East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 05, 1901, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Of ribbon remnants at Tin Magnet Cash Store. Ntr
is the time to buy your ribbons for X-mas and The Magnet is
the place. Some marvelous bargains there. Ribbons of all
shades, lengths and widths for little mottry. Come early and
get your choice.
Clement? & Wilson, Court and Cottonwood
' rise of another rentnrv. men's mlnde
land hear:- nre iiliarl adapted for
the reeeption ni prolotiml mural truth.. ,
This it tin "payeholaf laal moment," '
whan civilisation pather itlf for the
rMMil of hit: her reulnss. It i wished'
jt'iat (mtu prer pn.plrin Amerien there!
nilirtai he -reado-d next Sunday crntnii,
tlio "('in; "f Mr.
An Astonishing But True Story
( milslns with
' Hewitt's add res-.
One at the signilioant snine Ol the
, times, aavs the Sun Kraneirei Call, is
the appearance in the advertisemente I
of what ore known as 'resort" hotels'
in the Kastern nnd Owtllharii state ol
11 r hhniv ' f'.msiiirtnt '.ves i vl- h '. "
I' shows hw t'ar ttack the pendnlnm
: has MTiinc Irons t K days not long &
wlien sneti lute Is Mdl a tpeeial afloat
t nttruet nexiiile weak lungs Ho
describing their 1-rnlitie as well titled
for Um .-lire "f ierains aflletad nilh
In one of thete lulvertiscineiits ivw
before ns il It aunounced that tin hotel
i in "the highest and dryest eti. n
of the long l.-af pine region of North
Carolina, an idea, place Mr health.
ret and ret rc.it ion. " That I? exactly
the or: at .ilvortisement which iii
former year would have added that
the location i a "natural sanitarium"
for consumptives, hut now it notes' in
hip letter "Consumptive excluded."
My home is in Sidney
i m:
time, and at the end of
two veara 1 had run into
j consumption 1 roughed
lerrimy, lost uesn. cniuti
not eleep, and Ix'came so
dreadfully weak that I
had to take to led. In
ilic following slghtaan
months I gradual! v
reached the las: stager,
of c nsumptior.. No less
than sever, physicians
treated mc nnd hV. i.-.ve
mc up suvinc I W
1 have boor, nearer
death with consump
anv other living person in the world, an.l ! want you to read tins, w
tclf others I took a severe cold and neglected it, 1 grew worse all tin
under the oi.! cry of "to the victors he
long the spoilt." which StetUM reward
ior roiitical friend' and punishment
lot rolitical enemies ami ulwayt make
room for had pttMrtSMMI extensively
Eut ortfonuii
c om; -in.
Dan.', asrsat aim.' atr
tw tsaj, re r-: . . '.t m . . .
It- 7e 7' . .' t- ....
I ... .
-rr: v
...i ea.airT . . t:
The Walla Walla Statetmen has bt.
greatly improves! of late. It it now an
eight paged, tlx columns to the page,
paper and ha an improved preat report
and it more carefullv edited.
Wi have r.nt entered upon a policy of
laiaatiaUaBi we wore recent! v infnrmetl
by I'reeiiient MeKuilev, hot n
erals Miles and QMMa aMMi forwal
ane exir--- thei n Ndng in
favor of a "colonial army, modeled
afte- Englaad'l Imlian army." Tlie
idea o: it eoluntai army l t-- have men
aliat t' wrvt inaeertain Motion or
part Of the eonntry. Thow who enlist
t. serve in tin Philippine- cenld not
be need in Cuba. Those rb " enlist to
terve in the state eonld not le
in Coba or the Philippines. In other
words. the met: would knn whore thov
wer t terve before enlisting. In thi
way it is thought enlistment tould be
made mor ropular an1 the repiitite
number of mmi for a targe standing
army could be secured with little
Humanity In its action and reaeliuii
invariably goet tes far in each !;ree
tion. t'ndonbtedly considerable evil
rasrilted to healthful communities by
the persi'tent eft 'rts of tourist hotels
tain the patronage o: BOtMUap
lives. Vierius of the disease were in
thai way nronght into districts whose
H would otherwise have bs'en in
DO danger of thai scourge. On the
Hen-1 otner haml. the pohev oi exclusion
, wlucu is now ti.r. iem .. - ,k to
i result in evils (ally at great. The eon-
umptive should not be treated like a
pariah nor shot away from tiie cotu
1 tortable hotels that have been catab
, iishetl in the healthful aectiont of the
, vonntry. Advertising (or einsumptives
, na a (oily, but the exclusion of them
i would be Baaaatblng like an outrage on
1 huiiianitv.
