FRIDAY, (tOVKMBKB 16, MO. Wf (Hup - 'M Stylish, Serviceable and Cheap compare! with other' Three Dollar Lines. CLEAVER BROS. Th Boot and Shoo Man. 8Vi Main Htreot, Pendleton, r n BRBVIT1 BS. 11. 1,1 1." a Bahaer, ihotaa cigars Hulk -wo. mixed pickles. mihI olive Whit.,' RoOSt. deliver Uro.' lrv (io..,l- Co., cloainc out mile for dry koi His. Maple vrup, inulaem, iiml sorghum in hulk at Deinott'e. Kaatern huma ami Iwtcon at Iv mott'x, ver tiucNt j nal i ty . It tube i IwaM bMm to make u.iuco nroitt. Di'inott ha- it. Heat set troth in. at Dr. W itnker'a, warrant! anil :uaranteeu I'leuty ol niro ilurka, chickens anl ?. at Jlemotr', ilreMeil or alive. Sweet cider. Hrnnr in VOW Mil ami jret something U'xl. White House. Ice cream, chocolates. Cawly DaMoa'l own make. They are awfully nice. Every dollar' worth ( dry sjoials to he clonal out. Cleaver Hro.' J ry I -I- Co. The Cleaver Hro.' Pry (ioodn Co. hare ileciiletl to clow out every dollar's worth Of dry BOBOB. Snule HroH., piano tuner of Tortland. are in the city lor a low Hays only. Leave orders at iitorlice. The ais volume Bt I la' Hiatal ol the United States will make a useful and profitable Christina present. You ought to iee the work to appreciate it. Newly-I'iiriished roonm, electric lighta, at The Columbia, F. X. Schenipp, propretor, middle of the block, between Webb and Alta streets, on .Main. If you have a house to paint or a room to paper, a picture to frame, a little plumbing to lie looked after go and e Oi Sharp, opera limine olock. Court street. Alter disposing of half my stock t Mr. A. M. Hetcher I will lie found at my new "hop at my residence, continu ing to paint hoiines and hung paper. Bent of work guaranteed S itin and carriage work a specialty , ( ha.-. Lane. Tallman & Go. Leading Druggiata aohoul Supplies Extra fin)' Unt ol Ladies' Fashionable Stationary Latrst in fokl and tint. Cor. "lam and Alta it. Penlliton DON'T READ THIS! N oil should nut fail tu call and see iiiii eh t;aiit new lines ol $2 n $2.50 SHOES Try PtlrnOllW BOBf), h Ho I Ions' I'npcda hiacnlt and irinecr witter While HOUIW, Bob Mr window f picklus; thev art ehaap. White Boom. Wanted A woman to work lor P M. l'ierce. .lust look at thoae tine cookies al the bakery. Thev just melt your mouth . Whv nav 1'J to -' for a Ml ! teeth, when 'vmi can get the verv let at lb-. Whitaker foi Kinest hum and lard on the market Home product ; trv it ItB guaranteed lehwari a Qranllob. Stationery , school auppllea, tablets crone iianer, toilet KMD. IiiIIh. toysand BorTuaMB, PraderiBk Noll Mrs (.'mnnhell will have a siwial Bile ol Dattam and trimmed lints for one week, OOttB900cl(lf( Widuo-iliiv The best teeth cost the dentist 11.74 per Ml. and phite costs 10c and ablataer ehargea as for -! and gaaian HBO, Muokers" delight, I:.".. -cent I Si, lei, . Henrv the Fourth and Charles the i rent, for IU cents, at .Mark 1'atton 's cigar store IVWitt's Little Karly Kisers are th best liver pills ever made,, r.asv to take and never gripe. 