CLEARANCE SALE NOW GOING ON. (MORE FOOTBALL PERHAPS. Talk of Having tha Happnar Taara Cama I to Pendleton to Play. I W. K. Itr..rk. nl Brock & McCoidbk, and T. W. Aver, jr., of Tall 'nan A 00. , wee qui tip well pleased at news received from Heupner yesterday. 1. ealey Matlock, of Hoppner", who fa visiting here, an well aa quite a iinm ber 01 Pendleton people who are friendly to the people of Morrow Bargains for Everyone Lid and Silver Buttons, Tips anr1 several other articles received by express. leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. l.VTi Kl' JANUARY 18, 1901. work and will become even more cloaely identified with the buiinen intereat of Portland and the Northwest. AVES THE 0. R. & N. U). u Rurlburt, Coneral Paessnaer , . T I. llM HI.... Ilini. neaian m r lor"' .. .. mianatioii f . h, minium, ' ra i paeeengnr agent of the Oregon Elroail Navigation company lor fpinl nine year, remove one ui hriloC' HM'II 'il Mllil WOii:r ttou k((tb iiiohI popular railroad men 1,1,,. , itrv. II in rcngnal ih io (t.ff.'ct January if. tl MMcwnf not yet namett. nir. nun nun to i'li'iililv hniiMi'ii w mi tin- Ufl. I. ..I 1 I ' ... HUB. wriii . u i loiu-im iwiifiii ("in- y, of I'ort liiml, ! WHICH rim B, t'k, well known in Pendleton, il I. XDa elcitric rnun, running Portland and Oregon city, was golly purchased nv M"rnn v wiiite- reorganisation ni mi im la aecai and Mr. 1 1 i Ibtrrt will -I . t ..... ...... -itti,' tin- pr 'Mili'lli oi nil- now iniii- w 1 1 : i 1 1 i- to ho known an the niiinii uihI Oregon City railway com- KM. ' II. Ilnrlhiirt cntorcil tho railroad In !.(), unci hllri hi'on III tho i fttcs tor .ill veiirM, v. lllioui it un auuu than u week nt a time. Me at lift puHenger agent of the I Mi--..uri railroad, then travel- 'fsot of the Burlington A- Miasonri ar. in no huh npiioiiiieii .iiinio inMB'iiuor agent ot the Chicago, limiton v Uuinev, and aiiliNeiiueul- I'llne general traveling agent .htniinrv I. I H tl . he lipioiiih'il general KiiHtern pass ar agent of tho Canada (Southern, I in Si'itemher, IHHI, he liecame ml pmonger agent ol that road. Annl III, IHHI. .to .Innuarv 1, K, In- me- general Woritorn agent of p New nrk , Lake Krie A Western, IClnc.K" Then he apent a year as BifUnt general imshongnr agent ol Union Pacific, at han FranclSM. hi' wiih truiiHlerred to the same antion at I'lirtlnnd. and kept it until alien ho was made general pa- r agent ( the O. K. V N. Co., poiitimi which he now relin- a. i uh a railroad man and as a ii, iio is faithful, sincere and if II.. iu u I . I i , t ; t .1 Ixlilin.a aunli tl,., lift!,! ill ilm tin Hartford. His age is one of tent- ol ma lite, no is nom II, llMll I B Ull.l II It.Ollltt. M', ...... - i everv hoiiho ol tho word. He .11,., i WAV C. on I, il-iin. nr ami good will, as well as that l. II.. .. ,11 I... numb to Wilis worth in h's new line of 53 ' your Hair worth One Dollar 7 If to, I i u lottloof Nuwbro'a llerpi Oil ' aiul t Unit itauilrutT that Is aiarly but turely roonurlus you Laid. HI WUHO S Ht RPIOIUl ily i iiiatralluii on the murket Unto ,ik H,i up it fr t 1. tiaa I "HI, inn' Unit kill. tin, ml. ml. nt work in lln' imir root, tliun lU.lroyin tlte 2Jii uiul l oiiMijueutly removing llic Ooelrlal win wnvliK'o you, thcuuuu it Omi this douhUug Tluuuas ' ' : SS Ke.HCISCU, V-au. lux-. I. . wiwii I ijuhtlliul UitUuf iitlliMlUUu. yminiiiiH Ad. Ilk, tl.r luftjurlty uf.iK-li rl"i ill im, I thoiiglii It wuuld iiruvf h ,' ; I ma Immiy I'liulatliallliluttiiaU, iii-i' ii iiioru, iiiMi, vou flfftliit for II. Ily auusruttiui! riUll. BMiwctliilly, An . 