East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 22, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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and Comfort, too
It's tin' hciuty niul lyihetry of Ihfl ladie.' form tliat at
attracts ihc ntitltnan'n eye( tail nothing idda more tn
its beauty than a nicely littinu wrapper. We have
tlio most nobby line of winter wrappers in the city
from JOC up I Call and see them.
A chance for a gold watch ivpn with every dollar purchase.
Clements & Wilson. Court and Cottonwood
Butt Oreffonlan PttblUhiaft Company,
u i .;n
OAlt M HS( ItirTION Rni:
Dncop7p . - , email f , M
Oat - i iMiith, ly nail t o
ln '-f-fyf tnri If
trill HMftMlM 50
MM1 wmi v MNrfJtrTi'N IUTM
im up, on veer
One ci mi muni hi
1 rial uu (iptiua
BtaflC u ml en
WWfcl M'MCiimoN MM 1
Out I npf oM ,
Uir ti'f 4t month M
T 111 1 pttoa i
knf-. ag
ADvmiriaiMi) btb:
(Diti'tav A Irr;ieiiitiiU t
One Inch, of let, in Seim-WreklT (tr month .
.1. 1
pOMtkNH of New York city itnxnr to
Im In leauuf with those who would re
form Tatunianv, which eivei solar to
the MMnthM1 that "the money
pOwef " covet- the inllnem f Tatu-
many ami 1 . tr-Mk Groker'i rule tn
mmm it. Iwmh IQSQIIIinOOl by
I' II. p- cm! ifovernniciit by Kii liar I
t'roker there in little difference, at leas'
to democrats, mid if there i any it in
on the side of the iatter. who sent ters
hi- favors aajHNtg the many rather than
Moag the favored few who beva
much atreailv.
r h.
On. n it..
7 n in. K.i
o.rt thtr.
ti.rt intra
4t.t It, tt
4t ta Ii.
II. rt MN
U11I). tint lnMft.4
. it
. l
. I'd ll.ulltl,
in iMfly til l Wfrklt prt month
r... .' 11 .
la I) . pi 111 li p., uiuiit!. I
I ' . tu.ltts.t Ir-prm.. It prlta..th t
M.ttit prr month t
I WrrKlv. prr In. h vf atonltl . . . . t
In TiMt.ltv utur 1 1 soni.Warh ly.
in1 niinli S
1, per iii.li, ft..
S.W..W..H, Wfthlt I
1 Men tuht.ucnt mart
.1 ntiluat. trn tnti prt IIM. ra.h intcruo.
The at ltu in it rat ii Mi might try the ex
periment nf offering pence to the
KllipinOH on the name term as will be
acforiletl to Cuba, imteatl of sending
thousands nf more soldiers there, tn
ili' nf tropical diseases, as is promised.
The cattle trust with $.Kt,00t.(iOn
capital 1- one of the latest financial
creation. Of course the Mock of this
trust should he watered unite fre
ipicntlv. In short, it will hear wa
tering while the promoter ol it Itear
Kniperor William, if i resirted, has
recently remarked that he in build
ing an ant i-. Monroe dm'trine navy . Un
lene he lahom under a mittappre
helntioii, he nint aware that the
oavy of the United State in a Monroe
dixtrine mivv and thin fart i not to
tie entirely ignored if both are to plow
the ea without hindrance or trouble.
President Schnrtnan add hi- word
tn that nf (ien. Mai Arthur in letting
forth the real condition of affair in
the Philippine. "Our duty," he lay.
