We must make room.... For our elegant new line of spring goods which will soon begin tc arrive. There fore I per cent discount, on Jackets. Collarettes. Capes. Skirts. Wrappers. Best trade of outing flannel 9 yards for Si. 00, Prices on nian other articles cut in equal and greater proportions. See us for Bargains. A chance for a gold w.i tcli with even dollar purchase. THE MAGNET CASH STORE Clements L Wilson. Court and Cottonwood ever the rich ere rertived ; and .they consequently Imhew with propriety, and reepert whatever contributes to the eniovmants in which thev theuiwlves Esrticipata. In Kngland where wealth as a monopoly of amassment as wll as of power, romnlaints are made that whenever the poor happen to steal into the liiolusor which are reserved for the pleasures 01 tke rich, they commit acts of wanton mischief." No doubt the wealth English fonml an explanation of this rudeness in theory of hereditarv inferiority ,- where as it was truly, as he Tocqneville im plies, an outgrowth of caste. Where caste e.-tits. BO theories of racial or hereditary inferiority are adtnlsaible Whsre catc exists, 'the superior caste ran make no well-founded claim to Itnowledgr A the inferior. They mav know their external peculiarities but nithing more. An interior saBBt never reveals itaelf, its real self, tc the MH perior. That the little white children of the south nnderstaml tiie little hlsck children as well as thay understand one another, we have no manner of doubt. Hut from the day that each dtauuvwi lbs inipaasabie social harrier, from that moment their lives diverge. Thereafter each may know the other as master and slave do, as high MM and lew caste do: hnt M longer as 1 . J , 11 1 : Ti . iripuu Know irieno. i.otus r oat paier, "The liiDlie. TIII KSPAV JANI.AKY M PAIL.. WEEKLY AM SEMI-WEEKLY IS TMa- Publiahlag LonptoT, ramaurrca (.'BIJOU oail Heacasmea ..t. l l . : in: t t g I Sm . a, a. . u m .. a. aa.. Mi ll'tlittl.H,Di i.ttiivlMMO . iMflHtliti l. . VVl.Hi l.WllllBl OHl .14. Ii.MI rMU . . . IMtlM1.l.Mt. MfAh vm WfWMS . . I SMt MM m Sal ta T 11 um. ,1 m.i mi . p.. ntt.ua .... WaMaMriiftlvmwtmt. 1 tat VA. .Hilt Da.., am BaaSBSfei f tOB.B)a. I - while they have turned against their saviors. The prince ami pauper are in reality relatives, hut the people do not think so. Fine feathers and high s urnling tiltes are .is pleasiiitr. to the aas of men as Hm) were hundred, of vears ag. Rubble blowing is as en chanting as ever. 'THE BEGRO QUESTION." In an article in v. 1 Amertes's ureal Cannon. Our new twelve-inch gun will pro duce a muxile velocity of 3000 feet per second anil the experts a would lift a 12.Q0U ton battleship tniir (eat on t of the water. It is not only superior to anvtbing made abroad, but is more effective than the tbirteen-tnoh gun I now n American battleship. w'e also have the heat remedy in the world for stomach disoiders, nam ley Hostetter's Momach Bitters. I! will cure anv one suffering trom dyspepsia, constipation, insomnia, nervousness, malaria fever and ague, or any other form of stomach trouble. It is impossible to In- strong with weak digestion. Strengthen the digestive organs, and you strengthen the entire body. Bee that our private revenue stamp covers the neck of the bottle. If you want the news of the world written and pictured, the finest art and the best literature, then yon must read COLLIER'S WEEKLY, America's Foremost Illustrated Journal Hall Caine's latest and greatest novel. "The Eternal City." begins soon. Send for free copy of the opening chapters. Address COLLIER S WEEKLY. 