tayEffiCBBfl DAILY EVENINGEDITION Tlir I.RlllIWi ! Of KAHTKItN ORBOOf Is TIIK BAST ORr-HDNIAN TIIK ' ri IT RtAD TNI E A ST OR HOONI A N TMAT'P TnprRP . ron nvnnTiPmm, PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNT Y, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV I'M iti.lt i:,. 1100. tuarsniea the beat goods Ml 1001 UENKRAC KKWS. OHer In Toilet Soap Ml4dL LI 1 11. )ir i 'X I" " ni' i "p mi'. ate, i it " l' Buttermilk ), j ft Tli tadv More LHri in ii list of eandtei told n arl IrYvlK'ri- hi nuv b nn -eic 11 in m t . price w ponna. pr,n' pencils, rrencn uurnt r , . I'.n turnem voiver mil v. i' ft!..., II.. I . . i mI. . l ri -1 is . i iiiiiiTi-i in l . lliiilnl -. ill Imperials, Itnafnn linked appertain! perfei'tbuiH, Jolly vprrii's, gum waters, "t . i ii II !i . - . f, Ill II I H, IlI'MllllS, UIIM'I si-:--, I itolalilMj batkett Tederick Nolf Santa plans Hemloartere, 281 From 1 to 8. hat might mean riddle Or an invitation to a wcddlm;. But it n't Its i OOneita way of calling piillic Atti ntion to the fact that the Royal Tailors of Chicago Havt authorized us. their agents. To reduce prices on js, K.ill and Winter S ittiple, Ail the Way from $i to $ per suit. And we've done it' Theil pin es on thrir hifft) grade tailoring wan low before, Bui now they afford ihaolutah 1 lie li'-l investment a man . an nuke In tin way of dress. Come and see their samples Wfl have their full line. I oati yon notbias to look And but little to Urn . YoU'rc safe .in letting us take J our measure. Our guarantee of perfect satisfaction does with every Suit. Overcoat, Pants or vest. Or your money hack il the garment Doesn't fit or please you. DON'T FORGET - I l itt n mil redaction! tingle panti priea Ii re duced proportionately ; lingle veal petes i rod seed proportionately: 'iviT'uiit (rii'- i reduced nroporl i.ui:itcl v. Alexander & Hexter. Agents for the Royal Tailors. FOUND DEAD IN A ROOM The raataiai ef the late Mateet Div . who died In New York, are en tin way to Itutte. Montana, tor hnrinl. Governor John K. Tanner ha de clared Mmeal' a eaadMete tot the I'nitisl States senate in Illinois, to sue-' i eaaetot Onlloej. JX Holland Iihs . xpr"si ii wililngnees toiMitehaas, athaif o Mi Kraist TRAGKDi OCCURRKD lor mo cxiii'u nocrs, n pgni n w-1 IIIHM Southwest Africa. Heauptoe Jeckaeo, a aaleted depots . j. . limn oho was ftx t in ii lection Tb torotn Is Probably From IM'tit. tiie Dr. Christopher Ahlstrom and a Hand some Unknown Woman. IN rthW YOKK Hrr f The Boston Store PENDLETON'S LEADING DEPT. STORE. Dry Goods Department i The BVenl of the season. Stylish and up to-date Ladies' Golf Capes, Jackets and Collarettes. All to go at '4 off regular price. Look at our corner window lew Goods Arrived Clothing and Men's Furnishing Department 75 Men's Suits at the retail price of J to. $i 2.50. $ 13 50 All go at the uniform price of $8.75 New Homespun for ramyday skirts. New ZiboHnea. Now Camel Halt New Corsets New Kid Cloven. New Patti coata New Waist 1, New Goods am and Kan -are lieauties ) laved shipment of I la 11 Overcoats The) and prices are right. New Sweaters. New Gloves. Now Suspender. Late shipment nl the lali Mock in Knox Stitl Hats. Shoes for M EN Shoes for WOMEN Shoes for CHILDREN THE BOSTON STOKE Pendleton's Big Store. I :rederick Nolf, Ike 1 h-.sC H-ili pui dliaainaj our I hi mm lor Micas (mi, ruoaivina an lull 1 Uy hue, aa Otltar NtureM ill xlru low priri' mt uxtauslve pnrahaeni. uli'l.u r.Tioin.'