in i i .CLEARANCE SALE ,.. NOW GOING ON . Bargains for Everyone Gold and Silver Buttons, Tips and several other articles received by express. Cleaver Bros. FRIDAY, JANUARY II. IflOL THE VVKSTON NEIGHBORHOOD. Laeal and MrBuary' Personal Mention, Irvine Condltlllon Due lo Lund polsoiilna- Tin' I'."' Orngmimn ' iinli'I'tcil I" ,l, ffajton MKMf lor (lie loilnwing MM , . a it K,,..,.r Kirkiiilrn'k IN hitiihi 1 ill with tonillitli el hit home tbntra town. K ti MoKee, 1,1 Aihtma. and Mel Ha lhotram, si Ptrtdltton, were In tiisni tnimy. Horn, .liiiimiry WW, to Mr ti. , ilium tirauani, lit lu-ir mill liuinc IP" Ill WcFtiin. u m Min iinilit lciira Im- retarned from IVnillotoii, whore she assiittd in the inlltti Kill'' store- ilnriinf the linli- wait ftv it. Hetgreevea win begin i LtIm hi meetings, next Honda even, inK, ill tin' "III HaptiHl church on WM" dm mountain. The oondition ol atti J W. g, elm Iiiih Iwii undergoing treutinent nl tin- boenitel in Walla Walla, is reiinrlwi In bt verv Mf loofi Frank Sulint!, niter attending Mm K ol l'. convention at I'andleuiu, v-ieiied Mm. where lie im leeilinu u hand nl He found them ill line . on li lion. Mi- llertliii M Willahy. teacher 10 Hi Watton public anboola, ns own- pellril to 0 nOOM StWrda" 8B M Hit nl sickness. Sim has lieeli relieved liy h.r .i.i.-r Mi lellu Willahv. Wr. mill Mrs. Thomai PpwJ will fllobt. I mill l'urLlaiif) to inikitne to ei.ik. llmir bOBM, Mr. I'unly ImviiiK BBMDted a POO It iOD in the Utter eily. Ilr- I'unlv it at lire-cut visiting re- lillvei in Pendleton wblla on bar wiiv ( h'nokanc. Hr.-v Orastv iH cut itlcd to the belt, alien it ooaaj to killiliK njOea1 I'll' fltlier .lav lie brmitflit into JwtlOl VooilV orliiv the scn'ii" ol X coyote lliai In- hail niiixniicil -Ui'l ntltcrinr-c till, I i In run (In. nasi lew Djonlha. KnMimai llurrv ban u nroin ihiii lo I lo. i-ls to cali'i nicked out wliere lie exue i, ii- a lew drjBOn more by wy ill winler r-rtiiiii hii"1 prom The jail term oi school bald in dis-irii-t No. M, at tbo fa I rt law obool auune on Wild Hurst- mountain, r limed Ian Friday, Juwurjr 4( ttfer M"r BJMiba' school. A snlendiil enter UllliiiMllt wilt renilereil hv the school, DM pr-.nraiii consist inn "I a nuuiher ii euwiieut rarjltatloni and appropriate anus;. The lar;?c school limine wan emailed with viBltors, BOeDPrlaltlg piriMitH and friends. Tin- wadding S MIm Baaala N, l tt titon ol Wcsiou ami Henry A. Black miin of Walls Walla, wai- solamu at tin- Inline of the bride' uncle, A. K UeOraw, on Watef itreel wadnaa. dv n Her noon. Kev. W. K. PotWiM, recti, r of the Church ol the Keileenmr oi Pandlaton, oUn-iut.-ii. Min noraM Tavlur and Mr. JmiieH llrown ol Walla Willi., were the attiliilinK couple. Mish bViitii.- nlaveil the aeililinK in.irch. I'r.itest i bopalal thm waaion will aonn tuke rank with New York city in papulation, it the praaMM l araaaa in DuUntainad, Ha raporU tba (olloarinf rucont adtlUiOMl I rnhiy, January, 4, 1101, to Mr. and Mr". OlmrlH(i. KiiiK. a son; HUM data, to Mr. ami Mrs. Ed Towerv, a sin; Mon day Jmmarv 7, 1001, l Mr. anil Mrs. H. W, Moulton, a daughter. His i i,-n,.- in newspaper ollicee and Llkat Christmaa Inow bthaooloroi the ihirta, collars und cutis thm aiedoiie up at the Uoluostic Lauudry, Kama OIuum knows a gixal thing when he aaoc it, and the fault less beauty of tin- linen laundered bare will excite bis admiration, us "all as the man who loves to dress II and havu his linen poriect in color ud finish. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDKY I' 1", Robinasn, Prop. Telephone 60 TV la, POTATOES A No. i Dragon Hurbauks lor sale in carload lots. Address VAN OR5DALL 4 ROSS, Pendleton, Oregon Dry Goods Co. throiic'iout thl coiintv will gret I i leHru oi the un- onditioii oi Irving Mclinarv. lormerlv editor oi the Athena I'rrss, mid iiitertvaril eonneeted with (he nens puper husiiiHss in .Montana. Mr. Ho iimrv reiiirned with hi wife a few Wank ago to the home ol bll parent al atllton. Of lute he developed symp loins oi falllBfl mentality, and a lew dnvn ago bacanta violently Ittikna. n annlMtliM dlaoloaad the fact that bll health and mind bacaUM ahatterel by lead poisuning. resulting from bll work as a compositor. Skin diea- in the hands admitted the poison to the Uood, He was tukeii to tiie asylum at Salem Inst Tiiesdsy, and it is Imped that treatment there will reAtore hii raaaon, NEW SCIENTIFIC PROCESS. A Procesi Discovered That Will De- troy i lie Dandrult Uorm. I-or some time it hus been known that iliiinlruff ih mused by a germ that digs up the scalp into little white Hakes, mid by sapping the vitalitv oi the hair at the root, causes failing hair, ami, of course, linullv baldneas. Kor years there have been all kinds of hair Htimiilunta and scalp tonics on the market, hut there has been no perm anent cure for dundrnft until the dis covery ol a ufa pa ration culled ew- bro'l Herpicide, which destroys the diiudruft uerm. Hestroy the cause the eltect will cease to exist. Kill the (landrail germ and you'll have no dan druff, uo itching scalp, no falling hair. WESTON'S FINANCIAL CONDITION. II li Uxoellenl, the Town'i Floating Debt Being About Wiped Out. The lliianciul condition of Weston at the close of the vear hum, OBipl led from tin- reiinrts uf Ueeurder I,. S Wood and Treasurer I.. t". Wood, shows that Weston, says the Louder, la-gins the new century under very auspicious circumstances. The pros pects are that when the new year is 1 half over the entire Dotting, indebted ness Mill hove I l WiH-d out, and the citv placed upon a cash basis. Another liquor license, SU0, tails due in a few days, and will enable the treasurer In call in uhout IUHI worth of scrip, or only about K',"0 less than the total mnntint outstanding. When it is rellected that not so very I manv vears ago Weston scrip went hog ging at a big discount, the present showing siiould lie quite gratifying to the mayor und council, and to citizens igouorallv. Liquor licenses area large ' KM fOt of revenue, and the waterworks are also tin important factor, huper- intendent Lavender deserves credit for the careful attention he gives his i duties in this purticulur. During bis ' inciimbeucv in Is'1 ' und 1MHI the receipts were ulsiut doubled over former years The itom of lines also shows u large increase. The receipts to the citv from a prop lertvtaxin IHtK) were M.tSl from I two liquor licenses flMH); from ull -other sniircv 'H 1.04 j IrOttl sab- ol Oitjl ! water f I '.'-'-. 1(1. To maintain the wa ter works during (he year required MOt.Oli The city has bonds otitstuud - Ing, with which "the water system wus supplied, in the sum of $10,000. HTTK UK lllllll, CITV 1, IllLSIKi Ll'CAS Col'NTV. I Krunk .1 riieney makes oatli that lie i the MlkM liarlu. i ill llie llriu n( K..I I'liunuy A- t'o., iliMlig aUShMltr in Hie city ul Tulerto. enuilly ami Mala awraaaldi an-l mat M lirm will pay lln inn ui s u, i linllars lor HIO IM avarv oaac ul l aurrli thai i annul U- i-uiu-l by lb) use of Hail' Oatarrn Oani. i s.irn In lalorc mc and sulwerilM.,1 In my ureaaoee this elh day of hi ieiuuer, A. K.i L. , i I. ,-- A. UT, OLBaAON. Notary Public. tl-ll'k i'uri l, Cure is taken llllerliallv uii ' , , is .ii r. otiy on lbs ajoai aaa atuooos ,urfacu nl '(I,,- system. Mvml for (eallm-Jlilala, free. K. J. CHENEY tt CO., Toledo Ohio. Hulil by