DAILY EVENING EDITION THr. i.samso rare or EXTERN OKKimv IK THE I-AST OREOONIAN TSS mori.l HKAD TBI EAST OREOONIAN TH T'S Miirum mn ai)vkrtikiiii. VOL. 13. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1901, no. .ions (DULY EVENING EDITION EE The COMMONER Issued Weekly. William J. Bryan t ditor and Publisher. Lincoln. Nebraska Term Payable In Advance. One tar. $1.00 siv monthi . .bo Three ."lonths ..t Single Copy .05 So traveling canvassers are em ployed. Terms for local agents atll be sent on application. All none should be sent by P o. order. Kx press order, or by bank I n New York or Chicago. 1. not send individual checks or stamps Tin Commoner per year With Wtekl) liast Oregonian . . . . 2.35 Senu -Weekly East Oregonian J.H5 paily East Oregonian 5 75 Addran East Oregonian. Pendleton. Oregon The Boston Store The Big Sale is now on When we advertise a sale, it means "your dollar grows in purchasing value from 25 to 75 per cent." THAT IS THE Dress Goods, Underwear, Hoods, Jackets, Hosiery. Blankets Capes, Waists, Comforts, Tailormade Suits, Fascinators, Corsets, Dress skirts. Men's Clothing, Shoes, Petticoats. Overcoats, Furs. Muslin Underwear Wondfrt'ul value- tor the next fen day-. 86 doMQ gariQentS to, elot from. A snap for hotel and lodging house keepers. "i". dozen hemmed jfieetg at 25 per cent below regular price. 66 dozen pillow Hps at "Jo per rent below Njgtfttr price. THE BOSTON STORE Pendleton's Big Store. OregonShortLineRailroad thk hikki:t HOOM TC Montana. Utah. I otonulu and all Eatlc'-u Point lilvel 1'QOiCV of two leVOrtt lollies. Vie tf. rsio.N PACIFIC Kelt Hall Liuc, or We UP UkAS'lig Scenic Unua. No Change of Cars on Uit- furlttnd-Uhlcaau oisiciel, "to riuuit In lbs West." Equipped Willi blegant Standard Sleepers Floe New Ordinary Tourist Sleeper; Superb Library Buffet Cars Splendid Diner aaeala a le carte Free kc. lining Chair Car Comfortable Coaches and Smokers Entire Train Cooapletely Veatibulcd ' i '."ibcr mluruiallou apply to o. tt. N Co., euiUuu. Or. I - NAOBL. S7 C COMAN. I re. Peal Af. feiu 'I AgeUl 141 Thlre St.. Portland. Oregon. Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway la Chieaao, sit. Paul, ht Loui, Kan sas City, Ht. Joe. Oumha, m. J All Points East and South Portland and poi.te oo the Sound. Afrt,a Monday., Wednesday. ud Kridayset " A6 m. Tue)4ye, Thursdays aud Saturday . ' -o m jtrt dally except Sunday at taw i rot Information reardiu rale and . uui "Uuom call oo or eddrae W. AiiAMB. Ageul. 'm Peudlelou. Oregon. i. tALUKEHEAD, U. Y. A.. Wall WaUa. Week Our 46th Cleanup Sale Begins Monday. Most stores with their sales are tilling news papers, sidewalks ami store with "Phenom rnallv Phenomenal Bargain News. ' We prefer simply to hint about our sale in a modest man ner ami let you judga lor wurself where yon ran find the createst rediu tions. No neej to assure you of corii-ct styles ami reliable iiualities. They are here. Our prues on all our winter goods are reduced let these do their own talking. If they could speak they would tell you they were lower than yoo. could find at any other store in Pendleton. Come and investigate. Alexander GOOD OF THE for Infants and Children. Caxtoria is a harnileM mlMtltvtc sVr evstor oil, Pur. Mfie, lropw uud Sootliliitf HyruiMf. 11 i l'l.uunt. K OUUMIIH lieitlu l Opianti jCorphl Iior oilier .ar.-uU.r hiibsUtn. -. It destroys Woriua and allays, l,Vv'rihusj. it curi'H liiarrtiii it uud Wind Colic It relieve Toetu-. hi" Troubles uud (OlM Coaatlpeitlw. It r.-oiihit.-.. the Htoiiuuh and liov.els, jji viiiif healthy and natural sleep, ik. n.il.l i' ! 1.1.1 Tin- Mother I 'rieiid. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. CLEARANCE SALE AT THE FAIR. Our Special Ke-ductiun on lothlng, Heavy ( 'nderwear, Ladier Wraps and WrtpppWI I oiitinuea until our praiSQt atcck is reduced .ufficUntly tu make loom lor our spring stock. onsider the priSSf quoted below. M.