555 WEST THIRTEENTH STREET. NEW YORK CITY I L. Ray & Co., Buy suit art- Stock ts, Honda and Grain ti o mi martini at, .- 1:,.,.... t)r New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade. INK LINK 1 list." '. times 3 lim ftr S h lor IV iOr saws D. CLASSIFIED ADS. en' NT HI KN IKI- To rill I li , mi, e- uiorr. r ww'l at lisp rut. , tin' ir nui-i' nmnth n: tin :at. TIIRKK LINES 1 lime a time. . 3 Stlm. Xi tC . .-!-. a.ldtttuna: .uertinn. POIE I.INI I tunc V ' limes c I times tse Ik cacL adillttonal In-frnni FIVE I.IN, I tltm I tune. S timet to, BBSa additional Insertion Baa V taw. i- 1 w 9 t - Senator Chandler's defeat fur rr-ele, -tion tu the I'nited Mate senate was Drought a boot by the tine Italian hand of Mark Hanna The Boston and Maine railroad, to atmu. Mr Ct.aniiler attributes hi defeat, was only the in strument of Mr. Hanna. Th peoples! the L'nitt ! .-tates will now he called 011 to sjaaoM standing army ot lti.ts met.. The eiense is est 1 mated to 1 ilut'.Oun.ctv a vear. With a pension burden of f lAu.OOO.CCO no one can deay that the wo'ken of America are not properlv sacrificed for the benefit of the fighters. the Centurv. Mr. q Jerome Iowd. a southerner makes S smie -practical suggestion"'' regarding Ih- negro, lie declare- an nio"t aouth-j- enters do. when disrusing this ques tion, tnai ine oninern peiple un derstand the negro.'' Thi? assumption we venture, with a good fen ling and respect for those who adopt it. to most seriouslv doubt. Both upon the gen eral principles of human association and from personal observation, we are quite sure that the roothern people do not understand the negro. This is nut to ay that the northern ieople understand him. Thev io not. Though ; their understand ins of him differs ntiallv iroai that of the southern people, tliere is no real understanding! , in either case. In the nature of things Cures COUghs and Colds at mere cannni o . .i nian can unuer 3 Shiloh9s Consumption Cure AMERICAN PLAN. $3.00 per D and Upwards Mneat tfotel the Pacific North w ATTORNKYS. Senator Carmack, recentiv eiected Irnrc Tennaeawe. is to draw a parallel between Jefferson and Lincoln at the celebration of the latter birthday which is to occur neit month in Co! Umbos. Ohio, tinder the auspices of the Jefferao-i. Jackson. Lincoln ieatrne of that city. There are to be other no table speeches on thU occasion, one of which will u by .-nati r I'ettigrew who will respond to the toast From Lin coin to Hanna. ' bngland has sent mc.ixv :n.ope to Boath Africa eo far, and more will have to be sent. The Unities of shutting off the aaistunce 0 two little reuuohes proved not as easy as was promised it would be. Those who fight (or home and coontrv are not to easily overcome by those who fight tor so many dollars a month. The pro- teaeioual tukXmr it n.it in it with the man who is force.) to g. to war t. pre serve his rights. The legislature appear t. I under taking nothing of ant particular value to the people. Personal interests ap pear to be looked after at tialem, at this lime as 111 other years, while the public interest is almost