ION lAiLY EVENING EDITION OAILY EVENING EDITION thb i.iadimo run nr KARTKRN UliKllON in TM RASTOWIiOONIAN in reori.a i m B A ST OREOONI A N Ml.T'. TDIFirB mo T TE VOL. 13. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, T1TI! WS DAY, FJIBUUAHY 14, 1901. NO. 4040 The WHITE HOUSE (1R0CERY STORE Superior Cakncd Hoods. re only perm i t led 1. 1 lorn nrt of our -tuck The quel .ty of the content of t u i HWi not Hi"' beaott of the label, mlliionee mr panMMoo, Oni canned inHaiS, fmlti rcgWIBblea, etc , equal in quality u!l other article, in onr tOOl at gtOUOl io, If you cat In life on will live Litter by BOtinO mods ir.itn oareoock. Pali itoet Rood Biver I IBBS. WMt House (iroccry. Ni'X to the Po (lice. The Boston This beaut mil CABINET .Sewim1: Machine will be given away flarch 2nd. Full information at the Boston Store. The Douglas Shoe is mak ing a great hit. $5.00 ap pearance and wear tor $3.50 THE BOSTON STORK Pendleton's Big Store. All the Cheapest "redericK No Mammoth Bargain Bazaar Toilet Soap -"c u Sic u bitr. We are ottering;! some groat value, in aoup, mm can tuve von money. bora in a box tor 10c. l."iirftillo, l-J yard I till miry soup 10c Stationery, Notions, Books New hooka arriving alutoai daily, novels from lo to Vic. Hound bookn He u, $1.25. I.ngal cap, toolh cap paimr, Hague and ore BO paper, iihlnOQIi napkina Itte indrod Blank hooka, not if, photo paste.-, card board, fancy gotxU, and bnishu. We have a large, lino of bibles, teata ' iU, prayer book nod key to heaven bookc lUc to 4JB, Fancy dishes, house fur nishings, etc. No. covered chamber titfe, lamp eaiiuueyi Be, BOBBploifl lauipi See up. lauteruai, boat quality, ttSc, etc. Garden Seeds. )t lor 475U packaged o( garden and Uuwer Bfcj. worUl,.. Buk "JOS, gra noed,, etc. l,t Ub flgure 'tti you. WE HAVE TAKEN THE AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED HAWKS $8 HATS. Won't it lr worth your while to come anil see the Hatvis $3. no Hat? Needn't lui. yon know, it you don't want to. Just come and look. Alexander & tiexter. SPRING ESS, GOODS Advance- shipment licit'. 'I lie inoPt fas dotting designs mxl beautiful oolorinci of j the leFt mills' productions for the spring's lusiness are to found mi tiiis bi itow'l crowded counters. All the kind oii know about and the new ones of the year Boston Bags, the handy pookel for tha shopper, of the ware wrll kind. $IA and $1.7"). E. & W. Collars and Cuffs 'J he new ones I just received. Knox Hats First shipment just in and go ing fafct. Karly Spring Underwear now here and ready to show. In Muslin Underwear we will undersell anyone on quality. lEoaaaBBaaar jH Him Byers' Best mm mam 'aawsjpasaiBalHaiSa"' To make good bread uoe By era' Floi 1 . it look lit. si cjfoinlum at Uie Chicago World's Fair, over all co'iipeti t.ion, and gives excellent satisfaction wherever used. Kvcry sack lit guaranteed- We have the beat Steam Rolled Barley, Seed Rye and Beardleaa Barley. Pendleton Roller Mills W S. BYERS. Prop. THE EAST OREGONIAN. THE HA WES $3 HATS ARE THE BEST $tt HATS IN THE WORLD Store . 1 . ii' 1 1.1. toiler New Management J. W xINCMOl T. fiop. hull-- II. j . mitt 1. m for d. Meals .' . 