ilruaglsls, 70c. Hull's Family Pills are tin- bolt. The Rural Spirit. (h the leading livestock journal pub lished on the Pacific OOUl N" breeder mIw.iiI.I he without it. I'ublisbed Weekly al IM1 Third street l'ortland, Or. Send fur free sample copies. It Will Do You Good. A blood purilior and tissue builder is Karl' Clover Root Tea. Sold fur half it oontury on our gnarantat . Money refunded if results are not sut isfin -lory. Pelaa SB eLs. unit 50 Ota. TttllmmiiV Co. Saini Paul's Sehool. A buurding and 'lay school for girls, U Wul la Walla. Wash. Spring term begins Junuur.v 19, iOOl, riick houduche abaolUtaiy und 1 xir mliieli Hv , u red by using Moki tea. A peaaant ln-rl. drink. Cures constipa lion und indijostioii, mukos you oat sloeu. work and happy. Sutisfuctioii uiiiiranteed or inoliev buck. 25 cenU r- - and 50 cents. WARDE PLAYS RKHELIEU1 GREAT PRESENTATION OF BULWBR LTTTON'A M ASTBRPIBCf . Popular Actor and Company Greeted With an Audience That Pilled the Frazer. 'Die plnv of "Richelieu," ltnlwer l.ytton's masterpiece was presented at tba l'razer last evening to one of the largest, and best satisfied audiences that ever gathered in that playhouse. The yreat i rederick Wardo and com pany composed the cast. This is the first time that Warde has produced "Riobaliao" iti this city and to say that those in attendance were only satisfied would not fairly express if. I'licy v ere del ighted ami expressed it in manv wnvs sonu-t imes by loud ap plause at others by mi approval of lllanoa -that silence which delights the heart and makes the actor realize that he has the hearts and sympathies of In- henrers. It sffel deaervad tribnte in ,i only ti- Mr. blrnaeH but to his snpport. partirularlv to Mr. and Mrs. K. U. Spencer, tiie latter being known to many. by reputation at least, us Isabel I'engra. A Beautiful Love Story. The plnv itself is of great literary merit. Woven into the life and acts of Richelieu is the beautiful love storv of Adrinn de Manprat and Julie de Mortatnor, The aadtauua hy tot Mr. Warde n high regard us lo bis action and a warm feeling of friendship. It was in the air. The consequence was thnl lie Intarptotad the part of the aged minister besot bv plotting enemies to hiioseli. his Irieuds and France, with u dramatic tire that held his audience hpellbound by their ltt lensilv, with sympathy as the 0M hui-Hts died awny and In- became a pathetic pictnro of old age. He fits and tuts the part to iiiin! thnt of nnv actor on tiie vmericuu siuge. K. R. Spencer assumed the role ot Adrian de .Mnuprnt and Mrs. Spencer if Julie, the young bride. Their troubles were shared by the audience mid sntislac.tion was expressed ut the linal OODIplatC discomfiture ot those who bad been plotting against them. Mr. Spencer is very earnest mid energetic. Mr-. Spencer gave iniiny evidences ni strength in a number of climaxes as well a looking and dress ing the part effectively. F. Forrester ss Count de Hnradas, was a tuctiul vidian whose lines gave him no opportunity to gain the sym pathy of the audience, lie was just about as mean as he could he and didn't get a bit of sympathy, IVirieTaa Fairbanks, us Francois, lost caste with the audience when ha allowed some person to steal the ctisnet containing the papers, but they were charitable, cs wus Richelieu, mid "granted him further time." Wnller I'.entlev was iicrci-tuhle as Joseph, tie shrewd und warm-hearted monk. Mr. McKenzie gracefully per form ad the narl of Louis XIII. Miss Mav Warde. daughter of Fred- rich Warde, hnd little tod., or say ut .Marion do Forme, but ihul little wus well done. The part is not one riqiiir im; an exhibition ot si blaze or even a spark