-n's Suits from 5-20 to $14.40. Men's Overcoats from $3.0u to I12 00. Boys' suits from $1.20 to $6 40. boys' Overcoats from Si 00 to $3.20. Ladies' Jackets from ia.oo to $800. Ladies' s Capes irom to f 10.40. Ladies' Flannelette wrapper from 69c to $1 70. See our goods and compare values before buying elsewhere. THE FAIR, Bennett & Tarbet, Props. Semfi-Annual Jan. 7. & Hexter. : : "BIO SALE. GBNSBAL NEWS. Thirteen colored women, wliow aue niMpj rroaa SB t" 1 are atbtading nitflit Mbool in Jertey City, an.l takina thoir Aral IpaiKina in rcailinir. Svoral ! of the olilr wotnt'ti wore lnrn in ' alavery. Dan Stuiirt, the priM liixbt pronmlor, ii.ei aaUrarleed a itatatnenl that be will Mil i n ti(j tiitlit in Ouratm OHj NrvHiU, between Mnv '..'' aifl June 10. the tight to U for the heavyweight ' clianipionahii. Kin iinilerwriti-ra HiifferiMl terri lily Inrini: 1H00. The aggregate lire la.s ot the I'nite.l Statea nii.l Chii)a during the rear inst rloeed, aa oonplla. vm .arelnllvk.il re.-enl . wai HO,9M,' 2M :in Incraaee oyer the loaa ol lw. Prat, Mwtfd A. Koaa. recent ly l Slanfor.1 nnivereity, haaJicen engaged ly tin- regenta of the t'niveraity of Nebraaka. He will begin work next month nl a anlarv of I'JIkXl it year. The position wiia created for him Frank Jajpea, brother ol .lease James, the noted bandit, loat his tight for the doorkeeperahip of the Mitaoarl house of representatives. On the tlrat ballot James receixed but 16 vote. On the second ballet he withdrew. .lames H, Kekles, president of the Illinois forestry exposition, hits invited Governor Rogers to direct the slate department of forestry, rlali and game to l.iske an exhibition of Washington products nt the tirst annual exhibition, to be bald la Obicaeo, Pabraarr la 21, 1SKM. The nary dapartnvaol ima called apoa the superintendent ol the naval academy for a report on charges submitted by Representative Roach, of Virginia, to the efreel thai marine minii'd Hobart QraaBi a cn.lel from Ohio, had died from pneumonia, ami that the decks were washed beneath him while he lay in his hammock on the Sautee. PACIFIC NORTH W FST NaWS. William Kngland, the pioneer hanker, die.1 in Balim iik.'.'.! 72 years. He leaves a wife, Mrn. Olive S. Kng land. of Salem. Receipts of the I'ortland poitolllco for the year were 13,016.887.87 f an increatie of :::t4.4'2 over ly9, when they were tl,M,2H.8B, The Pioneer woolen mills at Hallas, 1 jlk county, will resume operations ,1. ut January 20, according to Mr. Carter, .M OltM proprietors. These mill have Ihoii closed for several months. Portland will, in a lew days, have a circulating free library, as the outcome of many months ol care'ul, systematic effort oil the part of a number of her puhl inspirited citiiens, both men and women. eiiator Gaafga W, Mcllride arrived in Portlaiul from Washiugloii Friday to lofik after bis political lences. tat Ore ion legislature, to assemble next week at Salem, will choose his MOOM' sor. tie is a candidate for re-election . The lam i lies of J. K. Romig and John McLean, at La (irande, who have been all) I. ted with smallpox, are all convalescent. Their houses are beiiiL' thoroughly lumiguled, anl that town is now entirely clear of that dis ease. Recently, Frank Ilavuy, of Salem, grand overseer of the A. O. V. W. for Oregon resigned hia )x)itioii Oraii.l Master Workman Ralph reeney has anpointed Prof. 11. J. Hawthorne, ot hugene Lodge No. to till the un expired term. The state ui.Hiical Ixiard at I'ortland. decided that lleiirich Volp, ol Barna, Haraay ooaaty, had milawully oh tamed a licenatt to practice i.iedicine in the state. Volp wus not present, though he had Ijeen summoned and hud acknowledgetd the receipt ol the