0 1 BRING IN THE BABIES 1 During the yen 1901 will jive rayi ab solutely free, to every baby born in Uma tilla county, its first pair of shoes Thi It are handsome welt Yici Kui, worth 75c. a pair. Tbere are no conditions except that you present the baby. This OWI holds good for the entire vear. BtftHJ in the- babies THE MAGNET CASH STORE Clements &. Wilson. Court and Cottonwood TUESDAY. KKBKI ARY 19, 1901. DAILY. WEEKLY AID SEMI-WEEKLT T THI- Bait Ofooiti Publljihinc AT PBNOLETOlf, Company, OREGON. DAILY M OV stiri ION IATI1 Dot copy I : . T Mil QMCOS7 -.u:cmdi, t man ft,c1B'p",,l,1'v"";" iuta mmlr 0 cxpy one yttr Op top tit anontae Tntl auhecnpiion ftief nnmrwrt WEEKLY tVMCBIPTTON RATI 0e copy oa f 0 pr ' month Trial utcnpiton Hftcopr Rtn'IITISlN.; IATU : Month . 0 Incn. or let i. In per Omy inch, ex lew. tn rt,ily per month urtaot. tn 1 1 ' v i I Wttkif en, ioenl-Wethiy. pr .oca per month . , u ' 1 :'S i m 1 1 o inches. fSJg three Oaf throe ttu.os. I'miy, per in. h pt month ft 1 Be nr ft, la Han iM tswh. or lew, if W vei l'lTl . v rr '. ti. I V fr, , 11 iriYimnh . . s -naggi 'i oo,,n in)' s.iu.- i e, 1..r "-r.il D.l.l (tllll ip'lirnllll . 1W, lhr. inch, in TsMdst'. Utu. t l Vim WMki), k M Ml drrrrttiMmtnt. lit Mini r:i Vr.kly of ...ll tuLfWtt IBM Or. . ant UMIUOS. rti mtfc.fi.. I" Jo. . Vn iintl pt IIM. eack inirnim.. Til K COMBDY OF FAILURE. The world ii full ol the torrowttil comedy of failure. We grow accus tomed to ita little tearful story, ami forget the great moving, ruaeterful force whicti underlie it. Men do not fail in their venture- for the want of ambition, alwav.- They may have all reasonable opportunity. alao. The environmer.t may be good. The chance may be favorable. All the numberless surroundings of life may be auspicious. Success does not depend solely uion these Kiiendi. food fortune, health, hope, ami energy way be abundant, yet on every hand we saw wrecks, .low, nail- and failures, in every walk in life. itie great trouble with moat ol as it tbst we get out of our sphere. We handicap ourselves by imagining that we are fitted for stations in life and activity which' we see others enjoying. We do not Stop to inquire, if we can fill that station ably, gracefully, and with success. We imagine that great ambi tion is great anility, and do not stop to see if our mind is full 0)1 emptiness or full of force. Men lack adaptability. We imagine that the outwanl ambition is en index to the inner power and greatness of the miud. Wk hope beyond our ability to achieve. We pray n prayer which can not be answi re.i. We lav a foundation, in our roseate faith in life, which we re not able to complete. Our skill is weaker than our yearning. We have not tbe strength to build one half which we have the power to conceive. For this reason men fail every day. It is a sorrowful iliama. this old struggle of little men with big prob lems, it ia the ban of human civilisa tion. If we could content ourselves within our natural, homely spheres, and succeed in the tasks whicti we are fitted to perform, the world would overflow with happiness. Its grey hairs and broken hearts would diaappear. Ita pain and death won I I be robbed of their desolation, and men would live long Uvea, and be honored by their fellows No more sorrowful spectacle is seen in life, than that ol a man trugglimt toward an impossible aim. All ia energy waged without elect. His strength thrown upon the walls that will not move. His mind and beart burned out like tapers. His