East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 09, 1901, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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th iumiio r a nts or
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" r i rn HAD rex
TBiVs Tsrxr.rss
JOB XDVbB I neaa.
VOL. 13.
NO. 404
New Supplies
Are arriving at cur total emporium. ,
Thrifty honseheeper take to our (roods
and uriees us nuturHlly us the village'
yntith MM attracted n churcb ly the
girlt. It's like studying a look filled
with a teruptinp bili of lure to look '
over our procession of specialties for1
t In- table.
It would make an epicure hungry to I
-e what's at the
White hose Grocerj.
Next to the I'ostothce.
Our Winter Stock Invites you
Muslin Underwear
Crisp and fresh, neat anil
ad trimmings, even to the
in the stock, such as the
Alexander & HtTXti r -
refined styles
priced pieces
new undermusnn
A particularly delightful stock to pick from jflSl
now when all the new fresh unci full of value.
Excellent muslins and cambrics, neat tasteful
lares and embroideries, careful, substantial vw
ing, comfortable shapes and si.-es. lair puces l.ke
Night OOWM Ol muslin and cambric, high and low
necks, the very newest styles . . MV to fS.St)
Itrawers of muslin, cambric on Niiineook, trimmed
with lice, embroidery or hemst itctted 40e to fd.T.'i
I'nderak irts of muslin or cambric
lace or embronlerv, plum hem or
trimmed with
70S to o. (HI
Corset Covers of cambric, nainsook or lu'.wi, heauti
fully trimmed and nearly all furnished witty draw
string at waist, unexpected oodnees tic to H BO
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
This beautiful CABINET
Sewin:: Machine will be
given away "larch 2nd. Full
information at the Boston
The Douglas Shoe is mak
ing a great hit. $5.00 ap
pearance and wear tor $3.50
Advenes shipment here. The most fas
cinating deBijjms and Iieainiful ooloriogl of
the beet mills' productions for the iprlnei
bueineM are to found OH thil big store's
crowded counters. All tlir kinds you
know al.. nil ;uk! tin- new ones of the year
Boston Bags, the handy pookel for tli
shonper. of the waif well kind. $1.45 aixl $1.75,
E. & W. Collars and Cuffs The new onei
just received.
Knox Hats Firei ihipmenl just in and p
ing fast.
Early Spring Underwear now here and
readv to show.
Iu Muslin Underwear u. will undersell
anyone on quality.
Pendleton's Big Store.
New Arrival
Complete line of the famous Viator
1 rand aborting goods, buselialls, masks,
IiuUi, glove-, catcher's iiiits, racing
suits, etc.
Late Husic
".My black Virginia buy" "When
mil were sivucl sixteen" lieu fSM' music
100 and jUc. Cull und exaii.iiu.' our
complete 1 1 11 - .
New Books
Almost daily M receive new books
'The Master Craftsman" by feasant,
"Wolfville" by I a) wis "An I'nglish-1
woman's i.ove l,etu;rs'' etc, reduced
rots I
1l 1 HaV K'
Under New Imiagc incut.
J. W BANCkOI'l , Pi op
BaSsi 1J . SBXlfi "c xfaaUtfti
Sperisl It. lis by Ihe month
bust Ut.ii-1 In Uiw 1 in no I u. Ilia
Hiis 1011 irum- KrMt Muipiu iuoia.
Weotrlr UgbU and adeem heat.
Kin-proof liinhllug
Cor. Court and Johnson Sts.
It u not loo curl , to think about a
bicycle. We sell the leading make,
I olumbiu. Imuoriiw. Ifurtford. Svru
I use, etc. Wheels from $.0U to - ' JX),
Bicycle sundries
Byers' Best Flour...
liella Ml, oil
,.iwnu lUc, etc
10c, graphite- 4c,
Garden, Field, Flower and
(trass Seed
We are headquarters. All seeds re.
tailed at l. lea than - hers
Odd pieces of china, porcelean and
glass dishes for fancy gilts. Large line
to select from.
wa take your order (or incubators
Md brooders, plants, slirubs and trees.