' 1- tn wild there an army larue ami
with inch a character of iermaiiency
that every man, woman anil child in all
finite inland can nee that we mean to
occupy the land ami wind up thin
mineralih' tin men once (or all." Anil
WO the war in not over, ami iO,0U)
-Idler- are not eiimixh to anniire the
iiihabitailtn of our heiievoleut inten
tioiiN.' The hitter truth i better than
naceharine lie, remark the New York
A republican named llrown. a
truntiil eiuplnv f a Newport, Ken-
tui kv, bank, robbel the inntitution of
i K i,an 1 cohl cah and decamped, leav
iiiK a hot trial behind him. A gentle
man at nor elliow remark that it ia
probable the Portland Oreonian, in
MMMWtiai upon the crime, will at
tribute tlie defalcation to the fact that
a majority of the ieople of Kentucky
votetl lor llryan in the late election,
and, arguing therefrom in it 11-11.1 1
way, declare they are criminal at
heart and Jfrovtii'- crime can be I ran I
to the environment thill nuch MMpMI
created for him. Tin- would In- in
line with what the decaying, dunn-.u-the-root
Oregouiaii naid in the cate
of tile pe.iple of Lihion, Colorado,
er- i- tin- negro. I'orler.
The verdicts of jiiriH are pant lind
ing nut. In the court -of New York
vertlictn liave been rendered recently
auaiunl ntreet car line and railroads,
lor lonne of life ami limb, from six
cen is to Ht.MD. with the fact almont
identical in each cane. Of courne the
verdict were not by the name jury.
The democratic principle of tspial
riihl, tlnnk the New York World, in
violated no lung an it in left to the
mere whim and caprice of jurien in
nay that one nuin's life 1 worth f.'nn
In bin fauiilv, another' 125,000, and to
put whatever price they pleane, trom
ten cent to ten thoiiHauil dollarn, upon
human leg or arm, .furie nhoiild
liutl only the fact whether the ih-f. n
tlant compauv wa to blame; the rule
of compehHation nhoilhl la- tixed liy
A great tight in to la- made against
Tammany Hall, under Croker'n man
MBtMli in New York, with the view
of breaking the bo' control and plac
ing that political anHtn iation on a more
firm democratic loundatioii. It neenm
that a ne anil powerful opposition to
(,'rokerinm ha developed and every
thing will Im- done to liriug ulniut the
uiihorHiug of Tammuiiy' prevent chief.
There are nigun that David li. Hill
will lake a prominent part in the
movement, ami the tight promise to ha
an exceedingly interesting one. One
regretuhle bet in counoet Ion with the
proaaiasd coiiUwt in that the big cur-
"The Path of HoM" i the ntrikiiiir
title of an attr.ntivelv bouml and
printeil booklet of verne by Mm. Carrie
lilake Morgan, of Portland, who in a
niter of that other "sweet niniter."
K 1 1 11 lligkiiumm, Ol Whatcom. Wanh.
Both Mr lilake and Mm. HigglnaOQ
are Kantern Oregon uirl. Ndng reared
in the draiide Kmide vallev. near La
Orande. Like her nmter. Mr. Mor
gan ha the divine, prophetic npark of
the true poet and pajatl great and
heuiitiliil pictures with nimpb word-.
All the priNltictioen of tin Imok are
excellent, it nil nevernl of them are de
lightful and inspiring, poneing the
touch of the geinun. Mm. Morgan in
11 contributor to the Youth's OOM
panioii. McClure'.-. Leslie' weeklv,
LipfWMOtt'l and other nerimlicalH.
"The Path of Held" i her tirnt Inxik.
Probably one of the mont important
and exacting duties which 1 inventor
(ieer will lie called iiin to perform
luring Inn term of OBMa Will be tlie
appointinent of the new text book com-ihi-sioii
next JaaOOry, The governor
in very reticent regarding tlieeompooi
tion of the coniniinsiou. In ren use
to recent impiine- he gave the follow
ing interview in the Portland Oregon
inn :
"I have, of course, no announce-tie-ntn
to make a to the individuals to
be apiminied. and shall not make known
the names of the meinln-r of the
commission to any pernoii until the up
liintnient ban In-eii otticially an
uotince.l I have not vel made up mv
mind whom 1 shall apimint. ami shall
not until immediately tn-fore the time
arrives for action. 1 consider the
naming of this commission one of the
most ititirtant duties I have to p.-r-forin
a governor of the state, and the
aiiiniintinent will not ln inaife until
after the most careful MOlidsralloa of
the rtspiireinent of the iltion ami
the oualilicittion of the most avail
able citizens of the slate who v. ill
consent to nerve in that capacitv.
