East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 19, 1901, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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twi reovui .6 th
" it nnnm
ma imuTima.
VOL. 13.
NO. 4059
The Very Spirit of (Kindness
Ih in each article in I lie linn of BTOOei
iea offered. Tlny Bad a place in the
iiHiirt ii- -Kim ns they Sad u pises In
tlic atmnach. Tl utlity e.teol the
prion in mod. rite. Wo carry m ratal
grade of some gocd-i but in nil i- k
sash grade represents the beet goods
obtainable nt 1 1 1 ii t Ha i
fhite House Grocery.
Wxt ti tin Poatoffh .
1 OOO Lace Curtains
Actual Coun'v
Prospective buyers should buy now as these
superior values cannot be offered again.
S ' YLES OFFERED: Louis XiV, kenuaisance, Arabian. Battenburgh,
Point duVenice, Irish Point. Scotch lace, German lace, Nottingham, Point
D Esprit tiobbinet and others in white, ecru, ivory and Arabian shades
39c to $10 a pair
Special information mailed to any one writing for same. Outside mer
chants can save money at this salt- as the market has advanced 20 per cent
since these were bought.
Pendleton's Bin Store.
All the Cheapest
Mammoth Bargain Bazaar
Toilet Soap
-,'jo to 2 1" u bur. Wo lire ottering
some great valuta in soap, and eta
nave you money.
3 ban in a box lor 10c.
l.ungfollow,l-3 yard Uumlry aoap 10c
Stationery, Notions, Books
Now hooka arriving almost daily,
liovela lrom l. to 60c, Uouod hooka
l&c to $1.L'().
Wal cap, fooln cap imjasr, tiaiue
iropt! p.uH-r, obiaaM aapkitu Ifll
a hiindrotl llhmk hooke, nolo.-, photo
paaUw, cartl hoard, lanoy KOodH, couih.s
aul hruitboM
Wo have n largo lioo of hihU'f, t8la
inontH, iravor Uioka and kov to lioavt-li
booka ID.- to 4.;t9.
Fancy dishes, house fur
nishings, ec
No. 1 covered voaoihora ilUo, lamp
itimuoya k, complete lampJ " up.
Uatartu, huat iiialiiy, i;fo, eU .
Uarden Seeds.
'or 4780 packaged of garden ami
lower aoeda wort, re eiaowliere. Hulk
"Tr1 "r,,H SMdSi etc. Lot ua tlgure
With you.
FredericK Noli
MEW 6000S
Far Spring and Summer 1 90 1
Wash Goods
White Greet,
Laceti and
tmbrolcb ry
Kid Glove
L.aoti Ourtalns
Curtain Not
Curtain Swiss
.-mil Silkalinv
- -!awWip
Byers' Best Flour...
L'u iuu!.. tuxd liitiul list Byiif' Bast Flour, it took hist
t.iouiiuui at the ChiflftjM WUfad'l 1'alr, ovei all cotupetl
lion, and give.-- 1 Buaucnt ituilkction wherever used
ttvary ack i guuraotecti Wo have the best Steam
Railed Barley, Seed Rye and Beaidless Barley.
Pandfeton Roller Mills
Tbil It Tory oxteiipt vo mi l Isterestinf depart
meal with us tlii year. It i'onipries everything
that is new and beautiful.
Many new sad exclusive dsilgWS. Domestic and
Imported novelties. Oat lam imimitation f
India linen, in many ipialities. All excellent
We nre prspBted tn fin our customers very
pedal eaeoBhuj In taale I Inane, laveti Mi
napalm t very special priaa
A most beautiful lint of dainty garments, jlnc
materials, well rondo. Yon may llnd our prices
elsewhere but you will not llnd onr ipiality.
Wears ibaw many choice linos la the newest
Wo are DOD showing tor Iho j-ir i MawM! ftl Hull
the aaraeel aaauusw of excellent gtovs qaalttiei
we havo over shown before.
in Uhko liasa wo will ahow y.in many tpsefal
nd saetastta taiag thioii in smelt interest
& Hexter.
I uder Now laiiagi iiut ml
J. V UANCKOFr, I'rop.
Ralai 11,3.1, ami i pur day, Musis He.
r 1 l n 1 l.at.'i Li 1 lur luulilli
ll. 1 Uoi' l III Ih. i lly loi I aiullls
Hioluall irMlllH. I n .ttiupW ruuin..
Klacttlc ti(liiinl i.i., baal.