1(. KLi.r .llSSDivUuiUo, Ut. jMaa all Flnt-Clan Dru Stoeu. Htat or Ohio, citt or Toledo i . Lucas Coumtv. t Frank J. (,'htnay makes natb that he is tbr iMilnr iwrini'r cil the firm of r. .1 I'lieni'i it, On., i i In the city ol Toledo, county anil mstc aloresahl, and that ssiil Arm will pay tin- mm ol One Hundred Dollar lor each and every case of (lutarrh that esiinot tie cured ny tin- use of lltilr Catarrh Cure. Htvorn to before me and subscribed In my presence this ftth day of December, A. I b. larsi. Notary Public. Hull - Catarrb ('ure Is taken Internally and sets directly on the blood and mucous auffaecs of the system Hernl lor testimonials, tree. F. J ' HKSKY A CO., Toledo. Ohio. Kohl by drunlsts, 7&c. Mali's Family Pills are the beat. EPICURES IMPOSED UPON. A Story at An Addendum to tha Jaek abblt Drive. .lack Craig .ind Warren (tilths have returned from the southern part of the state und 1. J. Wilaon is expected home the latter part of no it week. The three have made a three-months' tour of 1 1 runt. Wheeler ami Cilliam counties on a photographers' tour. While at Kcho Messrs. Craig and (iihba heard a strange storv. They state that after the rabbit drive of last Sunday the dead unimals were ahipped to Portland ami palmed off upon the uiiHUspectiug dealers of that city at $1! per dozei: as Helgian hares. Alao, that the restaurants kept up the lioux and placed the game before tbeir gueats at 71 cent, per plate These stories are monatroua, am! would lead a wrson tosusiect that Joe Munchaiiin were again alive. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible num. soald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Halve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sorea, ulcers, bolls, felons, corns, all sklu eruptions; heat pile cure on eartb. Only 26c. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Tallman a Co., drugglata. Katie Emrnott Coming. ' The simple announcement that Mr. Lnriu J. Howard, will present Merry Katie Enimett in the thrilling comedy drama, "The Now Waife of New York," at Fraaer opera houee, Thurs day, Jauuarv 16 will be enough to in ure a packed bouae. No lady on the stage haa as wide a reputation as a aouurette nor one so honestly earned in legitimate ways and no play of life in New York has received auch tinatinted praiae frum the critics aa haa "The Waife. " In tbe leading role of Lillie Kufua tbe newaboy Katie Kuimett ia at ber beat and disss some very effective comedy work. Khe ia aurroumJed by onb of tbe beet of companies which la eludes tho corned iau Loriu J. Howard. A Bloaaier Oeall Plan. Deetroying ita victim ii a tip. of constipation. The power of this mur derous malady ia felt on organs ami nerves and muaclea and brain. There's no health till it'a overcome Hut Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and carlaiu cure. Beat in tbe world for atooiacb, liver, kidueys and bowels Only 2ft cents at Tallman & Co's drug store. arrivals at Moial Pendleton. K W bartiett, La Uraude. i. H Kichardsou Portland. K M Me I inline 1 1 . Chicago. N C Hardy, Portland. I II Newell, Spokane. P E Hunsucker. Win Muyer, Portlaud. C M Smith, Portlaud. O II Hellinger, Portland. Fred K Korbea, Portland. C M Kowler, Portlaud, J II Kloeckner, Portland. S Sterling, San Francisco. Ham Ofner, Chicago. J J Burns. Portland. W F Hilton. Portland. U WIU Be Vau A blood purifier and tissue builder is Karl's Clover Root Tea. Sold for half a uenturv on our guarantee. Money refuniluu if results are not nalislai lory Price 26 eta. and 60 cts. Tallmau & Oo. J. W BANCROFT, Prop. i. i' ll.'X'i, and i..