East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 04, 1901, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    Remnant Sale J
jftbave placed on the renter counter ev4g
borl length or remnant in the house and
nrked them for le8 that half price. This
le mil legin January 1 and continue for
H day.
lOdvar.i of plaid? 20 stylos bought tn sell al
He per yard to close out at 104c per yard.
iver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
tilla county, which ooseri at Pendle-
ton next Saturday, will draw knight
by Mm RON from all over the grand
domain 'l Oregon, ami more especially
the RHMfl part ol the stale. For the
convenience -of the knights of Athena,
Woaton hiii .Milton, the 0. Ii- H. Co.
will MM it mi led trciii earlier than
usual, o as to reach Pendleton at tmon.
ami permit the boys to hear the after
noon program. The train will leave
Wnton between 10 ::t0 ami 11 o'clock.
Stevens Lodge No. 4H will he repre
aenteil at the convention by a dplega
tion of -"0 or more.
A N I AKV 4. 11K)1.
hi at trio unarm nun. v. r.
. I. ; -.I..I.1...1 Ir.
.' rl .111 - nu,
got, U-.nlsr t"r ine loiiowiiiir
girl, weighing 1' muds,
j)i horn to Mr. and Mm.
k'lmn.. nt their home on
nttl the adw-nt of a boy
SHU) at the home of
L K. Van Winkle on
sustaineu inr-t M):- ut I all man
u clip near the
adenl of the Pacific
- company, bought 270ft
hi: Friday. Incumber
R I'uiican. paying -M
..,.. :inpon gold ft!) busheli
;v 410 bushels at the game
f Kngen. of Adams, if at
rwr mot' . Mrs. A. Pkillipt,
Mfisnti..' ;r.m the eflectt" ol a
I tali which Hue
mult mil' irom
at. Jtr. I II 1 1 1 ips iiao in oe ;
n;, tttv houge. and lias Min e ;
libit tn walk.
rioith. wtio was hereon a
vilidiv villi from La 'trande, ;
w that ii. t ii- a
I He it now eilKUtfed ill
Wing, ii' remunerative wage".
Itoockie iiiruu-rly niine boat ofl
ntnll Hoc as, is conducting a I
ioern stand ut l.a raiide. ami
aliie No. 71, A. O. I . W..
W otti'er. as fi I Iowa. Iuesdav
H. Murtin. matter work-
IJred i.crbcrdiitg, pact matter
iHu Letter, toreniaii ; F. :
gr., overseer . r. I. tiarnour. :
. Clan i ('use, inside watch-
(fill Beat'.i, outside watchuiati. I
kadidat' i i.nrl- H Holman. wat 1
lule Bji mberslnp.
Cold Staal or Death.
"There ig b'lt one amall chance to
gave your life and that hi through an
operation," wut the awful prninect get
tieforu Mrt. 1. U. Hunt, of Liino 1 markt'il
Knlgc. Wis., by tier doctor alter vainly
tryiug to mre b"r of a frightful rase
of ttniiiach trouble and yellow jaundice.
Fie didn't count on the marvel lovi
power of Electric Bittert to cure
ttomach and liver troublet, but the
beard of it, look teven Ix.ttles, wag
wholly cured, avoided gtirgeon'g knife,
now weighs more and lcelt better than
ever. It'g positively itaaranteed to
cure gtomaeh, liver and kidney
troubles and never diMDPOiBUi Price
ft Co.V
His Real Nam It W. A. Maion and Ha
Wan Found to Ra a Thief
Whan a Soldier.
Walla Walla Jan. Tat Crow the
man wan tod to answer to the charge
of abducting I'Mdio fudahv . at one
time wat a soldier at the Walla Walla
He it quite well roMWBbONd bj
general who were acruainted with him
at that time and it had been thought
he might head ihig way in bla effort to
I eeek place of tafety .
' .linnet Otllon, of WalU Walla, an
ex-trooper of the Second cavalry.
iioiuh v. rowe wn oiivr w oiuiiitrr to
hit regiment wton it wm tutionexi in
Montana during the '70a.
"1 don't believe they have captured
JM Crowe." he taid', to a reporter
for lite L'uiou. for 1 don't Iwlieva he
wag in that pwrt nl the countrv at the
time of the abduct inn. Ho ig eitlier
dead or in Angtraha.
