreaiiii; coiupauy, 'Ine March 1. nn
noi paid, and the prohahtlitie are
that the i-ourern ivill nhnrtly pas IlltC
the nanus ( a receiver
Mabel PMtOO. a nOTW in a OhioMC
hospital. Btuck her head In an opening
in an elerator cbaft. to w what hail
bivome of the elevator, and xtrm-k
on the liark 01 the head hv th
weights ami killed instantly.
Bolicltag.Qaiwra.1 Hope Pollull, of
Utit circuit of the rapwlor court, and
one of the n.. -1 prominent men
Georgia., wax found dead in the court
L.ni' Ht Macon with a bulloihola 111
Ins head. Political troubles, are -anLi
to lie at the bottom of hie act.
If (inventor (iae Bign the bill
paBsi'd bv the aBBciuhlv of t'alifornia,
and there Ib everv indication that hi
will, prize righting in that Btate will
hg out of faahion and the crowd of
eastern pugilists who are heading that
way, will have to hnd some ,.ther "'N
Keeanse Jacob .loliansen, h Hirter,
in San hranciBco. In-In ved los (i-vear
old Bon told a lie, lie -rarred hi
cheeks, ears and hands with a red-lint
poker. When arrestisl .lohansen
iustifle.1 lumseli hv limiting the si-rii
turn injunction of eiutrmu the risl am
spoiling the child. The man is thought
, to fie insane
John M. CreBB, a well known real
estate agent 111 Portland, died from an
opi rati.'ii in a hospital in that citv
Friday, aged .V years.
The chief of police at linker City
lias given 11 dice to slot machine owners
that timber operation of the gambling
deTiie will not Is- permitted in that
D M Watson is boring a well for
oil on the Miller ranch, on the O, H
H.i alsiut llfti-cn miles east ol Port
land. 1 In re are excellent prospects
tor oll
I lleroux. a carpenter employee at
seulert s tislierv at lumwater. in-ar
The Malles, fell headlong from a
BCHtlold L'.'i feet t' tin- rocks below. II
will recover.
Mrs. M. I1. Mi J. 111 coiiiinitted snii idc
near her home five milgg
l.etianoii. 1 .1 im countv, hy drowning
herself 111 a imiihI. Mrs. McLin had
been in the asylum, hut was disniisaed
as 1 11 red and taken home about ten days
Mrs. Kebci ca S-holtleld Hav, ifof
William ilav. died at the familv
. .1.... z . 2 .
Home, near ituisiioro, Saturday, troui
an itll.uk of lit grippe. 1 1. -ceased was
birn in Clark county. Illinois, April
.. l4. . emigrate.) in (.alilornia in
1HM, and came to Oregon in IH.V.
An -tlort is to be made at Kugem- to
raise lii.inm for a A'oung Men's Chris
tum AsBmatioii building under tin
promise that flo,(BMJ more will la
ion Lcoiui ng from a group of rich num.
i he Christian hhboi iatioiia of the
state universitv are behnid the moTe
Wals..,, roWgMOd, teacher at
Oregon stale reform achool, has
resigned his position, and will go at
once tn Kldora, Iowa, t" accept a
similar position in the Iowa state n
form whool, under SiisBrinteiideut
Miles, w ho was the lirst UriuleU-
lent ol ILej( ireguii institution.
Ki' hards brothers are sinking a well
ou their wheat larm in the Home
Hi-iiM-i, cunntrv hi p"-. the Columbia
from I'matilla. The well is to Li
bored 'iisi fuel and ll water .is not oh
tamed al that depth it will probably
la- siii.i, deeiM-r W C. Mi Cans land
of Walla Walla La. the eoiitrai t
John Burnett, ex-supreme judge .(
Oregon, and a resident of Oregon sine
laon, uieu at mi iiouie in corvallis on
rriday, March I, aged till years. 11
was considered one of the moat able
er 1 ui ina I lawyers in the state. Imall
was due to heart trouble. Me had bgggl
sick about two weeks. He waa bom
111 Louisiana uiid ggOM to dragon in
lHoM, settling in Huiitou county.
If the women ul i.ork sh-. 1! 1 i:nk
Bii.-i to Hit- other woman sic- i . ..
i-rUiis, aBf S "You Di'V r i.A I i sCi ub
and clean when your back ached bo ttuu
it . . rn. 1 that avtry latovwOMM womn
Lrruk It in two " It s laid ritouh foJ s
woman Ui tifli r leu w'h u Ik mut
Butter and Bias at the saint- loin. ht
rca nes tie limit of ht-r t udnrauci-.
Weak woiueu who buW L en made
atroug by lb use ol Or NtfW't 1'av.a--ite
I'rcacripUau, rsMMMstMssi It to othjfr
as a godaend. It sti.idi-.te ug ilarily,
dries weakening drains, IsssjU nillamsv
Uou and ukceratiou and cures h-utale
f hsv- bee
tl .yl.l. u wtia
Will Si Jog...
