Health, and Comfort, too It's Um beauty and svnu-try o( tin- ladic.' form thai :it attracts the gentlemao'j aya, and nothing adds more to its lu-aut. tli. in a nicely lilting wrappei W have the most nobbv lint- of winter wrappers in the city trom 50c up: Call ami sec them. A chance for a olil watch Riven with every dollar purchase. THE MAGNET CASH STORE Clements it Wilson. Court and Cottonwood lb (fexas) FRIDAY, " TMHIIK I' Hun. DAILY. WEEKLY ANI SBMI-WEEKIT V TUB Rut Orcfoaltn Publtahtn.. CompKny, -IT.. 1 r tiiii iun. M ,.N, AIL. r(.Rimon irw iHip .opvpr-y . rmill ... One py '1 ; ntht, l-y mail . . U" "py r ly tanirr . , Trie! niji-v -., ..m ftinflu Buhft MM) WlltlY M'llK linH'N HATts; Irna ccp rnf ytlr One cufv ait month ...... Tti) aulsai nption Bmie auBhvrt , w k l v MMMW9TMM KATtk Oua copy on rea t ( Una i 1 anonthi Trial tut ripttut) t t. h g , 1 a AtlVMtlfclNt. Mil, iMt I MWi-WMklf Mi MmA l"ea. 114 jw i ri m . ... M lm, irt l .f tad Wiki -"Win 1 pom-rul public, v ul the l,fMlfttari hull piti IrtWH tn MtfOfOI t ) i ptO vt-Mmi. It thm- wit fmcIi n pi -nvimni, I In Ort'Kn (i-mbl lens th'-tv vvnU.i. It 1m frtvorf ibwn public oeWwi with Mm view itt intlui'tioiuL' tln'ir IrtMioiuI net at ciTlain tinies. ft 1 nii)m.,M till ing VH IhOQ.d m MlMf! Mjir.infl that v mi Ul DfOUlM t lnrtk the (uifH iimontf pttblk "til rials On" I l 1 Two I 11. a r 1 Ma- a - ' lV-Ma pf trtnotrt mh . . r Inch per y 1 -n . Ss . 1 a . . US ;3 . 9 ass Saw of S.ln. WMklr. ' riiil jri'iki'i 'iTi'ifcii u ''I' . .utqiieill IBS. Mn, . t.u (at. ,. .kh aaaaSJaa. I0I111 U. fanner, governor of I Uinois, ml i , mrni)l politician, announcer. hims..f as a candidate i.,r the United Stle,j ..,, ,,, HWi , Swwitor (WIma, M Mm uru of it in h- rUikIh a ahaajaa of election. Let it be huhI to th.. Tw,,t f tin X"liicao r HatgJd and the Ohiaajii Rwtv )DK Hint, tw.. clui r'i.iihluan puKr, that tliMy Oiajaaa Ta.nner'H vaiuliilui) atiil Phow him up jK bil tfftM colore. Hot the m-rvii-.. tiieiK. tailHTs -vlll render the aaapla of tltlaait wilji probably ivever b- nppreeiitJ. M a conierenou .,( ti. ef ,ierK f t, ilver republicn.t party it llailrlarl Uj iwumn aU)rtw, in wl ,ioh the lie hvf it ejipreur,! that ti. time ii come fur aiviiiK (, tim tlJw pubiig,,, lutrty .rKaiiiiati.m auil inemiiiK IM ineuibern int.. (lie .ten ocracy. The foroe opiMweil tit tli. repu hlican party, an at preewju .rw jiinl a. i in I -tere.1, arejjattjnu aetho ir, apparenilv with Um vi,w 01 itojMl 11, K together. This if aM j, ,, . p.-iear ,aM iikvwn the whftJbm mi it. "r-iweet are lit- uh. ( adYewily." Th lajpajatiaa n will be in full naliollKI ntr..l alter March 4, 1111 . anJ with th.ty will Bt under full i. nkav rep nirtihility. In thr nex' ndtioatU liouh.- f rrpr.M i vf then will he 'JiMi repul.licaii im-uibere, a clear majority ol at leact i.: over all. In the tfenato Uw reimhlicuii majority will bo 2. In-- meat k that lor tw yearn at hunt. oryinmiiK with the an h.