East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 23, 1901, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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We arc closing out short lines of men'';
at reduced prices to hurry them and v.t have
tilled our window with them, with the sinr and
former price and ihe reduced price marked in
plain figures. If you need a pair of shoe don't
fail to stop and examine them tl there an BOON
nobby atvies among them. We want youi busi
ness but we want you to get value receded
IW tune.
Illume Hal look i tick at home with j '
William Henry, ol Athena, i a guest Rabbitry and
of the Hotel Pendleton.
The Practical Boot and Shoe (Wen.
Iv.-ree. . : d'v.TV. I
" - "
Ilaliev A Zehnor. choice cigars.
Popular masic reduced price. Nolf '.
Try Dttttnn-- chocolate chew, hit
Istest novelty.
Pemntt line of fancy groceries it
tlie best in the city.
Clearance (ale now on at Cleave
Bros ln o.iod Co.
SpiUenberg and Baldwin applet,
very fine, at Iiemott's.
F.ebo honey in balk at 8. R. I
ruott's: alto cauliflower
bargain lor ev.
Cleuver Bros. I'rv oood Co.
J. L Bither't creamery butter, a
very lancy article, at Itmott't.
Bicycle enameled aad baked at
Withee's on Court stiset. See sample.
finest haru and lard on the market.
Home product try it. iu guaranteed.
Scbwan A oreulich.
A quist, nice plaea. large rooms. well
furnished, bar in connection. 1 lie Col
mbia. Main street. F. X. Schenipp.
See C. Sharp 'or the latet: thine in
wall paper and paper hanging and
garden bote. opera house t
Court (treat.
if eon wan: go.ii. tnai are go. :
should go to R. Ma'tn '. He ha
just received a let of fancy kiln-dryed
twaet potatoes.
Mr. Campbell hat taken the agaaaj
for tile Sahlin perfect form and eoraBij
combined Ladies are invited to call
at her millinery (tore.
J. Toralinson contractor ami builder.
Brick building a specialty. Oflaa BB
Cottonwood street. .ipposite' Kenn buiid
tag. P. O. box. Hi.
Complete life of Queen Victoria.
Beat book. Beet terma. Outfit mailed
on receipt of loc. Address B. C. Miller
A Co.. Portland. Oregon.
Clearance aale, price rednoed in all j
deuertraentt GoC and silver but:
tip and the latest belt received thi-
morniug C laarer Bros. Irv inis
Rath little pilit a DwWitt s Little
Early Rieert are eery eatiiy talrttt
aad tbsry an wonderfully aSecaivt- in
claanaing the liver anu bowels. Tali
man A C leadioe are bbUm
at Deseott's.
have leen granted
imslie- vt. H.-.le
Berlin eker. Andrew P r I - Ma
J vron. and Rttie H l agan vs. Wil
liam M Pagan. Peter Watt, w tlie
attorney of the plaintiff in all three
If ftn want to read' the farmer-' and
livest-vk breeder of the 1'ardhV North-wee-,
try an "ad" ii the Horn: fpi-it.
It is read by mor.- wideawake and
npiB date fBfBIBTB aad breeder? tiian
anv other paper published or. the coast.
Puhlisiied weeklv at 131 Third street,
Portland. Or.
The 4"th anti i versitr;.' Um t. undilii;
of the Young Met ' Christ iai. A--ciatior.
in San I'ranoi.. w .. rut.!
last r-undav evening in that eitv. rreu
B. Smith, v
ton. when
the Commercial
livered the
corded the :
dleton to e
Saturdav i
ho wa recenth m raadW-
mad ai address in the
Ataoctation roomt, de
pnneipa. addree at the
portonity will be at
tball enthusiasts ot Pen-
game this winter. Nest
he date. A team fn-m
the reearvation and the second eleser.
of the Pendleton academy, retail i
by a few of the first eleven, will BOOM
together. The game will be com
menced at 2 JO o'clock.
