We must make room For our dopant new lino of spring goods winch will soon begin to arrive. There fore 25 per cent discount on Jackets. Collarettes. Capes. Skirts. Wrappers. Best 'rade of outinc Hannel 12 yards for Ir.oo, Prices on many other articles cut in Hull anil greater proportions. See us for Bargains. A chance for a gold watcb with every dollar purchase. THE MAGNET CASH STORE Clements & Wilson. Court and Cottonwood miller Martin Irons FRIDAY lANI'AIJY 1901 DAILY. WEEKLY AID SEMI-WEEKLT BT : ia- FoblUulng AT - Compm;, on icon OAlLv hm:f::.a Bare WBeasrr: ,; .7 sss. um -f- pr aak . b ditm ini. aarerr raw. BBSS' aawlni . .... Qaa M Om ikL.rrlili. LPS isxl. K rMft. ' IPeertf. lrj tJn ptf u,k gtgr aac i -. fli r - . f A. .... THK AGGBKSSlVk SHEPHEKl con- an moil The rerort from the i'v-st.-ck vention recently in session in Lake go to (how that tlie shee). re in the saddle and the cattle are dethroned. It is a coriour illustration of tiiniditv of fixed investment, say.. ban Franeiaeu Call. Nearly every catti. wan in the weft whether a large port increased $1 ll..OOO.i0 or small herdsman, i a land-owner. He baa ranol. landt and headquarter. baii.liug and in a taxpayer. Tfie flack master, on the r.t tier hiind are rarelr landowners. The have the western mrikec 18S4, is':! Bank- eloeetl. loan railed: I'ur.lagt trust collapses: currency hoarding 111 New York j railroad strike in Chicago under EMba, 1M Panic always give warning. The contraction of UT377 grew out of con : : tv 1 , t a i speculation following the Franco-German war of 1870-71. That of &' followed a period of 10,000-miie--a-year railroad huililing in the Dated S1.1t. That of 1HMI was prefigured in the cidiapaes in Argen tina, followed on November II, 1890, bv the Bnrini: failure, with liabilities of over one hundred million. . and in the Australian htihtile-hursting of 1891. Bat since 1S7:( each period of depression has been bieifer and le serere than its predecessor In 1J1 the worid is waging many little wars instead ol one great one. aa in 1871 with consequent interruption of peneetul industry. Herman trade, which ha for years leen highly pros perous, ha suftere1. greatlv bv the loss of the Chinese and South African mar kets. The great iiermai- iron. iotton and wool industries are all suffering. American trade was apparently never in a more satisfactory condition. Our men expert for 1900 were UV.'.OOm.OH' over tltotv "' IV: uiir imports increased the only t3U.00O.OnO. The Smith rejoiced tnr m ten-cent cotton, against six cent cotton only two years ago: larui ex- There is no reus in to doubt a prusiverous year in this country, im excuse for alarmist forebodings, but it is u good time to avoid "plunging" in speculative stocks which can only gain established S 'I t .fag '5 . . . . . j fa.-'. J Si Ml daring ud independence of nomads. value by a long continuance of such They drive their dock at will where rapid expaii-i. i. a- tii. fast three years they plssste, freUentlv in on.- year ; have witnessed. nsakinc from 500 to lOOo mi la feed ing and fattening their sheep as tney iro. and leaving the range behind them latre and dusty. Recently a ttock master in Wyoming, wli haul just sold out bis flock of 140,001 1 sheep, boasted that he had made a great iortune in sheep and yet had never owned nor paid taxe- on more than tifteen acres of land' Hi pasture cost him noth ing, for ne grated or. the public domain and paid the government milli ng lor the teed that had iuad. hi great fortune. These aggressive shepherd have dis covered that they can drive the catto- SUPREME COURT DECISIONS Prof. Bryce has called the supreme court of the lTmted State "the living voice of the constitution. " While we are waiting for its authoritative word on the Porto liican cases a retrospect of some of its most important decisions thsj landmarks of American constitu tional law has timely interest. National supremacy : In the tirst period 01 its existence, while John Jay ami John Marshall were chief jus tices 1790-1S.V , the supreme court leading decisions, taken in a body, alt tend to establish one great consiitu mal doctrine the supremacy of the dera! government over th.