-inolv '.I tiw lir-t r.'iiij lar -ieh-i..ii of tiie tlfty-He.cuth conxroe., in llecem tier. uui, the ropnblicaiiH will ! en tirely repHuiiblc to tint BaMM for all the miKtalbfM ol the national icvern and will not In- abla to nhirk it When loHiiye .M. I'lillnnin died n few venr Ho he loll property aliiil at M.000.000. No, in- neu ton, R.)bsx1 T. Lincoln and Norman II. RtWB an BtMtMt lltai the I'lilliiian pro party ha developed to over fl -t.iNHMMM and y i oIiIk ii iti(actorv annual income on this inn. at in . Now, the quaetlOB ariM if the l'nl Imuri cat ate can secure iHXl.OIXl by a rii-e in iiilue, from whom in it drawn'.' If the entate nain- it in Ibla wav BMnabridy mini loan It, mn if they hw it I iy having to contrilniti Mil amoimiK from time to time. The (act of tile, mailer , the .tale KetH thin itain haaaaaa u' almighty dollar is li' ule mil aoailiaiilatiTw hy nian-made atatitte, which would not be the cane ii wv .lid not allow individ- ual- and corporal ioiih o capital laa and monoixil j... a wi alth which nan not created hy labor, and which, thcreion in not the inliict of capital, nor ahoiild it. lie treated an private ptOj ertv. The increaHe ol i-i nlat nu, . i - well an the advance of civili.atioti, addn to a certain kind of wealth, and thin make.- the dollar -i If-acnimiila live, thun it i viiiu " the :il Ut with nionov I ante amounts he doe- not earn or denerve, which, in t irn, rob in dnntrv and enterprise. 'I w. had i taxation nvulem thai w iild lake nn- ' in. .in .d increment" to meet till need- ol government, the dollar would not l.. Mali a power and I nxatioii would lie eipiitablo and junt, hie forlnne would not accumiilale ai ter their own- em ceased llieir effoi t and laDOH THE PARTY OK ALL DBM0CHATS. Haant I 0biHMn A nerieau nayn: the ttaaaocratic party in (omit to if re organixed. That in 'a nettled fact. It in ituiii.' lo Ik. aain the party oi all demiM'rat-, instead ofiiicralv a uiu havo a honest The failure of W. L one of the bi! Units of New York, cuiuiuK " election, is a MMM ft Co. that hit town noon after the nnrprine. Out would liae tli.atKlit that the promise of (our more years of pronjierity would have nival! thia liriu a new leane of life. If Bryan had hern eleetcd and thin linn had laileil it would have Ikcii charitetl to inui. Tile "bio houses" of the "bin cities" are in moit caaen like a house of cards. They rest on a mountain ol debt. One life stand- be iW'. ii them and ruin, in many in ntancen It tlim liiu in taken Use house guen to the world. This in the case w Itli tiie house oi IMaOM A t 'o. Mayor Strong, Uiu senior meuilier of the linn, diwl suddenly, just prior to the elec tion, and there was no one to niiccced him, uaiable ol linaucieriiiK the im mense bu-iiiess, and thus, for the sake of the cre.lit.irs, a receiver had to bo appointed and a failure recorded. Tilt 1 1. ii. 1 1 il I. -r ol MroiiK .V In, exceed, It ia stated fo.UOu.uou. The firm was en Kaite.1 in the wholesale dry gonis busi ness. i ne aaatiaaors in uregon, as well aa others holding public smitiou, rhoiihl not indulge so treely the pan- abuse There is noon to Is. a meeting oi a--. -sors in rortlaud and it can bo uaaertod with alight chance ol contradiction, that not one of them will aid-nd this meeting who does not ride on a pass to I'ortland, furnished bv the railroad companies. The asHesaom when they travel around on public husiuess should have their lares paid by the county in which they hold office and not be beholden to railroad couipanieM for favors. The pas- abuse has reached such a stage that it ahouid be cor rected, by legislation, if it cannot be accomplished otherwise. Over in Washington there is a law winch pro vides: "It fhail not be lawful. for any person holding puldic office in tiiis state to accept or uae a