rKllAv. rKIIHI ARV 1ft, 1901 FELT BOOTS We have a low pair of lame DM which we will closr ont at $1.75 Firet grade Oeorh.H'a an. I flrat grade Kelt Hoots. The combination for $1.75 Don't have oold the la grippe. . CLEAVER BROS 1'ractical Boot and Shoe Man K. (1. DMnotl bus barrel ol pure Kentucky onib apple ctonr. It is Him. call ami trv it. The moating "i Irof . Reap' daoelnn, clas-. in Callow hill thin evening pfDHlaM to bo ititercslinn. The BUWntln ti i : 1 1 other fancy dames will he tuiivtht. All arc invited The (t. R. A N. eninpniiv ii not exactly making hnv while the sun shines hut it is putt inn up lot while the wnler i h fnvten. The loahOMIB just nnith of the pawnwr depot has a enpiicitv ol nhnut NO bun and It in ln'inn Blind With eleiir IA inch ire from North 1'owdcr, Haker county. Unite a force ol men i employed stor ing tbii ice, ihovnllnn saw-don. etc. BACK PROM TRIP TO CUBA. PERSONAL MENTION. an arrival lair the BREVITIES. into tin BM will 11 -ton . - Money to loan. E. P. Boyd. 100 marble le, tops le. H If Freeh Eaatern oysters at Hem. tt'l Try Dutton 's chocolate chews, hi latest novelty. lit jacket for Bt.ll, Cleaver Broth ers Pry Goods Co. 10V fascinators onlx 10c. Cleaver Brothers Dry Hoods Co. iio to LeRov's for tomales, corner C urt and ttarden ttre. 11.6V) all wool shirt waist, inr Mc. ( leaver Brother- Dry Qoodl i I 20c i . aids for lOWe per vard. Cleaver Brothers Dry Goods Co. Bicycle enameleil and b;iKel at Witbee's on Court street. Set- sample. Finest hams ami lard on the market. Home product; try it. Ifta guaranteed. 8c h wan A Greulich. Tailor made suits and evening gOWM a ipaoialty at Madame .lolmson'r. Kast Oregonian building. You will want your plows tjxed. Bring them in and set ready of the spring work. II. M. Sloan. Madame Johnson has moved hast Oregonian building when be pleated to see new and old err Mrs. Kuth. the olairroirent, will re main one week longer l ull lid- read inirs U. Oflkt comer A I tit and Oral ! atreets. G. K. Demott has reeened a ship went of pure Kentucky cider which i the finest article that ever came t Pendleton. A quiet, nice place, large ro.nis.well lurnimen, nar m connection, i ( i umbia. Main street. F Behnmpi proprietor. Bee L. Sharp for the latest thing ;n wall paper and paper hanging am aarden hoae. I ipera house block Court street. For rent-Nil.' -.i . room in Lat Oreenntan building stean heat, hot and cold water, and porcelain hath tub on amr floor. Mn. Campbell ha- taken the agency for toe bah I in pc-rfect form ami corset combined. I .a. I.e. are mv it.-. i to call at her millinery store. J. Tomlinson contractor and I uilder Brick building a si-t-cialtv (Mhce on Cottonwood street. opposite Until build ing, r. o. box, BIB. Good businea for aalv. Will aell for cash or approved note- or will trade for county or cit . prop. rtx . Ii luire of R. II. Simp- i, If vou purchase .'' cants worth of goods at Martin you get a vote for tl elegant f-Wtl piano that Da i- giving away and you get go. g For tale I have several g I dwell- ing housea for sale cheap, ami mi rasv terms, alto hotel wnh feed o.irn line hutinea- and location ah MVarsl ranches. K. D. f oyd. Hawaa 3 bat- have gained because ol their supe'ior uualitx. cor rect itvle, high .-las aorkrnanihil and sterling value Tba) are in. ,, knowledged leader, in the I bal world. The new tve- lor .9JI have jut arrived Alexander v H iter Ir. and 31r-. t har.e- .-tieii.