DAILY EVENING EDITION THK riCOfLK RKAD THK EA8TOREUONIAN THAT'S THK PAI KH TOK AnvKRTISKKS. . THK UUBIIBJ I'APIK or KAHTKHN (UlKUON IK THK EAST ORKOONIAN PEftm.KTO, IMATIJA ( OUNTY, OHMON, THU KSDAY, DEC EM BE It 37. 1900. NO. 4008 EVENING EDITION , LI 'ise First Annual Etna Sals Begins Jan. I. nv paper patern in tho , bourn:, oti. j;en, pmcilw, lj ts. gponges, le. 1 26c boxes itation- erv. 13c. I 5c inks So. K mucilnje, Hirvdr 'hying cards, 100. K)C 60c MM 7.rK- ladies pones, 88fl. 2fic and " toys, now loc. Unce of lamps, almost at. nnodiall oil leninanti in cUtfan at tempt-' in- i. rices. 5c towel rollers, go, lid roll toilet paper, now 5c. jOe orepe paper, now 6c. c figured Mflpe paper, 19o. ; Mmi'-' pips, m I urs up to1 ';")(. sule PTC '. 10e Christmas Gone COUPON No. ;4'i-' won ihf f'!.r. Satin Down Com fori nnd was held by Mrs K. J. Murphy. Now Conies Our Cleanl)p Sales. We start with our intci'i stinR sale ol . CAPES & JACKETS laidi our Posters For other items and visit the store during the sale. We now place on -ale our enl ire sloek of up to-date CAPES and JACKETS al half price. For women who arc not partial about style we have about jo CAl'KS anil JACKKTS carried over from last season priced to sell quickly. ft Ooll Gape. now I- 20- 14 Gol I t ' It I "M . IIIIW 7. in Kersey Jacket, now ftoo. Ift.flO Fine Jacket, now H.2ft. .'" Fine Jaeketa, now flt.oo. l.ftl) Capes nt BOe. 2.(10 Cape ill i.uo. 14.78 Jnoketa nt 1.7... :. no .IncketK nt pt.OO. 10.00 .luckot ut :; 'ill. Its liitnl to put vnl ties in Bold tyc. Come and Me them. Alexander & Hexter' (El) KICK NOLI-. Si The Boston Store SALE PRICES... ON ALL LINES OF WINTER GOODS... Jackets, Capes, Skirts, TailorMade Suits and Wool Waists. One-Half Price ! THE BOSTON S'lOKK Pendleton's Big Store GENERAL NEWS. Ib.anoke, Virginia, Klks Christmas dav fed WO of he poor of that place. Several long tables were in tho middle of th.' building an.l 500 visitors looked on. The dinner ooHt over ftOO. Colonel Henry II. Ilarshaw, c-slute treasurer of Wisconsin, died Tueedey at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, of cancer of the tongue, lie served in the "Iron Hrigado" during the civil war. John Tiger, an Indian, while drunk at Ratal. Indian Territory, "hot Jot- Heck and killed him. killed Dave Porter and a man HUM JOhMon le fore ho came tfi hi senses, when he gave bhMtlf op. Wobli Jav, t Indianapolis, hroko the world 'l Imwling record hv howling IM out of the poddible TOO .0int. Strike after strike was made in hi game with three comrades, until the last hall, which missed tho eighth pin. Ker. Charles Reaben HaM, bishop osdutor of the Springliehl diocese of the KpMOOMl church, died at Cairo, Ohio, Christinas dav of valvular di sease of the hem i . aged 68 years. He had held hiH present position since 1HH2, The inauguration of William McKin 1. v on the 4th day ol March, 1001, for a ieeond term will eclipse not only "any" hut "all" other efforts cm bitted in the w:iv ol I niiugiirtit ion cere monies. Mneh governmenl money wili be wanted on the ceremony. Dr. Hawkins is dead at Kal ston , Oklahoma, the result of OowbO? Hanim ktnsking him down and .lam ing on hi- -tomacli. Tho doctor was ov.'r 01 roan 'f age. and recently saved the life of Hanini, "V. r the settlement for which services the fatal dispute arose. Mexican troops in Sonora, Mexico, were lerenltv attacked hy a Ivand of Yaqui Ini.lans. r'onr otficers and aboUl M metl were killed . .lit r ijili t , and Colonel I rancisco I'einado, one of the leading ollleers of the army, was allot through the stomach and seriously wounded. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NRWS. Hlockland Bros., of Union county, have received 11 line blooded turkev thai cost them IXMI. Jacob Worton. at Ore I Kali-. Mod ma. shot and fatallv wounded his son lohu. Wortun had treated his wife badly, and the son interferred to pro tect )i is mother. K. K. Ileaman, ut Heppner, ba- a Hereford cow that has had three calvea within the Mist 10 months, and all are alive and thriftv, the li.iint recent event being twins. (iranite has retimed to allow a luiuor license to a dealer who persists in keeping his saloon on the street He c I a 1 111 the right to remain because be was there before the town was Ineor porated. Pearl (ionlon and Charles Ueck he came involved in 11 .tttarrel at Wallaee Idaho, and Isith the w an and tho man used pistols on the other, with the result that both are in a hospital Tho woman may die and the man w ill probably recover. J. 11. Smith, of Jain ea town, North Hakota, is in Heppner with the view of huving seferal thousand sheen. It is estimated that lon.ooo sheep will l.e sold lii Morrow county between now and shearing t line. Pete Scliimiueis anil liarlcs Hi tine were kil led in the Tiger l'oormaii mini ut Wallace, Idaho, Christmas dav Thcv drilled into a mused hob- when the blaft expiodid. horribly mutilat ing both IksIio. Koth were unmarried and were new coiner. Ov ners of orchards along the I 'en. utiles .il.l . I . K In ill I l.e I 'all say that since the coyote have been kill. 'I on, rahbits have I.e. one numerous that they make rat. Is on young tieoa and eat off the liark, it many place doing Hurioui injury. Coiumtnii'iDg I'ehruary the lire gon .V Orientiil company will ..bice the flteumers .Muuinoiithsbire and arinar thanshire on the.hrect run between Portland and Manila. This 1H the r suit of the elfort of the Portland lobbing trade to havi such a steamshii line ontahllahfil. Oreiiville lte.il, who was a lew dav ago appointed postmaster at Astoria i uli" of the best-known pilots 011 tilt Columbia and Willamette It vem. H was born 111 Maine in 1K..U, and cam. to Oregon in I8AV. Since that time in has been engaged in steumboaliiig and piloting between Ast'.ria and Portland DEWET HOLDS HIS OWN o Determined Kttbrts Are Being Made by the British. o LORD KITCHENER WIRES THE LATEST Reported That the Bwr Generals Hire Aureed to Terms on Which They Will Lay Down Their Arras. Our First ANNUAL SALE! Begins" Jan. 1st To Jan. 25th. n0tige tne bills! visit our store! rederick No for Infants and Children, OaMtoria in ft luriulcK aaballtnte far Ciuitur Oil, Pure. i;oric, IroW and Hoothiujr 8yrupn. It is lluaHiit. It ; iiiMtln-i Opium, Morphine in,r otlmr Nar.otlo hultataiu e. It dentrovH Worms uiul allays FeverialuieiM. It cures Diftrrhwa and Wind Colic. It relieve TWth- Tnm Trouble and ourea Coustiimtion. it rtaaubitea tlie hi 01101, I. and Howcis, Kivintf hcalttiy ami natural tdoup. Tim Ciiildrou'a 1'auucea -Tin.-. MoUMr'a i neud. The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 Bears tne signature 01 Jk In Use For Over 30 Years. THE EAST OREGONIAN. mo i ai.uc or tti. ruepu. HTaeybody Had. It. Tli LacgSit ClreulaMoo. Bait Ad.artlilna Meaium. HURRY UPf Bverywlicrc one bears that csjircMion hurry up! " It i a gemnue Amaru annul ' 1 J rc Hl vc of the "mbh" in which we hvr Nuthinf II KWItt cuoutfh fur us We race nr. icaui aud ligutaiug mid liod t h c tu slow. We grudge the tMM kUcm to eatiar, and ruih tliruuKb mrul though life .1. ieiidcd u nun our liai. Life doe depend oa our uaite, but not in that sense Look at the obituuiy ,o1iiiiim ol lie- oaueia uod ace how many promi nent men aie amed away by 'itumach trouble '' "acute iudi uehtioii ' an.l other re lated ducaaei. Their live have in general tie. u .