pasa, or to purchase transportation Iron, any rail road or other corporation other than as the same may be purchaaed hy Uio jority of them. It in go in vt poller thai will appeal to th intelligence of every clans. Hut the conservative deun. i who are to Is. welcomed back to the party council- uiu-t not be under anv illu sions. It would he an illunl. n, for in alauce. to imagine that tin pa t six vears could be winl oat l4n. tin- party brought back to the .i"ii- that in the middle of I Jn n. iond t'leveland admininlral ii n It is a trite but true ,ying that revolutions never go back vard. The ilaaioeratle iarty has raeal v-i an lm pttiaa that can he neither itayid nor reversed. It can merelv in- wisely di recled. The democracv cannot ' be made n mere party o' negation ai .il ohntriu lion, as some would like to Bav ii, not yet the obedient servant d tin- great interests that col itrol the re publican party, an would I . the desire of others. There i- room and nee.1 tical system for two partie opposition to ea.-li th. neither rmini nor need foi of which one shut I be other's naif rolled ion. If the democratic par km were to la merely a feeble copy of Jie repulil rcaii pari), the American, f c r one, would prefer the genuine art j l... It would rather nt tin4 r'iiihli j'iin jirt' in trusted with tba r. ....iinibi I i't of carrying Is own po f,,.,,., and held accountable for its owi i faultn than Ut seethe doinoeracv w I us noli... -luiils of o ttice bv ignoble in oration. The deinocracy inn . tK. progres- mve party, ne ml aak. n it baa ooni- milted in the lia- I ,,, not to bit charged to its pr sfreHsiveiiess. I reo "HH'I l- IIOI, as I m 1 1 1 eiampie oi a rei ki .H T , ml in our poll in vigorous f. There in - two parties, Diereiy il- tried experiment It wan u case, nol retrogreasion. It fj return to a sysb ,ni the world well fr but had recent y was not a Utonian ing from the railro lag machine ; it m from the auloiiiobil .lefferaon would imagine, an an mi- Quit' the reverse. 01 pioeross, but of as a proponition to which had nerved housauds ol ye.n -, neon otilgrown. Il scheme fur advam -ad Irani to the liy as a plan to go back I- to the ox team. have neon nothing EC7JEMA And Every F o mi of Torturing Disfiguring ! kin and Scalp Hump .rs Cured by (ulicura srianv I ' ,ur. Tas. alliML-.i .ai , ihoriiil-t ami Cuitfaui ia aoAc. i s.iaul akiii u lull .l.iwi f 1'itTieeai tiutimvui ..(ii if,(r, rssi siol .1 a..,., Wi. usut, mui mraT'rll rai hnillr..-,, I ' i tmxmt. llaihe the it wiUi Hn Wji sm Ult Sill I in i HA ours, SJW 1.11,. lake I! I .-, m r. ' 'I'lliS sum, ri-liol n-riuit to f . i" ltu when sll russ tsils. starllliig III free niver, nor would Pitt, or Hargoti or t In- iir-t Rothaehlltl, It wan well adapted to the buaitlfJIN inethiHls in those days, when payments were small, trade local and tratisac lions itntiu 1 1 y settled in actual money. Itnt in our lima, with the rJavalopmanl of international trade and the dovoop nieilt of a vast credit system thai taken in the whole world and in Operated largely by voluntary undertaking de pendent upon a standard of value of universal acceptability, it has been taperaadad, it has no logical oonnee lion with a progressive program, and as a matter of fact the progressive parties of Kurope ate all opposed to it, and it finds its chief support among the extreme connerval ives, like