"Crowe'g richi name ig W. A. Motrin
and he joined the Second cavalry in
171. lie wat a mere boy At that
time ami gaid he wag from Philadel
phia. He wat of a nice appearance but
.ol a tncnkmg l itpogitn n ami woum
tteal anything he could get bit hondt
on. The naperg have been gaying be
l wag a hank robber, That ig not the
j truth for he hug not the DMkbBM to do
degpcrate thingt tuch at robbing
hankg, but would rather get big money
by extortion ag in the t udahy cage.
Drlvan Out of Camp
He did not laat long in the army,
however, for one day one of the men
miggfd big watch and upon invegtigii
tiou it wae iutiud in Maaon'a lucker.
We took him dovtn to the lurry and
giving him tive dayt' rationt 'gling
heited' hi in out of cnnip. TllOt It to
MS the men lined up in two tiles fac-
iV each other Willi tbjt tlinghelt gtrapg
irom the carli nil In their lianog
Ma-on wag ootnfiwlled to walk patt and
ag he did ao each man gave him a
ttiarp blow upon the hack with imj
proviaed whip. It i no ainoll ponifk
nieiit either.
Few nuettimig were aiked by the
commanding officer as to the tnddon
limnpeOTMM of ltK"ii And tie waa
r a deserter alttiougn no
Btti nipt was made to capture him. Tito
ovarii m rail makes little effort to
capture gneli pOIMM at tlnit.
Alter his tumttniry digiuiagal from
the army Mason w'ent from bad to
worse and wai one of a 'gang' of det
i.i radoet that attemptiii to hold up
Maj. W. B. Whipple, the paymaster
and hit escort, near Miles City, in
1 176. This was about the only nervy
act ho ever committed.
FiMiiTr ' Hank of Weston hai
Kioto botim-i-g rule, beginning.
Itte ant of the vear. Hereufter .
art will c'luae at 3 o'clock in the;
inrt'.id of 4, to allow more
ro)orlcAl work in cloeing up t i.y i
it mi:i 1 i. it ill not ill-
ainice i.i'roii. when once tliev
moniitl I the MM regime, and
i uuuu well-uatobliabed city
Arrival! at Roial Ptndlaton.
W )! Welch, Omaha.
Mrs I 0 Culender. Athena.
E 1 Mattinton, Wallu Walla.
John L ShuxpaWin. Wallu Walla.
F L Lebo, Spokane,
(ieo Mciilvery, Spokane.
Sam (till, Spokane.
F M Keely. I'ortlaml.
Irwin Kitchey, Kunaas Citv.
S A Keyiton, San flQMllom
Tin,.- 1 1 i ireene, Port lani .
.1 L Uma, Milton.
.1 H Kloeckner.
John A GnUB, Portluml.
i i W Hunt, Portland.
J P II tiueit. Xew York.
A F Ilemard, Portland.
Char 1 Manning. Lewiitou, Idaho.
A L Grirhn, Portland.
Thoa Purdy, Portland.
I tiiusheimer. New York.
J Hickaou, l'ortland.
J A AllloM, Portland.
,1 W i asoti, Portland.
eonntv, in bis annual tdrtt recom
Oaaoo the organising of the grand
domain of Oregon into district!, and
the recommendation was adopted.
Thia will be the first convention of the
kind under the new law. The members
of Damon lodge, No. 4, have made
elaborate preparations to entertain tbo
gnette. Trams will no run on mm
railroad to accommodate the vilitors.
It pnmiitet to he one of the greatett
evontt that has ever ivctirred in Pen
dleton, from a secret society stand
point. The convention will hold itt setsion
in lPow hall. Following it the pro
gram in lull for aftern.ion and evening
Arttrnoon Program.
Calling convection to order by
Orand Prelate J. W. Maloney ; addreee
0( welcome. Orand Uepregentative l
P. Keoder: n spouses. Past Oraml
Chancellor V. M. Cake, of Porlhmdj
music. Pmiion i)iiartet : add rttg, ti rand
Chancelor W. 1 . Hrad-haw. of The
Hallos; malic, Hmon nuartet; ex
emiilitication of unwritten work, fn
preme RoprooontRtlro Turner Oliver,
of La Orande; "How to Make Lodge
footingl IntereatlBg," general discus
tion: ttdection of place for holding
afRMM annual digtrict convention, by
the lodget.
