MONDAY, DROKMBRB UK). Ladies9 Warm Lined Shoes Not the olil stylo nply iBCC Imt t ho new up-to-date toes in bull) turns ud weltt. OmM mill MN thorn. CLEAVER BROS. The Boot and Shoe Man. 80.'i Main Street, I'emlleton. Oregon BREVITIES. niiev a lahaar, eauica Binara l'uluiolive mop. Wlilti' House. Shrimp and freth oyatere. White 1 1 oiiae. Smyrna tigs, stuffed prune", orunjte", lemoiiK anl banana. While limine. The Hon Ton restaurant. in QunnOOtlOB with the Couipton White nmWtjttOi K. Ice cream, ohoeolates. fan ly Duttnn's own make. They are fttwiilly nice. Collarettes worth tin in f rj, gola M to to 17.611. Closing out prices. Cleaver Urns. ' Iry (ioodi Co. Madam .lohnson. modiste Tailor maile suits and evening Wlie. I specialty. Hismi 3.S, lVspain hlock. The only plare in the eity where you can (jet dressed chickens, ducks and geese at any time in t. li. i 1 u Smokers' delight. lL",-cent Hidelo, Henry the Fourth ami Charles the ( i rent, for 10 cents, at Mark Patton's ciitar store. Newiv-furnshed rooms, electric litihts, ' at The Columbia, K. X. Hchempp, propretor, middle o the block, lietweeu Webb and Alui street-, en Main. When you need a soothing and heal ing antiseptii- application for any par kw, us the original IioWitt'l Witi b llazel (Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases. It heal- - r. -without leaving a scar. He ware ol counterfeits. Tallman A Co., leading druggist.-. Storm Boots Sweet eider at the White House Our hams ami bac.m urn delicimts. White House. A line Una m d MOfli Mid opal ware from It Up at the t Iwl . h'or uroeene- at Qi Ri DentOtt. He has a liig stuck to select from. See the cuff, collar and handkerchief boXM In the Owl Tea House window. liegular imeting Of I'cndleton lodge, A. K. & A. M., this evening at 7 o'clock. Only the best of viands - crystal aroma coffee, inviting delicacies at the Hon Ton restaurant. Kinest hams and lard on the market. Home product; try it. it- guaranteed. Hchwarz A ( ireulich. Dr. W. 0, Cole hM removed his office from Pendleton saving- bank building to J odd blooki New toys, albutn-, toilet sets, cellu loid novelties, children's hook, games, blocks and lancv ROOJa, Nolf'i. Mrs. Campbell will have a sieeial sale of pattern ami trimmed hats for one week, commencing Wednesday. Talk alMiut mi'e Initial to eat' Of all the nice thing 1 ever ate I got at the Lwtsjf bakery: everything is so nice. Fireside gamen Uc 'Jo-cent authors, IHc; Honcrs harmonicas loo, at the closing out sale at the Him I' runt. Max llaer. You should see Q, It. O'lianiel's line of up to date furniture before you buy. A tine line of Japanese good-, opera house block. Mrs. Klfie llopsr desire to thank tha kind (riends WOO stood bv her so failhfullv during the recent loss bv drowning of her little hoy Itny. You should btlv one of those OOfMtl before they are all sold. Still going at Mo, worth WH- to (I. 