-er. .ire boat to lote their boy. ageii four month- from pl)e inion..t. I lie o tor have auuouuevd tha there i- u hope for the little fell w. kin. M. A. bpeueer, tie- child h grandmother, haa lioau telegraphed to ami will arrive at ' o'clock this evening fro'n Walla Walla. The ordinance against riding hiryclea on sidewalks in certain prohibited din tricts in Pendleton is being enforced. A prominent husines- man wa- de tected riding MNM 51.ui -tr. et, on Alta Wednesday, ami a few- feet uiong the Main street sidewalk. IU was consulte-t in regard to tin- matter and after talkinu it over with Recorder fleam, paid 1 line, aud rode hlitlieiy awav . (ins Arp, of Adams, wa on the train this afternoon. A. C. (liner, proprietor ol tho store at lleppner. i- a guest of Hotel IViidletoti. if, F". Nowiin. mMrlnltadwil of school-, i- holding a teacher'- ex amination at Weston. B. A. Goodell, of Helix, came in on the W. A C. R. tram tmlay and is a guest at the Hotel St. (ieorge. W. I . Matlock is At Salem in the interests ol legislation pemiing. Shortly after his return I'hil McBrinn will leave for Alaska. J. W. Sherwo.sl. of Portland, a popular secret tocietv man, state OTgSn i 8)T for Oregon of the Maccabees, is a visitor in Pendleton. W. C. I'urhani. formerly a lawyer Ol Walla Walla, recently engaged in mining t wo mile-south of Wallula, Wash., is in Pendleton today on busi-n.--- 1 .irthtr information from Guv W. Wade, who underwent an operation at Walla Walla Otl Wednesday for ppM dh its. js to t I effect that he con tinues to improve. W. J, Hank anil C. A, Kaster. in advance of "UMlaTotD'l Cabin" com- i panv, which will appear in Pendleton on Fabmary SO, nr.- guest, ol the I (iolden liuie hotel. B Y. l.eland formerly employed at the St. Jot stole in this citv. has KOOw I to Walla Wallt ami is mm iii the St. .lis' store of that city. Mrs I.elnnd Sptjcts to go to Walla Walla soon, ami they will make their home there. A. Zimmerman, lot MOfly with the Weasel department st.,r. . noa a travel ing man OT the state of I'tal headipiarters al Ogden, is a guest of the (iolden Rule hotel. Heexi -cts to r main in Pendleton a OOOpla of weeks lookin,- after leisiress matter-. L. D. Lively, of Iitine. Wallowa county, formerly of Athena, tbll aownty, w.i- In Pandlaton Thnratlay He has raoaatl) negotiated toe sale of valuable mining nmpcrtv near Wild Goose rapids in the Snake river, op posite the Seven Devils ct untry . Itluho. w. B, OoodaMM. of Vallay prMlnat. is A guest of the Hotel Pemiletoii. and called at the Kast (ire, man ollice to day. He i- the breeder of the Hudson Bat herd ol registered Shorthorn cattle, the best in this section of the country. He is a nr- gre.-sive business man ami prominent in I cal affairs. Ptllghtrul Trip and Lira In Cuba Per petual Round or Sunshine. Mrs. LltM Rtttrgll returned Wedlies llay evenihg from a trip to Maliinsas, 'Cuba, where she went in coinpiinv with Mr- Captain Walsh, ol walla W.illa. and the latteT'l father. A. N. I LaQrow, Mr, LaGrow and Mrs. 1 Walsh also returned, and are al their ! homes in Walla Walla. The partv i visited lieutenant and Mrs. J, S. Wlan, at kfatanaaa, rtmalnlaf there six week-. a. s. LaGroa teiis the Walla Walla UtlhMl that they had n delightful trip, s in Cuba it Wai one peria'tual round of sunshine. The coldest day w hile 1 they were there was IS above ero. At ; that time the Cubans though it was ! verv chilly. Mr. LeCron is All interview is q not ad at followa: '! was nbovt Among the natives much ana it did not take long to ascertain tlmt all the better element tavor annexation to the I niieo States ,,r at least strong AmcricAh control By this I mean that all natives who have pro)ierty there and who are in business or wlm have anything to lose by the govern ment of (be i-lanil