Miiiiiions. Atitoriaiis ure circulating u petition among shippera und business men of that pluce, in an endeuvor to ae. ure a lajycotl agailiat the O. R. ,V N, Co., the ijetition being nothing more tnau a hiuding agreuiiiHiit not to patronir.u I he i orp. .ration until it shall extend to -tor in the aame freight rates us ure allowed points on the sound. W. Qa Overboil, a pioneer of (iranl ciiuiity. died ut hi- home at Canyon City, a few days ug... Deatli came while be voir read In. a mugutine. Il was in his UkiiuI heulth up to the lime the IMMBOBI came. Ills uge was M Man, He came to iram .oimty ill W4. His brother D, Q. Overboil', of ( unvoii Citv. survivea bin. A child three yearn of age 'bed of drunk. . .. . the other day in New York City. The parents aaid they hud given the child whisky to strengthen him In their aboeuce he found 4 IjotUc of whisky and drauk Irom it, until he fell over iu a drunken stupor, from which the physician could not arouse him. That is only one case- in several canes of baby drunkards recently uotcl. The importaut fact is that alcoholic stiniu Luita quickly develop the alcoholic habit in children. Tins fact ia jual us true when the alcohol is disguised aa a medi cine, a ' sarsaparilla " or other "coin pound " So many uiediciues contain alcohol, to the same extent that it ia con tained iu beer or whisky, ih.it pan nt-, should be cautious what medicines they give their children. There is absolutely no alcohol, whisky or intoxicant iu .my form in Or. Pierce a (kilden Medical Discovery, neither doae it contain opium or any other narcotic. It is a blood-making and bo.lv-building medicine. It does not make nabby flesh but gol, firm flesh and muscle. Jt is pleasant to the taste. "My four JSMS "'M daughter had auflcrcd trucn iiidigcauuu uud bowel trouble fium birth." writes Mr.. Luuie Ateu of Haldiuouut, iACk.w.una Co l'u. " rtir treutmeat glvea ber l,y home docVjr. afforded but leinjoiaiy relief Ji.t February abe was taken with severe ustn iu the boiscls. l-alowed by violcut vouotiuy Km eaueriemied diffacultv la uaMiug unue. which, wueu t-oui. aeposiuta a muay saainurat. 1 ue alarmed from her tvmotoiu aud wrote to the World a uunxaaary Mcdl -1 aasouaUoo of UurJalo, N. Y . isveSrioa ia reply a letter advia log the use of Dr. piarcaV. Outdeu Medi al Lu ..orery. i.jgcthei with a auerial niediiiae which they sent This liae of treatment 1 followed for about two mouth., at the end of which time my child was eujoyiua; a;ood health, sod she haa had uo severe attack of ludigeatiou since. Free. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, in paper covers, ia sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamp, to defray expense of 'nailing only. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. THE CONSTITUTION FOLLOWS THE FLAG. Ex Secretary Carlisle Before the Supreme Court, ... . PORTO RICO PART OF UMTED STATES Tbe President in an KxecutlTe Officer Only ami His No Rigbt to Exercise Ibe Legislative Function. Washington, Jan. 7. 'ohn U. 1'ar lisle. ex-sccretnrv of tne Ireasurv .made nn arifiiment before I ha Mpraffla court Of the I'nitcd Statea today in furor of the theory that the constitution nilOWs the f 1hC . The MM ih thai al OarhM Arm strong, n Brltlah narchMI at Ponce, Porto Kico. Mr. ArmstroiiK sva that he paM duties ;ik'rei;iil 1 m: S1,59Q iim (foods which he received in Porto Kico from New York, Philadelphia ami Baltimore, lie hiics to recover the money on tbe Kroiind that, Porto Kico. Iieiii now United Slates anil, duliea cannot loyally ' ollected there mi American Mods. The case puts to a left the McKinlev miIIcv of treat iiiK our ntw HissoasionH as subject colonies. Carllils's Argument. laeratary Garliala'a contentions are: I irt The constitution of the United Statai raaahai over every por tion of