"ubeeriptions taken for any maga
zine or perodical. We meet any club
r.ite aim aavu you the coat of sending-
Frederick No
Suiiool book and Stationery store.
To make good bread use Byra' Beat Flour, it took Ihm
premium at the Chicago World s Fair, over all competl
tloo, and gives excellent satisfaction wherever used
livery sack Is guaranteed. We nave the best Steam
Rolled Barley, Seed Rye and Beardless Barley
Pendleton Roller Mills
W S BYERS. Prop.
Bran. Shorts, Etc,
Hotel 1 mm
tlbgaotly KuroliM. Steam Heated
European Hlao.
Klock aod a-half from depot.
Sample Koom la connection.
Room Kate
50c, 75c, 11.00
Senator Uann: was elected a coin
rsde in Memorial post, t' A. K.. in
Olwelaad, Ohio.
Tho deadlock over the election of
United StatM senator coBtiBUM in the
Nebraska legislature at Lincoln.
The house committee on coinage
acted favorably on the bills establish
ms branch MrntS at tmaha and Ta
coma. Smallisx prevails at UlaMSV, scot
land. in alarmiug proportions. A
score 01 fresh cases are rs ported daily,
there have been manv deaths and there
are 4'S cases In the hospitals.
The bottd of health of New York
city, hv a unanimous vote has prohi
bited the future slaughter of horses
and the sale oi meat irom all ineU
animals slanghteriHl elsewhere.
The bigislature of V irginia ui copied
from Tenneesee the cession of oat
hall of Main street in Bristol as the
boundary line between the two states.
The matter has leeu in litigation
many years.
The honso committee on banking and
currenev tabled the olll raaaliM the
Id per cent las on state bank haWM
and the bill reqiuriiig national bank
thipositories tn p:iy interest to the gov
ernment on pitbln depoits.
Dsttrnetiya brush lire- throngboul
the colouv of ictoria, AoltraHa,
have done great damage I" prapart)
and stock. The lieat is exsessive,
and there have been violent dust
Ikuril in and around Melbourne.
The resignation of Congressman
l'liarle Hontelle, as representative
Of the Fourth Maine district in the
uutiouul coiigreas. has been received
bv (iovcrnor Mill of HaitW, IlM
resignation is to take effect l ebru
ary S.
The Cuban constitutional couveii
tioti will refuse positively to add a
clause to the constitution expressing
gratitude to the Vnited States. The
delegates say such an expression does
not belong in the constitution, but
they are willing to adopt an indepen
dent resolution thanking the Tinted
It is now accepted as a sure thing
thut the New York Centrul will be ex
tended ultimately through the.orth
wi stern and I'nion I'ucitlc lines to the
coast The Pennsylvania will lie
j lined with the Atchison, tho Kne
Ml tba St. I .oil and Northern
Pacific, the Baltimore A Ohio will
join thetireal Northern through some
intermediary at Chicugo, and tho
Southern railway will form an alli
ance with the Southern Pacitlc.
II, im Westlall was thmM iroin the
stage lie was driving bv a runaway
teiim near susunville Ihnrsday, ami
severely injured.
Charles M. TbOBIMOn won oiit uu
all tliree counts iu the divorce suit
uguiust his wife, I rn line Thompson,
by the lL'Cillon handed Mown by .linlge
Clellaml in Portland.
It in resirted that a syuduato of
Kastern captalista hove opeiieil nego
tiations for the purchase of the Cougar
mine, located ais'iit tliree miles north
of tiranite and owned bv .1. VV. Lark in
and I. K. Kvans.
Mrs, Louisa I. Kp:ing ilunl suddenly
at her bonis in Portland Wedneaday
evening. She bad been in her usual
health up to the hour ol her death.
She leaves three sons, one of them
being .1. A. Kpning, ot Portland.
Mrs. A. P. PrcKcotl, wife of Cuj I.
