East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 04, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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THAT'" TH r rrR
NO. ii9H!
I Jaus
0" S I I
koquartciis i nave you seenr
rederick Nolfs
rm r
I win
1 I in r
1 1 ur
I B i.r
II ' J .
-1 1 1
ii m
111 II ft
' ,
Ml M ill
III 1 .
ir I .
T - - .f, m
Ladies' cashmere hose at '.!5c
Ladies' heavy fleeced hose at 2fto
Ladies' ribbed nnlirwnr at 50c
Ladies' Jersey rihlmd union suits at 7"c
Men's heavy fleeced underwear at fiOe
Men's "A ,V II Special" overnlla at SOc
Man'i Bannnrtts night shirts at I,t8
Men's mi laundered white shirts at 50c
tine line oJt Hue outing Manuel at 10c
lib - inch unbleached muslin at. 5c
B8 inch hleai'heil muslin at 5c.
line of fast color calicoes at. . . Ho
iur :i."i.l)0 down satin Comfort
to lie given away
Christ mas.
A chance with every $1.00 purchase.
line Tny- DoIIk, (lames. Itlncks :
Cm.-. flnnilH. i m in.,,.
I. 1 '.' " 1
gt., . n i.i' Rooks, 1 mi .
. A i . . . , . , i I . nkm
aim "
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
Pendleton's Leading Deparlment Store.
EUghl in tlic heart of thy MMOn ITfJ givt you
an opportunity to purchase new stylish gar
ments at greatly reduced prices ..
Ladies Dress Skirts
In cheviotH, camel hnirs, crepons, similes, mixtures, etc., at
Onehird below regular price
Ladies' Tailor-made Suits
Of homespun, camels hair, Venetian and hroaddoth, at
One-third below regular price
Ladies' Misses' and Children's Jackets
MaJe of kersey, cheviot, ostrakan, melton, l.eaver; everyone this season's style
Onethird below regular price
Drummer' Sample Line of Wool Underwear at half price.
Blanket.- and OOmfortl at reduced prices. Special values in ladies underwear.
Pendleton's Big Store.
Santa Claus
ha made his
Headquarters at
rederick Nolfs
(b-hv lor- a Krk.tn ki.i body
MMlMtrti lor gfic.
fk rg,il;,r jjl.jr. kill bndv Doll.
Ml a regular 1.60 Collar mill
; decorate t celluloid
M) a regular t.f0 c.illuloi.l
'"' a rtgular ta.aO Bihls, with
91 Bible hipH, aie,
flora fc.' ., u.lkf and Glove
it. "":"lAr i -r,j,,i Bwt-
Q a remlar (0 Toilet Set,
""""r, celluloid andlnga.
ftt I" regular :i Kbony Toilet
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Alwuya ltougdit lius borne the Mlgrna
ture ol Chits. Ii. l ied h. r, unil Ii.im been inude under Ins
pflHOaal Hiipervision for over HO yours. Allow uo one
to deieixe on in tliia. Counterfeit, Imitations and
Just-as-K'oi.d " HW but Kxperiiuents, and .n, Linger the
bealtb of Children. -Kxierieuce agaiuat Kxperimcut.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
JJears tue Signature oi
r J
I In
nunlai Me Work oi, all
In Use For Over 30 Years.
IpUr Ma loll Head.
""KUlur M MiMlallioii.
t .i.i.,ii!e,l
r'luiBB n,?"iiir ci,,id
BJ fgular 7Sc bottle of No. 1
gj,lMman'n Mr bottle Triplu
f1 1 regular 26c Horner llur-
8e Jan.
aiMiniee Doll.
Frlerick Nolf,
Lamps, Lamps
I have juf roceivLil the largest assortment
of library and hanginK lamps ever brought
to the city which will be sold at bedrock
prices from now until after the holidays.
Joe Basler.
The wheat crop of the Darling DoWM
lidtrict, AiiHtralia, hi wpeotm to heat
all r mis. In some I BOWWOW ii will
yield re bcraboil to the acre.
The Manchefter (inanlian Have it nn-
dentonde Oneen Victoria ha ileciileil
to confer a dnhodoB on Lord KohertF,
ami that pari lament will be MkOa to
vote hi in 1011,000.