O. J. Co per has been duly installed
a local manager of Brigg- a Inm'
mutic (tore in the i.iolden Bats hotel
buiiding. He na been until recently
with tlie Pe'!-i- Wareboaas. Tint
firm has headquarter at North
Yakima, with brand store a" .-v.-r.i
citiet in the Inland F.mpire. Mr.
Coeter av that the store will be
ttocked up in firat-clate thane with ail
kinds o: muth-al luttrnment- fn.m
piance down, and everrthing els.- gag
bodied in the name of music ttore.
Kdna Bmwn. aged i years. daiight.-r
of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Brown, wlm
reside IU mile bOH Pendleton on
the road toward Adams, diet! thit
morning after an illness of let than
IS minute. She seemed t.. be ii: go!
health and wat assisting her mother
in preparing breakfast, when seiie)
with a spasm, and died tetore the
couid get anv relief. The tuneral will
uke place Thurtdav aelmiaaj and will
be conducteti by liev. C. A. BeBBBBt.
Mr. Brown is a brother-in-law '
County Atse-' ieorg Buian.
Blank Books
All the latest
Magazines and
A Beautiful Bag of
aurear aad DlUon Santtnetd For Crlmt
of Burglary.
Tlie e-Hilily jai. i r-;ing rapidly
cleared of the large numi r of prison-
Carl M. I'efferle of I.m i.rande, it in
Pendleton for a visit of a few day.
Hnrrison Brother, of Pilot Rock,
are in Pendleton op bnsine-s today.
William Brant, of Heppner, is in
Pendleton, to remain for a few days.
Robert Watt, of Alha. is in I'end'e
ton this week, a guest of the Hotel St.
A. H Nile, of Walla Walla was
registered at the Hotel St. George;
W. T. MeLaod, a farmer who reside:
ten miles northeast of the city was in
Pendleton t'lay transacting business.
Mr. am: Mr-. - A. Oliver, ol Echo.
an ir. the k'ity. The latter wil! remain
some time, baiag sick, taking mnlical
tn gUnaat,
;-. rg- Ca'iiiichael, of Weston, is in
Bttandance uixmi circuit court and is
making the Hotel St. tieorge his head
quarters. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv F. Pierce, of
vii Francisco, an- recent arrivals in
Pendleton and are registered at the
Ilote! Pendleton.
Claude llriggs. of Briggs A Iam.
Nortn Yakima, is in Pendleton looking
after the interests o: the music store
of the tirm in this city.
I, 1'. Calderhead, general freight
Bad passenger agent of the W. A C. R.
railroad was a guest ot the Hotel Pen
dleton Tuesday evening.
M L Fix. of the bead of Alkali
is a visitor in Pendleton tcday. He is
anxious to see a copy of the first issue
Bryan' paper, tlie Commoner.
Charles Cunningham has returned
from alt Ijike Citv. where he at-
tend.l the National -ti ckgrower' asso-
iatteBi and is at home MBB with the
Pave Wr.ght is otliciatin- a.- condnc
tor en the mixed train between Walla
Walia and Pendleton, temrorariiy tak
lk tne ulace of conductor Charles L.
('. K. Bade, of the firm of Bade A
s.in. Portland, is in the city. He
n.:erestel in the work ot construe
Bw ' Bh feaanal building at the
a.'eu lor hich Joe Tonilinson has
tne contract. It i the intention to
reBBBSfl work on the building shortly.
County Commissioner Horace Walker
i at !.is botes near Heiix sick with
the smallpox Tins Iniormation wa-
telenlioned in ti dav i v John F. Hill
Mf Walker oniv managed to go home
a lew days ago after having been laid
up for near y twi eek with the lum
1 agi
I'r. William r. mitli. at ne time
a resident .if Pendleton and agency
pbyatigfl. is MM 10 receive the ap-
(ointment us superintendent of the
Idaho state asylum for the insane. Irr.
Smith ha been a resident of Moun
tain Home since he left Pendleton
about twelve years ago.
Mr-. D. M Tavior left on the train
lor the west this morning, where (he
will visit lor a while with her two
sifter. Sirs. I T. F. Smith and Mrs.
