We must make room.. For our elegant new line ol spring goods winch will soon begin to arrive. There lore 35 per cent discount, on Jackets. Collarettes. Capes. Skirts. Wrappers. Best grade ol outing flannel 9 yards (or ft 00. Prices on many other articles cut in equal and greater proportions. 9m as for Bargains. A chance for a gold watch with every dollar purchase. THE MAGNET CASH STORE Clements & Wilson. Court and Cottonwood WKDNMIH Y. JANU ARY 23. 1IT DULY. WEEKLY A.Nl TV ma PabliataLnc ycJ.. ss.1 'JM 1 klsrr. 0 tZrZTallq BSL mm gon ilioulil t given a tenatnrahip. and nothing le will settle the score. An Kastern Oregon man in the senste d J. soni.'thmg (or the atate. and it people, lor Portland. and it people, more than anv Portland or lower Col- SElll-WrXKLT umbia river man could do. Eastern Oregon claim ha? not been preaeed with any vigor. lUttern Oregon's re ; publican are too prone to modest .1 thii connection and too mtich inclined to discount their own capacitv and place a preminm upon that of those who arv not as tit and not half to en- the tenatorship. An Eastern t Oregon man should be elected. Company, OK EC ON. - W a n 1 titled t. ADttlTtlt. B T (OMVMy AirtreMMit. ftajgtK ta data y p mmmtH m MW. I tHu, 14 M1 ' tf BMU . U.i.H it SpttDft f"w u 11 1 mem Dm - . im 0wi U'M MVaat. ta mi at CtHww m Tan witfc 1 niiri I I - ' ret . ' n Dwf . (M aWMa, pm itv a. ft o mU lain 5 5 w , . I m ROYALTY'S ALTERED SPHKRS. "Beiore balf-paat 2 o'clock 011 morning of June 10, 18"" William was lying dead in Windsor cai while the messengers were ain the IV. tie. adv sc ts e- m .... V MM 4 W I hurrring of? to Kensington palace to 1 bear to hit successor her summons to ,;tbe throne." Thii if the graphic sen- with which Mr. Justin McCarthy ' opened hit "History of Oar Own Times " one of the moat interesting 1 though not the moat accurate of the : high cbroniclea of the Victorian reign. Vteh mn(n M Mn hflT. MMnj since dow over England. Ieath chooses the ! that eventiul and momeniou- day, and sovereigns of Britain, inatead of toe toe interim has aeen great changes people doing to. It H a pity that the people cannot chooee their head mains trate (or themselves, bnt the habit be- lag otherwise they cannot break away from it. King Edward, the seventh, reignt King Caucut did no, win at baiem and the remit ia it ieaaybodv's race at Salem ttill. It appears tbat Candi date Corbett ano McBride have al ready exerted their fell strength, it ia not on the card that either of these gentlemen will be elected. Genera! MacArtbur, the head 01 the Amerieaan army in the Philippine, baa recommended the payment of a bounty tA S2&t to every tuidier in tboae lalandt who re-enliats for another term. And to anxious are tbe men to return borne tbat no certainty is felt that even this liberal bono will suffice to keep our army in Alia up t the uO.tUO mark that which (ienera. Mc Arthur baa aaid it must be maintained. Tbe terms of the great maiority of all our aoldieri out there expire on Jane 30 next, and if they cannot be per loaded to re-en list the necessity lor enlisting new men a, take their place will have to be faced. itor Ilauna. we are told, i going to join the '.rami Arniv of tbe Re public. The senator baa just disclosed tbe fact tbat be has a war record, as be was a sscond lieutenant in tbe Fifteenth Ohio volunteers in the civil war. Of coarse be will join the G. A. It . and who knows, tbat in doing so, he has an eagle eye to windward for the presidency in lfitH. My dear Hanna ta aa artiul dodger, hat one who works with lunch persistency and force. He 11 the bull do, of polities and there are few who can retail, a hold when once be gets it so long as can tJaiiua. If Dick Groker had been brought up in the republican party environment