CUT PRICES ON MEN'S SHOES We arc closing nut short linr of men's Shoes at reduced prices to hurry them and wc have filled our window with them, with the size and former price and tin reduced pru t marked in plain figures. If you need a pair of shoes don't fail to stop and examine them as there an MltM nobby stvles among them. ness but we want you to get every time. We want yout hui- value received CLEAVER BROS. The Practical Boot and Shoe Man. FRIDAY. JANIZARY B, WO I. BBBV1TIBS. apple. K. De- at the batter. Had lev A Zehner. choice cigars. Krwli Eastern oyiteni at Demott's. Try Dutton's chocolate chews, hi latest norelty. Clearance aale now on at Cleaver Hros. Dry tiouds Co. Itemott t line o: fancy groceries j the Dest in the citv. Npiucniierg ami Baldwin very fine, at laiott'. Kcho honey in hulk at 8 niott'i: alao cauliflower. Bargain for everv one Cleavar Broa. Drv Goods Co. J. L. Bisher' creamerv very fancy article, at l"emntt'. Bicycle enaniell and baked at Withee's on Court street. See cample. N. Berkelev ha several comfortable dwelling in desirable part of town for aale cheap. Finaat bams ami lard on Uie market. Home product: try it. it guaranteed. Schwarx A Grenlich. A quiet, nice place, large rojma.well furnuhed, bar in connection. The CoU oabia. Main street. K . Schenipp, proprietor. See C. Sharp for the late! thing in wall paper and paper hanging garden hoae. Opera hrniae block. Court street. if too want good that are gil you should go to R. Martin'. He ha just received a lot of fancy kiln-dryed awaet potatoea. Mr. Campbell baa taken the agency for Ue Sai I in perfect form and corset combined. Ladie are invited to call at her millinery (tore. J. TomlinaoD contractor ami huilder. Brick building a specialty, office on Cottonwood ttreet , opposite' Renn build lag. P. 0. bos. MS. Clearance aaie, price reduced in all department. Sow and silver buttons tip and the latest belt received thi Morning, ('leaver llro. Drv tioode Co. H. M. Sloan, the blackimith. i now readv to do all kind of blackamitiiing. Bring in your plowshares before the spring rush commence. Horae iboe- mg practically am! promptly dune. New crop, garden ajMM, one-half price. Noll'. The Hotel Pendleton will give em ployment to a hell boy. The planer for Knott A 1'atton planinc III ha arrivedat l i Jot Rock. Harper . Puritan and Ladie' Home Journal for February are now on sale at Max Baer tiie Blue Front. The public school at Dayton. Waah., have been closed on account of several case of smallpox in that town. Brigg & Dam wilt lurnisl. the kaaatlhll piano t" he given away by tii. iuiue men of Pendleton about June 1. M. A. Sturtevant. of Pilot Rock, ha recently dupned of some beef cattle at Bead figure. One steer, which had been fed on alfalfa, weighed 1470 pounds. Rata little pili as DaWttt's Little Karlv Riser are very easily taken, and they are wouderfully effective in cleansing the liver and bowel. Tall man A Co., leading druggists. J. 0. Connell formerly of this county, is now running hi Star hotel t buinpter. those to whom he recently leased the hotel failing to conduct it properlv. His daughter. Mr. X. M. Lav in ha charge. An effort i