A tunnel id pfOpOStd from BafOp to
Africa niiiler the str.iit ol (.iliralter,
a ilitancc ol L'.'i mile. The cost n
enimoMd at M3,000,000, t built,
trainx will run nMDgk lt
t'onr comnaniod of Oerninn troops
are reported to lie MftoQfly meiiaceil
mil, ! went ot I'ao I inn I n. r.ltfnl
coninanied of French tfoope. with three
ilnvd' ratiotid, have left to to to their
rel ief.
Senator I'rye who Iibh olmrjre Of the
whip rabatdy hill. BBjAOOIMM that he
WOBid call iii that hill in the mmate
Tnewlnv, ami KlOVttO have it modo mi-
Bnithea InidincHd, dliploeln Bpoatrer'i
Philippine hill.
The body of Colonel LloMHB killed
in t'hina, wad taken from the trODtpOfl
ThotnuH at San Krancidco, ami carried,
iimler a military it, lo the l'renl-
dlOj where it will lie until conveyed
to Washington.
The tweiily-Hcventh convent ion of the
Woiiibii 'd Chridt inn Temperance Rociotjf
id in deddinn in Wiidhinirton t'ily Willi
500 delegated predent. The army can
HM ipiedtion id to tie one of the im
portant (piedtiond didciiddeil.
The American-T'raiidvaal league in
Chicinto had prepared a nicdMaflc which
will he dent to rredidenl Kriiuer of the
Traiidvaal ItrvitiDg him to vid.it the
United Stated ad dion ad he had
tin :nhecl hid Kuropean tour.
(iihmin, the man acciided of killing
hid '2 year old dtepdaniihter hy forcing
a reil hot poker down her throat, had
I ii arredted near Adhlaml, Kentucky,
and id now in the handd of a moh that
decnid determined lo lynch him.
A call had U'l-n indued hy the
National I.ivedtock asdociation or a
convention to he lield in Salt Lake
citv on .lannary 15. The convent ion
will ilclitiernte on the extetidion of the
indiidtry and ita general iinproveineiit.
Kx-i ioverin ,r Jodeph W. Mc('hirr,
aired SS, died at lxdianon, Middonri,
Sunday of hemorrhage of the dtoninch.
He wad elootod Gpvonof oi Middonri
ad a repnhlicaii in isso, ami nerved one
term. Me nerved in eonredd from
IHtl2 to lXllH.
The London wool market duritiu the
week wad tirm, and a fail bMllMHWM
done at improved rale . Hit) outlook
for fntiiri'd id itood. Prices on the con
tinent dhowed additional advanced.
The arrival of wool for the next .ile
amount to 1 12,02s haled, including '
forwarded direct.
I.i llmiK Chant; had received a did-
patch from tin court, which had ugr I
either to hehead or otherwiiN) kill Yu
INieii, formerly governor o Shan-ni,
who killed perdntin' ly many Chria
tiaiid. MemidTd ol I.i llnnn t'hamt'i
dtaff day the emperor will prohahly
eftd Vu lldien a dilk cord, which id
an intimation that he nnit kill him
aelf. Koriner tjnartermiidter While wad
wenteni'ed at I.aiidinn, Michigan, Mon
day to ten yeard in the penitentiary
(or fraudd attaiiidt the dtato. While tied
to South Africa at the time of the ex
pohiire and recently returned to aeeept
the fate await inn him. The dtaled'
military lupiiliea were Mold to particM
in the ateal and hruiifht hack aaiu, at
heavy advanced, with dtale fumU.
J. B. PulterHoii, of WiMwtcr, ()., had
acceiited the OMklOM ot phydical
director at the Oregon Agricultural
college at Corvallia.
Alonxo Thompdon, ,,,,, l L'L yeard,
died in the hospital at Itak r Cilv.
Sunday, of typhoid fever. Hid parents
live iu Harney county.
The O. K. d N. Co. id baildlni a
etone lrei(lit depot hi Hunt initton. The
new structure will he IIOxl.HI ice I with
a 50-foot platform.