1'iilliiiilh . C leadiag druggists. Mother's doughnut--Ton inv word if the doughnut at the Looter bakcrv arn t just like mother'.., ami nav she made the bent ill the world. The regular meeting o( the chorus (i the rehearsal of '.he "Hole Ctlv" wi meet this I ridav evening at S ..'clock at the Church ol the llcdeouier. The six volume Kills' history oi th tinned states will make a nneltil am profitable Christmas present. Y"it ought to xee the work to appreciate n N. H-rkelev is receiving man v in piiries for stock ranges ami I i I In county wheat lands. Person desiring to sell would do well to list their pro erty with him. Messrs. toie, Waldron and Stanton have purchased l -tun acres oi grazing land on Putter creek, what is known as the old Selling sheen camp. John M. Hcntlev BB MM a-agent In making the sale. I-or education and amusement go t I. allow hall this evening and attend I'rui. J. N. liegg' dancing school. Ill- elas- ha- grown p. g I prop irtions and great sati -he'tinn is exprcsred b the pupils. l' horse shoeing in any style, little plate tor racer- to heavy shoes lor dralt horse. All work guaranteed. Shop with W. L. Zcigcr, old Kolson: stand. (ilve hie a call. Arthur (ilover. A seioml case ol miallpox has hei u retried to Health Dtiieer W. (i. Cob' The III vear-ohl daughter of Mr I'eale is the victim, and the tamilv reaiden at the corner of Court ami .lohlwull treet A. Hi Hotelier i removing till itOBl troiii tin' tore adpiiiuiig M A Kadcr, anil the nlorerooiu will utilized b the latter. Mr. K.elei will cut a'ch- ways lietwe n the two rooms and will ha.e both well stocked with furniture. tc. Mr. Win. II. Street, of Pendleton, ha resigned his position as I. astern Oregon represetat ivu hi the I nion Mutual Aid society, ol Cortland. All lurther business of the society will I conducted by Mr. L. (, I razo r, local representative. Both makers and circulators of conn terleits commit iraud. Honest men will not deceive you into bnv ing worth less counterfeits of ItoWftt'i witch Hazel halve. The original i infallible for curing pi lea, agree, eciema and all akin diseases. Talimau t Co., leading druggists. W. T. Ilrown, who came to Pendle ton recently from Sunipter and H iker City, claims the lightweight cham pionship of the -tale a- a wrestler. He expects to remain in IVndletoii several day. There is a prospect of a match being arranged between him and farmer ilrown, who reside- mar thin city. J.T. CargiH, an cmtiloyc ol M. L. Fix. of Vinson, drove In IfOBI the ranch Thursday. Ou the trip he ha six covoten and brought the hides and scalp along in hi wagon. That hall lozen -wells Mr. targlll list ot killed ovotes for the year llaiu to The h' Uhtv obtained lor scalp can he used purchaae more BBlBIQnltioa. Die shooting next sin. .lav on the grounds of the club promises to be of more than uua! interest. One hundred and eightv-hve live pigeon- bare baoti swiirisi for use in IMOBJMII niatchea. Kltli Lonteals will be shot lor turkeys and geere There will also he -In, .it lag at biltOfOOlu. The port w ill com mence at lO'oelocfc it. in., and dob. tiuue iiidetinitely . The case nf the Oregon Land t ( on alruction company vs. the Allen Intch company is still on trial in circuit court. The many witnesses from Bebo have returned to their homes and argument i now Isdug made. Judge Williams, id Cortland, wa heard thin afterinsju. At conclusion ol argu ment, which will occur probably til If meiojj; Judge i.lli- will take tl would ray rem I nans can be repaid nt anv tune, eiih having to pin in teret for the time money is n-ed. Kor particulars call at oRM of Moor house a i lamllton, Many people worry- because they be lieve Ura) have heart dinease. The chances are that their hearts are all right but their I