being made to hold the W. a C. R. train on Tue la., evening. Januarv 2y, until 11, in order to ac- coinni-.fate tliose from Helix and wav station" who wish to attend "The Christian" at the r'rarer. If a guaranty can be obtained that there wili 40 people avail themselves of it, the train will be held. Baker City Ilemocrat: Ike Klonu, for many years prominently identified with mining at liranite. la in Seattle, intending to go to Alaska with the hope of recuperating In finances. Be fore leaving Orant county he disposed of all hi mining interest at (iranite for a song on account of indebtedness, and left a penniless man after fully 30 vear of mining, in which vocation he had many ups and downs. CIRCUIT COURT Th Blank Books and Stationery. All the latest Magazines and Periodicals. A Baaatilu! line of TOILET ARTICLES. Tallman Co., I.KaUINi. UK' .oI-i SHOE STOCK MUST 00! Ciiarles Dunn Cass is On or Especial Interest. The caee of the state of Oregon v. Charier Dunn wa called shortly after the openiug of court this morning T. G. ilailey is prosecuting. ami Jame A. Fee and Carter A Kalev defending. It took aN.ul two lawn to obtain a jury. Mr. Ilailey dated to the jury what the (tale wuuld endeavor to prove and Jame.- H. Raley om them u few of the thing that VaaM bl admitted and a nuiuber of other thing that would be denied, ami what in hi opinion tne atate Mali BB unable to prove. The state will endeavor to prove mat Charles Dunn on Weilueaday evening, October 31, went to Jame Boddy at Athena and oid him a coa tor 3U, re-erviiiy tne flu coa waa (no! killed until early the following morn ing, after the institution of the lodge of I oruer 01 iteOmen. that Dunn bad atolen the cow, the property of John aud Isaac Hagen : that after the cow had been killed Dunn cut the hide in two, nut it in two separate sack and t-ok It to f .on is La Brashe' place, a fea mile- southeast of Athena placed the aack on a strawstaclc and set fire to it; that Louis La Brashe passed that wav and found the hide before touched hv tiie fire, took it to Athena, .and placed it in the hands of the officers. The arrest of Dunn followed. The first two witneaae examined were Isaac Hagen and I.oui lav Braahe, thia forenoon. An adjournment ww then taken until this afternoon, and the trial is still going on. I lie jury returned a verdict of guilty again it R. W. Kngland, for complicity in the Jim Washington robbery. He will receive bia sentence at V o'clock Saturday morning. Roy Hutchinson wan committed to the reform school Joe Blaklev left on the train thi morning with the boy for Salem. The deputy sheriff alio acted a- escort to Thomas Burn, sen tenced to the penitentiary for 18 months, for the robbery of Jim Wash ington uii the evening of December Vl PBRS0NAL MENTION Lotus Bergevin i in the city today trom Athena. Lee Moorhonee returneil tins morn ing from a business trip to Portland. Ouy W. Wade i ick at hi home and has been for everal Hays, but 1 greatly improved today. 8tock Inspector John K. Benn re turned thi morning from a trip to Portland ami Salem. He had nothing new to relate in regard to outcome of senatorial tight. Indian Agent t'hurle- Wilkin. R. M. Ferguson and frank S. Curl re turned I'll ThVHdaj even inn. The first two had baM at BaHHB inning in with the senatorial situation. 