East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 11, 1901, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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Our Special Sale this week we
fer you the following Bargains:
IB lackcts worth from $9 to $15 will go for 4-75
ii Capes worth from I7.50 to 1 1 will go for 3.75
l Wool waists worthi. 90 will go for .98
jo piece! of dress goods worth 29c wiU go for. ... .10
. Facinntors worth 75c will go for .8
100 Fascinators worth 50c will go for 10
, Fur collarettes worth from $9 to ti2.$o go for . 4.75
- kn ts worth $3.50 will go for $2.90
100 skirts worth $3 00 will go for 2.25
250 gowns worth 1 1 . 25 will go for 50
This salt- lasts bill one week only.
;ieaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
th. Y. B. C. A. Ar. Hard
Complete the Fund Thti
ir nun'
Work to
lltlmutih tlif work of tlie lonng
t I hriatian ASaociHiion if weeaer
U, PMlflC 0OM1 tlian any oilier
.if our fdiintrv, even here 11 is
Uni to be reoogBleed as one of the
.ii, il moat uNt-tu! institution,
. . irtv, Them- ii--" mtions own
ertv 111 theee Pacillc count cities
tied at over H."7 .IMXi ami some very
Imildinns are in small plnees. At
jltiul, Calif., u place o' only 1(1011
kui.itnii,. the association owns a
Mine, worth T-',lHHi. niHinia
Bswhut above tlir average there in
ninK to be a uei.i.rnl appreciation of
value antl m-fossiiy 01 me wora
in those modern association imilcl-
n-m i-nuaard in a
10,000 home for
Il fulfill tl.ey are
lva tu huilil a
1 aiKu'iation
, Oretton City they liuve u MHBI
i.linw and 'f HO making plans
i.rou- it no ui t make the work
i ffiMtive, the mill ami MUlfM'
institutions of the city giving
mil support. ri-cogni.iiiK me vanie
in. work 111 inakiiiu lienor men.
1 1 veref WuHliiiiKton, the contract
1 been let for a foUOO liuiKlmit lor
IflMoeietlot .
Iyer at bOM t ii plan- are oeioj;
mi (hi n bnlldinj to com io,uoo to
these inataneea inoe turn renuiewn
nnpiiri-nn with other places II ill-
iptiint nothing unusual in raiaitig
1 ir a 1 . ai. kj. a. mi i mi i uu
cnuiuiitlL-es having in charge the
of the fumlH are making gooo
MM, annul aeuv bhri mina nnnr
Istturdey , hut an there atlll lack
kn'M'-'ik' in tlie amount needed ana
It must all In' Iflbeerlbed bv prnlay
bi ni thin weok the cituena in-
tied .hnii Ul respond readily when
In liv th inunttee.
Partoclly Bald wnen lie surwo m
Uia N.wbro'a Herplelda.
- k Manet11 1 Marvland block,
tte, Montana, ttouglit a isiiuc 01
bm's Herpieide April ti, '!), and
n in uh3 it for entire baldness, lu
Ian he HiivH, he had hair all over
head, and on July - he wriUc, and
t mv hair in an thick aad luxuri-
, I V I
H 411 V one illlllll WISH. wuiu
i t , works on an old principle
with new diaeovery destroy the
ani you remove the effect.
e . . i ... .,
rpiciue aaairoye uie ii iui
liinilrutT, inning nair, aim
r haldueaa, 10 that with the
1 ni- the ellitct ciinnot remain,
lallina hair at once, and starts
new growth ill a week,
p.bruary Waalhar.
at mui'.k ending on Saturday, Keb-
'1 wen a peculiar one nuui in.;
point ul William Hilton, voluu-1
" of the weather. The
,,.., c-u.arature wan lower on!
1 day for aeveii 1 oiiaecutive daya, I
tug off with -ii- degraaj on Hun-;
ebruarv t, ami tuereaiter being.
lb, IS, 1U unu U uegreeH auove
Thursday, Friday
1y inguta were auoui aw
lj-rjojn.i)U in injs aeciiou
'mm 111 otiier veara l'hr
walure lor (lie aamu
uarable in varying
Arrival! at Bets! Fandlaton.
A Kod i, runt. Portland.
John Snyder. Tacoina.
J J ttnrns. Portland.
T W Jackson. Portland.
Kd fiuisey, Portland.
A Rowndy, Pittsburg.