Hvr ry musM h
I triril inso,
l " rclwl
I 11
IMSWIUCI.I 1 UiA .U, f. il
Dr. Hi. o c - Plaasant P. II.-.
toukuesa and aitk htadacli.
not tssMtB tuc pill uabiL
lire bit
Tlsvy do
Mckinley the First President to Succeed
Himself Since (irant.
The Speech oi ice T'residenl
of Office, and President Mckinley's lnati
Rural Address.
Washington, March i. Wiljiaui Mc
kinley, of Ohio, today for the accoml
tune in his career took the oath as
president of the I'nited States. Not
since the time when the republic in
dorsed another war pr.'sideni. (ienernl
(irant. has a chief magistrate succeeded
himself until the present time and
not even was there a-ich an lgtBOgingJ
inaugural procession at (irant's second
inaugural, or bo much enthusiasm ilia
playsl. nor were there no many
speciators as tislay. Pennsylvania
avenue, between the treasury building
ami the capitol was a kaleidodconic
mass ot color. In addition to the dor.en
or more public reviewing stands ll-.ere
were hundreds of private structures in
from of stores and buildings.
Senators Haiimi, iDOOMt and .Ioiu-b,
f Arkansas, Kepreseutatives t'en-
nou. I'aueii ami iciae, coiuposiug
the joint congressional committee of
arrangement. called at the Whit
House lor the president at 10
ck. After receiving their con
gralulat ions the president stepped out
to the
fOtlt door nl the preideut ial
mansion, raising his bat in recoguiti
a cheer that went up, and entered
In- wailing carriage, Senator Manila
following. Chen the march In th
oil capitol began. Ten minutes after tin
diHirs of the senate had Is-en opened
the galleries were tilled, the throng
ivertlowing the corridors. The bur
d conversation ceased, as tl Itn ial
crier announced the appearance of tin
nation's guest. The amhassielors,
ministers of foreign countries, srh
filed in, wen- aitlrisl in glittering
It rt costumes, the silgell-gowilei
lellin justices of the supreme court
the governors of slates, the member
of the mills.., the heads I Ihe exectl
live departments ami the chief olheers
f the army and navy were all sealed
wLeii the president mid iheoilon
Hooscvelt entered, escorted bv tin
J'"' ""inilto.
Hooisvslt Taksi lh Oath.
President McK inley sealed Liinstdf
1 1 recti) in front of the presid'iig
olllcer's desk. Vice Pesident Ibsine-
velt stepped to the rostrum and
received the oath of olllce from Presi
lent Protein i-rve, who immediatolv
liM-lared the senate of the fiftv-BItli
ongress was adjourned sine die.
Assuming Ihe chair and the gavel
the new vine president, lts.sevelt, an
nounctsl Ihe snnate of lift v-seveuth
1 congress convened in extraordinary
miibsioii. After prayer bv Ihe blind
ihaplain. liooBnvi li delivered his in
augural address, which was ier)
brief, saving
"real privileges and power are "urs
and heavy are the ressinsibii 11 ies
that the growth of these privileges
and iw ers imnosea. Aci ordingly as
we do well or ill so shall mankind in
future be raised or cast down. We
belong to a Vouug nation, already of
giant Btrength, yet whose present
strength is but a forecast of gaj s,wers
that are to come. We stand supreme
ill a continent on a hemisphere, and as
wn ga.e into lae coming years, the
duties, new and old, rise thick and
fast to confront us from within and
Irom without. Most deeply do I ap
preciate the privilege of my MgHlMi
For high indetvl is the honor of presid
ing over the Auielli'SIl senate at the
outset of the tweuliath celitury."
At the conclusion of the addresa the
new bWggkgfS ol the senate wen- iworn
iu by the vice president. I .mi by gf.
geant at Arms Kansdell, the distiu-
guisbeiJ audmnt-e then In. -I out to ll
piatlorio ereeted at ihe east front of
the ogpitol, The iresideiii l.s.k the
srat ri-servtei for him LeneatL the
cauopv. iui.-l 1. Illume-1 1 I. nil Ills
tic- Puller stepped forward. While
the sea of fauas ga.mj in eagerness as
the president, with uplifted hand, re
pealed the oath and pressed his lips lo
tfie Li He
The chief executive then begaii to
..-ad iiis inaugural address. Mr. M
Kiuley begaji hy saving that now, con
trary lo the situation four years ago.
there was no anxiety as regards our
iirremy and t re. lit. J have tfte
satisfaction to announce that the con-
gross just t-loaed has reduced taxation
in the sum of 4t,UUU,U00 annually."
