SALE ON KID GLOVES 135 pair regular $1.25 Gloves will go at 79c. 53 pair, sizes 5 6, t black and tan, worth 9oc, sale price 39c. Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. WKDNK8DAY, OCTOBKRSM, 1W00, FOOTBALL (i A M E IN SIGHT. Numuer ot Hlyli School ' Has a Dates. Vlir MIM Ol football 'nit Siinilav Id'- Mmn the Indians, mul tin Pendletnna hh ianl n Htartiir fur flu- HCiiHiiii. It iieeeed Iniwml nd will result in ONMHIM he i ni; arranged, The High lebool teeni li pMctloing slmasl daily wiin Boy Ctattkltn m arieert, mul imx two same niiirki ii down on itn pro arum, with ii third one in prospect, Tlw two juniiM iirrailRod lot lire with tin- I n Grande 1 1 i. Behonl teetn at La Qnode ') Saturday, November 24, uml with tho linker Ojty llili Hehool lean mi Thursday, November W, Thanks living day. Leonard Lerone bai keen wIimIc-iI iu. mi it a i i i u( tin' lucil uuirri--Mlon Irani tin- lliuli Hehool. Neeotla nan Bra launif eondaotod ly tin rwniiutivi' inuotttfiirH n( tlm Wiiltebarg, WhuIi., ami Pendleton High Hehool taMMior a ffaina m the tirst mentioned pUi'i' aonM limn butwiniu nun mid the l.a iriunle Kiimii. Tin I Vinlh'tnii aamaaanatil a fa nut willing to ullnw urn iii tlir Waituhiirit train, hut inniHt niMiii it bains. eotapoaad atriotly of I h i : i a I i ' 1 1 ' 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i rn nl llii' II -1 1 Svliniil. Thai i aanaing a hitch in nrrniiiiiin: tiic lama, uml nay result in itn nut being played at all; The Pendleton ilivh Hehool lean in Ki'ttinir in umiil idinu' by gyiuniiHiiitn ttnrl; anil will arranuc othor tinmen in Midi tin a in than Mentioned above. It i- wah nntea at than, sinew nil players arc atriutly awatanf , that nr. mit tin' i 1'iitliUHiiiHin nl tin frieadi ol the raenestivs lawns. sad ad sam e iiic aanaa ( true athletic sports, Ia i n a I.Hitliall naiiii' cun he played in a truly Hnrt smuiil ike inmniiir. It in aaiy when rowdydem . Introdaoad that ipsa fa ton begin In eklrai I tush sesniek iii-h- nr a ih-Hiru tu uiurdnr the offend hiK ilaynrn. WHAT CAUSES OiNDR".Pr Greatest Huropean Authority on Skin 1 Diseases, Say It's a Germ. The old idea nan that ilafulrnfT la Ht:ulix ul Hkiu tlirnwii "ii. tiiruiih a f.vurinli ciiuilition of the sculii. I'ruf. una, ! i ,n,i, in;' (ierinany, KoropeAII authority on nkiu tliuHm, muvh lamlrufT im a gnaj iliMen.e. I he trenu iiiirmw- uiulur the Hcaln, throw iiik ill little Malel of cuticle, and minnine. ! villi! I IU .1... i t. ....I,,,, in tin. nun in i in' nun. t ii.- mill hair ptaMMltion that killn dmid ruff KuriiiH in NuwhroV llurpicide. Oaatroy the 'aiiHU, you reiinive the agaet. " Nut only cure dandruff, hut Meaa lalliti); hair and oauaej a luxuri i n Kruwth. I)idiHhtlill liair driuiHiu. UNLUCKY TIUKTKKN. Applleallons tor Dlvorea Slnoe Sap lamber I, 1000. Ilaoa the 1st of Septeinhor, 1IHMI, up to and including Octoher 81, there have laH'ti lit HiiitM for divorce imttituted in (lie circuit court. (If these the wife is llm plaintiff in nine, and tho bun lml in four. . Only two decree- have been thin fur rented of the 18. namely: Will D. reenter ve, Olive M. Kochtor ; Joephiue Knott vn. W. H. Knott. I'l.e ' asen Mtill pending are the iol- Ina : Halda BchuUtrt vn. Krnnat Kchnhnrl ; Mary .1. Antiunion vn. Andrew Audor em; Alice Uarr vs. I. T. Itarr; Annu Silver plated wear That will wear. Hur Htm k in largo and cotuplcle All new duaiunn to make yuiir ao laetioaj, All goodn gimrauloed by ua. "or pricuN are the lownat oouipar in,' iiality for quaUty. Louis Hunziker, Jeweler and Optician. Aloxaad 4 Hester's. Dinner Sets.. Very fine ware, much cheaper than ever. French China i" "'l'1 pieces. Li, st Coliee in the c,u is Chase ft Suilt.orn S. A vriet of sweets lor Mine. Meat. C. ROHRMAN. aBBatt SUBBBa Ua.anon IhalinUi1 PI I IS 1 ' bbbbbbubb' 1' aHm , V . . ilnaiaailai aaankiBiaT AugaM MM Er sMVal ' . .tArrKAM Ii ..." "i 7 'rlhSF 'i - Wju iiJinaM 4m bssL. ill us l-lBBBBBsV.".rT a... 1..1111IMO. Cat. .h.i.i . i , .. aua.Miaw Banes i"i" "" "roil ",UK HV TAIil.HAN att-O.. UMINMUbV. 