Jos Ferry Mr. F. F. Waffle, of La
'r.iiicl.-. daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. D.
M Tayior, came nver to bid her
BSOthef goodbye, and will leave foi
bat RORBO tM- evemng OB tomorrow.
Mrs. Taylor leave Pendleton in
(eareh oi health, tine bas been a
resident of this city for a quarter of a
century, and ha beeu suftering since
i 1 " w:tn typhoid fever and
stilwequent complication.
Poultry Yards....
' ioo Japanese napkins
4 dozen shelf papers
Bound hooks toe. 150,
Dixon's pencils. No 144. per do
A. V. Fahcr Siherian graphite, per dol
Koh i noor pencils, perdoi
Quart writing fluid..
Pint writinK fluid
Mali pint writing fluid
I s,
500 page copyirtK hooks
300 pae OtBdwick ,ag
100 B-f sBtftaal and ledcer
Honk kcrninc hlnnbc
r I ,
'onn.son . t.ssue paper.
h ancy crepe pa per, per hox Ct
Checker hoards
Metiioratiiliim hooks
Iei1 BJ I OBI I Belgian Hares of tnitli
sexes for sale at ail times. Qual
ity guaranteed.
PriaBB Bob at head of rabbitry.
serviiv fee $-.ftt).
Barred, Buff. and White PIvBBOOttl
t 1 L. 1 .1 ...1 1.1.
reBtpJ&Sg Our store is full of Bargains. We call your attention to
t'i.li.. ..1.. I 'VI
further information address
otrrw. wahf,.
Pendleton, tiregon.
Sterling and Plated Ware on which we are making special
our j
Vuintn. i wn iftn bshiaO. CvU U.- not n,,.
n.-r i h .twraml MCXUKLX PYNAMP" TAP
l'L3 .wlls-'. .tmtcitc frvi tWlr smfgri nv!
Nil tirtiMr trastaMnt into, tvtlvv hour, sml
kt-cn Uw on'. ct cult otvr aaghL
"It wv lh wont Mr (Tlr I Tr n A hsll
astsa frtus had son curs Still It ' v ce.
llr.M .- in. I'lNAUli Tin . To an
awattkST (fja na n4U ami amst- th (n
nvhL I rmfc-nr sail SJSSSSSSSSi thsai ! Uw p
fit- BART LAV HCXLKV. Mtmbsr i xtw
nd Attonwi. 101 Sutsnat. tnt. Sai, rrsaatso.
Jarr ;. itav
"Wintsr sdSJ luir slwan bn ton thing, u
m Th- snr Itsnl sad u- f.r skkiMw Hut Um
uwt w.l rat-l.nl pV MKXDBL DYNAMIC
TARi'LaV Both soasw swri raid OWatswaiwl m
. cvupi.' ol .tar. NoUub .tow itow. thw for mt
MR KM MA L H0L1 IN. U Mas. BL, San Vnn
Sat. Aag s. ex
"t llr. wxw th. atrtst rive, wnsw MEVI'KI -nVNAMIO
TABl'LKf art stokt. That m ho I Dm
cvok thai Thi cwiu. without nu I UvS
.ikswn hoxs with me for stlf sml fnln. wh.t: 1
nt t. , n-. II I XAN WINKLK (Wpllaint.
Wm it. Hml. Hui rmnv Aorott K.
isaiBssBjssS awBissBa a tump. p inxasp
ohii, w .-wmiiim -tw.r ti.- w.
Awu on sal. nt vur local wrrnt.
T-BBa- "1- I B sP-BraTBsraa-
We will positively cell all coinls mentioned beJoW at actual cost for thi
stock takinp.
next to .lays
Men's Boys' and Childrens clothing, underwear, hats,
caps. boots,shoes. Ladies' Misses and Childrens' under
wear, shoes, capes, millinery, wool hosiery. Ladies'
tailor-made suits, blankets, comforts, quilts, table linen
towels, dress goods and outing flannel, all grades, etc
Tallman Co.
Ml imlw
MUST 00!
Having purchaaesi the stuck of the
close the entire stock at big reduetioi.
n unter to make room lor new stock
bow ordered froui tne faeturiea.