- state gov off the range, for sheep will Isjgd wher- , rnrnenti- in all matters in which cattle have been, but cattle will tot i conflict - oald arise as to the limits , , . . of thoir respective authorities. Thus fee.! where sheep have en. fc.. when , w,r, ., Hvlton th. rotirt held that run.'. I of a a sheep man opposes leasing th. and talk highly about Usa im free range open to all he mean- u range from which he ha the power to exclude cattle, hirosel:. These nrave and en l uumads t further than this, fur they proposed at Sait Lake to demand a higher tariff and compel a federal in spection ' manufactured goods, tagging every bolt of fabrir t -now of what it i made. They demanded also that all lorest reserve be thrown open to sheep. We really hope that they will uot demand an inspecting oincer to overhaul u all on the street and strip us to ee if we have woulvn under clothing, with the power to imprison u for failure to wear wool never coat a dollar the United State by treaty could annul a state law. In Chisholm vs. the shite of tieoigia it decided that a sovereign state could be sued in the fi-derai courts bv anv citixen. The monopolizing it ior 1 eleventh amendment to the coutltu- rprising I tion was adopted to counterpoise this decision. In Marbury vs. Madison it declared 1 its power to adjudge any act of con-..r-. t '.' nu!! aii'i void It arlirnm: , its power in the cases raised by Aaron Burr's staff arrested for treason to ! issue writs of habeas corpus, and pro claimed that no une could be guilty of treason by merely conspiring to subvert by force tro- government of the coun : try. In Fletcher vs. feck it ruled that a'legislativr grant made by a state I could not be revoked. In McCulloch ! vs. the state of Maryland, decided in ' 1819 the power of tfie federal govern ment to create a bank was affirmed ' an i the right of a stale to lax any branch of a federal bank deniwi. Tn:- lamoai R4fjaaJ SJBJ m-er r.--versed by the court but President Jack son closed up the United States bank in spite of it. of stock wac unconstitutional twcausp thev were "bills of credit' which the constitution forbids the states to .Mint. 1-ater in 1837 this ruling was cm pletely reversed in the cane of Nriseoe v. the Bank of K.-nluckv. The Cherokee episode: Next in order of time among landmark decisions was that In the Cherokee case. vsnen Georgia in 17l'J ceded her western territory to the I into! states me federal ' government agreed to extin guish the Indian titles to lanu in Georgia as soon as this could be peace- ablv (lone. As the I'ntteu Mare nan by treaties recognized the ( herokee.- a n nation hnvinc tneir own laws ami had guaranteed to them all the hinil- not hitherto ceded It could not legally disturb them in their possession". Georgia seed laws extending her la ami hartadrCtioa over the Cherokee people and dividing up their domain among the people of the state by lot. This proceeding was unishexl in lvJ. Vnneal to tlie irov-rnnient nv me Cheorkees for protection under their treaty right called out the response from' President Jackson that "a stale 1 sovereign in it own domain" and that the United State could not inter fere. A Cherokee convicted of homi cide 