'Jo. Cleaver Hru.' Dffjf (iuuds Co. If you have a boM8 t paint or a room to paper, a picture t frame, a little plumbing to be looked after go and see C. Sharp, opera house hlock, Court street. N. Herkeley is receiving many in uuirio tor stock ranges and Umatilla coiintv wheat lands. Persons desiring to sell wotihldo well to list their prop erty with him. lie elegant new ball, the linest in Helix, will be dedicated with a ball on Friday evening, Daoanbtf 7. Hiisoi hall is its name. Admission, gentle men, l ; ladies free. The met ting oi Kit Cars. hi pint. Oraml Army oi the Republic, for the election of otliccrs, will be held in the court house at I o'clock on Saturday afturnoon, December H. DoWltt's Little Marly Risers are dainty little pills, hut they never fail to eleante the liver, remove obstruc tions and invigorate the system. Tall man A Co.. leading druggists. Whitaker, the dentist Teeth ex tracted, painless, Mill children's teeth, '.'V . bet sets teeth vulcanite, uaran leeij, M ; best sets celluloid. till; silver rilling-, $1 ; gold tilings, II up. Practical horse shoeing in any style, from little plate- for racer to heavv shoes for draft horses. All work guaranteed. Shop with W. L. Zeiger, Id rolsom stand, dive m a call. Arthur Olover. Widl, Mr. nowdown. 1 have alwuvs heard the Yankees were the only people that c mid make Mutton brown bread. Hut if rou will try Mr.-. heeler's at the boozer bakery you will say the Yanks are not in it. A big dance is going to be given in dermaii hull, Cold Spring, on Satnr day evening. December si. A good time is guaranteed Joe II. Parke and others will lurnifh the music. All kinds of refreshment- will be served . When the stomach is tired out it must have a rest, but we can't live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 'digest-what yon eat" so that you can eat all the good food you want while It is restoring the digestive organ- I" health It is tin- only preparation thai digests all kind of Ioodi Tallman & Co., leading druggist. Now is the time when mil p and lung troubles prove rnpidly fata!. The only harmlei-- remedy that prod ice immediate remits is line Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied ujion to ijuickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption, A Co., leading druggist. A small barrel of whiskv will lie given away by John Schmidt to the man who guesses nearest the correct capacity of the monster cask of Harper whisky' now on display in his saloon. You are invited to call and make your guess and drink "Old Harper," which won three international medals, In cluding one Irom the I'aris exposition universelle. The annual election of tire depart ment others will be held this evening in the council mom. The noils will be open from 7 to II o'clock. Acker's dyspepsia biblets an- sold on a tmitive guarantee. Cures heart burn, ruisiivx of the food, distress after eating or any form of dvapopala. One little table! gnes Immediate re lief. 'Joe and .Vic. 1'or sale by Hrock A McCotnas. Kev. J. W. Jenkins will preach to night mi "The New Commandment. " These special evangelistic services will continue during the week under the auspices of the Christian church. Two good audience- heard Kev. Mr. Jenkins ve-lerday and an increase in atten dance is expected as the meeting pro gresses. A cordial invitation is ex tended to the public to attend these meetings. The football game at Heppner be tween the big team of that place and the High school team of i.a Grande. was won bv the former bv the score of ill to 0. The Times state- that Heppner scored M points in the tirst hall and 98 in the second: "The visitors only had the ball three or four times during the whole time and Heppner'- skilled heavy-weights walked through, over and Under them