Kirt-rout I uiliili.i
Cor. Cuurl and Johnson Sis,
Hi.t Shorts. Etc.
ofco uawvkau. Naa,
biieganUy Farolslied. Steam Heated
hurupeon fian.
Block and a-halt from depot.
Sample Kooen In coonectloo.
Room Kate
50c, 75c, 91.00
rim Paper of the People,
livery body Beads It.
Tba Largest Clreulattoc.
Utsi Advertising Medium.
Hole! St Gn
It il insisted in goeprninnnt oirclos
in Melipo that there is no plan pro
pared for introducing a gold atandar,!.
William P. Hill, for over "0 years a
prominent New hngland newspaper
tlitor, is dead oi crip, at the homo of
his aon-in-law, R. R. Williams, in
Secret service orhcials are ronlident
. they have oaptnred three ot the men
. who rohhod tho internal revenue o'lice
at Peoria, 111., of fa,0tX) In stamps
: in January.
Very severe weather nrrvails
throughout Franco. Snow tails have
' leen frequent. Snow falls are also re-
nortetl in Alieers where several natltai
have Ih'cii i.,.-oii to tleath.
Anotherof Andrew I'arnogio's dreams
is nearing realisation. That is the es
tablishment on Staton island of the
greatoxl shiphuililmg vanls In thr
1 woritl, right alongaide the lurgost iron
BBS tool plant ovor projected.
rjajonal w. 11. Pan at PaaaaioBt,
Texas, Judge (). M. t:arter of Pari
Wortti ami others have rereivod fa-r-mission
from the secretary of war In
"ink oil wells in the lialf ol Mexico in
the vicinity ol tho "oil pool" ir'ar
Rablae I'ass.
Tho Danish government, has sudden
ly hrokrn off all dealings with Mm
United States regarding tlie West
(I'anish Indies. This is duo to a eat
- in ton Offet made hv the Danish
I hhI Alan Steamship ootapasy to
assist and in the future to administer
the islands.
ii. II. Wagner, general couiiboI for
the Miseouri HaaifM, in view of the
recent breaking o'ii of the Missouri
Pacific depot at tieoff., Kan., hv wo
men trtiiprrani't- oriisailors, lias BflVlaad
the company in protrctiug its depaf
Hgam-t raider- to treat Ihom Bl ooio
BMM Imrglars.
Mack Siilhette, a horseman, left his
wns in ersallos, Ky , nt midnight
in his sle'.'p, walked to hin father's
beats, live miles south, when' his
sister is ill, aat BJT his sistrrV bed'
Me talking with her half an hour,
left the hnaso, walktd hack to
Versailles ami returned to lied with
out, awakening.
Klecutors of the estate ol t'ollis P.
Huntington, have deposited Willi Con
troller Coler a cortiflotl check for 7fh). -(CO,
to cover tee amount of the in
heritance tax which will he collected
by tho state of Now York. The de
posit indicates the worth of the estate
at the time of the testutor's death to
have pBSa approximately f"0, 000, 00".
- a, - a, 1 1 i
Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Harris ( Pert'
land, celebrated their golden wedding
Monday in their houie in that city.
Nickels are more plentiful in Port
land for change since the suppression
of tiie slot machines. Street car con
ductors say that when the niacliinor
were running men pussrtigers seldom
offered a nickel for lure. I nt now they
see plenty of small money.
Nine prisoners, at the head ol whom
was Arthur Spencer, the BSttfioM
Chinese inaooctor and alleged all
around crook and 0011 Alienee man.
Bade their escape from the county jail
in Spokane early Sunday morning, and
up to a late hour Monday hut onu of
them had la-en captured.
Henry S. Woods, head BaJeaSMB fo
a sowing machine company, at Spo
kane, landed a right hook oo the
mouth of Rev. Ir. MeLnturff, blabop
of the People's l otted church in the
pastor's study inst before Sunday even
tugs service. The minister bad do
noaucoti Wtssls in his uiorning sermon.
A. L. Craig took the helm of the
Oregou Railroad Navigation torn
pauy's passenger husinesa Monday
uiorning ami heuceforth, instead of
hearing the title of ussistant general
passenger and ticket agent of the
Northern l'acilo railroud, will boar
that of general passenger agent id the
o. R. a N. Co., incoBedTni w H.
