East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 24, 1901, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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tin rsori iud tub
re iumtttiM
NO. 4031
1 1 i wt mm ami rail mmm bbbbb" 1 -aBasia i i
i t r v muni hi i :iin ana-
I Tin ' .or I
""Tuff I lV 1
rr-1 m, f
iwu uim w if i ij :
iK i ii. i hi ,i i i in r
Golden Stream
,,nr tnnlnssas or syrup put in the
1,1 place will atop many a growl.
Mar ' tMiiiiii'Miin- nn i mibI imt gtKi
n i- iiably well ctHiked, makes
h Mtrabit.
There ne lot of thing in niir stock
- ... tl.m Ml I I I ...... . L
rt! giec. n s mi "in . , . nHT ine
robul ruai or the delicate eater.
It P".v y"' t" send your orders
here Saving ran tie effected mi every
thing. White 'Utilise lirncery.
fifx: o th Pontoflice
(SJ r
The Boston
A Bunch of Bargains.
White muslin Bov's hats and caPs-
laundered underwear. I BU: "" 5 '
Lot : . Kiuall garments . . . 1 2
25c and 50c.
Lot 2. small garments 19c I
Lot 3. larpe and small garments 29c .)n B Stt.tson & C(.. liavc written us that I
Lot i. argc and smu garments 55c ,htJ.v W1 uki, M ing ,0 havt. our hath I
Lot 5. argv and small garments .... 79c for 'spring made extra lin.v
Lot 6, large and small garments PtSJ
O'l iined ealf mittens f 100 value. CA The Douglas $3.50 shoe is tin Lest litting j
reduce to UVV most stylish and best wearer in Pendleton.
Ladies Kid Glovaa, ft. 00 value ara 10,, 351 to 65c Wool dress goods to CO.,
now 0v j close at UvC j
will be
Pendleton's Big Store.
rederick Nolf
1 sud
Omm wiitiu i ' up
New Husic
"Wink. wink, wink, Mr. Owl."
"The house of too niucli trouble. "
"I ami gwiiM- to work m more
And othura, new 50c uud 0 uhipi.
SV ami 'He, ouch.
Stationery and
School Supplies
Wu ure acknowledged leaders ill
"Nae goods.
I panoila 3:. lit UbleU 10c.
ttabeets fancy tissae paper 6c.
abool isjoka, slates, pencil boxes,
"Ate 8Upliee. blank books, sponges,
a. paper aud musciliges.
Bicycle sundries
, T''et, iuoer tabes, lamps, grips,
wndred of sundries at almost half
Garden Seed
W ' iMtexln 'ityc, all tOe seel Sc.
ijoixbi, warranted
ftat Httiaui, :::::: ifeudletuu, Oregon
fredericK Nolf
That Dollar of Yours
i an MTI Mom: (ii.l Urn,; HKTTKR RKSI I.TS than MM
llil tin' li wa I'ninpit, If yon put it Into
Bleached Muslin
will aril hrre during nor skip at.
A alee
UBb a
Outing Flannel
II you vp price.: eatSS rianncl e'ie-
Mrc n law you'll tlml not only a van
dtlH i tars in prior, but what'- ianrp. a
greai dlHeron. In quality, atria and
aaaoitlMM. " e ll at-11 iluritlK 1A.
ear safe ,,, bast i." ., c- i, , IUO
Dress Plaids and Cheeks
a ide, rxerllei material tor cMlilren Wear,
Ladies' Hose
li. lam l.latk. rui .
niw. iinton, m iour', nui 01
tin.' yarn, rpgular IV alup al
hut of a fa
?ave inotiev while
opened about February 1st.
Many of the articles we placed on our BARGAIN COUNTED
last week led town and many more will leave this week.
Come in and get your share- of the bargains We havt on our
Counter this week.
Ladies' waists and underskiits at less than they actually
cost. You may find just what you want if you will look
them over. Boys and men's heavy shoes cheaper than
stealing them Boys' two piece suits $1 to $3.05.
Ladies dressing sacques only a few left 70c and $116.
Ladies' capes and jackets 10 per cent lielow cost.