A. y. Prsscott, commanding Company
I, Ith United States infantry, und
daughter at Mr and Mrs. McOuu, of
hlgin, has returned ' to her home at
La iraude, al ter a long absent in the
distant Orient.
Oeorge Pox, oi Crawiordsville, Linn
county, died while on his wuy home on
a transport from China. Kox wus a
member of the l-o'ittecnth ri-giment.
ami, after aerviug in the Philippines,
was transferred to China ilaving
served his time, lie wan on his wav
leune to he dischsrged.
Mrs. Mary Crow, ugi.l ts yean,
died at her home ut Loruue, 1 miles
from Cottage tjrove, Ihnrsday night.
With her uuaband, John Crow, she
came to Oregon in I -v.' Shu wus born
in Kentucky, BMVod to Misaouri, Irom
there to lows, theme journey ing
ie ois.- the plains to this state, for ts
veara ahe bad resided ut the scene ol
her death. Hw husband, John OfOi
dieil iu IHtiU.
Tin ductor honietlires ;msm i u In di-i
ueuteuce than the judgr bill lie- -n-tflice
of the ductoi is MOTS oftl Srt
lusde or overrulcl th.,u U ibat ol
judg. In the BBSS irt Ifri Bl
given larlow, the doctot at :it. BOsd m ' Ui
ulsiut eighteen years ol physn jl pMBisIl
meut and bSbbtY. Hut sin nrhellsd
ogunibt the ISBtlBBBS 'Old i onniit in rd
the iuh: of i-M, i.
Pierce's 1'monic
I'rcv riplion Iu
It few week:- she
waa a well woi.'.au.
it's a peculiarity
of the cures ef.
fected by the ox
of DBBBM I'leo I -favorite
tiou, that they arc
generally cures ot
chronic duwaw
A woman iiiffi f.
with diueaM.
petuli.ir to lot nrx, .lie take, methenl
treatment, gets no better, and huh no
hope held out to hrr of improvement
Theu 111 her tliia:ouiagriu lit .lie tUTBS to
Dr. Pierce', l avono Preac ription ..:id
finds a prompt and lasting t ore I
voritc Prew nptluii " sstaliliabes regu
larity, drias unhealthy draiua, heals iu
ftammaliou and ulceration ami curen
female wcakna.
r. HMn iay lir.ltli tjaa.it to Bail
writr. Mr. Ncllir M e; , r.lt (U i.kliil
Wushlaytuu Cu . Orreoit "I h.l . v.ry sriav)
dr.Kiriaa sad wiHgtn Tn tin cgiou oT thi uterus,
p.iii in Tank slid It. In. , 'Ul-J nut hfi Hiotliiiiii
a k,l
i, i, ,
I, .
l he Paper of tb PopU.
stvftrybody Be-da It.
The) (.arsl tlreulallou.
test iidwerUalug Mlum.
Itettvy iel
iMUMeit Our uhvaicihll Uk
e not hrr nUU i n-'l I ma
uUrui lir liealrd Mir uu
wouUl ii ' wt U nutil 1 1
ofllfr l wm uttly twruu
I hfstirt duacouragrii ui
He i or' a Favorite PmmiH
auoouful three tunc k day
rlbftlt atWHV Alll Ualllaf I
uu leel f am in ifuuri hralth 1 U in n in
Piarcc'a Vttvorilr Preacriptioii hu rwtofd nu
u hcaltb If fcuflt riujf wrtiiitern wmiUI yivr it u
fait triad they woulil give it pftiat."
Dr. PicfCu'ti Coiuiuod Si'Uier Mt'ludl
Adviaeer, paper covcru, is ae-nt "
receipt of 21 one-cent bUmp to ukv
rxpeune ot uuuhuy Qui). A(Mtca JJot.
R. V. rterce, Bulfalo, N V.
The Word Was Passed Around
to Vote for Him.