.s Ivi-t 11.111 '- loin v In etnaarlailgii'l ly all la I UlSt -He t i PJJI3 per linltle. 'i'tj wuUir, ue ami Wc bastaSi sn(d in He, beat hair oil - W kl tt i . etc. I IHrii Uft keKUlai Price. I'lirehuMHl the ciinipl.-le ilrum ' .uiiili) line ltRIJ iliurii-.-, Iiilio'f. I 1. li.V I. .III. kM. .IK . ' MKiuating to si'verni bandied doi Irom u luiulinit Ohieans bones arter tiie sntirej batrti at 'j ff lar prion. Sulu beinn Nov. II. falWiRl? riot in Denver i ilea. I i tliir.l .lentil remiltnii; llOSM the riot. .viinirui Riennfi sn tartai asd rr dlaal niliiH.iin t lananeoa an las tWMiin Oeellle el the Frsnori squad run in itnltinior Tassday. Tiie eafdlnal aae socoaipanlsa bj ssvarel priest-. Qeaene It. Lav lag ol Fori ITorth. Tex., in 111 New York, where be elll Doaeinde siiaisjaeniiils lor u iMii i iittle trtmt. Otlieer. el the leather triiHt. it ik nanl, will tnriinui ine ad. labs Williams, r. I . ili".rn an.l P S Hnti heller n:irtneis Mi u mI. t. nt I Konita, Iowa, ipiarrelle.1 over a net tie mi'iit ol their aftiiirs me I in a litfht that lolloaad nateaallar killed u.th .( ata partaera. Joh. It. Ohoate, I'nited Staten am hasHnilor to Ureal Uritain. Tnes.ln niuht ilelivireil an iiiiiiinnral levturs all the Philoaniibieal lastifation ol Rdln bernbi tHkinc a hi WisiiWi "The Oarear ami Cnaraetarol Abrahsn Lin-i-oln." The W L "Ironit A t'o. failure in New Yolk auih I blladslpbU the Israast m the blston ot the inaintry. The liabilitMM will l' ahove ftM),00U,- tHio. Ra-Mayor Htrong, el New ork. who .lied iiiHl (IB the eve ol the late election was toe wiiior im inher ot the Arm. Tw arventkms sack oiaicalni to the genetal aseeetbly ol the Kaighti ol l.ainir "f the I'niteil Stale Hint Uanadai are in peMiou in tiriiiini;li.ini, AlabaaMi a tea onteoeas ol the split in the riinkH of tl nler. On. taction i headed I y John M. I nrf . no-. ol N w York, ami the other hv Juo. VV . Hum-. Thre in much bittriieHH between the lactioim. PaClUt NORTHWKST NEWS. Complete otneial returns of Malheur aaoaay give Bryna a plorallty ol nix in the eonnty. IBM delinquent taxes of Multnomah county amount to 1QU,000 Itii" mi', whicli in laM than any prevhMM roll let tea pania pant. Jalnen MiClnre. while halinit hay near l.iramle, SMghl ho right hand in llie baling preH mid lost the third linger, it being erunhed off. Thafs are BUM) oases ol Soartot Eavsf in The Dallas, one payeiciea hu u eawH. New saasS are leMHed every lav. Tkeea ha ajieeey I n one death. Mrn. Mary K. Iai, wile of Kelix It. flavin, ol BnleeBi died limmluv of aaaeofi seed 40 raasa, she raras srlth her baebaad Ifoej Neaanaha to laleaa in iku:i. Paloaae Oltv. Kaetera WaahlnataOi n- eeieaavarinej so saenre the stvavhonnl fartory ShTofa the Northern I'm i tit oAcialS are trying to have ba-ateil