there would have been another like bim. Dick Croker and Mark Hanna have much in common. They are scrappers and politicians. They stop at nothing to carry their ends. Lai Mark Hanna become a Q. A. K Dick Gross- baa become a gentleman in English liia. bpakane it behind a proposition to bold a big (air 'within iu limits in 102 or 1903 00 wnich is to be spent 750,000 The proposition it already heing pushed by bpuaaae brains and money. It ties already usen decided to urge the legislatures of Oregon. Idaho Montana and the government of British Columbia to make appropria tions for sute ami provincial buiid iiiga and It is expected that these states and province will give 60,00u each, bpoaaue city will provide f 160, 000 additions, aad tbe 0 ogress at Waebington it expected to dig up to tbe uiue of gJBO.QUO. This sanguinity on the part of hpofcane is really refresh ing;. There is aoti.ing mean nor small about bpoaaue. That town breathes pure air inia its lungs and (eel like undertaking most anything. A I7A0, UUU fair would not ha rauub (or 8po- uiK : No, not much, but 11 the Ore gon legislature should appropriate 140 -000, as it aaid to be expected of it, several moeabeea are expected to fall dead with surprise. over the institution o: an-ereigntv Its governments, aspect it not one of the most momentous aspects of the good qoeen't reign, bat it it an im nortant one. nevertheless . for tbe rise and tall of mvalty make op one of tbe most fstcinating threads in the anualt of humanity. .ess Tbe rvign of William IV. , uneventful at compared with tbat of George I. ltB0-L83U, and short as com pared with tbat of George III. 1740 1820 , will forever ttend out in his tory as a transaction and tbe fall ar rival of constitutional government in Great Britain. He exercised tbe right to dismiss hit ministers at will ; but with him thu prerogative passed away once (or all from tbe hands o( tbe ruler to tbe bandt of tbe people. With William tbe old manner of sovereign ceased to be, bnt tbe new manner of sovereign had not yet ar rived. It remained (or Victoria to es tablish the new order, and tbat has been her work in government. Be cause the hat done it well, the minarch abides in Britain, and tbe house of Hanover holds undisputed title to the throne. Victoria's service in the narrow gov ernmental sense baa been to subor dinate direction of statecraft to that personal characteristic of royalty which was expressed in the term too often erroneously applied "the rirst gentleman of England. The standard of kingship she bequeathes to the empire is that of personal character. Not a 'ormulator n measures or an intriguer with cabinets or a aaaer and luarrer of public servants, tbe throne ilandt' today for exemplar con duct, high idealt and dignified bear ing. Tbe King must be. If he measures 1 i0 the up t the recognised pattern now. not a self seeking potentate, but a model o( all the virtues and graces of in tellectual and accomplished social Ufa. he going to accomplish the same re sults hereafter? We have seen tbat hr can dissipate a fortune of f 1.1, 000,000 in a few rears. An expenditure of two or three mil lions a year it so well within his capacity that it afford ac real test of bit actual powers. But suppose he hsd a Rockefeller io tead of a Gould fortune to deal with. How would it he than'.' Mr. Rockefeller hat taken precau tion! against the early appearance of a Oartellane in hit familv. That there will be on sooner or later there ran be no reasonable doubt. Suppose, when he appears, he rinds himself in poetess ion of a fortune o' a billion dollars, secure v invented at 4 par cant, and returning an income of MO.tiXVtim a year, what will be the chances of hit performing the social fonctions that have been perlonned