forgutteti or ignored. So member has at yet championed the cause aj ti,e pcgpla ic prweuotiiig a hill providing for the Wrens system of land tran-fer nor a moaaure curbing the greed of the s preas monopoly in Oregon, presumable becaoae to do so won id he against the classes and in fator ot the masses The legislature at fcaieuj M apparently not murrested in anything but the elec tion of a senator aod that seem to be another of the things it i unable to accomplish. The legislature k) plainly apolitical machine, itinmed with the lose of peanut nolitics and unable to rise above the level of looking ,jUt fo, the loaves and fish, for the faithful law The legislator g kaggaly aajg. poeeil of political paupers, strugg'l,ng to get their ha 11. 1. a th. ,UU'- y , .u to their elbowt or even deeissr. We hope tbat the ti.ivelty atUched to the macing uf the I'rmce of Wales king of England will disappear aad the praas aaaociationt gill ,)mp even the mention of his name and pro ceed in their regular ouaine; of gathering the news. Why to gag, port ance should he altactied to the death of an aaad woman and th fufmal crowning 0 Jjer son as a figure head of government peases ail under laull. .1 L ? , . ;miunis Huci, 15 inaiie ui every mem- bar uf the royal iamiiy. Thev can a as a . uanjiy uat llieir eya or look in the glaas without it iwing insUntlt re ported. By such tionsuuse the im praasion la created that UaaW are some thing more than men and women, something more than human being, but tbey are not, being subject to the aches, trial, ilia and intimations as at common folks. They are in short, state dependants, supported by the people, in plain words, led and Clothed by them which should take away rather than add to their virtue aad statues from a 1 moat the begin ning of time the people have luved aod bouored those thev fed and stand another, no race can under.tatnl another, unless they associate iion terms of perfect quality. Rich northerner- for example, do nit understand the working classes of their own color and race, among whom tbey live and from whose ranks many of then, have sprung. How much less. then, should the to ot hern people understand the negri That they n. n. him as masters understand slaves, is doubtless true. That they understand him as superiors understand inferiors is also true. That thev understand him as people of one caste understand those of another is likewise true, lint they do not understand him as a man. They do not understand him at men. bers of his own race do. They do not I understand him as thev understand their owe white associates We could ask for no better proof of this than the Century article by Mr. Iowd. an article which is both intelli gent and generous. Mr. Iowd com plains of the negro's clan spirit, and seem, to regard this as evidence of race inferiority. it is a familiar ground of complaint in the south. Yet it. the very neat paragraph Mr. Dowd ingenuously recognises that spirit ai- eminentlv human--a human. at least. for white men: or. at anv rate, for southern while men. for he says: "It should be well understood by this time that no foreign race inhabiting thn court trv and acting tosrelher noiiti- cally can dominate the native whitee." Vtuat is that if not an exhibition uf clan spirit. Can it be doubted that the negro's clannisbnasa has its