and made touchdowns whenever they felt like it." line of the star plavs of the football game at lioblendale on Thanksgiving was a run of Dale Slnsher for a gain ot 30 yards, within the last few minutes of the close of the mil half, which was followed soon after by a touchilown. Mr. Mustier was en abled to make hi- run by the working of a new play manipulated by Charles L. Tetnpleton, coach of the academy team. Mr. Toinplotnn ' coaching is highly spoken of bv the Isiys compos ing the team, and by many outside expert- as well. The new delivery wagon used bv J. M. I.epzer in his bakcrv business is a lieautv. It tiurly MintllMtM with its einbeiii-hments and look- like a brand new circus wagon just turned out from an artist's studio. No handsomer wagon is made, even for use in large cities, which speaks highly (or Mr. bee.or's progressiveness. Tiie wagon is dutpriit and microbe-proof, M that health It assured to those who tiny bread, doughnuts, cookies, pies, etc. from this establishment. It is worth a purchase just to have the pleasure of seeing heeler's fancv wagon call at the house with the good-. is interpreted as a big inroad in the tl. Ri A N. territory by the Norlhern Pacific, The agent of the steamer. Mr. Kettenbach, speaking of the enterprise, aid 1 "I expect to give grain shinpers facilities to reach the I'uget Soind port-, thereby affording a i re market to the section which is now reached hy the O. It. at 'It only." NI!W YOHK MARKUP. Rtporlsa by I. L. Ray ft Co., C.hletiin Botrit ot Trade ami Nsw York Stook Bxchnngo Rroktrs. Pec .'I. The wheat itnarket was tinner today and closed at an advance of Uc over Saturdav. Liverpool opened U lower, 10, but closed 5 11 l-h. New York opened 'l-H higher, 7!l 1-H, sold In 711'.., and co-ed, 70'.., bid. The visible supply -Lowed a decrease for the wick of 88,000 maktnf total M, 179.000, compared w ith 66,778,000, same date I Ml vear, when th ire whs an increase of l'iS.OOO. Stocks higher. Money. 8U per cent. Close Siturdav, 7K1,. Oi todav, 7t 1-H. Range today. Clo-e todav. 711 l-S to TflU, 7!... PBRSON AL MBNTION. Circuit Judge W. K. Bllll arrivrsl in Pendleton this morning from Heppner. Captain and Mrs. J. W. Ilancroft, of Hois, . ,,re guest- of Mr. and Mr-. . I. I Roblnaoo . A. P. Ilradbiiry, the well known cracker seller, it regi-tered at the Hotel Pendleton. Tom Delaney and Alex Oliver are '. iuor- in Pendleton -from Kcho, and will return home tonight. Mis- Maude Heale left for Walla Walla this morning to visit her uncle and other relative- for a couple of weeks. !!,-! I Da poii Md J. R, Marsh, of Weston, spent Sundae with friends in this city and registered at the Hotel II. R. ft N. STOCKHOLDERS MKKTINU The Road Will R - Bxttmted From Klaln to Jottph.Wiillown County. A -peclal meeting 01 the ItOflkhold ers of the Oregon Uailmad ,V Naviga tion company has been called for Jan nary 31, in Portland, for the purpose of amending the arlicbs of incorpora tion so as to provide for four new ex tensions of track on various pari- of the system. The new trnck contem plated by these extension" is about 77 miles. One extension has been completed, that from Fairfield to Waverlv. Waeh., (or the benefit of the OoTbln beet sugar factory. The length of thai extension is live miles. A hrncli four and two tenths miles long between Wardntr ami the Si.