-' par day, afaaut Ukr SiKeial ham by the month Beat Hotel in the ulty for Ka BtlUS Hu to all limn- free sample rouau hleetrle lights aud Steam heal. Fire-proof building Cor. Court and Johnson Sts. PENDLETON, OREGON county's capital, also came in for an elation more or less pronounced. The reason for this was given in telegrams and telephone messages received an nouncing that the Hoppner football team had defeated the Multnomah team on Friday, tbe 11th, by a score of 10 to 0, the game taking place on the grounds of the victors. . The result bss given a galvanic shock to the sport of football in Pend'etrn, and there is now some talk of inviting Heppner to come to this city to play the Pendleton aendemy team. Tbe latter has passed through tho season without a defeat and with four credi table victories to its credit, nnd there are many who would like to witness pint one, only one more gotsi game ne e the ttovs park their softs awav with camphor gum protection, not to be dlsturhed until nevt year, ine team, could easilv have Tompleton, the coach, who is now at Lewiston, Idaho, come back and play, in case the game should be arranged. Lester Lewis is at Portland, and be, too. coald be secured. A final decision has not la-en reached, and Manager Robert Poud will think the subject over and discuss it in its curious benrings, In-fore an nouncing tlij result. Parts Exposition Prizes. The United States received more prizes at the Paris exposition than anv other nation, except France. The total being His;, it is also a rumarkanie fait, that though the inhabitant of every country suffers from digestive troubles, and though every clime offers some alleviative therefrom, t remains for America to produce an absolutely reliable remedy for such common dis eases, llns remeilv is Hostellers Stomach Hitters. Half a century ago, It was placed upon the market, and from that day to this, it haa never been equalled. It has an almost un paralleled record for tbe cure of dys pespia, indigestion, constipation, sick leaclache.sonr stomach, ncic n nig, Heart burn, norvousness, Istigue, insomnia, or anv otner tiisturnnnce ot tire stomach. He sore to give it a trial. CAMAS V ALLKY NOTES Dr. SI. V. Turley la a Very Mrs Man at Alba; to Petition County Court I ho Fast Oregoninu is indebted to tbe Ukiab Sentinel for the following items : Walt Boyntoti was on the sick list last week. A telephone line between here and the interior wonhl be a paying pro position for some body. Southern I mat ilia i"iiiny is rapimie of supporting twice its present popula tion. Il you are looking lor a location it will pay you to inspect tins section. Mr. liesling uiin wile oi i emneton were in town Sunday on tiieir way to Middle Fork, where Mr. liesluii; hus a position as foreman of the Ham Rey nolds ranch. Mrs. M. V. Turlev arrived t Alba early Tuesday morning from Walla Wallu, to lai at tbe liedaide nl her hus band who is a very sick man at that place. Otnte a uumlier ol teams are hauling liars to liespu ill's sawmill nt present. If the present weather continues fur a month people can get lots of lumber of all kinds at tbe t'kiah sawmill in the spring. A petit i, in will he presented to tne county court at its next session asking that the public square in I'kiah be laid off into lets and sold, and tne linseeds used for the construction ef a public ball. If