H A Dillon. Portland.
V D Shields, Portland.
8 H Martin, Salt Lake.
(ieo S tialbert, Spokane.
F Powers, jr, Portland.
C H Taft, Petaluma, Calif.
C I. Downer, Spokane.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
J F Nvlander, Portland.
J A All ison, Portland.
J W Caeon, Portland.
11 H Keet, Portland.
Mrc .1 F Adalna and ami, Portland.
H Donley, Portland.
I, Macleav, (maha.
(ieorge Milton. Kock Sprmga.
I" K Plowden. San Francisco.
T I. I laher, San Franciaco.
lien Koaentleld, Sati Franc isco.
M Stone, Portland.
L W Held, city.
J P Hayden and wile, Portland.
K A Schiffler, city.
A I. Kearce, Chicago.
W K Hall, Chicago.
L C Robinson. Denver.
K Brace and wife, St Paul.
1 H lluah, Spokane.
W 0 llajrett and wife. San Fran
cisco. H W Lcvelaud, Portland.
I W Cuahing, Han Francisco.
A C Luidner, Spokane.
I Shulta, Hpokane.
K R Harris, Siiokane.
II It Howard.
Arnold Levy, St Joaepk.
H Von Puvmhraech.
Dan N OllflMkB, Walla Wulla.
C Oldendorff, Portlaud.
0 H Krecbt, jr, Omaha.
Worn Tnan War.
Hundred are killed in war, but
hundreds of thousands are killed by
consumption. There would tie no
deaths at all caused by this terrible
disease, if motile could be made to un
derstand that Sbiloh's cough and con
sumption cure ia a sure remedy if taken
In the early atages. 26 cts., 60 eta. and
$1 a bottle. Druggiata will refund the
1 m i
man St
if a
cure la not effected.
leading druggist.
Lomlng. "Tha Prlaonar of Zanda "
That great New York Lyceum suc
cess, "The Prisoner of Zemin. " under
the management of Daniel f ml, man
will be given at Krazer opera house
Saturday, February pi, by an especi
ally strong company, headed by
Vaughau 'ilaaer and Ruth Aldridge.
Although the play has now been sev
eral years in the public eye, it ia still
at the heightb of its popularity, and
the popular demand is greater lor it
now than for many a uew play. The
play was dramatized from Anthony
Hop a novel, by K. t.. Kose, and
shows immense merit. What elabora
tion tbere is shows a master hand.
Tha incidents of tbe novel are closely
adhered to ami are most effectively
handled, while the atmosphere of
romance is never mice allowed to
relapse. The heart story is touch iug,
and affords one of the noblest lessons
in moral courage ever pre tented on tbe
stage. The scenery ia moat elaborate
and tbe costuming effective. Seats will
lie on rale at w o'clock Tuesday, Feb
ruary 1'.', at Cull man's drug store.
What Haa Bean Accomplished in Both
Houses to Date.
The following is a record in brief of
the legislature in BBBtiOfl :it Snlem for
the past four weeks, BBdfBfl Satnrdav
Passed tha House.
II. B. '2, by Barrett Providing for
the establishment of public libraries.
Jan. 30.
II. B. II. bv Mattoon Regulating
sale of property for takes. Jan. Jl.
H. B. IS, by Col vig Fixing tbe
time for holding court in First judicial
district. Jan. 24.
H. B. 22. by Stewart -F.stablishing
libraries in school disti icts. Jan. IE
Hi B. M, bj Storv Amending act
tor relief oi Indigent soldiers. Jan. 31.
H. B. 33, by Montague (1000 for
improvement of Sodaville Springs.
Jan. 31.
H. B. ?2. by Dresser - Amend inc. act
relative to aptcals. Jan. 30.
H. B. M. by Urace Punishment for
poisoning domestic animals. I'rb. 4.
H. B. l0, by i-irace Fixing har.iiM
ons work and day's labor.
H. B, 61, bv Schninann - Relating
to cemeteries and monuments. Jan. :I0.
H, Bi U( by l'caree Clerical aid
for atate trcasim r Feb. I.
H. B. 100, by lleitkemper To pro
tect union labels and trade marks.
Jan. 31.
H. B. 102. by OrtOCI To prevent
coercion and hit imidat ion of voters.
Feb. 2.
H. B. Ill, by Poornian- Reimburs
ing .mldiers for clothing. Ian. 31.