'NuUl'ON M. Smith a, Klmer K. Smith; Nellie w. Jones vh. John F. Jonea; Oharlea w- terick vs. Martian A. Stnrirk ; Andrew J. Byron vh. Mary J. Byron i George w. Rcrl maker ' vs. Belle HerinMhar; Mary II. .Iiinlan vh. Samuel II. .Inrdan: Mary I'. Tl ipmin v. M. II. ThiuiipHuii ; Klizaheth V. Sllllivnil vh. (jiiimliiii K. Sullivan. $100 Dollars Howard, tlOO. I'Mili'm nil In-iiiii.i u'lll i... ' Thr " ni "mi inure i nl li.! on., ilrraillul illvaw that Hwaaa h i n niitr m aan in nil tu ihum,and thai lioaurrh. Uall'i Oatarrh cure I I he only ifi-uivu ,'urr nun kiinwu ir i hi Ural heternlijr. Cauirrh Ir-lusr a i ntintllii- iiniiiii illamat r.',inri a ooaatltetloual tnmi. ini'iii. Mull - Caiarrh i iire m mWia liiti'rnallv, ai'ltrtii dlNOtly mi tlir Ill, ,ii,l nail niie nu- an, I"1" "I llni li'lll, tliereliv ilnslruyllli) tlx filllllilnllnn ill tin .II-..H-. hiiiI Kivlliu I lie lin ili'tii ilrtotth hv iiiiii.tiiiK ui itn-I'liiiKtiuitiiin Mint an-i-iiiiK nalen lllilnllui I m Wnrlc Tin ptoprltfton hnvi n niui'li Inllli In tin i iirallvi' powan iimi Umi ottrOna Huadnal i ..;, tnr nni , .i-, Hint II tail- In r.uru. Htiinl tnr list of ii'iiliinulHlN. Aililrr-. I' I IIHBKKY 4 CO., Tolado, Ohtu Boia liv liriixuhli. Tds:. IUIP- I'miillv 1 -i I Ik urn the ln-t. i III A Ml. I: V FOR BUTTUR CRRUK. L. C. Raears Writes Advooallng a Plant. Bebo, Oatv :m. To the Rditor.-WUI eon nay tu the readurH of the I'.iint Ore- irun tan that I think the luwer liulter creek and the Umatilla nieadowH iiun hined offar one of the bent, and moat permanent loeaflom for a creamery iii Umutilla rmintv, with itn lame tractn nt irrigated land, lined fur iUHture, in deiiMiili'iit of itn it I fit I f ii meiidnWH, that afford the dent of ianture for milk pro- hieing, and with itn Hiirrotiuding iiu- leneed on to Ida range, winch of uourai ! not nn good iih it him lieell, hut goml anongh to kaap the nnnaad Bllefa cown and the young cattle and yearling lat II annimer. I'erinmieut, heiuune the I laud in all owned hy the prenent oecu 1 pants. I.. 0. BOO KM, A Powder Mill Bxploilon. Itemuven everything in night: no do drastic mineral pilln, hut both are nighty dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate machinery of your hodv with oaiomal. eotton oil or bIom nil In. ! wluin Dr. King'n New l.iie rills, i which are gentle as u Hiiiiimer lireee, do the work perfectly, (hire headache, J constipation, (inly gib at TgllBBM Co. 'n drug nton . Bast In the Worm. II. Martin him just received il hig j nhipnient ul l.ihhy, .McNeil V l.ihhy'a , celehraled lunch goods. The BMP- .( inriluilttH iix tail i-iii . veal lout, ilickeu Himp, slued dried houf in .., , . I.. Implied dried Inmu, and nevural other del icuuluK ill thin line. 1 hone goodn lire highly guarauteod and are endorsed hy the leading chefs of the east. Martin makes a Hpucialtv of fancy gmxln, and hy putting in thin line mIiowh that he gctn the Oenl. Five Things. The five diaoaaon for which Kbilob'a Coiisiiiuptiiin Cure ia eaiiecially roconi inouded, are Cougha, Coldn, Whooping Cough, Croup and Connuiuptiou. No medicine ever made hy man in eiial to it iii any renpuct. Sold uuder a poaitive gmiruulw. Money hack if it