East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 25, 1901, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    A dm C
ffer you the following Bargains:
If, Jackets worth from $9 to $15 will go for Id 75
15 Cnpes worth from 7.50 to $11 will go for 3.75
25 Wool waists worth 90 will go for .98
30 pieces of dress goods worth 29c will go for io4
75 Fncinators worth 75c will go for ,8
100 Fascinators worth 50c will go for 10
10 Fur collarettes worth from $9 to f 12.50 go for. . 4.75
75 skirts worth $3.50 will go for . .fa. 90
100 skirts worth (3. 00 will go for a. 25
250 gowns worth fi.25 will go for .50
Thi wait- InHtP but
Cleaver Bros.
MONDAY, KKHKl.'AKY 26. 1901.
New Buildings for the Beileeo Oregon
Stmt Normal School.
Unless there wax sonic accident dur
ing the closing hours of tin- legislature
which adjourned nine dip at Halem
car ly on the niorninu o! Sunday, Heh-
r mry 24, the sum nf $5u,i)iki wan ap
propriated lor tlic iiiitinttiiiitiicp of the
Kaatern Oregon state normal school at
Weston, and for the erection of one
row of new buildings therefor. Tbii
means much for Weston in a business
way, and is a matter of congratulation
on all aides, (or all Kaatern Oregon
joins in best wishes for the unqualified
success of that inatitution.
Senator Ueorge W. Vroebatel will of
1'iiirse come in for a targe share of the
redit attached to securing the appro
priation. Hbortly after that particular
provision of the bill was made public
Ht Salem he wrote to Ilia constituent
at Weston and laid the matter before
them, and suggested what ahould be
ilooe, namely, tbat additional grounds
of at least 10 acres ahould be secured
a a donation. The buaineaa men saw
the force of the suggestion and acted
upon it immediately. Options were
secured upon ground's contiguous and
adjacent to the present cramped
grounds occupied by the little buildings
of the school, so that 10 acres could tie
made available for a donation. This
land in a body extends east of the
present site, with a pronounced slope
to the west. On the higher grounds
the buildings will command a mag
nilicent vinw of aa beautiful and fertile
stretch of peaceful valley as may tie
iuihI in the state.
It behooves the people of Weston to
gut a wriggle on themselves and make
the Kastttrn Oregon state normal school
what it ahould be, the beat in the state.
Large appropriations from the public
niiiue are necessary for a big school.
They have the money, now for a show
01 that broad-minded spirit that sinks
self and causes all to work together for
the public weal.
l'rof. II. W. Monical, 01 the faculty,
who was in I'enldetou Saturday after
noon, gives an enthusiast ic opinion aa
and a
complete line
of the
Rogers Bros."
Spoons, etc.
Bvaa careiullv ciamian! and
properly Sited to the beat grade
101 giaases
..Jeweler and Optician.
Next door to Alexander A. Hosier 'a
Pine Blankets
Are made
The Pendleton
I Viid Id on.
For couch covers, furnishings for a "den," cozy corners, etc.,
u' t'endleton Woolen Mills Indian Robes are just the thing.
Write the Mills.
n ft at- a a. vl r ttBSMttetaa
one week only.
Dry Goods Co.
to what will he accomplished by thia
school. All things certainly point to
an era ol prosperity and advancement.
How't ThliT
We offer One Hundred Dollars Hew aid (or
Fi- .... ' nl avK thai k. .iim.I h.
any rase'ol catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's I'atarrli rure
V. J. CHKNEY A CO.. Prop... Toledo, o
We, the undersigned have known K J Ch
ney (or the last fifteen year, and believe him
perfectly honorable In all buelnees transactions
and financially able to tarry out any obliga
tion! made by their Arm
Warn Jt Tatus,
Wholesale IlrujrgLU. Toledo. Ohio
VY. .1,1X1,. ElXNiX A -MaRVIS
Wholeaale ItruggUU, Toledo, Ohio
Hall's Catarrh Cure In taken Internally, act
lag directly ou the blood and mucous surlacee
ol the lyile Price 76c. par bottle. Bold by
ali druggists Testlm onlala tree
Hall'. Family Pills an the seat.
Preparations Being Hade to Bnteptaln
the Sheepmen's Convention.