the national domain, whether in the form of Mate, territories or districts, because this constitution pro ridel lot territories aa well as slates. Ity the protocol ami treaty ot peace be tween this government and Spain the island f Porto Kico was ceded to and aaoaptad by the Ualtad states. This was an absolute change of title and sovereignty. Il ia no longer foreign territorv, but ih a pnrl of the United States. ' Second Ours is a constitutional goveramant livery public otllcer, w hether heloiiuinu to the lesris lat ive, eiecutive or judicial depart merit, ia subject to a written constitution, and every peraon, however exalted or hiiin- nie, owe etwdianaa to its provisions and Ih entitle.! to its protection. "Third--The pr. -ident of the United States is an executive nlliccr only. He has no right to exercise legislative functions. The imposition by execu tie order ol ciistoius duties on com merce Ix-tween the island of Porto Kico ami other pail ol the I'lilted Statea after the treat v of neace ami the ex change of ratifications is unauthorized and von I, umt the col lection ol such duties in without warrant of law. " Fourth A government without limitation was never intended by the (anodan ( the nation. They sought to establish, uud did cstahliah, a con stitutional republic which furnishes a a rilteii guarantee of protection to all its inhabitants. The idea Unit in uuy .no portion of the country tl xecu th e and legislative authority is subject to restrictions and limitations and that in another portion it is without any restrict ion or limitation, that in one part a republican government exists ami in another part an unlimiletd daapotiaaa, is repugnant to the theory ti)ii which the government Wn founded livery inhabitant is entitled to tbe protaotion tjfardad by tin. bin of rights." TUG excrreo hlipinos. A Number of III. Leaders Hroke Ih. oatb ot All.alaas. Wusbiugloii, Jan. 7. The duporta tfaa by GarstfaJ MacArthur ol the Filipino leaders Mubini Pilar, Riaarat. Trias, t'apmo and twenty other., toiiiiam ia in the line of de. vaUtpaaant al proof taamhad for by tba American general that the insurgeiitN Iihv. u. toullv esluhliahi'd a iiiuta in Muiillu. Thew men had taken the oatb of allegiuii.e but in reality had kept in communication with Fili pinos in the Hold, supplying them with information, liuam thua heroin.", the new "botany bay" prison lor political offend. -ra. boms kvii iiki: N(HMMwi;sr, S British Detachment was Madly Done Up in sn lDxag.iu.nl. Loudon, Jan. r Lord Kitchener agrapha under date of the sixth: "Yastafdsy (iessfal liamugton aofjaajad Ih larey's und Hteeukamp'u loininan doa, al Nauwaairt. The enemy waa forced lo retiru to the northwest. Oai casualties have not yet hoen received, but are reM)rtal alishl. Tin. Boat doctor ad lull tad thul twenty llo.rav.ere killed arid POUodad. .oiuiiiaiidaut Pg pre v waa taken prisoner. Il apa.ars from the reports ol the woumlral, who have srrived ut ileilbruii, tlntl a de tuibinent ol oii.-hiiiidred-twenty liisMHt balojegloaj la Qaoaral Knox's command, asms into . ont.i.-t with a Mipariar foraa of Hoers near Lindlay. I regret to nay, Lieutenant Lang and two Other officers and liftenn mull were killed ami two olhcers and twenty men wounded. 1 have uo details Horn Knox of this act Ion." CoAl PAMINi;"lN"CHI:YENNE. told W.alb.r and kink, in t.lorado tne Caus.. Cheyenne, Wyo., Jan. V.--II the cold weather continues another week Cheyenne will have lo submit to the :n. ..n vm unices and har.lehips ot a coal famine. 