In hit Kind in all former ages" To dissipate such a fortune within the period of one spendthrift's ac tivity, which could hardly he expected to cover more than twenty years, would require an expenditure of at least :o.000.o00 s vear. nearlv 1 , OOn a week, or 2rift.niw a dsV) That wo ild be WO.'"' an hour. II a work ing day consisted of tan hours, or over t.'WO a minute, or to a second Could a man keep op that pace for twentv vear without resting If he spent only W.0O0.O0U a year he would be living on his income aad hit prtnei- Bl would not diminish. If be spent 1,000. OHO annnallv bis estate would actually increase. It wfli be such a test for the Castel Isnes at thev have never yet had to face. If they tail, the world will have to nnd some other method of re ducing the inequalities of wealth. Hearst's Chicago American. LEGISLATIVE ROTIS. Senator T. H. Johnston has iotro duced a bill constituting the gofernor. secretary of ttate and state treasurer a commission to build a portage rail wav between The Dalles and OslllO ami making an appropriation therefor. NOTHING ELSE CUE j Why Paine's Celery Compound is the Best Remedy in the World. Adjutant ' ieneral Gantenbein. of the Oregon National Guard, has prepared a bill for the reorganiiationjo! the ttate militia and providing for annual camp. Odd and cruise encampments every year. Representative Miller, of Arlington, representing Orant. Gilliam. Mel man. Wasco and Wheeler counties, proposes, in a bill tbat he has intro duced, to re-establish a ttate board of railroad commissioners. Tbe board it to consist of three members end tin ir salaries are f.xed st .'. per annum. I L. Ray Co., Buy ami tell Stookw, Bon els and Grain for ea.h or on martin. Court SMi-vet. Fwntll.torv Or, New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago Hoard of Trade. ORE 1 time 1ST : lime-. IV 1 tims Mr tc each extra insertion CLASSIFIED ADS. 0OC1I1 SI vi ".OKI'- TO THE. INE me tin.- or more, per wsek. .1 tits rats ot lie Mr lnr m . j- ,.., i hi. ra . ul n.,. j. rltREl t.IXE? . .ate rh additional insertion. VOTR :M 1 i.mc 'JSC zttaiit t I limes V 1ST additional nonius ATTORKBYS. Reapportionment of tbe state hat be come a live tonic and niav cause s big tight before the legislature. Senator Steirer has introduced a biil making radical changes in the present cum bersome scheme of apportionment. It does not look so much likes gerry mander at the present act. Dr. Andrew C. Smith, one of the senators from Multnomah county, has introduced a bill to authorise the port of Portland commission to issue 4 per cent bonds in the sum of MBB.MO, tbe proceeds to be need in tbe construction of a dry-dock. It is aaid ot Portland to tbe discredit u: tbat city that it it the only port of any consequenre u Hm wbols countrv that it without such a valaabls adjunct to its shipping facilities. Oregon's Pan-American commission, consisting of President A. P. Tiflt, Treasurer H. B Thielsen. ecreurv J, H. Burgard .Assistant secretary Oenrge L Peaclee. and A. J. Johnson . L Smith and Mrs. K. T. Weatherred. has submitted s draft of a bill for an appropriation of 13'. AH) for Oregon's exhibit at the Buffalo exposition. The bill baa been pat in the hands of Sena tor Howe, of Yamhill county, for in troduction in tbe senate, and in the hands of Representative Stewart. Represents! 