lile gone. His ambition intoxicated with a false hope. Yet he cannot cease bis warfare. His iniml is centered on one attainment, and that k-o-iolesgly beyond hi power to reach, it is the cause of the deiruaiug longevity of the race. It is worse than aetm; life. Little successes aru much better than large failures. The world is full of big men who BOOM to nothing. We want more small men who uorae to something. We must iearn to In. m our native atmosphere. A tinker who succeeds in his calling is of much mors value to mankind than a king who fails. engaged in the operation and main tenance 01 one industry are fellow servants, and the company or owner i not responsible for any negligent, incompetent, drunken, or iirnorant employe. The American cititen who are entrusted with the safety of the traveling public and the traffic of the continent are fel low-servants with the Japanese section men, Mag-men and trackwalkers. There pagans do not speak our language, understand our laws, support our institution nor Hear any of the burdens of government. Yet they are placed in responsible position because of the low wages they ask for. They may be negligent of their duties, ignorant of the respon sibility placed upon them, ami yet the man who has given up the prime of his life in the service of the gigantic railway companies and the public, is ith these .Mongolians. His family may be left destitute through h is death or total disability, caused by the ignorance of the foreigner who works in a pnition which should onlv be occupied by a man of experience, intelligence and reponsibility. The Poor man hill sought to relieve the railway employe of a portion of this injustice, hv folding the com panv liable to the amount ol ttiOOO for the injury of an employe caused by the negligence, ignorance or incompetence of any other employe. Hut the legis lature went on record against the measure The annual pass is the price of the soul, body and vote of the average legislator today. Not alonf- in Oregon, hut the world over. The laboring man can only succeed by be ing leteruntie-l to tie represented in legislatures by ins owa Kind, u cor porations wish to win, they place cor poration men iii positions of trust and power. The working-man must learn tbe lesson, or go down to the tame de feat continually. The railway employes made the best showing of any of the anti-railway forces before the session, receiving 21 votes to SO against them. It la only tbe beginning of the crusade. Oregon is coininc to the front, and the great lorce behind her industries will gain their full share of justice at iter hand". 10PICS OF THK DAY. The reign of (.ueen Victoria is the longest in tbe history of Kngland. Her 6t years of rule is followed cloaeiy by George III. who began a reign of 60 years in WtM. Next in point -of length la the refill, of Henry III. who was king for drl years; nest to this long reign is that of Kdward Hi. who was king for AO years, anil the next long reign is that of Kliiabeth who was queen J ' years, ami whose period is the golden age in l-.ngllsb letters. Alfred, hth. lred. llenrv 1., Henry II., Kdward I., Henrv VII.. Henry VIII. and (ieortte ll. all reigned over 30 years. The house of Brunswick furnishes victoria and dec-rife III. Tin- I'Untagtinet line gave us Henrv III and Kdwanl III. The house of Tudor gave the world Klinaheth, and Henrv VIII. It is doubtful if any fu ture king or queen in Kuglaud finds a olid throne under them for half a esenturv again. The