'The lack of uiul is due to the inability of the oporators to till orders, notwitlistaudiiig the fad that they have ineieasod their forces, tuatalled new machinery, opened new mines, etc 'The order ol the government for over KJU.USJ car loads ol coal to be delivered on the i 'acino coast, which was placed with the hock Hprings increased orders from Kansas, Ne braska, South Uakota, Idaho and Utah and the local demand, which is the heaviest over known, add to the difficulties encountered by the coal companies. Kxperieaced coal miners are alao scarce, and there is hardly a mine in the state that is working full time. The highest wages ever paid coal miners in the west are offered. Uhevenne has heeii drawing upon lh liehls of northern Colorado for a por tion of her fuel, but in eonaaqttaBoa of tbe lalmr troubles there il ih feared this supply mav DO cut oft altogether. It la believed that the present situa tion will result In tin. epanlngaf many new mines in the state during the year. A RAILROAD COMBINATION. Interstate lommerns tail Atlsntlon lo It In Its Rsport. Washington, Jan. 7, Ureal com- I. imii ion , of al I t he railroad lines iu the United states are predicted hv the interalate commerce commisaioii, and it le declared that these oomblnationi will make the patron ol the mads the gauiei The evlle which competition oegets, ' ' aava the coniniission. "will largely diaappear, and miiiiv of the worst forms of discrimination will cease. Owing to wasteful competition transportation hv rail actuallv coata more than it should. To eliminate that competition will b to work an actual Having in the cost, of the ser vice, and Ibis should red. .end to the benefit Ol both the carrier aud the shipper." Arraignment of the riiilroada for having "made 110 attempt to conform their practices to tbe spirit of the law " alao is a feature of the four! tb annual report ot the interatate com merce coinmiasioii I h lajdornnienf. haa been received hv OOBgfOOB, and is ol interest to every railroad olllcial and every shipper. It hog in a with an allusion to the additional legislation recommended m previous reports. aud which iu the mind of the coiiiiiiIm- sioii ia ahaolutelr necessary lo hc. ure the enforcement ol the intent ol the act, but. on which congress bus not taken action. COLD snap IN PARIS. A Number of Dsathi From ths Severs Weather. Paria, Jan. 7. The cold snap here continues. There ia greut suffering among the poorer claasea. Ninedealha irom aiaoettre occurred last night. Keports from the provinces say many have perished from the cold. Haxlna al Wast Point. Washington. Jan. 7. Vest in the senate today introduced an amend Blent providing against basing at West Point, making expulsion the penally lor violation of the act al the military academy al that name. Mutiny Among Troops. Ilruasels, Jan. 7. Advices from the Congo Free State says a mutiny among native troops occurred recently. .Seri ous outrages are reported rouNu KituuaR a hrro. tirandll.ph.W or Ih. Bo.r Ki President Sav.d a Starving Sheep. An Knglish clergyman had the ex treme haidihoiHl of relating an mice dote in a Dublin paper that reflects great credit upon a near relative, a grand nephew, of Knglaud's arch enemy. Haul Kruger. lie was slaying at ilondalough with two friends, and while hunting on the upa-r lake, under Camaderry moeiitain, noticed a sheep pitifully bleating on a ledge about IIMNI feet up the sheer cliff. The animal had been I here for days and was in a state of semi-starvation. The a,asanla about had resolved to about it and thus end its misery. Young Kruger, how ever, easayeii to peaeae it. He tied a pie. of tarred twine around the sides of his ImhiIs und climbed up the lace of the precipice, much to the anilely of bil trlenda, The operation tisik him .pule two hours, during which the aligbleat uiialeiuliuess or wavering would have cost him his Ufa, Half way up he shouted down that Iu, aaald not move further. With a llnal effort, however, lie gradually worked his way up, reaenad the animal and lowered it cuutioiiely until be regained the ijat. ids intrepid act excited Intense admiration among the SpaetafOfS Ilia task aeeined utterly impoSHiblu and in auv SVenl was attended with terrible danger. Voting Kruger wus ut tbe time a medical student al Fdniburg university, and on the declaration 01 wur sailed for South Alma KNOWS MUHk THAN OWNKR. Iowa Mono Proves lis Superior I it -t.lllg.n... A Ollntoa dm, m. ui own a barna which is one of the, most sensible ani mals in Iowa, nam tbe Chicago 1 1 1 1 . 