"1 realize that it will be a dilhcnlt
matter to x.'rfuriii the duties of the
commissioner in lt way that will not
nllbject them to some sort of public
criticism, and for that reanon there
may In sometditticultv in limling gmsl
men willing to make the necessary
sacrifice for the welfare of the state
and it school children, therefore, I
shall . 1 i.iblv not ask the consent
unv mun lielore appointing him 11
member of the textlm ik commission.
"The appointees will probably be
men, who, from their position u
prominent citizens, cannot well rcluv
to make sacrifice.- ropnreil ol the men
who may nerve the public in that
"I have had numi-ron- application-,
both in BOrann anil by letter for position-
on that commission, but I can see
im reason why any man can really wish
to servo in thai capaeitv, and am not
inclined to look with favor upon the
application of mn man who 1- ftBtfklM
for nuch an ppOIMtBMMIti
"suggestion ami recommendation
Iroin any person interested in the wel
fare of our public BCbooU have hOM
and will ls thankfully received and
oorotvllj ooaaidawod,
"i'olitic shall not have the slightest
influence in the selection of the mem
bers of the commission. The latst men
available will be chosen regardless of
parlv alllliations. I ladieve thin com
mission should be composed ol men
from dillerent sections of the state,
uud this will Is- considered though
not as a controlling feature. So fur an
iersouai ipiulities are coiicermsl, 1 am
Inclined to the opinion that the ma
jority of the commissioners should not
ha school men, 1 believe this com
mission should ha composed id good
bum 'less men, who also have MltUoiant
educational qualilications to make
them gtssl judge- of tMtboOlWi I'hcy
abOUld be men in whose hollor and
Integritv tlie DOOpla of Oregon have the
utmost eonnaanoa and whose motive
will never ht mtestloned. "
The CapitalMoitrtml, at Salem, In
reference to the appointinent of the
commission nay :
The mot important act of bin guber
natorial term will ie Qovotnof Oaer'i
selection oi five tnati for a school text
book commission. Thev will nerve fur
four yearn and as their work will g.i
baton a vary home In the state thai has
children to send to school, the practical
remit if tin- commission will be
broitghi bone lo the luK'ket and e
Kistsl to the critical judgment of three
fourth of the paOOla of the state.
I hat th imposition of this commis
sion ami the policies adoptad by it will
influence the character of the schmils
and the Blind I of the growing genera
I iota in Oregon is apparent.
The J 00 fttal heartily endorses the
interview of the governor. Hi- setiti
incut are clear and strong and to the
point, and ii hacked up by a selection
of men in the same Mlfll cannot hut
bring good results. Tlie governor docs
well to invite suggestions Irom all
source an to the character alnl kind of
I men to compose the Intaril. Me cannot
go too slowlv or make tii close niipiiry
into the qualification ami idea enter
tajntd bv persons he nut on this
hoard. The books selected are not only
forced upon the people for four vears
but all private and higher schools are
compelled to use them more or less.
The state of Oregon ha been under
one regime for nl Hint eighteen year m
far an text liok are concerned. On
company hits litruished nil the boo
under that regime until i vears ag
one language hook from a competing
firm broke the cordon of moiioisilv and
wa- adopted. The Imok that the On
gon scIkhiI have hid to urn1 were in
ferior in maiiv faipacta. ami all bight
priced than other tate- adopted, but
thev were even higher priced than tin
i .etude of other state paid for the ann
books. In 1M)'J a bill panned the lowt
bouse fur which the governor, then
legislator, spoke and voted to break ll
tin-Oregon monopoly, ftv the eltt rt
of the then slate ilsrintemlcllt, M
l.lr.iv. reiorm was deleattd. In Isvi.i ii
wa- proposed to change Issik nude
the monopoly vtcin and that wa d
leate.l a- an change itmler ii bud sv
temjwere uiitlesirablc.