THE FAIR, Bennett & Tarbet, Props
Byers' Best Flour...
To make good bread u&e Byers' Best Flour, it took hist
premium at the Chicago World's Fair, over all competi
tion, and gives excellent satisfaction wherever u'ed.
Bvery sack la guaranteed- We have the best Steam
Rolled Barley, Seed Rye and Beardless Barley
Pendleton Roller Mills
w S. BYERS, Prop. Bran. Hhorti. Etc.
Glean-up Sale.
soft an.l line .pialllv tilraelicil mu.lin
l ,r ulcruat ac u yar
The oh ii - art you'e ui Mc y1
lor them Ht nuit' siorcv onr t ic h
brrn J'. W tuiVt Nul '0 hn1oin'
t ebOOM from n.1 for otif i)e p hnvc
have rotimc ! the pi n c uM IO'a
them r.- I 111
ttoti, conns hut
.1,. hi. p t..i ,n 4AI.
regular JOe valB, sale SSI
ellinf a MHtH n'-ii auatia iiiw wltfi
donblf rufllt hi tbt i 1 i noi i AC.
U) i..v. prkM in
th' ehanefl lasts.
& Hexter.
OhO DAkVl At , Prop.
BlagiDtJy hroisbed. Stun dettai
l-.urupean HI an.
Block a no a-bali Irani depot.
ttoiaple Kouni la conooctlou.
Room Kate
SUc, 75c. Sl.00
lint hi Ct Pnntirrn
t nuici di mm
.lame l. Sterrelt, former justice of
the aupreuie oonrl of lVtitmy l imia, ia
Mtd at hit home in Philailel jihia
from the effectn of a oarlmiu-le. He
was 7K yeara old.
California'" oraage crop this aoaaou
promise to break the praviova annual
reoor.1. There will lie bewteen lH.OOO
and Sl.tHW parloadri eor liaatern Snip
lui'tit. The great hulk of the product la
creilttixl to the eitrna Wit. which baa
Lot Angt lea h ita ahipping center.
Jutlge Henry of the circuit court
handed down a caae of national impor
tance at Kannaa I'ity when, in a writ
tin opinion, he decided that the state oi
Misanuri, represented by the atnte
board of equal iiation, hail no right to
tax the f ranch if 0 of the Weetern
ilniim Telegraph company.
After victimiMiig Mayor Harrifon
and Btiveral hotels i Ohioagoaad other
large cities, af the police aaaert, H. K.
Allen, alinf W. O. Terry, railroad
man, lawyer, politician and alleged
repretcntat ive in the Texua ftate legif
lattire, htm tieen arreated on charg
I obtaining money iiiuler IS IN pretonwa.
j. W. Tlioinpaoii. a consumptive who
1 arrived in San Krancifco tram British
Oolaasbia on the steamer City of Call
j fornia, was not allowed to land, 011 the
j ground that he was altlicted with a
limitations disease, This if the first in
i ptance where a OS 'SOU atllicted with
loiisiimnt ion lias been ilenieil a in ml -ing
at tli.it port.
A warrant was issued by JnstioS
Kittsaj for the arreft of Albert Mooia
oi l' III ton I'ity, Mo., obarglM him
with kidnapping the nine iar old son
of Mrs. KIIh Hunch. The motive for
the alleged kidnapping is not apparent,
Ifn Hunch is in very BMderata elr
cuinntancea . Moore ia a flock buyer
and lives at Clifton Cltv.
l'rank .lannseii, a barber ol Scran
ton. I'a.. went home drunk from a
ball, and in 11 .juarrel with bis wife,
threw a lighted lanin at ber. The bed
was iuniUil, and their 7-year-old boy
burned to death. Mrs. Jaiuifen was
nroiwbly fatally burned. Her sister,
Maggie McDonell, was aerioiifly
burned. The hotlfe was destroyed.
The agitation in Chicago against te
billlk.ard nuisance has resultinl in the
paasac by the city council ol an ordi
nam providing that all signboards
and billboards more than three feet
ir.' now w ithiii UOU feet ol any
ark. park boulevard or driveway he
declared a public nuisance and torn
down, and that such boards be pro.
minted in the future.