the court grants tbe petition, which it iin.lonltledly w III, some I'boice business lols eau be secnrei I. at a THE PILOT ROCK NEIGHBORHOOD. One Case of Smallpox at Pilot Rock ana Several In tha vicinity. Pilot Ilock, Ore., Jan. 11. A very pleasant surprise partv was uiveB Grandma Folsoni Wednesday eveniru) in honor ol her nth hirtlidav Mrs. Frank Wright is visiting ber Eirents, Mr. and Mrs. Ogtlvv, on ircb creek. Mrs. (iiiult aud Mrs. Aetoh viaited Mrs. Luhrs Wodneedcy at her home on Stewart creek. Horn to the wile of Lou Knotta, a son. Frank Done, who has been ill with smallpox is reeoveritig. There are several more cases in the vicinity, but this is tbe '.nil one reported in town. I he uiusicale given at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. A. C. Hemphill 1'ueHduv eveniug was a very pleasant affair . .. n-A : . " l. l I niter usieiiing to noutu cuviuv itrtov tiuus the gueats were invited to partake of a bountiful luncheon, those preseut were: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hemphill, Mrs. J. M. Hemphill, Mr. aud Mrs. Cottrell, Rev. and Mrs. Hunderiuan, Miss Warren, Etta Smith, of Eugene, Adella Mulkey, tiext. Curnes, Steve Done and Carl fleinp bill. Little Hazel March has been quite ill for several days but is now i oil va lesi on t. W. H. Eveans ia iu Pendleton tllis week attending the bedside of Ins wife, who is ill at that place. There will be a basket social ut the Plainivew achool bouse Friday even lug, It belli the close of Miss Viva Warreu 'a achool . VOX. POTATOES A No. i Oregon Uurbunks (or aale in carload lots. AddreM VAN OKSDALl & ROSS, Pendleton, Oregon. have not been able to break 66 per cent of bluerocks shot at. They will be al lowed a second trial at all missed on first attempt. Time, Plaee and Number. The contest will take place on the aecond rtaudav of each month, com mencing at io o'clock a. m. Each member will be allowed to shoot at 2? bluerocks on the first round. The extra chances tone given him will then be decided according to the above stipulation. A careful record of the shooting will be kept. The winner of the medal will be en titled to ftoeaassion thereof for one month only at a time. No matter how many times a member may win it con secutively It does not become his prop erty. The medal shall always remain the' property ot the association. RAISING $10,000 IN SALE. Tha Heresy Is ta Be Usee to BitabliSR T. si. C. A. Bpaneh. Salem tamiple are snbscrining to a tlO.OOO Young Men's Chrisitan As sociation fund. Already there is one pledge of SIOOO, two of flO0 each and six Of flOO each. Tbe eommitsee hav ing in charge the raising of the money are oot in a card asking for four more tl00 snhsoTiptione. If the full amount of the fnnd is to be raised one would think tbat many more flOO subscrip tions -vonld be needed, and several larger ones as well. To raise $10,000 it is necesearv to secure at least, fSOOD in large subscriptions. Tbe "little fellows" usually give about one-half of nv fund raised by subscription, and it Is almost impossible to aeenre more from them. If the 'big fellows" sub scribe only "little fellow" amounts then tbe s'nbscripitun ia bound to be a failure. Those who start out to raise funds bv subscription must remember that it ia necessary to secure at least one-half the amount tbev need before they commence taking subscriptions, which do not amount Ut fully 2 per cent of t in- face of the full amount they wish to raise. Look at Tour Pase, And see if it is reflecting