8iat ml llatvg by Ho omen. bi'nt Ht.til in the my (Ur Kamltie to nil u.iur-, fm e s.iuplu ioomt. Klaclrlc iiglitai mii llnl Pin- proof i uildlcd Cor. Court and Johnson Sis. PENDLETON. OREGON Flour... Bran, Short. Etc. UUO UAHVHALI, Hrop. UttgauUy Furalsued. Steam Heated I uropcan flan, 'lock ami a-hail frum depot, ample Kuocd In connectloo. Kooin Rate 50c, 75c, S1.00 1h Paper of the People, averbody aeaai II. The Laraeit CireulaUoo. bin A4rtuloB aluiii. Hotel St Geoi UBNBRAL NEWS. Tlte tMntet between Billy Smith nml Owen ,i)jltr, at Brit. l'n.. M Itoppod ltttr i'ii. I of Um iOUl round. eoorvh Mopia ioiwaiwihiji Hta tborlfl to enforce the law. The bill providing tor a rOHofattoa of capital pnnifhrnent in Kanraa mnr killed in .the .enate. The acitatii n favorinir etitnl punishment trted over the recent burning of tbi nogro Aleiander by the l.pp.ven worth moh, lda Jacob B. Blair, Kitrvevor ea eral of I'lah. an intimate nriend rtl Abraham l.iifnln and a mnii widely k 11 mil 111 public life, died inddenly nt Salt Lake City, Wedneadav. itk'ed Sit vear.. The cauito of his cleath heart failure. L Mi Truinhiill, former uetteral I'onnwd for the TwSM I'ncitlc rnilwity oootoM, a loMantlv stllad at SI l.oui. by a pasnenger I ruin at a meshm in WoMtf grove, st. Loali ooanty, He did not Mr the train coming and nte;iM'd in the ay. Serioim roportv uro in circulation in St. Petersburg, lltissui, laggMlug llie oatbeooi of 'hit wm Btot oalled "hunger typhnr. hut is mm ollicially admitlod to he babonH tlagiie, on the Khirgi itcppes of Western Siberia. Many thi'iisatnls have diet). King Kdward and ijiioen Ali v.imlia according to Truth, will leavo Kng land during March to visit DdwOmr Kmpri'ss I rederick. Am ulreailv cabled, they will also visit the Stand duke and grand duchess j HoOM and sH'nd the Botttr holidays at 0opM hngen. At the 1 treat Northern general others it i learned that President J. .1 Hill lias acceded to the demand- of labor unions in the northwestern states ami wil I ikisnense with .lapamse labor in tin. j-:io and on tin' road. There were ah ut .'l00 oriental thus em Toyed, ami 'if these about I'hTO have lieen dis placed l y white men. Clarence tiordon and ltoy Kib v.itged lii and IS, respectively, were arrested in Kansas City, and ftCit in ojoM OtOi lound in a sin t bag around liofdoo'l waist. The hoys ray they saw two men bur;, the money ami they watched tbjOtfl ami dug it up. It Is lliniight it ih part of Cuil.ihy's money which was p:iid for the return of his son. It is stated that the Savannah, Missouri, innrder mystery is at an en. I ami the grand jury now in session will not indict anyone for the killing of 1 rank Kictiardaon. the millionaire merchant Mrt. Kichardton moved to Kansas City.rerent ly alter l.'ing bouinl over to the grand jury on a charge of having guilty of knowledge of the murder. pacific Moatawssi Kosa Osant, wife of I rancis avier Mathien, died at the family home in Hutteville, near Portland, Tuesday, agrd 7'J years. in the Willamette valley it is con oexled that al I wheat is badly lojarod ami the pasturage is ruined h the (rout. (The fruit outlook is good. At Caldwell, Idaho, JOSBB I . l'atter aon wai arrested on the charge of at tempting to commit rape on his 14 year old orphan niece, Blanche Gregory. He is iu jail. In deciding upon a motion for return of execution in the case of the Cniteil States national bank against L. I erd l los, at Portland, Judge Tracer this morning held that the sherift snail not collect mileage nn execution in civil eases . I rani. Miaaa, aged JS yean, while coaatiog down a hill on a bicycle, but control of Ilia wheel hy the hind wheel slipping, and was (brown with BOOS force by collision with a log that the bicycle handle bars disemboweled him and death ri suited. Thin bSBfMMd Bl Seattle. (ieorgu St. Cyr, member oi well known t anadian family, has been found guilty at Daorsoa, Alaska, of the murder i f II. Davis, and