root in the sa.ue haroac nature that develops the doctrine of white supremacv ' Yet southerners whose views agree with Mr. Ifc.wd's, claim to understand the negro. All through his article Mr. Iowd reveals the conviction he hold in common with his sectional com patriots, and which prevail also in the north, that the negro's character istics are those ot an inferior race. Yet he shows a clealrv, and all uncon sciously, as he describee the negro's environment, that those characteristics are due not to inferior race qualities but to inferior social onuirtunitie One illustration will serve. Mr. Dowd points out in allusion to the negro that "all their tastes lie in the eaini 01 me infective and the con crete. Tbey cannot generalise. Their enjoyment is in the spectacular So much so that "factories employing negroes generally find it necsaaarr to suspend operations on "circus day!" l. T. .!.- not 'lee-.-r.be a race ot nec- riiv inferior intellectual oualitie The inabilitv.au white men niouoee. of wiiu racve to tlinik except in the oh- jeetive and concrete, is fully accounted lor by the tact that their environment is too primitive to stimulate abstract thought. It does not prove inherent lack of capacity. And when so-called inferior race living in civilised ur roundings also exhibit defective powers of abstract reasoning, the all-sufficient explanation It that thev are held down t lower intellectual ' levels bv the spirit of caste. Though they come in contact with the advanced race, it only casually and in a subordinate manner. Their thought life is lived in tbeir own primitive and repressive en vironment. Though tbey are admitted up at the house, It si only tu serve taeir real life i among their absolute e-.uai. What Mr I.wd attribute to inferior race capacity are plainly only the phenomena of hardened dis tinction of caste. The same results would follow the same conditions of caste if the negro were white and Anglo-baaon. Ue Tocqueville gives us a simple illustra tion . f the principle in his "Item... cracy in America ' vo.. , pajje ft,, third edition . where he says: "In France very law pleasures are exclusively roaenred for the higher claaaaa; the poor are admitted wher- MMfi We don't mean that it relieves you for a little whilr it cures. It has been doing this for half a century. It has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It will save yours il you give it a chance. "I ht 'tci TTK much b4t fraat It. cast I i.np reasa4 Saosh't tcr enaas, tkr:. am fctl suit ius tnM." CHAS. I NLOSRCAK. W.irrford. asiliah'. rawauaainloo Core I oll bf all tiuixu at aae. . ei.iK. a bottle. A rlaiea arawrsab .. with tt bottu If rou arva' I mm . A go tu ov druaax' no t twt monT aBSasBCVaaQalRMaB JB XW Wagfsftff ' P Bataaaaftbat. IsSaaBWsBlsawaEOaEM aaas EsaT EsaTC saaffK 2 V t B.RTEB A KA1.KY. ATTOBNKYH AT Law. tifllc in aarmg. Rank Bull-ling. Bl A n I LOWBLL, ATTDUNKYS AT 1 Law Room it AwhUHou Rlock. Pcndle ton, (iiegon. tT. haiu'.y la vvyicr. orrick IK Juil't Building, l etuiletou. Ortgmi hTl I.I.MAN A l'lKBtK. ATTOBJtKYS ' at law Room. I'j, 1 1. au.i I Awuciatlou blw-k. j THTTlf ZCiKKAUtTATTtMlNKY AT Law HBcv ID Asaoclatlot Riuek N. I KKKhl.KY, ATTviRSKY AT LAW. oftcv 111 Aasuciatton Blook Krr7YD. A TTOKNBY AT lW. Ill ce-an ft. jamks a. m, law omci in j rnn ! Building. OiC. I lli'l! lor iui uaii. mhu p,A0 j loitt ami htiltr u'fassira irt-.'tl0lhrii apanisreotni -.i,.mi.r'l"i KT Ul1 i.n.,a i, r':??!!;"". rwp'-'y j oS, ror annainu .....iTTr.r"?. -i V n.vnu-iis AND ntUMj T L' Lla.gl a a-. . " " wrintemii.tit make. "i.T-JU r-- "uiiiiius- i trit, i t. . V A. buliiler ai. TRAl.T0t mrtiitriea on , . , waiaj. iumj dew cau be leh at the Eat; on PHYSICIANS BANE AND BIOKIV IK W. li. I 01.K iKKll K IX JI1U ion i n.s ' v. To v . i . . -11 ... iL.