democratic idea is removing tin- necessity foi a throne in government. Kdwanl VII., the first born of the great queen, will no doubt see the transformation of his kingdom into a republican form of government. Tbe only prerogative lies in t lie people he feels a conscious pride in Its presence. To the south lies the asylum farm end the reform school (for hovs only, with a trifling deficit of SS,000 for two years. Uniler bis very feet sits Willamette university, where! his offspring and hi forefathers, alike. have taken upon themselves the robe ol wisdom. He goes down to the coin mon walks of life again, inspired. He has seen a vision, so wide ami splendid that he is filled with gratitude and generosilv. Me feels like making new appropriation tor another storv on top of the dome, so his descendants niigtit have a still broader view of their beloved land. BKRT HUHWIAN QOOD AND HAD TAXATION. The late Thomas (4, Shearman, of New York, celebrated as a lawyer ami a scholar, and th. author of a liook on Natural Taxation," also the origina tor of tha term single tux, wrote: I hear some good men complain that revenue relorm is made a question of morals. If thev mean thai we ought not to rondeam the advocate" of anv particular svsteai us personally wicked because of thai advocacy, I heartily gree. If thev mean that no vital issue w ... ... .. . . oi nioralitv ami religion is involved in the issue between anv different form taxation. I differ from them, fax a tion can he made, and always tas been made, in the hands of reckless men, to work out evils equal to those of slavery. Taxation was, in ancient times, a direct parent of slavery; it disolated the Roman Kmpire. and turned fertile lands into barren wastes. It is even now the keenest tooth of that great human locust, the Turkish Kmpire. And Turkish methods of taxation have ruined vary foot of Asia Minor. Religion ami morality not entitled to speak alxitit taxation ' Win , taxation lias thus far defeated religion averwyrierc. It crushed out Christianity in the east. Neither the Huns nor the Arabs count ever have conquered Christian nations it taxation had not eaten the heart and blasted the soul of the Holy tinman Kmpire before Hun or Arab stirred Then in the hands of the victors taxa tion bus kept the miserable Christ inn slaves to their Mohammedan masters. e Coming down to our time, I charge taxation, notwithstanding the im provement made in it, with being the cause of more social evil than any other political institution. The wi Jett ing chasm between rich and pHir, tbe growth of monoiMilies, the corruption of public life, tlie hardships which de grade the poor, are the direct results ol had taxation. a a a And yet it is not that any oi those evils are tbe necessary result of luxa tion. In the hands of wise men taxa tion may be so assessed as to do little barm, and so distributed as to do much good. The methods ol taxation, therefore, are exactly what should be examined in the light of morality; and tney affect religion an-.l morals as well as politics. ON LINK I llav. i limp a trtnn tn' each lee lie 90c ixtrn Insertion. CLASSIFIED ADS. t'Ot'NT 8KVH.N wiiMPe To I UK LINK, tine line, or aore, per week, si I lis on of iSc per line inn- line, or mon. net month, si the rate el K)i eer line. I lime Mc J limes Mlatst las lag each extra liipatilott. RuHovbs Dandruff Immmdlmtaly and causes thick, glossy hair to sup plan t the former thin, brttt le growth. NBwbro'm Harnioida performi Its work on the