A. L. Friend died at the hospital at
Adtoria from liver trouble, after an
i I Inedd of several Weeks. The deceased
SUM about 05 yeard of atte, and a nativi
of Illinoia. He came to Adtoria u ho tit
15 yearn uko.
Joseph Morrisdy, a well kimwn
farmer, ami formerly a resident of
WaHco county, is dead at hid home at
Ora.-- valley, Crook SOUIlty. Hid n--nwlDS
aill DS brought to I he Dalles
for inteiinent.
Large wheat receipts at lone, Morrow
county, continue. The ileliveried
amount to :iuo,ooo bsshsli About U
percent ol the i rop id still held hy
farinerd. The shipments aggregate lid
bushels, Bsssluti at Lesioiton have
baas mo.oou bushels, ami at junction
Ben lirowii, coiiuly assessor, informs
the Union Republican thai, although
lie had an excellent crop of sugar beets
this year, on the Hotsbisou place,
went of Union, he lout money. The
yield was 12 tons paf acre ToS OQSt
of cultivation wad fcjO high. The price
lasaiUBB was ft pwr toll.
Tha Papor of the Faopla.
Bvarybody BaaSi It.
Tb Largait ClraulaUon.
sat AdvarUalns eSiaai.
it the modt looged-for U
Ire ot every wuuiau,
Mliu known whulu power
ful aiil u beauty It U,
aud eiKlvavuin lo Uioku
lu.r uuu a wjH, kI's
and t'dck w uilbkj.
I ,,n, ,1(11.11, W I) Ivw of
tbuin are aware ai yet
that Nt'ivbro'. Heridelae,
a raoent cluuUtlu dln
covury, will viutblv tli. iu
to l.itaK-M buir iu Unck
ana luxuiittiita aaunu
Ouuld dWUS,
It works oil u uew Uie
ory of dutro'iuj tbu
nmi i bat leeu. upou tbc
fiulr root, und tbuii uiak
iiiK daiulrulT and lallinK
buir iniLUMlblu. It Uicn
pHs vHik to produce a
krowtli of thick, Kkuy
bin i that hmiU tiuooiue
tbv pride of iu owner.
Oue trial will ouuvLuou
you ui lu virtue.
on aL t awt naar
euuM onua aroaa.
Oath of Office Administered to
Dolliver of Iowa.
STSI but little courteay dhown them,
except in the cade of a woman SO yearn
old. Thirty MOUMMtd acres were to be
disposed of to the actual tattlef! at
1 1 .25 per acre. Mot of the ilcdirahle
claiind are already lladi
QBRMANS i idHi chim;si:.
tannUN lUCUt Hvy Loiui in Dead
and Wnundod.
Shanghai. Dee. 4. Advice from
Tien Tsin say the (lerman force had
ban attacked by 1800 Bonn near Pn
Ting Vu. The former lost iwenty killed
and a larwe nuinU'r wounded.
tn the anie dispatch it is stated
that Talig Weng Hiian.who urdered the
butchery of Ctirlstnai at Pan Ting Fn,
wad decapitated at I'ien I'sin Monday.
Walla Walla, Dee. t. W. Charled
O 1 Painter died St tha hunih residence
ill South Third street at I o'oloch thid
morning iron the effaoti of a paralytic
stroke suffered about it month awo.
Mr. Painter was a pioneer of the north-
wedt and one of l arliedt SSttlSTI of
the Walla Walla valley. He w) 72
yeard ot age.
The Ship Subsidy Rill Is Culled Up In i tie Sen
tie by Frye, and Jones Demands
the Yeas and Nays.
ahinglon, lec. I. When the
Sonata Onnnnad at noon the credentials
of Doltlrer, of Iowa, to mi tharacancj
caused hv (he death of Senator dear,
were pfeantad ami the oath adminis
tered. Senator Morgan moved that ten
thousand copied of the president's
Isthmian preliminary report he
Senator Stewart, of Nevada, lntN
dined a hill providing for the creation
of a supreme court of live BHWHborS for
tha Philippines, to he paid ISO.OOO
yearly. Stewart's hill was referred.
Chairman llaivlev, of the military
affairs committee, introduced the army
reorganization hill.