has been sentenced to the gallows. An attempt will be made to secure a new trial. St. Cyr killed Havis in a cabin on the Ihrfjtaliiiijua river last DoOMSSt dur ing a iUarrc). Charles P. Olds, la-tter known us foady Olds, the man who killed Kmil Weber, in Portland , in laSS, died in a bulging houae in that it v TOOB. day night. Pot the shooting of Weber he was tried three times, the tiral two triala reuniting in a verdict ul murder in the first degree, but afterwards he as at ualModi 0VRRllRDmD. Tlie i'.: Mom. .ii U;. jn ally overbtitdeiud, und yet the ph s i .1 bar den, miiv came, will not co'i ; re with the hurdem. Ixjrue by n. u an Ami in OH won. i.n 'flu ie is mi burden like UM bur den of dj . .:v The WOBOaa who n.f.r. from itilhiinmuliou or ulceration, lear-ing-r low u jja i ii n, weak back iitvl mivoua- n-ia, ban a bupotR uiiiiii eiuahai her very lib. I er y woman ahould know that In . ierei '- TavuritB PreacripUou makto weak won. in .trong and .ick wouiefl well. It DUTea the woui.iiilv diaeaxh which nc weak neat ami feablesata, It tiuicta the m l . cure the aclllag hack und throbbiug head, and gives ktreuglb lor i rll cares and BtOSOl I :l du tie. "Wlwn I In.t wuS. to you I we iu a ua'l Ition. .nd IumI .liooal tfivr i uoM..v. Mr nriia bduu i or wiiKcsviiif . iiiini, to i;i.u "I WU Willtrlug lloln I f. i.. I, !.... ! 0 1:.. worst kiud I coetne'l tat auylliiuy without turtt riiig i n hi 'ii.iov - taruel hurt ... la .ptrl'.. . wu urrvous .ltd iv. k It,, ! ti.iid.aud arm In art . ruublf pel a. .11 tlinwigli ty body .ud a. hiiiit head an.l tu-i i. u teruieil that I lould not work at all I aia l)i Hi . -lucdiciuc hud took it dlri-ctt-ii aud the t rm weak It btgau to klp nit. I took three bettlas aud aiu . v i lo .. . that It did nu avurc ood thaa all Ilk other mcdii iac I evil i. k I Irtl taHtcr ttiau I hv. tot years." lr. Piercc'a Medical Ad. . Her, in paper covcia, ia aent rou rttnm oi 21 one cent btauips to uay iji.m of niail ing 0l) or it cloth bound volume M dcaiicd, autd ti laiupa. Addrc Or. K. V. Ptercr, liulUlo, N. V. x.11 : PARLIAMENT OPENED BY EDWARD VII. TODAY. It Was tlie New SoverciSn's First Ceremonial. COACH OF GI'.ORGF, III. W,S USED The King Uikt.s a ith to Parlfameni, In Wblob Hh Include fwi klj s lions mil Krtonir.inif.lloni: LomtoM, Feb, u. At I tM o'clock this afternoon King h'alwr.ird VIli r- iivimI at parllamonl t" narlrrrttt the ceremony of opening that body. Sm h a : rush and jam hM not beetl ei 11 for years and the lili'htlt wllb the loWval i'ii -lied and ji'stleil for ndvan.ngcoUH positions to Wit Deal I'dvv ardS lir-t public etrtmottlal, Dlimlflvtl noblva lost their bsuabty air ami holding their swor.N iu the air made it doan for scuts, their robe aettlng hetw 1 their lens, and there would hu" been many fall had there haan mora for failing Promptly nt I (30 o'clock the king ami the ijatea consort left I'm k inffham palace in :i great gold conch of state, driving 81. James park, the h rM vonnN parade nml along Whitehall road to the parliament building" Tim route win lined Willi soldiers und vreut 1 roads 1 linked the streets. Onlv a few oft! " hOMSOB were .1 rated. The seats in the windows were odd at exorbitant rates. Pivo earring. 