-.-, --.wi OUlI'llll p n. otBce hours 1 to U a lue ptmne o i to leneral t'apiu;. ro.oai. iniik.ug butia and lei.Krai.ul' iranO.T. , rraucisei. w nTt au.i THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OKIOON. Special Rates to Eastern Oregon people visiting Portland, headquarters lor tourists and commercial travetars. H. C. BOWERS, rlanager. K. W. VIN.-EjrT. St. 1. OrKIt K KHAR lh. NortbWMt liralu Unnn .1- rine .-.aweiia. nan umn- n.iur. ic tu u .-uij ie mil a aV l tc p tc priastiLM m at nba. PKf, -MITH ,v HEM)KI:-"N tiKI'lt'l. wesrnsej , ever ivudlel'.i i"K Rank. T lpbone II raaiaaaas t"lpbnn' i eraa i.v aBaBBn orau. Vlve-ptcaiilelit l h '. nuui cajnisr t. k U. B. CiAKKIELl' SI. D HdSlt. PATH- jag4al. .tae.tn Wnu lera(ratS baaa oo raf ptiasi. San visual oast to raw. S.C WaUaS . iRi.K.Y For aaJe hy Tallmaui at o.. UruaaTtata Oregon Lumber Yard wealSF.I ggLfl aa gal Lumber. Lath. ShxDftles, Builtfiiig Paper. Tar Paper. MouldinRb. Pickets. Lime and Cement, Brick and Sand. Sash and Doors, Screen Doors It Windovrs, Terra Cotta Pipe. Borie & Light, Prop's Alta St., opp. Court Houae. 0.R.&N lt IK ros Tims Sshsduls Prom Psndlslon. laaivi baaaaalw aaaa NORTHERN PACIFIC rest KMl rah Ike Itnrr PoMIFatt Mai. No. Worth omab Kan No '. t.lf i a. a Cltr 8t Loan1 Stat. b No I I bicagi' ai! Bssi via No 1 lap a. Oregon Short Line, j Die) pa. ir t'Cmciat. an.', nt.rrrm. Bui; ling T.'.-pboas ogi,. dene, black .'i l'K. 1 1. J . .V I A! !.. UOOSI 17. A.StUK-IA-tlop block Tslepliuur at. rsaldeaes UI pboue. Mack 111. 0ST KOI'ATHU rUYhlt'IANti. DM Ksjres A K'jt uBlie. one block i o! Ro tou Htor. W. .. I'KKKY. I'H YSICIAN AM) SVB-g-.-OD I'klaL. Orvgou TUt PKKDUCTON bATIgga spo rirar No I s:lAa iWtl.a V.alU Miun polls SH Paul. BAD COLDS VQJaja a lav va babiaU t .1. not BaS ka k, k aaduravl MERDEL-S 1YNAMI TAB I LEU taasae Sksasatis trvm tfeair tmn.i cruwj a tk . araiaarr traatimai iu. ta.lt. kcan : asset Um watst ot aoks orsr ai-M. -It ar. Um wont etas gnp I ...r natl Uuam rntua. ba.1 sun aim Sill! H Hutu of u liVNAMU TAM' . tj 1 in. i Um Uuwd botb A4 ao ovgfo um irtt pat. uwuii huui, ..aiaawai, 1..411 u'. nn. n i...i-.. Bat Tasi an bar! mad stsj lr Mtlki Eat Um -aat aa. atoppavl a.lS.al) by MENIIELV 1Y.V AMI! TARI-LE boti. tvoai. aad atal Sia.li.aa. u. rotates; aa. I'ululL. MIlwauSse.INo pal riysr Chi SI aod Eati. vis orlL.n. 5 iv i :. Past atal. i . at. -t-I o. Portismt ti J San Promisee IPsst Mat, : txtte. 