finis H eta, fM eta and (1 a bottle. Taliiuau A Co. Carload Sold. K. L. Smith, the Court ntreot itn uleiiiunt dealer, hen mild a aolid car load of .SiiMjrior drilla and haa ordora for aeveral that he will Iihvo to get irom Portland. Theae drills are ttroogly guaranteed hy Mr. Smith, and the good iualitlea of the drilla inaken hem fuat aellwrn. II you ii"el drill yen ahould inaMict the superior. If TBI Plain Biioatfh. If you have a nagging cough and are loaing lloah, go to a drug alore, and get a bottle of Hhilob'a Conaiiinption cure. Takn two-tbirtla of it, and then, if you ure not bountlUxl, return the bottlo U the druggiat, and he will re turn your mouoy. Uu'l that lair No one could aak more. X eta. , 10 ctn. end $1 a bottlo. Tallman A Co., load ing druggists. A -cucit i of ugga ia Lekeview. They are aaati ior doaaOi reported from iUotod at -it) Acker'n Kngliah reiiiudy will ttop a aongh at anv lime, and will cure the wornt cold ill twelve bourn, or money refunded. 86 ctn. and fO ctn. ror nalc hv llrm k A McCoiuan. L J. 1 W as' J aTTrl 1 4 TM J,l " 1 IIBBUt ! 11 lmu in sf sssss sc .I-'. l.i m f I Urf .ll-M-S I' W l Manhood, Iro naoninla, Pa n. Y. I. C. . PLANS. DIRECTORS LAY BBFORB THB HEN OF PENDLBTON SCOPE OF WORK. Propose to Have Three Dlstlnet Depart manu Well Suppllae. Thin aawadation ia an integral part of the slate, national and international V. M. C. A. It ha direct rfllations w ith the general work, is in constant touch with the ntU- and international coiiitnittePH and is organised in bar niony with their principlea. Itn iirinmrv piirpoae la to train tin bOdiea, mind and nnirit.s of tnen and fo furnish thenv with manly amuse ments ami recreation. It proposes to conduct a permanent up-to-date V. M A. under the grnnral supervision of a iionru ot directors composed of pn gressive Imsinesn men and citiaBM of I'eudleton, and under the direet care of trained serretaries. who know thplr iraefneaa, to - appointed hv the stati comtnittee. I BON will Ih. thre general lines of work carried on via: The phvaieal department, the edui-Utiotml and so.-fal department, and the religions depart ment . The Physleal Department. The physical department will be under the direct crp of a trained physical director a special is! in such work, who will lie vouched for and ap pointed hv the state cuminittpe. This department a ill have a new oOBMOth ons gymnasium, with modern equip ment to meet all the di'-siral needs ol the men of Pendleton.' It in to lie no unregulated plnv-room, hut a scientific school of physical training. Daring ik season it will conduct field and track work. There hen- will also he a line syntHin of shower hathn, with hot mill cold water connections, also lockers for clothing. Educational and Social. The educational and social work will h ider the direct charge of the gen eral secretary. There will he a public lobby or reading and correspondence room, supplied with the leading dai I ien and writing desks with niaterials. There will also In- a mnnlier'n parlor and reading ru m, with all the lead ing iiiRgar.mes, miiuseineiits. games, etc. This is to he the hriirhest and most attractive riMitn, of a public char acter for men, in the city, where they enn spend an hour during the day or an evening with pleasure and prollt. It win also have lilirnry and educational rooms w here the Y. M. C. A. night college will conduct its work. Thin will he supplementary to the public and other schools of the cltv, in I hat it will offer instruction to those w ho cannot attend these day schools. It will ls HKM'ial in that it will offer huninenn and commercial