being turned over to a class of brigands are in fAvor of the AincricAU soldiers staying where that now are in all the larger towns and are strongly against the giving up of the country to the rabble to which it w ill Is- surrendered if -o called in dependence is granted. Tba class that wants independence is tin' lower class. Those who have never worked and who will never work. Tbov want the stern hand of control lifted from them And each night tba) Are lulled to sleep with visions of pillage and days of pleasure when the Americanos' are gone and the brave 'Cubans are allowed to run things to nil their own IWaat fancy. With the outward march of the Anvrican soldiers would come An invasion of anarchy and there would bv a rencti-j lion of the horrors of Baaniah (lays, j There is an element that poses as! patriotic and these men think thojM should live without work and ka al-1 lonod the cream of tba land. There ' will lie much trouble in Cuba if this combination gets the upper hand. The lower grade of native- are a lary I worthies- set and do nothing but cat and sleep. They do m t ru ed to work ! for they have banailM and other fruits, for fiMnl and only OBfa for clothing enough to cover their iiAkedness. In with the better class there are uianv of I reallv line education and of acconip- lislu d manners. The soil is very fertile and anything Will grow there that can lie raised any where else in the world I believe. Thoy grow sweet potatoes without planting them fur the years At a time and the volunteer crop of sugar is; said to ba the greatest known It i a valuable country ami one which the people of tile I'llited States would: IrtqBOat to a greater extent II they' knew more about it. As it is at the present tune then- are hut few Ameri cans there who are not in the armv ' and the majority of the bn.nu-- men ir.- either panianls or natives. result wns almost iiiimeiliatel muni fe-t Three trains passiil through this city tin- forenoon, carrying approxi mately 1800 people DOOM for the fertile vallevs ami vine-covered hills ol Wathington and Oregon, 01 the above mentioned about 100 turned Oortll toward Spokane via Walla Walla while the others continued their lOOtliaj toward the setting sun. When It comes to the selection of a home, these two stales can give other sections cant- aud spades and then win easily. m ei s How tho Stato Is Worked. A tew years ago some generous citi reus of I, inn county donated to the-1 state of OrtHJi n the soda springs near Sodaville, I. inn county. It cost thej state nothing to accept the gift. Now tba leatalature will pfobably appro priate IIBOO to make improvements at (been spring- This having been Ac complished two vears hence the slate will lie asked to llinke further i III - I prorementi al thai place, ami w ithin I di cade the state would have estab- j lished at Bodaville a pleasure resort; thai would cost the ienple at large several thousand dollars annually, and benefll the residents of a small rum UUnlty to the same extent. Onion Are Barred. I he Chicago City railwnv company, I controlling a large proportion of the surface trullic of the city, has issued an order to its conductors prohibiting them from eating onions prior to ! going mi duty. This order is the out j come of a vigorous eOOaplalati liiAde by laabioaabla female petroni of the road, I who have informed the management that they have not onlv b000 annoyetl ; bv the practice, but that the ulor of ; the offensive vegetable has clung to j their costumes, making them victims I of horrible suspicion on the part of tbel' friends at afternoon receptions and ; matiiieef. The warm springs near lluker City are to le improved and a natatorium ' built. A tSfKOOO stock Don pOny has 1 boon orgiinited (or the purpose The property ol the utton (mm whom thev will Hotel Pendleton w h Under Nw nanRineiit. Strictly First-Class Kxrellent Cnlslnn Every Modern Convenience BBKi I B fy iiwHli wm . .. .... AKricutroi Implements, Barb Wire. live lis s Trial. RltU Special Rates by Week or montii 'rttili tVm 4lr rL ft'jir , t $zoo a day Pen tl 1 eton SaYiogs Bad OMArtm !AItTA t. Inter...