All committees of the Commercial
A social ion recently appointed by Vice
President H. F. Johnson to take charge
of the arrangements fur the Pacific
Northwest Woolgrowere' Association
meeting are requested to meet in tire
rooms of the association at 7 to Tues
day night Horsemen, cattlemen, and
stockmen generally are invited to he
present and confer with these com
mittees. The meeting of the sheepmen
will take place on March 6, and 7,
which will occur on Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday of next week. It is
necessary that an interchange of
opinions be bad so that a program
may be arranged that will make the
coining meeting one long to be
pleasantly remembered by the hun
dreds of visitors who are expected to
be present. Pendleton has gained an
enviable reputatiou asajcity where con
ventions may meet in safety and with
pleasure and it is desired to sustain
and surpass all previous records.
Kvery committeemen should lie present
tomorrow evening with the intention
of doing all in his power to assist the
good work along.
Avoid all drying inhalants and use
that winch cleanses and heals the
membrane. Kly's Cream Balm is such
a remedy and cures catarrh easily ami
pleasantly- Cold in the head vanishes
quickly. Price AO cents at druggists or
by mail.
Catarrh caused ditliculty in speaking
ami to a great extent loss of hearing.
By the use of Kly's Cream Balm
dropping of mucus has ceased, voioe
and bearing have greatlv improved.
.1. W. Davidson, A try at Law, Mon
mouth, III.
K A Kmmstt, Klamath Kalis.
0 S Voungiuan, Portland.
K Coman, Portland.
A Roderick 'rant, Portland.
Wm Maber, Portland.
C M Kmitli, Portland.
C W Nibiey, Baker Oitv.
J B CrasBsid, Portland.
N B Mack I in, Portland.
B B May. Portland.
1 8 (iuernee. Portland.
J H Clancy, Portland.
B B Howard, Spokane.
J H Kloeckner, Spokane.
A H I lea the Id. Portland
i A Allison, Spokane.
J W Cason, Spokane.
D Hhults, Spokane.
T G Hallev and wife, city.
P T Magay, Chicago.
W E Steel, Huntington.
A Siusheiiuer, Portland .
Moki tea positively cures siok
headache, indigestion and constipa
tion. A delightful herb drink. Re
moves all eruptions of the skin, pro
ducing a perfect complexion, or money
refunded. A and 60c. For sale by
Brock A McCouiaa.
by the
Woolen Mills
The Oregon Legislature rate ad the
The tVirrens system of public rsjuis-
trstion of land titles has at last been
enacted in Oregon. The bill embody
ing the svatem passed both houses of
the legislature and will undoubtedly be
signed bv ttoernor Oeer. The svatem
or law is not compulsory. but volnntsry
use can he made of it M those who
prefer it to the present way of making
transfer of land and record of land
transactions. The Kast Oregon Ian was
the first to advocate the adoption of
the system in Oregon and twelve yean
ago endeavored to have the legislature
pass a Torrena act. Several attempts
have been mane since hut without re
salt. It remained for Senator Kelly, of
I. inn county, to carry of! the honor
of success in this connection, bis Ml
going through both houses of the legist
store with little op"sitton. The Kellj
hill makes all recorders of deeds regis
trars of titles in their respective coun
ties, and providew thst the owner of
any estate or interest in land, whetlior
legal or equitable may apply tn have
hie title registered.
No mortgage or other estate leas than
a fee simple shall be registered unless
the fee simple shall first he registered.
The proceedings tor the registration
of a land title are much in the nature
of a suit to quiet kit I" snd are) brought
in the circuit court. All leee Sjre paid
by the spplicant and the cost w ill ds
pend upon the history of the 'convey
ances through which the title lias
passed. Ali is'rsons interested are
given notice as in a suit of equity, lint
any person claiming an interest may
have his claim considered within two
year-. After the expiration of two
years he may also make his claim, hut
cannot, in case he establish s right,
ecu re the land itself. He must adopt
satisfaction of his claim in money
After land has lieen registered, no
title there adverse or in derogation to
the title of the registered owner shall
be in quired hy any length of posses
sion. When a land title has been reg
istered, a certificate of soph registration
is made, and h duplicate cert: heme de
livered to the owner of the land. Kor
two years this certilicate shall lie
prima facie evidence of title, and after
that time it shall he conclusive evi
dence.. Transient
A registered owner of land, desiring
to trauafer bin whole estate or interest
therein, or some distinct part or
parcel thereof, or some undivided in
terest therein, or to grant out of his
estate for life, or from a term of not
leas tiian 10 years, may execute to the
intended transferee a deed or instru
ment of conveyance in any form an
thorised by law for that purpose. And
upon filing such deed or other instru
ment in tiie registrar's office ami sur
rendering to the registrar the dupli
cate certtBuatc of title, and, ' upon it
being made lo appear to the .registrar
that the transferee has the title or in
terest proposed to he transferred and is
entitled to make the conveyance, ami
ttiat tiie transferee lias the right to
have such estate or interest transferred
to him, lie shall make out and regis
ter as hereinbefore provided a new cer
tificate and nlao the owner's duplicate
certifying the title to the estate or in
terest in tiie land desired to be con
veyed tii be in the tranaleree.and shall
note upon the original ami duplicate
certificate the date of the transfer, and
the name of the transferer and the
volume and folio in which the ties
certificate is registered, ami shall
stamp across the original and sur
rendered duplicate cert ichatc the word
"cancel led."