of genius but was capably at tended to by the voiing BOTTOM, Uo that her friends' predict for l or more than u place of mediocrity. Itiillol's excellent orcheslrn tilled tin- LntoratioM botwaau ants atWi' de lightful tiinsie ud.liug to uii evening full to the brim ol pleasure. Mr. Warde's Opinion When l.i-l ' v- ning il he was surprised ut receiving the request from l'endleton ibenter-goers to present "Richelieu" instead of " I In- Duki Jester." which hud been extensively hilleiF Mr Wurde replied nit- iMHiit I v vet decided U . that lie was not. Ill fact, he seemed to expect that the re uiiest would be made. As regards his personal preference he said: "I would infinitely rather present Richelieu' tbun "The Duke lester.' M Played Out. Hull headache, iniins Hi various tarts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomueh, loss of uppotitc, fever i.-hin s.s. piutples or Mires are uii Isisi- ive evidences of impure hloisl. .Nu matter how il beeaioe so, it must be urihed in order t" obtain gissi health Acker s Wood l.lixir has never failed , lire hi-rolulous or syphilitic poiaolis ir iinv oilier IiIimsi iiiseuse- n is c-r tainlv a wonderful remedy, und we Hell verv bottle on a no-it ivc guarant' For sale by liroek A. Metoiuaa. FREE READING MATTER. Hooks ai d Magazines to Be Had al the Kant Oregonlan Saturdays. At the IiikI uiutting of the Purlium entiin (lub the coliimittee on II,, magazine room reported u-ry lew callers. This work wus begun by the club last year, mid uiany hundreds ul LiHjkfc und uiaga lues were contributed mid given out free to all comers. Manv hciiiile experienced mi interest in llie work, residents of the town ami tbo surrounding country us well. It is Issiieved that it is not well tin ersi I that the club has taken ui the work uguin this winter, and has on bund ut the F.aat tlrcguiiiuii otliee large amount of good rending matter mid Indies nre in attendance every Suiurduv aftern .on from 1 to o'clock, and thev will U glad to have auv one having books or magazines ti give or exchange, and all wishing for reuding matter to call. A BUBN1NG CMIMNgy. Salt and Water Pol a Quietus lo Threatening Flames. A tire alarm from Nob hill hose House ahortly before 7 o'clock last evening attracted a number of rlreinen mid interested spectators to the viciiiitv of the rusldetiia of .I F. Now I in, u perinte ndont of schools, n short dis tance northwest of the Main street bridge. The llauivs were coining out of the chimney ol the house threaten ingly. Will CooKjr and Ray Robhins, of Nob Hill company, No. 8, and Dean Sbull, of Alert company, climbed to the roof, poured a couple uf buckets of wutor and some salt down the chimney und tbut sett led the trouble. It all buppeiiod so quickly that peopit who rushed over u few minutes after tin- nlnrui found durkness und disap pointment, and many of them eulildo't even liiul where the tire had been. DEATH OF OAKLBY JOHNSON. A Dentist or Milton the Vlellm or Paver and Blood Poisoning. Dr. Oakley Johnson, a dentist of Milton, died ut o'clock Thursday morning at La Grand, whither he hud gone throe weeks ago on account of an BOflidant to Adam Crnasuittli, his other-in-law, whu hud bin band blown off ill uii eeiv lent- guB explosion. 