In the last legislature a hill creating
the pro sine I textbook commission w
pajaatl under lie- niagniliient lead
hip oi Senator Julin Daly and other
gentlemen w ho had taken toll inn n
lielore a special committee and tire
pared the prencnt law under which tin
governor will act. These geiit'cinci
were tleeolj in earn all ami UtbON
nnaalnably to Htva tba way lor eboap
and better textbooks, and to give On
gon schools the Is'iieflt ol progress it
school books, instead of hohling on
state down in the clutch of a sou 1 1 en
commercial monopoly. The men wh
passed tin bill li hi ii. I that teacher al
over the -tate ntoil in awe of tin
monopoly managers. Those manager
had tor yearn dipped into the politii
oi tne state, into coitniv ami citv am
late school management, until maiiv
leading etlucatorn ami schtsil ollicial
bdt they owed their place more to tl
lunik OOmpony that had the contrac
wltn the ItatC than lino did to Hit
coii'iiiuilitie that clniiloyetl then
the people wl lee tad them. Tin'
said without rolled ion uisui that cor
por.it ion, but I simply stating a trutl
the methiHis oi its managers in
tins state.
While (niveriior (teer will not I
ju-litietl in appointing a textbimk torn
mission tliat is packed for or against
nr. niiblishiug house, the reformat ion
contended for by the champions of tin
new order of thing- diss contemplat
that unv monopoly sv-tetn -ball not
further flourish in Oregon, it should
be destroyed root and branch ami for
ever, l.et uregon nclnsiln he treed Iroln
manipulutioii ami domination bv anv
text-biHik linn or corMiration. The poo
pie are in earnest about thin ami tin
republican platform endorses the re
form. If there doe not result a ma
teriui change from the present systen
it will be no reform. Tlie commissioi
hoiild In animated by a distinctly
progressive, but intelligent reforii
spirit in the direction of giving tin
stipe the best hisik pllhl inhed ami
used in other states ami securing them
From a Pastor
" I am the pastor of the HuptUt ( hurt h at
Port Jt rvi-. V V., unit someiimc um t alltd
uiioii to take purl in evangelistic i,rk away
from home. Not long
ago I went lo Sandy
Creek, K. Y . whV li is
swept by the rbUK)
wind Imn l ake tin
tario Hi n l contracted
a bad cough, uud In
came so hour that I
could hardly
pnuiii to my
It was not only
rJill-lre,-niL' III 11
bodily si use.
but exto Italy
enter tin pulpu
ill this condi
tion I
heard ol Ack-
er s hngiuh Uenuily ami, ultcr service. I
bought a Lot tic and begun taking it. The next
night my throat in nearly w , II, mal J tU liv-
and my sermon without uifltoulty, Inaiew
tluvs I was Ummughly curt tl. I conceive it to
be my duly to bent lit mankind physically as
Well us still Una; I w In uevcr 1 cun. and tun
glad 1 1 1 write tin e word in praise of this
grand old nitdiiinc those Willi sensitive
thri .-.Muml thorn -w liocult hcoldeusih -In arid
certainly take Acker's English Keniedy."
(lignad) Bjm mm Taaai smouu.
lolil SI Ski ..Mr. sitil llnbuttk, tlittiiliiUuut tljS tNOOi
Hun isatl i Ssitts . sail Mi KnsUml. st t sa,.
a.sii. ii rist fcrs not slsilWnl srUf i.., tb
Vina mi y .ul .li ..,. .it. i if, i yi.ur luiiui kiwi.
Il uuthxit-' Itu tgsio iiiilrinOr.