Incorporation lulls for the following
places: Hums. Whitney. Butteville,
Alkali. Stayton, Purine City, 'iranite,
Lebanon, W Paul. ToIihIo. Oakland,
Tillnmook CUy II B 137 . TlllaaBOOl
Citv II. II. 22 . F.nterpriae.
Pasaed tha Sanata.
S. B. No. L, by Mays Popular ex
pression oi luoicc lor senator. Jan.
S. B. t. by Kelly Service by sum
mons in torei losure .-nit .Ian. L'o
S B. 7, by Adams- To Iregulate
warehouses. .Inn. 31.
S. B. 12. bv Mulkev To reduce 111
terest on school fund loans. Jan. 2H.
S. B. 16, bv I'rnw nell - Amending
judgment debtor law. Jan. 28.
It I , . h . M itrlel s .1 ill', 'I - .llitl
witness' fee in Donh'us coantV, Jan.
Sat 11 1
la- ner
be name u
(iiini 111 tern
A il ;ils
a also i.jjjdest and
jmee bt UnUr the 3d
aud -n degree
at. 37 deitreea o
ISaiurduv the Mb,
n- Mb and nth.
Blown to Atoms.
I... Il.at the I
needs a '"'.,'. tur
r Dill ha iHicn expiuu.- ---
ing'e New Life Pill. "f,ZU
tu- l,a,.U-s uentlv stimulatb
Lxperiem e is the beat teacher Use
Acker Bngllan remedy ill any case
of cough, cold or croup. Should it
fail to give immediate relief money
refunded, 25 cents und 60 cents Sold
by Brock & MuCoina.
(.isestock Braadiua
Is faat becoming the leading iuduatrv
of the Pacific North west Tho Rural
Spirit will keep you poated 011 this
great industry in its every branch
Published weekly at 131 Third street .
Portland, Or. Hand for free sample
Ivpepla can he cured by using
Acker's dyspupeia tablet. Uiie little
1 a as a w. j sjf f lolrue u ilt'uimt.uli
I I 1 u..,nl lulllUUUUe ! iit-awi n ujowvania
.IhU UUWtMb U ' 1 ..U lla.l.la.1 ..ill i.T.,.. i.i.nilot. . -
1... M, aasliU m"-' niit ' mj;iirj3 1 ar1 1 ici 'i
eunm 11. -j ,,k ni.in.v refunded .-..Id in handsome
CT. ... 1.. - f.! lmaii A tJe.f. 1 tin holes at 26c, by Brock A McComas.
Frazer Opera House
Saturday, February 16.
10e siaauit ol ail iuwikm
Autbouy Uopa'11 inaaieri.la.e
The Prisoner
of Zenda.
P,. 21. bv Joseph 1 ('retting stale
and ciuinl hoar. U ol health. Jan. N,
S. B. 23, bv smith 01 Multnomah
('oiniiulsorv education of deaf mute
children. .Ian. 20.
R. B. 41, bv Fulton lo umend usury
awa. l'eb. ...
S. B. 43, by Josephi Skilled nurses
to convey insane to asylum. .1 an . 2.
S. B. 44, by Stoiwor Circuit court
in seventh district. Feb. 6.
S. B. 4H. by Steiwer Relative to
shipment ol sheep by express. Jan 2H.
S. Ii. !, by smith ot Multnomah
To regulate practice of dentistry.
I eh. ...
S. B. N. bv Brownell Relative lo
holding a constitutional convention.
Feb. ...
S. B. II, bv Joaephi I'or selection
and sale of school land Jan. 30.
S. B. 02. by smith 01 Baker Regu
late meeting of atate university
regents. Jan. 31.
S. B. 04, bv lniBiin-' Relative to
Multnomah circuit courts. Jan. 30.
S Bi 861 by Daly For sale of
swamp lands. 1' eh. ...
8. B. 70, by Hweek lo exempt
crematories from taxation, l'eb. 6.
R. B. 7", by Maya requiring vesti
bules on street cars. Jan. 31.
S. B. 116, bv Porter To lower salarv
Clackamas eouutv illdce. Jan. 23.
S. 1.. U, , bv vtehrung lo increase
state fair apnrupriation. Jan. .(0.
S. B. 131', by Maraters Popular
expression on constitutional conven
tion. Jun. 31.