- hII,., ' He , iaa I ll,,,. . V H aa Rien,lu ,.,;". '.m,,4asi Bar and Kllllard Room. Hotdquarttn for Iraveiinn Moil The Rest Hotel In lastern OrtgOB. Van Dran Bros.. Props, Sui cessora to p' f iinu. ild ainrifi 4v.i JJJJ'JJJJJ'JJUJ'J'JULLI.Llll.l.l.1.1 LLl.UJ . U.IJJ., J. Grass SHIELDS & CO. (.rower" llld taMlttn o' ftfl llwUtl M and Field Seeds. f:. Moort T SOSjgi ZHHZ The Firsi Nntiftnaiiw r I KNPI. sprunii. are the lienner estate, ! pore hoard. W. D, AdOBMi one of the pioneers of Kastern OnbOB, aed To years, died I at Haker City. Tliurlnv, after a few days illnes- He had lived in Haker i for the ;i t 'weiitv vears, Hi prominent Maon lie leaves mid six ehildren. We .-sn nun-- v,mI (or ,v er teen p,i.nir" n -"ir . Hon ei I lie eoiintr W h pre peat with untried Medal with itttaan wars ol ; mioal ipen-ii.e m urnvvniir. nlo wtta tks eaaarieaea of the igrlruliural Collit at Miwow anil rullmaa, MOnilt tin- (niiiiwinii Hn et nada mu el hoadNa tllffsrani kiwis tt tad BH()5H IXKUMI ITALIAN KYI liRAfl TALL MEADOW FlfQtTE KNOLIHH RY1 HKABH RMOLI8H BLUE ORAB8 PL A I HTKMMED BLl'K (IRABM TALL MEADOW (.T QRABfl OROHARR ORABfl IboM are PRRSH BEBDB ; we are g rowan of tin m and will gtiarantae reanlti nml prtcn Cloven, ae ata alao Oerweri and Katportan n Alfalfa., f'eas, Corn. Win-nl. RwBwtBO Bp ItX, nml nil kinds of Plcld 00dl Mi. let was n a wife I want a man i inaiisioii Sah.it ion CLOSING OF BARBER SHOPS. The Naw Law Will b Oonrvod Slrlotly In Pamllaton. Tiie five iidrher shops of I'en lleton will lie closed next Sunday in aeeor duine with tin' provisions m the law reeently passed hy the legislature, and the IS harliers wlm have lieen aecos tonied to toil Suutlay forenoons w ill have the privilege of resuming their onatoflMfj habit o- going Bebina or to Sunday school a." they mav elect. .Ml the proprietors of the (hops have ex preised their intention to eoinplv with the w ttrictlv, believing that it is oniy a matter cf a short time until some one of the I'ortland proorlotOlM makes a test Mag as to t'ie i ' iititutiouality of the law. The hMiraa) men bar ban ban their oaqtiNllflod approval oi the new order of th i tiits. It is believed that it will no' ranaa any particular decrease in the weekly receipts of any I'm lleton ibop. except perhaps dtirine the harvest goaaon, when many work loaaaOB can con,,- p. town only late -iturdav even i mi and bundav. ami will be shut out under the new law. ONI: Wmil COSTS SII.S.IMM). "I want g man - I want in the kie.." -ant: the -rtnv l.u.sie. Wall we want more than one ninn. We deaire the help of a lot of tnan, Wa can employ several hundred m ire iii rarrjrlag ol "Mother's Pride" u J J J I 1 T CI 1 1 1 n n n n -i n -i n tnim-nrrrrrr.rrr r rrrrTrrniiininnn it tr i rrr rrri ror refereaee vwrii lit on: enlU'Ki St the lilille ell, tell le W I HI'll.l.M.VN. I'rille-..ir ..I at l ulliiiMii. !.. ninl II r I'llKM'li. I'rei MSP I alVertlt) . Mev lilnle K.ir prli es siet ell Am i' ulliio .it I In-Au-il iilmre er iliinrinnltiiti so- M. J. SHIELDS & CO., MOSCOW, IDAHO u I r r r r V r r r r. B r r. r r. I B L L I L L I U u L L. L L N i 3 I.TIIV. Lapl.al 'MO III- !"aa TtanaMta general aawk. Rxohange and telrapSSSfl n San Kranelseo. N J y ' k'',,'r,1 ! Old nrinelpsl Point, Iti th' BttArrn drawn ,., raw j255 Maii.