1 Ocean. A horse which aaiuoeses "horse senna' la to be eonajretoleled and us owner pitied, as the aiiiln.il will in volve him in all K.i, 1 of trouble and often plane bin i all kinds of embar rassing positions. That bones do aiaecas "lioree mtiiee' 1 met sometimes to a large degree, wea shown during the re 1, nt period when Clinton WSS lie hound. The owner ol thu horse put u large loud on the wuwoii und started m roas the river to Fulton. The ani mal had uo shoes on, and It was with difficulty that it made its way along thu icy roadway, but it kept phabling on. While crossing the Mississippi river it struck a more dllhVult proposi tion, aa Ibe ice waa so ainootb that the homo could scarcely walk, and illinally gave up iu disgust thu attempt to drag the heavy load to Dm Illinois ahore It bIo.,,1 still for a moment as though lost in deep thought, then in spite of the li 1 ,ei, turned lor terra Ilrma I ho drayman tugged nt the lines and shouie.1 "Whoa" to the horse until Ins adam'e apple slid out of place, hut to no avail. that horse hsd "horse sense," and was Milling to prove it Ul I .-C .1 u. ...I - - 1. ........ niraiglll Mown ni:i mill iiou, li wu,it, then turned off at a side street aud after golug a lew blocks, walked through two wide open doors into a blacksmith shop ami placed one of its feet up. o the footstool aud looked knowingly at the blacksmith, lie look tin, hint, dropiaal ins cornoon piiw uu went to work with a will and soon had four brand new shoes on the animal . Dm lag the utawalfun the horse would occasionally look hack over it shoulder St its master, who had re mained a passive silulor ol the strange proceedings. Mi.r Hie hoofs bad all been smoothed off and the blacksmith had said SI .20 ulease. tbe horse willingly drew its load to the destination desired. TO CUBB A COLD IB ONK OAT. 'lake lavxatlve Bruuio Uululue Tablets. All druggists rvluiiu the luuuey II 11 talis to cura. Bw. (jiuve's slgualure Is u each box. 16c. TO BUILD CANAL REGARDLESS OF ENGLAND. Morgan Presents a Report to the Senate, 11 STRONG PLEA FOR NICARAGUAN ROUTE Points Out Kelsons Why Knnland lust Coo sent lo nil tlnllril States Golnri Alis.nl Willi III Woik. Washihirtmi. Jan. -en.itor Mor gan, of the committee on the IntM' oceanic canal matter, t.alav presented a long teporl on the Isthmian canal bill pending 111 the senate, The report BMtkea a Strang Brntnent, fasn Iibj tim sslaatlaa of the Nicaragua instead of the Panama route, and uys If the lull becomes a law, it is aitfe to expect an agreement can he made with lircat Britain, aa favorable at leaat to tbe United Mate- as that contained 111 the Hay Pauncefnte treaty, baeanaa the canal would a ol incalciiithle value to her North and Central American poa SSSalonS, und congress should not hesi tate even in view ol the aissible ob leetnuiH from t.reat Britain, Kngland'a naval power iu reference to eommanil of the (ireytown inlet to the Nicaragua canal ia qalte over estimatnl by popular opinion it declare, an.' farther iBTOrS the passage of tbe canal hill regardless or Rniland's action Upon the aitieiide.l I lav Patlnccfote treaty Wants to Find His Uncls. John King, ot ChieagO ia 111 Pendle ton todav and w ill leave on tomorrow morning's train for Walla Walla. He is making Inquiries lor the where abouts of his uncle, Ku hard Kaighart, who waa engaged 111 the stock