Miouhi the exclusion policy be
! earrid far it wiM 1m- immmpv for
need I ttatea la nroviih sanitArinoi for thos
arllirtts with consumption. Some
States, in fact, have already done so.
Xhaas laatttMiaM have even in tin
short time of their existence aBattad
much good. A recent report of one et
tablitheil in Massac hutetts was so en
couraging in its nature that New York
re: a; . n: following the example. A
finiilar movement has Neti tart-d t
establish a sanitarium in this state,
and it it probable that like enterprises
are under wav elsewhere
At shown by a recent ret art M
tana produces 3? 1-3 per rent of tne
copper output of the world, and U per
cent of the output ej tn:- tintrv.
This is the more wonderful in view of
the fact that the development of the
copper industry in that state is I
scarcely mare than a quarti-r . .. cet.
turv old.
to the t
!? was
popuiar i
A reeei
A financial statement of I'maiiHa
county thoold be published temi
annually. A statement of 1' mat i I hi
county 't ti nances hat not been pub
lished (or severa! y.ar- ::. -:.
be published, to that the taxpayers
may m (or tbems;v.-- :: v
tion the dLance of the tUUXf are.
Thir county is heavily in debt and It
would be well II the taxpayers WSSS
made acquaint-.! with the amount ..f it.
What news is this from Mexico? A
money panic because of the heavy ex
portation of silver dollars' "The
bankt have plentv .,: moaaw, sav the
rtporu, "bat it it all iu gold
American and British currency and
worth nothing except as collateral. '
That we thuuid ever nave lived to see
tbit day ' lieuty o! gold money in tiie
banks of Mexico, but the country on
the verge of a money panic because
ailver money is scarce And giod
monev good only (or collateral I ! This
it enough to jar , even a sincle-etan-dard-guld
Uovernor f'ingre.-. n. In.- a !.irs to
tiie Michigan legislature upon the eve
of retiring from the governatorial
other, in speaking of tne election aj
Tnitel states -enaturs. said: "The
case of Hauiiu n QM Clark Ifl Mun
taoa, and our own discouraging and
disgraceful experiences iurni-i. the
most powerful and convincing argu
ment in behalf of popular elction-.
It is a matter ot :..: . i atiowitdge
that the office it sought by weallliy
men. not n much for the alleged
honor, a the opportunity wliicl it
offers for financial proflr and u.
uiercial advantage, no-, onlv through
siock speculation, nut in oiner and less
legitimate ways. Inst and o( heiag the
bulwark oi our govemn. on u- t r
trainers of the constitution intended it.
the senate it now looked apon with
faar and distrust by the patalsj ai the
country." 5 .,- having -ih.-i. .-
tbe one expreatjed here. Piugree is
looked upon aa a crank" in scant!
quarter )riiruiar!y . atuoog r. u .
lican leaders and politicians who do
not take kindly to hit "theories. "
Keviewiug the aotuu! progrers made
in placing thefadaral civil service on!
the basis o: merit instead of spoilt, '
Mr. lleury l.oomir Nelson pouite at
in the January Forum how slow u I. at i
been and how much ye remains to oe ,
doue beiore the return, mo-., i.
initiated nearly forty year ago. shall
be fully aucceee(ul. Tiie olaasitied
terviee, which include ail t ie oi
that have been taken out of the iisiHi-!
man's ' sphere of iufiueure, ' cuvercd
only l.j ,6 "., empioyea a! tin- eag) of .
1'resident Arthur's admiuistratiun. ;
Mr Cleveland in hit first term
created tlie number of clasitied civil
servant appointed on im.'rit and re
movable ouly fur cause u over ll.'-.tl-Mr.