principle, " Destroy the cause, you rsmove the effect,'' and consequently it reaches and kills off the ever-busy microbe, which la responsible for all scalp diseases. It thus makes dandruff and tailing hair impossible, and promotes u luxuriant growth of huir that soon becomes the pride oi' the owner. Even on bald apota it soon produces hi r as thick and luxuriant a anyone could wish for. Cm hoiil win connnrv that 11 is lb OrUy oa 11 in- rinnai fssaf T For Uit by all Flrtt-Clau Drug Stem. ! rmtKi links I time (Do i tflnaa. , . . . .2ise times llx) lse each sitilltlonsl insertion . rOPH LINKS I lime IBS i times SVl ft time 4fto tC esrli adillttonsl Insertion rivK i IHH I tOii'' ..HOC II ilmsx Wo HI line- !-0e ttlc each mliltltonal Insertion SIX LINKS l time ate j times We .t times. ine esrli silititlomil Insertion HRLP WANTED. Llll id OUHBfs VICTORIA. WK have authentic eillilon llnvof home h OQ.se Outai tre, s. c Miller C., 'Portland. Ore. ATT0HNBTS. KIRBT NATION AIi HANK OK PKNDl.K ton Capital, ITO,oni sarptns, twio.oeo. Trana- acta awr' batililni! buslnSSS. Kxelniin. ami lelesraphlt transfers soM on chloaso. San Francisco, New York and principal polnli It the Northwest Urafts brawn on rtitna. Japan and Ktirops. Makes enllecllona on reasonaWr terms Levi Aukenv .president ; W f MSllool vice-president: 0. tl. Wade, en.hler: II. 0 UARTBR a BALKY, ATTORN KYfi At I B9",,r. assistant eashls Law. Offlre tn Hsvlnxs Hank Hntldlox. IIKAN A- I.OWKU," ATT0RKBYB AT law. Room It Aaaoclatlon Mlc.ek I'endle ton , Oregon T. 0. HAII.KY, I.AWYKU. OVPIUR IN iattd HnlldiDK, I'en.lleton, dragon. STU.I.MAN A 1'IKKOK. ATTORNEYS at law Rooms 10. II 1' and li t,tf,.,.., block. THOS. K1TZOKKAI.1). ATTORNEY Iw. Office In Association Block. AT N. HEItKEl.EY. ATTOUNKY AT LAW office In Aasoelsllon Block. E. D. BOYI), ATTORNEY AT I,AW. Co-art Bt. in li I RSI i A riONAt, HANK OH ATHENA. Oregon, tlaplul. Sfal.tkW; surplus and protlls. e,000. Interest on ttm deposits leal In I foreign an. i itoaisatlc mebaags rolleetlona rirompllv am n.'e.l.to Henri ('. AllSSSa, pres dent; T J, Kirk. x1ee-preldfiil ; K. I. Par- i net) easMsjri Mrs K. L Harnen. svmanawi cashier. THE I'ARMKH'h HANK OK WKS'KIN. Wostiiii, Orison. IKv-s n general lisnklm Imslnesa. Rxehange tsmght and aold. I ol lections promptly ailended to. Affairs In nisi1 axcellent conilttlon. and so rcisirted iikui h InTesllgatloinomnOllee ol rcapoiisllle ell I sens Offlcera : K. Jameson, president; Hen. V I'roebsiel, vice prealdmt;! M. Pierce, cashier J. R. K illneo assistant cshler: dlreeiors ie A. Ilartman. M. M Johns. T J Price II I Draw. J. F KHIrore Robert limmm fl Iroehstsl Peimletoti PLiiiino- Mill and Lumber Yard Can sell cheaper than any firm in the cotmty because; the) buy in large: If JAMES A. KEE, Hunting. LAW OFFI0E IN JITDll MUSIC AND PIANO TUNING. PHYSICIANS. I)R. W. t). COi.K. OKKICK IN JITDll onlldlns Office hours, h to I.' a.m.: I to ft p. m. Telephone 77. B". W. VINCENT, M. 1;. OKI-TOE RKA I. of First Nallona. Hank, office hours 10 to r. m. ; I to 3 p. m. PRtiK. HOIIERT It A I.I.I ' f. VIOLIN SO- lolsl and leader ol the lies nprs RcWSS orchestra Teai hsrof violin, viols cello, tiass man'tolln, guitar, piano, pipe organ, ha i MOD conntsrpoltil, arransemeut au-l orchsatmtloe VeHes culture (Italian muiho-t). aiu-ly o( parts for eomtc and grand opera Piano builnuanil repalrhiL' promptly done, orchestra MUSIC mraUaad for tiailles, ball and all oerasions, For sagagsnsSBta apply so C C. Sharp, Optra Houss