1 tMy. as. sx p. at. Osean Steamshlpt Prom Portland. for aac PtSACtsas vsrr Sv da yt I aa a m Kt num., Ml.Ml 10 a. a Columbia Bivsr Sioamors. Ti. Astoria aod Way Landings t p. w rtJCp at. Ex Sunday Lt Biaaru Lally lt n Snake liver. Hi par l io Lowlsioo Lv Low'sil iMlly Mixed train last PeadisUKi lor ViailaWal.a dally except Sunday. atSrAp a ami arrival at - a p at. Boat mra Raparia lor Law It Ion losaaorartly at 1:S0. for lul. inlormat.ou call or write lo W H Ht'KLRf'RT Gtnsra! ftssf ngr Aaeat, Portiani: Oregon P. P t iti.'ji Agent, Peadlston Bat. Km. Naaal CATARRH la all us stages laass Kl) '. Cream Halt af.1 :.i il - il.. a'rr:.ai. . ay a bxl ia la buii J L'raaan Balm u aafisl nato fas asaarut. BaaaaaW aaaaaaa a tvuol. af Oa. N Mhr KMMA L HULUK, lt Ika Bt tan.. Aas t. w "I Li acroas Um ttrast rnati aBarv MKMKL Hl.NAail TAHI Lk ar. BBBac Tbat u hum I Brat t-- Uaie TYm.. aluc, fxltm eiUwut autl. I Uat aaaaar. Una win vnt lur Mil am Inwu, 1mi, 1 TOtt NvSuc- II L A V)I.SK;.I .ap.Ul,.- aaat laatpaad (ca-AiaaaSt IO StBIBp. ti. I.NLAN1' i.e.' i, iu xatt TV.aMaaliii atrnt ao trainaa-. . Ala- jt, 1 by NT local agrnt KOKPP-B rani We have Lamps to Burn aod tuey are good ones too. Wa will leave it to you which is Use wtucn ia the heat ' light. Think lor yourself Kverytliin- in the eleetrie line. Houses wired on siiort notice. Hlot machine repair ing a specialty rejullcton liltctrir Supply House. Maple Blue. , Propn Phone's Main 74 and Ked 176. Farmers Custom Mill Fraat w etc.. always Pendleton Okidh Stage Line Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway For Chicago, Ht. Paul, Ht Louis, Kan ana City, Ht. Joe, Omaha, and ill Points last and South RUNS Pullman Sleepinti Curb, EUeitant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Can- ST. PAUL I MIKKEAFOL1M IDVLUTB at V vHt..( TO (ORAM) FORKS ICKOOKt-TtiN WLNNEPJ IHKLKN A and Bl"rrE THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON I'HII.ADKI.I'lUA vjsw roBi W)8TOK and all points Last ami Knit, TbrOUab tlOkala SI l.un anil I I.!,.. Tseoau and Nortbtrti Pacific Stoamttiii (.0 1 TIEIE SCHEDULE. Train loaves pBdlion dally sxcpt Bunilat at v. 1 a Por rartasr inlornation tiaiu canu mala, aart tlsksw. cal: on or ant. V, A.labi l eu 11. uki. ursatra, or A. L t lUkl.Tu.s ThirJ and Momaau Su.. Portiauu. Or. wiit'ii viiii pay jwr(i68i Inej For a ticket hast yuu uaturally and very pmperly want tt. gn via the ruute that will give vuu the hest actouiuiutlatiiiiii- ut tht lowest pnasiblt rau . Ilenu you should ask ynor ticket agent to make yuur ticket read via tin GREAT DE.LYKK K. BlaAKMLBB, OHBOiTlC od aervoua 4iiaVstM and iliistmssys uf wumn. opp Hoiv. or. Uaiajr ud Mam Mu. I'uoi.l- . .att .a a LMM1 LB P. X I Il a 11 a .- tarMlatKt ataaal aaXB -a. ....as v. a rtiruiu. prauoaii, J J. Tiit-juinmpu;, 1. j. lomi, catsUtT k.' I 1. . . a . a a a. . Oregon ( apua. I.OU: rarsiaitsi f..,vw. watai on II. asSBXta. lomtaii an- uoLivaiii eicnanst promptly tin!d to UtnryC i rivul. Kirk. Tire-praB4SBt.lL .-twiner 1111. 1 ... r. . 1, a - a up a He" vul..i. iirvgnii lio. on. men r.x. l:ol.. wugfil BBS am lei-lion, pronip'.l, attendsd 10 excellent ciimlition and n n IlKNTISTS. K. A. VaVOOHAK, 1KNTI8T. In Judd Building A. L. UKATIK. 1). 1). fi. OKKIt'E 0TS1 Baring Bank. Uat administered Investigation comniittwio! inBi-crs: K Jameson, ai Prasastal . . . -prMidtnt.c M Pittw, J K KUIgore. aatuiant caulvr i ! 1 U. A Hartatan al II ionat.T J. rnttt iraw.j i kUigorv Itotari J PresasMl h A. MANN HKNTIbT. IN AMHOOIa: tion Block over P B Olopton't oflte. A. '. 