-eon...., Bonreaaanwa. LNt IVK """1'nu, r. .ua 1 1. tn k. " - w Aln i ,.irf7 MKY NOI II K PILIRS f'NL ACCOM!. haa I no roan UdM ' 0 " blllM ttl' ""ItllVCOBMi iii the Countv Coori ol tt lor I'msttlln neuntr. Ill l ie IliHttei lit lh... .. J i -angn Motion ti barobr slvon tlmt c h o t ii Imlniatratoi ..I th ni,,,,. nunrS ri" in . 'itii ii ,. r, i .ii t mii, l ii... uwa 1 1 e eiiu'w in iii IWil. n tin mill tit., rourl hottto ' I wlicn nml v.i.r,.,irniarai I 'I 11! i.t.,1 ,...,'." .inner ,imi,. i., -... .. ,:rr"' i , - , , . , ""iiiiiitniK yj IU. eniiri mu U rejwirl ilunllv -eitlvil Th t otlee 1- P'll l.M.e.l en r-iwiit to om. .ii. ne ont I Hi .1 i-mirt, maUi J.in.t. T tin Aiiaai w ti i n vmpki " (n rm H- li n Hull. Hoputy. "w,,"a . aiii awaaaal Nil TICK OF IINAL MTfLSnsm. THE Y. M. C, A FUND Tho Si. 000 Funo it Comploio Tho Lin- vatt bv t io v. i'lie MOOQ V. .M C. A. Iinid haa iKen aabaorlbad Tin. aiof alog the (ommiti a- -hv a hiindred or two lo'iar- out the eeuerooa, and fmhlic ipirneo eon tn tailed the haiauce. 1 lie re.tiit i i ti.e vvoiiiiiii - eanvass w.i- verv - in-la, torv, SUV haviiu iii k ii. o. At a meetim: of th ronmitbM tin- aioniUMi tl'x) in ad mo ii wj- pi, -iiited, whKl, went unite way i" complete the lund. .-However, it ir not too late inr some o. tli win hav no! iriven anvthim loiilrihiite ha' th"V can aliord No man in I .in lleton shuiild ileal eft t do what lie can to make Femlleton a lietler nl.xe t., live in. It I, as n. -r hemdn-ided as vet where tin- , une .Men'.- Chri.'tian AWOOiatloi V III II, o.e.lle.l. I l.e Ke selected oli the mirth mile oi the river i- m l ntiaiaOtOf bO a ureal main. NW YORK MARKET. Roporiod by I. L. Ray.. L Lo.. Chicago Board or Trado ana Now York Slues Kxehaiitfe Brokars. I ehruary IS. The wheat market a- dull aaaln loday, with srarceiv anvthinv! doiuK Liverpool wa. un aniji-tl (ruin vt -i.-rday. o M. Sew Blank Books and Stationery. All the latest Magazines and Periodicals. A beautiful line o TOILET ARTICLES. rk opeieil at B0 1 - gad held witi.m ol ifiki all day. Tlie waably agporto wil; -how up I tree tin- week as the lear.u iv on Mondav were nearlv a million bushels. Stocks stroniier. Mouey . - per cent. Oloat yoetardaj - . , Open tiaiuv. go i s Range t.iav,r- 1-8 to mi',. Close toilav, 'J. A Twontlath Lanlurv Itiue. Heppwar Qataila has laaaad ( eiitury I'.ditioii. wlm Tli. 1 wetitUtl Is hlled with descriptive reading matli f all a I. out the "lleppner Hills" and IligalnttloOJ ol people and things in Hepptia loan and Morrow countv. It ia a oNdllable poaabar and will likely turn several laces toward Mor row COURty, and thereby jaOfOgM its population. Which I- the olileft of th publication, issued hy .1. Wi KediiiKtoli. ratermelon Tollman Go. I.KAIIIM. LiKtuUkb. A Handsome Bicycle. The 11 Crescent wheel is a beauty. It iaa no hi. i mi the market. The wheel has been greatly improved in design ami finish. There is not a wheel a. band tome. To see it ia to want one. Call at the Cret cent agency in the hart Oregonian building ami see the ( r.v ent. Wh.cl- irom 15 to frill. Light wa'ter, f& ami f.'a). The Lesvrweon oi tha Maine. Havana hui. L I he tlnrd auni veraary of the destruction ui tbi Maine waa otaoragd bj the America uoiiy here. Lloutanint Gathnian Says His Unn Will Doitrov It With Ono Shot. Wasimigton, Bab, 16. The appro pri.itu ns committee have consider an amandgaonl btba hwtiflaatloaa bill oflered in the senate in tl e interest of the Gatbmaa gun. The gggg ol 11S, 000 ha been asked to pay for the con struction of n Moat Hie; ninrk. to lie sheath, .1 in the heaviest armor-plate made, nml si. buttressed as to rep resent the broadside ftreniith of the most powerful battleship in ervm Lieut, (iathmat: claim.