The steamer Dolphin, in Seattle from
Alaska, reports that the Daily News
plant at Dawson was destroyed by lire
January 6a
Joseph llolluud, a Portland Isiy
whose parents live in thin oil Wai run
. i by a train at Kelso, Wash., Tues
day night and will probably die.
Mary Miller, aged lit years, died in
Portland of typhoid (ever. She was
tho only child of ieorge M. and
Liscben 'M. Miller, formerly of Eugene.
I.ane county.
The I'iOOO subscript lotM required to
assure the location of the new Western
Oregon college of the Methodist Epis
copal church, south, at Itoseburg have
been subscribed.
A yoDiig woman Mated Hurgess died
in Walla Walla Wednesday from an
operation for cancer, bhe recently
came from Illinois. Sue leaves two
brothers, living at Clyde, near Walla
Miss Jessie May Clark, aged 17 years.
steslaugbter of Walter Newell, died
in Uaker City Tuesday. The deceased
was a victim of typhoid fever and her
illness covered a period of several
The trial of William K. Spicer, on a
charge of disfsisiiig of grain valued ut
; " for which he had issued ware
house re eipta to the Sjsikane ,V Kast
eru Investmeiit l ompaiiy, is on trial in
the criminal department oi the stats
circuit court in Portland.
Three urmod man entered Shurlow 's
saloon at North Yakimu earlv Wednes
day morning, heldup the hurtender.
liamfer, and robls-d the drawer ol a
hundred dollars. Thev also secured
seven Lundri 1 from I'yhuru and Mabry,
who weie running gambling games.
to Iwhv'k health nnut OS tal en before
nby's biilb. Tlie child call have no
more heulth than tbe anther gives it.
A healthy mother, strong of body and
cheeriul of uiind, will endow the child
with her 01 n pbv
steal healtli .out
cheerful dirpoai
tiou. Manyawifi
wl,o h.ul in ided
niotheihoisl he
cause of pa 4 asj
pvrieutf ol pre-
natal nm rry of
ininil a n d bod '
hdj losjSjd a new
era 0Baa to br
with the use of
Dr Pierce's Pa
vol ite I'h m rip
tion. it gives
ph m d stnMsgth,
soothe the not tl I,
and inducen n
frealiiug ah ep It
glveb vigor and
Swacivity to the
organ- ot tiiater-
uity, SO that the birtb Uil i- If6 tically
without puin oi hirfterinu, it ilablis
Die mother to pro.idc a pleiltiiul supply
of heulthi.:' nourudiuicip lor the hu.liay
child. It makes weak WOSSjasi stior.g
and sick women well.
There is no ah oliol in " l'avoriu- l'rt
acrijition" and it ia aWhiiei . true from
opium, cocaine, and ell other ntftrotl
Sick women are invili d to consult li
Pierce by letw - Iree ol i -auge All i.r
respondence Uy privalt) and sacredly
coniultntiul. vddreai. r. H. V, J"itrcc,
Buffalo, N. Y.
"1 gladly raconimrad Dr. Pierce's I'uvoiilr
Prcscrlptiou.s wriu Mrs. J w i. bUulieaa
Mils NorthutntjrrUiUil Cu Virginia "bctmc
my third little hu v,a laatii 1 UaiL ai. LaiitlfW
11. in tbt- fiuthl .-fiilil aud Lcs it Ir ini tarth
and 1 Mia, red very mm li .- thn 1 dad La-fini
in cuouacuiirut I ualaaiutuiiU i.i. ex
pcetaut laufhrr. In uat tin- 1 Fuvuriti ruaerip-
Or. Pierce's Pleasaul PstlStS are a
pleaauut and effeclie l.ttativc ineoiciuo.
Daily Bast Oregouian,
carrisf , osUr 15 cauts a was
Odivarad bi
Proclaimed In the Streets of
London Today.
"God Sivr (tif klnf," Id I'rayrr and ijonH, Is
the Of) ol the People is In
h- Oldon Dsy..