-rra Nevada tuiiie, in the Coenr d'Alene coiintrv, is well advanced in ward completion, Preparation! have been made Irr an eXtCQtiotl down tin Willamette river to St. Johns, u dis tance of live mile-, which i- promised to be built early next year. The most important of the extensions likely to be built the coming 100100 Is j from rdgm in i niiin county to Joaeptl in Wall Owa county, a distance ol 03.: miles. There is No end to onr dainty Jewelry No li'nil In our williiiLiit'ss to n!mw i iii('ii:)ii us to tiie fairness of our nrir i, oi.w.i- ..r i .. , niiiii Dimv wi si i m v. n I r (IIS'Wlp approach heretofore, i beauty of tujiial to our Watch Stock si h ni comtriB in iiiiv til No No No No No in i.)Wn "'"s""' Patter,, our guarantee No rupturing too tliflieulf fur ua. . LOUIS HUNZIKER.. JEWELER and OPTICIAN. HLMa'n strhet. KOEPPENS MODERN PHARMACY EvrrytMn that it kept in a hrtt rlHit, up-to-Hitt dru slnrr. 115 Court St. ..THE FAIR, '..-.wii dfiiirvtititr- t f I nlioe C . ii ill . 1 1 o 1 1 r 1 1 i l i ri i iiuii v,;iii(i- a i i ' - w . V. i , i i ii rooo , ' , co . ... ' - "' winter wratis (. I.ll , I., ...I r I II "I" 'Or ooio -I, 'ii (j isu-du ww-. .is,(i an our waists an 1 wraDDen we will soli ;it n 20 nor cmt d;,-,, S . . hoi on our 0000 1 i iwui v.,imiv. 10 mm iiiv.i i 1 1 j inly in tin lines montionaa above, fur wc can Villi til l Ml I 'V (111 tlll'lll. 1 have sd lar reduced our prices on capei and Hi . 1 ynu can Iiiiv a goml "lie Irom us at tin poor one laewherc 'ours for batfniina, on what von need certainly save I " ket- prict: o a THE FAIR. Bennett & Tarlw d. . . . . . 1 irnsciinerrv iiii'uiok. "i"'" Aireei, Men-'lleton 1 A Thoumnd loniiuti. Could not express the rapture of Annie R, iprloavr. of I1IB rJoword street, Philadelphia, l'a.. ahan the found thai Or Kinc'l Net lliscoveri for Ooaaoetettoa liad completely 00 rati lier of a baeklBg cou!li Unit for main vear- had made life a bordeo, All other remedies and doctors could tine her no help, hut -lie say- of tin- royal cure "It toon removed the pain in my che.t and I can now sleep tooodly , MMnethlna I can scarcely rcinemhcr doiBfl he fore. I feel like sound I III! it- praioat throeahoei the universe." tin will every one who tries ir. Kini;' Xew Piscovery for any trouble ol the throat, chest or I1111K-. PrioO SOt and II. Trial bottle iree at Tallman A Oo.'t. For MEN and WOMEN Just the Thing for Rainy Days BADCOLDS i.i not We are Hatters of ('heel Pocket Hooks. and nPL It 1 L a il-iiirti turkcs villi ' y 1 .1 The Peoples Warehouse SHOE STORE. haw u. in eM.turcl MKMKi:s l N AMI TAH LXeW teallcl -Ijliauio. IfOM tliur tnt-lYH Hi't'k't r limn treatuirnt nils- tvtt lu houra ait-1 aburt the wnrat of mMa pot in'ht. "It wea th.. wrat cw of jri I arr Ita't A tiU dUaiii fru-iKti lievl eori tur. HUl it kllllMI on. j Utrarl t.f th. t AMi ' I'tM i.f l u. xiuu in lit Hi- . aUtppvl ltii itM .ui . WVgl 'to ttmt iiiatht. I enttorat- ami rtHNtiitiui iHl tiium ti th h- Ule " BAJK H BULKY, nJbabir Um ' ail-t Attonirj, lul aiMMutt atrttt, su r rAinlae.-, , jui ;. iwu 1 "Wntlvr vll halt-atave liven erriom thiittr ! iut TIk-v urt- Itartl ! L. fur in nitli Hat Mi Ui vm iluppi miJiImIj bj Mi HDI LN i VMI'- TABI I lu.tli voiu), uil u.l-1 'hH in 1 0uUilt ut tUva. N'othtn,' vim; ita-- thi l r dii." 1 MH KM MA 1, ItoLI IN, It Moee r , suu Fran ciac.i. Au ti, 'vi "1 tltu aen Um itfMl fruui wlierw Mfcii DKI.'s DYNAJfk! TAIM LKN am That U Imm I f . - iiietti Tht aU.ii voKla iihut notict . I I.NKI.K. ( ul'.Ulial. 