Evening Program.
The oveniotf program will commence
at 7:1 In the lodge room, L-alVw hall,
and will be as followt:
Opening of Hamon lodge. No. I, by
ChancuHor UoOAOMOwOr It. K, Ken
nedy. cioropliflcAtion .if Knight rank,
Hamon lodge. No. 4: work in Knight
rank, Ot ntcst for purse of ir' Pythian
bwlge. No. r, of Athena: Stevens
lodge, No. 4!, of Weston; Hercnlea
lodge No. M, of Milton: Pleiades
lodge. No. 74, of Helix; exempt ilica
tion of Knights' rank, by a selected
othcer ; awarding of priieg, hv the
jndget; closing of the lodge, banquet.
a a
A Montana Woman Wrltai In Pralie of
Nawbro'i Harptelde.
Butte, Aug. -.- -New bro Hrug Com
oanv. City, Hear Sirs: For several
year I liave been troubled with dan
droff, causiiuj me much annoyance,
ami mv hair became very thin. 1 have
used Newbro'i Horpicide for a month
and the dandruff ha- entinly disap
laiared and my hair is becoming much
heavier than formerly. Now hair it
urowint: whore there wat none.
and 1 am very'thankful to you for the
Itenelit 1 havu received from Newbro's
Htsrpicide. Yen' tnilv vonrs,
No. 985 i tan Ave . Butte, Mont.
in Slate Boaed of
Up of County Su-
irnval ol twin girls Sunduy
HMta't-uitier .10. al the NOIaOOl '
. ir.il Mr- Marion O Harra la-low
iari.rtel by Dr. Fleenor. One
tteigtivd six and a halt una
MUf eight noundi. The hai pf
, who lias kept a local weather
PW yearn, did not neglect his
tMi hi this K-casion. but it it
I paa: hit entrv leud gume-
lilfcttliis; "Light (all of aiiow
witli an unprecedented
o! boh'n-s TosipofUoro oooler.
Ml font : I , i.- rather anxious and
' oriel I.
Mtriot coiiventioii of the
.of Pytliias lodgea of Lliut-
Dn Shilohs
Cough and
ThU ii beyond question the
u.a(ul Cougb Medi
P "r known to actenoet a
w invariably core the
" ' - ' ' ' ' niiri, t roup
oil n. aitu, while Ita won-
'm iii mrt ut
jt"uiriiitu.n u without a par-
poai in: waoOMy It ha
" un m nijiiiML n
ae rlnaff uiciiituo
huve a
;iy uk you
I State kud
UU v..
5 Mina. ir y,
rJP, we earnest;
"try i.. lnlniuidf
o ac , obc. aad 1U0. and
BuuUiud It. ad. V. S1. aad
w '- .
Deafnaii Cannot d Cured
al anollcatloui-. ar ther cauuot PMOB the
Uecael irtloD of the ear. There U only one
way to cure dealncu. and that i by i-ouslitu-tlonal
remedlee. Iteatneu In caused by an In
flamed coudttmn of the tnuiour llotng ol the
Eustachian tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling aouud or imper
fect bearing, and wbuu it l entirely cloaen
leatueat u the result aud unlea" the luttamiua.
noli ' nil be taken out and this tube restored to
ll normal coudttlon. hearluwlll bedeitroyed
lorever ; nine cases out ol ter. an- caused by
catarrh, which Is nothing but ae. liittumed
condition ul the mucous siirlaros wi will give
one hundred dollars lor any case ot deafness
(caused bv catarrh) thai cunnut be cured by
Hall's Caiarrh cure end lor circulars. Iree.
y. j CUKSKY ii CO., Toledo.
Mold by all druggists, IM.
Hall's Family Plus are the best.
Danoed the German.
B .Mine Paralee lloilev .daughter of Mr.