"Kvery transfer of registered land
shall be deemed to tie registered under
this act, when the new certificate to
tiie new transferee shall have been
entered, as in the case of the lirst reg
istration . and all other dealings shall
be considered as registered a lien the
memorial or notation shall have la-en
entered in the register tism the folium
constituted by the existing certificate
of title of the lend Bat, Tot the pro
tection of the transferee or itersun
claiming through any transfer or deal
ing the registration shall relate hack
to the time tit tiling in tiie registrar's
oflee the deed instrument or notiot
pursuant to which the transfer mem
orial or notation is made."
Worss Tnan War.
Hundreds are killed in war, hut
hundrods of thousands are killed by
consumption. There would In iiv
deaths at all caused by this terrible
disease, if people could lie made to un
derstand that Sliiloh's cough and con
sumption cure is s sure rented v if taken
in the earlv stages lift ta., 60 ots, and
tl a bottle. Druggist will refund tin
money if a cure is inn effected. Tall-
man A Co., leading druggists.
g. M. 0'Brlsn Glvsi the gssult or His
R. M. O'Brien spent Thursday and
Friday on a tour of inspection ol the
wheat fields of a considerable area of
I'matillu county. lie traveled from a
few miles vw-et ot Athena to Warren
station on the W a. C K. railroad,
thence to the Helix region anil alter
wards through the derknrg Flat. In
his opinion the condition ol winter
wheat is above the average. He has
seen wheat iu (.'matilla county looking
better and be has seen it looking
worse. He thinks that toer, has been,
perhaps, a superabundance of moisture,
which has prevented wheat imui hav
ing a phenomena! growth. He only
uotioed two fields of w heat on the trip
that had been damaged by frost, one
not to exceed two per cent damage and
the other not to exceed tive per cent
damage. Mr. O'Brien has given the
subject of raising wheat in Umatilla
county mure than ordinary study, and
is consequently iu a poeitiuj) to laatu
comparisons and to cause his asburva
tions to have more than usual weight.
Is This nam huoagh.
If you have a nagging cough ami ar
losing tiesh, go to a drug store, ana
get a bottle o! bhWob's Ctiujumptiou
cure. Take two-thirds of it, and tltun,
if you are not lamented, return the
bottle to the druggist, and tie will re
turn your mouey. Isn't that fair? No
oue oould ask more. M eta. ,60 eta.
and $1 a bottle. Tallman A Co., lead
iug druggiats.
aaor a F olaon Asa sleeked Up tor
the spring Tsads.
When out sf tor furniture an intend
ing purchaser wants to go when he or
she can have foil line froniVw inch to
select, and where the price are right.
Such a place IS that of Baker A rob
sow, lirst store smith al the postoftice
on Main street. Tiv received two
carloads offuriiiiure last week selected
w ith espeatlal care for tile trade of this
section. Tiie new goods consist of
lounges, cooebes, davenports, Bedroom
suites, con tor tables, tic., while tiie
stock on hand of cantor tables, stoves,
rockers, chairs, mattresses and such
things was ample before rhal. When
it comes to carpets, oilcloths and lin
oleutus, Baker A Foleoui have a slock
that will delight the eye and suit the
purse of any in"? wanting anything In
that line. Furniture of all kinds, ft
is a pleasure to inspect the bargains.
Bays Ha Was Tortured.
"I suffered anch pain from corns I
could hardly walk.' writes H. Kohln
snn, T"llahnmngh. Ilia., "but Buck
tea ' Arnica Salve completely COrwd
them." Arts like magic on sprains,
bruises, ruts, sores, sealds. haras,
boils, nlcers. Perfect healer of skin
diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by
Tallman ,V Co.
s Instils on Sccupylng the Bridal
Chamber tn the City Jail.