the agrarians of j'runnia and the llumrints o) England, The democratic party waa in a healthy condition in 1898. II bad a, reasonable, progronnive program. Il wan headed in the right direction. It had Moll the oonlidenee of the coun try, and if It had kept on an it was going then it would prolmblv have re tained that confldenoe and have reached a position today QUitO as ad vanced an the one it actually occupied, lint it. did not gather the fruits of its victory in that voar. Its policy was not carried out. A republican policy was subs'tituted, and from the fact came all the iat ton and wreek that followed. It in useless, therefore to think of netting Dp the second f love land administration as the model fur the reorganised democracy. it is what the democrats' thought they were getting III IW.12, not what they actually did get. ipon which we should ii ooi eyed Nor can the gecedern of !8W and limn expect to have the present leaders of the party vacate in their itevor, I hev will all be welcomed hack, and will have all the intluence to which their anilities and their good will may entitle tin in. There w ill la- a general amnesty but not an abdication. It id ii -t be 'remembered that while seven millions of voters cannot win a victory ii half a million of their asmi . i.iles are resolved on defeat, the seven millions have rights which they can not bo c.xncctcil to surrender to the half million. finally, the conservative democratn meal accept the lact thai the groat mansos oi the party still love and ad mire the brill lent loader who. like Henry Ciav and Daniel Wolmtor, ban failed t" win the preetdenoy. .Mr. Ifryan ha- made mistakes, out how man Ol the old-line leaders are in fallible.' Seven millions of democrats are proud to have voted for the man who. alone and unaided, with neither wealth nor Influence to draw upon, has won an imperishable name in American history . The democrats of the I'tiiled States have lost seven yearn in lighting among theinnolvon. There ha- not ben a straight party contest w ithin that time. The swollen republican victories of these yearn havo all been won by democratic rot Of. Tiie civil war ban lasted long enough. The Inno ha- .-nine ior democrats to get together. Those who have stood by the Hag through the years of defeat and discouragement are ready to strike luiiwis with those who abandoned it. Hut they do not expe't to give up their voice in the party councils. (.old democrats and silver deinocrals, like Locofocus and ltarnbiirnorn, have I Htm' antiquarian names. They have no present or future politnai -igniti- eanee. Henceforth there are only democrats. Hut a democrat is necessarily an a'd- vointe of progress. The democratic party cannot ossiblv In- an nnderslud) for the republican party. This is some thing the conservatives will do well alum'- to remember. & See our Ranges 3 Equal to any in the world. Dad Stoves and Air-Tight Heater-. HoHt line in Kaslerii lire..., to select from and price- that are right. I Ml and eMmine my stook btforf bbylngi PILSNER BOTTLED BEER. BKKWKRYfl OWN BOTTLtNG, Highly recommended to family trade i.M tv bottle hilly gna ran teefl. NEW LUMBER yard I Taylor, the Hardware Man E 721 Main Street. aiuiiiiuaiiimuiauuiitiUaiUiUiuiuiuaauiiUuaiiiiiuaiK: ft go west, Ranch It ami rough it and you'll aoon uet rid of that weak chest and that hack ing cough." That U whit the doctor aaid to a young uiamnl man with a wile and child to care for and a modest alary to support them on. He Couldn't go West. Love and duty tied bim to his desk in the city. People don't bare to travel to cure coughs or strengthen weak lungs. Ir I'ierce'a Oolden Medical Discovery cures ob atinatc, deep-seated coughs, bronchitis, bleeding of the lungs, weakneaa, emaciation and disease which if neglected or unskill lullv treated leruiiuate laially in cou- ptiou "I srlll writ.