at Home point alouif itH line Min Leaf I'eniot, of t'orvallis, died TuSedSI 111 Ni w York from the reciill of an operation lor tumor of the llvet Saed I yearn Mir mother war with her, Uith having ju-t returneil Irom a tour ol l-.urope. Petet I 'in 1. HO years ot ens, and a pioneer of the ll. lioeo .. uutry, Hour Hepimar. wan thrown from his waaoa Kridav, while hauling wood, anil killed. Al a plaSS in Hie Med where one sole whh mm It bigher than UtS other the Heat gave way. ami one ol t he w heels eriifhi -I the groin ami legs lof Mr. Davis. in the 1 in mi court, hi Otaaoa City, Charles Hester pleaded guilty to simple assault for rutting Charles Walker with a poefcat haiht. ami was gasdiTa, Thin plea nasaesapted uu raonmnisnds. Hon of the distrtei att. rnev In da. lauli ot paynsMl tin dtilandaat will lie required to serve .17 'v davs in the I, mi 1$ Marked "M. ther Ideollfirtilon I,, But No Pit Nl BjanlfJ New York, Nov. 15, I'r. Chri-topher P. Ahlstroas ami a baadsnnin. well. dfseted Soman were found dead in Si room ut the llolel Iniuleviird thin morning, lian from open valve- of the, heating ntove tilled the room The physlewa wan kteatttted by papeta Found on his person There wees n ladleatlen that palaen wee uw.l. rhs woman, who posneniied nnineroiin rontlvl jewels, wa Ita Ognised ana visitor at the dm tor's aparlnienln. It in believed she w n s a r ii Ii patient ol the doctor. I Her bedy( partially dlerobadi lay mi the Moor, as if she had made an at tempt to reach the door. .Milntr un ami the woman went to the hotel ve terdav sftvmooa ami after they ha.l ha.i ariaka at tin- rectaorant went to a ' room on the third lloor, registering an J "John Mullen and wife" A ) ear ago I Ablstrom'S wife dkid under rirruin stances which to mi iavestinetion, I hut nothing ciinie of it. The Woman It SHU a Miiury. noon toilav no further iilentitica. Hon of Ahlstrom'n companion had hi'en made. Her seHlskin sink hore the name of a Chiragg. in marked "M. M not ret satislieil that death whh due to aspbj xmii 'ii. The doctori denehtar navsthe w in. all called on her lather for mi hour vend rdav helore llu v went out to the hotel. Dactor Unlnlantlunallv K 1 1 lad Hr. The police now helieve that I'r Ablstrom aelwtentlaaally killed the Somen with cocaine mid then he suicided t" aeeapa the disgrace. The waiter at the Rotlei mati n that the d tor bad almost to carry her up stairs A hall-em ptlsd bottle el eoanlne waa found Mi the room He tamed on the ga when he found he lid not revive Ion coiiivauioll, accepting death him self rather than face the results. Tha Woman Montinad. New York. Nov. IS, This aftermmn the woman wan Idantifled an Mm. Meade Ganlner, agil M yeare. ol ion Went line Hundred and Klrnt street, by Henry loirdm r, her htinhaud. he will he compelled SB rvlinnuinh the j portfslic Attorney General Orlgn lan Slno dis disl to ret re from the cabinet I and Pttarn 10 bin private practice With these exception", the prpHident bat Sanreaded in pernnnding til mem. ''ers ol Ins pr. nt cal'im l Rn rema n with him during the s, nd term. WAS THS lAR rill SON K 0. hk peeeeat