7t Main Ktt, HMiiiHUi, (rjron. "1 i-.aii' i 1 r . t 1,1- iu Lili)p lii IM-AMi lutrii km., i-U Wev.iiui-i..i. mi..;, via KfAiM't-u. Ala. tih U mi l.n-al ueitl, HUKI'HKN'h I'UAUUACV. VE CARRY EVERYTHING In up-to-date STATIONERY ami WRITING PAPSR in all Ibfl late shapes and tints Raw m ber that the only place 111 town where you can net all the late liooks and Stationery is at Tallman A Co. 's Watch our window. We invite the attention of every man, woman and child to our new line of HOOKS, which com prises everything by all the late and standard authors, and a lull line of books for children of all aes. TALLMAN & COMPANY leading Stationery Pendletoi .Miss Lola Carl returned to Whitman col it-a '- at Walla Walla this Btomine, having Ken precuOed hy Mis- Klhe Worcester. Miss Kva Hell-, a student at I'enillt ton acailciny. spent Thanlcsitivin at her DOOM oil Ka-t Hire), creek and re turned to I'cndleton this noraiatj ae foaipenlad hy ber falaarrIoegaanelto. K 1. Cleaver returned tin- in. rniii Iron a week's trip to valley cities, in cluding I'ortlanit and Kuuene. lie says that at in in- of them li there the baoi lies- activity that can Ik- seen in I'en ,11. ion. Miss Jennie Sliepunl, Clarence K. Penlaadi ired t inter ami OeofgoOeawi bell left for Spokane thin morning to he present at the aoddlag of Claude K. Poalaad ami Jennie Have, ehleh will ik-i ur on Weiihcsilav. iH'ceinher .'. 0i W. H tOOIl ol Dry creek near Mil ton, spent today in I'eiidleton, pulling in 111 .-1 of his time searchihu fur two DOai tiuit tneaked away from a hand of 1 while heiiitf taken hy Mr. Short from Dry creel, to hutaiiviiie, Ureal county. V. I'. Mounds lost the end off one of his Began while eoffciei at the ureck near V oak 11 111 Saluruii 1,. had no sooner returiitsl to i'ei dl ton tluiii he had lo Ki t iu and atii in (lettinu a locomotive hack on the track in I'. u die tOO yard-. These three accidents Colnini: ,0 i loe louether cost him the lots of contiderahle tleep. John 1.. i.athroi write- irom I n.pp' boeeiUl in Walla Walla, that hi- tem perature on Saturday was roooief Irom ItMJ to lll'i, which would liec.'Hsilate his reneining in bod laager than had been prooioieu .1 eevK nelore. Ill- caw re-piire- the attention of a nnrte a portion of the time. Nevertheless, he thinks bat he will master it ami In able to got up and out "'unless some OnfaVOrehle element is injected into the case duriue the next three or four dayt. ' ' Id las Mettle Oakea, of Baker City, aeoet Taaafcajivlae ...n..,. n Pendla- ton at toe home oj Mr. and Mrt. M. Alexander, heiiu; a uuttst of M - - lierihu AleaandjeTi Boaaaa 1. oakes, represenliiiK Neiistad'er Mrothert, of Portland, was a uuest at the Hotel I'en- behu ovei : -...oh .'i . ii,.' attended the l .1 ..ill am, mid had a ood time aeiierally, heiuu well ac.iiiaiulisi in tint villuK'. , and deservedlv popular. Mr (taken and Mits (lake- are hrother ami titter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. lunton and hiuuhleri- Audra and baVelle relurned Saturday niht from a trip to Michi gau, where thuy visited relativei- and frlendt, at Flint ami St. Johns. The left Pendleton on October 0, and