Harrison added 15,i)0u tnusv. and
Mr. Cleveland in his second torm
increase-! the list to nearly S7,uaj
Mr. MeKiuioy has taken about U,uU)i
orticec that were a', the time las he-1
came president included in the
claasilUad service ...... handed then.
back to the politicians, thus giving the
reform a temporary aet-back. There!
are fully 100,U0P place, being filled
t v . rn,r
truer ring. It was an eloquent plea (or V ,
(Jm boot, irglag that great wealth in- f
volvet great rcsponsfbflttier and duties. 1
Mr. Hewitt said t ,05.
or. uj..t
and! live.
u um w
ireums of
have riot .veil l-rsuii to do
night to da, Men that I
up i - ti.oir g.-:.er ntv
Whiie thes. movement nre SMMiat.
there if the objection that the iam
I paign of education in their favor it
j often aoodaaaad in an exaggerated way
so as to occasion -omething like it
panic on the subject. Coiisumnth n It
' not now any more dangerous than it
wa- ten years ago when every Southern
winter resort was advertising for n
1 snmptivet. As a matter ol fact it is
not s dangerous, i.r the worid har
earned mu.-t in late year roneernin
the illseA.. Ato ,-itr. ; nil ..v.s..'m
Mavor Prevent it spread. There is conte-
York hus a t"enny lets reason ior exclusion now
I-, er i ce n ana i . .1 rti j ,ui-
the intense reaction from the idirv
rn.er -...ir- ii. t maintained verv
Tne one goixl feature of the scare
i manifest h these advertisements it
tt;a r. will help along the education
i o: tne public mind in regard to the
oi- a-e an., thu.- heir to check it ii
everv part of the union. At nreaent it
I ' " ' ""' greatest tcourgee of
I American life Consumption destroys
ni' ' live n. e.. Kugiaod than
I -.1 yellow (ever in the eoath.aud yet until
' " . v.-r r-. outlv little or nothing was
. ! .i t 2. i. i . -i&i
.'..i n no, nun ii in a co-in mc way .
Nov. there i- g..ji pr muse mat the
ravage will be greatly diminished
it ti in a fan years, and a it to be
hoped tiie phrase "t'otisuuiptive ex
eluded" will not long be asan iu the
advertisement of any American hot....
MB national wealth has
timet as fast at our
he shall any that with
increase' in wealti
ins in abundance to re-
ndustry which
stlth beyond
aaawiaa hat
a i . kaa max
ibi:ity (or i
leeent. reepec
t. air lamiiies a genera t ion ago.
"Have we tne ngnt to takeal.
wealth and do uotlnn.' to correct
efiU created iu its production?
;.ou accept theee mil nine and
to the evil
which t
it with
th. Cai
Oregon Lumoer Yard
' X'- i J """
ig(orms Om da) v ' '
my liedatde. and said
bal u day or I a more to lira, Tea's 'oiled down their cheeks as trtey
.h.N. the few. The Doctors b! d ...-..'. I was in the last stage, and no
WlW bsfng .. . 1 v v t ln:t before going to the cruel
g avc t wuntc i t . " ,-iv helovwd town of Bwtoay aaca atata.
T iev told me . that 1 an -.-.Id surely die before I got
back. But 1 insisted, an.l to . . in? dying wish, a uatrkttfS was titled up
h .-. 1 il of id knvs, n u to ih.s 1 was carried and tlowly driven around Court
um S uare I n t no mora dead than alive. Through the mercy of Provi
.c torn on b ougi t a trial boti - of medicine said to he a consumption care.
iglned (or an intiaflt It was arorth tryiaJt. Hut a a drowning person
asps ,- .. itraw, I I tr i d .!r.s medicine 1 was better after taking two doses.
M ithei ROt more of ;h. medietas and 1 took it. improving all the time. Today 1
am at well as any readat ol tins paper, and the medicine that cured me was
Acker English Remedv for Consumption. I declare before God and man that
vary word bars prtntad i trje."
Tats lentaistlilt ItalltMMIssl. ta til In thr effi.-r of Jlttsri. tV H. Hooksr Co.. Hew York.
rr.pritor oi Dr Aeksr t c'lrbrt.. English Kcm.lr. t veachtsl for by ttism. a well a er
Artrr'f rn.'iish Krelv a 1U tT U Imri to - '" r-inr.- ritroii-- iki rnr asonrx will t r.
taasr.tin.as s isllai. av.. ...;.. . .:iihi i.'al a.. Atuiu. u.
atu.n BY lilwic'K a M't oM v. l't:M)i.K iiv. out:.
TW j
at a low fttnrc. IiiiuJrc sf j
ifl Pat fwir N " ' lifttfJc l.uropean Plan.
illLiyyjtPBtataW Hlock and a-hnll Irwrti depot
4?. . ., " -TsanHfeH Sample koufn In connecto-n
Room Rate . 5Qc, 75c. SUM)
I If z
I L. Ray cV Co.,
Huy mill ,.:;
Stocks, Bondg and Qrn
Curt SStrpvt,
on msrg'.iM
New York Stock exchange
Chicago Stock I vchange.