stohnan t aaia to r Das to Rlhllliti. Vienna) Not. lft,Aceordlng to dh PHtchii frtni Rpjanasajpai to the news papef Kurver Kwowki, ol l.emhurg, Austria, the raar'n illness is (at d aa due to ivninoliilig by nihilmln who, tie report aarn, OUtainSd aceeat ai'" the Imperial kitchen ami tnlasd p ton with the faea. How thaj sweeeaoed In their nelirme in a mv-leri, an all the SsnaatS ol tie caar's housshold are under MpetWisiOH St lite tol ret serv lea Rebortn Soeorti i SQtaPS Hoars. Lindoe. Nov. 8 lord Kobartt " nrln that mxteen litem were captured Irv ing to cronn from I'ortngueae tern- tort ha, k Into tha Transvaal Oeeerei Methiien in going to Wichteuhurg to engage the li.'crs there, who lletl on the Kit 1 1 Ineti The moented police kilhsl aeveral Hia-rn at Yrybiirg OR the H'tli and raptured Cornel I'uplenin. GOVKKNMKNT SUKVtY SNKK K1VKR MAM'KAI I IIRMIS SSSOIIAIION cm l i AND Mill in I I, SRS for Infants and Children. lor . iislor Oil, I'ure It is IMetuMtnt. It nor oilier Karswitk) iv,ui.li la . Iiurillless MllisHlutt lolil.illo. lieiiiH'i vi" t.,.M l-Vvi-rislines.M. ii ,i..sir.is i.i ion, uml ttll.i f srnauiiriw. : ..I w.mi iie. n L'eM'aSt" CtTr;. .ol.st, put io.. i. .....I it., -u in;.: Ii niiiiiuii ii .... 'l'l... I liil.lr.'li'r, I'.ili.l' ' .i I He relieves I . el li lt 1. (.-lll.lt. tllf Itbv mill uuturul nlv4-p. ilt.lher'h 1'riiuil. 1 III- V 1. 1.U. S M The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ot till Lt V 141I I I ''hale e to sei lire some lUtat gilts. Hue libibles In Use For Over Years. Claus tloadquarlers. tine tin B'W tnva Ui"Hl. hrovad I year is worth exam 111 gaintfM, dolls, albums, Hood gtajdn and low here. Lamps, Lamps lljtuiutiful l( QJair makes Qcautiful Nl.WllltO .s HKItl'b IHK M A K KM IIKA t I I r r I. II Al It. wuu. tro tlic il.ielly lull roiaj at wra upon Ilia lialr rtmu, 11, uu inasuig tlainirull and falling hair Unpua ll.lv. and nroiiiotlna a thi' k. binu- riant growth of hair, he r. using the uw uer'ngiaat luokn fullyl'XIperuiiit. It wlUal" nuit yiur tsAWr. teniae, laav Uld ur twnMlirart f ' si, ... . -11 a-f inf b. . oi' S.I u. '.' 11 UU.rllu u"i. U" l I'sl- " 1 ' I' UUIt lf , UMM. I.U aUl ,Ujly ril.S.,,UiS II I a f-or IstS ot oil hm-CUn bruj Sloiei Tito Prlao ot Wlioat Oropi on Ono-Halt I ant. Orlontal unit, of Flour Aro s.i ii Portland, 'r., Nov. II Captain Hart, of the United Slates Rngil ring firm and the linen It orm. has jut sent la the war .lepurt ' Tim ind uu art I m. ml a complete report ol the govern- en 1 1 nuivey anuig no nans m ana Snahe river. The siirvev wan lompleted several weeks ago, ami the oftetsls here have been at work lor noiue Ileal pant oil the report. The nurvev ex tended Irom Uswistee to Itiparia, along the DOUPSS ol the river a tliatance of . miles At the latter uamisl palm a inunction was made Willi the nurvev made by Capt. I ay lor and party in '117, ami with the completion of the ret, nt report with its minis, there ta mi tile in Washington, H. C , mutter doner I nl IV e of the river (or I is miles of lie loumc. rhe ewnarttnsnl also ha detlnile inlorinal 1011 relative to tin nhoaln 111 