, , , : I .1...
and Sirg. joint itaney, jr., ma mc
hoetete at her home last evening of a
pleaaaut dancing parly. Mint BOROfai
sister of Mrt. T. . Hailey ucted as
chaperone. The evening was a(ient in
dancing the gentian, lancers, minuet-,
twu-itepg and fancv dances. The fol
lowing were the giumta : l leanor and
Linden VlnOOOt, Robbie, Punlilie and
Minnie Jones, riorein- i.d
l-'orahuw. deiievieie Hailev. ,!osie and
Mabel Cameron, Eva Holt, ,-ra Mars
toii. Linden fiarretaon, Jim and Creasy
Mturgis, ami John Dickaon.
Woi li Tnan War.
Hundredt are killed in war, but
hundred! of thotiaamU are killed !y
conaumpti hi. There would be M
dealht at all uwllaed by this terrible
diaoaae, if peonle could Is- made to un
derataud that Hhiloh'i cough and con
auwjitiuu cure it a sure remedy if taken
in the earlv gUgea. 26 cts , 50 ctt. and
1 a bottle.' Druggiau will refund the
gMMH if a cure ia Dot effected. Tall
man dt Co., leading druggiitt.
Tried to Rob Paymaster.
Mai Whipple with an escort ni -J4
MOO under command of Firtt Sergeant
C' i.wav. was hi l.i- way to pay ien.
Cotter'- men when Maton and 0ft
others attacked the party nnd on
deavi red to gecure the ttroiig liox.
which rotitaine.1 ift,00t. Whipple at
once OMOMajl lire upon tin robbers and
ordered the men to do the wine, A
sharp tight took plate and Maton waa
wounded in the head by u shot from
Sergeant Conway's carbine tmt re
turned tire, killing Conway. The
I-; 'Hi hi - then lied, having wounded
the paymaster and one man. Maton
still can ie the si :ir on hit forehead
and it is by this and a mole on bit
right cheek lie is recogniwd by the
olhcert of the law .
lie was in Walla Walla ulutit the
time of the IVBObiOg ni Ipom by the
soldiers and knows every inch of the
countrv thia side of Deliver. He ii not
it brave man and I believe any boy
. onld tu.ik him take -i liter.
"His nart when connected witn any
creat robberv. where it took nerve on
the part of the robberi to, accomplish
the ,:,-.',!. us tnerelv to Itav in the
background and keep his palt posted."
m m s 1
Butter Creek Rabbit Drive.
Preparations have been completed lor
a big rabbit hunt on Untter creek
10 mi lee from F'.eho. on next Sundav
January 6, The wmga are a quarter of
a mile long, and the rabbit- will bo
driven into a corral H feet in
iL.tmeter. People from Pendleton who
ilh to attend ghotlld leave here ou
he int rnitig train and get off at Echo.
The drive will be over to that they
can return on llie evening train.
Kubbitt are plentiful in that gection,
and good sp 'H will be witm -ged.
A Night of Tapper.
'Awful anxiety wan felt for Hit
widow of the brave Oemral lliirnbam
of Madias, Mo., when the doctors said
ibe could not live till morning,
writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who at
tended her tbat f.-urf n I night. "All
thought she must soon die from pin u
inon ut, but sin- begged for Hr. King's
Now Hiacoverv, saving it had more
than once san d In r I i I . , and had
ured her of consumption. After thre
mall iIiimh sin- slept easilv all night
and its further use completely cured
her This marvelous medicine ih
kMiarunteed to curu all throat, cheat
and lung diseases, tlnlv .Ue and 1 1
Trial Isdtbs free at Tallman .V Co. 'a
Taket the Plaea of
Education Made
The text book commiMion jott ap
pointed bv Governor Ooer, eonaiiting
of H. W. "Scott, W. M. I-oxM. S. A.
Lowell, P. L. Oampltell and William
Oolvig, taket the place of the state
Isoortl of educotion and all the county
superintendents in selecting text books
lor use in tlte ptlDiic ecnooie ui me
state. The law tinder wnicn 'ne np
pointment ia made waa enacted in 18119.
provided that in January, iwi, ami
everv (our years tnercaiver, ine gov
ernor shall appoint Ave text book
ontmitaionert, who ahall holtt tneir
othVoa "until their anccotwort are
lectivl and qualified." In henrnary.
1901, and every tlx yeart tliereaner.
the atate anperliitolciit la reqoireti to
ittue a circular, and tend it to leading
book publiiheri of the Unitod SUtet,
giving notice that a selection ol text.