Trimltr ol MrRnde's SlrfDKlti to Wllllsms Is
Tiktn n lh BMinmnn of a Break up
In Altfjnpt 10 Kf kM Him.
mi 11 peace eommis-
M liner ai OV
Sal -ro, l eb. :. -Mi lrnle vote- as
wi ll us those which have been given BO
Lowell, Mis re and Knlton hsrstnforv
were cast for lion tteorwe II. Wil
liams, lor Unitid Statt's SBBBtOt at the
joint session of the legislature tmUv.
The vole w as as Mil w I
CorU-tl, Ml Williams, IM smith, 1;
llerlliHlin, I; absent and panel LI).
Military Hill raiiad.
The bouse passed the mililnri loll
today, carrying an apitroprialion of
la. IHKI.
The house in 1 1 I til the minoritv re
port, by butt oi cointinttce on rail
roatls, fiiNoriug three cent mre- on ill
railroad- in i ItBgon
In Vol toe Williams.
The vote for William- Utt Dai tad
States senator toilav was nol the re-ull
ol caucus iifl , hi, but was dun to word
being pi. -ml BKMUmI nmoiig tho member-
Ibis motning to vote for bitti
It d taken BJ the bei'inning
of a breakup in lite Bid mpl to
re-elect I ieorge W. McRriile.
einiBBU Mil Win.
Salem, peb. H. The OBBBS of (iOOIIMI
II. Williams, for UlS lTnitd Stales
senate, i a grmving one I' inventor
Pennoyer urges the ilemrs rats in the
lecislatnri' to Mile fin Ilim, Me has
coiisiderahle strength III other tliree-
t ions.
Tht t ongrasvlonal CBI iinitloe, Appointed
to Inquire Into It, llaporti.
Washington, Feb. V.A sH'cisl com
iniltee ol the house, appointed to in
vestigate the BB4ng III West Point,
reported toilav. I he couiimllee I
0OVBTBB there Were tliree classes ol
hiimg perpetuated: Thing done pro
fesscdly lor the good ot the fourth class
men in scrvica; things done to punish
the fourth class nun iu viOMtlOM of
the upper t lass ctsle ami things done
apparently without purpose, except to
auiiov or amuse.
In regard to the lights arrauu'i'd hv
the "upper . las ' men to . J, the
plehes," the comiilitlee say- there
appears to ho n fairness in thai the
effort, to have the combatants nearly
the name Isei.l.l, helghtb ... I length
oi arm. in opinion o tint eommittee
when Ibla system ol lighting hua boeu
destroyed, the worse forms of hanig
must die with it. The time bus ar
rived when congress must decide
whether the fights, siibstaut ial I v
eiervwhcre else Ireatid u- Ingii
erimafj shall oontiaTM to go on ut
West Point.
The committee reprints the piedgo
maile by the president of four cadet
classes now at the academe to the
effect that bluing hereafter will he, lis-
Mm Arilv. at Umaha on Har Way to
Dai Moliit. and Italoasa.
Council lilullh, la., leb. II. -Mil.
Nation arrivnl here at B8 this inorn
ing and re l ived u most nonliaj r .
lion from u number ol people who
were ut the dnst Pi meut her. She ru
inilined only long enough to lake the
next Iruiu fi r lies Moines, where she
Ipeuks tonight. She will Is' ut 'Miisiji
line on Monduy, ul Cbnugo on lues
day, and return to I'opcku. where tin
asys she will no more "house clean
ing," mi Wediiesiluv.
Mr. BBlltB ai Ue. Mollies.
lie. Moines, Iu., I'eb. M. Mrs.
Nation arriveil here ut I o'clock, the
dep.it lining jammed with men ami
BOMMNB. who lined the walks ISuding
I hereto and tkey shouted and cheered
as she rode iu a carriage to her hotel.
Officially, tku Christian Temperance
Union ami tba Y. M. C. A. urn ignor
ing the Kansa- aycjtMSS and erosader.
Did 11 With a llalahel.
Auburu, Ind., Kub. '.. Mm. Tom
Ureal, whoae busbaad is foreman in
the Dallinior" .V Ohio shops at tiarrnt.
ileuiolished the baatlflOMM new plate
glass front oi Peter Mehler's saloon with
a hatchet. She hud rt,- atedlv waruisl
Bab bur not to sell Ihpior to lior bus
band who wus LjQ jail at the time.