Ira liell, the nighl walchaiau on the
0, R. '- N. company's stoain r Huth
fell overboard Sunday night just
after the boat had passed BOSSS iata
Udow Salem. The water wax qalls
high and driftwood was float in in
large quantities in the current at the
time. i ii less hu reached the shore hv
catching a limber, ho aax drowned,
as he could not swim. Ho was a son
of the caotuin of the steamer, aged :ill
Know thut ill JiU ol haid or!. in ttw
char foraet air tltr IjIiasI oIU-u lcumae
impi.ro. 't he heavy food atTV d lit ll
luuiher camps is to u greet BBtaMi re
sponsible tor this condition of the
blood, which rrndoi. the Isjdy an ta.y
prey to many foruu ol disease
There is no lietter
blood purifier than
Dr. Pierce'. Gold
en ilcilcal 1 Hioov
cry. It curts, erup
tions, pimpUs, ec
zema, acrofula,
rhoumatiKiu, and
other di he a si s
caused by an im
pure condition ol'
tio- blood. It cures
absolutely anil al
together by cleana
ing the blood from
the poison-, vbica
breed ami feed Iia
ease. Accept no sub
slit, Co tor tho " Ha.
covery." There is
Do other nicdu iiu
"just as good for
the hluotl.
p I will forever tlaiuE
yuu lur ... toe
to take Dr. Mtrtf'l
ColUcu Mctlital LnV
covcry. ' write Mr.
lame. Murphy, of
Foil Us i'UCllllt.O
Co Iowa. " It lis i uiect rnc of chrouU crofUUa
of tw.lvc yeai.' .Uniui; I sU' luul eliroiifc
diarrhea lor iwalvi yean l sin in hi ' iuatllh
ii... Iictlcr than I ever wa. in m in, .... in .
lo i, j Pierce'. Uoldva M1k.,i liincover) i
took Mveral Isatlc. ol Ho lniov cr ' b-.iure
1 .tujiijed."
IJr. Pierce's Couiuioii bcuat Motlica!
Adviser, containing lonH pages, and aver
700 illustratious, is soul flee uu receipt
of si. on 1 to defray expense oi mailing:
Oldy. Scud 31 oue-ceut stamp.. KM ttk)
book in paper cover, or 31 ceuts far the
book in cloth binding Address Dr. K
V. Pierce, liuflalo, N. Y.
Field Marshal Waldersee at
the Bottom of It.
fifrmins S'ini ivirrmlofd !o K.sort to Force,
ind Older Powers Besides This May
Jolo Willi Tbem.
Wash 1 union, I eb, 1:1. It 1- nnder
stoisl that ropreontati. n liave been
matte by this Mtsfaatatrt Beaetatlaa
against OoaBl Waldersee's ,rojocttsl
sapaditioB, either lo Blgnan in ar
through the Chill province. I ho slat,
department olflelall ladievo, and in
this they doubtless make representa
tion to the president, that such an
armed expedition would entirely tiiset
all advances fo tar made in the pome
negotiations It would, iimrei ver.
mean the death ot llHSIlfSai. possibly
tlioii.tamls of iiinoeaaf men, women
and children who are tioiicouihatiiiits
Whether t netal Chaffee sad Ulaieter
Conger ill he 1 rdcred to Althdraa
fpan China, provided our protests are
unavailing, will be determined at to
da) 's cahiiu t BrSCtlag, Suidi a slo,
govornno 1 t nffteiall iv. would bo
taken with regret. Meanwhile the
pressure brought to hear on 1 o rniunv.
by this government and the oilier
powers mav BfSrl the neiossily.
Tha caolnal's Dactaton.
The cabinet agreed that the onlv
sale course of the rutted Mates wua to
refrain from alliances with other
powers that make demands on China
which that power cannot comply with.
Chines Olvan tight Days.
I'ekin, Peh. p.l The foreign minu
ter, have untitled tiie Chinese plcm-
p Leatalpee that the aai srueeaai at
Sing Nun I'll will In-given eight days
to issue satisiaotorv edicts 1 . r the
BanisBBeaBl of orleisli ladlcetad in
the minister's recent nolo.
Paid the Penalty.
Pell IB, lob. III. -Throe til the twelve
Chinese ulliciala, aho.o pun ishmoi.t
by deuth was demanded, have paid
the p,-' .i.t, already. Later the Btiaif.
tors agreetl to modify the demands y.
the sMEfl t-f Oaasfal Tung, I'm
Tuan ami DttBS l.an.
Empress Maets Usinand.