IxHtka is atwml to 00 niatie, aim giviog
pertinent information on the itioieci,
with the name and poilonVe addreas
of each text Isiok commissioner. I be
commiaaion shall meet at the atate
QOpltol on the second Monday in
lulv, HAH, ami the second Monday oi
July every six years thereafter, and
contlnno in tctafon not more than 1ft
fayt.in Hint time selecting by majority
vote front propoaala snnniltteit in
writing by publishers the hookt to lie
nail in the public school! ol tne state
for a period of six yearn. Thii com
uiiaaion shall report ita aoiivtiona and
theJteruiH and pffiOM to the -tate Ixiard
of education .governor, ti-cretary of
date and ttate superintendent of
school!. ) which shall enter into con
tract with the publishers., exacting
bonds, etc., at tpecitled in the law.
Hacb eonimieaioncr ahall receive Ills'
for the meeting and 10 cents per mite
The old method waa for the county
school superintendents and the atate
board to aelecl the text book for the
public Mhoota This waa atlsceptible of
considerable abnte, ami it became the
objOCf "f Mtlch suapicion, al loaat,
wlncti tirought ahotit the change tn ine
method of selection aa provided in the
nreeent law. The comniiHsioncra are
appointed for a term of lour yuare,
while the telectlon ol tatoka are lor
aix veart. Hint it it w ill come to pass,
if the law remain undisturbed, that
everv third set ol coninilssiom-a will
have no duty to perform aavo tboae
Hrtaining to lilling vacancies by reason
ot nop i ul iii : i in, nt ol contract.
A remedy (or nasal catarrh which
drving and exciting to the diseased
membrane ghoiild not be need. What
ia needed ia that which it cleansing,
toothiuc. protecting and healing. Such
- i.. !. i i . . -....... ii.i.., 1-,;...,
reioi'iiy in r,o n v iwun. ,
ftO cent! at druggists or it will no
mailed by Ely Urothert, .ifl Warren
ttreet, New ork. Die Palm when
placed into the noatrila, threads OVOf
the nieiuhrane and is abaorbeil eld
in the head vanisliea quickly.
Salnl Paul's School.
A boarding and day school lor
at Walla Wall, Wa.-h. pnng
I begins January 2", iwi.
rive i mult
The live diaeaaH for which ttiiloh'i
I ' ,.:in,nti,... I 'ore i- esi.,-! .ally re, on
meudod, are Coughs, Cold, Whooping
Coiiel, Croun aud Consumption. No
! metliciue ever utade by man it equal
I ir, it in anv reeneot. boid untler a
. litiv. iruarautue. Money back if it
C , ctt, 'sJ ctu and $1 a bottle
I Tallman A Co.
t n Lo rr at.1 'fsaUl
i Itt-l - r r"VKIIH (
Vflaili.r. : p,,, i,l .11.,.,,. Preoeh pl ilrtan, .will
M ut dlM.li!
'v.':rrr: ,a.e..:..- -' -
kl.UM II
- . 1W., r. U. liOi s"0. o.t a i "fv-se-v , -w-
Utl V U'om. ........ . ......-.. 1 .w PktWiil.rrnV. .IKKI.HN
I itm.-y lftt.fi.. .)
1 i,- t.br oti.ti ii-auii. mi. 44
1 m IrplkkTY wul rvtMlil-
1'H.ul .Ui ftiterni.un- jr.. ZTW .w.TT-, i i, Lu
Lurorfl by I' lMMMija- oV (M-r
mKfJP '
II II D loil
llMU'ict liOty
pofiUaouMii curt).
A No. 1 Oregon Huibanks lor sale iu carload iots.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Judge Lowell Decline! Appointment
Text-Book Commtiiioa.
Tiie -oho .1 text look commission
appointed by the governor on Wednes
day evening conaiita of Harvey W
Scott, editor of the Dregoiiian, P. ti
CampU-ll, president of the Monmouth
normal school; Stephen A. Lowell,
lawver of thia city; William M. Ladd.
of Ladd A Tilton, bankera, of Port
laud, and William Colvig, a lawyer.
of Jiicks n county.