A Ceil to obtain prices
will be cuoviaclag as to
the bargains offered
"The Shoe Man."
guilty to hurglari:in,- tn- r. .u. - o.
Mr, bluniie, at I'.i.atiUa. aad was
seiitei.o-ii three years la thv pern
BBatiarr. Hisv.i- wuiuui ilur
ray, whv was viasj and BBBWiatai, was
brought int. a .-' morn in.' ami
ntenrel lo taro yaars and six months
in the penitentiary.
Harry Fields was convicted of calling
vieorgv Ern(t Vila anl vulgar names
and sentenced to pay a Arte of ,
or tn servr :0 days in (all, at his
TUoraai bawd was arraigned and
plead not guilty t. thv BbaffH
larceny OS bailee. At IBS ruest of
Wiiliani Parsons, hit attornwv, the
trial of the case was postpooetl Batll
smir (lay next asjefc.
The case o'. UtsB B. sturgis vs. Wil
liam Baker occupiet Um atteut.on of
thv court nearly all '. Tuesduy. um!
Wednesday forenoon. Tuis is an
action SB recover on a promiry note,
and was tried by a jury. The not in
dispute wa ('Hind uffii.il,' tio- paieai ot
-an P. Sturgis alter his death, ami
wa uncancviMl .Mr !. .an -that
ue paid the note, bat that it had
never been returned to hiw. Carter
A Kaley appear for the plaintiff and T
G. iiailee for tiie defendant.
Local Barkst.
l omili't. i, iieaier- art- paying thr lui
lowing rio lor r;tnci and iarn pro-
tees :
Batter, 40 to tOe per roll.
I ; ier doz.
Potatoes S0c r sack.
I'arsnipa, oUc per sack.
Cabbage per pound.
Turnips. 7.V per UX) t nnds.
Turkeys Alive, 10c per pound.
w li per doien.
ktaBM IBJO t.- M per : ten.
Ducks 14 per doien.
Dirsc. Vots to Rlssi Senator.
si. Paul Jan. 53 The houa.- of
representatives adopted a joint mem --.i
'tigress urging tlie adoption
of a institutional amendment for the
lection ai Culled States senators
by a direct vote ai the people.
When you pay vourliuod Monev
For a ticket Fad you naturally
and very properly want to go
via the route that will give you
the best accommodation at tin
lowest possible rate. Hence
you should ask your ticket agent
to make vour ticket read via the
thu cat
actual co,t
l""n; on
le miter t nrw t advertise aiivthint; r (to nut dc. v r art- in BBTBBBI in rmraesl
i i i. i i , l : . u . . .i..... i . , i .
saic aim unyonc nu i'i asui o o uutin iik- ucai tiursi iih will Kit them at
must reilurejsin tii h v '"' ,v 1 ''I'l'u.try 15th. l not pav someone a big
1 1 1 1 1 - 1 . 1 .... iii 11" 1 1 1 . .
' - jou uau uo o y trading it St la
E. M. LYONS 6l CO.. The Hustlers.
Vr U'il? rnnfimir tn ftf!! lTinerie chiat ( .1 ' ! 11c tin llm If n)niw ..t t t a.
" ' ' rr, t' ut'iiveryhi
Dei popuiar Mrsonallv coailucutl toartst
1 . r.un is SjSeSffl iellSBSB lourit.
ins i-wr lav Ksndlstoo svtrv Wslni l
murnlar na Haturttay sveniOLf saO run
tcrotub to (JBtcagu wtthoui caaogs via tb
". K a. S Orecon Snort Un. Biu t BsBM
Msitern u:tvtr a Hiu Uratul. "to world
pwltil .sir., lint anil lbs ttrsaf Kock
losn-t Rout Ossaesttag at OUaaas wttb all
mornins train East . alia to SSBSS uspot wllb
Kick Itlan.i psrsonallv coadaessd toartst can
for Boston Tnsse toartst Issetss car ar
hroa-! vvinliuisd. lifbtM wllb Wntch (assail
are pmvnbru wttb all weekly Illustrate-1
prluliraU anil masrastne lor tb Irs use of
. n r patron snl art arrompanlad to Ussttna
tmn by a representative of tbe Ursat Kosk
It.sn'l K. ii. Vk.' sin' bave .Ully first class
sleeping; sat service to Chicago via tb scsntr
line and th- bast itining ear wrrlee in tbe
For lull information, naps sic., call on or
writ. t. A 1 L'ooi'KH
Whoa Mule!