H'. II. HtHMLK ii CO., I'ruprutvr: MM J urt,
Holil by ItriMik .VMct sk, I'l'inllcnui. un.
lit rcarotiuhle prices. Viewed IfOtfl thin
itandpolnt than is no oblautlon to
kaeplni aonia of the books thai are now
in use If thev lollll thee require-
All that is here said is for the pnr
p I bringing the Milan! feafuri- ol
the situation be (tire the public, l'be
Jtuirital heartllj stippotfotl Ilia former,
bill In-fore the legislature. It will1
heartily support the work Ol anv
honest and competent COmnlialon the
govermii may appoint. It has no can
didatea br these place and will have
nolle, believing it to he the businens.ol
a public newipapef lo give Infofnta-
titill and help create selltiniellt for
sound public policies rather than to
meddle with the selection for place
in Hit- appointive power.
QOV, Hoar rightly says poll tin
hoO Id cut no ligureiu the commission.
Hut the republican party ha hail nun-
plfll itrol of the public school and
bus creuttsl the textbook situation
we now fiml if In thll stale. It in
taraatl and its welfare ana political
Organisation are more It stake ill this
matter Iban aluaataoj other feature oi
state government. W'e believe that
QOV, Dear desire- to nerve the people
and that his heart inclines him to do
the right thing. If all the frieiuls ol
textbook reform in Oregon will in
terest themselves I great victory can Is'
won lor the cause of progress in the
oe ronton nhoolii the most norad Inttl
ttttioo in a free country.
The Wise Men of the East
at ...a it, ai-rsit hltttirv ei tin i -ltn n( the ancient msgl. the "w
ft. t In td.'M'lH Hlfi' HI MIC "tutu ilis-u
wtt moii of the
WOro HfliT'.
Wlil nut Irnm
out l. 'knowliiK h KM IhMiK wht'it thev f'c
t.tltton 1" ktitiwii fur Mini Wlf h wlilp rtWiilif, pm
, tlir iincustoi iiif uncoil on nil' miriniiiiilin.'
" . .. .. (. . 1.. L- . til s line K on line. tlnl ri,,,.
. V . ;;, : , ., , v ,.nu.rtu:i fc'iusterti ttrdnm. .., mt Vom.
"Ti,. . .","i "boil- w smons th. itnwnl V'"" ,VSH "'. "
t Isiliil'l ie I Mi-O nin I'm ! , s, ,, , .. ...it. i '
, ,tn, t I TIIH C llll I OIK I lie !"- "" ii.",,,,,- ,-, ,iiii- mi,!.,
MP sni'iKli . nl I in Ilium, which nir si.im s
(S itn im- si x wees in t-it-.-
kit!., tni'll wn
I Im it. mil
, ..it ,. ni.iiiii t of Uiok It'iinililg tlltill
I ..On.r n,-i i.l I
,... itc cllv . wind iroWl In 'I' ll He?'
rir.' i infe lilt'
lilt it- rltlsens. (men sinl
. ,., i the I M ION M t "Tl 'Alt
w pan
The to
owing pltlxens ate now disiibleil anil will receive benefits:
Han Hill
nil! not
check for
,fohn K Lnlhfopi sickness.
Cha. Pttrjttaon, sickness.
Ilenrt C, t'raig. accltlelit.
key. IhOOkad by an electric wire,
be --hocked when he receive the
time lost.
but who
society '
1 1 von ban
'c ill I'l'lldl
' not all
'ton and
'inly In
do no.
member, call at the Society'
Union MutiiaS Aid Society,
Home Offloo Portland, Oregon.
Chas A. Frnziur, Kantern 'ireg..n Office, Pendleton, Or.
Maekensiv, M P fi nalletaii
m d linn i w vim fin
Merchants' N'm.
l it-1 si liieik
unit k . Hon Wi i). Nntoa,
I'l'intli'lttii Hiivhik's Hunk. 0
, .1
kii'n I itb
jygy uauJ d uaiu i
It pruvt'Uln t hullutf, ratines, ami rounliiittss
uf Uni skin, stttitlivs liiltuiiiiimUiiii, . i s Itch
ing aud In-ltalluii, and wltt-n lulktw'tsl by gen.