thi -iretih I lie engim ern will toon he nadv to estiuiale an tt the tost of improvement ol the water way. rhe recent oipetllt Ion wan in charge ol l-rauk Uilluini and a party ot litieeii men. Chit parly wan absent the nurvev about three molltha. aanutaalurars' Aiioolallon, meeting ol Hie In, aril of lllrvctort of the Maiiilhirlurt rs' Anmit iatlon ol thin cilv was held her. venterday t'tlieern for the ellnlllllg orin wen Hlaclcd as follows rrenldent, K. II. ICilham, of Howe Davie I Kiiham slot nienulent . VV II Morrow, "I tin Pacini metal worka, treasurer, It. J, llolues, 01 the I'orHaiiii Canning com pan) ass rotary 1 o h Meleaaea. Tin Pillowing gent leuieli were c I It stun mem hers of the execulive committee: A H. Deters, Charles llagelsi 0, K Helots, w. ii. arable, and d i. I'oVCV Uoloaala to Irrlgallmi Longrasi. Iiiuan H. - ii in, I' It. thin evening for Chicago. II" g'H's there as a dele gate Irom lhl stale to the Nat lolllll Irrigation t'oiigrena that convenes then next week Wc.tiicadiiv , I hurndav and I riilav Mr Steariin ban attend..! tin II mot Mi it" of this htaly for the past ten years, and will, it In thought, In- Hit only I Iregoiilan who will la present at tl iigrcna thin year an a delegate l lie congreaa, an ItH mime IIIMillen, Is culled h r the liilriaiMO I dlsciisainw III nil Ii).-. I ol Irrigation mid lor taking aU'i'S towards the . slilhl isbliieut of 1 tti 1 irrigation -on throughout the arid states t the present session an short will la- amdo towards reaching tint toligreas ol the I lilted htatea hv resolution and committee, and gel aid In wav ol appropriation towards the cost of , n , 1 em nl reservoirs al tin heads o the si reams Mowing throiigl those arid region. The UBOOtMMI of Wlltcr Snpply to these legion. la III deed an important one ami Mr htearn ass.-rts that he will do all in bin pOWOI to git the araaanl suogress lo saasldei 1 ha ri'ssrvofr plan shir tinned Later he will visit the -lie. oil the til lllllc -- aboard Pteasrejts atoie Preteat. I he oltl f I 'apt lainklllt, of the V. H. A snglnoors corps, ban lasui rlatted aj rhwi river dtnoraaaie within the pant few days who COJHO to enter prot. nl against the older which llie captain causad to he puslad a few ian ago, ordering the OWUSII ol gabiog ilea in the olumhia I,, n in ve the pile, that are desirahle to the He lens i ihsir roratiua rbesaptaje Isst had BO desire lo Injun I he gshiag ground., but lather Is obi flag "i bis from tin dt purtim ut in MCasrviag Iht river In thin regard. The 11,01 who have i a I b I a I tl Hue are IIiihmi w bo la-lleve II, at tbev are V ItluHIt the iiiria NO. 397 B THE STANDARD OF REVOLT ' o MM Tom and General Slan Go on the Warpath Aftaln. IIPIIUL KDICT AGAINST PRIPCKTUil The Rinivh-M Hits ,rspd Upon Prirtlrtlli Iht lilo Points ol Srltlrmrnl, ttd 1 Coilertitr Note Is lo Bt luufd. London, Nov. IV A diaiiatch Irom Hhanejhal snyei leeordlaatn Chiaeee res.rt". Prince Tuan ami iieuerai Tung l-uah Siang have rai"l 'lie ntandard ( revolt in Kannu province, Is Hie orthwestern imrt of tiie eiupire. 