- that OBO shell, containing t',0u pound, of high asplo. sivea, tired from his gun alildaPJOllltl tin- mark. No reference was made to this (iathmati gun in the fortifications hill l a passed hy the house. I here will be strong oppoaRlon to the item in thu senate committee on appropriation.. The point of order may be made against it in the senate on the groin. .1 that it ia new legislation even ii accepted hy the committee. After congresi- had fought shy of the matter f..r mine vear- Senator llann.i succeeded in having appropriations made for testing the gun. Then- wa a division of sentiment at to the pr.e -Ileal results of the triah. Some uthcers said the gnu wa. the MOOt valuahle ever invented, while other declared the testr demoiistrnfed noth ing. IRISH ARE AUAINSI THE: KINU the best twenty-live cent coffer earth. Have vou tried it vet. our "-urn Bhrad" is a ttroog at 40c, n. iw Tea House ,1 ratta Crepe Paper ioc Locust Hill Rabbitry and Poultry Yards. Padigrei il Helguin Hares of both sejies for rale at aii tune- (,,ual itv giiara- t. ed I'rinc. Bob at boad of rabbitrv, servile foe fj.60. Harreii. Huff, and White rivmoiith Kooba ami RBoOa Island Ittals these are the U'tt all round lowll known to pool tly noil t.Klay isitor- alwavN welcome Kor further i ii t. rm it ion address If yon world want the written new and s the finest art and of the pictured, best the literature, then .vou must ead COLLIER'S WEEKLY. America's Foremost Illustrated Journal Hall dune's latest and preatwtl BOVBl, "The Mental City." begins stu n, Stud lor tree copy of the opening i haptwrs. Address COLLIER'S WLEKLY. 353 WEST THIRTEENTH STREET, NEW YORK CITY it il.lU mvsii ti,. t H r Mataai i i ..nil, ,! u. i i .,7-T' in ii., i .inir . I. vi,i EL. oi I nits ,.,ui u iimiu . 1 1 o .no- ..f tirvKon. un ib, Bttaari i.iionii. nwi i, '.lei, ,i. . iiiuii ii. laaiiiMn. 'V 1,1 iha alil estate, sn.l h snoitlc.-oiar lo. Me (ioiirae A llsrlmaii caaMrblE "' saM i". tlllly ni.nl. nu.l riitnaiMa -oil. i,,;. .. rliial livaruiK -aul l mi in Pike plilee III Mir IV olirt tooai lu IW Muni ... : i .. ... in ivndlntoa, Uaatttk raunty, late t.i Oregon, al tin hour ol a i. ii. i.i un WeitiivsUar, ilwuhiUr' Mnr.rli, VOI. the sann hemi; the third letnW ilojr ol Ibo next r. unlsr luriii el Mid Mtalf He. .il! .f iii. ileslrlnn lootilotUf ' oioal le M o.l Mn., I report, or tar out ia.ir. of, .ii. lu-mliv i. , pun-. I h. till- UwltnU nbli Hons mi. I ifvpllniii. with th,- flcrkolihr Mid ronut) rourl mi or before iliu ull i.u rta) in Hareh, Iwil ami it nas liirlliwimlM III sail! nnler Unit lilt. notlcO -J." llit un Erttb- lltlied i. -i i. v.- w.,-1. mi, v.-p in tbsaat i reptilian n . nklv newiiHiwrol' Ktnmlrii- , lllnllnll , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .-. I il loil'tlelell. I mitlUl IM III) I i1' .it l. tell. llll le .,;.! ,U. notice l lll.lllh. , ,n, .llsnt 10 Ikt unli il in.- Ilniiorabhi llrtt A lltrtaia ' wants pida' of i msuiin ooanir. nai.' oi on on, only inadi1 su.i snu rod on th .vihasril lanaarv, iwn. hi chamber, m I'.nlltux. I'mstuls count . Mnie oi i eoffiia. II. 1 .McCI.KI.I.AN. A-liuiuisiralor LuN TEST NOTICE. IIKI'AKTMRMT Of Till: tNTCRIOH. I I NITKII HTATO I.AM. OmCK, I .. (IrmiMle, or, . Ju,. ti, tail. I 'it'h n lit i I'lit, ,1 a rH . 1 ., v 1 1 livini Urtn fllsd i 'til,', le Ahlllr. . l.