Block OaT 1)(- reslden. SMI ITIA HENDERSON. OFFICE 'endleton Mavlnga llauk. Telvphouo H, t- iepnouo I, HATH tn Jn.i SO; real- H. 8. OARFIEI.I), M. D , HOME li' Physician and - it lirHc, Bull-ling. T, Ici.tiono nfluv bla k deiuc. black 24. E. A. VACOIIAN. In Judd Hulldlng DRNTISTS. DENTIST. OFFH'H A. L I1EATIE, Savings Bank 1). D. S. OFFICE (laa adminliterpil. IIVK it. AScJOOIA residence tele DR. D. J. M' FA I'L, ROOM lion block Tclenhone SSi pnoue, macs ill. OSTEOPATHIC PHY8ICIAN8, DRs. keyes A Keyes Office, one block wesl of llos toil ston E. A. MANN, DENTIST. IN A8BO0IA Hon Block, over K ll ClOptOn'a OShM, DR. LYNN K. BLAKE8LKK. ITIRONIC and uervieis ,ii,,H.,.. m n I dii.eae ol women. )pp lintel, cor. W aler and Main Mts Peudle tun. tire. AltCHITSCTS AND BUILDKRS. T. H. HOWARD, ARCHITECT AND KC perinieniiein. mates complete anil rillaMe plana tor bulMlnaa in tbe elljr or country Room 17. Jii-ld bulhllng. D A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND builder Kallmates furnished on all kinds ot masonry .u.ent usiks. sionr wall... etc in dcrscau be led at tbe Kaat orvgonlan oftli-e HANKS AND BR0KKRS. THK PENDLETON HA V INCH HANK. PendleUin. Oregon Orsanlinl March l lsan capital, amnm, Interost allowed on time do- tsuin Kichsngc bought ami aold on all t-rtn tilMl is.inU Special attention ztven t lie. Hons. W t, Furnlah. prealdont: J. N. Teal vice-president T. .1 Morrla. caahlrr. IN POI ND -THE rOULOWINfl HE- ssrlbsd aium.ls have Iracii takm as by UlS ITty Marshal and Will be SOldla tec AsytfOt costs ami siptnacs lint dark bay colt bran-lc-1 half i In le 1' on left blp. all ,ui f yssrs old. uslgln son pounds, one gray marc defected Jas. hrand-i OOof Hon lefi nlii. weight abotn ISHi pootlds one sorrel marc, white fool, three with legs, W.BM strip In laic, bran-led a on left Shoulder, about B year-old, weight alatni ISSi pounilx On-- while tcabhv horac, nasnu ' year-old, weight alsnittkiii pniiads. no brand visible. Due scabby buckskin horse, about . fears old, w eight about seo isumds, no traud ytnble. battd February ll.ltsji J M II RATH MAN rity Marataal qunntitii lumber 01 any mill work (heir price call you need kind or antl set R. KORSIhR, - Prnnrietor. Send Your l.eiind... -wiy TO TUK Domestic Laundry xv" '' WU.AT rot I.:, THE Y Ear O f . Rnl.lin.mi, Prop. Equal to any in the world. tVestrrn Llai i Ameilcan Ai iciittiula. Iljr'apeehtl nrraiiifcnieut villi the putillals Ha, we are rnahlisl to olTer Tin. eiKANti'., Ji nn FAJlttltM, tie- leaillng Hkrlciillurai weekly oi' lite West. 1. 1 unit Mississippi Valley .ilea, 'ii tiiio with linn jiii oar, at an cxcer-,llnnly low llguro. Tlo WAllul Ji hi- i .mi i u is ti uiarfcabl i for Ism variety an-1 Intersil ol Ha rotitenta, assi is tin llollbleillv l ho heat an-l 111. is, -inn licit piipcr ol Its kind. Jr Vol' WAN! TO HI'll scribe for magaalns- or -e--paiir- In the l nlt.it Htates or Kuropv. remit by postal note. - he u rH'Ild tn tlie ASl URpMi nun the list pubilaliers price of tbe publlcallon you desire. au we will hare It sent In you and assume si risk ot tbe moue being Inst m the mails. It will save you both trouble and risk. It you arc a sSJMMsai to the Kast oaruoNMN, In remllllug you can deduct ten per cent fnim the nublisliers' uric' I AnilrCII LASI I lixr.l ill.