1 Maeae Pstneee te so raaieaed shanghai, Nov. IN, An niiarial diet. received Wednesday, ordnrn Prll s I'tian and Chwang to be ,e r 1 ved of their rank and olhce ami landed over to the imperial family for I iitliieiiient, pending the iteeiaion i pun lahment . A tatttamant Rsaehail dispatch from I'ekin, under date "f tin llth, aava; I'lie in 1 n iatera of the powers have asTceed on practimllv all d the main pointa of the aettlement ami a ctil Its'l ive note to la au.irenaru the Cblneea pieeleoasnttariea, will ready w ithui ten tlavs. I IlIlK ( K HOI It Al 111 A Now Tork Man Kndaavored to laSSOS Hli Wits to Commit Sliileldo Too. New York, Nov. I't.-Lanear Dotn. agsd OS vtarn. killed hiinsell tonight by taking carbolic acid ami tried to in duce Ris wife to join hilll. She refused, and their daughters A11I111 and Sophie assisted their mother in resisting Dora's attack upon the woman Horn threw acid in their laii. Anna lost the sight of mi eve and Sophie is Imdlv l iiriicd in the head. Dorn had lai n drinking with the view of ending hm life. MARLUs UAI - 11 si uu Hold In tit Palrlek't Cathedral. In Now Tork Today. New York, Nov. LY -The funeral of Marcus Daly, tha SOppet king of Mon tana, look place at BOM today at gslOl Pati ok 'a cathedral, Arehblehop Corri gall olliriat ilig. I he nervicea were vrv simple and unost. nlai ions according to the wishes of the deatl man fat body was taken to UroBtlWOOd ceiii-.terv and plaeiil letusirarily 111 Miickay niauaelconm. The Daly family and many Irlendl and baalaees assta dates attended the obssaeias. The pallbearers were John D. Haggiin, John W. Markav, II. II. Kugi rs. W. L, Hull Hugh J, Uraat, J. A, no I if van, H, V, Parsoot ami w. s alloa, Sorvlooi III Hullo. itutte, Nov. i'i Imareeaite sareleas io fl ii ioory of the late Mar. "- I'alv, whose luneral ociurrid in New York this morning, were held in mam bur' hen in Molilalia limn IIA'cloek to no 11 1 h o m. ,1 . IP, lig aleV us g. 11 era! it eejesswaned ia ail the towns where eSPS IOSS Were le Id I have iunt received the largest aaaortMttnt ol liUai) snd haojjing lamps ever m urbu-li Wl .' P1 ai UliUI"'. v until to the city pi ilus f rulll ,fter the liolidayt.. Joe Basler. Nasal CATARRH lu all it klioaal la, clt Ely's Onset Bui in PuW luuiha aoROAN a AH H 1 1 11 ! t orsii'Oiiy Ociuii rod I ton Afloriiuuu In Now Tork lu a Croat Tkruug. New York, Nov. 16 I ouiaa Piarponl Morgan, the hreb ui llerbtrl Living I aloli -ul.rl.e, whose marriage t.s.k pi 1 , .,1 !: HI . c lock thiaall. riiis.n is riohai i'i 1 v hv lae reeeipl Irom bt ' j latin ' "I I Is worth a 1 ..aai.iaoi , ,, sum un r home 011 the iludnoii, a 'inn, I liura and arollar ' 1 ,.n 1. I and diuiia.nd roraage on. an. 11, Is. I bora were 11 inv oilier viieuaive gilts re ce.y.d, among th.m one Irom John D Ituckeli I Iw Mrs (.'orneliu Yamlerbilt, Willu K, Yainlorbill and t hauiic y D.'IH'W . the atttding tlnbornte si lhausnnd invitations were Issued to the n r. iu' 11) at the cburch ths laiLuas or ITNH co. Ths liabilillot ot in First Will Sacood et.ooo.oou. New York, Nov. IS. -KHa Urlawohl, ..I Philadelphia, ha. glial a cmanlaial lu auerl against the ogsoelott et