-.a. Ml. . .! t. Ine haute and rush ut bunnes-i which over balked the fact that food can only nouruh the body w in ii digest ed and askimilatcd and that the digestive and ai.itnilative proceiaes cau 7 b,: Uun U ! Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical Iluu-ovcry, cure, dineaiei of the .tomach and the asso ciated organi of digeitiuc and nutrition. The source of all physical strength ia food, inoperly digested and perfectly aaaimilated. By enabling the perfect digestion and askiui ilatiou id' food "(".olden Moriical DuKiovery" increases and enrich, i lie IfDod sapply and sends new streugih to every oigau of ine ouay 7 London. Dae. sr. The war office has received no contlrimit ion of the re- orted capture ol yoamaniy by the Hoers near Hntstown. A t'ape Town dispatch sayathe Boen attacked Hurghersdorp on the 24th inst., hut were repulsd. Skirmisher are reported as occurring ai many places, but DO signs that it concerted ttort is doing made to drive tne liners out. A dispatch from Standerton. in the Transvaal, Mkyi the explosion of a nn there killed three men and wounded two other Lord Kitchener, in a dispatch, dated the DOUaayji Oenerall Knox, Hilonar. linker and While are engaging lieneral Oewet near l.iiutnkop, in the eastern .art of the Free State, an. I that the Hoer .inmanilant is trying to break through the Itritish lines to the south. He sav nothing conccrnitik: the report of the Hritsion reverse, lie reports that the en-tern column ol lloers appnrentlv has been headed off by the Hritish tr.. ipa, near Keitpoortsprnit. lie says the lloer western column is repotted '.. have gone north in two sections w ith the Brll ish following. Brltlih Lancori Suffir. IturgherNilorp, Dec 27 . Colonel i irentelt, was engaged with KruiUiiii;- er - mniiiiutnlo at t 1 a . serin' v tie on tne Uli.- The Hritish lancers sull. r. .1 eight casualties, including l ord Fred- crick Hlackwood, the sun ol Mm.iii Ihtfferin, who was wounded. Lord Robarti Glvai the Nawi. I .hi. Ion, Dec. L', icco.id di-palcb from Lord Kitchener today says: "A force, of two hundred Hoers att.e Iced the police near Hakshurc vestenlav and uere driven off. The Hritish lost one man killed. Another attack was made by the Hoers it I trecbt. Tho eiiemi was repulMid with u loia of two Killed We had one nu n wounded. The Hoers held in. a train three miles west ol Pun station, on the Cape railniad, lieh.w Kiinberlv. Keinforceineiits arrived and the liners were driven off with the loss of one killed and seven wounded. Our loss wub one killed and four Ml on. led. The Kaateru force ol Hoer colony invaders have been headed off and driven toward Venlerstad. The western force is slili being driven northward." British Kill Thirty Plralai. Victoria! Pec. 27 Australian ad vices report an attack on Hritish New l uiiiea by a pirate tribe from Dutch (luinea. In a severe light the British killed thirty pirate it. ...i Tarini of Surrender. Lou. ion, Deri 27. BleMnfnatrln itlapatcb, whteh is uneontinned, aays r. sirt-me current (hut leu. nil Dewct, Prvaldenl steyn mid (leneral Hmbr.sik held M eoiilerelieelHinl deeliletl to oiler to surrender on tlx eonitlonlbiit the colonial rebel -bail nut is. ponwhed hi. I Me. i the leavrirrs Inelndiitg them alvea ie.ii not ! .1. p .1 1. .1 WAS SHOT BY A WOMAN. brand bocntary of bcand Lodge of Maioni tho Victim. IndiuuapoliK. Doc. 27. W. II. Smith, the grand secretary of the grand hslge of Maquis . 