111 the Indian land iemg sen tenced to be hanged under the law of Georgia the case went to the supreme court which in 1830 granted a writ ol error requiring the state to show cauo why the matter should not go to the Cheorkee courts. President Jackson i quoted a saying: "John Marshall has made the decision now If. him execute it." The writ was disregarded and the Cherokee was executed the Ant instance of the nullification by a state of laws of the United States. Taney's Dred Scott judgment: A rase which created a far more profound im- freseinu was the Ired S-ott affair in 8A7. In 1834 Dr. Kinemon of the United States army took lived Scott, one of hi slaves, with him from Missouri h Illinois where slavery was prohihited by statute and thence to Kort Suelling in what it no. Minne sota where it was prohibited by tlie Missouri compromise. Four years later he returned to Missouri, learning that his residence in free territory nave him a claim to freedom Dred seott in 18-4S, basing been whipped I' ll) master's order, brought suit in St. Ixiui against him for assault and battery. This action raised the ques tion of his freedom. Alter many mutation in the ca- during which BeOtt eJjsHMad master by being pur chased by J. f. A. Sanford. of New York, the matter got P the supreme court 111 18.V). On March n. I9B7, Taney read the decision J 11 "tiers McLean and Curtis dissenting . winch was that Scott was not n citizen of Missouri in tlie sense in which the word "citizen" is used in the constitution ; that the lower court had M furidietioi. in the case that bcott had no right to sue and that the judgment of the inwer court must be reversed and a mandate issued directing the tail t" be dis missed for want of jurisdiction. The decision went further than this, how ever, touching on the slavery question in it broad political aspect, and here in lie its historical importance. It denied the right of congress to control slavery in the territories and declared that the Missouri compromise of 18$). prohibiting slavery in the Louisiana territory north of SB degrees SO minutes, wa unconstitutional and void. In passing, the popular Action that Taney declared that negroes "had no right which the white man wa bound to respect" should be once more exposed. Taney never said so. He did say that in a previous century negiue were on that footing, ami he said truly. a a Contrary ruling- 011 liquor laws: In 1847, 111 the cast- of Pierce vs. New Hampshire, the court decided that a state might prohibit the manufacture or sale 01 liquor or their importation from another state, even though such liquors had been brought into the country from foreign countres under the authority of an act of congress. But in 1889 in the Original-Package case Leisy v. Hardin., the decision of Taney in Pierce vs. New Hamp shire was reversed, and state law in terfering with the importation of liquors "in the original package or kegs" were declared unconstitutional. By a large number of decision tbe court in the reconstruction period upheld the war amendment giving equal rights to tiie negroes, but it de clared Charles Sumner's civil right bill an unconstitutional exercise of the power o! congress. I ruu. sneep that for their taed. While these virile nomad.- are ask mg ior what they want, and getting it, the timid cattle men are in disagree ment among themselves, and while they quarrel and higgle the ahcep men are crowding them off tn. range. With free teed ami a high w.,.l tariff, ami disappearance of range came, we prouu ol iiieep-gfowing granted to the college and transfer ita rise and t. doe the nriee of chili.