1. H. Buti. who is a guest of the Hotel St Oeorge. i a subcontractor on the railroad work near F.cho. i him self suffering with the grip and say that manv 01 the men are in i similar fix. H. T. McConncll. ot Alba wa in the city Thursday. He ha leeu lo cated near Weston for several month-, past undergoing medical treatment and is improving. He hope to lie able to return to Ins home within an week. Mrs W. C. Kern i reported to 1h verv law at hor home four mile west of Helix. Mr. Kern was formerly county treasurer. Mrs. Kern is aged abaal M years, and her friend fear that she will not recover from thi icknes. Jim Beardsley has taken hi depar ture for the home of Adam Ienbart. near Yoakum. He will te absent for u week or BO, am! will put in the time GOODS MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OFCfSj nankins ,oc 3C toe, :5c. iBc Weaiani Edition American AaiioullurHt. TlT.perlnl rrannneilsllh th nubllsK an. we are euabieti 10 . ir THE OBAN OK JllI FAKJARH. tils leaiitaa: agricultural weekl. of tlio Western ami llil.lpi valley xtatea, In club Willi tills J per, at an eieeetllniily low nanre. The iiuamik Ji'irn Fakmkk I re mark a tile for tlin Ariel and lut err tt of It. r.mtrnts, am! Is un doubtedly the beat anil moat nrm ileal paper of It kind. ' ioo laptfiMc 4 dozen shelf papera Bound books Dixon's pencils. No. 144. per do A. V. Faher Siberian praphite. per dor Koh-i-noor pencils, per doit... .... Quart writing fluid Pint writing fluid Half pint writing fluid 40c . () H 91C .5OC ,30c . I Si 500 pape copying hooks 500 pag-e Chad wick copying' hnni, 300 page Chad wick coyi Sgj' 1 00 page journal and ledger Book keeping blanks "' Dennison's tissue paper, pgr sheet' Pana crepe paper, p( r )()X Checker boards Memorandum books ITS FARM FEATURES. S.'; ing, llrllnultur. Poultry, Marknt Umr dan inc. Red otLrr .opics, wrtttro by prmctt ml ai;T uM4aMfnt ravrtnrv jtnpUHMitetl with l.tuAtrmtUtii l&tAkn atfttMa OOBkblM to mk' It lnralun' ! t- thw who " ffTii il for tt I.Tinr " Thr lavtMit Market nd i ontmtrctav1 . p? rlmltur am fvvitunra In wtxlcb the O. J. F.iRMrnis unoxrellr l. short Ma THE FAMILY FEATURES;!."."' at Ftaahlona, ranrj Work, The tlood Cook, Iunli ( onteita, Library I'nnwr, anil Vouua Folk.' faira c"Mhln o male this lerrtair.nt el as much Tain aa! Intar est aa matt of theHprc:at Faoiily Papers. Our store is full of Bargains. We call your attention to wr line Sterling and Plated W are on which We are making special prjcei ...OUR ACTUAL COST SALE IHfc dl. JUt dIUKt. A Cyclopedia of Progress and Events r nnr win All senrllnff their stihacTlptlon nnrti clubMikL--.Her. are rr-.eniei! tH.tpai.l the AMKHK'AN AUHU-l'LTt'MISl YRAIl Hixik and ALMA! l"r 1S'. Cveloiwill.i i.f lrrifre worlil, a i,;iule U HarlHU Wi stock will positivch takitiR. sell all Roods iiH'iitiotii'd lu-low at actual cost for the next 30 df Ml iParon,J yuan Tn! irraat Niok 1 a AmlTvent fi tne MaikttlUK, a:iU nil n 1 1 lit: il liaii a iiun ami plentv of aniniuni- laryi'ly licind, FREE YEAR BUOK AND ALMANAC with the ifrip anil complication iiaw ew Wert oc Lrrry s n.j.