Fred Moore, serving sentence for
stealing cigars from the Klondike
showcase, is eeth.'t n in his tastes. Hs
insists on occupying the bridal cham
ber in the city jail and "hogs" the
...vers. Saturday eveuing he retired
lo his private cell and took the oalv
two blankets in the jail along with
him. He was having things all his
own wav until Officers Coffman and
Nchcer went around about H o'clock,
took tiie bed clothes away from hire
and inaiw him lie on the floor. They
offered to let him out of jail, provided
he would leave town, bat be refused.
Me said he wanted tn stay in Pendleton
where he could make money. Moore
is a young man who seems to hsvs be
come inlatnated with jail life in Pen
dleton. He first tried the ennnty Jail,
and was so delighted with the atomi
mrvlntions that upon release tie tried
to break beck in, hut only got into
the city Jail, on account n't tiie crime
committed being too trivial. Moore
will Is? excused from living in Pen
dleton at the earliest onKrton itv of
the puln e department.
Five Thlnse.
Tiie five diseases for which Shiloh's
Consumption Onre is eapecialrv rertnni
mended, are tvnigh". t olds, whooping
Conjjh, Oronp snd Consumption. No
medicine ever made by roan is equal
to it in any resecl. Sold under a
pqaitivs guarantee Money buck if it
fails. 25 cts, K0 ctr and fl a bottle.
Tallman A Co.
eises - I -
Charlss S. Jaakaon. ot Bpoksns, Dy Hta
ttuardlan Brinss Suit.
Charlne Higfried Jacksoii. aged IU
yearn, lias brought suit in the aupurioi
court at Spokane, through his father,
i Maries .ick son. as guardian sd litem
against Contractors Winter, Parentis A
Boomer , wlohad charge ot the con
struction of the roadbed of the eireat
Northern right of way tbrougli Sa.
kiuie, to recover damages tor $L'."sm on
account of personal injuries. Plaintiff
nl leges that while employed as driver
of a dump dart on Hhewrmale island
OctoberS), lUOn, the axle ol the cart
hroge, t: row M.g the w-tieei uisin him
and breaking ins leg in two places fal
low the knee. Plaintiff claims that
tiie iron casting of the axle was cracked
and that he not died tbe foreman of its
unsafe condition, but that the foreman
told him to proceed with his work.
He claims to have lewn confined in the
hospital five weeks, which, with doctor
loll", etc,, constitute total damages of
Working 2 Hours a Day.
There's no rest lor thoBB tireless little
workers lr. King's New Life t i 1 tea.
Millions are always busy, curing torpid
liver, jaundice, biliousness, lever and
ague They ban lit I sick headache,
dirvn out malaria. Never gripe or
weaken. Small, taste nice, work
wonders. Try them. Ks at Tallman
i in. '.
Do Not Trifle
with danger and remember
every cough or cold mean
will cure your cough or cold
at once. It will heal and
strengthen your lungs. It is
a safeguard for you always.
Take it at the first indication
of a cough or cold.
" A rvr veld Milled la taruei sad
tabes -olda alaar' lasted several aiuatht. I
tried ShiloS aad u cared mt al ms. Am
glail to add in, tcetiasuav
I'fkkkr cKrllMl,
Mecter lit. Mark's iii.ui La lor . N
Saitoh's CuenmuipMeei Oars Is sold hy ail
struaataes as aae. so. n M a bottle, a
uriuisat auarsiite sia, was oeesi
If you or uiit sttsAd gt to ystmr d
Writs lor illustrated SsoS as, coeasiatpti Sst,
Without coat to yee. S C Weils a C . LasU.,. SI V
Koraaleliy TsUluntn A i ... . drug- lale
suii the cheapest piswe lo buy
t.liAMTKWAbK, HAT.-, CAPs,
Miller,-) all wool clothing at l.KHS
-DO pair shoes at less than cost.
liest thread, per spool, 4c.
Tin sauce pans, 7c, Uc, 4Uc. Mo, 1ft,
18c up. at least !W per oant below the
wUulasale price. We guarantee our
pr.. ,v C lowest for same grade of
Men's odd pants, 60c op.
Men's working shirts, good line, tit:,
Joe, 80c, 38c up still have a guuti
line to select front.
We have some iieavy shirts for men
at leas titan cost.