- you what Ir PLrrr'n Ool.lm stc.iic.i DUeorerr a ,lo,r '"r "" " '-" It aelcarr Kt of Oortoa. Pike Cnuniy Ky Thirt.n I wouniird iy i li.ill i....- .0 ihr i'iii my luiik I h.vt BM ' Baa Jo.igh slmost w siacr. with shurtucu of bfcltli siet u is very es.y to Isk. .1 1 UM iifhiwi c-tta ok- of wesih.r would csusr the sxunn to is- ns'i 1 WOUUl umvr w, ... all ulfht Cuttld ma esl or lrp at tiiues w .U run iIkn . cum 1 nin win ji h f,'."7" iuonlh ago I u.niK Or eisror'a Golilen Medical lascovrrv Hitt 001 usr l inorr than two Call, sari now csn est. slrrp. suit work, mad I lerl liar a new man I cannot ninl words o sufBnrnilv rftomiurn.l lr Hrrce'n li.ildirii lrdijl liun.'orery. or tell the Koud it has done Dr.Pierce's Common Sens. Medical Adviser in paper covers is sent free on receipt of ai one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. The book lias tocvi pagrs and over 700 illustrations, siddress Dr. K. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. ICE ' " "Uwn tut., Alae Wholesale Agent lor saiuTZ MB In bottiea, barrels, or caaes. ta P Ifta C Telephone 11U. O H. KOPITTKE. The Uaat Uregonian is Eastern Oie ! ' gun's rapresentativc papar. It leads, and j be people appreciate 11 and ahow 11 by I their bberal patronage. It is the advet- 1 tianaa medium oi this section. You waut to get the best When you buy Harness I make only hand WtWed harness ami guarantee every pitce of leather. Call anil gttl my prtOtM. P. A. HARVEY, Ctn tit St.. op. Golden Rule i totel AMERICAN PLAN. 3,00 per Day and Upwards. 1 Incst Hotel the Pacific INorthweat TsriW.. Ml Norlhweat Schultz Brewing Co. FOR Insurance Kire, Life, Accident, I'lale (ilasa, ltc Loans on Olty and Oouuty Property, Real Estate I tupri ivh mill UnlniDffOVWl ('ity Iitw' BaAeb I: ihi'lin- 11 1 11 1 Wlnuit l n rni' SEC J. R. DICKSON, Baal Oregonian Building, Wn ,,r" non ,HS(,V , . Ktvf froiul,, ,. " Wlltt. Ml ,.,, iLT BVani USB . .TTS liroiio., 1 . ., '"'"Il a.-i. ' ""r "liH ' rWriJl ,r A.C.Shaw&Co w J. SEWELL, 1 " sr, ikd. WANTKO-MI'.N wt, .""". " ml ri.f.rMsUl""W 0 . ' ' ' 11 ". -i.i.hji.i ' " "'""'" 'm ill A I. r,-.. I. n s-nsUBSl mini. ori.u.,n ' "KiltH TT0RNBYS, THE PORTLAND POHTI.ANI), OH K HON. Special Kale- to liaarern Oregon people visiting Portland, rteathiiiarters lor tourlata and commercial travelers. H. C. IU)WI:KS, Manager. NORTHERN PA- RUNS Pullman Sleeping, Oirs. Eleganl Dining (arn, Tourist Sleepinx Cars !ST. l'AUI. MINNEAPOLIS DULTJTU I- A RGO UBAND P0RKf 10 BOOK s tu n W1NNEPKQ (lIKI.KNA and ' BUTTE. ' A I ! T K 1 ! A I: .i:y A louVsiT l.sw ''" 11. niunH.'Mr IIKAN A- I.UW 1:1,1, ATTiliaS 1 " ' K'l'ini II .1 ., fjeljtf lOB, Kutl Blutl T. HAIl.KY I..WVVFI' it ""I'l Building, I'i mll, ,,,,; nrJLnM THOH. Kn.lilvl'.Al.D, ATTUMffr N. BKKKKLRY, ATTOgaivTrT "Hi" m a is, Him-k A'u' K. I). BOYD, ATTORNEY AT UT Dear! it A1 u. s " PHYblCIAMS. DB. w.o. co;,k nKKitilFpnSui ton sv,k- Ban 1 middle, OaWES Ui la s. m. : I In . 