1 eonveving H e royal attandanti nrooailed the ilatocoacb) which was Iba aama vehicle aatd bi lieorge III. mid is gorgeoiisucss itud. I'pon arriving at purl iametit their ma jesties entered, as two hundred guards on each aide Of the road presented arms and the poofl ami others uncoiered. Tiie king airs escorted In the robing room hy the protession. headed by tba liernhN, mnernes, grooma in waiting, etc.. including th Lord of lie Privv Heal, the Lord High Chancellor, the Lord of the II hick Pod, the King of Arms, the Kail Marshal, the Lord Cfoaml erlain and the Maiiiiis 01 I. on- binary, with the saord stale, pnges, yeomanry, etc. Here Ihd king ami Man throw tl.o rovnl gowns of scarlet and 1 rmiue over their i-bouldcr aid pnSSMI IlltO the home, the trninpeii rs heralding their approach. King and OjVOM " Ihronu. The king and uucen sealed them selves on the throne and eerilslv bowed low. The nival eacort aOJ grouped 1. ear the throne. The kii.,' then ordarod the Black Ko. to to in 111011 the house of commons ami that dignitary proasadsd to Um home, where be informed the speaker: "His majesty desires your iminodlsU at- tendi'.nce to hear hi edmmlaalon read." Preceded by (he maceheiirer, und the speaker, the memhers bOBM a decorous march, which BOM MVaTopad into S footintll mall, aa the im inlir IMllSBd the space was too Miiull to 11c- eoinimulute all, and so thev trooisd in like a lot of hoys pushing for favor able place. The king arose and alter a. nj tribute lo the dead ipieeli, he said. "Amid public and private grief it is satisfactory to BM to b" able to assure yog my relatiotiH with the nthor siwers eol.llmie to QB Irieml'.v. The war in South Africa is not yet en tirely tormina tod 1 hut tie capitals of the enemy r. mi the principal lim a ol Bommanieatlon are in my possosoiM, ami ineaaitrea have been taken which will c 1111 hi ii my troops to dial ffec tuully with tliM loMSB by which they uru still opposed. I greutlv PMPOt the loss of life and the extieml dure . I treasure, due to the frilitlesa guerilla wurlare. maiiituilied hy Boer parti sans. I he eurlv Kuhiiiixeion ol tin lormer two republics is much to he desired m their own internals, aa, uel : then, it la- iluposaihln toistnh lish ill theao colon iea tie InstltatiOM sei iirmg eiiial light, to all." Then he referred to the csiiiblloli BMMt "f the Austrulmii commonwealth, atuting that his -on "York' would he out there to visit Net .calami and 1 lossdo, Soiuo Kingly Itacuiniiiondatloni. Tim king rejoiced at the request lol additional contingents (fODl Canada und Australia which had met with 11 prompt responiMt. Proposals would lie submitted to incrceko the effiuiencv of the uiilitaiy forces'. J 1 . referred to the auccena ol the shanti expedition ami cxprcnae.d aymimthy for the Indian ' an. in. vlctimo. Hu said the taint atiOROl laws should ho amended ami legiHlution prepared regulating the voluntary sale hy land lords to a!fupyiug teiiuuts 111 Ireland; ! amnndliig factory workshop acts ami iiioso 01 tim puiiiic iieuitii lor tin further prevention oi draOBOOW M K lug Balurus lu III. Palace. At the concluaion of the king's speech to parliament that IhjiIv ad journed and Ihu king and ipiei 11 re turned to their palace.ii 1 living a great ovation 111 Ilia itreetM. SALOON SMASHIiKSAl WORK. A Lively Scrap Betwaeu Jolulisu and Cruiaderi . Wiiihehl, Kan., Kob. II. A mob ol '- A) men and women raided Schmidt's: laloon, tiio linuat in Lbia city. Home of 1 In 11 tired half a tioxen hhota with iiotguns through tl e (rout door, ami that atarled a genera) onalaught with rocka aud guna on the, windowa and dOOfBa Kunna DoUiy rcceiied a pistol hall 111 the fate and wus aligtitly hurt. Thia aerved to enrage the mob and the cruaadura awaruiu) into the aaloon. There they found Charles and Henry Hchuiidt. After driving them from the building the mob completely do moliiihed