Cl) UK Job
Ely's Cream Bairn
Jueey and iealtl t
use. Ctaiuuaa oo la
lurloua drug
ll l. iitcki alrfSjorUel,
(Ives relief at ultcc
it Drawna ami Cieaitatia
lie Nasal eaaaeajes. aAf f la. U
Altaic ItlUautuutUoii 1 -IJI J B fj
Heals and urotsx-u the He utWeue . Restores
Itie Heiisfe of Tease and Laaeil. Lerifi HUc, sis
at liruaaisis t.r Ly ataat ; Trial Use, Tut l.y utsdl
KLY BUO rilKKH. U Waxnu .. New VofkT
A i.i. I Ht NBWsi" TaJss the Saat
Orawnoiaa. DaUy fc ia a yseu hy
mail Weekly . v. SJkS SsSdU
'Seealy aa.oo a yaas. Ssaapie awpy free,
Oreeenlaat Mass ralth la the Rlnss
aad Basin est of Alaska.
William Beagle left for Alaska on
Thursday, Fahairary 21, with 17 heavy
horses fsiught by w. F. Hatiock for
the Sksgway trade. Mr. Raagte went
to Seattle, and It Is hellered was joiaed
there hy Mr. Matlnck, and they will
go together to Skagwav. Mr. Beagle
will continue his journey to the min
ing content. He has properties at Atlin
to tie developed this summer, hut
will personally visit some of the
"hurrah" cam ps that are attracting at
tention. Mr. Matlock is deeply interested in
a case that has recently heen doci lad
by the Interior department affecting
the title to It" blocks in the business
center d sksgwav A man by the
name of Moore originally pnassBStwl s
sqnstter's right to the lane) mention'-'
He mortgaged it to an Knaliah svn-
slieato for llH.nsi, and was unable to
satisfy the suortgage, losing the prop
erty, in the meantime Moore's rightr
had been ignore,!, and in a number
oi instances only quitclaim deeds coo id
be obtained to the lots of those IS
blocks. This litigation hat been pend
ing for two years. Mr. Matlock owns
a number of lots in dispute, ami may
losa them. That is one thing tbat
demands his presence there at this
time. The hrewary property In winch
he interested can read its title clear,
not being within the Isiundsries of tbe
M'ire tract.
Iraft hegtaa are in great demand at
Skagwav. Mr. Matlock has been pick
ing up all the suitable Ivors he eouid
purchase in Oregon for that branch of
trade, a ith the result that prices hae
advanced ami are very Arm.
t e t
Acker's AMpBMiS tabids arc aold
m s neitive gusrsntee. t'ures heart
Ikiirt. miuiiu. ..I 1 1,., I.u.l
-.... "r,rnr
after etit insf or any form of tlvaoetisia
tlm little tablet givea itiiinediate n--
I let. -Jin- and r..r sale h Hr.sk
A McCouiaa.
Satisfaction all Around
M Hi am tiling Hiat -tine, fmm mir i.. s
l'artlcula-lv pleasing l oar Oalllonila Mux
ltd Maps Bran. It. Isittlcd tn our oern er liars,
perailtte.l in lull) matsrs, II eacellt ra all
iwints it has a Hot, raotswa Baear utn. ii it
btgldr ap.rei-late.l
Glen Ellen Wine Vaults
Court Street, near .Inhneon.
The Old Reliable
i it!! or in buaiiiwh and no rnnt U mf
Mil ytt hr iiii.hfirtxnui pilOM MV trfitig ta
tnakv von i-!iTr flfT fn lvr rnu aa Burli
loi iht dollfar a ran THEY CAN'T l" m
a wa rarrjr ihe nul b.iujilatr ilaM It nl IU' naat
34 tlP, Mrt.i.il.-.. hu- li un. wtiis CUovw.
nruahas rombt 'HI Mdap. link Wagvu
1 vera AWtd I anrai Itiat w aaa atar k lOttarkl In
KoVtsirD irtaBgun
I sabs' sty, rtasataaa aava aaaolsry ....
' ' ' ' ' T " " ' ' " ess .
TrlnplMiin- Tl,
Wood and
Dan vexed Praatatiy. frleeegigkl
I.I and I al.. i.olatk Cost.
W.ni't line tin diy
OtHce rear of riaviugs llank.
Ring us up.
with ono ol uur electric
dour IsslU. He up-to-daU-mIioju
you build your house
and have one 011 your front
door Win lour hotise for
eWlnc lighte, Utoy are as
champ aa garnaans Kvery
iu Use elacirlc Una.
frDiUclua hlouii Supply House.