Ut-'si'phcsuuuii uf ciiTicuuA obaaaaaji mm
great skin cure, sueeilily t into all furm ut
SlUi uutt . -i.c i... a... i awl i . inn , Uiu uali.
Also Wholesale Agent for
In bottles, barrels, or cased.
Call up
No. 5
Lives onlv in the present Nature throirs
a glatnot around youth and mniden, so
that although thev saw misery ami mar
riagi- walking baud in hand in every
home in the worltl thev would fondly
believe thut thev
could mum and
tletv misery fc"
Voung woman t
ihonid ! taught
to prepare for mat-
nage Thev shtuilil E
until retain i how to
preserve then J;
womanly h aal th 5;
through the tunc
changes ol j-
mati ' nit) 1 s ictoi
Pierce's Paeofita 5
I"rescrijition 1 the g
most effective tin tl
icine tor tin pre
servation of vvom
anh health and the
cure of womanly
diseases It regu
late the pentsls,
dries enfeebling
drains, heals in
flammation and
ulceration, and
cures ft, malr weak
J nan 11 pi
the womanly or
ganism for maternity ami makes the
birth hour practically jtuinless
"I'avonte 1'ri'scription " COOJtalM no
alcohol, neither opium, ODCalnOi nor
other narcotic.
"Mv wltr was sffiirtctt with titrtins irnattk
for Kvrrsl yi nr." ntc Mi J 1 ln . of latllt
brltsin. Lancssler Co.. l's . sr.il in Nm-rrnhei
IS9S thr distor aid tin-h.i '. . tttw-.trtt ik't lb
treated hit lor shout tare month, or 10, hai
thcrr wn-nut huh Inipi'ircmt nl I wrote run
aAcr shr ha.l coiumt-ncril In tsk ' I tv am I'rr
BMMpll ' sail von tukl M to gt 'QeUMI Mai
teal Discovsry ' also Me tisik .i or seven
bottle, ol ' rsx'tinlr lrrctlittori ' ;itnl two of I
'Gol.lra MkIh.,1 Piaciaitv .111. 1 g..t nut nl Im i'
auil was shir to nttcuil SO BM lieust-holil work 1
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Peliels cure bill-
E Sec our I
X- ( a- Htovw and Air light HoatafOi Baal line in muttn
" Oroon I" s,., ct from and pru t- that are right. Call ami
Ss- examine Illy Mnek bt lore buying.
I Tayior, the Hardware Man i
r 721 Main Street. 3
You want lo el ihe best
When you uy Harness
I make only ham
pisce ol leathsr,
C-nirt Si
lewod harness and gtMlMaten
Call anil net my )riics
up. Golden Nule Hote l
Byers Best Flour
To tMkej Hood brOsUl use Byers' Hest Flour, it took fust
premium Ul the Chicago World's 1'alr. over nil competi
tion, atttl Htves excellent satisiaction wherever used
8 Very Mick is gwtntltMtl We have the hes vSteatn
Jtolled Bstrlt) . Seed Rye ami Beardless Barley.
Pendleton Roller Mills
.irau. Shor-s.
We are MM ready for iMMUMMi
m ar Waahlngton a (Mnntbla
Kiver ireight depot tvilh a
general assottmeiit of lumls-r
di reel from our own naw mill,
ami can furnisl, anything
promptly, t'oiinlry Ofdatl in
car loads Mjipfwd dirts-t Iron,
our mill in carloatl Im- at
corits't price- tiive ii- a call.
A, G. Shaw & Co.
. s MYERS, Pmtt
uimktfTT' a'i ''ajjsC j "if Uli- ,,AMVliAU' ""P
lOflSafifl' iQlliiiiH LaBL
lUT1r9LV KleRantly Furnished
Steam Heater
I hi opt no Mian.