Chicago Board of Trade.
I I' A 1iTI.ii . . . -
La '""'H.vln,,RA.I7NtTi1
kf i v i -.-.. . . TJ
U. JtVa, llFWl
loi. ' i-i.k.
T.S.gAn iv f Ts-
ju.i.1 mnirt,,,. ivv,:, :., v '''tis
Wi ,i-c now ready (or husines
near vTaablngton A Oolambia
Kiver fn-ight depot with n
genera' assortment of luiuN'r
direct from our own saw mil!,
and ean furnish anything
promptly. Country order in
car ioa Is si:ipel direct from
our mill in carload lot at
correet prirea. fetva us a call
p. or.KKr.l.l.V TTORvrT '
"ev in A.v,. ,.,,.;,, Vlt ttl
jjuan a. iki.
1 omtsui
fa vsituss.
l'K. V.
t. l i ...K c ii-i-ii.tTi
nioi.ll j. (IIBlf hour. 1 fl u . -S
A. C. Shaw k Co.
i in. '
iu. a j
alstMn mv ii.. u.H. , vim
H. K
1 A lil'IKLI' M Ii uniV
... 1. 1. . . . - UUM.
lease; Mask K
Equal to any
in the world.
1VIC)II. l;
pUotie. black 111
l.V. WZ K Hi'v.-iBiiMtcSaati
W. K. l'KKKY I'lfYMeiANAIl
geon, I klali. Orefou.
and iMrrvout .1i.r. an.; iliiaaa
PP ;i.n;. tat WatntnaaB
ion, Ota.
I'KNTlgT. or
K. A. A! '.HA.V
IB JuJil UllllitiBf.
V.. "fFKIu
. .....,.. ai aimiaiiwrw
.mi. m i overs H linp.ioa.g
Highly reeouimeiideil to (uiiniy
Everv Untie fully o-uuvauleod.
pcriiilciiUfui makes comalalr aaS i
.... ..... ..IIH-. B W (lly g.
..... u. i ,ni. iiu ... I. UK
D A.
liiniair luraiahatltatUI
Schultz Brewing Cil 1 uaian um.
of our industrial !
list . nr it -i -rit'. ..-
Hkssd at such a stag-;
Jif tel.- .ilui.tr. 11,....
cu. these dark anl !
eeand all tboattenii-
g" Willi
' ercroaded di
foal dwelling
ine uiitarie i
t ei I would to iioii that everv indu's-1
ran at least have the br-
.-reel, grata and the eanth
blue at iMtaveii to look up
Is this an overwrougnt
think uot. it i tne in
troth, and wrien et aval
1. oagtjvaJt'a ttiiled h eture
i.lur. W.
ird, lorriblr
nat it, Mr
strikes a a
. - r.
Ii our moral leader mutt apeak of
the poor nan's envy, let tlwir words
be at pitto) ahot : but let them tpeafc
in tne rollim: tones of thunder to the
t oi'. ni-sniny. !i.-ioinf man of
luuli.-rniiiiont, who cove, tiie scant
earnings and scantier saving of tiie
count". - i.....-r.-.
At uci. a time, in tin- solemn sun
- -.
i.-.. i. in;. Paper,
'lar Paper.
Liiuc uud Ccaieut,
brick and Sand.
Siihb and Duum,
Screen lnurs&: Windu i
Terra Cntta Pipe.
Borie & Light, Prop's
M i are no", awarr of ibe
l ast time and Superb Servic
Si n cCtrcd hy tu
" Aiucucja .'..-iLuliuri.1.
gaaaatal tjtwMtjtasata i-itn n.e gaMMs
'r.' ' ' eu'-U .o .Srr Tkt OKAh'ii
Li- ''.'" V '"'"'k "tfroiiliurai
weekly t..n Wwin. H, Ipi
lly kuiM, -ii 1,'iu fc.n, ,
KSaJK f." e;.ehe low nur. Ti.
taM.r Ji nn I .-.iisrn m THi,.rk..i.i- for Uir
.ariai-w.il t. . . , ... , UU,.
of'"u"kii'a Ui t"",,;-a "- yraciieal papor
I ioa ap.ia. VOM. Ta
I eensral baukiuc butium
aim ic.-trspi,.i iraii.lcn aoM on CS
r:r s. . ,u ' (ria.'ifa p
I tu. Nurthwott hrafu hrawn no 'ciai
lie I. ll"l . .... I .iiiiuL r
icrui.. Levi Anasn; pin.iltBi k
I viet-j.raii juui C h a.
rntSf aasi-iaa: casuist.