-s I AIS It'll i:l toe Otnrnn Subscribers to Magazines It n it In ITS FARM FEATURES,-:,:;;:: IS . "ITril. oliiti " r-ii.Yii.., lliirk. : Uht denlng. And other foples, written by pntetl eat and sweosssfal navnaei-a, iiipplemantod with 11 lu strut Ions syabls artl tS,CsfmbhM to make it InvalimMo (. I' v. bo "f.ani II for a thing" Tlie luteal Market nml fkaaimenilal laricutturo are fssi la wnici. thoo. XnUrDrniatmaxaall -i. THE FAMILY rEATliHiiS:::::1 .sl feVSM Hto 'it fasliioei. ? .on i WTtvTT ' '-i eiood Oook, Pwasla t:onteses. Libriu y Oasnw and Young Fulk, I'si, ii ine mnko Oils Department an saueHvalria BDn Inter- St as Ill-St ot I lie t-'.'i .1 I III....' I'at t. PILSNER BOTTLED BEER. BRKWKRY OWN Hottmng. fi lulil.v r- i mi ii l.'iuli. I tofamlle'amA. Hillv iiuavunltvil. Everv In. tile A LMassnil rnsioss and tvenlf "chul,S! Brewing Co. The COMMONER All aendlng their s ibseilntlons nniioroor elubbinc offer, are prmionMNl, postvimi, wlih die AMKKli AN Adlll- I.' l.TI-lllh I Vli.lll llllt'K aad Almanac for ISOti. Tins great b.iok la n Cyclopedi.i of Progrnss in ilKventa i-f In World, it iiiinlu to llaik-i., Aluikeiti,, a..d 11 1 CO tifii Weekly. FREE YEAR BUOt William J. Bryan Bdil or and Huhilsher, A. C. SHAW & CO. W. J. HKWKI.I. Mauaner. HliTAIl. LIMBER DEALERS Yar.I on Webb sitrect ini-isiti- Hunt Frelejkt iient THR DIFKAT OF LABOR LAWS. Tbe roost widely iliseusaeai measure of its character iiefore tbe lagislature this aeasion, was tn- Fuoruian fallow servant kill, bacaee ui by tbe railway organisations of tbe atau- l'be livo railway brutberbuoiie, iiieliiinig tbe Knviueers, Oouilucturs, Kiremeu ami Telegrapbera representative in Haleni during tbe first thirty days of tbe seas ion, work ing industriously for tbe passage of tills bill. Tbe organisations were a unit for the measure, and felt that the mauibers uf the legislature could be prevailed Ukmi to atep aaidu lrom their The people of Oregon are fund of luxuries. They love to pay bills Especially bills for useless procee lings like senatorial tights and injunction -nil- au-l litigation as in the brand- asylum case. Taxes are a small mutter to consider. Wo all love special lovies deficits, shortages and appropriations an.. .,1 T j . i i a we especially love oeauiocss, ami are cultivating a taste for tbuin. biennially It is a great free show, which ia harvest f.,r the newsboy, the wine mer chant, hotel man and professional 'lobbyist." We love to hear the oft repeate-1 farce of "no election. " W pay over f'AXKJ a day lor our jegisla ture, to enact laws, protect the in ...... .. .. I 41... .... 1 ... vir.in ui lint siale unit lllHUltUIII OUr iignity among the common wealths of me nation, ami we partaulalrv adorn the legislature which comes home without doing any ol these duties. No minor, ine (eo,le will return all of .u.,1, tn,i y,-Brs iience. iiieir services are so valuable that it is needless to seuu new men to lenrn tbe trade. Our patience, is only siirpassi-1 by our panitnneoi. time-worn rut and place a line upon our statute books in tlie interest of tbe employes of tha great corporations. The prsissit law fiolds that all men When a Willamette valley legislator wants to gel light iisin a subject, wants a broader view to guide Inm ami a wider horitou to think in, he climbs 0 HI- to the highest window in l ie dome Trainmen, Of the uapitol and looks forth for in each had a spiratioii. lielore him lies balem, the stain instltiitions ami Marion county for fully twenty inilos his eyes drink in the charming imctacie. His breast expands in p-ttriotism, and file mind reels in delight, in the bread expanse of Oregon which he beholds. So wide is his view from tin- vantage ground that he beholds