London, .Ian. -I. The cereinonv of
proclaiiniiig I'dwanl king ot Crest
Britala am Iralaoali s4i araperor ot
last la. was performed todai with all
the jdctureMpie cereuionials ol (he
ancient MStom, The pmclamal inn was
llrst rend in the OuOTl vurd of St.
Jaims palace at l o'clock in the
presence of an immense, orderly crowd.
The king took no part 111 tbe prnteisl
ings. The Duke of Norfolk rend the
proclamation, At the conclusion ol
it the college of hefitl b . all 1 Ind In
mediaeval trappings, prm led to
Charing Cross tliencc to T. intile Bap,
where the lord mayor, the aldermen
and the citi.em- p'edged nllegianc"
after the rending. The ! rinii clci s blew
an acclaiming blast and the people
cried: "tied save the King" and
cheered. Ktoin the mansion honse the
heralds plOOSadsd to Cheai le, where
tbe SfocleMetlon was aunin read.
Then (or the last time li,, king Spaj
proclninied from the at4fM "I the royal
exchange to an eiiorinoUH crowd. At
the conclusion of the ceremony the peo
ple cheered eight t i'iie. and with one
accord sang "leal Save the king.''
King Edward Ml London lor Osborne
at llSlO o'clock this morning, SOOOffl
pained by meinhers of tlie r- v 1 1
Read In All the Cities. '
bondon, Jan. Ul. Tim prm lamalioii
of the accession to the throne of Ed
ward VII was read in all the cities of
the kingdom today.
The Queen's Funeral t ab.
Kast ('owes Jan. :'I.--Sir Arthur
lliggs, the private secretary of tho
late qUaaSI is authority for the slate
ineiit that the body will le removed to
Windsor February I, and the funeral
will beheld ichmury '.', when IBS
interment will occur at Krogmore w ith
full inilitarv honors.
Royal Party at (Isboriie.
East ('owes Jan. IN. King Edward
and the royal partv arrived here at
16 o'clock this ailcrnoon. A great
crowd was at Mm pier uud the people
on the streets greeted the new monarch
with fOallafoai cheers. All warships,
yachts and other vessels were dressed
111 bunting and lings. Illue jacketi.
inanned the v ards. The king'a rovul
standard was boistad on Ihti landing
stage. Emperor Willium did not up
s'iir ut the liier but deferred bin greet
ing until King Edwanl reached the
palucu. The private funeral service
was attended only bv members of the
royal family tins afternoon in the
dining room of Oabornu house which
was transformed into a chapel.
Leaueri Are Stlrrlna Up the Snakes by
False Information,
tlilskegee, 1. I'., - Jan. 14 Joseph
Starf. y uud Komakc Talke. both full
bhsid members of the "Mlinke" band
of Indians, base been arrestid while
isjstiug notices here. Ihev OABrS from
llrusli Hill, where live li 11 ml red full
bloods, hcuvily armed, are holding a
conference and who swear veugenam e
011 the white men of the Creek nation.
Eight horsemen hav been sent out by
the conference to post notices. JSnlh
men arretted were heavily aimed. The
Snakes are worked up by leaders who
daily read them letters purjiorting to
COSSa from McKiuley encouraging tin in
in their work. Uspaties aiel Indian
polios have been marshaled and will
go to Krush Hill to demand their sur
render. Tim Tort BaM cavalry win
sisiii arrive here.
WOMEN PWiff in Slklil is.
A Lively Time al Enterprise In Wldeli
Mrs. Mailon Played Star I'ai l.
Enterprise, Kan., Jan. I I ln wo
men partisans of the sahsiiis thin
morning assaulted Mrs Nation and a
general free fight followed between the
feminine ebejBpioni of both sidus ol
the ijuestiou. Mrs. Nation, accom
panied by Woman's Christian T'einr
am e Union leaders, while in a
buteherahou, near Hhook's saloon, sent
for the aalooukeir lot eonferem e.
Shook complied, and while the talk
was going on in front of the ahop Mrs.