8hurtlv aiu r his arrival ut La Grande he was tukon ill and it dually do vlopod into u condition of blood poison lug, lb- was married about u vear ago to the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Crossman. He was a Knight of Pythias and aged about JO years. The bodv was brought to Pendleton this morning and transferred to the train for Walla Walla, where the funeral will lie held today under the aiiBpices of the Knight. The remains were accompanied bv the widow, Mr, and Mrs. Crossman and Mrs. Kalen dvke. Deceased was a ann of Oakley John son, sr., well known as a former en gineer on the w. . j. "., now ... , t. , , farmer nenr wnna vnii. A Monster Devil Fish. hnalrm-inn it- victim is a tVPB of ,.niialiinlliin 1 IP rvHVIT II tlltS Pllir dermis ma I ad v is felt on organs and nerves and muscles and brain. There 8 no he-ilth till it's overcome Rut lr King's New Life Pills nre a safe ami ,-prtain cure. Rest in the worm tor stomach, liver, kidneys and OOWOII Onlv IS cents at Tallman A Co's drug store. REFORM SCHOOL LIBRARY. It Owes Its Beginning lo in rarua mentary Club of Pendleton. I Vr., Pit -11. Ore.. Jan 10. To the Kditor -The matron of the reform school, at Salem, writes that the library there, started as some will doubtless remember, by the 1'arlinin an tart Club. of Pendleton, several years aao. is proving verv satisfactory and has now over three hundred Isniks. The lieht of our local clubs lias lieen mow hat dimmed this season, owing to the fact that they have not .ivailcil themselves of the opportunities always so courteously auorueii iiiem m ion press, to tell of their work. It has been ultimate ! t hat remlleton s chips nre not the wu eawage organ izai ion thai I hey hnve proved t hemselves to ho in the nnst. Mere notoriety lerliiinlv is Pol lo no lesired. either by individuals or the lub. hot the more the club shows itself interested in all that the clilh vervw here -stands for. the more It hows the community that it is not smnll, narrow "mutual admiration society, made up of few "faddists. but a living power to be counted On for furthering nil sorts of good works, tin- bettor lor the dub and the better for the plnce where thnt club exists. A t 1,1 li i I 'I A Frightful Blunaar Will often cause a horrible tiiirn, scald, ut or bruise Rucklen's Arnica Salve, tli' best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal It. Lures old sores. aver sores, ulcers, boil-, teloiis, corns, all skin eruptions, best pile cure on earth. Inly '4.V. a box. Cure guarant I Sold by Tallman fc t'o.. druggists. Arrivals ai Hotel Pendleton. I relerick Warde, New York. Miss Mny Warde, New York. 0 W Avery, Hitighnm Springs. Kurt Miller, lirants Falls. K Reynolds, Taconia. OH Brock, jr. Omana, Mrs V W Wl lor, Wnitsburg. B B Howard mid wife, Wailshitr. I I F lb ml rv I , l.awton . Il Sbults, Spokane. J Woolov, Portland. A S lloatlleld, Spokane. w .i Clarke. Portland, .1 M Hartley, Portland. R n MoClean. Portland, i ; H Voangman, Portland, i: it Ciiiiiaii, Portland, R K Stephenson, Spokane. Uwf Kerske, N- w York. J Krageti, Sun Francisco. K Roaantha), Olaroland, 0. J 0 Mackiniioii, lireal Northern. J A Allison, Portland. .1 W Casoii, Portland. 1 R Webster, Portland. A P Rradburv, Portland. II It Rlood, Carlton. F. (' Rronson, Tucoma, Wash. .1 K Deliornan, Lstwiaton, Neb. CASTOR I A Bears the Iguatuieuf CBABi H Fi.STcaa la uae for more thau thirty yrars. mod IXt Kind Yum .(aw Almii Jinrkl. AT A DINNER i't ntUrr Bjurml KfAlhvrlOK ol uittu llie t i WINK!- - ml IPI KH .eiwit 1 111 1 1 y iii-re crlticihu'l Until tit qUHlitlly - Give your Kuaali a Utt ul it really ..-., nut a nurllat il noiiietlilug iiillffriaiit rienl III a our orders i. i i ,- , ... , .1 what wa aud will ba blfti gjrauV Hera arc notnc i . 