- vrtaicintr to Al arisen Mr waf nisUr an ntticia culture, lad. ;:r-, Osraiaenv. arid tr I iluck on the tolunihia river H lion, the latter being in bottle!- F. t. Koun.l, 0, IK. A X. car-re- uairer ami round house foreman is I utlKtrmnrr, (, "tea at hi- home. Mr wa taltei, !. wi, rami or Homa-anJOmaa or Fact. .. A Refer- It- wa made an orticiai vnit on Thursday hv V. .1. I.imlsey. of a tiraiidr, who oci npie the iiosition of division foreman. Haker City Heuhlican: J, W, Lar kin, manager ami half owner of the rich Cougar mine located above iranite, has decided to make Baker hi perm anent home. Mr. I.arkin arrived in the city a few day ajjo from hpokane and just as soon a a desirable home can be found the household effects will be ahipjiexl from the latter city Men s Boys' and Childrens' clothing, underwear, hats, caps, Ladies' Misses' and Childrens' under wear, shoes, capes, millinery, wool hosiery. Ladies' tailor-made suits, blankets, comforts, quilts, table linen, towels, dress goods and outing flannel, all grades, etc! .'..m.Hii .ir i . n.iinir -i. orhwi iinvf lnM' u.t . m lin . fi V i if in ,,..... I l i kl , i. ,'.. a" . i . ,ki i.. ...: : ,v ,,,1S .ili aiivi tlllViJlli' nnu fin ? (.uuii? ..m ii uuimg mi ii.v kiiukj una win nui llicni at tlCtlla must raduceatnii stooii ail we can dj raoruary ijtn. u not pa aeanaona a bin old friendship hut Inn when otir dollai will to fuithorist and this von can do bv E. M. LYONS & CO., Tha Hustlers. VV Hftflll MtAtlnt.., tn us.ll rtr.iriPC rLin ("-ill Ma .... ktaatl tiUn.. a , "-l in riaftssaa V i The most wmtliing, healimt andanti septic application ever devised is M Witt's Witch Ilatel halve, it relieve at once and cures piles, sore, edema and skin disea-. Huware of imita tions. Tallman A Co. leading druggist. The little daughter of Hscar Dran deuburg died of diphtlurna at Baker Citv Wednesdav . Got the Grippe? 1 tin- leading question of the day w i- Know It Inr r nave I L'r'i mi a nne coffee trade. WHY? Because we give you "Mother's Pride' the let Nt coffer on earth. A little sniootber coffee is our "Java Special " at 30c. Step up once more and the "Owl Kpecial'' will tickle vour palate for 3.V.. And our "400 Blend ' pungent at 40c. NEXT! i" strong and Owl Tea House. j roll Crepe Paper ioc Locust Hill Rabbitry and Poultry Yards.... Pedigreed Belgian flares of both use for aale at all time. Qual ity guaranteed. Prince Bob at bead of rabbilrv, artier fee U'.SO. Barred, Buff, and Whit, i'lymoiitl, Rock and Rhode Island Red. These are the beat all round fowls known to poult ryn.en today Visitor alwaya welcome. For further information addres OUYW. WAPE, Pendleton, Oregon. Ik- Adalrs, Komiocuic. ami lVI'.tlc ; ilounthoM Kiiucatir., lt'liirlon, Ko-.-itT It Is aK an alnaaar of Calen J i-s. 1 1 I w Mtfear - nomioal Data. IIicU Bof wh Monto, IMtes- etc EQ SAMPLE COPY fJZTJSSZ nT5ruiernTorriiATTl t. Til I ill'. AMII Jt'DD fJUtlUnk Maniurtt. Hulldlng. raiSf 111 Our SPECIAL Offer: Weekly East OreRonian. $1.60 ) Orange Jadd Parmer, wk, 1.00 ) $3.00 Hear Book and Almanac, .50 j Our Price for All, $1.85. Address EAST OREOOM AN PUB. CO.. Pendleton, Oregon. Soitan Pacific RAILWAY. EAST via SOUTH. .a.. , Qtaot rift I Strain Anin profit rott rajs. c$t . .. "11 Ct-nn.i . 