John Schilling, tlie wife ol the mana
ger of the saloon wrecked yesterday,
and others jsiuin cd down on tho U rn
eraiicc woman. The men preaunl
took part as spectators, Mrs. Nation,
Mr. Schilling Mrs. Win, BitaaW
weru arret, l for disturbing the peace.
There la a Little Buplure Between Hie
Engliih and Busslan Admirals.
Shanghai, Ian. M" Admiral Aleiioft,
the Kussiau coiuinander at Port
Arthur, protnstel to British Admiral
Seymour against tiritisli guulsiats
clearing the pirates from Elliott and
HloniJa islands as the islands are in
Hussion territory. Admiral Seymour
replied he did not so recognize them
; and the British gunboats would con
tinue aa they had done. The incident
' is regarded us very grave.
Senate Finance Committee Stakes ac
tion or It to Seaate.
Washington, Jan. 24. The senate
finance committee ibis aaorning nnn
pleted the war revenue redaction bill
' and ordertsl its report to the senate
this afternoon. Tax on beer is fixed
t ft si ,t barrel ; tobacco at 'J cents p 1
I pound ; bank checks left at 2 cents
while telegraph anil nxpn stamps ure
I aboliabaJ.
Menate Wants tn Know.
WaahlngtOn. Jan. 'J4. The senate to-
day adoptato Senator PaUigraw'l
resolution asking the secretary of war
why Cttiaafll of tlie UnttM States were
deported to Qtlajn as political prison
er, and demanding the papers and cor
roapondsnOS in the matter.
2 the Indian appPOpPlatlM bill was
taken up this morning.
i up Last Wltnass.
Washington, Jan, 14,- K. P. Cituning
bitin, a former cadet, was the lust
wiin, - ItetoPS the West Point 0Ofl
greaaioiial investigation committee
this ntnrniag, lie told the house coin
nttttlVA how hi. teiit-imite. liougliif
Miii A rl Inn , was so badly used tin by
ttie haserti that he partially Inai his
senses for a IHMi
lllow Up Mnaa.'lne.
CoflstanllnopW) Jan. 4. The
Macedonian PeVolUtlonleta in the
VII loyal o Kan 11, Vice Knrcnvcsern,
today blew up the power nuiga.inn. A
Turkish ofllcei and twelitv soldiers
were killed In a wlbsaqOaJli encoun
ter between tho Macedonian and the
populace thirteen of the former were
I lie Hull ot Wrecked Vantel.
ii ton. 1. .Ian. .'I. -The hull of a
wrecked vessel la reported Bsllort at
Carmattah, she is now ami eappar
bnUontedi Also the ship's boat's
rudder has bean puked up with letter.
M. A. 0. E. on it.
ftUkS unil Uimlieis Arrive.
I.os ing, les, Calif.. Jan. 'J4. The
Duke ami Duchess oi M nrl lairougb
party arrived beta at noon. The duke
the stories about halher-in-law
Ulinmaraaan cot ing off the no a ay sup
ply is untrue.
Krugne's Hail live.
Utreallt. JaU, ft. President Kruger
underwent an operation for his left eye
at noon w ith sxoallaat results.
Tho Empress li Better.
Uarlin, Jan, 84, The Dowager Ban.
preaa Prwlerleb Isoonaewhat improved
bslav .
Flremoii Warn Hanitlepped In Firming
Flames by Cold
Montreal Jan. M OmqI the most
destructive Urea from which this city
bus ever N Bared began at I o'clock
hi t night and notwithstanding the
efforts, of the entire fire department
the progress of Hie flumes was not
checked until I o'clock this morning.
By that lime it had deal roved prop
er tv estimated at between. t1,AOb.OO0
and 13,000,000 and is still burning
though the firemen have it under con
trol. Included in the proMtrtv burned is
the splendid board of trade building
whish oost fdOt'tOuO and half a doen
I at go business houses and vwn BOOTS
ol smaller buildings.
The weather was cold and the lire
men were greatly hamiiered in this
respect. Hillside ol the hoanl of trade
building there was not u modern struc
ture among tnOSS burned.