Paris, Feb. I'ekin dispatch
says the Chinese commissioners have
informed the ministers that the cm
presss ag.'eei to inllict the punishment
Attack a Joint at Millwood and a Batlla
Leavenworth, Kalis , Feb. In. -Forty
armed larmers, acting Bl Nation
crussdjrs, siirionded the I ockner
Hrother-' saloon at Millwis d at 10
O'elaetl last night, to notify the joint
ista to 1 lose. When the crusaders aa.
la-art-d the joiatiats ojatnotl tire with
Winchesters Tin' crusaders tletl. but
returiiisl and a pitched battle fol
lowed. One hundred shots were ex
changed. Mrs. Itoiu Hudson, n lister
of the jointislg, was shot and killwd
instantly, the top of her head baiBf
blown oil. Roth of the LtM'klier brothers
were wounded. A man named Vfebb
and lour others were also wounded hut
not seriously ,
Lately the farmers in this vicinity,
inspired by Mrs. Natiou. detersi ineil
lo close the place. 1 he Locke 1 More
foreaurned. When the raiders forced
the door tho iolatlsil tired upon thom.
The ruiders then tirid a Volley 11, lo the
little gioup within. I arintr Roller
received u severe wound in the h-ii
arm. An iutpjest in the 1 aae of Mrs.
Hudson wan hold this morning.
Mrs. Matlea in Jail.
To-rt-ka, lob. Ill- After one night
peal in jail Mrs. Nation declare she
eajoyi herself and HBSjetl to remain
there until Judge Hasen is willing to
release her. Hie kept all ol the
prisoners awake ull night singing
LorU Kltehanar Hsport. II 1. OSiM '"
Catch Him.
London Fob. IV. Ixird Kitchen, r
reports to the war oil,, e
"(ionoral fv-wet is still moving
north, lieing now euft of HopStOVB,
He will probably double back. Our
troop are preparing to meet him. A
train was derailed by the Doers be
twoeu Yereliing aud Johaniio.biirg.
The tioer were driven away from the
line before getting much out. Our
casualties were one killed and eajs
wounded. 1 1
Till liNULISli AKi: WOKKIIil).
It If Probable that 0nrl Sinlih
Oorloii Drald.
I.01..I..1. Feb. IU . Ao olticial bulletin
jual oted at the war office gave an
inkling that a tiiaaater baa occurred in
South Africa. It 1 atatod that a
Rritish ollicor, 1 nininandiiig at Wou
derfoiiteiu, reported that ho has la;en
unable to couimuiiicate with Oeiioral
Hmlth-Hor ion uud hi torce fur some
time. Dorien was last hoard from
when he reported the uuetiiy kail been
engaged by him on the nth and that
twenty-four of bis men had l.eeu
killed iu the battle. Nothing has
baas heard from him ince then.
Th Purpoiei for Whleh the Pridnl
Will Call On.
Waahiugtoii, Fob. IV. There will be,
an extra aessiou of congress, McKinley
having declthal lo convene congress in
extraordinary aeaiion eveu il the
Cuban constitution is satiafactory in
ovary reapect and the relet ioua be
tween the United btetea aud Cuba are
outlined to moot his wishes. He is do
turininod that congress shall abaro with
him the raepoaslblilty el establishing
tho new Cuban gMveru'mont.
Iho ehiel propositiona on which the
pPeildenl desires ivmgreas tn act with
liini are
la recusal re the 1 1 tf
To autbeelte withdrawal of the
I sited Mate. tuililary force, from
To 11. lie. lie hv suitable reantiit out
that the instructions ef o. n, ro.s to the
ptasldsni for the eetabltaBateot ol s
stable government iii Cuba havo been I
Hew. ha reached the president Hint
I ifeleaattdMJ from Hie Cuban miet i 1 11
tional convent ion SSSM will arrive to
BOneilll regarding tho rehtt ions between
this ooimtrv Bad llu now republic.
It is well known that the president
will demand the Cuban convention to
give to this government the right to
establish B naval BBSS and garrisons,
to supervise the credits and interna
Hon a! Unsocial transaction, of Cuba,
and 1 rest lata and motrel all treaties
bet Won 11 Cuba sad foreign puWBPB,
Whin- the president would prefer
Hint the otii st Inn of relations be made
B Bart oi the fiitidaineutitl law of the
I island, a .eparato resolution covering
iho ground weald l o Bcecpted,
EDWIN OOlil di ndi k ARRBST.
W.ntsil In Court In Connection Willi
Railroad Litigation.
New Orleans, Kob. ft, IMwIoOmM
was virtually placed under arrest this
IBOfning before bo whs out of la d.