1 c Schumann, of Mult nomah, haa prepared a bill that will, if enacted into law, tend to discourage tbe loaning of public moneys. Ibe bill makes tbe borrowing of pablic money from tbe state, or any town or other public corporation. grand larceny, punishable by a fine eoat to the amount borrowed, or impritonent penitentisry lor from one to 16 years. Exceptions are made 01 tunas for 'he loaning of whieb provision is already made by law. "When everything else has failed, I Paine s celery compound has brought me back to health.'' The thousands ot instances where this hat been said the scores of people in every community who have told this timple story: the' downright, hard, cold (acta the grate(ul acknowledg ments of men and women who have suffered from the diseases that have their oriain in impaired nervous sys tems and sluggish, impure blood these are what have mad- Paine's celery compound far and away the one remedy above all others that phyticiant pre- , scribe snd tbe public indorse. It it by merit, and merit alone that j Paine's celery compound lass achieved I s wonderful pre-eminence, not only in thii country hut throughout the civilised world. Alter the unfortunate person who, it ailing because tbe blood needt new 1 life and tbe nerves require nature's food, finally triss Paine t celery com ' iound and gets immediate relief, an-' other is added to the great multitude of people whose praise of tint remedy haa made tbe demand for it many times larger than that of all other remedies put together. A person mutt bave lost all con fidence in his fellownien who can read the following letter and not be con vinced of the great l-enetit IVi celery compound ha done, is doing, and will continue to do for sirk ami nervous people wherever it finds them. When 11 sick man or woman fitids that be or she has taken a remedy that hat actually done lor mm or ber all that is claimed for it it can be safsly predicted what will follow. Every ac-1 qaaintance, sick or well, will be told about it. General Rodriguez baa written down hit experience in the hope of helping others who mav be so stflicted. The I it today counectcd with the civil government of Havana. I hiring the struggle lor Omar, independence he rose from the ranks to the grade of brigadier-general, and in IHWl won a decisive victory rtr tieneral Cauioe. General Rodriguez was a very tick man. He was as near aafeaM prostration as one can he and live. Atter five v ears' tufferinir his first good night s sleep came immediately upon hit taking Paine't celery com pound. Hit letter reads: "Dear Sirs: For five ..ears I had not bad a good night's rest. 1 had a seri ous case ol nervous prostration, my strength seemed to be leaving me. and 1 (elt tired uud weak all tbe time. Mv blood wat impure and I suffered trom pains in the back, const 1 pet 101,, and an inactive liver. I had tm appetite and no ambition. 1 as i-onstantly consulting pnysicans. and it seemed al though I was nearlv readv to die. Providence sent me a Irittle of Paine's ceierv comsund.and thlsrgreat remedy cured me of all the irritable symptoms with which 1 was afflicted. 1 can frank M snd sincerely sry that had it not been for Paine's celery compound I would 1 day lie either in the ceme tery or in the insane asvlum. Among the many prominent people who testify to the virtues of Paine't celery com pound are Santiago Rodriguez, M 1.;J. M. Braclio Kdwardo de la Torre. 1'ortirn .YUsvidal, K. f. Gate), (). 11. Pineda. Hedm Herrera y Her manns A. Rincon. Andres Angulo, urelio de Yarona luesada. Very trulv vnurs. "GEN . J. M. EODR1O0RX." No remedy ever bad the OtJeJ oken approvaljof men so highly esteemed 111 business snd professions! life Ha remedy ever deserved so well of people in the ordmarv walks of life and none ever ant such instant recognition from the discerning public. Its suc cess has been confined to no one class of society. t'AKTEK RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT haw ('Sec In Sarins Hank Building . BXAJt g( LOaSRR, ATTORXKTB AT U Room 11 AMocla.ton Black. fetMUe- ten. Oregon T, (..HA11.KV LAWYER. I'KKR'EIN Judd Bulldinfi. Pendleton. Oregon STIM.M.W A PIERCE. ATTORNEYS ai Is 'a Room K, 11. U and Aweciailuii ska k THOS. FTTZGF.RAl.: ATTORNEY At Law. olhvr 111 Association Bloek. N. l'.EKKl. LEY ATTORNEY AT RAW. OtBrr in AMoclatini, Bioi k iTlZ BOYD, ATTUKKMY AT RAW. Ill -rat: fti FIVE UNKH 1 l.uie t times ia, JOv sacb addltiona, Instrtlon Tvtf, ''( I0S1C AMD FUSS v P!i2! '"'H-i l'-VUdTVTnTd loial ami U,1 ... ' ' MOUli orchs.tr. IsachsrofriatiTlliaj mssidoliu. . isns.Sl ranntarpotni. arrantemst'TL2aW uruu, ,, T .i.int tMa.