- property 1.1a new corporation. I he court lug aim me price 01 meal, lne con sumers of l oth are the people wh-. owi If you want the news of the world w ritten and Jctured, the finest art and the besl literature, then yon must read COLLIER'S WEEKLY, America's Foremost Illustrated Journal Hall Caine s latest and greatest novel. "The Eternal City." begins soon. Send tor free copy of the opening chapters. Address f 0L1 lER'S WEEKLY. 555 WEST THIRTEENTH STREET, NEW YORK CITY CRESCENT BICYCLES 1901 MODELS ChaiulMI (perfect) Light Roadsters , t- t'hiiin Models $5 and f-r Boy1 Ittd Girls' Motlelt Consignment of Wheels now on the 190a WHEELS Chainlets, second hand fo.oo Net Crescent, $35 wheel Inst year. , .lfj,Qn Htm Crescent, j.s wheel last yeai . . .f,2o oo Cregeent, second hand, nood order . .$15.00 Crescent, second hand, good order . . f 17. c0 NsTH S:.-rliiiK. 36 in frame. $40 wheel t22.5c THE GRESGENT AGENCY. East Orononian BuiWIno. Pendleton, 1 liiar 2 time lim imw- h lie Or I'xtra CLASSIFIED ADS Cor NT HI'VKN W.lHIW To THK ttjftj on lias " aBfe,s)i esaa, at th -. ..'1 ,. nirti;i livr- 1 lime J' ruasst.... ...'jr IIUU' I I lr ouch m lilill-niii i-ot t: link? I lips Jue .' tirnei ate ,.tim.' . 4V i.s .-Heti sAarltDna In.ertloii FIVK 1.1 skh 1 um sje : limn . . t0 S tim Mi' .Tx- eaeli adUUioual lnrtlori nitg 1 u 1 - "reel T :.::. ' vki 'ar taZ7TT'-' Aaa MUSI tstH AMERICAN PLAN. $3.00 per Day and Upwards. l-liiest Hotul the Pacific Nortl'weat III ALL HELP WANTBD. V. AS IKI- l!l i.lAI'-l.r. MN TO it i'.P rssDt u rsWeUshae Imu"- M lry. 'fund ! H..tlan in n witt rny. Ait.lr P. o. Box M, h.rtlati.l. or.-s.in. ATT0RNKYS. I AKTi.U A RAL.KY, ATTOBKRYB AT Law oBiv tii Hftvmti Ban. DnllitlBg. HEAK -v 1. r. 1.1.. ATTOKKKYi AT Lan kaaa ll .Mocltlm; Itlcr. K-udls- ton. Or. nn ? A Hon R, T. . I rasM L 0FFICI IN irrgon. MANN. DKKTT8T IK isaw. !..-. over r. B. nopU-Msif110- M USiC AMD PIANOoiliT"- l'JM.I . ROBERT BALLOT WiSB lorn and l.dr o! tat or oi-Tlif: Tvawlisrof violin, vtoRLa mdotiu, trailer P,.n. plp, n lot, rranuum.-i, uJ7Z-i lorapmli tail arand oners v LJL" ' r 1. .. proinpily Jon. llrSaiS?!! iirni.h.il ior paras, twlta .nrt iI?Z 'Slftirainiini. ...1. ... . . Z: '. ,, rv. -r." v y. 1 8TILI.MAS .V I'iUUCK, ATTOUKKY8 ; at In. Roai . 13 att.l : A..ioUtl.ui : blo -k TIMS. KITZi.KK.VU). ATTuKKXT AT in'- 'i A.mm tatimi BI k-k. ARCHITECTS AND BUaoEll" T. t . HUWAKD AIU HITKIT AKD'sl psnnK-ndc-iit. m.k,-. lompln, taSaLS io b in.,,. i in, cur S? Boon- 17 ludd hiilfdlus UKUKKI.KY. A TOKNEY AT LAW. ll AuorltUor. Blot K. :. BOYtt, ATTOBNEY A1 LAW. Hi cur: : JAMBg A KfcK. LAW OKKlt'K IN JI'HP BulldlUf rMIYKlClAXS A- AY- 1 VNTK.M'Tol' m bu.l.l.-r K.i.mi.(urnlh,loLi, tsfi ill... nr . .,mM, u. .. . .U ! th, Kl (ireyasae. BANKS AND BftOKIIS. I dsn FHE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON. Special Kates to Eastern Oregon people visiting Cortland. Headquarters lor tourists and commercial travelers. M C. BOW'BRS, Manager. jiH. w. .. ' nmoi IN JUDO ottlMi.ir. ofii bet I- tot' m.: 1 to & p. a. Tlptaoui- T7 f. V. ViV.'KNT. M. :. OKl'lt K BEAK ol Pint Notional Hank 0Bc- uonrs 10 tn tj . si.; 1 us p. m. DBS r.LM NA! .iSA, UANK OK PKMlLl mi ' pltal. rM.o.. -.nmn r liaomuf buiiurti m.Z.... 1 on CUsuTZ Vrncin. Wiri hu princisilmaSIZ lb Norlnesst. Uralu Urnwn on CUmTSm m il Kurop. MakM i-olleciioruaraaS ii" in. , .... iTV" th, 1 ri-idiu ( B limit caair Be (iuiriir , aaltlani cuhlsr. -VI I'll a HEKBEBHON. OFPIOB I'lUiL'tin -. iiir-Bi-.uk. T l. pti.iiir .11. 