1 Indiana, was shot down in his olh. it noon t.slay. lb- 11 probably fatally wounded. It 1.- rumored that a bloiido woman did the shooting. Smith refuses to talk. "-mud was found on the lloor of lua Ollloe by Attorney I 'oli inan, who called lit the olh. e .ill liUSIIIUMH. lie was coll scillUS an.l said to ... man that till Woman entered and asked to use liia telephone. Smith replied that he was too lilisv. She pulled a revolver nil. -hot him. He sav- be dou not know who she 1. hie outspoken ctitieism of those demo crats whom ho accused ol contributing! to Bryan's defeat. His denunciations of those democrats who offered "gratuitous counsel to democracy," though he mentioned no names, was expected hv the crowd as a reference to cx-I'resldent Cleveland. Bryan'i Spaaah. portion ol Bryan 'a ipeech was as; follows: "Surrounded by neighbors w ho have been my friends for years, I ' mav be pardoned for saying a w.r. of 1 pereooal nature. Whether I shajl ever he a cainl i.late tor otlice again Is a cjuestlou which must be determined by event" Our lestiuy ia not known until life's WOfBI are Coinnletcil. I shall lai content II it ia my lut to aid In the triumph ol the principals while others enjoy the honors and hear the responsibility of office. "The holding of public positions should he an incident not the aim for it citiren. It should he (he means for the accomplishment of a purpose. "The presidency seeimvl desirable! because it would have imabbsl me to give effecfive aid t" certain refarms which 1 believed to bo necessary to public welfare but defeat and even second defent does no lesson mv in terest In this reform, and time may prove that mv work is to advocate rather than lo eradicate. "The principles for which we con. tended in the last campaign still In., and we who believe in them must, con tinue to tight for litem. All election rjoei led Sbanga principles. It only determines wlnlt principles shall be lor the time being applied." V0LUNTBBRS MUST WAIT. No Mora to be Brought Homo Until Con gren Aeti. asbingtoti, Dee. 27: As u PMUll ol a euiiaawHica between the Bocrelary of in nnd 1 Quartern uist er lleiietnl LihI iuutoti. It has beetl decided thai no further aftlnTI can Is- taken v. lib regard I., the return of the volunteers, from the Philippines until congress shall unite provision for Hu ll replacement. Tho Yut I part tnent U coiishlcruhlv ni- l.iirnssed bv the tnilure of coiiirri'ss to make piUVhnOII Is fore Hie ri ces fortbe tellel of the lllilitlll -itlllltioll III the I'liilippiui.. Ai ling upon repn titn- tloits iinide b lieneral Ma. Vithiir. the lepaitmeiit bus eon. bided that it i itbsolulelx uceeosMiy lo iimiutnin an anny of nu,O0O man In tin- I'liiUmum 1 1 1 1 1 II theuurrenl iollcy of . -tiibiUhing ItJUnlrlpal governments throughout the nrelilia'liigo bus i., , 1 eveeilted. II l- ltit.d ut tbiMlepnrluieiit that any re duction of tile inlliinrv slretiglli ladow thill llglire III exlsllug coudll inn-. mid . bull. t h-s pro miMt dkaaater 011- to the interest ol the I tilted Stubs.. MOTHER KIDNAPS HER SON m o The Boy Is Pound Hidden at a Farm Hoose. o A ol-NSVriON FOR INDIANAPOLIS Tbe Pareuts Arc I'mmlntnt Pfoplp, the Father BflnH the Son o( F.t MlorD'y Gsn nral W. H. H. Mltlor. Indianapolis, Pec. 2.. After an all night loarcll Sidnei Miller, the 