tOTIl BO hi are unable to digest, rood, Kodol Pyspepsia Cure digests what you eat ami prevents the formation of' gas which make the stomach press against the heart. It will cure everv form of Ittdlflawtloo. Till I mini ,V Co., leading druggists. Mil' HISTORY. Ill PHOPLK Hill FOR A DAY. Walter Mons, in advance of llreczv Time," which will appear rTBBBT opera house on Saturday even ing, November -i. is a visitor in Pen' dl. ton tmlav, at the (. olden Rttle. Mr. Moss i a Native Son, having been lsrn at Cortland several years ago. II,. u uiiii,l..v,.il .mi the OreuoniHii I matter I when ii w.i a w eek I v.iiIoiil' in the Ml, i intensely T. .1. llryer, at that time, lieing editor, and Henrv L, Cittock, (OTOniBn ol tin a Fine Work Which Is Bonn; Bold I'midlaloti by Dugnl true. Iliigal Cree is ill Cehdletoli taking order for Cllis' history of the UnltBU Stat. Kortunatelv intelligeiii ineti apd women are ' fully alive to the henetlt derived and the keen delight experienced from a close BCOnalntanOB with the (BMlrrBl nig details of the story of onreottntry -Ibb feeble national beginning, its niarvlons progre-- ami development, and it present ceniniiiml llHJ pOftloB among the nations ol the earth. In writing of thi history Donald MacKenaie, a Preebyterlan mtnlater, suvs: Lnriniore. N. D.l bBtre had , Bllla' History .of the United Slates 'n Bt I ny library for over nine months, and ii eeln to me that the work Is Ihdis peotlble t" an tndent ol American history who wishes to know accurately the recent events which engaged the attention of the American nation. The presented accurately ami in fntereitlng lorm. The cm and illustration did mtioh totnake the aavaml nlunies a source of delight to composing room. When he w.i "devil " in the Oregon bin offlOO, the OppaltiOtl paper, was called the 1'iine. .lust preceding a certain election it boeeaMi known that the Time- wa going t" publish all article concerning one of the candidate supported by the Oregonian. and the ouetion wa how to get a prOOl of it so it UOQlu be answered ami its effect nnlllfled, The papers had the name "press day" and both held back to the last minute. On the area log of "prOOl day" young If OBI dropped into the Time-composing and press room, ami wa asked by the foreman what he was doing there. He replied that he had .put the Oregon Ian and nothing more wa thought ot it After the form had been made up, locked up ami rolled, It 001 laid his hand carelessly on the small article which was giving then so much trouble, and got a complete impression I4t. He then went back to the Ore gonian otltce, where It was read and answered in tin' pais r the same ua rile Time people have not discovered to this dav how that article gol out ol the otlice. Mr. Mos started the Mer cury, a Co-Maud publication still in existence, but drifted out ot the new- paper busines into theatricals. He full of interesting early history of Port land and the state of Oregon. ROV, .!. U. N. Hell, a Presbyterian niini-ter ot Maker ( ity, was a guel ol Hotel I'einlletoii Thursday. He wa- a member of the confederate armv and lelivered the I ration dav addressat Maker Citv in 1907. That is believed to have been the lirst time in the state ii Oregon where the veterans who wore the blue gathered on such an i'- lelOO to listen tonne who wore the gray deliver the oration. Personal Mention. I lin Harrison is in