Judge Lowell'a first information of
hit npp nntment watthepreia notice iu
., - ' . A , I . 1 If..
the l.asi urcgi'iiitin lait uvetiiitg. in
was not a candidal, lor the position
and and this morning tbat upon
receiviug lormal notiic of iiu apptmit
meiit he would leel bound lo mure-
lintel y decline, asking the governor t
appoint, as the Eastern Oregon repre
scntatiie on the board some prominent
educator like President Ueattie, of tt
Weston normal; Principal Forbes i
Pendleton academv, or Sntseriiiteuileut
Churchill, of linker Lity.
The judge takes the position that
the intereata ot the school! reuuired a
larger r presentation of ten, her-, and
hud recommended to the governor the
appointment of Preeideutn (Strong of
the ttate university, (iatcb.of the agri
cultural college, Campbell uf the Mon
mouth normal, iteattie of the Weston
normal, and some practical printer and
He ltas.es hit viewi upon the common
sense maxim ttiut everv man ought to
he allowed to seect the toolt of hi!
own trade, and that men actively en
gaged In achool mattert are alone poi-
st-ssnd ol tbat technical knowledge oi
the 1 iiaructer of text bookt, the stan
dard of their aVUtliorabip and their
adaptbbllitv to ,'wnslern sidiool
which is Msenlial to tbe
a iaeal n f hooks.
The JtldgO speakt in the hicltjat
terms of till men appointed Willi n,o
their great ability, recognized charac
ter and public spirit, aud desires
especially to be uuderitoiai at bating
bis declination solely upon hit u-.-initial
the leachurs of the state should
in,' I- a rye 1 repreaontation on the coiij.
Inn Plain knougii.
If yon iiuvu a nagging cough and are
lusting fleiit, go to a drug Wore, and
get a UOXiie 01 nniton i voiisuiiiuiiuu
cure Take l.K.-th.rds. of it, 4tl't tlien,
if you are not benefited, return the
I, t 1 It I iiu- Iruggiat, and be will re
turn your money. Isn't that fair? No
one imuld aak more S-V fit. . &0 cts.
aud ) a bottle. Tallmao A Co., lead
ing drugyiate
The ouarterlv estiitiate of the value
of f'ireign coins made hv the director
of the mints ahowa tbat the value
silver baa increased during the last
three months l.M-100 per cent. Thi
increaae it accouuteti for by t)
abnormal demand lor Mexican ailver
in China.
Moki tea IHfslttvelv cures lick
headache, indignation and coiistipu
tion. A delightful herb drink.
mcvea all eruption! of the skin, pro
ducing a M'rf-ct comiilexioii, or money
refunded. -" aud otic. Eur aalu by
Itrock A Met ouias.
$1.50 Shirt reduced to $1.35
$2.00 Shirt reduced to $1.50
$3.00 Shirt reduced to $2.00
As to Prescriptions
'. ve. V
when nhviiciuna rucoiitmend you t
have them coinifoiindufl by us, what
does that mean.' riiiuply the certainty
on their pari that you will get exactly
what is preacribotl the right quantity
and the right Quality, which it even
more imuortant. But we go further
than that, for we take honest pride in
our akill in coin pounding.
Corner Main and Court HU.. Pendleton
J . I Ov Ii i
For Home Use.
A few si lections irom our large stock
Choice Winea and Llquora
will prove pleasing aud satisfactory.
Each brand we bundle possesaea high
quality, elae it would not be found
here. Our winea are front the best
producer! of this ami other landi. They
have fully matured under the most
favorable 'condition-, 'lur price lilt n
The Glen Ellen Wine Vaults
C. urt Street, near Johnson.
When your
Friends m
Knock at your door, and you don't
hear them Utey not mad. We will
tlx thia right with our Elootrlc
llour belli, Electric Lamps, Haiti-riot
and Supplies). Houren wired
r electric light! OH thoit notice
Everything in the Electric line.
I'ciolieloB fcleilrv iiiipil) HOMt,
Maile Parog., i'rope
I'h iOo Main 74 ajJ Ked 176.
Indian Robes
Fine Blankets
Are minle by tin-
The Pendleton Woolen Mills
Pendleton, Oregon.