He 1. 10 pai ed the depression in ihe
industries four years ago to the preaeut
activity. The national verdict of hit,
baa for the most jatrt been executed.
Whatever remains uufultilled is a con
tinuing obligatiuu, reatmg witii uu-
dmuitisusxl lorto- upon Use xeuuwvei
Roosevelt After He Took Ihe Oath
and congress. Hrielh referring to the
war iiml its results, he said it was
signally favorable to American arms
and in the highest degree honorable ti
the government. This victory im
ioseu oinigatioiiB winch we cannot
ggoapg. "We are now at peace with
- ,. . .
1 oe norm ami n is my lervent praver
that if differences arise bctwien us
ami other powers that tbev mav bg
seMled bv aihitralion. Knlruste,! I
the . is, pie (or the second time in tlu
olllce of president. I enter uimn its
administration, and appreciating the
great responsibilities, I should shrink
from the duties this ilav assumed if t
did not feel that in their arforiiance
1 "I hi have the co-operation of the
wise ami patriotic men of all rtics.
We are united ami sectionalism has
disappeared. If there are those among
us who would make our wav more
difflovll we must not be disheartened
but more earnestly dedicate ourselves
to the task gpoa which we have right
ly entered. The path of progress is
seldom smooth. New things are often
found hard to do. The republic has
marched on and its every step has
exalted human liberty. We are un
dergoing the same ordeal as did our
predecessors Brly a century ago.
We are following th) irse they
blgggd, They trlamplMd Will their
NOOgggOrl falter and plead organic
1 01 potency in the nation'."'
licforring to the status in Cuba the
president aanl we uiiist remain close
frlgnda with Oak. "The declaration
of the purposes of this government in
the r lilt Kin ol April '0, IMlls), must
lsr made good. The peace which we
are pledged tn lean- the Cuban pencil
must carry with it a guarantee of
permanency. VSe became the sHinsorn
for the pacilh ation of the island and
we remain aci oiinlable to (he Cubans,
no less than to our own country ami
people, lor the reconstruction of Cuba
as the free coiuinoiiweitlth on abiding
Inundations ! right, justice, lihertv
and assured order. "
The Phlllppln ItNllMi
As tonhe Pihlippines he said
"Congress having added the sanction
of its authority to (be (siwers alreadt
exereised by the executive under the
OngtitoUOO), tlierehy leaving with the
NWOatifg the responsibility of the gov
erinnent of the Philippines, I shall
cold 1 nun Ihe eltorts already begun un
til order shall bit restored and. as fast
as eonditious nermil. will e-t.th l.sh
local government. The lull n, 0 natation
oi the Bjgop of the islands has al-
r.- i li been invited ami when Mgli gov
eriiliielit is eslithl ished will . iituiuraiie
the people to administer it Already
something has been done 111 this
llragiiOfl. The most liberal terms ol
amnesty have already im-.-ii conimiini
ated to the iiiBiirg.tnts snd the way ib
still - pen for those who have rin-ed
aims against the got eminent for honor
able siihiuissiou to its authority. Our
ouutryineu should not Im deceivudr
We are not waging a war auaiusl the
inhabitants of the slangs A portion
of them are imtknig war aaianst the
United State. Force will not la
needed or used when thiMM who make
war against us shall wake it 110 more.
May it end without further bbusl
shmf ."
ureal gnlliuilaim.
I'litliusiasm was Uniueii Ions as
the last words of the president died
away. Jin president la I and vice presi
dential part lis ad,, m,. d to the i ajiltol ,
where a IggghjgOll was serve.!, while
the tHOOpt of iLe i ivh Li.dies formed
for the inaugural parade.
On, reaching the White House
ground Hie prosiilenl ascunde.1 tltu
IVHKN you want to Imy ulotliuti
T" K" tOItiUUU whu tieule 111 clothttrl
win ii yuu want to buy jiapor go tn
a man who Jual in pajwr, wIihii you
want to huy junk go to a mil who
dealt in junk; when you want to huy
a hieyejti go to
Ha (ieaJa in bicycl
Comer Maui and Webb St. Pendleton, Ore.
stand b.i.I wgtehtd tl,.. rg.,ion.
go bv.
Tl. 1- .
evening M. ,mw.b nf ,p
ill view ir,. march in , , Kr,
dliplay oi iNwort. ,w..i MigW the
Tinutfiir sti nail in the
pension hnlld-
thB Hi v bp Harbor III) Tbibb to
UBBth III IkB Xbbbib
W.Bhnigtnn, March 4.--TI. rhaiing
ohgrMtoriggd by t lafrat .Tibe ri"
ami liarU.r bill, wbleg g tl. .u,
as talked t daatl, by farter. .( Mon
tang, while the hiii was Mora ,i,
hisly in the Bhane of a conferen. re-
isirt 1 . . . . . ..