I I loth am -bull it oil 1 depot
.Sample Room in comic turn
Room Rutc
50c, 7,Sc. $I.(K)
Oregon Lumber Yard
-.-'I.l . 1 . .
BuiluinK Puper.
Tur Pujei-.
Litne und (enteut,
lirick and Sand,
Sash and Doors,
Screen Lhsurtso Windows
1 erra Qitta Pipe.
Borie St Light, Prop's
Alia St., opp. Court House.
Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line
Huston ft Carney, Prop's.
Leave Pendleton everv dav at 7 nvinah
except Sunday, for I'llol Hoek, Nve
iiuiKe, Aiim ami Ukiah, Oooi ae
mnialationi. Reasonable freight ami
passenger rales.
tity oflice at Tallinaii iV t o
How to Cook Your
Thankagiving Turkey
ririf provide yourself with OM uf 001
uiiriyalletl Crelsui Sexton Co. 's ranges oi
looking stoves, prepare your bird, ami
alter btiililing a good, hut fire, put It in
the oven'aml "let nature take its i r-e "
We w ill warrant hinitiis brown as a Is'rry
ami lender as u sucking dOVa if roasted in
'he oven ul a Ore ban Sextun Co. range.
Now is tlie time to prepare yourself with
one ol those olliciont ami Mparior ctsikcr-.
W. D Hansford & Co.
Pendleton, OreRou.
- - . ro i-ut a I
'"1, br" AliJ
T.a, n aii KvTrr--- 1
Hiul.lln, pjj
sg .-
- - m. ; to , -
I L lit
; lies p. o3
niiininiu TtlsnWjBI
letii'e, iVk ji I
jfiQ Kens ai
w 1 " F:-";rr-J
niul in rviiiit at lLtsEi
"I , C:la1
ion, in- """una
K; A- .V AJ'tiHAN. D
in Jndd Huiiiiio, 1
A. b. IU'.ATIK.:U)
svln,,. Bsiik (jM-
A. M ANN, ijkvt
Hon Blocs, ortrrTlc
'" "ntentlast, -.t- -lnnl
flans foi t iM.TIrVS'M
I .....
' I' ' KtiimatnianakaJ
, -iiii, r.'iiii
ri iii'ra 1ms,. " "
.nil I . . . i .. , i
fran Vw Ynrs iiJtmllS
in, :,iii,. iL!rJaaj
sinl Kiirnn' Mat,, HM
lernit. Lorl Aoknt mi
vlti-prtsjlilfnli S B liti
UtlStam, aoittam ruklir
capital, .,..., lumi7aiel
l.li.. o. t-uaoav ssajn IM SIM
l' l mn -I- i.f.v
II, II,. tV I k'...nl.k ..... .1
. . r until, pnataai ;i
tin nredtltnt; TJ.Nina.aMst
' illal,MM:sMafl
,,u,r m-,i, n LSttnai
on UISMM, CollteMSM
isink'tl to. Hroryt AiHai trtss
Mt'Arthiir, ilrsspraiklni. tlls3
II I Barnru.imittiiatu"
WsstODi onKnu.-Uon i pasal
nienn-t r.n naoj SHti ail
n-i-tnin- nr,, in itn tinn isi u
"ii .11, -nl cuu'liuuii.uiil nam
iitunri a jamnuii
i ro.-i.si.-. ni, prwiitcoi C II haal
J. U. Klllturt'. aalaait OS
O 4 IJ.rlm.i, U U Int., T
Draw. J Klllion sour. Ji
N'oTli K roSTiM'KHolDl
o ISMS rfWrliltllllkrrtvtil
tatssllng ol tin- tutrkholtlrrtol i
iiisii I'lililitiitui i'ttapaiMl
tnilwrl, I'.tW.al 4 n'riotk p. a.