You can't lirt-uk this harnesn. It jg
.11 a ....
tlif itest rijitde. 1 lierts ip only
place in thf city to get good
ail value harness. All guaranteed.
Made from the host leather Call
;ind ito the stock.
Dg new UDdtM the sun
or. r r. W AJISLEY
Ar-ri:'. I) B A S Co
Pendleton tr
Oener. Assnt.
1-oriland. Ore
ioor. Wrsaasrt.
Bradford, Ills.. Jan. ftV Manila
Kelly and Florence Fry wrecksd two
saiuons here last night because the
proprietors sold liquor to their broth
ers, who are nun rs
Lottery BUI Klllsa.
Reai , Has,, Jan. 2 . A special
from Carson announces the defeat of
tiie lottery bill bv tbe decisive vote
to 3.
Ksarat For Ssnatsr.
Lake, I'tah. Jan. i3.-Tr.onis
wa- noiuiuaiel by tbe rnpubli
cu last night for'United htalee
Site Pacific
Flavoring Essence.
eombioauon extract far ahead of vanilla.
A full 2 ounce bottle for 25c.
stronger than vanilla
l( Dsastl'flr sm ; Strssti Arnv.
f..r wr.ua. au
Overuuul Kiprews lor
san.. Hossburg. Asb
laod. ni i ssii no (.
Sac, Bat. Brsartstm, Mo
lave. Um Altgsiss, B
Vaso. New cirtsao, aiul
Uw Bast.
hVweoum Paassnaat. via T.li p. ru
Wood bum for Mount
Aiyre. rUlesrtoc. Vseal
bcki. BrownsTtUe, Na
troti and HprlngSstd
ft i. f.ii-c it . 1 1 - J - -- - S . 1 , .. .
i v - -i' . . 1 .' 1 nr a : i ; .- . . i :i ii'i- nv r i ii unimin
t a : i : v r-. rr ...ufc
. ii" uuici caat-nt:e .'1 ;lIUlia,-I liretl tV
A. (
The populai price druggist
Koeppen a Bros
Koeppen's Pharmacy
'Uv p. sa.
( orralU
MA) p.
Ssnats Passes Appropriation Bill.
Waabiasjaat Jaa. The senate
passed thv legislative, executive and
judicial appropriation bill this morn
ing and took up the ship subsidy bill.
usnsral Sparks Is Dead.
I'urtland, la),, Jan. ii, General
John r-tstrks, a prominent civil war
veteran and politician of this state,
died here at midnight last uigbt.
Formally B. acted Ssaaior
-pringbeld, tilt., Jan. at, -Tbe lag-
.- . I-.... e e. ie. Sltelb
SI. ' i. ion. for Mtnator wi.o succeeds
A Few Fasts lo Lonnlsrast Disturbing
Bumors In Clraulalion.
There are three case, of stnallpos in
Pendleton, pot counting tue two case.
in the pswtiiouse : ... reo.vered i Sawali is ts-Bissisd
and are awaiting legal dismisaa. from ' Trenton, X. J., Jan. W. J
tneir wnforceit imprBBBaaeaat Theae i ), was re-elected ssetor todsv.
tact are puhlisue.1 i - ti,- , i.- ... ,
counteracting uisturt'iiig rum. r- tna
bars been galloping around oBUBia)
nestdie,- aiarn i... . now case
1- tiiat oi a huuer- I.. v. .'. .ut.-iiilo,
j the Kugane i'ield BBMOi, a pupil in i
ithe hut grade, taught he Sliss Deal. ;
The parents of the bov live near tne'
west ni ol -Jackson street, in North
I l'endletn. Not on account of an
epidemic but rather to prevent it,
1 Ilea; tii ObsSJBS QoiB and tbe board of
directors have limine! It Lest to close
Miss lAaal room for a tew dav- ,,
order to locate, if puasihle, ae teares
of the infection.
to Joe Mien, Mala Street.