-"aai foraltbsd lor ns-ns. balhi4S!L? Kor wl;afcsruiii. sppl. i (Tr sw"ax1 JAMES A. f KK. 1 AW orrit'E !N JtTUIl Buhdins ARCHITECTS AMD lUIUkuT1 T. K. HOW ARIl ARl mraei-r-i perlnlondsni. makss eoiiSi Jf!M plans lor bulldlnn iB4Wj Room 17. Jndd building. ' I i' A. MA 1 1 A'TRAITtxT '"ode, l.lmatlurkl2i mssonrr. im.ni nil. -Izrr"wg .i-r. , an In- I.e. , :, l.'ugSlSl PHYSICIANS. BANKS ANO II0KUS. DR. W. O. COUt. OFFICE IN JCI)D Funding tratre hour, li ta 12 a. B ; I to p m Telephone TT. r. W. VIHCBET. 11. 1' .-KKH 1. KHAR ol Pirsi Ssiioea. Sank. oVi-a hoars lots 12 m.m. ; 1 to 3 p si lKv -MIIH A HENli:li-oN. oFFIt'K I'eudii'loii asviugs Hauk. Telepboiis U. ptttasasi ivispbone 4 H. i UARFIELI', H. I)., BOafh "FnTH -Ir Physician and aunrsou lee ,n JudC Rulidiut l,.-pliohr UAve. bis k ai; rl- asu'S uiai 1 . FIRST NATIONAL BAKKOrnixlia ton ..... . 'visas ,v,vw. .mini lunki.. - . - MS uuimca and n-iegrspbu trmuitcr. ttkt sal rmiciseu. .-e 0Tt SDd SJt tfesRertfewstt UrsJu iiraws. " uroii naist colls let ins Levi ankeur intgiluu hi TlPs-prsaident; C t. dTissni .Hi.K7,w.iiiKi!i asnisr. li aw old taCfcsavl d ISUSXSLiSI scttstssisaB 1 1R. 1. J. M l API.. BOOM IT, ASSOt'IA I Hon block Telephone i. rettasace tols- phonv. black 111. THk. PENOLKTON &AY1N6B rsndlston. Oregon Ortaausd kaw ni:u. una. ," .iC poslu Kxehaugs bought tat MmS! " " " - ruiiiiu. I'lSHOSOl Tles-orashteut ; T 1 Mstrkksaaks USTEOPATHI PHY'Slt'IANS, DKS. keras A Keys. Otlcc, one block west ol Hot ton Hior. W. E. PERRY. PHYSICIAN AND St'R- geon. t'kiali oregull DR. I I SN K. IU.Ak.ESl.EE HKoNK and osrvou. iiiwase. ami disease, of woman. IM lime. or Waier and Main Hu. I'sudls- uin ore DKNTlSTh. K. A. VAPOAlTljarNTllBT.OrriE in Judd Building. A. L. HEATIE. D. D. 8. (FF1C'K OVBP SaTings Bank Oat adnlii.aMred E. A. M ANN. DENTIST. IN ABoXJ.U: nou Block over B C'loptoc'i ogles. FlMeTJ national hANKOFATasa . capita; M.tts nrshtasa 2 - " "Bl. SSfSB foreign aau dottestic sacSsms promptly atlenOsd u HenrrC AStsa ww., 1 . r, . . vies-prea sen. X l m... 1-s.i.wr, art I. 1 mm outlier. THK FARkf KR'e BANK OF nesiun. Oregon Isjss s j business ex. inn., lection, promptly alisndsdio exseneiu i-ondition and s inssatiganon eommtllssef irsnn n Jsmewn. on Prorhaia: rice president c H Pisrw J. R. Ktllsort- SS.I.UVH1 sssklsr: ai U A Uanmau M H. Johns. T J rnwl uraa , r kll.gorc Hoksrt Jt nsekssal A. P. S! 1 !'H ENS CO DO SAl and ouiraeiing ul si. kindi Sosts on short notice Usvs ordsn allh A M a or with Van orsdaL A Bats. Eastern Oregon man should ha to the United States senate. The otnee belongs east of the Cascades. Eastern Oregon it without representa tion in congress. Ms loom Moody woo bails from Tbe Dallas, does not count. He is of tbe Portland push and noth ing to Eastern Oregon. He was chosen baaaone be could be controlled nnd. at tna same tiate, credited to Eastern Oregon, bnt Use credit ia not accepts -ble. A great taction like Eastern Ore- This is nut an emptv office as tbe superficial might suppose . for observa tion has abundantly confirmed Burkes dictum as to me superiority of manners ' over law. He would be raab who should undertake to point out tbe law or set of laws enacted in tbe Vic- j lonan reign whose effect upon tbe English-speaking world transcends tbe profound influence exerted by the personality of tbe queen and those, including tbe prince consort, who bave gathered about ber and left their im press upon English thought, customs and idealt. Domestic purity, social cleanliness, honesty and kindliness bave radiatedhn unfiickeririgibrigiitnees from tbe British throne lor sixty years, and have lifted mankind im measurably far above tbe levels revealed in celebrated lectures of Thackerav. This high standard con fronts tbe prince regent, f'pon way Im meets his inheritance very .aruelv deuends not onlv monarchy ; in name in Britain, but the perpetuity of every tiiron.