'ltng at St Joeaj. deli Whoa Mule! Yoti can't btMaT thip harnens. It is th Irest made. There is only one j.lacu in the city to get good hon - st valiu- hunit'.js. A! guaranteed. Made from the hest leather. Call and see the stock. J. A. SMITH ".' i in. overland Kaprnw for VM a at. ISalt-ni, Kcnrbunt. Aall lauU. Macrament.'. Of. Jen, San Kranclao. Ito tare. Ixm Anseln. Kl Fa". New orlean. ana tHe Hast. 'joa.m. Koaebury Haasemrsr. ela r.lA m, m Woodbum tor Moui.i Aiurl. MUTertoc, Wul trh. UrownatUle. Na trun and MprtnaHeid. fT.Xa. ai. CorvaUl.. I'aaStUKer iM) p. Bl n am, m. jajjatajaajj paaasna'r t6J5 a. m. IMII) 1 Kali) .-accpt SuniUj. I'llllOllllH Tlt'KKTh KeUal.' Uck'.i .1:. ...tarei i'ortiao.1. jameuui .mil Jvui 1 lauelaoi, Net rate. )T llrsi class aad 111 ikddiI riaav lucludini: tleepei Kale add Uik'l- I" hasten. ilnl.aiid Ku ropx.'. Alau Japan, Cbloa. Ilawaai:. Tue Pblllp- rs sod AusuaUa. Can be obtained tran J. Klraiand, Ticket Agatt Third tit., ear. Alder, f irtUud. Or. There is Mmething new under the sun Chalbert Flavoring Essence. I eamMaation extract far ahead of vanilla. A full 2 ounce bottle for 25c. Stronger than vanilla 1 1 i." Piile. de uiouti iLiu i-MiitiiiiK u found in no other Manill, Manufai tured hv A. (mi'uliar rich flavoring ' Kofjipcn A- Bros. Pendleton Savings Bank Tin- populai price drugyi.ii- Koeppen's Pharmacy ON COURT STREET. oliUAM.Kl) MAUCH AJ'IT.VL IMMI Trauattclx a t.ttueral Hauuluu HuatUMa. Inlarea' allnwatl oo Urn. deposit" Ksehanae boabt and sold on al princi pal potnu. apaclu stw.illiin gtvso u Pullaellon W I KCKNIhH. Hresld.ul J M. TKAI.. T.J. MOHHIH. Caalilsi. The First National Bank Oh PBHUIJCTU llaviuK purcbaaed the aloca of Uie PKNDUCTON HaOl KTOKE, I will cloaa the entire (lock at big reduction in order to make room for new atock now ordered from the lactone. A Call to aatain prices will ae con viae bag aa to the bargaiaa offatwd WM. FITZGERALD, "The Shoe Man." as Joe Kllaa, Street NEW YOBK MABKkT. asporud o . L. Bay Co.. Chlsaao Board or Trad and Maw York Stoak kssbangs Broksr. January 2.1. The wheat market waa Ml) strong today and c I used at aa ad ! vance of 1 :'.- vr yesterday ,Hl-v, for I May. iligber cables aud heavv buying by aboru were lae leaturea'. Liver I ' closed 5-iMi higbar, rl 1 3-8. s,. 'York opMiie.1 p)t, May, and the d .ieaii to the do.- h:;. Htocka lower. Money, - pei cent. Clooe veaterday, aO 1-H. Open todav, fJOfe. Range today, HQ'- tal3. Cloae today, Hi;,: Sal af Athna Plour BID. Joaeph I ruuee i in Ibe city today from Athena. He atate that he ami his win Lake France, have disposed of their holding in the Atnena Flour .Mill Co., lieing a majority of the stock to William IS. Uind who i pre- umeO to represent Jiwiph McCabe, of Walla Walla, general manager of the i. AC. K. railway. C. A. iiarrelt ami T. J. Kirk retain their intereata i in tne company. Mr. liond ha taken ; charge of tiie property ami i raaaiajj it. The will is operated by steam i Iiwer and ban a OBI Belt) of l&D barrel every .'4 tinuia. Ilio