Bsporiad by I. L. Ray lo.. Lh.eac
Board of Trade and Maw York Stoex
Bzsbaage Brokers.
January 23. Wneat was firmer to
day and closed near tbe top. i.iverp. .
opened 6 tit, and then adjourned
on account ol the ejaaen s Ueelli. -ew
irk opened -4 lower, ,! 1-8. whirl.
wao Ue low point of the day and Bold
up lu7 M to 7W4, closing, 7tf .V-b.
- . k were higher early, i.tii later lost
all tbe advance. Money, 3 pur cent.
t.lose vestenlay, ,U 3-.
Open todav, 7V 1-n.
Range today, 7W 1-x to 79.
Cloe- uaiav, 70 6-
Got the Grippe?
I- the leading question ot the day.
W. know it for es have a grip on a
fine coffee trade.
Mm MaBj esse BeaSay,
Kebat- tiekeu on sale belwwse rorllaad. Hsav
isassi and San Franetsou. Net rates r Drat
;.M slidtll Meood ctaaa. lueiudtni; Ueeper
Bate, and tl-.-keu to Kasiern puuiu and Ku
AU lapiu.. China, Hawsall. Tbe Pnllip
. or.: I ai iir omaiu..'. rr.-rr .;
n Klrsiand, Ilcaet Ac:. Tbird ML. oof . Alder,
t'ortiaud. O-
Farmers Custom Mill
Pied Waiters, Proprietor.
Fire, Life, Accident, Plate tils
on City and County Property.
Real Estate
Improved and Cnimpruved Citv I.lr
Stock Ranches and Wheat Farms
East Oregonian Building.
Oregon Lumber Yard Take the..
Capacity. UO baxrals a day.
Floor sicbaiagsd lor wbaat.
Flour. U1U Bsad, Caopsd Bwd,
on baad
svc.. aiwsys
The Beat Orsgoman is Eastern Oia
gon s reprsaenutivs paper it leads, and
ts peupia appreciate it and snow it by
their liberal patronage. It is tbe advsr
tainr rnadtom ol tbt saction
Hiiiulm: Paper,
Tur P;itH;t.
Liine unJ (mcut,
Hrick and Sand,
Sash and lJtKr
Screen liuira; Winduws,
Terru Cotta Htpe.
Borie & Light, Prop's
Washington &
Columbia River
l or Chicago, ht. r-sui, BX LatU .t
sas City, ht. J.. Onehs
All Points East and Sou
Portland and poistt
on the Sound.
Adtaiit.. opp. Court
A -riva Mondesi wednssdaWSSt JJfM
H:V.a at. Tuasdsn Tuursdsr"""1 I
at :4A B. i
.-ldallf ri eli r lU'lSf SlWf
For In (or ii, a( rsas s
muoatiun us., uu in "1"Ti..m sasa I
eenda e I
aB.CAt-t.BKHBA,, A
beeaaSB ne give you "Mother's Pride"
to. irst K-Vr coflw. up earth
A little smoother coilee is our
-Special" at Sue.
Step up ouce more .and the "Owl
hpecial" will tickle your palate for
And our "4sJ plend'
puiinent at -sue.
is strong and
Owl Tea House.
j rails Crepe Paper ioc
You Owe
And you know
do I owe him!"
( Nra Radei what
it if you will only ntoj. to think "
J you owe Kader. of courae. You owe him
a viit to his store and a careful itifcpection of hia iniiuenae
line if you have not recently paid this visit
IToii will feel well repaid IO, the time spit in feasting
your eyM on the manx aloi thin he hae to shw you
in new furnitur.- creatiom, and he will be more than
nleaaed to Hue vou.
M. A. RADER, Main and Webb Streets