-.ii . i . .in ittnt ni I'rullt-uifl tl
purpisa nl rltftllf Mass I
nisi I U llli'KBOX. rWI
I.AM IK IN sotrfUrj
A. II. SI'KI'IIKN.s A ,,, tj
mi,! riiiurattiuK ol all laa t
nn lilOrl tliillri'. fn,J"
. . i n. or vtiili Van Urslal. laa J
i ll is PAPM is fcVfafJ
r Pal,' A.ivMiilJ"Taa
chanu' III ItaaM, ilJ.rHaMaJ
trncrt' itinutiu mi
a It,
Sillies . Iterf by ftrrn laa ies
,,,., lon lit'1,1 by the saaieiei
Dm ai niirinifiii for 1st 4saeai
..... mi Mitiilalli rain '"e-s
ai.. i. .ii nr.. ilfttarllflrlll im 1 19
n inuii'Ui iu JaaiaT '
.. . I tionili . 1H
i , in I" in i'i "''...i
: ssaasmiilwaM
!, lWBtJMSMiat'fa
n, ..,.1,-r ,,( ittaCaeasWtMBU
I,,,. un. lAihtUrof"""'?!
i. a si
sAi.b iiNDim ennui
. .. .l., a. rati
H it . ...ri..-.
, .i,t. .ai ti iifSSS
Is-r .. l'.44l, M
i i .nil 4wti
e, nilltUsi, i luaiilUiMsSi.
. ,,, In uat'
. .J mm
. ,,. v. 1
., ,.!,,,, est t'1:
., u, m.i.ouo j,a
. ,.l larssa sjav s"J
1 "'.T.L-i.al
a. , sioJasMsr" Ha
,,i ... n lint am-e,i,i
.t rials m'q&''imVH
' '.SasiavaM
A Nt,
OiL'Kon BlUbftOlta for sab in carload lots.
Pendleton, Oregon.
I nf
I Jult
.u-tit i ji.i'"f.,rTi
.... jawnMii. sa
iu M,Ltau i'
" 1 """ ":.!.:'.
A asssl livry rig call on uh. If
yon want a caiiiilxiit or day let uh
kllUM We'll . ,.r,.
Ul He
Latest and
h. kopittke. Victory
l.ViN rHAlti,
Depot Stable.
French Restaurant.
WUoro you can got soiuatblun
lua LaFontatne,
., vt -a- HUH I" " r .kaial
. i,i.t"ii',r,it.s4!
our It i. in! u . ........
muirno "-tn you
; "ftWIHU -M At II IN K ba,
i eai i ar Is p, xi
with the niaaal information that the
IS lllet uiitl, tl... l.l.Jt . i.l ... .1...
HIS li, ill in I....O i -..it lite OIKIiesI reCOKIIHUlU HI
, I "."'I,UVI'":1 nawirdwl the flOLI) MEDAL. When
I met ill nnmrttttitirui with all
you will comiiruhtiiiil the un-
yon consi.ler ,a, Ti 3R
that ropresents latest progress ami .
liortano.. of tbi- HWi.r( .".. ""I'nivuiiieni, you will comprehend the un
the White. l b., i . J '" ttM "ur oi pnaipectivo. purchaser ol
-"'Wl,, w, MWI, oeeasio i" e n ' , 00mVi l'"" V 1"'"",t
Mint. With ti While." ' hi,. ,,' ,,hlv,,1 ''d reuutroa no support inj! BrgO-
hite llourv KamiU s "wi,,.. ,, ' w"rl'1'' known so loK, ami with the
llnplsaf ami mnLl ,...ri. ., U . V "' ".'. w"rl1 ' , lt adtnltted to la' the
lie I
Ul I.
tviiiie in ijipi. ... o i .. . .
siini.lss, ami ninL ...!.. .? . . , which M IUMV. but ad.uittl to be the
-.rulultty It, meet'aml I . v sa SilyJSS V", we art. colllidellt of
mil) latut) you, moat uxuctu snwiiiK routiiruiuunts.
lours truly,
Jesse Failing, Agent.
Paris 1