For couch covon furnuhiago for "dtn," Boy eorneto, etc
the Pendleton Woolen Mills Indian Roue .tro iuhi tin- Hihik
VVriU- the Mills
Hotel Pendleton
Under New rinnnj?eiu'nt
Strictly First-Class
Excellent Cuisine.
Eiery Modern
iliaal Ml T iBBlV ddMM a
Give Us n Trial.
Rates $2.00 I day
Special Kates by
Week or muntb
John B. Hymen,
Anna Verde Long
taMQrtid hy Jamkis w. AVEltirr,
HAVIHII. 1IOOTH and an eitval
lont company In an elaborate
scenic production ol
"'Ostler Joe,"
Bar and Millard lloomo. Moadquartero lor Traveling Hon
1 no Beit Hotel In Eastern Oregon.
Van Dun Bros.. Props. Successors to J. ti. JMoore
Jra.uit 1
Ml H'lUl
Touiorrow. SalurUay, Tbay Will lrl.
Uaally Own Petiglelou.
On iSaturda) , January b, which will
be toiuorri oi , the u . uiberi ol the live
lodges of Knight of l'ytliiai will as
semble to the nun. her uf 900 or more
in rVndiejl n. I he -u-aaioi. is the
tirst annaj dletr.11 lonv. iitn nol Ute
order. .A B ,
At the strand Iodise held at Jortlaud
in iH'id Mrand MaOter W. M. Ook
uow county judge of Multnomah i-t.suutTOK
txiia ay John wiiMipr
The Louvre Saloon
IHfl-.lt sriAIKHMAN "Tba luag oiwln'l
'u.lUr Jim-pertitruiane, was lteii at lleit ul
iinitfla Tlvsatar tin aatuolar ev. iiluf last Tlte
housa aa- ifaelufl froia pit lo iluuie. aiel slatnl
lag roea was MlUi u- lia.1. O.tlai : Is a
iiii'luflrauia uf rifDsI'leralfle iSfW.-r, miieh asu
tine nt and eslraeiel) iNstliatn .lluatluiis, ut
u rinlul'l with tuuelissul i oei. il to rulltuu
aiel fly variety.
IDAHO riTATJC JUI'ltNAI. "Autta V, r.le
liOOgi a. Allllli ii.Imiin, and Mm! ClarlaM.
waa s,leadld. Her work waa 1 lever and liar
HSI.II ' ImlliOU! 'I taller Jm: 11 III
I.- ii' draiua. ami Is full ol (nature. Ilial
mii ia I) appeal i,f the mo.1 aeusltlve natiire
In. la is .lalforetaly laf d. aiel I ha MMOg
waa lupiirb
IIAKKK HTt IJICMIX ItA I ' O.llet Ju is a
iiuart UtifebliiK alert true to HI. aud 'lo net
I, i ., ml mi unreal sMuailuus let slag, oftle'."
Notary and
$3.50 to $ft Delivered
Order of ua aad save money.
Orora lor Kobher Humpa
aiao aollelted.
Pendleton Ukiab Stage Line
nuatoo 4k Carney , Prop'.
heave Eendlotoij every day at X o'clock
t-acepl btioday, for J'llot Kock, Nye,
Kidge, Alba and Uklab. Oood ae
. urn modal mm- Keaaooahle freight and
tfwaaouger rate!. .
City office at TallmauJ 4 Co'a dreg
Byers' Best Flour...
To make good bread use Byi-iV llcsl I'lour. II ttxik lust
premium at the Chicago Worid'a Fair, ovt-i kB tmmyti
tion, and gives eacellent -..iilsiiKtloti wherevci used,
livery sack la guaranteed. We huvc the Isest Stcaiu
Rolled Barley, Heed Rye umi JUiiidtcaa Larlcy.
Pendleton Roller Mills
W. S. BYFKS. Prop.
Hum. Shorts, Etc.
$3.00 per Day and Upward.
I Meet Motel
Iho VmiUU
&aveciaJ Katea to tiaalero Oregon pooplo viaillilg
for tourUta and touuucitlal travclcra. If.
Hortiaad. Itava4urtera
C. BOWUKS, MaMagar.
i no Pager af tin Paaola.
r aaaai u.
nt ClraulaUeu.
Bait AdyarUala Medium
lti. Largail