the citv from Pilot Rook, Dot O'lairn. of Athena, wa in Pen' lleton hist night ami took the train thi- morning for home. L. O. Hheek continues to iniiirove slowlv from the ellecis of injuries sutained by a fall Tuesday afternoon. Ii hti Harris, ol WoatOB, came to Pendleton Thursday with a load of .iintrv produce to sell, and to visit. He returned home toihiv. Law ton Standard : John Warren, of Woton. Cmiitilla county, and a ctcran of tin- Philippine war, i- em loved as head teamster at the Kid lloy . Joi n' nianv Irieuds over in old Umatilla will be glad to know that he is doing well. foe Hoch ami David K CargiH tisik I ilrive down the river 16 miles Tlnp--i.r. They saw quite a force of men at work at the lemple place at Yoakum, grading for the O. K. ,v N utoff. They stopped at I ra llop'r's pl.oe ami in tin- mamila.'ture apple cider. John K. l.athroi, who is a patient at ( roiip s inwpital, W.ili. i Walla, is loing as well as could be expected, BC ording to advice- In iii there Wedneailav uveiiing. He is very weak and sick, but the attending physician expresses the belief thai he will COBM through all r.ght. lialston Cox, secretary, and T. B, WilaOBJi treasurer, of the DlliOD Mutual nl Society, oi Cortland, are expected to arrive iii Pendleton Satur day morning ami will remain over Sunday. The loteotlon i- to appoint an BBJOOl at Ceudletou to look after the IntereeBi "f the company iii this me tlOB. I.. M. HbBOB ll in town today from Holla His new hall there, the lines! building in that village, in practically completed, It is his intention to deli at.- it shortly after Thanksgiving will, a dance and other becoming cen moiiins. Addresses will be de livered by prominent citizens, it will be made the occasion of a gnat time fur farmers and their lainilies who live near Helix. young people. I he work I popnmr, enmpronSaaivni scholarly and reliable. It has already proved of very great service to tne in my studies. It I were In he limited to one history of the Onited States I ibOVld choose Kllis'. senator Davis Ultimate. Senator C. K. Davis, now lying on bis death bed, passed the following opinion of the work : Committee on foreign Relatione. United State- senate, St. Caul, April gf), 1899,-1 have examined with care the Peopll s standard History of the United state- by Mr. Kdwarri H. Bllla mid have no hesitation in recommend ing it. It la what it title purports, a "Ceo plet" history, full and complete in fact. inlere-ting iii arrangement, ntyle and pictorial lllttatTBtloni. It wil n he of the greatest service in any family library, especially lor the young student-. C. K. DAVIS. UettniK His Health Back. William Worth, long ami favorably known as a wideawake railroader on the line of the 0. R. an. ('.. re turned to La Grande from Cortland Wedneeday. Mr. Worth ha been under treatment at the Good Samaritan hospital, having passed ten weeks as a patient in that floe institution in Oregon's metropolis. He is now im proving right along, .nil will probably be ready to swing a railway lantern within a few weej(s. KOEPPENS MODERN PHARMACY rvnjtllnK that l kept In a tirat ii,. n. aart iutr ifrug tPrB. 115 Court St. M ll II P" aaaaaa-a. mmn mm n d RAILWAY. EAST via SOUTH. s Thanksgiving Proclamation WtiBRKAS, the American people are ti.i much engroeeed by pecuniary altairs to remomber their numerous reasons for being thankful once a