7-year-obl sen of Itgntuol I'. Miller, win. was kidnapped yaetanlaw by bii mother, was found in a farm ffnnea near Lawrence, ut ItSO o'clock this morning, and brought back lo Indiana polis. Air. Miller took the morning train f..r the east. eat) rday the child went with his mother and BQree, ostensil.lv (..ra.lrn.i. Mrs. Miller re fused to tell where she was going and tho nurse jumped out an.l telephoned to the father, who is a urn of a former attorney general nl the Hulled States. The cabman then droie Horrelr to Hrightw I. where the woman ex- DeCted to catch a Irani hut mised it. Then "he drove to Lawrence, the next station earl, where she took lodgings for tbe night, while Mr. Miller took up the chase to Mullein an.l thenre to Lawrence Tbe trouble between the couple is alleged to be ana to taw fact tin.t the wife refuses to live in any other place than New York or Washington. Mil ler, who is an Bt tor Bar . is senl tu have bean omucreaafnl in but profession and Male le Indianapolis riM-entlv and formed a paHnerablp with bis fattier. The mother wn permitted to ee the boy at her hotel, an. I idcr.v at tempted lo remove him from the state. Will Plaht In Courtt. Indianapolis, Pec. 27. -I'.efure Mrs, Miller h it Lawrence -he wired her at tornevs in New York and Indianapolis to bring suit lor recovery of her boy Iron, his father. She alleges she has been the victim of much abuse hv her husband. Pat Crowe In Columbtii Columbus, !., Pec. 27. The police were given a lip Ibis morning that Put Crowe is in this cilv. The enllrci police department in scouring the city in search nl him. NICARAIiHAN CANAL BILL ITRONti F0BCKS WOHKINU IINIIKH C0VKN AGAINST IT1 PASSAGE. Crowe Omaha, Pec. 27.- been in for I bv Iw. to know Pat Crowe, this city l id Moudav Ufa Hint thev are not Was In Oimha. 27 . I'll. Iiol I. e have men, who claim that he was in I bey are posi-mistaken, I wan at one time as I thought almost at ill I a lieU. uf lnitii Van Bureu Co., Iowa. "Iwa. confined tu mv ikath's doui, ' writes Ui huuae and part of the lime to my bed. 1 hid lekru iiuintitic. uf medicines but they ouly seemed to feed the illaelle ; but I must say that 1 Golden Mcdkal UUcoviry 1 lias cured me, and to-day I am stouter than I have been for tweuly year.. 1 am now lorty-thrce ycari old." FftHB.Vbr. Pierce's Medical Adviser seat fee to you on receipt of stamps to pay expense of nulling only Send thirty-onc one-cent stamps for cloth bound book or twenty-one stamps for paper covers to Or. VL V. Picice, Buffalo, N. Y. STAfii; DKIVKK AKKIiSllil). Chimed With Bobbin the United States Malli. Kmiio, Mm. i Dec. 27. A siM-ciul from Lakeviuw, Ore. , to the liiuetle syin Hob Oglesby.thn driver of the I akeview and Paisley stage who claimed lo have bei n held up by u highwuyuiaii lust 1'riduy night, baa been urrested, cbargml with the crime ol roblting tho Unibud stale nglla. The arrest was the result ol tbe iiasing of a marked flu bill by Ogleeby. Ogioaby was to I ..... bueu tnurriud toutglit to a higbl) reapectabie lady of Lakeview A BLOW AT iHL TRUSTS. Uamigis A warded. Bioauie Asioilillon Befukod le Sell Its Uoudl. Man Francisco, Dec. 27 Kiiward M. Luviery wu given a verdict ol IVSI and daiuagua, in the circuit court here tbia morning, agaloat tbe California 1'iie, Mantle and Orate Association. I t. dor the harman act the court decreed the association wus a trust. The jury run. dered a verdict accordingly. The de h ndaiii had refoead to aaTl goodato tho plalulirT. Many anti-trmit suits will follow in ...... ......n. of