pruperly repre sents I1U.UUU, improveinelita to the value of B2UUU having been made dur ing tiie peat year. BAD COLDS Itfuiaiu. U Ian raan behlad Coal, du um mi. aatc u b. odunl MtNI)EL UVNaJtli TaB t LB laeaa. OSaaai tnn tatir totfj' r-l a mI'i ueluiar) lab. twtlt. Ikiux aad aiMt uu aunt ul nad. SSSS ani "II tea. Um wuaat aa. ot (Tip I er aavi A ualf .ava.ii friaad. had tun run. Bbli It tiuac uo. Haarl of the HYN.OIK TABCLBB. To mf aaaa aent iy. MuppaO tti ebkl aod cuul. Um Snt natkt I reduta. ai: rininniiil Umbi U la. pv pie' BAIU.-I-AV HETLBT, .i kemWr CugtMS aod Attvm.) I'll sauaoiut itre.1. aa. FraocW. Jul ' "Wiaur uoaw nave alway. taau arnou. lain-, w aw Tkav an has aad atai Ur luuaUu But tue la.' wa. Mpaad naUaolT br MENDEL1 DYNMH' 1 AbLLk boU. cuuali aad coil aBJBMBS In a iqbbIi ol dan NoSkiag lat Jc. isl. lor im." UK- KM MA I MOLI.IN II Moa. at Ease ataw. Auff . . Do "I U. aaroa. u ami Iroai where DY.N.VMIC TABt'LEh an utade Thai i. how I int took uirtu Tu awp aafi wluwut aeaai l look Jaei. Luia. aiOi la. lor atll aa.1 Inetlnt whai. I .nl k Xuu. ' II I. AN WINKLE C.pilalut. :)1T Wau.nwi. KUwel Bali Ioiiok. Auautl lo, Bak a papakl lor " ui Mao, p. 1,7 INLANli DBL'O OO . sau W aahiiarloo mm! aa Krauciaao Ala. on aal. '.. oui loca. aal. HokHPK.V's PHABkUCY (M) Y EARS' EXPtHlfcNCt a a ear mm Capital $ 70,00a Traaaacu a general banking bualneaa. Exchange am! telegraphic transient aold n San rrancisci, New York. Chicago and principal points In the Northwest. DUAPIadrawu oa l.'blue, Japau aud RuroM. MakeeooUectlouaou reavauueble i.-rou. Urn ASKB.NY. hresWent. I. llAltl ll ice-l'realdeiil. 1; U WADE. Cashier, H. I' UI'KKNHKY. Aast llaanl.i I L. Ray Sc Co., Stockts, Ht)nd-, firul iHI 1 1 1 Curt Btro.i, ..ilt,,. ,,fc New York Stock hxchangc. Lhkaao stock EaYkaaga Chicago boam ol I rade. Insurance Fire, Life, Accident, Piste (iM, . Loans on City aud County PmprrtT, Real Estate Iuiproved and V 111 in proved City I"' Stock Hancher and wheat rara SEE J. R. DICKSON, East Oregon ian BaMa The Dead Advertise . . Do W THA Of OiaiuNfc CoenaHTb Ae. Anroea aanana a aaatak aaa Sawiani.i Ma quit-sir asaastaia oar opm.n Ira. waeiksT au laraauon u arokaktr aaiaaiasU I wauu Uaaaatnetlr omaaatiluTTluolUua cu Patau, seat Ira. ol a an aaaavr lor aaoarui aataau. I'alanu Ukan thr.u.ti M.un A Co retwlt. aaKaV nattct. w It houl ekafln. In la SctCHtific Hmerican. A tiaada-oaelr lllaratl aatllt t .ilaliof. or anr aatamliac Vatrual foar avoalka (X BSM liral laraaat r Tana, at a Mar: loar aaoslk VL Seal brail mtriaan ALL THE NEWS! Take tae Beat Oraaotuaa. Dally Bs.oo a year by nail. Weakly $1.50, aad aenii. Weekly lavaa a yeat. Sample eepy free You Owe Rader, the Furniture Dealer! - And you know- do 1 owe hiru!" 'Yee it it you will only slUj, t(J think." "Owl Kadur! what you ow EUdar, of courae. You owe bin iinmeiiHf a viait to hb 8tore uud u ea.etul iiispection of hi. line if you have not recently paid thi visit Vow will feel well ,v,,aid for the time .pout in feasting your even on the many niot tilings he has to show you il new fttfoHuw creali,,H UMd he will he more than pleased to see vou. Pay this debt M. A. RADER, Main and Webb Streets.