u HHJe strip of Polk county, lying across the river to the west. And in the mtiniiicence of his spirit be would almost embrace all the region between tbecapitol and Mi Hood, in the map of Oregon. To the east be aees the state fair ground an. I We are prepared to furnish anything in the lumber line ami can guarantee prices to be as cbtwp, if not cheaper than others. We aim carry a large line of Poors. Win-lows and Moulding 1'arties contemplating building w ill do wall to s-' us before placing their orders. We also carry Cascade Kcl Kir wood l'bone Main ':'. Hotel Pendleton Under New nanagement.. 11 Is n. teea-'trv . f St.- Ii-.tloa eevl.'.w1 tntln-i. f." Parni or i'cuitf, an-l ti:;-.ce or Kact-i y ,'. It o nosWorl-en Kvery Subtoct pcrtalnier to A. ' culture, Iml.ntt v. ( et. in,, riv,ni"l Mark-1 ; I'. -tic Affairs, I en. mica. hihI I'.-iiiIc ; le i . KduoriUoc, Hellirvvn, sad Bx kstv. It I - alw, a- Miuiaiiai: ol .i.ei:,,ii in- i.MHBvr, . aomical Data. Hi tori gri SAMPLE copy CMrr niairiTmerTni.riiTT ' 1 1 1 - i l- bi dressing th i hi: i mil .ii mi i i;iii i Maniuetls l.ulldiuy. t hlctsito, ill Our SPECIAL Offer: Lincoln, Strictly Plrst-Class Kicellent CDlslne. very Modern Convenience JLfU Mk . ssssmTjwWJa,aBseWC afc -aJaV "T. BasssssBtfam stTsss! BsiaS sKasssssi ssssssW A Give Us a Trial. Rates $2 00 a day Special Rates by Week or month T Nebraska advance. $1.00 oo JJ Orange Judd Farmer, Wa t.00 Year Book and Almanac, .00 ) Our Price for All, $1.85. Address, EAST OKLUONIAN PUB. CO.. Pendleton, Oregon. Bar and Hllllard (rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Men The Best Hotel In Eastern Oregon. Van Drati Bros.. Props. Successors to J. E. Moore Indian Robes AND Fine Blankets Are made by the The Pendleton Woolen Mills Siiin Pacific RAILWAY. EAST via SOUTH. Icrins Payable tn On- War I Vl'tllllN I hri e tooths Ingle Copy . I Nn traveling canvassers are- cm- pioyou. Hirtnr. tor loca' agents will be; sent on application All moony should lc sent by O. oriler, Express order, or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send individual checks or stamps. The Commoner per year with WYt'k'y l-.usl ( lit'l-oni.in ... . $2.35 St nn Weekly East OreKonian 2.85 I hniy Last Oregooian 5 75 Adtlress liast ()rconian, rendletor.. OrcRon. llor.es boarded i.y tie day, wtwa or uioull- au-l given Ilia bsat ol carv. 1M I- ui. flails, in. fuaa. in. II IS 11. in. !l-l -1 It- a Ulon-o Arrtis iiveilaint Kxiueas for nt.x:, a. m. Hali-iii, lloM-Lurg, Al land. K.crHnienlo. Og. deft, aaa l-.at.,. . . Mo ; tan-. Lo- Auaelea, Kl I'aan. New Orlnana auili live Kaat. RpssiMH I'swngrr. vlar'.l u. in Wo.slhi.-rn for Motitii Allt,el, Hllviitoi, Wo. I Seio, Blowusftlns, Na Iron aim Milugflsld t'-orvaltta Haassngsr t.v.w p. in. 1-i.iei.endeiu-e paa-f luf'rit - 'JA a. oi. First Class Livery Rigs l an lie obtained on short nolle. TcUplioue Main 7V for cab. R2M Depot Stable. Farmers Custom Mill Telephone 72 ALLEN BROS., Wood and Post. bsllvvied Promptly. Prices Itlgln. Klrau-I lauiiuaraeli Posts IV owl Bias sun dty Olfi.e rear of havings Hank. PaWDUGTON, - - OKBOOM We have Lamps to Bnrn anil they are n too. We will leuve it to you sroMl ia tlie best light. llnnk for your self. Kverytliiut; in tlie elec tric line. Houses wired on short notice, si oi inaciiiiie repair ing a specialty rendition Electric Supply House. Maple- bros., Props Phone's Main 74 and Red 17O. Daily Bast Orsaomsvu, delivered earner, only 15 csots a weak Pendleton, Oregon. For couch covers, furnishings for a 'den," cozy corners, the Rendition Woolen Mills Indian Kobes an- just tin thing, Write the Mills etc IMU. IDUly except .Sunday. THHUVUB TtOStSCVn K.