courses, also itndiaa in MMio and art. It hopes also to open a manual train ing ncliool and alno a domestic science class. BellRloui Affaire. The religious work of the association will Is-such as in carried on hv all successful Y. .M . C. A's. The Y. M. C. A. has always been evangelical in principle nod la strictly inter denominational, teaching all to Ih loyal to their own churches. It has no religious "inina", "fade," or "creeds." It comes to man of all creeds, every day in the year, with an open hand, a warm heart und a frank manly hearing, seeking to w in them to u stronger physical, mental, ats-ial ami npiritual uianlussJ. Actuated hy this motive and offering the ulmve mentioned features of wora toward this end, and knowing Pendle ton 'n need of the same, it confident I presents its case and makes its appeal to the business men and puhl ic spirited BltiaatM of Pendleton. What the V. M. Oi A. ia doing for other cities und towns it will do for Poiiilletou. C. A. IkiTKON, Kin: III) KICK 0. NOLP. B. P. BBDD, W. P. QBBY, K. A. IiOWKLL. IfBMBV SCAI.KS, T. ii. HAILKY, V. 1.. POBBKB, Board of Dirootora. R, K. FIN, ( ieneral Secretary. C. 1.. SMITH, I.KVI JOHNSON, lluilding and Finance Cominittee, Woraa Than War. Hundreds are killed in war, but hundreds ul thouaauda are killed hy coiiHiimpt ion. There would ta no , hat hs at all cauaud hy this terrible diaeaae, if Miople could la- made to un derntand that Hhiloh'a cough anil con nuinptloii cure in a ante remedy if taken in the early ntagen. 2.) ctn., 50 ctn. and $1 a bottle, Druggists will refund the money if a cure is not offectud. Tali iuau Co., leading druggists. RAILROAD NEWS. Shortage In Freight Cart Threatened Jap Laboreri on Q M. That the present shortage of freight cars in the weat and northwest will develop into a genuine freight car famine is regarded by traffic ortlcielsaa highlv probable. The situation ill the tar nurthwuat ia regarded aa critical, the yards ut Tacoina, Portland, in utile, Spokunu and otiier important shipping milters being congealed with earn loaded with grain (or the eantern mar kela. At Tacoina there are Isitwuttn 3, and 4,UUI,0Oll bushels of wheat awaitiug cara (or shipment, and the sidings, betwevu Tacoina and Spokane are unuouifortahly cruwdud with loailad cara. Thu trattlc ogjelale are doing ail they can to clear the yards and aiding, and keep thu nam lu motion The accumulation of grain ready lor immediate shipment, how ever, haa Im.iii so great that tba motive power at hand haa not been adequate to meet the deliiaudn. I rum the report luade to the atate labor couiUiisHiouer 'he (jreat Northern company employed 1060 auction men at f 1 .33 18 par day in the year lh7. Theae men have all been replaced hy Japanese luiiorern at fl HI per day, and i!., n are now -&00 Japaueae ut work mi the construction of the (ireat North ern in the atate of Waahiiigtuu Thirty more new freight engines were recently ordered from the Bald win Us-'ouiotive wurka by the liurliug ton. The order involve an exiauidi- lure of approximately .i,taju, or aoout $14, Quo for each enigne, and It npeclien next March aa the time for delivery. Moat of the new locomotive, which Will De oi llie aocaiot "prairie" type, will be pressed iuu the Burlington service weat ot the Missouri river, a bare tin fte.ight tragic within tba laat year haa aliown re markable growth. Mail handlera iu the railrued sU tioiia at St. Paul, M iniieapol is and other iiiiporlaut terminal point, in the northwest claim that the governuieut ia crowding toi much matter into can vaa maillaacka. They have appealed to traltic oltlciala of