business in the curlv days in the Walla Walla country. Sir King haa not beard from hi- uncle lor thirty years, hii.I as he wss passing through this aeetiou on his way to Portland, he decided to stop at Pendleton and Walla Walla ami make the inquiries. Mr. King's address ia ill care ol Auditorium Motel, Chicago, III. lieorge Ferguson is under arrest at LawlstaUi Idaho, charged with cattle atealing. Ilia aasm into was Jack Need w ho est aped the ..Mirers. John Raton, aged ., years, died at Car,,ii. Union county, on the M iu stent, lie served in the civil war and was a 1 sinner. a Acker's Saved Her Life About two mile, la.m Yasser, Mich , I M. where I kr. p a drug .lore lives Mr. Ilrall She wn-, v, 1 v Irk and hop, Irs., with coiisunipi ion I wai, lied hei . See with Interest .p. she lasgati lakms Aek.r'a Knglish K.iued loi r.. 1, sumption, because I hudlirurd -si iimrh al Its Wonderful cures. Well. sir, pel h ip y u will dullhl II, hill Willi lev own ey.--, , suw tin- w. io 01 -. 1 well and strong Ml 1I1..I leBMUy In a nn sholl lime the 'Olud. Stolilasl, In -1 lulu . iVrle heuled up. thesorenes. w. nt avvu and iheeesaa fus ing on geah Hh. herself said Mi Milliard, I owe 11, v hie P. V. 1 11 l.n,!h-h Ih tniHly. It ia 11 rerlulii uir In Mi- llrull 11eigl1h.11 h I lei 1 iv iu- occasion 111111I1 uoiunssnt, a. you ran sesili andea tnd lli 1 in-, u .1, ..it. w 1 b'.rybods thought 11 wn Iv 11 ipiesiion oi .1 little while until site vv .ui. 1 ,11,. 1 1 . 11 a .Inly udruKf li to wiii. I Ills letter, .0 thai there tired he no more .1, ail. Iroiu 1 onutupti,,ii. (Sigiie.li F. A. Ill LlASn. V.issar Mich. HoldutiV ,Mk' andil a laitile, ihroughoat the llnin ,1 Stun-- .uui I 'anada und in F.iia- land. ul Is .'d , M Is 1.1 II v ou are Ind aatlslicd sitaff l,ll 1 liar . 1, turn the Lottie lo your druggist, and yet puttl money back. HV.laS,,.,:, 'i, lee.iNlrr. w. at ui 11 ik m a t"J rVfaMBBsa Ban !.. Bul l br BSBBS .s vi. I ........ P. 1, lion, u. or. BAD COLDS o 1. u v,.r. I- l..isl .'vSIs ,1,, In.! lies hats t. 1 i.e. 1 msni I . s, P s vvjn 1 All Pl.lJ Uall, .1 -lyn.iuu tr.,1,1 th.il susrg) l cn.wd a arsaa's urdllml, lu.tii.ri.l int.. laulvr li..,m .it. l ahurt Hit w,.,.l v,,l,ls uvur idghL "It ass Ihu ...ul cr .a gilp 1 wvsr liatl. A hall 1 . nn 1.. i. i..m! .ttrs .iirvs Still it hung ue Heard ut Uw liYNAMK'TAHITKN. Ten.) uuur llelit th .Uippad lailll Soki Sud 1UU4I1 the Srsl 11111111. I siaiiwea an,l recoeiaieiid thru. t.. the is,i pi. " I1AIU LAI HBNLBY, n etsa.b.1 Peiurrsa. aial Altai,., lot Sait..i.i,u ttrrsl, Saji risticlK-,,, July 7, I OJ "Wllllar rohU lis, v .!., I it ..!.., III. lis te m, Ih, , miu h.r, si.a .l.v tor nr. 1.0.. Hut th. kw4 was ssueiaal .uddsnli MKMUvl S UVNAMk) TAHI LkS li.11, ....Mil. and seal .lisip.rsd la a oiupls f .1.,. Notliiii. ,lsw l.s tin. f.r ui.." MRS KM MA I Hull Iff, II B. as at, Sal. Iran " live evr.M Hi. .tr.'.l Ir-U. ahsrs BSIM'SL'S llYNAMI. I AHI I.SS si uaals Taal I. Sur I St.l ' kii... rear ssu. wdus allkauj nullse Itwl . .Iavii ls.u allh u,s for .sir sial Irnslii. a nsi, 1 . ,,t.. Noui, II I s WINSLt, CpiUllsl, SJI7 Wasaltuiluu SUa.1, Han Ktsikisvu. Auau.1 in, isuu. S.,,1 als,ld l-r iitsaU 111 .Uuips l,y I NLA Ml liKI'il H) , Wa.lili.jt " Slrasl, Sail ViuUj Alsu M sal. fo a .' s"'. KolPPlCNh fUAkalA. 1 Nasal CATARRH In all its stun P.erv .houtd ho , kuiiiius... . ai.-i f - Ujaui.t1 Ut Ui dkieVnaH Btt-tubu 'U. It cufwilurrlt tuttl lU u t; r.y ft cajJti ui lUtt l.v ..tl siuinklv. Crsjauu HuIim a I'UciM, luio Um uostrila), prawtl ovctf tU bicui brai ue miti la t,batrUHl. ltolief Lat im 1 1 . 1 1 ! , j (.t aUtti si t 1 1 1 1 t'j.i'ivtn. U 111 btH tit nut prutlucaj IMMriMi ' gu Siej, iW uajuit ftt Dili' Iwl or by liittil ; Trial MUjk li) CatfiU by wail. JU,Y ilKo 1 liiitv.T. &al Wwrtui ttliav-l. Nw Yortu rkmniii rWi ..'