I'rudlsioD.Orrfi.i. n.-tanin.: Nut: -
ai'.ia. n.ui lu'irnra: a..utv;
li aai! to.oci
11 .tunlii3t nraalat
'. prsaiilta: 1 X I
Murru. caaam
k.... katuana-
Clpal preuu Su.
Hunt J, run
1 'iu-:.h'i.lc-ni 1
orofoa CaiMi.. k. turpiavaJ
i. : ul '.lai. dfiwaiu utaatll
lioLlc.-'.K i.X'li:.g ( uUstlla
leetiaJ k Henry ( AoatH,
HiAr.hu- v.o prssiasnl. I
i." 1 w tU-ini: axi.uu:
Tilt I A I;
akk or
Liku Chriatmaa &now
Is the color of the shirt.-, collars
biiii awsaaaai asajM
imiilli attau'leu 10.
2 -Daily Past Trains to tlie East-2
If you can bo t tak' the nornlnc train
travel via the ewuiBK iralQ, UiUi art
finely .Ulppei
Alu St , opp. Court Houv.
Locust Hill
Kabbitry and
Poultry ards. .
v --
v.i v t:. waih;,
Kverything highest quality.
Correspondence t lotted.
Paat Time. Throuan Sarvlee, Pull
man Palace bloupurb Pullman
Tourist Sleepera. Pullman Dluara.
Llbrry i ate Car and Prts Re
clining Choir Care.
x state
. Iherta
Il 1. it
Knt :t
ta." kK.lt
saved to Omaiia. t'u.cato
ai. N York, Buaiot. an.
iae. tii.rllaulliire. I'.iullry, Murki i .r
d.iiiue, tad -.. t. 1 . praeU.
eat ! sut,.titi rrni. r..
wiui fUu.trato.aaa yau-.a arti.'.i, e-moio'
J aats l: ina.'iai.n. lelktaS ani ' fatal U
t-U S9E . 35 !Bs3 Sk.ta au"
t..m.rriaU Atrrlmltur. are U.- .rr.u.
wuicb ttae O. J. F AiatritU uuoxeelled.
z jTaalilui.. rTrTT
(.ook, Pi
blinrc htu
rtaa. lat
urk. TI.. l.iMi
Lilbrasy Con.rr,
I cufir llial urv duue up ul ika Upmost Is
I.tiuiidry. Hunta Clans knows a i(ool
I thing when he sees il, ami lite fault
j less l-eauty of the linen laundered
There will eacite hh admiration, aa
. wall aa the nun. who lovet to ortSM
well and have hi-linni porf.-et in i-ior
nnd finish.
llllUO I
.. 1 nun. priii
excelii-lil ..in
111 real. gal iiiu
OKtwra: K
Hrot-Ute. Ii i rv.
K. Klllgure. aaal
U. A. Ilaruaao. M M
liraw, J. t Kiiigerv
aunl . 1 . ' 1
Ob laafl lionet Lea'
ii Lv or wilt Van 01
t..n ll
sawtaitssi I
1 now '
ioust.1 1 rns
tuibeil la
0 bA
IX Poi'N'li-THK KOLWT'li
1. F. Roboi to-. Prop.
TskonoiH' 60
To.jo v.a Salt Lake I'tlyaad Ixaver.
our lni- raai u u i:.t iivhujim,
Tlefetls tar! ileeplatt car lerth. at
llroj. V WAMtiLEV.
A(ent o K. A N Co
or . I! LoTHnnP. eeii.Jltuin. On
Oeaetal Aavn:. U I.-ur. l-ortlan. On.
A Cyclopedia of Progress and Events
.til sendinv tliir ...1-- m
eltibljir.tr .ift.-r ar rraartili'r
"Ii- AMkMli AM AOH1' ULrt Hli
anl almaac f.ir lau. 1 .1. .
(Jfair makes Jgeautiful
I'elidleum, OfafMi
NI Wlillli r- HKKI'I'.IKi: V..KK8
UEAL'TU'OL IIAJE. betsuaeii da-
When your
Friends -a
knock at your door, and vi.n d.ni't
hear them they tp-t mid.' Wi will
fix this right with our KletWrtl
iJoor llella. Klectrh- ltmps. hat-
teries and Hupiilie. Ili I 1 r.-sl
for eleetrir lirrbts on short notice.