Senator I'ettigrew intrislnccd a reso
lution cat I iug mi the poslmadter gen
eral to forward to the senate all in
formation in h id ; iiosm'ddion regarding
tha condition of the podtal funds of
Cuba. I'ettigrew 'd rcdolutiou was
At 2 o'clock Senator Frye called up
the ship SUDSldy hill and Senator
.lones, of Arkansas, demanded the vead
and nays on the iiiestion under con
dideration. A vote wad takaU and
there were lis ayee to 20 nays, and Frye
took t.'ie floor to Open the debate.
Previous to calling up the ship
subsidy hill, McCuiuher introduced la
hill to repeal the bankruptcy law and
Tillman diicceeded in having pasdinl a
hill for the Wcdt Indian exposition,
at Charledlon, S. C, in HMI2, which
appropriates fl'Jo.iKlil for that purjiose.
Carter called up '.he Clarke-Maginn id
resolution, concerning the dcnalorial
credentials from Montana, ami it was
decided that both claimants appear bs
fore the elect ion 'd coimn ittee, and the
matter passed until tomorrow,
Prooeedlnas In the House.
In the hoiide, as soon as the journal
was read, Hepburn, of Iowa, called up
the cade of Connor, of Iowa, whose
credent ials were objected to yesterday.
He withdrew the objectionable creden
tials and tiled a new certificate.
Thereupon llailey, of Texas, explained
he only meant to put the matter on
record properly by hia objections yes
terday. Connor was then sworn in.
The resignation oi Itepreseutativo
Devriod, of Calilornia, wad read.
Cannon, of Illinois, reported a hill
from the appri ipr iat ions committee
providing a program lor the celebra
tion of the one hundredth aiinivnrsarv
of the location of the national capital.
It was agreed to. At 1 :KI the house ad
journed. Working rur lilhmlan Canal.
Waahihgton, Dec. 4. Senator Mor
gan's committee on inter-oceanic
canals held a -meeting thin morning
when it wad decided the committee
would not anlagoiu.e the arrangement
made hv the senate steering conilii it'ee
In give the ship subsidy hill precedence
over the Isthmian canal measure, it
being agreed that the parliamentary
situal ion of the canal qosstion would
not he Herioiisly affected therein . The
committee HHo decided to call upon the
-tale deparlment for informal ion as to
the diplomat ic in gotiat ions had with
Nicaragua and t!osta Kica for the pur
pose of ascertaining on whut terms the
Doited Mates no obtain tba right of
way in ross Dime countries. Minister
OalrOi of OoStS Una, called on Sci re
t try Hay this morning and didi iiddod
the preliminaries for a treaty.
Hi. minuends Nlcaraauan Home.
Witsh ni'.'lou, Dec. 4.--A .irelimlnary
ra port on tin- Isthntlau canal aoifl
mission, was sent to BOMnOSS t--l.iv hy
the piisidcht. it unMlnmsly raoon
mends the adoption ol the N icarngiian
Mora Monay tor (iovammanl.
Washington, Dec. 4. --The legislative,
executive, judicial approbation hill,
ba lirst of the leaalon, reported hy
the appropriation committee Uslav,
carries f 24,4'.dl,,'SHi, u quurler ol million
dollars iu excess of the expense of the
current year.
Municipal Law tor Fhlllpplnsa
Washington, Dec. 4. - The cabinet to
day discussed municipal laws for the
Philippines and ailtiiorued Oeneral
(.'bailee to provide winter quarters for
troops in China.
4RMV klOWiAMZAIION lill.l..
Confer. Title or Brlgadlec-tienaral on
lit. Wliaelar and WiUon.
Wasliinlon, Uec. 4. The army
raoiyniutloii lull, with some linal
loiii in s added to it by the military
allairs committee, as reported, gives
ranks of brigadier general to Onncrals
Lee, Wilson, Wheeler, ami that of
major geuerul t., Shatter, and makes
way for thsif retirement. The anti
canteen provision in nodi Bad so that
Do olhci r or private soldier shall sell
lotosioatinf drinks as liartcndur or
otherwise at any siat, on any IraiiH
port at any encampment, etc. This
provision docs not abolish the canteen,
as BMM people have concluded It
a sckAfWm i: ion UNO,
Takes Place This Morning on the Wlilta
Karth Ba.arvallon.