Dspntj rutted siatei Marsbsl Qa4
bretb, eolofed, kaejekad on QstiM'i
door sad lbs inlet BpaSarsdi tialhreth
huved blSMSII in the room, explain
ing ha had a process to verve, liould
no led in and the marshal beSSfl BO
Mad 11 nam is in chancery. The easel
Is entitled I nittsl States versus Texas
Pat He and all taenlsirs el the daaM
On of tho Kidnaper.
nmsbs, leb. III. Young F.ildie
Uadall ha. identilied the man arrested
Sat iii.I. iv night a. the person who
asked him total lata) the wagon. The
pal lea retasa lodlealas las rass)tlBsa
lion and to giv anv iiilonnat ion nlsml
Ih Supsct Is Jam ( allahan.
Omaha, l td,. 111.- laitu this aflt r
iusiii it was loarnetl that Hie (!tidahy
laapeel is James Callahan, a Inruier
employee of the (.'mhthy packing BSfS).
puny. H 1. Pelleted thut Callahan ha
OOBfeeeed, He has laten in South
Oinaha for a tear. Child mtashflS
Ml another arrest will bo innde SSSB,
Eddie Cudal IV is posit i ve h is ident i llca
tion of Callahan is correct.
Bank RobDad In Texas.
Chicago, Feb. III. --A special SO the
CbronieTa from rexnrkauu, Tex , says
The bunk of Oinuhii at tlinaha, Tex.,
.'lo miles south ol this place has been
r bbed 01 f'llssi in cash and paper
amounting to I'.'iNk), The robbers
Btade tbair esesps oa a baadsar , Tim
lone occupant ot the hank was decoyed
from town by bogus telegrams ami re
11 Mined Btisy from Omaha on tho night
Of the robbery.
Ih Bor Murdsr Trial
suruir 1111.
eh 111 The jury)
11 Moaer here, lor a
I'ekin, Ills., 1
which will Ii v Sam
pi .-Ii ople murder, was completed ;
at Hi: I Inst night. The opening
statements were 1 nude this morning.
Mi rer killed his wife aud children '
.til l tied, being ret iiptured In Nebraska I
about six months ago.
Budio. ot Miliar Roovrd.
Victoria, IL C, Fob. pi. -Tho BtallejO
of Hau ltd nues and u Japan so helper!
wi re rooovoretl at I'uion mine work-1
ings this uiorning, near the entrance
of No. S sbslt. "oiiio other bodies are
tboie also, hut Iho remainder uru at i
Iho bottom ol shall No. U ami under
lor'y loot of water.
Buna Sat Hlown 0pn.
Memphis, Feb. II. -The sale of the'
sanlin, Miss., National laink whs
blown 'pen at midnight and the front 1
of the building wreokod. The preai-
denl ' la im tin vault win si the ex.
ph.-! 0 I Iter, was f Itl.lM'O therein.
IIBBBtlBlB Was 011 Plr.
to. 1 a,'.,, lei' IV, the ttre in Iho,
llamburg'Aiaeriesa liaar oral Wai-1
derseo wa" extinguished before linn h
daataga liad basadosa the aass
were rauAueil to the cotloli lieles.
Basrstaiaai JudaBip.
Wuihiiigtoli, Pel. PJ. President Mt -j
Kinliy sent ih nomination of lisorgej
I), Hear, ot Hawaii, to he BBCoini judge
of thr 1 in tut ooiirt for the lirsl circuit!
of Hawaii.
Bultariiiaaci'S' Coovenlloo.
-t. Paul, Feb. Hi, -The National
Hnlttriaiarr' soavsaikMi with Isat I
thossaad delegates, met here tislay. I
A parade uSSeWB this afterm'e.
Th Haniilton Jury Out.
Minneapolis, lib. 1U. -The Hay
Haaisaa jury i still out at noon.
There uru 110 signs of agreement.
i' haxsllv Broaao tiululua lablM. All
Ui'tjiKi.l. rtituud tba uiouay II It fall to our,
a A 0 i.e.. '. lulkrs le on acii Imi. ii.
This hundsouie picture, of which only an idea is giveu by the above re pro
.l .otiou, will bo sent to anv old subacrlber securing ouo now aubeoriber to the
Beat Oregon Ian aud remitting to cover (1.60 for tho weekly one year, 13.00 for
the aeini-weekh one year or tJ.W for the daily six mouth. If the new sub
scriber should desire a picture lie will he aeut one if be will asettre aae Be
aubacriber, aod remit to cover, and besides we will aeada picture to thisaeooad
ibor, n uking three pictures for aecuriug two new subacrlplioua. Txie
pictures are exceodinglt' handbouie and lit to adoru the wall oi any house.