0.R&H avaBSaaJBaBHKMWjsjssasaBsar i.Mr Tims Sehsdul ! abbivi roa Prom Psndlslon. raoa Put MB! Is Denver. Portlrw. Mall So. a Worm. Omaha. Kaa- No. 1 S:lSa. s a City, Bt Louli. HD5a. ro No 2 i-hl-a.. and Eaj: vi No iaap. m Oregon Short Line. 10:40 p k spokanr Wall Walls, xpokauc. apokir- Plyer Minnsapolli. Si Pan'. Plyor No t Imluth Milwaukee. No. 7 S:U a Chlcaa.' aud Bast. 11s Sj p. n. iirsat Northern j I I Pail Mas. Port.aud and San Va Hal) :l6a.a. Pranilaeo , S 116 a. at. mm p. at 1 , 6:1s p m Salop, at. Ossan Sieamsblps 1 tawp. Prom Portlan4. Porsan Pranelsoo Xvry flu daya tsOuam Columola Blver AJtip.m. Ki Suuda) Steamsrs. kU uuuda. Saturday To attorla aud Way 10 a. m. Landlna. Lv Riparia Snaks giver. LvUw'sta Uafly Ially IgwsVgt, Riparia tf Lewtsloa. j 9xai a. m F asall NORTHERN PACIM6 H. ft, M. I- BOMB i'ATM tarnaaa rig :n Jude M nR.ir, b.a k su: real. IK. D.J. M l AI L. ROOM 17, A BfKMJ LA MM Ratjj 1- lophnni an rvililsnn- ilu RUM8 PuUntM Mucpiiiu Cms, Elcfiuut Dininu Cftl Tmirist FVltxpIni Can OBTEorATHIC PUYSIOIAMB, DBA Korea a Koyet. ugc . on. u..Kk win ul Una lou Hlor. W. E. l'EBlTYTr,HYriltUANM)"rilTB. kuu t'kiaii. otagee EE. i HMMi nvat.'f ol ttoaiou. Main Ml- Pctidlu. TBM PEKULJCTON BAVI.S'Os BaM I'ondl um. Oregon. Omamaad autk 1 Itt I' ' lnt.-reat allowed as tlaatv - .: i-xchang. rmugln and aoMsaaUtm. - pa. : .i-u. hB-.-,a. aiu-niiongiTauicsUw-lloui V. ;. Pumiah. prvtideat: J. h Tav vir.-.preaidcui: T. J. Morru, caahkn. KIKBT NATIONAL U A NK OK ATMBi. Oregon. Capita.. Uv,00u. turpi w aa4 SJStt, .il. last on tim depotlu. Dak a i.ircigi. ml- uor.it-i.iR occhaaf. OtUsM pr'nnpuy mienneu to. Henry r Ataaa. ate idem: T. J . Kirk, rlre-preaident. Ilk Mi I 1 Baratt: aasj taalilafi 1IL LYNN E. il and nervou dlae, Opp. HoL'l, cor. t lea, Ore. To l'artruoutli college case: More popu Igrb cvltfliratni than anv of tiieae de giaiogM wa- that 111 the Dartmouth oj liege case lali).. The state of New I Hampshire claimed the right to aroeud tin- charter which it had previously i the pablir domain Perliape thuy may soon demand that the shupbord pay them something fur lav deatruction of their property. CRISIS derided tua. it could not do ga: that a charter wa a contract which no late ha.! th.- right to impair. Daniel fap.eudid lame tag .awyer and orator began witli liis argument in Iki. fi 1 t " a. . aaaaa vtc. a.u. or t.runaei lor Iiarvar.l c illetie a fea r.r- later h bed thr mortihcaliiin of hearing Ciiief Justice . lauey aeiiver a decision reversing IN GERMANY . tVORLtl T WAR. tl.at whioli lit- won for I'artiuouth col lege. Tin reversal was in the judg ment ul, what i known aa the Bridge ease in which the court hold that the a!:l,. til M !JlaBia1 Im h,l u ,il.i ... "'"'nullify an old grant mad.- to liarvarci for ten financiers Lave learned to lopk aWSktoo of "hard tiuiee" one- in years, says the New York World, a remarkable aerie of 01 incidence I college in I60U. to point t the third year of each 1 a time of peculiar danger. For instance: lHcUWar 111 th. DaigatJ KUlea; I'ejuuylvania invaded, cotton riaiug to a dollar a pound ; draft not in New York, cotton riot 111 England, gold at a premium 1HT3 World-wide depression begins, to last lour years ; Black Friday in New York , Berlin over-speculating altar war with France , Borne piuugiug into nail estate and stock gamuling 0 become a "world capital" Pennsyl vania railroad riots in 1877. issWt Contraction in railroad aharaa; i rant a WarU lailure. 