Crookston, M no Dec. 4. Two
Ihoiisand people joined the rush this
morning in a scramble to secure claims
in ceded towns on the White I .ml,
reaorvat ion. During the night effort
of the police were miceaaary to keep
the J in order, and prevent a
break in the line. Six women who had
spent the nilil near the land odtai
laurticiualod in the m-i amble, and tbojo
Psanilaaii tor tumbt,
Chicago, Uec. 4. At the second day
ot the International Livestock. Bnpoai
lion, F. R, In, of Shodhone.
Idaho, won the chantplonshln ami
premium for lainhs iu carload lots.
Ibdiert Talvor, of Kawliiid, Wv Ing,
was third in thid contest.
,KriiKr'i Visit to Europe.
VlftUMi Hoc. 4. According to the
Tagehlatl Presidnl Kruger'd visit to
F'.nrope, do far ad triple alliance is con
cerned, id a failure. It id believed thai
thid will hasten Kruger's decision to
visit the United States.
Gaiabllna In Standard Oil.
New York, Dec. 4.--F"or a share,
MIS wad bid this morning for the
Standard Oil. hut none were offered
ledd than 1816 a dhare. At the praonl
rate John Itockefeller will BMH he a
Out ot the Hankruptry Court
It. I'anl, Minn., Dec. 4. M. II.
Curtis wad discharged from the bank
ruptcy court this morning, with
liabilities over 100,000 and assets,
25, (Kill.
Reported by I. L. Ray At Co., Chleaao
Hoard ot Trade and New York Stock
Kxchanae Broken.
Dei'. 4.- The wheal market was
itrona today and closed at tba top,
19 T-, May, or 5-s over yeslerday. Tho
million, cs were hik'her i ables ami un
favorable reports from Argentiiie. They
are having hot wind there and with
wheat in the milk serious damage has
already been done. Hnon wires thai
their exportable surplus will be under
50, IHIO, 000 compared with 70,000,000 for
year just past. LlVOrpool closed 5
II l-S. New York opened TOW BUd
eluded, "0 7-S. Stockd lower. Mouev,
I nor cent.
Clos,. yesterday, 7! .
1 1 pen today, 7VV,
Ranga today, "o't to 19 t-h.
Clode tidlay, 7ll 7-H.
Slept Taken Looking lo Cloilna Storei
at b O'Clook p. m.
Filward I In ii and I 'buries A
I Kpplnnr are at tha head of a bmvs
,.-,.. ... . itmi n . rare uonio III
Pendleton. They ban circulated a
petition and have secured nearly half
a hundred ol the clerks of Pendleton
to sign it, with the intention of
organizing those of similar interests,
with the ulterior object of having the
Stores closed III Ii O'cTOCB p. III. except
on Saturday eyenniLid. thus iivinu
them more time for recreation. There
id a ready response to this move, not
only aiiioug the clerks, but the proprie
tors. B press ions of opinion do far
are largely in favor of the early closing
movement, and further proceedings
will I areftllly watched and duly
The Heauty Conteil.
The Pan-American Is-auly contest
closed Saturday at New sOFtl ami
awards VMS made. This wad a MBAUS
tit ion for the purpose of delecting two
of the most beautiful amnion in
America, a blonde and brunette, to
typify North and South America on the
official emblem of the Pan-American
exposition ill buffalo iu pail. A com
Btftln of 10, of which Senator Depew
wild chairman, selected from thousands
nf photogriphd sent In Sow York, Mids
Maude M. Coleman Woodi Of
Obarloltaevilis, Va,, who was chosen
lo represent North America and Miss
Maslna Rlliotl 'Mrs. . c (Jooduia),
brum lie, to represent South America.
Slop, Hie Couah and Work. Oft lbs
Ijtiiklivu HmiiKHpiliiuni Tel.li'ts cure a cold
in uiic iinv No eafs, aa ass . eric- .. in.
A Work Train Backs Into a
Freight in a Fog.
Accident Due to Carelessness of the Crew of
th Work Train Tba Cart of Both
Trains Were Demolished.