1 o ' I- s i- ure tine lUvured Old Crow Wliikkay, l 0o per quart Luttlft McHraur Whiekey. $1 ou i n rorl wuif, WCaMUklt 'Uarl buttle KaJt rry wine, X,U ill per QVftrl lulile Uf Qeo Ellen Wine Vaults. A. KLINK A CO., Court Street, near Johnson. Partners Custom Mill Fred YV altera, Froprletor. L'apavllr, 150 barrels a day. riuur aaeajaaged tor wtteat riour, Mill Keen, Cbopped Keel. eu.. always uu baud. BAD COLDS uuiiiine la Urn yean beliind. lAjlde du ut have u. Im eiiduroiJ MKMirX'h liVNAkHC TAB TLM IcalltMl iiynaiiiii. Iroui their euergty, ervwd a aeek'a urUiitary treutiitent latu twelve buura avuJ n 1 1 tii worst u( uulds oter night. "It wae the wurst caee uf grip I avfj haul A ij.iI duaen triencU bad eure vures. MUll it htuig uas Ueawd "I the 1, NAklK' TAHl I.U Ti. Bl) att m merit they atiiptal 'i ihnUI tunl auugfa tli rtrat night 1 i ndorse snd reAruuitnend Un bi to tiie ueo plt " BAhtf I I.KNU-V, . attain be 1 U-t.gratee ,.i,t Attumey, IU1 nai.avuv etreet, rmn Kranvinvu. JlllfJ 1VM "Winter oolds hm t- aliays btieii eeriuus tilings to pat. The. ure hnl antl stay fur nionUis. But tbe Lt v, etupfautl auddeijlv b Wf MK1.' hVNAklli I hi I i..v Both vuugh aitd vt4d j.j., ai in s euule tdl titk a Sutillltg elee dues this luff Hii " alflftj KktkaVL Htjt.UN. 14 Muea 144., aWu J'ruu cieuu. Aug. tj, 'uu "I Um tnmd th- street trum whn af KNDM.'tt li SAMIOTAIKM.KHare utodv lliut lalioa I Unst i-. ' tueUi. J bey sUp uulds witiluut nutice 1 tuuk a duae-u Lukes with tuv fur tdf and Irienlns wbeit I Want tu NuUit." H I VAN WiNKLK, (adtatJiet, '. 17 Wseliinglun Street, Kan Knuiuiseu. Auguat 1U, 1UUU. Bajl)puatBajii lor J 'cenU In sUuntM br INLAND i'lllltj to. Waaihiiialloa (Street, ban rfeiituauu Ale an gale by uur lueal agent, KoKfPlWB I'll.AKHACi Daily Baat O ragout an, delivered came-, only 15 caota a weak. REFUSES TO RECONSIDER. judaa Lowell Will Not Be a Member oT the Text Rook Ceranlsslon. Since the announcement a week ago of the memberahip oi the state text Isook commission and the prompt de clination of a poeition thereon by Ka- ludge Stephen A. Lowell ol this city, wboee reasons for his action were given to the public through these columns, there has been a general effort to induce Mr. Lowell to recon sider his refusal to serve, the governor having thus far declined to make an other appointment in his place. The efTort. However, nns proven un availing, the judge believing that clncators nre entitled to n larger rep. reeentation upon the commission than has been accorded them, and that if the governor will fill his place with a practical teacher Co state will have been better served by his declining than accepting: and so believing the followng letter was last evening mailed to the executive : Pendleton, Jan. lO.-IIon. T. T. i leer, (iovernor of Oregon. Hear Sir: 1 have given deliberate consideration to your telegram asking me lo roentl sider mv declination to serve on the state text book commission, and beg to assure you of mv deep appreciation of the confidence such request implies, hut I am still of the linn opinion that the views publicly stated when 1 de i lined the honor are sound und correct, nnd I cannot agree with yon that the Daly law either in terms, by implica tion or by the circumstances of its on nctment, precludes the appointment of educators. I accord to von, however, entire gissl faith, and recognize the high character and pre eminent tnlents ol Messrs. Scott. I .add, Colvig and Camp boll, but am convinced that the com mission will la strengthened by the adalton ol another practloa) teacher, mni therefore must insist boob declin ing. In do I Of, so, I venture again to re spectfully express the hope that the Baatarn Oregon representative upon the hoard may In one ol the ninny able, fearless men here engaged in educa tional work. Vary trulv BTBPRBM A. LOWILL, I I Iihs been fully demonstrated thai l'.lv's Cream Balm is n specific for nasnl catarrh and cold in the head. This distinction has been achieved only as us