Add res FAST OREGONIAN, Pendleton, Oregon,
There is No Change Id the
Senatorial Vote.
So Doss ib Bill Appropriating Iwt; (r ttw
BurTilo EiDNltloi Sola BtrOBly
Bill Pts!s Ihe
Kaleui, Feb. IV.Tba senatorial vote
lay .i tho same a yesterday, except
tbat Williamson voted tor .lodge Wil
liams instead of for Hermann. The
vote as fo lows :
Oorbelt, 31'.
Hermann. 27.
Smith. W.
"rattering, B,
ssvsrai Maaaur Pa.
Pros bat el s nlrkel-in-the-lut bill
passed the senate this morning, lo
Mc All liter's industrial acbtMd bill;
Browaell'a bill to provide a fund for
salnton hatcheries: the Oregon aoldiore
home loll; the bill to provide for th
t ile of :ho supreme court rtsporta; the
loll lor an appropriation lor an Oregon
exhibit at the Huftalo axramition
passed the senato.
Tho house pusHisI the resolution
carrying fo00 for a portrait of Abra
ham Lincoln; the Hah ami game hill
without alsdishiug ttth wheels and
Williamson's .,-alp bounty hill at 2
per coyote.
Th Pndlton Charter.
Suloin. Pah, ltf. -Th governor at
tsebsd his signatnre to the amondetl
Pendleton t barter bill thia monring.
Sarrlad Praneh Noblamae.
Cincinnati, O. , Feb. P.i. Clara
LonaerOflhi one of Cincinnati's
wealthy belles, ami Count lie Chain-
bruu, a French nohleuism ,
Btarrlsd iy IreJibiahop Ireiaml. at
Longworth home tislay.
Strikers and Mill Owner airs.
San Francisco, Feb. IB The strik
ing inillineii, who have isru out aince
Aagaet.Brbltrslsd their differeaeee sad
the BtllloVSSrs' grievances were ad
justed and they returned to work to
day. Rather Iwift for a Uua.
Ilelaradn, Feb. III. guaAn Hervie,
formerly Madame Hraga, gava birth to
a son today. Hhe married King
Alexander six month ago. The red).
oitls ml I to easts! lha legitimeey
o iho heir lo the throne.
Th Day Was aright
New Orleans, La., Keb. HI. The
Mardi iras feast day opened cloudy but
soon cleared. The sun waa bright aa
Iho pageant tame through the pilaci-
pal streets.
From a Pastor
" I am the BSlor of the ll.pi ml t biirch at
I'.ii l..,i- N and soiuelinie ui railed
upon to take pail in evangelistic work away
I 1. in hoinr V.t long
ago I asnt lu Sandy
1 reek N Y whs ll Is
swept by Hit damp
wind, from Lek Oa
tan line I , ontrai tnl
at bad rough, aud be
cam mi hoars that I
1 00 Id hardly
prracli to uiy
1 ougreg attua.
it was not only
dulirwniig in a
bodily aen,
but rxtrelusly
I in liar rawing to
elilar Ihe pulpit
hi this condl-
II I had
beard r Ack
er's Faigliih Keiurily anil, after aarvlee, I
bough I alx'tlii and Iwgaii lagiug it Th nXt
night my three! w a. nearly wall, and I iaiiv
1 red in) ... nuon will. 01,1 ditrli ull in a(w
del I Man thoroughly cured I coiwatv It lu
bu mi duly lo heeaVfil mankind physically aa
VI 11 aa spiritually wlient vrr I tan, and am
glad lo vt rile these woraa In praise of thle
gnui.t ..: I liieuiclue Thasa aith aaualttva
"Id easily shuegj
'i it taki tcker'i Kualish IUeaaa.''
(Miatiad) hi 1 Kasi TSSBI Sxepuan.
oaVc . wc. sua 11 vii laniaMiiiiii ii "mil
atatr.su. 1 t siubla. ." I i" t.uMUu.l .t u at.ia.14..
U SI II) ... '-',-'. I sftel turUl. I.t,u Us.
buU4. u 11 Jottsisi sua .t 1 war asuasr WcS.
W . nalAurtt. laj aMv gaiifnaaw
W. II BQOJCMM S 0 . Ivrtdo... Jan. IWa,
Buld br Brack A McCouia. PsoJiston. Or.