Suidiin, Calif., Hoc. 4. --As a work
train, at 7 o'clock this morning, con
lalnina M men, was backing up in a
fog, between Canon ami Vanilorii, it
was struck hv a freight train. K. r I r
workmen are reported killed anil 22
injured. The workmen were lyimt in
their bunkd when tin- critdh came. A
few nly asenpad injury. The cars
M-re damoliahsdi Thaangtnar ami
Brann of the work train eOOBpad hy
nanplng, The accident was due to the
careb ssness nf the crew of the work
train ami a dense fog.
An ontclal Beport.
Ran Francisco, Dae, 4. rim south
ern Pncillc OfRclall state that live
workmen were killed and l'i injured.
The dead and wounded are being.
brought bora by spasial train, where
the wounded will go to the company's
The Four Men Killed.
Sllidllll, Dec. 4. -The id ihid of the
accident Ihid morning were: J. PlUUt
mar, H, Onnnhn, Rd MoOovara,
John Hughes and .1. A. Herb.
Four Loie Their Llvei and Many Serl-
ouily ln)ured.
Chicago, .(. Five railway em
ployees were instantly killed and 12
atonic injured hy the e plosion of the
boiler house of the Ch icago North
western railroad last night. F'oiir of
i be injured are hurt si, badly they may
The following Were k i I led :
August damnum, diction foreman;
Anthony Kraiide, tiremau at the power
boUBS ! August Wens, section hand;
Jonph S. Specht, section l, and ; Henry
Sclimir, IS years old, clerk in the
auditing mom of the Northwestern
n mil.
Seriously injured: John Hiittcrworth,
chief electrician power house, akull
(ractured, still prohahly die: August
Heck, Milwaukee; Mrs. August Hock.
Milwaukee. Michael Mcliregor.
Just as the explosion occurred the
Adhlaml limited train was pulling out
of the station.
The boiler struck the rear car while
the boiler head plowed through the one
ii sd lately in front.
On the train were Mr. and Mrs.
AugUa! heck of Milwaukee ami Mr.
and Mrs. William Dicker of
Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Moth coiiploH
were returning from their bridal tour
and all four were ihpircd. Mrs. Keck
was dashed aga'nst a seat in the car
and sustained internal injuries which
may prove fatal.
The properly loss lo the road will lai
No More Coait "War Cry."
San hrancisco, lec. 4. The Salva
tion Army new-paper, the "War Cry,"
will no longer he published on the
I'acillc coast. The New York edition
will iu future cover the entire country.
The Ciar sit, Up.
I.mtdia, Dee. 4. - A bulletin issued
lo the car's physician says: The
OSai is able lO sit up at intervals and
his condition is improving.
i Ii
I.K VlM,
AMI UK ' I ,ii
i i in rub
Ely's Cream Balm
Km-) nmi ili'natiil to
UaW t iilllttllin liu lu
ln r llMAM tins
It In .(ilk) atliMirlKMl.
tilf M'lU'l ut nil' ti
ll "I- UU HII'I t Il-MIIM t
Mir SttsKl rtd.fl't((t"'
Alias a liiilttmiMMtluii.
lit nU tlil jiiiilft tn (hu M' inl lnlH- Kt alurwH
tli Hflim ui IhkIi- iiii1 Lun II .auyi- HU, Bot
ai In un 1st- r I-) iitstll , TiUI Htav, Tim hy iuall.
KI.1 IlKkMIIMt-, -. stir.uHl .Nyw York.
John Schmidt will (jive away a small harrnl CiiristgUM
morning,, handsomely dm mated, to tin- man who guesses
in an si the correct capacity ol the hUOBtttf caak ol
HARPER wluskt hoc on diapUy in Ibia Saloun.
Call and make your guess
and drink Old Harper
Whiagovi ftttnl roa4n. Wiannt of thyn lutwma
UonaJ b'"!'! BleKltll including one Ironi ihe 1'aria
Kxiiosition t Jniverselle.
Mellow, Delicious Old Harper
The premier brand of America, drawn direct Ironi the
magnificent cask, tiie largest ever BBM in 1'endleUill.
Pendleton, Oregon.