Maple Bros., Props
Pboue's Main 74 and KcJ 176.
W. H. Jones,
Barb Wire.
Uotttatworjd strew, rear of Wtmf O pe
ers ilouao.
Notary and
$3.50 to $6 Delivered
order of us aad save money.
Orders for Huboer retain pe
also e.iii it si
Ai . in cm umpbb cab
111(1 tsiu. tiu sltalree. walla, or
for wrappiag piiruuees
oj Old Dewapeiavra In large
Newspapers --ir--.
at TUB MAtfl tiBSiiUNUN OyVUIK. feud I.
too. OnatMi.
- ,si 1 1 ttfsjss, a-tava
New York Novelties
of Tailor Made Suits
Just Arrived
Ami will hr on pxhibiticlti tonmnavr
l'Vi.nmry 80 The ladlei an roqaewl
til u aaU fUld I'xainini1 tliwtn
Notice our center window.
tU.Ol) per Day and Upwards
5accUI kales to Kaatern Oregon people visiting Portland. Maadnnartsrs
lor tourists aad cocnmrrclal travelera. ti. t. BOWfdstS, Manager
I LU. Wny Co.,
liny an.l aell
StckrH, liiirulH rtntl Ormn
tor . ash nr
Court silrs.1. I
Now Yorh Stock l.athange
t-h h ago Stock I ..bang.
Chicago Hoard ol TraaV.
Shoii Line
"ar sat rime Jehedule saaivg
sua rrsra endleton. raoa
1 lo.ago Salt laite. Ueuver Suit
Portland VYurut, Umatia, gen
SWK lai ass i ll). Si 1.,... a a. a ui
takB. at. 1 blragu aiel Best
via Hani
atlauilr Sell l-ake. Iteuver. ft
kitfeaa W.tti umaSa Kan
la. at. see 1 lit. Si Luuis 11,1 it al p ai
via Huat- eagu aatl gaei
st raid Walla Walla, Ueitutu
fasl Mail Mpukans .1 .
- 1 a u, mail. Miuusabulis. Si SS ...
v s HaS I fiulutli.Vliwau-
Spukans kee, lo. ago and Baal
Ocean and Kiver Schedule.
rkoit 1 1 ik 1 1 a . i.
All sailing dates sute
SUp. tit Jeiol to . Uangr
rur Sau riauoiseu I (. la
Hall every tdaya
' Dsiir i r 1
saoept Columbia Blver
Sunday i p ui.
spin To Aswrla aud Way ea Suuday
Baiurday lAudiags
10 p is
WlllasaotU llssr
Hall) ex. 4 :mi t
Sun. 1 pOiegou Oily. Kew burg, us Sunday
tfa B. Salvia lltdrpeli.it !. .
aad way-Laadiaga.
fa.it Corvallls aad Way- i:aip. at.
Tues This. Landluga Moo , Wod
aad Bat. and Prl.
Wlllainelle and Yam
7 a. at. glvsrs .ep. in
Tues Thra Oregon City, bayton Mou Wed.
aud Sal. and Way-La udiugs aud rn
Leave j i L.v.
trta Baaks Blver. Lewiei,.u
pitj' I Maarta to Lewletua. I " ftjlV"'
g. V. Waaaxav. Agent, featlleusn
a r -r -soar
r-itsost Motel
the Pacific
oa msrgins
-..oil. . , tire.
Take the...
Washington &
Columbia River
lot l In, ago, ht I'aul, Ht. lvaia, Kso
sas l.Tty, Ml. Joe, Ootta. eta!
Al) Points East and South
Portland aad
Arrlvee MiMnlaye, Wedueedays aad rrldayaat
II A a at. Tueedaya,tharadayaaud SaMtrdaye
ui slalluiis islliiu ill siilnat
w ADAMS, Aaoat,
rcnatesoa, una
a. a. i.ai.oannaAti, o. r. A.,
Waila Walla. Wash.
Oregon Lumber Yard
WOOD t.imUKa
tl -..i banis autl dasiUtais.
.t'ltsaper thsn tin
l -Hi. '
Ruildiiui I'stuur.
Tar fa pci .
I iinc antl Aeiicnt,
Brick stud Sand,
Screen liuortt a Windowtt,
Sttikh and I Xtui-tt,
Ttjrm CtatU Pipe.
Borie & Light. Prop's
Ait tk.. pp. Court Hoot.