the result of continued suc cessful use. A morbid condition of the membrane in the nasal passages can be cured by this purifying and htmling treatment. Sold bv druggists or it will be mailed for M) cents by Fly brothers, i'' Warren streit, New Y'ork. It spreads over the membrane, is absorbed and relief is immediate. As to Prescriptions r4-rn wr-swe-r. when physicians recommend you to have them compounded by us, what disss that moan? Kiuiply the certainty on their part that you will get exactly what is prescrilasl the right quantity Bid the right quality, which le evou more ImporBMa, Rut we go further than that, for we take holiest pride in our skill in comsmnding. BROOK A MoGOMAS DKUliUIHTB Comer Main and Court Hte., Pendleton. The COMMONER Issued Weekly. William J. Bryan I dUor and PublUhtrr, Lincoln. Nebraska Terma Payable la Advance. Una Vear. $1.00 Six (Months .00 I hre fTontha . J9 Single Copy .03 No traveling fgjlYglggtl tit em jiloyed Terma fui lucal uKents will lie sent on application All money should Le sent liy I'. O. order, hxprebs ordci, 01 Ly hank draft 011 New York or Chicago. Do not sent! individual ehe ka or stamp The Commoner per year with Weekly '!', Oiegjeoiio.. MSJ Semi-Weekly Bwt OragoniM 2.85 Daily East Ongonian 5 75 Address East Oregonian, l'endleton, Oregon. Oregon Lumber Yard ee Lumber. Lata, Shingle, Builaing Paper, Tar Paper. Mouldings. Pickets, Lime and (dement, Brick and Sand, Sash and Doors, Screen Doors A Windows, Terra Cotta Pipe. Borie & Light, Prop's Alt St., opp. Court Hotuse. 11 irVH No Dull Days at Our Store. A few sample i filiations being maile during our Uth Annual Clearance Sale 10 pieces changeable TAFFF.AT.A Silk regular gfjOi clearance price 44c. 35 pieces all silk II lignc regular 25c clearance IfC 35 ligne regular 35c clearance iSc One lot ROYS' SBOFH siren '., to l)di regulnr price g,00 clcurnnee price $1.4S. I PLUSH I Vt'K I TS, regular llA.ftfl clearance 18.35, Regular 39, clear mice $lt,80. Boys' and Men's Winter Caps iM' M1I IV aoc Clearance price i jr The Peoples THE LEADER 9. Indian A N Fine Blankets Are untile The Pendleton I '1 -Millet For couch covers, tut nishmp.s lor ;i "ih-n, Penilleton Woolen Mills Indian Kid" - .in Write tin Mills. tin Hotel Pendleton Under New Strictly First-Class Excellent Colslne. Every Modern CoDvoQieocti Her and Billiard Room. The Kest Hotel Van Dran Bros., Props. 1 . rss Byers' Best Flour... To make good hrt-ad get Hyttra' Dent Flour it took fiiet premium at the Chicago World's Fair, ovci all comiietl tlon, and gives excellent aailaiactlou wherever used itvery sack la guaranteed. We have the Iseat Steam Rolled Barley, Becd Rye and Ueardleaa L'arlcy. Pendleton Roller Mills W. H. MYERS Prop. Brrt. Shorts, fctc. AMERICAN PLAN. $3.00 per Day and Upwards THE PORTLAND HORTLANI), OHKliON- Special Katea to Uaalern Oregon people for touriet aud cooainef clal travelera. THE EAST OREGONIAN. fl pieces Plnid All WikiI Press (iOOOl, regulnr price Hoc elenrnnce price ggta. Moive Ribbon JO ligni ttg. oc clearance 15c 40 ligtu- reg. AOl I IMHIBCM Joe One lot Mlssi s BtfOBS, sixes il'.. t. regular price i?.isi clear- 1 price t,g Figured nnd pin in I LP AO A SKIRTS, regulnr price 1.'J5, clear mice price Mc, Warehouse Robes 1 by I he Woolen Mills on. Oregon. " cozy cornera, etc. juai the thing, rianagemeni i. Give Us a Trial. Kates $2.00 a day Special Hates by Week or month tloadquarters for Traveling Men In Eastern Oregon. Successors to J. E. Moore 1 meat Motel tbe Pacific North weal vUitlug Mortland. tleadquartcra rl. C. now i-ks, Manager. The Paver el tbe People. Bveryboey teat It. The Lartest Clreulatloo. Best aaverlislae a.Slura. I