vear; ami When a, custom reipnres that some one should annually remind them of their obi igat mils ; now WL, the self appointed regulator of nation. il affairs, to Wit I Till-: OWL. being lulls ap prisi.l of the uncertainty ol human calculations, prosperity, and the col lection of debts: and Icing of sound mind and wind: ha virtue of the pow ers vested in us do appoint Thursday, the Bth day of NovciiiUt, to be 00 eertred bt all citizen of Pendleton. PortO 1 lin. the Sandwich l-lauds and the PhlHpplfaBBi without distinction of race, temper, color of hair or politics, as a day of Thanksgiving ami Humili ating stuffing. Let us lie thankful for the humid summer, that it ha- BBMBd : for the privilege of buying coal inateed of ice: lor the report' that the Chinese are tired of (itihpowilcr tea: for liberi to breathe the air of freedom without charge, and for THE OWL Done at our palatial editorial rooms, and subject to confirmation hv the i. rent Owl of the United States. Owl Tea House. New Line ot China. Oregon Lumber Yard ..hSEI I S I, ti iii her, lath, Shmules, Hu i liitim l':i per. Tar Paper. Moulding. Pickets Lime aud Cement. Hrick and Sand, !ash a tul I tooi Screen Mom s A: WladoWS. Terra Gotta Plpti Borie & l ight, Props Alta St.. opp. Court Houso. ..French Restaurant.. TIIK I'l.AI'K in KAT. Where jriin iii wuiinlhuiir (MOB t.i Papit Fifth and I Straata. i iv.-i land Rxprem fur Hatetn, Idwliurg, tin ill , hserami'iiln, (i(. ileti, San Kraiicl. o. Mo lay... Us Anu-etea, Kt I'as... N"i in. itns ami the Kant. Knapburg I'aasa nger, via -1 ' ii fur Miniuti Aicel. Mllvirtiiu, V. i McKi. lUi.wiisylile, Na nml ami Npnaafetd' i. ,13 a.m. txtreaiiti raaaaaaa M."i"p. in. I liiit.'ii'-nil. 'ice i.iissenc'r Hall). Mially except Miimlay. THitoiKMi rtoKara aula ot Lit n. i '..(Hi p. m t'ifin ni. itebate tinket MaaleaBrneBB erta)mt,aM lamefltn and Nan Kianetaeo, Net rale. at: tirai el,ii. a'..' 1 1 aeruhil cla.s. 1 1 i o 1 1 n . iliH.ier Italcn ami tlcketa to Ka.terii potntaand Ivu. nle, Mv .lajiaii, CIiIiim. Ilaw.utll, Tin PhlllL iiliieaand Aioiralla. ("an he nhtalru'il (rein .1 ll K ti kin - il, rtckel Avent, Thlnl Ht ir. Aider P.utlanil.Or. W. H. Jones, Oealer In Agricultural Implements, Barb Wire. i ottomyooil street, rear of Frauiar'a (pe. ra lloiiae. tiksinT mi Tim. ... Kant No. B :1.'.. ko, fti'jft p. L JlX'llHIl,. 1 1 v-er No j. ":la. m fm KalL ,1:1'. a. m. 0j4ft p. m. iaj nr aron h. m, " Bandar Batttrdaj h a. in v ptBarta Ihllly !jlll hi. W.T. ,?i "B... . ill fi, . ' .J''- 11. ... "auaiiit .-"" i." ' " rfu,i o . l. . '-"'Ura, -, wHa 7" .a.; Ti, ''ninth ' "H'aan urn " Pnatl "oaan Si. rwiBaaaw ' ' lia s"kalti,i '"''""aioLwt, The First National Bank in. PKNIX.I roN, Lapiml $70,000 dun Lai ontalnc, IF YOU WANT I'roprlotor. A good livery rig call on us. If voii Iran! a nlKht or day let us know. We'll lie there. Trail 'acts a general banking husduciiM. Biohangr ami telegraphic tranalers sole at San Kranciaco, New S'ork Ohlotax tie I prim ipal points In the Nnrthweat lilt VKTs ilriiwu on China, Japan nml KuroH.. Mn 1. ni 1, 0 1 immnn r.iiHoiiiilil. lorniN LBN y A.NKKMY, P'eslilenl. M. PAItt'll, Vlee-Pieshlelil. I.'. H. WAIU-:. ('Hauler, H. (.'. OtIKKNHKY A. si I'hsi.If' Kl VI'. .1, Mi, I'rnprleUir. Depot Stable. A" k llll THE NKWS! Take the Kaa Oiconiau Daily $3.00 a year by mad Weekly, mad Semi- V.lrlv 0, on vnar liinnUrfnv fe,. Ml ..... . 