health or disease Karl's Clover Root Tea beautifies the face and complexion, and assures perfect health All druggists 26 cents and 60 centa Money refunded if resnlts are not satisfactory, lallmnn A Co. TO THE POORHOUSE. The Predleament of a Farmer Citizen of Grant County. Herman Worcester, aged 711 years, has j net become an inmate of the Mult nomah county poorhbuse. He had no other place to go in hia old age. Mr. Worcester settle. I in Orant county, Eastern Oregon, where be obtained a fair start years ago. He worked hard, it ia said, and when he came to Port land in lHHl be was independent, ami had an opportunity to profit nv tbe speculation in booming real estate. He handled hi savings cautiously and placed several hundred dollar in the Portlati l Having hank, where he aup noeed that it would always be ssfe. But the upheaval of the unnatural conditions in tbe new community came, and bis savings, like many others, were swept away. He never recovered enough to pay for a mouth's keeping. The reflection that he was among the old-timers and that the chance of fortune went against him Is the moat dismal portion of the old man' lot. He has a brother Whoe whereabout are unknown. CASTORIA Bean tha algaatur ot Caaa. It. Fi-a 1 1 la ua lor more than thirty years, ami Tkl hind 'M Jdsvt Alwju Mayor Harris, of KiMteaje, has iMued an -older tu (he police for tbe enforce ment of the laws and city ordinsiicee in regard to gambling. The order has been served on all persons who were supposed to be sMoaaucting gambling games, and all the Usual haunts are closed. SPORTSMEN MOLD MEETING. Butte Handicap System Will Ba Used In Gold Medal Conteat. The Peiidleton sportsmen's Aisjiooia tioti held a meeting last eveuiua, at which there waa a good attendance and much interest. Tbe question ut' great Sitn and moment was tbe maimer of ecidiug ownership ol tbe elegant uew gold medal. After plenty ol discussion aud comparison of views it waa de cided to award tbe medal to tbe best shooter according to tbe Butte haudi cap system. Tbe members of tbe asso ciatiou are divided into (our classes, as follows: H. J. Stilluiau, A. D, Htillmau, J. M. Spence, William Hock, Fat Turner, C. Hamilton A. L. He- apain aud F. W. Waita constitute the first class. The records of the club show that they average breaking 80 per cent or more of the bluerocks thrown Irom the trap. They are ea rn .."I ouly to tbe nuiuljer they l.tnas There are no members in the aaoond cl as at present but it wuuld include all whom the club records show have broken on an average between 76 aud HO per cent of the targets thrown. If there were anv members in this class they would be allowed a second trial at 25 per. cent cf tbe bluerocks missed on lust trial, the third cluaa is com posed of Bill Lane, Orve Turner and Drew tirithu who have been able to break from ' to 76 per cent of bluerocks thrown out fur them to blaze awav at. flute will be alio second triul at hall the nutiilier m on first trial- All tbe other members of the olub constitute clase l who 7 sTdrTaT ' Ba BBSf m SUNDAY CHURCH NOTICES. Rev. Burnetts, ot Helix, Will Oesupy Christian Chureh Pulpit. Christian chnrch Services are held in tho CoTigTegational house of wor ship. Sunday school At 10 a. m. ; SenioT Endeavor at 6:46 p. m. ; preach ing at 11 a. B. and 7:M p. m. P. R. Bnntette, pastor of the Christisn church at Helix, will occupy tbe pulpit both morning and evening. Chnrch of the Redeemer--Hivine service tomorrow, first Sunday after the Kpipbany. at