The following are estimates of the
principal loeBSS I
Hoard of Crude tfsl.Olsi; insurance
M0t,0M tenants of building. $100,000
Mi Saxe A Co., wholesale clothlurs,
H. A. Nelson .V Hons Co. ai'sOIMM).
Meardmoro .v. Co tanners, f i.ai
KilVePIBan, Holler A Co., huts, caps,
etc., llaA.UOO,
Col i,l V ('.,., lure, flOD.OOO.
Boybold Son - .ii Co., tMfl.ono.
Keilinond, li reinless ,V Co., caps,
hats and nils, f.'sil.lNMI.
II I i-vv, Woolens, etc. , $U0,POO.
II. I.evin .'. Co., furs, S.'sl.ooO. '
Oilmore Brae, at Co. , eonaalaaloa
merchanl-, falt000,
I. iq.orle, Martin A Co., fsl.lMSI,
Jack Krust in the Last Few Nlshla Has
Made Wheal Look "GroBSV."
Pleasant View, Ore., Jan. '.'4. As a
result of the efforts of Jack 1' mat to
knock out the growing gruili ill tho
last week, the wheat in this section is
looking somewhat groggy. However,
a few warm, sunny days will cause il to
come up smiling.
Waller MiCoruiaeh, who sold hi
last yeur'ej wheut rmeiitly, is engaged
in hauling the name.
Mrs. latotn ilrowu, of Pendleton, ha
returned to her lionicullersnvcr.il days
visiting in this iicighohrluaal.
Claude am I Will lam Haaaooai, of
Cold Spring were Pleasant View visi
tors the first of the week.
Ion Holme- and Lewis Southwell, of
McKay .reek, were III Plcueaai il View
recently with a couple ol baiide of
oattie Umv were taking to the Junior
country lor winter pasture.
Not so awful long ago a number ol
Pleasant Vaw school boy were
grouped tiajathoi on thu si Ins, I ground
directly alter the mam luiuheon
joshing" uach other. A lame, verv
hungry looking dog wa standing near
oiin ot the boys who held by the thin
l" a liberal wedge-shaped plans ol
mill cake in Ins bun. I. Swilialliu tin
place OPaaka mound his head to give
Mm other Isjya a chance to get an
elisions view of it ho aald: "How is
thai for high," when it broke oil sud
d. ol v and went plump down the dog's
wale Oiich waiting throat. "That nut
of sight," wus yelled in delighted
Reported by I. L. Bay a Co., CtlUaso
Beard of Trad and Mew York Slek
Bxehanae Broker.
Jan. 24.--Wheat wa strong all day
and closed at an advance of V over
last night. Liverpool was l-w higher,
' New York naiued uhchaugisl,
70 ,, May, ami auvaucisi sieauny io
the clone at SO The heavy foreign
bin ing of spot, wheat thu past week
will Boon begin to tell of uur visible
aupplv Slid next Momlay s report
should show a good decrease. Sba ks
all lower. Money, '" percent,
('lone yesterday, 7U 5-8.
Open today, 7tJ 6-S.
Ifange today, 7'J VH to M
Close today, HO l-H.
to cuaa a cold ia omb oar.
Take Laxative brouio luiuiue Tatdetai. All
IniMgiaU rvlund tna uvoiwy il il fall to t urc.
g. V7. (jiutu siguaiutv la oa ucn bus. Sac.
Vote for Senator Today Same
as That of Yesterday.
Bfrf. Gfttr's Picture to Bi Placed la tbt Hill of
ReprcMDtatlTts it i Cost if 1600.
400 Kills to Dale.
alem. Ore Jan. 34. The sena
torial situation is inn hanged The
rota bslav la the same as that of yes
lorriay. the caucus held last night
accompi ished nothing. The political
wiseacres predict no change in sena
torial situation for at least a week.
Kadi of the lending candidate ia inat
as determined as heretofore and the
forces of each are at work with the
same vigor.
The Vote at Salem.