Incorporation bills lor the billowing
iilaies: halls ( itv, ( orvallis, Sben
dan, dram's Pass, Mitchell, Voncalla,
Heppner, Warreiiton, Albany, U0JM
I in-. Wasco, Stay t- n , Hood River.
Passed Both Houass.
House joint resolution of IHiKl, for
submission of initiative and refer
11. 11. 3, bv Whitnev - Kelative to
Albany bridge.
H. B. 4, by S icbols Appropriating
money for ('orvallis agricultural
col lege.
11 B. 2', by Harris Appropriating
money tor unuerattv ot Oregon.
H. B. Ul, by Heitkeuiier-T
prohibit barberiug on Sunday.
H. B. 203 Appropriation for legii
lative expenses, and .lellciencie
H. II. 224, bv Storv-Relativc to
Portlaud levy.
H B 267, b Pemree Relative lo
Haleui poatollice site.
Incorporation lull for the lol lowing,
laces: Similiter, Medforil, Mvrtle
S. II. 12, by Mulkey Providing for
sale of school lands
B. 17, bv Maratera Fixing fees
of witnesses in Dougia Jackson and
Josephine counties in criminal action
S. B. Mi by Porter Fixing alarv ol
judge of Clackamas county.
S. I! 104. by Smith ol Multnomah
Authoriniug portage commiasionera to
remove incline and sell lands
B UK, by Smith of Yamhill
Amending charter of Sheridan
Signed by tbe Oovernor.
H. B. 3, by Whitney Amending
Albany bridge act
II. B. 4, bv Nichols Appropriating
(46,000 for Oregon agricultural college
wi , , a. t ,, i , .iPL
n. d. -), oy Harris n ppr..i J ittiing
147,600 to Oregon slate univereftv
II. ii. 127, by Black Amending
Myrtle Point charter
H. B. 130, by linggs -Amending
Medlurd charter.
H. B. 180, bv Roberta Kor payment
oi scalp bounty warrants.
11. B. WI4, by story Kelative to
Portland tax levy.
Incorporation act lor the following
places: Koaeburg, I anconville, Silver
ton, Klgiu, aummerMlle, Baker t ity,
Anteloiai. Iiailas
H . B 867, by Peurce, relinquishing
ground to r H. for poatottbuat balum.
H. a, by Webrung Kelative t
licenses on atate fair grounda. (A law
without governor's signature. I '
S. d. IW, bv Hrownell lo pay ex
pense ol Indian war veterans to Wash
S. Ii. Mtf, by Brownell- to submit
initiative and referendum.
8. B. 102, bv Smith ot Baker -Amend
ing Suinpter charter.
h. it. 1U4, by suiitii oi .Muituomaii
Removing incline at t'aaeade Locka
B. 1J. 113, bv Mweek lo authorise
Portlaud to levy a special tax.
small on account of la gtippc On
Friday only six were able to attend.
V. v. Morns ol McKav wan a guest
of A. I talc, .in this week.
W. R. Wvatt ia having a serious time
with a sore mouth, which became
poisoned in some way.
Lost, straved or stolen, two New-
ioninlland pups. The finder will please
return to Koontx and Mathews.
(irandma Harrison, of Pilot KOCB,
who has been visiting with her son
William returned home Thursday.
Klanche Collins, the pedagogue ..(
district No. S7, apent Saturday in Pen
John Harrison, of Pilot Rock, has
purchased the farm now occupied by
his brother, Wm. Harrison, and will
move on it in the near future.
Mr. Tipton's family arc confined
with smallpox.
Tbe sleigh hells did not lingle dur
ing our slight fall ol snow, as the mp
was too light.
Sammy Smith is seriously ill at
sammv rortor ami M ise r.mei
Beeney. two ,,f our most estimable
voting people became members of tbe
Artisan lodge, on Saturday night.
St. alentine's day will be observed
at the Red achool house, on I'ebruary
14. At the hour from 12 to 1 o clock
the puetolBee corner will be crowded
Willi pupils with beating hearts, eaterlv
waiting for their names to lie called.
While There It Lira Thara la Hope
I was Billeted with catarrh could
neither taste nor smell ami couni .ear
but Dttlc Ely'i Create Halm cored it
Marco ii. Shanl.. Kahway, N. J.