-rant. ."IllrtUal. 00Y W. I WAVE, aadlatoB, Ihor Took No Pari In th taromonioi in Parliament. Cotillon, Pab, IB John Heiliiioinie. ! in tin- eoarao 1 1 an latarviaa inldi "Wli:l the loininoner" an. I p.-ers Were p'ttlollitf each other to.li.y in , t ho I r haste to pajf OOalMBCO lo Klloard vii, ..verv Into Baaabaf dallbarateh abalaload from any participation ii: the pageant, The Irish mIIomI part) i.sJav ttaaniaM wly daaMad that in consi.leratioii of Ireland's present posi tion the in-h lueuiher- v .ill 111 take no part in tin- ceremonies inauituratiuv.' th.- !,. raiga, lor the first time in In f.irr tie Ml Irish members met in unitcl part- in We-imirister tmi iv ami tjatermlnaa on a vigorous cauipaian anfainst the new kiiiit. They intent! not only to iliscuss lriah qaaotiooa, but to intorlero in ev.-r Hritish .puestion winch may arif. We puriote to expose the ini.iiitv ot the Hour war ami to make a iteneral ifsault upon tin- whole line. 1 ' Oregon. TRANSFER, UC KING, OR AG K. KING PRAISED CANADIANS. S T Van Orsdall & Ross. ' endleton Ukiah Stage Line rutio r t.aritev. Pr.tr' Laave rVwdleloa every tlay at 7 o'clock except Siuiiiav, for I'ilot Hock, Xve, Rnlfe, Alba and Ukiah. Good a. goaimodatioaa. lieasonable (reight ami is-eii(.'er raltss City ofUl at 'lul I man di Co's .Ihik si. ire bj BLOCK tn, UQMTAININO M i,t'i., WELL LOCATED, LEVEL WITH Cm WATER MS HTRKKT, w HfOE I RH ii:n, . I.ONY ltl.( KJK . ..it.-t ,.,i,.t.'j.i i-uit, . Kvlir.ur. J. , Is i, I... tin in IowmsMJ) it." Q) afltOi Km 0U I I: W M. I.t Janm A. Ti tlllWi II l- iiIIikkI that aanl J wli.illv atai"l, mil aalil trat In MMrtM U.' paal; thai ka haa clunj ll.vr,-ln.ii. I.r ineri than -iv M Hi. nam ,-ulr lli .t -..1,1 114 ' iulti.an.1 h. rani uvri. m revalra tin- utMentv of aalil.lall.vt A TaU' I a. nl U .ml In all. a.tt .Un l ho inilllai. i.r naval miv uf .if Un I in i,f war, or al an. .itltttr Unit', ur lit i.f tlie 1'nlir.l Mlalaa. in 111...' nf in.,. . ..nil ti, i in, Mi.t tonsiaaaat i HaM jmtUoo are botob) nntiiini i aad ' rfrr . i,h-in - tiK-luii,' aai.l .,'cl.K'k a in. Mar. hn, t'.t.l, l-t-i.-r Notttrv Piitillc, at I'sit'llvt.-ti Oretf. koarlao H'i' as h,-i,i at iiio'cm laoi, bafofa tba eigteatf ami n ui M.i.r. Ian.1 eltlc it I... Ore,,', or, I In mvIiI i.nl.'talit h iving, in .. liod l), .V. IH0, re! lurlh lacl alt, r dus iltlisvlKt- K'ri'lial tarvi canlt.it ba luaijr, II ia tiarvh. nnlr ll.at altch Until-. In' glvvn le ilu u tl It, ( IIAI'.U : ;t. i ,, it. mn tiurtt ,-nllUMH, it ... V.TalabM mis Uas at I hit reams unrc uulnv rttl.-il Qfa-n tftl v laa , tad BO lh. niariM r tf ttal). uUtt rxailv UipKitr .it tr. n-tfatut 4ln--faUiaia, tt itt J II. Hirtrt n. awl Oal ttal I. a. m. March 11 f tt thv l ull) lirurar tffMa.it. Oaa oat SUMMOSb. ON rr WILL Hi mil n vi KAMY TEEMM. nil I I HTIN MTREET KHCal I III lUOtUUENOl PBOPEKT) l PKICC 'N IU kCltUMM ll.M-u.ll E L smi i ii, AM) KWQHUH I'll i; UKK'l MOUKTAUHJ AM un; ''iii viin A- W ELL A A THE TUWE I'lti i n - i.nw Kll Aitovi: THE MlarTEHiH' MCHUUL, vn: ni mi. UHUUI n UIMQ iim: VIEW i I h TO at the East Orcgoniaa Office. I In llir Circuit Cuiirt nl lh. .-tat.' ot UKfoa lor l iiiatllla L'OUDI , , l.ivl-lli V. Hullivsii, plainiir? r. nulBBlta I S.lUivall. .l.-l.