- that still survives tbe abocas of liberty and the hand of time Portland Oregon 1 an THE HOUSE OP CAgTgLLAHE. It is worth while to think about 1 f . II- CT v n. , I ummwm nana, nt means mucu. ne IS a part of tbe riddle of the new cen tury's social sphinx. it is tbe Caste 11 snea tbat have saved the world through all past history, from tbe domination o( a few great fortunes. A robust bandit chief would under take to found a family. He would pile up gold in iron cheats, he would take mortgages on the lauds of his neigh bors, and u secure all this to his de scendants forever lie would tie up his wealth with strict family settlements Then be would die and for some generations his estates would grow by their own vitality. His descendants would live for enjoyment and their revenues would support them in idle luxury. At last along would seats a Cen tal lane. Luxury would not satisfy bim. He would be puaaeaasd by a rage for extravagance He would throw away his fortune with both hands. Ha uld cut down the family lores'. mortgage ties ancestral acree and empty the iron treasure boxes. When me nalr fans accompanied by macous patches in the mouth, crop ttons on the akin, core throat copper colored splotches. swoUen glands, st and bones, tbe discs at ia rapid bead war, and fa symptoms will follow unless tbe blood ia prompt lv and effectually cleansed of this violent destructive poison. S. S. S. is the only safe nnd infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison It cures the tnoroagxuy aad permancnuy. In tbe fall of gftw 1 oietrscltd Blood , Potaua. I trlaC am lett Pa l-wc. Wiik .! eat ma so seed ; I was gettlag worse all tar am ; my hair cam oat. ulcers Appeared in my threat sod mouth n bodv was almost tusaie sili v ci 0 .ored splus tK. so . Ssrss twlered severely Irom ery ' k my seoaldrrs aad asass. My r(aT) NORTHERN PACIFIC .R&H ran undSTMaui: tost all bulk at L decided lo r I I L It mast confess I aad hide lailb left in ear medktae After Ukkag the third bottle ! autkad s c as age is my asweV tsan Taw ares irmly see coaragiac. aad I Ortar muscat to stsa S . S. a trial. omly taomsatsnedaal my sasTeriasja asomAlK pauss I aaansttaa cuotd ctsdaa I was I had aboat mrJm tad. , RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Care, Tourist Sleeping Cars HT. PAUL MIXNEAPOLIt- Idulcth llAkdii Tn GRAND FORKh CKtioKrTflN WINNKI'hi. IHKI.KNA and BUTTE. THKOL'UU TlCKavTS TO CHICAGO WA-iiIN.TOK PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all pointa East and booth. Thraogb tickets to Japan Teaosaa aad Nortnarn Pacii line. and Chios 11a ike Steaaualp Co nag scggpuLK. train laafm Psadlaton dallj axrapisuudar WBWaxejsjHeawaxMMawaBHBxaaWaavaawr dstast Tims ksbsduls saaivt roa Prom Psndlaton. raoa Past Mil. Malt Lake Itsnver Port Past Mall aortb. ouaaa. Kate' No. 1 :lia.xs. ' sas City. M: LouU. m.i m !o. Cblcagi' aad gas : via ip m. Orsgea Snort Una . s i Suokans Walla Waha sioasuc, spoaanr Pljer MiuDaasatU.fclVau:. Kjmi No S huiulb Mllwauase, No f s:lAs. sx. Chicago aad lasi, via ixt t m Oraa . Northern j Past Mall Portland and Han Past Mali Praaclseo. tu'a. n. ttf i t-.tap m xcp. m Ossan Staamshlns iup. w Prom Portland. for aan Praaclseo Every Its days. J Columsia Blvsr JCp m. ka aunday steamers. kx Suudai SaiordaT Tt Asio.