pat win ol h late Mayor Htrong, of New V,ork, asking that they laj rest railed lion, dltposlng "I certain storks and mortgages, laiiueil an her proatrty, which Strong invested fur bar ar- asnal strong a 0o,'s eateas dbtn'l ,p. 1. best Bast thin morning, which is 1 01,-1 lerml a bad aigu according to the aiorcliaotS here The Hahilitiua of the 11 rut il ia aaid will o. :. d t'c-UUQ.QOO, Prosldani I nmmuleo Hontonoo. Washington. Nov. I'i I'resnlent Mr- Kinlev tialay CORUnatsd to a life aen- leiice I M Hansen, the lankan In lian, oundennail to ilia for the murder I Hint mid Florence llorton, proaar. lora from Hreguu, killeil in laaka In Is'si flie trial indge recomiutuiilwl ouinmtiit Ion owing to the alekneaa, ( the Indian. . oiilisasom uml admla- oR of the wrong l y him. SaVlis' Snd Ii Near ' HI. Paul, Minn., Nov. 15. Senstor Davis in alowlv ainkllig. It la be Moved he cannot survive a week The .tib ial reairt ol his itinditioii tialay ia bopeiel) hot Inn family have lawn told I., up., t llie worat. Three of the Brltlili Klllod. Ladynmith, Nov. 15. The British 1 "iivov, on tta way to Standerloii in the frnnaenali waa tired on bv iVar Wipers ami thr I the Hriliah .artv klll.sl. Al MOB PUR LIRSL. AaontHuodror Laavlna Around a Belts latat Ftetate. A aingular lilwl null in re. rn.l from ilsknloosu, la. Anson 1'eck agent for a portrait ixunpany, obtalaed an order Iron. II It Harris lora llkeneas ot hi. hither. It C. ilarrin, who is dead. the nictart was relscted as anaallasnB. lory. When portraits are sent to agents tl... agents are charged wltli the BCI Iran, mid reeeive ereilll when the . ash for the atms in remitted. In eaae the Hirlrail m refOeed, the agent cuta out Dm syes el Iht Sgart ami remits thoe instead ol oaab, and lherouaiu rteiyen the cradlt. Wl the llarria porir.nl was Mi BBSs I Mr I'm k ttok the picture Ireafl He' Ireate and cutting out the IS III I . ell I.IS . USIolll, III" Mill's the r winder into some high weswla and proceeded on his say. Home oiim found the delated portrait and placed It on a fenne .(aiaesl lo the public Mr Harris wwa uiloriuial that hi lather's is.rlrait. cut and defaewl, waa stin k up on the public hlnhway He SBpOBSad that tbia I. ad lanau .lone bv (he agent on at .mint of Una reluaal to lake the platers He came to the L'ity, SOB Sdltsd Bttereeyt ami i.n.l an In formation against the man, . barging llbal Mr l eek waa I. uml ami ar- raojad, Blaertan Rlattt. Ill the I'lllled st,.a auprellio isiurt liisiice Harlan reiidertsl tin. up 111 Ion of the court in the 1 a ol Hllluoni H. Si b TOR toe veraus Khan H, Whealar, WNuing to the court on a writ ol errut tr llie supreme isairl ol Hie slaU. ol MoMgan Ihe eaae insolvwa '.he rlpariaa lights of ownare ol navigable streams 1.. daiuagia for the loon of a. -1 ear lb 1 1 1 1 V to .ill h streams . aiiatsl hv gotumiuani iwarovetaeaa Btajge fortius purpoat "f Improving navigation, a plat treated al at Slarv 'a falls, Muni gan, t ut oil Hubroliloii 'a a.raae to the rivet Ihe Mulligan court iloettbsl against stshriHiloii. and the oplun.il altrmed that deeieiua A diaaaniiug 1 1 uu n w 11a del 1 tired If lust lee Hbiraa 1 concurred lu i y luaiiena iiav ami '". khaiii. SL,fiTHE EAST OREGOHIAM. Tte raper ot the Paopi. asorvbudy Beats It. Tha Laraaci ClraulaUoii. Beat Atserllalua Baetwat 'Uc d-'i.'d o. 11.. 