111 i:i . 1,1 " M,:r. !;::" " 11,11 """"Mil,,,, ,W, .. w H 81 " 'I' r.l W'.",U Veil nr.. Mill wu,k Past time and Hiipertj fti'rsilbjn, Blankets and Comforts 10 per cent off for one week. Iiiriti" this wi ok Boding Novembtt we will fin a 10 per c;nt. din ouni mi all blanket! nml eotnforta Tins gflorda you an excellent Opportunit) to lay in u supply nf winter bedding at a very low pricn. W'c have blanket! (ram 5-n- M.00 pel pan. comfort! iron 751 in ia.Ij each. Ciihl wcathot is Coming on end if is betl tu have plenty 01 bedding on band for anv sudden cold snap Don't neglect tins opportunit) tn save a little money. TH E FAIR, Bennett & Tarbet, Props. Duaenborrv litillding, Main Street, Mendletun. PICT0 2--DailyFastTraiostolkJ Ii rou cannot take u (.raiH i. ravel , ,,. . u'lUJiSl mull c.iii,M,i "u a I OUR SPECIALTIES Ft Tim.,, Throuth 8arrtsa,aJ 'o. in Pulaoe Sleapara, PulaJ TourlHl Sleapors, PullmanraZ Llliriiry i( nfei Car and fatS 1 1 1 1 1 i.arb ''O'aiThNaal -"-in ,. mmmw ,l'' k''1' a 1 0,1 shIi Ukr nnaaanal Ii . 1. 111 ;,, ,,,,. .; , a u, wajugj ....... .11., iiitiioin.iwui-j hi' ..'i tiri'.l In, hi f r kiijLIT H Aiimn .hi or j. 11 1 in iiiiup. lajaeaal ..vii. i.i .ii.jn 1., mini K.,rmaa4iail NEW LINE To and from the EAST Illinois Central bin r a eaa lor Mm in nl Women The bagt Shoes on earth for the money and every pair guaranteed to (live Mtiefaction. The Peoples Warehouse 716 Maau Street, Puulletou, Urtajrou. matter ui. ov .nil leinelil . Jainen Nelaon, tliu a!0;ckinain, BbipBaal bb kaad of settle to rroetdale. Or,, Wedni'Miav Boagtaaad to the linio, Mual BOanpaBrr. geme of the o 11 ma I -were a tee re, the reet cowa. The ateere averaged lu'ai K,und hi weight and lor then, Mr. Neleou wa luiid tS.Tfi tier hundred weight; the ioh uveraut-d lo in poooda and BTOOghl S. AO per hun dred weight. Andy I'eehler, eon of iieorge P, 1 eeoier, nan a thrillim: exoerien,, rharaday mornlaa. lie ejee driving a piritod taaai from the none raaeh and haul a load of farm produce .lust aa lie arriveil in the northern out-kin- ol the t'Jty the team took fright and ran away, miaiieriug egg., tuitter, eh:., around in frightful Mane. 1'ortunately the young uiuii BBoauad illlurv, riia tongue iA the uehiile ar hrokeu, lirai e iient, aim otherwiee dainagnj. On Saturday night, November l... . Tm .1 ,. ....,iaKeuieiii ,,i me rraier ojHra houae will offer their natron Kiu and Wehater'H "A Hreey Time" coanpanv, which appeared at Peedlalnn'i niay houae laat aeaaoii. The eomedy ! a roHakingi Jolly nnaglnaiaiallun. alilfii keia the audienie in a mar of laughter from atari In flniah and run he dencrihuJ ae a beadle ol laughi- on a firing of mn. It ia interaperaed Willi neat aim novel aoernilliea, wtneh eoo-i-i of all the laleat aonge and danaaii playing of muslal ioatruwenta, etc., while a hew o! pretty girl.- him aid to the merryinaking. HaapjgBI charter memher of the 1 o per1 m Inveatuieiit Co. A hraneh ollice to ! ooen.l lien , ll i. a gomi way to eave money inner one- the aioall amount you d poult each month, draw dividend, every eix month- block mature in ft) montliM. No memheraliip or withdrawal teen. No gaai, rive dollare per mouth earrfaa 10 aharee. A line way to hull. I. You van pay for your home an you Dr. If, V. Tnrley and family, of Dkiabi are in Peodiatotl today on their way io their new home at Walla Walla, where tiie doctor