had a vert pleasant trip. MeturniiiK, they topped off at Caldwell, Idaho, anil aeenl ienday with ir. R, R, Datton ami family, the firtt mentioned being a hrother of C. M. When atked what lie tlioiiKht ol that country t Michigan i now, Mr. Dutlon at lirst was backward alsait expretsinu hiiutelf, hut linallv expreaned himself forcibly that it was nut lo he coinpareil with tins wet ion. Herbert Hertio, an Rofliahman, familiarly known as "Shorty, the Boot bleak i' tried toeoajeiH suicide by jnnipine into the Willamette river, at neleaii from whose damp and thill) lied he wa- draituiil bv some persoiH who witnessed his plunge. The iiotori-oil- Hilda Ilobsoii reluted to marry him. Pendleton Planum- Mi" aiul Lumber Yard Can sell cheaper than anj Rrm in tin- count1, beceuae thay Inn in laraja HEATING STOVES iffht. Best m the market: Air They arc wood saver's TIIH PRICK CAN'T BE BliAT W. I). HANSFORD & CO. quantities, lumbal or mill work their prices If you need any kind or call ami net The Wessel Department SWae mm -m wwm ucj R. FOKSTER, - Propnetor. is ilowis the iIdl' whose tail stopped on. Well, people some timet howl when (bay are atappad on, too. We don t feel that way. Wa have more than doubled our stock since the last holidays, ami we take real pleasure in showing it. Ladies, would' tit it please you to have someone pick up a dainty thing and say, "Oh, isn't it love ly?" We are human. It pleases us. We have- some lovely china. Come and see. Owl Tea House. CHBAPBST PLACE IN OKhdON - - aoU k J"iiN Schmidt The Louvre Saloon nut III. WALKEK known and reliahl. sneial- armers Custom Mill l-red, Proprlrlor. l'pClly, I." li r 1 li.v Kiour oaeeeaael iur wiivai. I' lour, Mill Nod. Cliopinxl V alo., aie iu -ntuil Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line Mutton a Carnev, Hrop'a. Leave Pendleton everyday at 7 o'clock except (tend ay 1 for Pilot Rook, Nye, Bideei Alhe and Dkiah. Ooisl ac cominiHlatioiis. Heanonahle Irelgbl and p.tHsenxer rates. City ollico at Tallman & Co's tlrug store. The mi is treatt private chronic aiitl uervnua .h -.. .1 i" ot men only II, itopi dia i-harxes, cures secret blood and skill disease-, sore- and Ntvclliiijrs, nervous debility, inpotenee and othei weak nesses "i marhnud. lie correct.- the secret errors of youth ami their terrible efteyt.-, loss of vi tality, palpitation of the heart, loss of memory, despondency and other I roubles of mind and hislv, caused by the ermr-, excesses am! dim uses of men and hoys. He re-lores lost vitjnr and manly potter-, removes deformities and restore- the oraiis lo health. lie also cures diseases caused by fnercurv and and otinT poiaonooi dreat. 10 n nik.-r s 111,-1 111, 1 no' irjtlltfr 101. ,1 11 in WINTER GOODS AT CUT PRICES. PLUSH CAPES AT HALF PRICE. I3 in. piuah Capaa for It. 50 $6.00 Pluah Capea 3 00 Sy.oo Pluah Capaa lor S4.50 11.00 Plnah Capes $5.50 S14.00 Plush Capes le.OO Si. 25 DresRino Sacques cut to 90c. tColorn pink. Iiltt." and red.) $t it, heavy underskirts cut to K7C. Knitted wool underakirta best quality $j 25. Hi. 50 Lediea1 wool waists at reduced pricea. Just opened large ime ol Ladies' Felt Slippara, lur tops, at.ts. Tha Meicta! Fh. k2m rrm ml- Pinnae mmw - wMewMM , a ee m r m k e o. Kr m Wool for Sale Tit 11 ruil ii if nfaaah .......I. I ...:il il. .. n..U.. D..I - it-ii ,,1, , 1 , 11 1 V, I I I. 1 Will III' III 1 1 - I I I 1 I 1 O ' IV 1 1 Hotel lo raoeive Bealud luis on Lots of Wool, N 5. '3 arid 17, about 500 sacks, imw Htoreil the indapandeut ararahotue (1 rajaottng any or all bida. J I I t'KI ll v I1 H liri Vlleaal E. SMITH. Hotel Pfndlfto Under New rianagement. use- oa imii'iu nostrum! or reaity-Mat tie 11 uruprKlloii.. bin cur.