1 InaleeCorrtnu.'!'.: ajg f eu.U ia U.a ,. 4 f ,HaUl liallll la 1 ''' 1 "tl'" Sec, " ajaej iha aMtniursjat . A is atatoriaal. He.tfisiue aicucsui aua a 1 ir It '. ... Il Ut i..l dr.i.,; aasi hoi ur.siuui iuuaiiir' lavat . " saat st lung- ,1.1, ur 1. iua'1 ; Trial s-s. , lu tauu by urn . gLV UUOl Utile, . waiioa ouovi, new lura ALL THE NEWS! Take ibe Kas Oroaosiau Cavily S.uo a year by mail. Weekly tiyt, aaat tie in i 'Vaakly Ba.ou a yew. nampte aspy fee IMS PBfcilUSBT S CABIBBT. Huoi 10 Ssllr on Aeaoual of III Health anu Oi gas lo Betunio His Proleisleo. Washington, Nov. 15. it is learned from an authoritative aouree that Hec rotary ktoot'l health will not iwrimt iilni p. ri uiuin at thai head of the war dcpai tiiient lor a atajoiel term, lie recent It underwent an oiu-ratio lo re lllOVe Iht tilth cart. 1. nt la and bit pn -.-nl visit to Cuba is made, utawaaarv on aoeueal ol Hie condition ol hli health. He has inforiawaJ the nreiduit dlCtlOII "I the older, al. l tli. relore i ro Lett against its . na. luienl 111 their particular esses Ihu order says that nil pi lea must ia. removed within thirty davs from the original date, ami that bugtli id tune baa already m urlv t'Apired All prop .Is an justly ouuiiilered ami no flahoruiau or owuer ol lalld III the legion Where tlat llotl.e. am piaited will I treattsl unfairly, kani lu tlit Pan. n on IHiMy wa- aenleme'l l. snr a tellll id night, en Un. nibs 111 tlm lallii tcntiary al .-ab m lor having broken into .1 baidwaiu .lore on Hit- aaat side and stealing a 1 aae of knivi-e valued at alaul fall, lis waa arrest. I while euiluavoriiig to acll lbs kmvea 011 the atrei'l. BanleiiCe was pasted lo day. gfaeal Diom Hall-Ctat Wheat still . Illume, to deellne III value. Tbia tltarnuoa at t e'elatfe the mm 1, .11. 1 was 5i 1. a droBoJan ol 0 a half ceiU from yeetenlay'a price. The local warehoutea ewtu tu Iw wH tilled, and this d.uotnd at'the ppesiint tiint is not great. Tim tlritntal thlp uieiits of Hour continue, though very twall. The sareliouaas at lloug Kong are nllud U overflow lug and Hie affaire of the country are at pratont io surb a iKilltiitlOU that tlieru are -. an el , I. thipineiitt inland. The financial romli tiun of llie ..nun y ia naluraliv n.el, at it that of Japan, to this has its IS. 1 BBOa the nbipnieiita Irom Ameii. . .0. i"il TO CUBS A 1 01 0 H 0BB BAT. i.i. Leaettve iiiuwu viuiuta Tatiase. looigi.t, o 1 iii. 1 He, auaaai 11 11 lailt la S w tirurv's stgnaluis I. mm aSSa StSl At All Norehound Candy We have jual lucsusiul a lot ol 1 .iinll, cr's h rt hound ...1,1. two harrvla foil uf this old time lav.r il 11 will lake mat in kie not uf 111 Ihmat If you are a lover of gnnd hor.dmiiud candy Mate I" ami sample Ibis We ham a full line ..I Iniuther sand let. t fenrgmt Uui nit si in Olam Baullleei Ita delicious. The weakest sUunarh will relalu . uu 1 uurl 1.111 kiaiuis u'a Uriitia wrw UulUttdo.