tin decision. II I I HKSONIAN BANQUET. a Greeting Acoord.d .Bryan Waa a. veedlngly Hearty. Lincoln, Doc. 37. The annual ban uiiolof the Jeltereouian i lub of Lincoln held laat night , brought logi thet naarly ion representative Uiuuibur of tin I. iiiocratlc unit uopulutic i.arti. ol Nebraska, with a number of leadur from other states. The dinner afforded the opportunity to W. J. Hryan to make hie first appearance at a public .itberiug unco tho eduction and the greeting accorded him was never surpassed in point ol heartineaa in bis home city. A Notable Smell. Aside from the ovation to Bryan and Ins apoech, the event of the evening was the speech of John W. Keru, of Indiana, who aroueed the banqueters to the high pitch of entbueiaaiu not only by hie laudation of Hryan but by Wily Attempt to Provoke British Dlinnl In Order to Defeat It Palled. Washington, Pec. 27. nal-i- of e anielldell 1 1 It V-I'tllllieelole Irealy show that the . oner at l e clement of the s. Mali- lie. .illililllle.l n lelorv .o .1 the null, al-, who wauled lo nmke lie trentv a hitrsh as p. 1 1 . 1 . in its term-. Mwrnliigly lor the purpoae of provoking Rrltlah dlaaenl ami further in the hox -uf defeating the pfloeragua bill and ill laving: coiiiiii. iiceiii. nl of tin- w..U It Is stiapeetod thai ralinaid taflueace was iii the button of this wll.v nMetUliti It apiH-nrs thnl neither tie Puti- not the Kuril ker ani.tidim nl interfile wit li the elaiiMe provbllliK Ihal "no fort I Ilea t ion--hall Is-ere. te.l aMIIItMMMllnC tllC eanal or the araten adjacent." T he Dav la ainendmanl bn mediately prw- cede" thlsM'elioii .dlli. original I real. v. The Koraker aniendiaenl rep.nl the CutytonBlulwar treaty andtwjeol the cleuw uallng for i .-u adiierem e The inn. u. led I real y Is regarded in innliy Uiii t r-i unambiguous ami Hiildis t to ninny Inleroretal ions. In brief, It i. hoi n guided iin a pun i.y Unaaiaan do. lllle lit lllld dis s not p. elude the ponslbillly of i cnlliplicitllohs In the future with Knghiiid or other count rl. s in the event of h.illliles in (be vleutlty of Hie proMiMil Nlcani- giiun oanal. Il ia ladlavatl Ibut when Kliglaud realize- Huti the ajikendnuente Baaeuted to by the loi. irn rehilioiis cUOUnlttee wet. eouei ived III II spirit of loy all to doliii-slle polley rut bee I hail as n Jingo istic ns-null upon HriUali reiai kauaii ipa, it win lead a wllUttg ear to the itate ilepnrttn.nl, Ihriuigh m lil. lt the ne gotiations will Is- .on.lueteil. l.oru Ballabury haa al waja aaaaj known for bis llleiral h .I ii-v towanl tins goi.m lueat, audi in aultoufa hostile Loudon and provincial preea, he la ea pen led to urge the ttitlll. titloti of tile amended III III v. Chief or Police Ifcal Harm, Vt., Pec. 27 .Two Italians, in. u. I., i- ol an anarchistic league, tired three bullets into the Issly of Chief ol Police at Patrick llrown eurly 1 1 1 1 1- morning, mortally wounding Inui The . In. i had Isin baikiug furthie as satlantn, who are named Heruacco and Sussic, they botng . barged with breach ol tliu i a. .. I he inch were caught immediately ufter the shooting and aro in jail. Apoloal'.a or right. CoiutUaJ) tlnoul. Dau. 81 wini. tb II rat act dietary ol the lirliisli bgiiiioii w u. riding to ,Ma uiUiul yentetduv In waa litaulted on. I miillieultd fiy I. t. .1 line ut of TSi rkleh soUliere. ITu Hiiii-b uiilliater mi-ib iiinuib d in-liitii iilsilotfV trotii lu giuiui iMirle mid Hu olli-udi is. Telegraph Ol eralori May strike St. Haul, Dec. 27. A strike of the teliuraph operal urs on the Soithern Pacific ia probe ble. The company i -in. linu nun wa.at inf nrenarutiou ' fur the emergeacy. fbe hours ami the wage scale aro-J the principal prdnta of dispute. Lord Bej -esferd Worse. Ixiodon. Dee.g.