General Wood A ,t llturl ..U In Make llieiu
10 Lou.lilulloual ton vention.
WashiugU'ii, Kul. 'I. .Secretary Knot
admits that General Wot.d, with the
COUBBMI ol the war department , has
mode three demands on the constitu
tional convention iu Cuba. Pirat.
rucogntt ion of iIih right of the lliiitecl
Mates to military control ol the island
until thu nut i ! go' eminent bun Immiii
formed, which is aatlsiactory to this
government: second, the admission ol
the right of thu (Initial Stales to inter
vene U prevent the island Irom passing
into the control oi soma other foreign
power; third, granting the fuited
Status three coaling stations on the is
Will Probably SeuS a raaee tommis
.100 to boutb Afrlea.
London, Peb. tt.Ttuuiors are ijeraie
teut that the government has filially
determined to aliai.doii the policy ol
extermination and adopt mnasares of
conciliation in South Africa. Il is still
belie vts 1 that Sir Kvelyn Wood ie going
to the Transvaal
sum. lie liiav sucfet d
rnoT there.
Roer Hehl Up a Train.
London, l eb, 9 A ilispattli irom
PretnriB sajn u train bearing a nuinls'r
oi civilian refugee- ami nurses was
held up by the BOOTS near lleidlebnrg,
nine persons being wounded ami -c -oral
others rol bed.
Itosri Lonklnu Over the Country.
Phoenix, Aris.. Peb, I,,cr
envois are visiting northern Arixona
an. I New Mexico, preparatory to mov
ing a Colony of liners there if suitable
land can be found
It li hxpecied 10 Be U nuatliraetorv on
Nlcaraguan CBBBl Matter.
London, ftbi D, Il hai been learned
bv the represenlal ive id the Associated
Pre that S reply will ihofiiy lie sent
to the United Stall-mi tba Nlcaraguan
canal project. It will nol comply with
the senate's demands, neither will il
be in the nature of a Mat refusal
though for the purisiscs of immetl iute
Strnetioo it Will be tantamount to
J such II refusal
I, :il l- -
ii wilt roueiet niaiuiv in a I'ouiuer
propoHiil ..r proposals likely In nccesst-
taUt eitendod leBgoliBlioajf. The nature
of the pro papal Is nol rcltaaoaflBliialilii
l.ird Panncofote wlfl likely be the
medlnm ibrongh winch tho answer
will be sent ittnl bv whom subseipietil
negol tal ions will be i 'nullified,
iu the Brilith othOMtl opinion il is
likely that several month" will elapse
before the matter reaches a conclusion.
b) which time the llay-l'aui (ota
treat will have BfMMM on the DBBll
of the -emtte's BBHsMmonM
h'rlck it the lleaa at Comblii..
New York. Peb. II.- It is now be
lieved tluil Henry C. Krick, who
knocked out the Carnegie law suit nut
long ago, will he the head ol I be new
billion dollar combine in steel,
flick became lainntis on BBOMMl pi IBB
altomnt to BBBBSBtoatB him which was
made bv iloMMiof Hergmaii,
Noxl Week in Lnngret.
Washiugtiin, peb. . The ship stlio
side lull will he kept under considera
tion all of next week iu the senate,
giving way only to the appropriation
bills, tin Wetlnesihiv the ceremony ol
conn ting Ibe electoral roto will occur
iu the Donas whitth will be attandod
by the senate iu u boaVi
i He Pleads for Justice for a
Mexican War Veteran.
Son lb uroll hi Soiilor Ilka i Straltou!
NpwH-h id lb Statu WMrl fw
Both Drintlle ind Furtoas
Mini I IBS Wti Bmilalni.
Wajbinwton, leb. u Ministr Wu
Hit" iiiorning sent a communication to
the slate department disavowing any
intention ,,: critici.ing thu government
of Hie I'inleil States called birth by
ins roast ol (lane ml oils for exclusion
of the OhlnoaS irom Hie Philippines.