tlie aabsni. The Schmidts ran to the Irout door aud attemptaai to defend their prop erty. Kev. Cl.arlea lAtwther preveuted Chant. Schmidt from entering the place by striking luui witti an axe. The blow made only a acalp wound. As b fell to the ground Henry Schmidt drew 11 revolver. One fit the eru ftdeffl followed Hp the preacher' nltack, raised an avo to strike Henry Kchmlfll ben ft companion wreileil the weapon front his hands. latst night the MOyOf decided that all jollltl must close nnmei'.iatelv. An all.i.k OH the other joint expeclcd b.'f.ire tnornittli The jointists Hie ih Hatll mid bloodshed is (ear. .1 Carrie l Back. Topi kit, Feb. 11. Carrio Nation reach il lure from ChteOga at I o'clock thil alttrnoon ami will resume . her aork. ''hp anid she never was hi tter I rented in any plOM than in OblCOfT), hut saw there the worst hell holes n( her I ife. Kfi INJUNCTION IS ISSUED. Judne DOOlOMB the Prize Would tie a Nulsaura ('nu ,1.. ntl. 0 , FSb, 1 I. .lodge Ihdli'iei tislav decided to grant the injunction aske 1 t r against the JefTrieevttnhlln prias ligbi bn b krOfl in occur in thil city tomorrow night. T'h' ii.lge declares the light la a irtftaanco and aay he ha. nflsdlotloa bocanoB it is, hence he issues the in nili 1 ion 11 1 prat 1 d for. Drclilun IVn l.ouathy A log omwd board the doottloa poadi Whli h ecciipied two hoUrB, notion of itpeenl wn given by the Snengerfesl Bttornoyti who sy it Is the IttiOtttlM 01 the il irei torn only to BBrall the re soil of the appeal to the higher court, aid I her a will he no attempt to thwart the Injunettnn, Jtldfif Ihd I i.tcr decides the proposed ci nlest i prise tight under the law and in ho I, ami the opponent, of the hVhl lire exceedingly jubilant in celire I nonce Indues lOOttOV Trootn. QuyomOSi Mexico, Peb. II Yinpia Intllam attaokad company of ttondarmoa under Captain Torres, In tie ftlnalM colli. try, woiindnm lor res ai'd lIlBjMrSilMJ Ibn regulars, who -c tl.'red and WON pursiied by three hundred Indium. Tr. opa wen- sent to their I'd i, f. hotbed nr Hoc Ulainoda ail I riiiicisc 1, l eb, 14 M 1 C Brown, of .alii", iirmtid hero this morning, 00 the Oregon express train Bba o ud her d iitmoud necklace, va'iied al l.'llsld, stolen while asleep in the I'll i I ii ul 11 en route. Tin u are no clues. NAVAI. OFFICERS PROMOTED. riihsini.M sp.nos tub list to iiib SUN A t h. , A 1 111:111 x lofelOl and SSsMBMBl aim llohion Among tho I or tunato Ones, Wa-h ngtoii, l td.. 14. President Mr. Klnlof BMl to the Semite today m iuatioiis of 1 nt mi I ollh ers who took pari in lb" Spanish war. SampBon baads Um list nml Schley follows film. Thoio Who Are Advnncod, Admiral Sumiisoii n In he advanced live MBlbafl Ifl rank and to take rank m il alter Bear Admiral John A. Howell: Adimrul Schh'V adviinceil three numbers, next alter Sampaon: Captain Bobloy Bvani( advanced Hvo miinhcrs, an I to he a rear udmiral, ranking niter Ciitbui : Capluin Henry ( . Tailor, adtanced live numbers, and I 1 l.e rear admiral. Captain Wise: Capluin Churhs K.Clarke, lix num bers, riinkiiii.' alter ( I. (ai tuiii Chin le i Dt HigsboO, three iiumia'ra, ruiiking alter Hear-Admiral Melville: Captain I rem h Chadw ick live niiln- bora, ranking after laiitaiii I iiinher- ton 1 Captain Joiin J. Hnntor. three HUmMrSi rnuking alter Captain Knonoari fjonotnniinf Uobaooi ad- II lin ed leu numbers, with rank ol cap lain, tanking niter Constructor Tin nurd: Bear Admiral Kuwistle, retired, 1 WO number- , I Tin I KnglMOf t'harles McCoiinell, retired, one number: Captain Joan lluiinuui, reli