11 m r.uzrZ Kri r - ,',.,.u, ,, h. VV. VINI'KNT. M. II. OPFI. KRaTit 1)11. I,'. J NMITH inrvinv aTT: ' II. N r.ARklV'l Ii t 11 unua k. ! Hi.'udinJ 1 Kuriw)o' m nit. 0.1, m i .n.. uooiririMba.. I I lnii liliH'k li...,tiu,. ti- sassssa u. n'liili. , 1. In. L 1 mnasre s OHTKOPATHII I'HYHICUai M K.lis.V key,-, oil,,,. Murk swtslla. 1 tun aiurv. W. K. PKRRY. I'HYsn iAS ash MR. X nu. I'klsli. nnvi'ii Hill SI. Ill I'll- I VNiN K. Hi AKKHLKK, CHKOKIC Nthl ll.'t VOII- ill-. It-.'- illl.l Msa. THROUGH TICKETS TO Hr.;'"'" ' "" (ICO. OAKVT: AI , 1'inp. Elegantly Famished. Steam Heated liurope.m Plen. Hluck and Irum depm. Siampb ki.nii In coiinectioii Roiini 1 11 (MIICAliO ' rYAHHINUTOK PHILADELPHIA M.W Y'llKK BOBTOlt and all pointl l.a-t mid South. I iiruiiirli in kiln hi Jaaaa nn.t I'tOns, via I aroma and Niirilierii I'si lUc Sirsuulil' I'ii slut Aln.'rtrnn lltu- riMI Sl IIKDULK. I rnui Ifavaj I'l'iidli'itiii dally eSeOBf nillids) at CM 111. P01 111 1 1 ii-'. Inloiajaltani Ibna ' ff 'mil -'. sll un or ertte n. Aoasas, reaale. Uill. Uri-K.ei .. A. Il I'll Altl.iON. 1 'ord I Morrison Hf. I'ortlaml. On- I1KNTISTS. DKKTUT. omfl K. A. YAliillAN. Ill lud. I Hiilldlllx A. 1.. BKATIK, '. II. b. OFFICII OVM Suviiiks Hank na. adiniuincml K. A. M ANN. UBNTIbT, IN JsWCtti tiun aleek, ovsi t u . .i-,. ARCHITBCTb AND IUILDIIS. T. if. HOWARD AKrHITWT AND sr. perlnleadtnt, makss i-.n.'.i i. in : I. . plan- 101 i,'inu:iir. ill in- ni) or 1 It. mm 17. Judii liulldliif .sot. Tic, 11.00 Byers' Best Flour... To mnke good bread use Hyers' Best Flour. It took. Blkl pMalUHl ai the ChkstfO World's hair, ovet all cuiiisatl lon and gives excellent ndaflMtioil whtrever used Kvery -aok is guaranteed We have the best Stctin Rolled Harley, Seed Rye ami Beardless barley. Pendleton Roller Mills S. VKM-, Prop Kran. Shorts. PenMl, etc FOULTKV SUPPLIES. Oranlated fiooe, Ban! Scraps, Mica drit, Ground Clam and Oyster Shells, International Stock Foods. Hay, Grain and Feed. C. F. COLESWQRTHYe I T T y'fl. ....... Jill; I'.KDIL 1, rni: OMLt BEMOUBATIO ILLI -ikatkh WRKKLY. K.liUsi h ALFIM IICNHV LKWIS, premier political Hrin r Powerful Cf trt Utirs 1 ' ii itc I Si tii irli ii Without fear of rontradiatlon we assort that THE VEBU10T h the boat thing that has happened in llfty years of Aluei laaa journal ism." Hiirlington, h, , Hoinoi-ratic Journal. OreoonShortLineRailroad TIIK lllltKI'T KOt'KK in Montana. Utah, f.'olonido and all I nstcr n Foitus low. . in. i,.. ut tw, Uvorlli' riiilloa. la tin I'.NION I'AI'IKIC Kasl Mall IdOc, ur Uiu Itll iiKVMlk Iffalf lausa. No Change of Cars 111 On- I'lirilnud-c'iin agoHueelal, "tuo llusai lu tlio Wen " K.llli,-l Will, Hiegarit Standard Sleeper l ine New Ordinary Tcurlat Sleepers Superb l ibrary -Huflet Cars splendid Majara meals a la carte ' ice Reclining Chair Cara Comliirtable Coaches and Smokers i nto 1 Train Completely Veetlbuled Fur lurllier lulurwslluu Sbply to I- I- BAMaisSY. Ag.111 o. R. a N. i n , I't-udluluu, Or. 1. K NA.1KL. v. . COM AN, Irav fsan. Aft. Oou'l Ageu' 142 Thlra St.. Portland. Oregon. D. A. MAY roNTsUUIW bullilvr. Ksliuists. niriioUmluoall ill mason.) . .'in. 111 walk., ilusr all, rli itol . an In Ml 41 lli Ka.l " BANKS AND HIIOXslS. OpJenSl.laDIOT U 9Mmd 10 ,MPP0,t Hi-' "'" Kansas (i,y TIIK VKKH1CTVA1- ,,KMU0BAT " il and ,., himself , read A.N KXTKAolililNAUY INTUJCKMKN'T. Although the regular , ate in ,4.00 ,r annum, we oiler eon the Verdict bv mall (or six mon 1- ior one 1 ol ur and liii 1 1. 