The Palm reached me safely and
tho effect is surprising Mv son says
the first application gave .lecided re
lief. Reepeottnlly, Mrs. Iranklin
I reeman, I kteer, N . H.
The llalm does not irritate or cause
neeslng. Sold by druggists :it cuts
or mailed by Klv Rrotnera, M Warren
st New York.
Teachers' Examination.
Notice is hereby given thai the
county superintendent of Umatilla
county will hold the regular examin
ation of applicant for atate papers in
the normal school building at Weston
as follow: Commencing Wednesday,
Fabmery 18, at 0 o'clock a. m., and
continuing until Saturday. February
Hi. at 4 o clock ii. m.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
spelling, algebra, leading, composition.
hursday Written an lb met ic, theory
oi teaching, grammar. bookkeeping.
Knglish literature, civil government.
Fridav Physiology, geography,
physical gc graphv, mental arithniet ic.
school law.
Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general history, phvaica, psychology.
I. F. N't IW LIN,
Count v School Superintendent.
Population aa Given by the ( anaua
Plaoaa Under 2000.
The following is the eMulatlon In
lfKH) of the incoriKirated cities, towns,
and villages in Oreaow as revealed by
the census ollhv at Washington:
AjaTtj 'M .i.iacih
tntelopi- '.'4 .him lion i n
Arlington ;-s Klsmath FslK
Atlii'n.1 .1.1 laKayrli.'
Aiinira I aaevlcw
Ilati.len iV4. lt,nnou
Bay Cllr ):: Lena 'n rk
Hearer lllll tin MiMlnnylOc
Hesvrrlon HQ MaTshArhl
iirouiiM : .in Mc.lfenl
Mnann Vlta i Mtlteii
ranby .Ti MlirbeU
Carlton .1. HeSMBOttth
IVtural Point i-' Mere
ClaKkanl.' HI 1 Mnnni Ana, 1
. latsep . 17.; Mrrtls V.tfi
Ton. Ion 'i Myrtle I'nini
t'oiplllle TVS Nrlistvlil
OornsllllK .'IS Sinbers . .
Certain.- It Newport
QaUMaiirev 1 onii Yamh.ii
Palla- Ii I Knklanrl
Pa ten ' i Ontario
Drain '.si I'lilloinalli
btlfur .ISl Prairie Cltt
l)unde . I2i I ertiiallle
Klgln ... 1: Inter
Kraplra is., Hi, I. Its
Knttrnrtae ..ai it,,v,-i,uig
Kola. T'i Bt. Ilolvni
t silt city M a h,
Florsnca M s, .,.,,.
Forest Uroc tn-si stln rl.tiin
Fos.ll .. Vsh NtiwrW'OOil
..ar.tlnet VI lllverteo
liervals lit Sslaville
..oi.l mil .'an Sprlntflrl.l
ilranlle . .'1. layleii
llalaay .Hi auianirTt Ills
ilarnav ail Tstmai
llarrbburs M Idlsn a
Heppner in., nwade
M ' 1.., .. iisn t'liUtn
Rnbharil '.. t ik
Hnoa Rivet 7.. Vsroatita
IIiiiiii iiw lot, M tv allow a
taatapSMeacf taai ,i.',i
lots '. w atsrhio
laekaani III,' 1 8 Vi -ion
JsrTotAon v Waxaahaim
W! arc receiving daily our summer wash
vnnri in I wim. Dimilics Silk Oimi-
" y - - - -
ties. Scotch and l:rench Ginghams, Silk
Grenadines and a direct importation of
laces embroideries and allovers which we
are going to sell 20 per cent cheaper than
ever before.
. ....
i ii
. -el
I 'I
In Muslin Underwear we
will not be undersold.
A umv linn of
Kpikei just
Ailon lclt- uimI
nccivi'il li (inHH
It Ulrdlas tho tiloba.
The lame of Bucklen's Vrnn ii Salve,
as the la-si in the world, extends round
the BaWtb, It's the one perfect healer
of cuts, coma, burns, bruise., sores,
scalds, boils, ulcers, felons, aches,
pains mid all skin eruptions. Onlv in
fallible pile cure. a box at Tnll
man , Co. 's.
The Armstrong Bros cork (actor
at I'ittahurg, I'enn , was hurned iitur
day night, Inas TM,000.
Five Thinga.