-tiate Uckcts 011 sale U'lv.wn l-orilatid s.w Jauii-oloaii l .xui hiauclju... Net i.c.es IIT lirst class and 111 aeeourt clas. In. .1 dine ).,..., KaJ.u ai si is to I.... 1 -i tope. Also .Ikpan, China, llawaall, l ines .uie Au-lialU ( ,0, o!,i... It Khkiai.d, llokel Agenl. I.'ilid Ht. 1'ortUint, Or. its and hull-- I'Dlllp -; fioui .1 Saw, Aider, ktrjOT ... MMDSdDME RESIDENCE SITE Hl.tx K 800, COMTAtNIMG M LOTH, 1:1.1. LeOOATKD, 1. i:ki., with rv waikk, OM WWW S'I'KKKT, which 0 UBAUSUl, Wll.l, UK SOI, ll AT A LOW KAHV I'KHMs fUK HI.OCK TUHTIN hTHKKT Klto.M THK ItKSlliKNt!!-: PKOPKHTV OK ANH AKKHIIDSTIIK IIKST VIKW OK THK Ml l MA ttm AMI THK SI KKOI HM, (-ODNTttV Ass Will. I. .rs A KIM: '; ,. TUK TOWN RBOH (Ti l.tiW KK :i fQ AIIO K THK SISTKHS' SCHOOL. ;:;:;: I'HICK ON IS ACKOs.v HAN MM i.m 1 K. L. SMITH, foil pin yoortood Money For a tickul Kast yon naturally and very properly mot to go via tlie route that will ive von Me la-st aeeomiiiodiitioUH at the lowest imssihle rate. Hence you Snonld ask your ticket ujfeni in nske your ticket read fi tbe GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE IK-rsoually ronducle-l touiisl In I nil. luuilsl .1, 1 Fred Waltars, Proprietor. OaBeetty, I60 Oarrola a day. neBI eictisuged lor wlisai. flour, MID heed. Chopped t ale . alBsJI an band. foh' Insurance Piro, Life, Accident, Plale elleaa, ls Loans 011 City and County Proiatrty, Keal Estate improved and Unimproved City lf Htock Kanches and Wheat Karms SEE J. R. DICKSON, Kaat OreKonian Ltuil-lim: 80 XSAR EXHUHItNCB -aaaaaaaar. - l aasssss BBT Ji a it . ss Apply at the East OregoisiaB Office. in, ara Our popular 1.. . m-slurn, Pullman Uuulsi slmn -eg ,r iey,t I'undlslou ovsry WnincnUv iiii .V.J , "'i-iriiav eycu lig and run n i v" V!1'0"1'" wi"iout rhauau via thu ulr.. S,- 0r'gou Sliori Liu-, li, i,,,ie Wesiern, lieuver A 111.. t;..i..l.. ..Ti... sreute.i sueolc line," au-l the Drsal llmk Isuiid Kniile. Coiiueiliug at i in, aII, Hiti, ,i ill, III ........ L .. . . -I...1. J r7 . . T T'"r i, iiiso 111 nam.- ileisit Kock Island parsonaliy couduclwl tourist w...F. ..ii.,- 1,1,111.1 .ieeinne Mri. Jdawl f41 Sir niu.tiiuc.i p.rio.1 cal. ud ttiaaaalnsa for tin, few, uas of .'"""'-raatwwiiaiilsd to ,to.t.n iV , ,'i,K yi'fy's'UlaUve ol the i.u.t iuk HSnJf.i5 to0loao V-U Iho ..amlo v'orl-t dining car .urrlco in ina For foil luloriuatloii, iiisps, etc., oall an or w,"b to A. li. - - 101,1. or ir v uiiMU. Uv tseiieral Agoiil, OtSIONB CoevHioHTaatc A 11, niie sending a akaleh and des-rif1" ' H tulekly lucerisln enr opinion .'.S.aiuaa mawitlon is eroiiably ruiMUbla. euniiiw llniinslo. Ily . iinnaenllMI. llsu-iu." ""r,. Seal Irun i-uesi Msein-v i,- -... '"r r0,f t .1,., ui u.iii.v without, flharnu. 111 IS u.uli Xi.ii" Hiiliouecaargu. in 1 SciwtiCif ic nmncm. A hsiatsouiely illustrated wsally. en tall d any .clwillfl- lourua ,al 1. mi mi mill. II boldliy.li Ml I MM I Pn 36.rd.. 1 umtW, l lTHIS. W uj.-i- Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line I'oillainL ore Huston Camay. Prop's. 1 ii 11 u.n ,luv at V o'clock ia.uv,i ibiiiikii'ii -.. , ml iviex.pt Kunday, for Knk-i , A 1 1 ia mill laiiumoiiatiuiis. 1 1 iHSiitiiiii' ruti'S Citv oftlce at Talluiau Pilot Uock, N- ill.,.. I. I.iss ii' lilll l'Ml'- . , Kcuaoiiable freight an" Co's drun Agoui o. k. ik'n, Co., I'siatiaUiu. Or atom.