1HH4, houth- Regulation .1! commerce: Again in (ribbon vs. Ogden the court decided that congress had exclusive authority to regulate commerce in alL its forma on all the navigable water of the United Htate without any monopoly, restraint or interference by state legis lation. But this decinion of Marshall ' was reversed by a later one of Taney's in toe ease ol tin- city ol New lork vs Miln iu which it was ruled that a state legislature could impose regula tions upon the masters oi veasles arriv ing in their porta and collect penalties for their nou-olaeervaui. And this reversal has since beeu reversed. Again iu the caee oi Craig vs. the statu of Miaeonri the court deeidad that a state law establishing loan office aud authorising tlie iaaue of certificates BAD BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The akin ia the sea, of an almost end lea varies v of diseases, Thev are kcuwo by various names, but arc all due to the 1 same cause, acid and other poison in the bloud that irritate and interfere with the proper action of the akin. To have a smootn, toft skin, free from all eruption, the blood mutt be kept pure 1 and health) Tbe many preparations of arsenic and potash and the large number of face powder and lotions generally used in this class of diseases cover up for a short time, but cannot remove per. ; manently the ugly blotches and the red, 1 dutiunng pimples. tint nti I vigUmnom Im ttto prtom at m twmutitul oumpluxiun when such remedies- are reued on. Mr. T Shot, trot Lecaa Au jr at Luuu Mo . aaya . " Mv daughter traa a SI Kin! tor year with a IkSlgering arapuon on her tact, which Hal Slid all treatment She araa taken to two eel sealed health cpriag out received no oenc tt Many medictaea were prescribed, bat with out reeslt until we decided to iry B 6. 6 .and or the tlaae the A ret bottle wa Brushed the eruption begaa to disappear A doses Unties cured her ortucietely and left tssr akin perfectly em uot h. aha la bow rentn years old. sad uot a sign of aha alisnsaaeiie dlaasaa has ever returned " 8. 8. S. i a positive, unfailing cure for j the worst forma ot akin trouble, it is the arreateat of all blood punhers aud the only one guaranteed purely vegetable. situ blood maker, bad complexion. punnes and invigo rates the old and makes new, rich blood that nourishes tbe body and keeps the active and healthy and in propei aaadition to perform ita part towards assi ofl the impnhtie from the body. If you have Eeaema, Tetter, Acne, Salt H hen m Psoriasis, or your skin is rough and pimply, send for our book on Blood and Skiu Diseases and wnte our physi- about vour case. No charge what- for this service. vgcifts eearain. ailabia, ba. Mixe.1 train iav Pendleton for VrallaWalla dally xepi Sunday, alii p. m aad arnvsi M jao p. m. Boat liTa iuparla for Lawiston. teaipo rarity. at 3:!. tor rui. inlorrualioii r-all or write to W H HCBLfllKT Oeuera. I esse tiger Ageal Portland, iiregnr: r. T. -'- .-..!-. Ageni. Pendleton !ST. I'An. FABOO GRAND FOKKN l('H(ii.KTi)N WLNKF.PEti ! HELEN A uml Bl'TTE. THROIGH nCKETV n CHICAGO WABHIKQTOS I'HII.A1F.1.I'HIA NEW YORK lidr-TOK and all point Fast anil South. Through tickata g) Japan sad China via Tacoma and Norlhen. Pacibt hteatuimi ' . ami American line. TIME StHRDULk. Irtiu leavs Pendleton dally except Bundai (! m for further iufon.:tio tad ik-kei. call on or wrt lou Oregon, or A Third DgNTlBTB. B. A. VATIQUAM, DbuXTsIt! oKKH ! Hi l.liSJ HIlllOIUS. A. L. BKAT1L. ll.li. H. OFI-'KUC OVER savinga bstia Ot admtulai.-- -t I ill: KAUMKK'h LANK OK WaeTOs. WeStlM I 'r. k'iiu.1os genera: taala iiuaincaa Kstuangi buugitl and sold. Cat i;.. tr.pt. ' all.'tideil In AffainlSI tiiilll.il-.. aud Mi rrp.irt.--l npo: r) in 1 1 tee ul reapoulhla rltuaa (ifBior B Jameaon president lis t , I'roebat.