I ' reimri ..11 tlii, .iw,
civil hill, with Cm,.. I I
agpMltlooi appropriation
oinitbsl it it. I ib,, St.Lnujn
In the house tke renorl ,m kba
drv evil bill was alat. atlopUt,! ,,
lau.r Ihe preaidttpl -gne.1 the measure
rn house pggggd the Dlgtrigt of i-4.
ttmblt loll anil one granting a charter
to the Natioiml Ptslerat , Womsn's
ClUbi, Ihe house refnsetl to ylehl bt
lb.- NMbl 00 ihe river and harbor hill
ami 11 ttas sent hack lo the OMfgfMgg
whore it iIimI,
FlihlBa on th I.
Balfglo, March t Thirty men ill
'"X (r"'n Hit Held otT Silver creek
yesterday were carried into the lake
hv a sudden gale parting the lea
HMp ir.mi nunkirk unit HutTalo by
Inlglll ri scuml all of them, several
III an Unconscious isiinltt inn. It Is fearetl
Unit several I ives were Inst, as there
MN tliers nu the ice Iwides the
thirty referreil to,
1 hicsao and San rransltco lapkati.
OhlogfD, March 4. -May wheat
opened at 7M, and clos.il at Tfi :l.H
cents sr bushel.
san Krancisco, Mr.-h 4. May
wheat q BO ttd lodav at M't aggiti p.-r
cental .
Amcrlaan trtiopt to Lav una.
PatiO. March -t. --Aiaencan IffjOBI
are itclivclv preparing tn leave here
ih tl legpil f two goggptalgg
of legation guards. The llntiab are to
-11. n. I the suinuipr near the coast
gradually withdraw mg In India. The
in mi. on. Will r am llldellllltelv.
Oil Company win. cai.
Shu l-raii. iscn, March 4. Th state
oirenii court this gtoraua nwtafad
a .l. ri -Hull ill favor of appellants, .ii the
case n f August ami K. A. Swarth vs.
the I ns Angeles University t tilleve Oil
Co., the College (III company being the
Sibyl s.mi.rimi Took Polioa.
Iluda Pest, March 4. -Pestl Hirlap.
a newspaper, asserts that Sibyl Sander
son, Mrs. Anlonlio Terry, tbe forintr
iisTatic singer, and a native of Cali
fornia, drank ihiIsoii at her hshrimis
and was tskeii to the hisipital. Her
coinlil 1011 is not serious.
Ins HI.. Jsn.lro Vrk.
n Karncitco, March 4. All effort
to locate the wreck of ihe Km Janeiro
Lt 1, mans of .liters have proven futile.
Nu Isslle have as yel couie lo the sur
face. Capluraa by tor galrs.
aVaMtHt, March i. A llritnh
patrnl ot seven men sent from here i
missing. The men were probably
captiirml bv Hiatr raiders.
or ntu at Cap Twn.
Cape I own, March I Setenttten
Irtish plague eases are resirtml here
Iskr Utslnr Ho. Illl. '.In I III III. I.
liiisxi.ii o hue I lbs uniiisr II 11 111 ss car,
g w. lint. m's ilinsturs Ii no sank ba gt
run - mi- in
I '.in nil 1 Otlsst) ill Klgttffl On pun
Im the slut k industty, 110 sand nor
-.age bfUSli I'lit plenty ol tiuucli
p,lav. and watt 1 We have lor
-.ale nine o tint lineal stm k
1. tin In h 111 Wallowa toiintv 1 lie
lulhiwiii are a few ol out many
gu I Sl BOtM '' Wsllaas II, St IsilWUl
Ian J .plBiullilly inlald by gllubs aasi
natural pringi pari is sllsll sinl ik r
1 Is natural ia4lovj iau.1. Oyajf aw
1. .11. ol k i ibIs4 on no. olavtva u ik ysar
I 1 sat A l.sii. sesi.lii l 1. .I n.., (u tun. ul
l. suJ go.i.1 Ions- rs u) (Its Btac
Ne 'OUi si iss, psrt fins usiursi .,'.li
i.i.l kt.m ....... 1 ....A.I l,.r .(.In ...I alfslta
1 ...l! ...1 1 .1 1 - 1.- . .1 .... II. .11.1
, e I oulbullillng. pinny of ssirr
ga I 1 AJ srrss alll Ulual.!. IW aj fss lu
sllalu, lbs rsuisoi 11 i -I tslilu Bllsll
s graal suap
Nu 4 M gt rt ul IsiiJ. miu sllsll Ib rwsl
Sissl sllsll .sit I o.,.i i .i. r rllil sail ulur
al sprlugi.
Kur hirtasM pitn ulr auiKsrniu sbuv
cin .
Mclioniel & McDunald,