Everything in the RIaotrIc line.
I't'iiilleiMn tiectrii Suppi lloust..
Maple Bne., I'mps
Phout ' Mam 74 and Red 176.
Fire, Life, Aicident, Plate Ulass, etc.
ou City and County Property,
Real Estate
Improved and Uniuiproved City Lota'
Stock Kan he and Wheat Farms
Kaat (iravonian Buildlnu.
le to iij. kc
11 Isr re;r
IMtklfata, Willi
lai Y.wibuk
mat utaak i., a
Ir.vtnta ri I ha
UitikeUba. Sial
BVB Saw. mmmu mmm una . . . .
LULL TLA" duuk.
1 (ILL
Fam. or Hotua.
sera Work on I
tviliiur., lao .-t.
rtod to :
tt J A rler
ruwiii.-iar ui A-i
. V. l .,fl. ! a,.. l . . .r
bhtoatJoc, Kallftcn. tod Bor.air . n V -
aklauauM. cf . ... . , . . "
.11 .1 I.I. 11. . . . - . " 1 '
Pianiqg Mill
and Lumber Yard
Cn fcfcii chtiaper tlian
an hrm in the county
liecause they buy in larjje
lumber u
' 0e
7 A L,
Eat I.
Hue .
ol't. br
black hu
J y lih.iTHMAJt.Otjl
kasa takaa si
. ..iatlkcs
. u .100 1
' si si asl
I err I bed annua.
I City Uaranai ..u
, ol It n ilal- lor
' Ha) mar.' ..nil -
. aaMbl
. n
Ura lior.t
alatt eye.
laaieil Janua'
J. M
. nwh
I It; 1
rtraaalrig THI itKAMH .11 di, r'AUaattM.
klur.,uaua Kullsnuaj, tltlio. Ill mmMt
Our SPECIAL Offer:
Wwlly M 0reg0DidD.$l.6(j i
OrugejDdd Farmer, vk, 1.00 $3.oo
iwr mi ano Aimaoac, .60 1
mill work
their prices
If you need
any kind or
and get
1)11. Ml
Muslin Carney , Proa t.
i Uauiy Baal Oieaooian, delivered
carriar, only 15 cents a week.
pendleton-Ukiab Stage Line 0u" Mrioi for aii, $i.85.
l.'-aw 1 cndleton ov.-rt dav at 7 o'clu, k -
t-xer-pt Mini lay, lor Pilot Kock, Nye,
' Hideo, Albu and I'kiah. Good a
louiiuodaliunk. Reasouahle (ruight and
lUMiirer rataui.
1'itv ,tli. , ..it TaliinauJ' Co't drug
R. FORSTER, - Proprietor.
A good livery rig call ou us. II
vou want a c-ah olght or day let iyn
know. We'll la., there
ttl-VIX OftaUtv
' 1 'i r. 1 ..
Depot SUble.
Newspapers Latin
-odMon o,,o0 Farmers Custom Mill
FraU W altera, Proprietor.
to poi ranaa cab
pMiwiiiiciTti, waue, or
rappina uurtnaaa
uraanaoer. in large
Ik ol on.- ni.mi.i
. ... . 1 no lrrela .
r loo r eaekt need tor wiieau
'lour, Mill raed. Cbouptad kead
an-., always
TI... w.-11-km.aii nu reats--
ia( ireu private s"'.. gu
aj men o"7- . "7 1
.a 1 '
cnanres, cure. "..,-,
diaaaass, .rer ---jaa!
debility, imiarteuev ami oU.
.. stiuit iiiuu 1.
and their lerrio.c y-
memory, ""r, v j,.
trouble, of aiind-nd .
the errors, e.tcetw
men aud hoys.
lie remorrn .- tim aw
taiaers. ren.ovet d "'"''l B'
.tore tne organt "" v r?
cure, disease, caused p? I
and other
n, tikei 1 ,..!!3asrttsl
prenaralioiu lu LSlai Bw J
fboroual. iHeU.tal ires1- ebs
pniei wo- XLtUarl SBttt a.
ihr. r trouble esli'n.
lie QMS.
III IO 1- oUl V.u.. " . aA
uUtl. LU'",'. ipD
U S '2Zmi I
n aae
Ut First Mai