May Wheat in llouaao.
Chicugo, Peb. U. May wbeat tpioteil
today ai i i' t io H , s imm imt
Sunday caiiasa ibbvmssi
Oeiieril Uaplitt Mlixlouary for Dreaon
Will I'reaoh Twlos.
Baptist churcb Kev. U, ll. BBMeT,
general tnissioiiury ot llmgoii, and suc
cessor to ' .iliii.iii Parker, of Portland.
will pi, , nh Bnnday morning at n a.
in. ami at "jJO p. m. All are cordially
CbVjfob ol Hie liedeitiiier- I'lvllie
service toiuorrow at hours ua billows :
liurly .elcOratioii ol the Holy Com
IB Union at I a. in, Sunday so Bool at In
a in Morning prayer ami sermon at
II B, in. livening prayer uiel address
ut 1 p. in.
Christian churcb .-ervuisure held
in the Coiiureuaticnal house ot wor
ship. Sunday school ut In a. ui.
Junior l.udeavor at ,'i p. in. Senior
KndaBVOr at ttl4R p. in Preaching at
II a. m. ami 7 : Wl p. in. by the pastor,
e x. sj
To Olve a Dinner.
'The lutlies of thu Parifb Aid "I the
l.piscopal churl b will on Wednesday
nait. ai ihe old Rplaoopal church
building, give olio ol I heir Jllsllv tele,
bulled diuiieis, Io which every "lie
who knows a got. I thing when he see.
il, or tastes it. i. strongly uilviaed to
go. There will be baked beiins and
brown Maod i salads, cold meats,
pies, IgaiBBi etc, , ami all home dishes,
em be aaourod on this day at aiuall
espensa and bo tronble, fCiaiyisBa
will he made web utile fa they may
(urlbcr on pv a g'siii meal.
Washington, I'eb. . -Senator Till -man
. reatrd a scene in the aeoat to
ilav when be declared: "I swear by
I Almighty Und I'll never hereafter per
mil another pension bill to be unaui-
. i isly considered by the senate until
I an obi veteran, for whom I've labored
Eoi vcars, to secure justice has re
ceived attention ami justice." Tbe
pBraon the senator rnferred to is a
, Mexican vetersn, who in IM had
both arms shot off while in the service
; of the government. 'Sectional
ditb rente t the canon"' shouted Till
man. "Is the war over nr isn't It'.' I
want to know"' be concluded . Tbe
bill under coiiiideratinn waa then
paarad and the naval appropriation
' hill culled Up.
They Bntase In a Rough aaB Tumble
riaht In Austrian Capital.
V Innna, Peh. I, A debate on an
election riot, at aroevaeirniely, In
the KOlachrSth tislsy culminatml in
scout's oi disorder, rarely witneeseii
even ill that turbulent l-sli Tbe op
position hulled inkpots rulers sail
book- ill the cabinet ministers. Hepoty
Knyedl doail Premier Hsell a blow In
the face and llerr l.ilckac. n. ouster of
finance, nceivcd a black eye. Tbe
iniuistcrs Bnallv Ileal the chambers and
tbe deputies tit tuned tbe fight
imoBg Ihemaelvis until hhs-1 began to
Row Anions Baas Trask Owaees.
San Irancisco. Calif., reh. U - The
Han I rancieco ,. ke club, owners of
the Tanforan, track nave ileularsxl war
against the California jockey club
owners of the lakland track, giving
tbe horsemen option of keeping off the
latter track or being barred Irom the
Taiiforun. Also announce that con
tinuous racing on both tracks ie in
I i"l it Ion of agreement.
Tkat Settles It.
Cincinnati, Kelt. tl. Kvidence in tbe
prise light esse was concluded tbis
morning hv the sdmiseton of Manager
llratly that be was no mure of a spurt
ing man thai Tbetalore Kuoaavelt who,
he said sat ic Ie bim at tbe cban
pionship botmg contest in New York
during a recent light
Miners in Sserst CeaveaUen.