red, two numbers: Captain tieorgo I owie, le tlrodi Ihien SMI botS I And lilly others I pom two to tin nambaos. TO DfM A COCO IN 0NK DAT. Take Laiatlfi brooM ipilaloe i.bitit. All itruagliu 1. hind toe laoaei if it i.iii uo ur. n tixn.lul. I. 00 BOOB BBOt lot:. JUL SKHEL'S This humi-oine piotO ro. ol oh tub OOly an idea ia given by the above iwpro rjtji i .... will l. M id to any ohl nobacriber aecuring oue uew auhecriber to tbe huM (irtgunian and reoiitting to cover 1 SO for the weekly one year, 12.00 tor the semi-weekly om, yeur or fil.M for tlie daily aix months. If tbe new anb ..i.i... . h. ill I .h mm- a pi- lure be will be eeut oue il be will aeeure one new subrcril or, and ri mil I cover, and be Idea we will auud a picture to thia eocoud new making throe pictures' (oi aecuring two uew auhacriptiuna. Tbe gly hauihyjuie and til to adorn the wall of any boate. idie-.- I sl iiKKlioNIAN, Pendleton, Ureguo. SENATORIAL MUDDLE INCREASES AT SALEM. Claims of Mitchell's Friends Failed to Materialize. VOTE TODAY SAME AS YESTERDAY Bill Passes House Appropriation $10,000 tor tn KxpsrlDientsI lrleultsrtl station . Union, Faslurn Orsjai. - I I eh. II. There is no change in the senatorial vote by the reanlt of the ..nit ballot '.slay, except Mc ltlOOO i bunged from Hermann to Hun. Richard Williams, ol Portland, and II mlngWBy returned ami voted lor Hern. aim, making yesterday'! rti.ult sliiml ns the result of the ballot today, as follows: Corhett, :VJ. Hermann, 30. Intiian, 'in. Scattering, V i bill appropriating 110,000 for an pel i nn nt station at t'nion, Union county. pOSBOd the house, also the bill creating, a state veterinary medical hoard of examiners. There heing only one more . rt the legislative term remaining, tlie legislators will bold isth day and Mflaioni to BOmplsSa the buainea alrcadv in baud. The solving of the aenatorial problom i OW appears to Im further BWOJ than al any time daring the I he dOBBOOfatl assert there la no IrOth in the report that sixteen ol them oBpoot to glow tMlf support to iiittor Mitchell when hy doing eo i. will have enough votea to elect him In the I lilted Mates senate, UNDER MILITARY CONTROL. An BHltPOBfOttB Marrlaa Oteura Thaoo Juit tha Same. Madrid leb. IT Mail ritl haa Immo 1 proolaltnod in a state of liege and nlaoad under the control of tha mill. 1 tary. Marriage al Maerld. Madrid, rOb. it. All m the Spain. e ' arlstocroey totlay wltneaaad the I marriage aeremoniee, In the chapel of the royal palace, of Hone Maria Hoe ''Ii recdes de BoOr bo B anil HaiHthurg, prime s oi Amtriu, to Prince Charlee i Bourbon. Ttin marriage was on an Blahorate scale of magni licence, the old Spanish marriage i mtoms being lol lowed, No wedding journey will be i taken. Trouble Bxpeeted. Madrid, I oh. 14. Itwai feared eg laaalfB rlotS WMld follow the wedduig, so I roups are latiug held iu readneea tn suppress any diaonler on the part tif i he exi lied Mipulace. ore Trouble In Spain. Valencia, Feb. 14. There waa a Iroab cnlllaion between the silice ami popul.ilion here tislay. I'everal peraona a hi' k i lied and wounded Traniter of Prult Baprete. in I'ranciaco, Calif., Keb. M. Pdwin T Karle aulli bis i lite roe la in the Coiiiinental print Kxpreea S0tS puny to the Kruit tirower'i Kapreaa. or Armour line, which succeed to Ike monopoly "' refrigerator car business in California, Involved lu i he tale an 1,6890(0, valued at liuuu ul. N. -got ml ions are under way lo transfer the Karle Kruit eompauy'a hipping btaokeSSI tO Porter Brue. MAIMJNNA. 8 IS (Mil terns ar eed nea will