The Ave diwases for which Shilob's
I'onsuinpt ion Cure is especially reeoin
mendiHl, an- Coinib", Colds, whooping
Cough, Croup and Confiiipt ion. No
medicine over made by man is eipial
to it in any rejOMCt, Sold under a
positive gtiarauU'e. Money buck if it
fails. .," eta, ,rK) cte and l a Is.ttle.
Tallman A Oo
$,L(M per Day und Ipwards
I I era t Motal
Ike PecHIc
la This Plain Bnouarb.
I( you have a nagging cough and are
los n'g rlesh, go to a drugstore, ami
gi : n iHiMle ol Miilon a t cuisumpi ion
CI re. lake two-thirds ol u, ami then,
if roe are not benefited, return the
bottle to the druggist, and he will re
turn your money. Isn't that fair? No
one could ask more. 26 cts., M) i ts.
and fl a bottle. Tallman A Co , lead
ing druggiata.
A Creditable Exhibition.
11. A. Faxon and (Iny W. Wade, two
of Pendleton's moat enthusiastic
poultry and Belgian bare fanciers,
spent last Saturday at Walla Walla
in attendance upon the annual show
ol the Walla Wnllii Poultry and I'.-t
Stock association. Pendleton was not
represented in the conis-titive lists,
but the exhibition was nevertheless a
creditable one for Walla Walla and
vicinity. Mr. Faxon snys that from
what lie saw Saturday the show waa
a success in all thinga, the attendance
being very large for a exhibition ol the
Kind, Tin exhibition aa held ill
Armory hall, on Main street, at the
hcie I ol I i ml atrtet, and continued for
live days, February f to 9, incluaire.
The Daniel Froiniian Production.
Complete in ils Maguiiicem Entirety
Prices 50c $-o, $150.
vai a
. KuwrviHl Kaauun ask lalluiai. I 0t
Do Not Trifle
with danger and remember
every cough or cold means
will cure
What will you take?
U your Ih' rage 10 isr K. o.t DSat Ol lll'llffi-i
pi.pcnd upon whore iiu st-ici you 1 oto
II we ful II I lit- INKS I l.l.jl oltH M ilt lu
fill It will ho ul a very blab soul' alio m io,t
way worth) ! your table. y."ir .nt an. I
youraell. '
The -oat will In- lt- II. an you uuall pay
Gleo lillen Wine Vaults
t!ourt Street, near Johnson.
Telephone 7U,
Wood and
i', . . I I'lOII,
Kl( ate
ill) . I'll. ICighl
Ta 01 ma rash Mali
u ,, 1 III,
Special Kates to I'.aatern Oregon people
for tourlat.a and nunmciclal travelers.
visiting Portland. ItraJquartara
If. C. BOWURS. Manager
couirh or cold
t once. It win neai anu
strengthen vour lungs. It is
a safeguard for you always.
Take it at the first indication
of a cough or cold.
"A Mvra said Jillcd la Ibrual IBa broechi.l
lube coldaalwaya Ulcl mvcI aiuallu. I
lord Sbilob aad b luitil u ai uuw. A
ld ioad my uiiinuy
PlKKKK t'll: 1IINO,
Kactw Si. Mark i Bales, lHoy, N.
MblloU'a Conauuiptlon Dora U Mid by all
oi uggiAta 4 a.. aee, i.ee a iwtua. . a
nrlulril l,OlM IIKI Wllb J L"" -
If you ii u-l atUS&d a" ravdrusgi.
tad gat year uaaay back.
Wrue lor illuMraud book ou i ooauiaaoou. Sa'
iiboui . .... you. IX Wiu Ca . fRoy. (
fin- a.le by lullmuii A o. , lrut(u;lal
rouwSr 50 Photos 50c.
Send your photograph anil He
will make 50 (iem I'botoitraidis. We
return yours with then, in gissl orde,
Kumjde for stamp. Agents wanted
Hoeton lub Agency, Heppner, Oregon
Stewart i reek Gleanings.
Stewart Creek, Or., Feb. 7. A.
Balcow ia confined to the house with
la grippe.
L. H. Khipp's family have been hav
ing la grippe also.
Wm. .Mathews a,., i.. Tuesday even
ing with Li A. Votfel.
Mrs. Klory Michael, who baa been
qalte ill fur a few days, ia alowly im
proving. Mrs. Caas. Manning and family
have been having a siege ot ia grippe.