Salem, Jan. J I -The vote for senator
bslav was: C..rh,.tt, 'JH ; McHride, Itf;
Smith, I,
A SA00 Picture or Oeer.
rite bouse iiassisl a measure thia
oraltlg providing an oil portrait of
Governor Heei for the hall of repres
entatives and appropriating 1000 for
tlie same.
flic senate continued lioveruor
tiaar'a sppoiataaaaits al regent, for tbe
several Itata normal schools, which
have been made during his term of
Both hoiiBc' am husv with routine
matters, USI bills Isnng .nlr u.e,l to
One of the moat important lulls to
Eastern Oregon, is one creating a slate
bureau of mini's, with one com ml -sinner
of mines in charge.
v. concurrent resolution appropriat
ing tllHIO to pay the eipense of live
veterans of the Oregon Indian wars.
seeompaniad by two prominent mem
bers of the ti. A. It. , to anil friiin
Wnaliiugtnn, D. C., for the purpose of
s.t it 1011 ing congress to allow the
pension olalmfl ol Indian war veteran
of Oregon, has been a, led upon lavora
lily. The money to he divided pro rata
among the seven attitioner on their
apHiintmeiit by the governor. This
matter has Is-cn brought forcibly to
the attention Ol the legislature by tbe
governor's message, and long Inlaw .1
BOtioU will he taken Ht once. If tbe
. oinniission which goe to Washington
is a representative In sly, and not a
political pleasure party, the deserving
veterans of the early Indian war will
at last get their just dues.
A memorial was addressed to con
gress urging the speedy passage of the
lirotit pure n ! bill. Also a
fervent'' memorial upttealihg to con
gress to call a constitutional conven
tion, to amend, for the election of
United states senator by tbe people.
In the senate, a mistake was made
in calling up bill lor second reading.
Senate bill No. i4, inlrialnced by
Sweek ol Multnomah, was omitted
from the list, in the second reading.
Ily mistake it had not been returned
Iron the printing ofhee. It is known
a the railway employe bill, and i
mie ol tlie ne si important measures na
ture the legislature
There is a hill hi lore the leglllsture
providing for ho w In tasatiou, which,
if it becomes a law, will undoubtedly
Is) eltective.
Tliiim i. bill iiiMkini, n :nl I. .mm
payable in SSOssSy and contracting lor
.ill road work to the loweat bidder.
Portland People al Last UealS le Take
Portland, Jan. -'4. - The movement
for u railroad direct between Portland
Nehalcm and Tillanusik bay uaa
takea definite form. The names of l
citizens of Portland have already
heen obtained to contribute to the
organisation of a nninoaatloai to take
up in.- iiroiect. Mauv other will m
u Mid. o the enterpriss will have a
substantial standing. Organ I at ioa la
io in, pnr tin te.l uuxt week and the pro
ie t will be vigoroualy pushed. New
York capitalists have announced their
williuguei U furnish money lor the
i onatruclion of the road which will ba
about V i mile In leiigh.
The Traaapart Selaae Salla.
Waahiugtou, Ian. 21. Admiral
Basaay cables that the navv daparl
luulit transport Solace had left fur
Ottayaaa with ten deported political
irioner. Krom there (he will Sail
for Sail Francieco via Honolulu
Compoier Verdi III.
Milan, Jan. J4. The couipoeer
Vordi 's condition totlay I very or It ioa I.
A Oreat Play CeanlaBl
The n impellent theatrical event
0i thu season will be tbe forlhoOOling
engagement of Lleblar tk Co. 'a produc
tion of Hall Caiue' great play, "The
Christian," which I announced for
Tuesday, January V0, at Kraser ouara
house. The coaapaoy is one of Llebler
A Co. 'a beat traveling organisations
and numbers upward of iifty people
and includes many names of singulai
many names of singular
proiniueiice in me dramatic world.
'1 wo carload of special scenery are
carried by the company aud tint pro
duction in every detail will be euual
to that given in the metropolitan
cities. Miss Julia Stuart will be aaen
a "(ilory Wuayle,' Lionel Adams
as John Htorin," T. C Hamilton as
"Lord Storm," aud the other charac
ters distributed among actors and ac
tresses of repute. This, it is claimed,
ia the largest and best attraction yet
visiting Pendleton. The sale of I wit I
and Ibozee will open at H o'clock oa
Friday, January 25, at Tallvian'a drug