boore aa follows: Celebration ef the Holy Communion at R a en. Snmlav achool a 10 a. m.: morning prayer and lltiany at 11 a. iu. , ovi-lilHg irvwi it. -i p. Methodist Kpisoopal chBrch, south Rev. W. R. tiray. pastor, is at Covello, Wash., assisting the pastor of that charge in conducting revival ser vices, consetiuentlv, there will Is- no services held. St. Mary chnrch -Low uiaas, s. tn.; high mass, 10:30 a. Be.) Snndsv school, S p. m.; rosary am". Itenedie tion, 7 :30 p. m. A Oood Thing. Our great-grand mothers' garrets contained the same herl of all heal ing foumf in Karl's Clover Root, Tea. Thev gave our ancestors strength, kept the Vilood pure, snd will do the same for you if yon say so. Price 85 ct and 60 cts. Tallman A Co. , leading drutrgists. Saint Paul's Sshool. A boarding and lav school for girls, at Walla Walla. Wash. Spring term begins January LV, ItSOl . Mrs. Mollie Ryncaron, widow of the late A. W. Kynoarsmi, of l.a ttrnnde died at her ! mm- iu that town, Thursday, aged Vt years. Mr. and Sirs. Rynearson came toflat ( ramie in lHfiti from Indiana ami resided there until their deaths. Mrs. Rynearson lesves to mourn her loss three daugh ter anil a granddnughter, the death of Mr. Rynearmn hnvimt occurred May Jo, lKMfl. As to Prescriptions alien pbyaiciana recommend you to have them compounded by ua, what does that mean? Simply the certainty on their part that you will get exactly what i prescribed tbe right quantity and the right quality, which la even more important. Hut we go furl her than that, (or we take honest pride in our skill in compounding. BROOK Sl McCOMAS DRUGGISTS Corner Main and Court Sta., Pendleton. AT A DINNtiK Or otlutf .octal gathering ol ui.u lbs ,uniy ol tb Vtll8 aud l.lgt'iKS aareed la uiun crltlriaad than lb ituantiiy tllva your gueata a taste ol what ta really good, uol a surHat oi eeiaetuiag lUdiSersnl aeti.i u,- your oruer. mid me iiuaiiiy oi wbat aa stud will I higii grade Hue are SSBM i ue goon . re n ua net or en old CrOW Whlakey, II oo per ipieit liottle . MrHrayer Whiakey, l uo per iia.ri bolih fori wkue, U" Jitaiii. par .piart Sherry wins, XXX, Hi i la pei .juarl boitl. The Glen Ellen Wine VaulK A. KLINE & 00., Court Street, near Juhnaoii. Farmers Custom Mill Frael w altera. Proprietor. Capacity, loll barrels a day. Plour exchanged fur wbeal. s Him Mih Seed, C be fS Peed etc., alw.yi 00 hand. BAD COLDS Omen,, in ten icm beliiiei l.oUut du nut nun liatr to U , n.Mo.l MKlflKv:KYIAU10TAH 1 1JH (celled dynauiii In.ia tltif Srgy iro'l we Mi', ordinary Ue.lui.iit hikt tveW'e In.uaS inl ahurt the wuret of cold, oier uiffit "II im tn, wont ceee of grip I ever luui. A IteJf duaeu friend, had aure uuree. bull it liiuur mi Itearii of u PWAIIIi' I Alii To in! ganu, ui.ut Umy stopped bud, cold and cough lite lit.! utahi I easVrm oad eacoaumend tinea to ta u... pie." lite I At Hh.VI.KV. at MeudS and AMomay all Saiuaic esaxt, ass "-iislini . 4 oil . . lew. "Wfntei culila bate alwaya tieen aerioua tiling, to in, i iw, nu iimu miiu sitiy iim nil,. rtuf lite lea! ua. .tupped ., ijn. nl by MKMiKL'H HI NAUP TABOLUI Hotli coygli uul cold diuuptan aeoaBJe ol day a. Nothing alee due. thaTfori.c MIC KHMA I. UlilXIN, U U.m. m , gun ;us;o. Aug. n, '.. "1 live fkrus. Ue tto ot iron, .l,eaa lfttNBtlh HYNayiliTABUUbt.. autda. The I. To. I ,,,, look Uieui. I'bey atop cold. wlUiout aoaiue. I look a duaeu eltit um for aelf end trtedn. alien I ami to ... . L. VAN III.M.1.1. Utuitalial SOU Washington HUoet, Han Kneicleuu. Auguit In