A. K. Miohaid'n (ajBjIjf are all iui
nrovinu. alter several weuka of illucaa. 1
The attendance at school ia quite I earner
Office ream! Saving- Hank.
. L,, Roy Sc Co.,
ltii nnl kil
I toritlt-k it xi
. ...Ill SllMl, I'vilill!,,,,. (.II.
New ork Slock I ixchangc
thhago Mack l:thange.
Chicago Hoard ol I radV.
We are now ready h.i UMlltfasI
mar Wakhiuglou' ft Columbhi
Kivur freight deool with u
general assortment of lumber
diriM't. from our own sew mill,
ajid can furnish anything
promptly. Country orders in
car loa la shiplNsI diroct from
our mill lu carload lots at
correct prictvj. til ye ua a call.
8till the cheapest place to buy
Miller, a all wixd clollung ut I.K.SS
2UU pair skoes at ieaa than cost
Host thread, per spool, 4c.
Tin sauce pans, 7c, Ik), 10', l'-'c, 1.'.,
lHc up, at least UU er owl below tlie
wholesaie price. We guarantee our
prices tlie lowest for aauie grade of
Men's odd pants, 60c up.
Men's working abirts, good line, 8o,
25c, :Wo, Hrk: up. Htill baVfl it gooil
line to so i eci from.
We have some heavy abirts for men
at lees than coal.
A, C. Sha w & Co.
W. J. 8EWELL Mgi
Equal to any
in the world.
Highly recouimeudiHl to (ainily trade
livery bottle fully guaVHiiteod.
Shopj Line
Take the...
Washington &
Columbia River
si Paul. Mt l.ouia. kao
Ht. Jim, Omaha, aud
Time Sati.dule
rroiu Pttiidlalon.
I Ml'MB'1
Mp, isl
IV- II. Ol.
yhi Hum
Kali i ... Imovi r, Purl
Wulll, uuialia. Kan
aaa (Hly, Si hmli
(Jkll as" an. I gam
I. ipl
I, :1ft a. 1,1
ria Huat
lag too
HI I'aul
I .l Mml
a ilea ai
Sail lake.
lluutul. I I
lllllslia Kan
aaa . n 4.lxnu I . i
Ku l, I r.a.l
Waha Walla, l awi'tuu
Uian. Mllifleapulla, HI
Paul, liulull, Mllwau
k. i , t'hteeau and Kan
iu ei
U c
I f liii ago, l
sas City,
All Points Last and South
Portland aad point,
on th. sound.
Arrliva Mi.inlayi, Wadiwaayi ami Prieaftat
.1 ,16 ui. I it, .!. 1 haiadaya and aaiwraaia
niKAfta at
Ixauaria dally iiMM Suudar al SB aa.
ii .raiatluo maat tlbt lata, seal
..ustatliiua all ua u ..l.lo.
faadlalu.. Ola
S. h. i:AI IlKHHBAU, U P. A.,
Walla WalU. ....
Ocean and Kiver Schedule.
" :i ii.
a t. ai.
lu l- II
lluily M,
til aalllua ilalva auh
oi iu ckauM.'
Pur aau i
Hall evary 6 da
Columbia Blvor
Tu Aauirla aud W ar
Wlllaiu.lta Blv.r
oraguu City, Ktiwlxr,
SulrUI li,.li(,.llfll.
.l,d Way !an.iu
a. in
T .us. Tin.
u.l Sat.
Curvallix aud W a
. H 111
T.ias Tara
uud Sal
Willamette andYaiii
Ornaiui rily. liaytuu
anil Way I uclmi.
Daily East Oregoman. ttai.v.rad bA Scllllll BreWirtg CO.
iniar, only ij cants a week.
t., !'
10 a. in
4 BB1 u- in
oi Bund,.
I U ! Ill
Moa . Wad.
.ml hi i
a .an a, in
Mull Ws.l
Kiel Krl
Hluaria lu buwlalou
P. P. Waaaur, Ageul. Paudlaluu
1.. mr
s::iia m
Oregon Lumber Yard
WU'iH i.l,"i"l:b
I or l.arna aud dwellings,
t'heaper than mi
BuildiiiK Paper,
Tar Fapr.
I i mi- and (leiuent,
Brick and Sand,
Screen Doora Wiutlowa,
Saab aad Doors,
Terra Coita Pipe.
Borie & Light, Prop's
Alta St., o Court Hooai.