-llilw,,' le ipilltnlau I S.llllvall. .i -o-li.lnllt- la the name ol Un ti... . ol ureaaa. a are ' lisrel.Jt rn.illire.l le n slid llltar' US ...niplaiiu nlci nmnoi' ... la Ikaaipof lillr.l .1,11 1 1 an. I -nit nil or u-low MOtMay.lg nil .is- in llitrcb, imii. and yoo sit arej uulitiu.1 thai If you fsil lo .ar sud !" ... plrail within tal.l tun. . Ib pJ I a ' " yj vvi.lil llicrvolwlfl anpli le til. alan-' '"' eonrt ami In tal.l till! for Hi" reUat fSEB. in plalitliri a r.iinpuiiil. we , or Ofcrif "' tolriagtba bomia of ntairlmoay JJffP sS I, irouaan plainuff. ami mr 0ailas tort) ami .ontr.il ..I tin- muii.i MtaaaV Tblsauramonili publltbt.1 paaMOJ M ' outer nl II. .ii iivorar A . Ilariuita. l' "J'" '....iii'.y rourl lor 1 matills ...ufilj. "'", made ami dated si Pondlutou orajop. "" Aiiumcr i. rmmm- beeUt'td Oroal Britain Would Navor forgot Canada's Sarvloas. London, fab, l6.Klaai K.iwani uu.l the illeeii colirort, (Attended bv the D.iKe-oi L (iiiibrniKe. ( oiiii.itiKlit am Argyle, Lord lioberte, Lord Strathcon (ienerul liuller Joe Cliaiiilwrhitn ami others, tialay inspected sirathcon's C'uiiuil lun Mors, of tbree Jiumlre.l and titty men, at Ituckingliaiu pulu.e. ib kiiiu preren led ins colori- iil.il nave mclUs to tlie men. savin ho pi.-dxed treat llritaiu wouhl never lorvfet Cauadu n services in South Africa. The Canucks cheered wildlv at his raw m.irl.-. Loniinandar Woodrufl Utad Cincinnati. Kob. 1-'.. Lieutenant ( oiumaiider liavid C. Woodrufl. I llltcl hUler naw. retireil. is il,.Mil in tliia city. Senator Plerea Oaad. Chicago, Feb. '.ft. former McuattM iilbert Piano, of liakota, died here this morning UBKAT PASSKNUBR TRAFFIC. Threa Train Loads er People Pass Hoc this Forenoon. Tliia oi. te i haa licen un precedented rettardiug bunu tide pas seiiger tratli. tlirouun I .-mlieton Iruui tlie Last ol parsons seeking homes in the Wait. A low rate is In elte.-t be tween Chicago and .Mississippi river points lo I'ortland ami the Sound. The KXKCUTOH'S N0T1CI. In tin County Conn oi lbs el aggP fur rmalllls Cuuiil) . .. Ill tlie niilller ol III. , -UP -auiiitiw"' iK'i'i'H-nd . Come and See the 1901 Crescents At the Crescent Agency East Oregonian Building Wheels at $15, $20, $25, $27.50, $30, $35. $50 AND $60.00 .SOI!. .' I'UilL'liV IIIH-I, Hl-1 UK- "'""""T7. ha- I II apt ll.'.l III. e-. -ulor dvv.a-cl. ami will of haioual Iftelel. I it i I nml All p' r-.ui- navins tli il L-ttaP- aie re.piir.-.l 1" prvteiu kK!B i-o.p r vouobeia, t ti..- ofiui "i panaj "j-JfE avet th.- fendlaton tavlaas bnk 'f-'l PeodletOD, uregon. Wllblll moll"1 in i -.late; baled Fi lunar. I I to M.' c a argil .x tiAUCi PEriTION FOR gsesatefi Atii.rneyi- LlUUOH LICBNSB. ,,,,11. conn of DaoMai Creai Ocaniace Sak ti Carpets. Now un to make room Inr iarauHui stuck of spring uotls. Larga jjfc count qi cash Lots of tcitinants at Mil pnee Good aecood band tow IM machines Irom $5 o to io ... Undcrtakiiij; goods ahvavs on hand. JESSE FAILING. Te tlie II, .in, ml, I. Col l 'QIIDtJ . Slat.- of On Oa . .,, h-atl , ii., iindorsjiDed, reaideaO '''',. volt , iii llmalllVa pre. fuel, I " -a,. , (ireaoa, So heieby Mt Itt mm Inimiisnl,' Insly in K l un I ' "Kl. mt MP ii li.en-i 'to .ell -pirlt'l'" n ,, III, Hi. rr I illllliua In.- Il'"1' tr.r.lllla Ilia plan af baaluaas In tbe ,UT i... iheawled rmaiilU eounly, State i.l Oreg if aia m. unlit, ami roai psUtloaeri In' p ..ill . ever ill I, ai lain. - Shnrn Juinet o'Cuim.-ll Il ( i l.lnanH C A F.i ill. k Ft Marklinia I Vt Imnouii F i oi oi.uell J Fl.usii J II iiywi I I ft llio , i-. ,n t ri Buk b Wllliauia It I Voraa W II Hay.l W J lli.li. ii Nulivs' I, burst.) given ll.ei dun W II C..IU.I. A J IKiiniuK A Creiw. ll VV 1- lllKK'l" 0 0 Waniin v F flaiiucr.. U I Head 3d ii HuiUaiidx 1 Uaiiudnra lolin Audersuli A II i.uBter F W lorub. t . r W II I'erk. r 11 J iiuinl.aiii riatik Mc ulloeal. M A aayl.ir - - , ho Olldeitil""-; U ur.seiu the loregoiu I-""", u,,,),. also, i-iiMllt'd vourl on lb . all llv,l al Uu..UU, ore JtfO t