- vice preaident C M Pierre ouu J 11. K.llgore. asanuut cashier, dlma I U. A. llartmau X M. Johns T J Prlee.O I ttrew.J. P. Klllgun Kobert Jssaasan. it Pro ha 11. a. B, 1 1 EPHEBG a CO DO UMm and sswtraating ol all kimls. Wotdsawl mi ahori uoiiet Leavi- unlera with A D. MS a Co. or with Van dr.dai: A Roa I-. I aud M-.rriaui. Bad blood make sss Take the... Washinjon & Columbia River Railway For Chiakgo, Bt Paul, Kit. Louis, Ban aas City, bt. Joe, Omaha, ami All Points tast and South Portland and paints on the Sound. Arrive Mondays, nedueedsya aud Prldayaat 11:46 a s. Ttjaeday. ihundayaau.i salaidayr atv A&a. m beparu dally except Suuday at 6SD ti m. Por inlormatiot: rar-liug rales and accom mmlAtloo call on or address H AbAMB, Agsnl. Psndlslon. Oregon. S. B CALUBKHBAl. U P A., Walls vasll t'uli. fUmjm paj yovGood Moaev For a ticket Ka.-' and serv iirui-rl SJ naturally want to go aim aora jir.lMri wunt IO go via the route that will give you till lt HI ),ll..l,.t I..,.- A. '.I... ........ 1 . u 1 im- lowest possible rat.-. Henci you slmuld ask your tick--' u'imis to make vour tiokot read viu tin- GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE NEW LUMBER YARD. Wg are now ready foi Imaine near Washington' a Columbia. River freight doirot with a general assortment 'of lumber ! direct from our own rat mill, Jsd can ftirti in: unvthiug prtnttptly. Conittr nsdati In tar Ion lr shipped direct from our mill in earl asd lots at -.irreet iirint. (rive u a call. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Can sell cheaper than any firm in the county because thev buy in lirge (juantitics. If you need lumber or any kind or mill work call and get their prices. Our popular iwraoiiall ei- uraiuni u uiooeru. Pii mg .-ara leave IVndleloi. uiorniug and baiurdsy ll.rnUgll In C.'.KSgo With. o.K.A .N , 'in-gnu Sn..rt Lint imducltd tourist an louritl sleep, ivery tteiutaday ruiug aud run liatiK- Wa ll.. Kin Olsllde ,yv ' Rfl H. FORSTER, - PW asT.lUffg A. V S W J. SF.WELL, Mgr. The COMMON BR Issued Weekly. William J. Bryan Equal to any in the world. I dilor and Publisher, Lincoln, . Nebraska NEW LINE weu.er a, wo i.ran.lc - luf world'a Ba-sui.- line," au.l ibe breal Kook ," V",u,:,"iS ' (''"io with all train- fcait : also in same ,Jvpox w,n : ar .era are gas nu.1 illustrated To and from tin- Heate inorolug Iran hock itlaii.i l lor Boston, broad veillbu are pruvide.1 periwlu-als and uiagajlues lor iLe fret uao of our pai,UIU ,i ggasgsatnliil t ,ie,t7ii. Ju "S"",Y " .it tek nuuie ni- ai. sleeping car ervic It Hue aud ibo teal din world Por lull inluraiallon. map., tic, call on or l" A. k Coo-:.k, r,t-t!&i Psudl.iou. Ore. tally tlret.-laaa via lb. aceuli aorvlec in lb Pendletoo Ukiafa Stage Line Mustea A watrttey , Pwp i. Latave hendlutou every day at 7 o'clock except Sunday, for Pilot Hock, Nye, Hidge, Alha and fJkiah. Uood a. commodations. Keasouahle freight and psMMenger rates. City office at TailmanfA Co's drug store. Illinois Central Railroad w- H. Jones, Solid TraiuK New Equipment Wide Vestibule Enquire agent U. it. A S. (.'., or il. I ICI .Mill 1.1 IXjui I. Agent, . . Dealt , i,, Agricultural Implements, Barb Wire. Coll. u, WOOd atsett eaaae nf V I. IL LS! Third St., Portland, Or H0Uae. Terms Payable in Advance. One Near. fi.oe Six months Three riouths Single Copy 6o U o.l No irawding canvasser:, are em ployed Terms for local agents will b Lent on application. All motif v should be sent by P. O. order, Kxpres , order, or by bank draft on Ni-w York or Chicago. Do not end individual checks or stamp!, The Commoner per year with Weekly East Oregonian fa. 35 Semi-Weekly East Oregonian a. 85 Daily East Oregonian 5.75 Address Bast Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon. (IM TO Pin r.sofcK 'At VU pels, on Ikalvsa. wsll. or Wl R wrapping purpose . wa-v aarvg u uuuujtjsj oi uie H at TUB isarV , . U JL JftML faran tmLZT twa.gPart lAlt UFrU R, uuuraro ISK PILSNER BOTTLED BEER. SchultzBrewiagJt SEALS! Notary Ifi. Corporation. $5 lielivere- a ..d mi W0fb .irtterof iitsds op. Ordr-r. for KuJ' also solicited. OHO"1" $3.50 to EAST