-is .,,.1 VT.r ' 10 a. a. 1 Landing. Lr Klparta Snaxa Blvtr. U Uw'ttn mil 1aliy I a. u. alaarts to Lewtstaa. jsius. a NEW LUMBER YARD. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber 1 7o, We are now readv for has mess near Washington A Columbia Rive freight detiot with a, general assortment of lumber direct from our own saw mill, ami ran furnish any thing promptly. Country orders in car loa Is shipped 'direot from Qtu mill lu carload lots at porreri uncus itive us a call s.sol m 1-irit.er Inlormalloo. lime cards, maps, and tickets csl. ui. or wnie Adams, rsudu Wm s. Orexee or Tnlrd aad A h CHAHLTO.V MarrisoB Sta.. porUaad. ore thai umeootnctmiiiuea seat su r.Lsd b b secmed Lo nsee Urn SBS- aaae comp.ctsly conurcl lb soi sk.ii kasi.d sad I was aaaa free (turn all mjws s to disorder I bar bees a root aad eaattay ever skscs L W.asiiTB. Lasakaaeii. stotAaaeUlc. is the only purely vege table blood purthcr known, f ,000 is oflered for proof tbat it contaioa a part scat of potash or other mineral season. beoti for our free book on Blood Poison ; it contains valuable ioiurntatsuu aboat this disease, with full directions for self treatment. We charge noshing fur eel advice ; care yourself at borne IIBt SWUM SPtttPsC CO. AIUUItA sss OreonSfaortLineRailroad tbx uutgcT aousg to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points ulvas caoios ot two lavorll roa tea via las DIIOK PAC1PIC Past Mall Una, or the KlO UaANhXaoaalc Llnaa. Mixed train laaras Pandiaioa lo WalWalla "at's1" tawaagSj tamporarllj, for lull inlormation cal. or write to H lit RLBt'BT, (smaral Pssssngar Agest, Portland. Oregon r P WtsiijT. Agent. Paadlstoo. NEW LINE To and from the Can tell cheaper than any firm in the county because they buy in large quantities If you need lumber or any kind of mill work call ind ' their prices. A.C.Shaw&Co. R F0RSTER J W J SEWELL. Mgr. fqua ( &0y The COMMONER in the world. Issued Weekly. William J. Bryan Editar nnd Publisher. lincoln, .Nebraska rut bo like ttte humble earthworm which breaks up tbe clod into fertile soil for the farmer, the CaaUliaue haa bad hia place in Use eeuaosuy oi unto ra. ia Peodietoo Ukiah Stage Line A Carney I Laa Pendleton every day at 7 o Y lock except bunday, for Pilot com City bock. Nye, Alba and Ukiah. Good ac ion. Beasouable freight and rates. at Tali mauf. A Co t drug No Chanoc of Can oa Use Portland-Cblcago apwial. "tke laatt la Iks Wast " BsinippsKl With Elegant Mauderd blttggrg Pkaa Nerw Orwisaary TestrMM ) ilstpsia para Ubs-ary -Burtsrt Caws Sptendiw Diners . ascals a la carte Free Ri rjlatag Cgsatr Cars I ssBttrtablt Ceacties asaa tmihsss EcrUra T rain Cosnpietely Yastlbaiai Pe. Iwriaar luiot malum sppij is f T AAUtl.K Agsat o K a N Co., Paadlatoa, 6c. i. H MAOBL. W. a CUkAs Trar Past Agl faan'i Again 141 Thlre St.. Peruana. Oreaaa. -A. ST Illinois Central Railroad Solid Trains New Equipment Wide Veatibules Tsrms PaysWc ia Aiv 0n- m Ji.oo Six Mouths .60 Three n oaths ,jg Siagte Cnpy .o8 No IraveJiog canvassers are em ployed Terms lor local agents will be sent on application. All money should be sent by F. O oicier, Lxpress order, of by bank draft on New York or Clncano. Do not send individual checks or stamps. The Commoner per year with Weekly Kaat Ort-gom.ni 2.35 Sinn -Weekly East Oregonian 2.85 I'ail) East Ongonian 5.75 Address East OrcKoaiau, Feudleton, Oregon. PILSMffl BOTTLtl BEER. BKKWKKYh OSjf Highly re... in menu! w Kverv kittle lull) guar -ow' agent O. K. & N (J.,., or b h Trumbull, cum'i. kgem 142 Third St., i'rHand, Or Old TO POT BMKKg CAB rte'H. ralis,or Newwpapera ?JS5 fi-T oaauoaua ornog. PwawS m-m AA- llss4U,iflff CJ oiv""j SEALS CorporatiooJ $3.50 to $5 I1!