-Lord Bereafonl si rep.-rled woM t islajfj tka Ceuali and works on u Cold. Laiallve Brueio-Ui dutue Tibloil cure i lit oui di. no vure, uu DO NOT UKC IHE TERMS. Chinese Oov.rnin.nl Oblicti Strongly to Certain Psrli Joint Note pekiti. Pec 17 Knperor Kwang su has acknowledged the riN-nlpt of the joint note of tho powers and bus notified the Ohiuneu uonmlaeioueri, I i Hung ('hang and Chlng, that China objects stmngtV to certain terms of tho note, partiiiilarly the pari relat ing to the raising id Chinese (oris and the eslahl isbnient of permanent lega tion guards Comiulsloiiers ('bang ami Cln'ig were in cnuferem u for an hour alter the receipt ol the note (Mat the etnperur. Probably they w ill oonmunieeie farther with the court before conferring with the foreign minister THE WHY. MAZINU CASE A Brother of the UeaJ Cadet TutlMss In the Cats. West Point. Pec. 27. Tho cadets illumed the tHHtii IV III va ions .bases .f liKOlig ill the academy, re al tug their own expeieucvs, which nollu of lite wiliesses seemed to think iiutisoal The brother ol Bom toatlfted that tbe dead cadet bad written him, outlining the injuries received in the light, nut could not explain why a oinplatiit was not made to the au thorities at the time Slo mid 1'rloe : oeuli. In the football game between Htau- ford aui Multimuiah, at Portland Christmas dav, there was no score "ii uitUer ride, the gu me being u lie. Leprosy In the Phllipulnss. Washington, Pec. 2.. An appended roinrt lu (Jan. MacArll.ur s review ut the civil affairs uf the Philippine is lands for Ibe past fiscal year, gives rather startling (acta n g irding the III- tr.stiu tiou and pre valence of leprosy ill the islands. According to the esti mate ol the Frauciecian latbere, there are no less imiu lejiers in i ne archipelago, the major Mirtioii iwlug lu the lit a) as. Hob Surround a Bank. llultiinoru. Dec. 27. --The limb that Hiroandad the Old Town i .ins at mid night, clamoring Iw their depneltBtdBjr jH-r.e.1 al au eurly hour tins morning. I lie on. .i-lm ss, Willi Ii the receni l ank failures caused, increased this morning and Minn ' n -i .crai Link- . oiituiuiu ed and are Ml .r..grel. 1 he yanicky feeling Is almost eulirelv conlllted In the desisllors iu savinga bunks. Mllaags ror Wllsoi. Washington Pec 27., Unhurt II. WllcoK, delegate In the house ol ri I r. sentatives Iron, the Hawaiian islands, has just been paid ltkJ0 tor mileage. U was tliu laraael eiatni of its kiad ever made, but wa- paid .ruutptl) liy the aergeant-at arms. Bevolulion lu Italy. Vienna, DvC. 27. -The llaliail po " lutiuii in the southern pruvluce ol Oeom lisluv attacked Ibe garrisons in tbe towns of the province. The at tacks were repulsed m em h mslaiuc Al Triune the artillery was usud and there was groat ul.si.l.lu d. Uovernor Hay Inlerrera. Coluuihos. 0.) Dee. 27. -It is learned today from a state oftlciul, who is very ..I...... r, t lovernor Nusii. that tliu cue- culivo is strongly upuoeed lo the Jeffries-Kublin light coining oil in Obio, and, il pOMlble. be is going to tJiid a way to jireveut it. Ilsllnultiee Han Oead. London. Pec. 2." Lord Arinstrong, a distinguished engineer and inventor of the Armstrong gun, is Head in this city. ' lla., Pady roughl a Ousl. Paris, Dec. 87. Tne story oi I'aderewski duel ia generally credited here. the dis-