will he aeeoeiated with lr. N. (i. Hlaloek. Then .ire inakino the trip hy team. Iir. W. K. Perry baa arrlvea at i.'kiah and hue aiicceeded to the drug lore and Ofi (- aionai haafajai of It. Tnrley, W .1. WilikiiMin and .lack TOBtluV eon, .11 .Mhena, arrived in I'einlletoii Tiiureilay evening from llorae Heaven on tin Waebfihftoo aide ol the t'oium hia river, oppualte Uwatllla, Tub) left thi- morning on the (rain lor hon e. In eotttpanv eHtiW. ll. rfaarea, alao of Athena, thev hud boBB OB 11 hunt after wild BOOBS, and were very Hieeeeefnl, as the three inanugeil to kill 'is of the huge bllda, Mr. Hiiwch ia now on hie wav home, making the trip overland, with the iiagon, . Imree and camp equipage. CalgUig KHOM OKLAHOMA. Shuiift 11,, icon Will Arrive Sunday or or Monday. riherilt W. M . Ulakley received telegram thi morning from W. I 1 1 11 1 1 111 . heritT of Talogu, t Ik Illinium territory, ith the following reoueet "Hold Simeral alia .McCarty al all haaanli. Will cine at oobb." fbe telegram wa liateil at Word want, 4! mile from Talogg. BJM Iha ueareat railroad miiiii thereto. Knueral ia in the county jail, and way it will take three daya for M, Mutton to get here, ho Inn arrival BUM Im. hioked for next Sunday or Monday. Trior to hia arreat ' Himeral wit known here aa I). J. McCarty and waa employed 011 the farm hy Klmer Snyder. He brake jail at Taloga lat aumiiier and aince then an indictment for cattle ateuling ha heen returned againat him by the grand jury. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE "Hr rnAot marhb Designs Covright& Ac AnfonwMndliiat k akrtrh and darriitiii maf qoii'kly HJirtiittt oar opto loo frw rfiHlin an ... ' 1 '-'i ! 1 r -in. 1 1 - put en l ah l, ( m ttiunira ttniiaafrirtlrt'otiridentifii Man h--im n I'mrnu gei'iit 1rmi .fitt ntfiM'v t r arcurniaf iuiit, I'aitoita ikii thniuifh Munu A Co, tvitiwt f 1 1' M.fui . wit Ii. ui fliafao, in in.. Scientific American. H j 1. W - '-f-" ' ffrTT How to Cook Your Thankagiviny Turkey Ftrel provide yotiraelf w ith one of our unrivalled ( reiieu Sexton Co. s range or cooking ItpVai prepare your hird, nml uier Dniiuing .1 goon, hot lire, put it in Hie oven and 'let nature lake it i re. " We aril warrant him ,i hrown a a Kerry nml lendei a .1 making dove if laaatsd in " ran ol Oreben wataa Co runge. Now 1 in,, tin,, to prepare yonraelf with one 01 ibeaS eilnient and M par MM BOtalBBB W. D Hansford & Co. I'eudleton, Ure(u. Boiid Trams New Lquipment Wide VcstiMal A Uii.datiiflr llliiMrAlr! wttkl t tnafiofi of nr luntiDi .urtiai y f ar : 1 l.etr f-i rir rail, 9 m "IttAllTai ur nn nt Ha II. rtwld tiy All tie 36tBro.d.Jy tyaej York naea 3aVsa ra r ft.. Wuh DON'T Be IIk'it liave I. -en plaei.l uin.ii il,, market JBverulelieaire.iniioi nn oh- . i.i.hl.on "J. ' ".taaner'a liieliunuij ." Il ,u,, ..., iBenil uuOei l.o.'.i- I,,..,,' .. ,,,,,, Duped By IU II - Uiniin l"iiii-. :, 1 ii, 1 in.- .11 tu 1 in- '1 1 Dl Mm 1" iMlaUMM tali .cl '-l-nft six it 4)itr-w ) M-l'llMxl tlJ let I hi Oft) 'ltl U), , The Wessel Department Stores. Jackets and Capes al Cost. DRESS QUODS AT COST. Knouire agent 0, B, a N.t'.,.,f 11 II TIM'MIIULL.Coei'l.iaa. . 1,, r.l W . I'.ntliiiJ.Otl aaaw .liuiotau-liiKal""'' lyl nil ,irr.iliKlliaaitwllh Half! i. . , .1 ,0 i fff lai ouja Jl 1,1, I 0,111 1. 1 in" ImmIiii( aaricaia wmkly ,.t inu aad Bmnaiji Vnll. , .,.,,. . II clM) "lb ... M.ii.ui. Lmt BHaa. a! ... , . . . 