1144' I '. W M-l anu 1. nr..': .i.i o' a:, iin.u .a. on .liorl notice Lt-avr- oMrt wltt A t A Co. or Willi Van lirtdal. A Koa NEW LUMBER YARD. 53 Wi .ir. turn mull or linnineee near Washington' A Oolnmbia Kiver freight depot with a genera! atsortment of 1 inn tier aired (nun our own saw mill, ami cut. lurnish anything promptly. Coatitrj- orders in ear loa I. sliippe.) direct Irom OOT mil! in carload lout at ixirrect prit-ew. (iive tin u call. A. C. Shaw & Co. W. J. SEWELL, Mgr. Pendleton Planing Mill - 6 1 i ir- I I W I 1 1 I I I I a a. A r I 'll filial I I I I I I I 1 1 I I r I Can sell cheaper thao any firm ia the county because thty buy ia lanje quantities If you nee lumber ot any kind or mill work call and it: their prices. rt rnnriTrn G-.,flfrrf Hurt Land and palate on the Sound Arrives Mondays. V, adnaatay. an-'. Pndaytai uat a TttssAaya. Thuradaysaii.: aaturilayt at S AB a a: la pari. dali. etcepi Sunday al i f as Por ialoraistion regarding raut ana ai.com oail on or addraat W. AltABU. Agent, Psadisioa. Oieaou a B CALIJEKHEAU, U f A.. Walla walla. Maaii ROCK ISLAND wita TS, Equal to any The COMMONER in the wor,d Issued Weekly. an NEW LINE To and from the Our pupil, c-uri.on, i.,o ug in laave -elidielut, ..tery WeilDaaiav inrousLt., Uhloago witnout rhaugv via tt Vitatarn. Dsarei A Kio Braod, "t,r wu,m' srvate.i ,u, i,nt - Uir a,aa" 2ck Itland K.w. i.onne. ting al 1 hlcago Wilhkll moriniui train. aa.t ; ,!,,, i L, ' i!i Kock Itland paraoualu ,onili.. tni lui.r . . lor button Tboat louru tieemuir 'aia all Lruad vstibule.l. ligbunl m plnioi iaJ Vi ar provided wltt ail ar-kiv iiiu.i,a"i' pario.ln.au and magajinc. lortbe fna aaa at "M. laiiimi aan ar a .-ouipaii lion I.) a replaaeuuttlir ol It.all't KoilUr Vic al.. ..... nBaaaaa 1 tdltor and ftiblUnar, Lincoln, . Nebraska "t ittnaaivn I" 'letliua. iiraat 1. , k 1 first i:laa ,'!!PJB1 ! service, Ui Chicago via IBs V.n , axes, dining ear wrvlcc In th- Oaaaelly. lav oar re 1. a Bay Blear sirBaagatl let wheat Pater, Mill feed, caop d p. aaa and 1 saa. tflad. luuet is lav- aaas.fstia.. 1. u act aaMtMBaSsaaaakag. UtaBtBa,aai gauiabs-saall; Trtal Bt, bt aans ay BewTeta. J .rave Paodlaton every day at 7 o'clock sjKoept riunday, lor Pilot Hook, Nye, Kidge, Alba and I'kiah Good oonintodationa. Uaaaouahle freight and passnriger rateav "r ts at 1 Tall ras nasi . Ti 't drngl h H EAST aon.l Por lull uitoriuali.,b ania to or. P. P 'lP ! . a. or 1. A. t. 1 titiPLK. HABISIV iT.'?LA.W.'. Ag.utt. R A K Co., 1 I'cndlsion ore. Illinois toitral Railroad w- H- Jones, 8oUd Trains New Equipment Wide Voatibule agent U. I.. A t o., or TKl'MBUl.I., Com'l. Agent, 141 Third Hi., Portland, Or 1 Oealerla Agricultural j Implements, Barb Wire. UotUfe'xxl street, rear of Praaaa's Oua eia Uouae. 1 Ternu - Payable in Advance. On. a-r. $100 Six Montka .00 Three rionths ,jj Single Copy 0j No traveling canvassers are em ployed Urins, lor local agents will U- sent on application. All OB) should be sent by R O. order. Express order, or by bank iruft OU New York fir PI. Uo not send individual checks or stamps. ' bl Commoner per year with Weekly East Oregonian . . . .$j.i5 Semi Weekly East Oregonian 2.85 Daily East Oregonian 5.75 Address Et (fregflouui, Pendleton, Oregon Old VO lDT UN DAB CAB pela. 00 sbalves, wall, or Newspapers TujMtAa, oiVa'oVW PILSNER aa ttW M Et BOTTUU BEER. . ,. jf-ri t'fi tliat.lv rHLimuiieudad to fafflii.' - Kvery bottle fully guavanteeo. ScbulU Brewiog Co- SEALS' Notary t Corporation. $3.60 to $5 Order uf us a tlntars for HllBB solicited. A8T OK-SG0N1AI" VUH.CP