I'nlnmbnB. 0., 1Mb, u -Miners In
See rat ixsnanlbsi here this morning
voted to ratify the report of tbe joint
'-cab coiiimitlue, which pro v Idee for
an agreement on the basis of last
year's scale.
The tier Hamilton CeSS.
M inueiisilii, Peb. II. -Tbe jury hav
ing baon '"mulcted in the famous ease
of IImihIIoii Pay, the trial furmally
began here Ibis morning, Prueeculor
BoaraMUMI made the "i.ening add ins.
round DeaB la BeB.
Washington, I'eb. 0. Keer Admiral
I'ciei Huarlck, retired, waa lound dead
this morning at his home in this city.
He was tit years old.
BBS Laxative Bruno tjulalae Takeseo. AU
'Iru.gial. r.luinl lb. oiouey II It UUle be vare.
B w Uruva'. ilgu.lur. is uu eaub hex, lis.
k Us Cured
IM istrouhlnil iitblmad re Ittat whan I pot them in water raw fnaB
Won III i i lie -Lin would iM-el oil, and the lle-h would
1 , i I, nd und lire ik, Iben Hio blood wouhl How from ut least lirty idacea
on each b I. Word- can never tell
lbs luflbritig I eauurad tor three
years. I tried ut n asi eight tliK tor-,
but toy baud- weic worse than when I
BXimmeUlsMl uVa'lorioeJ, I tiled every
oiii Uranny ramatl) thai was avar
thoiigbi ot without - rant's worth
of good und could not aVI it get rrllel
I wouhl bel o badlv mornlngl when
1 got up, to Hun!, thai I hail to go to
Work and t Hill i ll fill I Igbl 01 nine
hour., thai I often fell like x'",g up
lay job, whii h M'Ui Iu the laillllag
works oi Ui K, L. Ki in, ihe uibm
bottler ol Treutou. Ki J who will
voin h foi ihe truth ol im sufferings,
it. ion-1 1 uokl Marl i" a irk, I would
haw io a rap each nngr on bath
bauds, and lin n .let alnVes, whuh I
hated to do, lor when 1 c.iiimi intake
thim oil. it WOMB itl.c two hours
und the S -I' WOMjd hi. . k and bleed.
.Some of mi friends w ho h.tl eeu my
handl WOUld lay, they had such hands they wouhl have ih. ei ampu
t.iied otbari would ay "they would never work," und mote would luru
uet lint t banks to CUTIOUeU, the greatest ol skill cine., it
: all m" utTarlagi Just to think, after doctoriiig tin- years, and
. ,ii. i dollar during that time, OuTlcukU otiradBbs, It has
ii'iw beeii two years sluca I u.-ed it and I do not know w hai -ore hands are.
I ,.,,, I,, i ., (is) - work while I was u-iug ll or since, uud 1 have bee u
working at the same business, uud Iu acids, etc.
Tllo-. . i I. N i , 310 Mouigomery Ht., 'Tieutou, V. J.
complete Sxtornal and Internal Treatment for gvory Humor.
I r'.Untf ul I'UTICUO. So.l' ('i&v.l, lu i'lvie'M luu .kill lf 0IU.U uu
, ,! ui. l , i Ui. iblcb.ul ,i.i ,,,,,... tiisiMsar ( ),
lo liiMwiib sii.j lulling, iuilwuin.ii"i, ,"i liniauoa, ut4swUiiei
I Ot in i ua lis. oi sst (etc Lin ul ui"! cUtwu. ib. blood.
A .-I Si. I K Si. I 1 i 1 1 . ' II HUllii'l. Ill til ,11 le till' ll, I I "I I'lOU.. JUIUfUrlU. .
wul ii'aiiiii.uug ekie.eeelp.b04l i,iisu liuuiui, wiU. toe. ol belr, wbjeb
ull ! l aIU. nvlil ibruugboul lb. WurlJ.
hi Preserving Purifying and Beeutltyiaf tke Skit Scalp Hik ai Hsttt.
'HE SET, $1.25