1 1. i. ro.i.rk.lrf.t variei" .1. 1 ' 1. .on, ,1 .'I inii,iaa,'aa 1,1. .Io Ihe U.lauaillU.1 urKUMip ut in. kiinh 25 14.00 Jackets niiint; ,,i Jj. 1 iniii uapea going at ( 1 ... 1 . f . -ai wspwa K"inn at i 7. Ulacfc Brocade Skirta at ga'uo 601 Oregon Homespun Suittnga .,.v t" Slack Henrietta at goc. 25c hcliool I'jaid dross goods 8c. Worthless "'; ' 1 lH' llle .UUlHIlllul ,,, I.U.I l,.u.L .. I I. . . , ... ' Reprint Dictionary The Wessel Department Stores. Look Out. Ihe erein Kiuiracht will uive their YOU will lirat grand hall of 11 ,, 111 Ariunry nan, .Mivenioer zn. im wjll Ui 11 . Imml that thi aociety haa ever given, Henry Gterlleb i chairman of the ar- raageaieata BonniMaVi and i doing averytbiag fiat la noailde to make thia Ihe graudtMit occaaiun of tin, aoolety . illfii. WHK'II ,y II 1 ... I 1.., al,,, f, hi ,, wiilebvaaiaui'li ,i,wm ii, 1 Mile a work Al miun .,.1 ., , , , , . . Long Since ObsoU jl:'" Wtat, t'uirr.cur.i DlaUoawy pul akwltiy 011, lioitw .- n n, uaTfliirliaia one ,, Mual uauw. IIUaoniMii uuitrint iai M..-Iille nan' ni.,1 1 , ,. ,,,u.iB. I oauai i,,i ,i.. 1 U a dieii in ,7., '"'"' lit buuatiei .:,'!;;. C.SiLJ LATEST AND BtSI, VCcbsier's Intrrimtional Dictionary at INOI lOt! Mapaaby, Oaajeaabr, rieiie.ra Si. l'iyl:.! .lljiuel,,.. This Book is the Ust lor hveryhoUy JTANDAHl) AUTHUK1TV , I ,h I,'. S. LLIL -ufi. all ihe Sum !;j raak, OeerWi um L t' Oa-erawaM Prl.mua Office ,uj at ,H lh, buoltaok., AHMt.V (JOMMLNUKb h. -II.C- , '. I 1 ll nl l ...u i,..n untcr rnniKul 6a ITS FARM FEAWHr," ,,,1 1 ',,,,.. ml fawiwiaawaig H, - ; :.-i 10.,.,,.. . ...Al,,. an In uiak.i 11 iiivaiiwItlK latkatJS f r ., ., Hi- l"1 m". Jii 1 ' ml ..rlroltra ara taaj winohtliuo .1 I oimikui"""""-- labata rk.5 'car THF FAMILY FEATURES:: : . .L-r, OHM (Mob, Huiili '"".'r" Tuiwa ami y ouua '1VJS aalb: mi. 1 ,i I -cj,,y Ml ti II. WB I "f I A Cyclopedia of Progress and ..II arliihi. Olllbhhlg .'' .In- A n io ami aim,- 1 .i o ,r ..,trrip(i(a""7a 1, ,o S-' utboritlcv. laaaai Webster's Colleuiate Dictionary, aaoanlly .bridged Iruui the laicruUMi ,aj , II Hi. hcu Igr ihe hall, .aj uU(fcB,. Siui Tulu vsauieboa, S'" " '' '" .'iiwl, .uJiOiu C. , C. MliKHIAM CO.. Spriu.fleld. M.. Fpf hrst cl FOOTWEAR, KUBBER GOODS, and LEGGINf. HI'HAIKING NI'ATI.V 2:M.i Street. Petullett.n. Ore. AND PKOMF11 V IKiNE. Subscribers to Magazines i run ant to M'rib.' I,,r ui.gmlu,., r iicw.iMipur. in lac I ulied aiah). or Kurupe, reuill ") IHI.WI iiole, l Urekur Mud i.. it,,. k.i nam,, WUH il.. ut'i inibh.brr. priui: of Iba imbliiaiion bavr ll koui ui von ud awuuii' all rial otThi ui.m.' bi'liia l..i fn ike mall. Ii win .. V1,J both irmibT, ,u,i risk. 1 1 101, .re aabaerlb U. lb.- h in OaauoNU In uiluiu 'JS dwhu t ten ocrieui lr, the p,,i,i,,J,;V'' " Aditr.KAhT UKltOONlAN PUB. CO 'VauJU lOD, 'lit.,,, 1 """" Wool for Sale i'i'".' T,iuv "f"a' 11 wk I 'H Wat the Gold.,, Rl J. E. SMITH. rnrc year p af b3 lia- r'. r. Juaaixl...- I'.V"..'J l Ll J ""..f- I Statu t , 'ftK'tl UJ'' Ulaatroajitiry H'ariii ur I1""". ' euoe Wort "ii a? lUlluK, ladiialo lie AUklrt,, -J icj., 11-- h.iu.'rtii..; t 'zjz at vaua iiiuaua of ffTik Mtaa. " ilreaalng MariueU ill OK 1 oaar fin SPECIAL OK Weekly t-st Orei!oflUD,J 'i Year Bool and Aimanic, Our Price for AH- Aihlreaa, KAST r""gggl tKi .... int . Old BTSi NewsuapersiTaV'SJ ' ... .VklllK Ur- 6"u" tou. Oiaam l I 11 1 KAMI CI