Stiatputtuaid for UeauU in aUunivi tm IkUMi I U CO. , vjm Witalasatou street. riaaV lieiui,.,, aaie uy j lueel agent, h'lfcl I'l '.i Daily ktast Oragoutau, bx Gamer, only j casta a weak Llksj Christmas tumw la the color of tbe ahirta, . ..liars ami eiiffa tbat are dune up at the IVjmeetic Laundry. Hants 'lane knows a gisal tiling when lie - it, and the fault less beauty of the linen lauudeired here will eaclte bis admiration, a well as the man who loves to dreaa well and have bis linen perfect menhir and finish. THE DOMESTIC LAUHUKY I. f . Kobiiison, Prop. leleulKJM' 60 No Dull Days at Our S6re. A few sample reductions beinir made ilnring our Uth Annual Clearance Sale 10 pieces changeable TAKKKATA Silk regular 06c, clearance pfiOC 44c. H pieces Haul All Wool Dress Goods, regular price ivfic clearance price nMc. 35 pieces all silk Moive Ribbon 21 ligne rcRttlar 85c cleRrifaCsJ 13c 30 lit-rn rt . 30c clearance 15c 35 liRite regular 351 1 l e rSc 40 ligtie rcu 40c clearance 20c i Ine lot HOYS' SH0KS siies to 61, regular prir.- $2.oo clearance priet. s: is I mm lot MlHwKfl HiioK.s. sises IP, j to J, reiiiilar prien $'2.il0 clear price $1. IM. J PM SII ,IACKi:TS.regulnr$H elSSrSESM 1R.S6, Regular $35, ctsBf a nee 11180, I iired ami plain f.PACA SKIRTS, rsgtllsf pries $1 Ml, clear ance price IU. Boys' and Men's Winter Caps ReRtilar priic 51- tv ski foc 751 It. 00 Clraratu e price fji oi .'51 toe 40c 5111- The Peoples Warehouse THE LBADBR. Indian Robes AND Fine Blankets re MMMhl by the The Pendleton Woolen Mills I'pndlclon, ()rcKn. For coiiiji ( livers, (ttraisbijlgl (pi .1 "ileii," coy corners, etc., tho Psndlstbn Wootell Mills lmli.iii linlu-- .in; 1 ' 1 st lite tiling. Writs, tin- Milk. Hotel Pendleton Undrr New L'tiiai" to-nl 1 Strictly First-Class Excellent Cuisine tuary Modern ConveniflDw Give Us 1 Tritl. Rites $3.00 dij Spec.! Bates by Week or moiti Br and ItlllUrd (looms Headquarter for Travsllng Mss Ths Best lint. 1 In raslsrn Oregon. Vn Dran Bros-, Prop.. Sucisjasorit to J. I Moors The COMMONER Issued Weekly. William J. Bryan tjdltor and fuhliehsr, Lincoln, Nebraska Tsrma Hay able Is Ads an. . On Yssr f 1.0s si. Msaths . . .Oo Three Jlosths -J8 blugte Cspy .os No IrtveliiiK canvassers ate um ployeil Terpia for local agents will be sent on application. All money should In- scut y I'. O. order, Express ordei, or by bank draft on New York or ChicaKO. Do not send individual checks or stamps. The Commoner per year with Weekly Kast Cregoniau . . . . f 2.35 St un Weekly East Oregoinau 2. 85 Daily East Oregonian 5.7 Address Esst Oregoaisn, Pendleton, Oregon Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line HsstSS SSSf Hrup'a 1 ...'.e Pendleton every day at 7 o'clock except Sunday, for Pilot Rock, Ny, Kith, AlUa aiul UkiaJi. utd ac oomaiodatioiiH Reasonable freight and pasaenger ratea. City ufttoa afTaJlaaauf Co's drug store. Byers' Best Flour... To make good biead use HyerV Hat Flour. It took Aist premium at the Chicago World's Fair, ovsi all compstl HoS and gives excellent satlafactlon wbcrcvsr used. Every sack Is guarantee. I We have the beet Htesw Rolled Barley, See. I Ky and Beurdleas Barley. Pendleton Roller Mills W K. MYFHS Prop. Bran. Start. Etc. AMERICAN PLAN. SJ.00 per Dsy and Upwards. t-teal Metal the Hssstac Nsrthwsat AfBBBBaV asv -BSbP THE PORTLAND POHTLANII, OKBQON. ; , J 4 . SotuM Uates to Kaatern Urcauo people vlaiting Portland Maattauartci a lor touriata and coswncicUil traveler. M. C. BOWBH8, Masaager THE EAST OREGONIAN. WBSSgSL