1 ; T, r . " era let we will send you ... int, SiTZ X rtdAl lZSl?! in.llsiHin.ibie political information Th, irog wo 11 Id ,',.!.'. v. 7 r S ""."n"' and a half what wonl.l ,IU yiJ ,", 'urn i. " 2gsr rn offer stands .uie.i t,, yu for ninety days from dale -uarlr. I his r'lKW'l NATIONAL IIANKOKmNHU mil. Uapllal, rM.uuu; trmaru 1 fursl bsiikiiig umlarai. kniusn slid te I--KI h 11 :m iramlm as.Ul 90 1 mnau, "i I Krsiiilicn, Ni s Vort au.l principal saps Ihe Norllnrwl Unln i'ra',noDtbia.Jiai and gaksi ...i...iiousrssasiia lermi UTl Anki-ii). pri'iiJesl. vi. o nr.. id. Mi ' II ao. uaisR.. - 'iiisriiiny, asuliunl csililsr Till. PKNDI KTOh SAVINGS WJt PoadiSUlU, i'silul, IHirW Inlsrssi sJifMaaaw posits km iianic ;-.ughi nl sold ua suiins- flinis W .1. kuruliii. v,, , ,iri..i I. 111 1 Murrii, 1 Mi;.-I N . 1 l !' NK0r A rHK ... .iirli.Ul. nJPi. urefuu. .,". . - . 7-.. lornslun Um. .l.-i-isio a loli.lfd I" lo 1. 1 -Vlaulj, "'' Mi Arllnir, no i'o-i'lnt; a-Uawsm, lor ; 1 Bar lull a..llaut ca' l0 m 1 1. i 1' 'rLTart luellull. uromi'U) all. u.lad Us - MUfllsni loudllloll, au.1 "SSsBi Ilivellkali.m."in""l.'.'ill r1.", ITi ,1,1...... I: J.uiwslll. P"'' rlJsl l 1 ur, no o.:i ill, I . a. rwi" J. K KlllKor. ;;,'; "rltoiZll i nras. , j r mhi'., Hroeuslel SOT1I i: l,M'KH0'uif3 i,..,. lo a;.' 11 I.''' l.''J")1,if luretliiu 01 11. kholdsrisl 'B".r,,i. i-n .T.l,n.l,n.i: iliauuiir. " u.l-'i ... M. a '; ,B0S5 said 11-10 i" ' '"'''" SmtSi I itiliL I V ... 1 'latrV. mum TTvi nofUlfl mid niiiiraiiiiii-' ui ... 1 ..,' - nolle; : !? A Co. or Willi ai. ordall inPARTaKNT IIICIIW- '.-. HUM ufi'i " .i,iaa M mift llr lifl.nrliii- M' i..r UM .t,iriBrli AH Points Cast and South S ear . ,'.,mni;,i",l m; ' It v iiM' i ' 7i. .....aikstr. .1 litis 1 ,t;. .In ' y'WmTTu 1 . .... j 1 nr.t.i. Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway I'or t'hicaif . St Paul si. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joe, tiuialm, aud Portland and points on the Sound. MmZ My:lT-y'"?V IT. . sou COUNTY gaU Mta-K- nuiniiaM aim rtaiiirilttV LALL. r'- ni 9 1.t il P The Latest and Greatest Victory usparta daily ezepi auuday at a aw p. aa. sa3liTri?s,mii"n r"ardlug ratet aud acoum uioilslluui.. vail nr. oi addroaa W A1IAMH, Agont, g.aOAtalMUfAa Walls W alla. Wash, . 11 1 aa .. rnnlH AM rilllli ' - II"" 1 U"'li r dawol uiibl , te, u sj pwuiow d. a- i -vg i rraauwr 0 Uie '"wisIVvuIkI ,v::". .wit,, .r sm h.ior,.ti ti,.,. .i, i nil till I II nut r. ........ i 1 . 1. HOLD Ml'. DA I,. " When To Will If l.r..,.l I',.-!. L u . nun 1 v imder ,n r . mV1' '"'i: tt"'' "' that rooresenis lan .i . ' 1 1". T ' "'l' """" . "wl "'. con.petiliol. with all inirlance f thi.- awar, , ..J .... ... ' ,r,,vu,"u'". "" will co,oproh,l the in, the White. ' Thrardirt7aTi.o-ri.?..u.1 I'rr'r,,v" l'"rcl,usr renown, on snob ,. i ' " ""'lll"il ol oxis-rls of Will, 111. V.w .'":., ... ."?,""V",tt."." ,, ,uoortll White lii.urv K .,v IT" . "V" ''; "0 lias known long, ,,,,,1 wl,, mil. plant and most .'..7 '., win... in now, but admitted lo be on. ability , , . '."V" '"'' lyi" prmluced, we urn conlid,.,,. 1 S""",V '"" "HietMaatlm, sewing requlranMta Yours truly, ol Ii. ghost argu - the the of Jesse Failing, Agent. 1 Paris . I Chicago Hi Paris . I