- II,. Ii.Um i,j V. ,M' lonuil.-lll f. HUM NU parai in I., sun ir. n, ni: ni, ,,.1.riH in. ir inmoit' ran. in . nr.-a at Innai rvatouabli id. in - ' in idally, i.e." treoleoa. I" to Cinlily. Cuiitiilliilicn ii,. u,i . oil lo It II 1 1 ill I all nil ur nil.ln 1 nea aaadoM - mrri .lv 1 DR. WALKER. 1 a Kir-i si., roruvr Al'li-r, Hortlaml, on kud. IN W)l M' IHK liil.l.dWISli K erlbed ai kai hstp uliaa at i lee . It; Mankal tail mil ot .i.i si ib expiration of leu Ojart joi toatt aed eaptotat, uat btaee m.i rojt, aearli 1 rean oi l. aaaeei to neat ate, hm biaai 1- uoi atoaNa Uaied Deoaabei , laa J. M III- I I Mtl IS Strictly First Class hxcelient Culsiue. Kvtfry Modern Conveuieuce 1 i i. Mn lis a MlL 11 .. ... tva f 1 j 1 n n 1111 " Special Rates by an aai Ky Uiirmntl. H . f . ri l.llll. ..I , u . . a 4 T - ..a I Inl. mmwm .'iinaiu Ktrtllliv IICAQ(Jildriera lur iiav.... The best Hotel In Eaalern Oregon. . ... .-inn uitiK.. K' S. lll ( es.i.OI S 11 J, .. N. P. VS. 0. I ft M. A Uove on Snake Rlvar Which aay IU new tho Strap Batwtan Thtm. The steamer lluiiiiafonl hat been leattsl hy the inmiuKer ol a xrain eoin paa at Lewitttm and will lie put in aervicv this week to ily between Luwis toli and Snake river pointO. Captain 'I huinas it in oomieaad. . tratiie arraiitfi'ineiit has U en with the Northern Paeilie and u warelionse will be (.ii 1 1 1 near that company 's track on the Hniikti river wateriront. whern lruiht will he Irautierred. The muvn r.oir. out or riiqimf Prices showing what you save by buying of us now. IOC 6uc 75c TOYS AND UAMliS. 15c tool chests Chicago air nlles Globe air rifles (ilobe air rilles, repeating. $1.00 35 13c '5'- 30C Children's chairs 25c, 30c, and 10 inch kid bod)' dolls 1 1 inch kid body dolls 11 inch kid body dolls, moving eyes. 13 inch kid body dolls, moving eyes and natural hair 25c 1 5c sad irons 10c Large children's table.. tiuc 75c combination sales. 50c 25c iron trains inc Doll buggies and go Larts range Irom nn up. Peneila Kob-iaeac British graphite, A. W. Faber Siberian graphite, loban Faber Siberian graphite, E. Faber Sibenan gra plnte, Nc each, yoc doaen. Dioll's artists' jc each. Dixon's No. 144 4c each 40c doen. Writing lluids and inks all brands. 50c, pints 3ijc, halt pints, 1 jc. Lunch boxes ioc. Qoid pens and holders (15c. 40c albums 35c. 50c albums 40c. albums (13c. HOOKS ANO BIBLBfi 'Juarts 5c Toilet Cases, Vases, Cups and Saucers, Sterling ami I'lated ware, Musical In sirumenis, all at bargains, . those tirst seeming them. coming 15c bound books 401 bound books 50c bound books 05c and 75c bound books. . Little Men and Women. Five 1 tittle Peppers Tin Marble lawn The White House Cookbook Tin Favorite Cookbook David Hariim I aim e Meredith Richard Carvel Soldiers ol Fortune I n I lave and to Hold The Keign of the Law The Master Chiistain Khan Hi, I, I, -n Focket Bibles.' 23c. 3ut' 0C' I0CBB 3iq 359 1. oo ,8i 10 i.a 1. i.afj i.od i.ool and 50CI IVlain Street, Pendleton, Oreuon. MAX HAEH