the road which employs tbew, declaring tlial within the laat lew weeks they have handled many mnil sacks that have weighed considerably more than tho maximum weight prescribed by law. The legal maximum weight fs lfiO nininls for POOOed-clvBa and third-claps matter, hut there have beefl complaints that sacks weighing 200 pound or more have lsen carried from the twin cities to i he Pacific coast. The mail handlers said that in addition to the delay caused in transferring the mails from the wagon to the cars the handling of the heavy sacks wore them down al most to a state ol collapse. Announcement . T" accotnniodntp thoae who are par tial to the use of atomiser, in apply ing liquids into the nasal assnges for catarrhal troubles, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liuniil form, which will Is- known as Klv's Liquid Cream Malm. Price Including the spraying tube ia "IS cents. Hruggiata or by mail. I be liquid form embodiea the medicinal prtqiertie of the eolid preparation. Cream Balm is quickly ahnorliod by the membrane ami dona not dry up tho secretions hut changes them to a natural and healthy charac ter. Kly Brothers, Nl Warren St.. N. Y. ONE CUSTOMER LESS. A Lady Assists Her Husband to Stop Drinking. An unusual scene was presented in the recorder's olHce Tuesday, when a woman entered uml asked if that was "the recorder's olltee." Judge Beam replied that it was. and the BoBeBTl brieHv staliil her business. She BfBB a lady in mien, language ami dress, ami her errand was of sticli a nature as to furnish enough fissl for several menial meals. She asked that the nahmus la1 not I fled not to sell bar husband any thing more to drink. I here was a pathos in tier voice na she made tin request, hilt courage and lirniliens wen alike shown, ami in a two-niiiiutes talk iinintcni niiiallv divulged the heartaches and niiserv of several years. She paid the price .d t-.VI, the cost ol having the marshal serve the notices in the different saloonkeepers, and lell the office happy in having done her duty to reclaim her husband from his devious way thai lends to mora! and Hoeial degredalioli. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, hut i.kln eruptions rob life of joy. Hucklen'a Arnica Salve cure them; also old, running Ml lever sores, ulcers. buds, felons, corns, wartn, cuts, brules, burns, s, mis, happed hands, chilblain. Best pile cure on earth. Driven out pains and al lien. Only 3-V a box. Cure guar anteed. Sold by Tallman A Co., drug gkftB. THE LOST IS FOUND. Quick Action In an Advertisement In the East Oregonlan. Mrs. Mary A. Sto.'cr wua coming up town Tuesday to purchase her w I r the winter. She carried iu her pocket a small purse containing a ' gold piece. Iu due course ol time, when she needed the money, she din covered that she bud lost both it and the purse. A small advertisement wan inserted in the Kast Oregoiiinn ol I'uesduv, but Mrs. St iver wan fearful that ehe would never ace the money again, owing to Hie fact that it was in audi shape (hat a dishonest person finding it would have no trouble in llsisisuig of It, then keeping silent us to having found it. hortunutely lor the loner the purse und contents wen- picked up hy J. A. Urake near the corner ol Alia and Aura streets, and brought to this office, thence trans ferred to the loner. Mra. Stover said she hud been making calculations to use the money to pay for, und that it would have ls-en a very incon venient loss. Ho not get scared if vour heart trouble vou. Mont likelv you suffer from indigestion, K slnl Hysticp.-iu Cure digests w hat you eat and gives the worn out stomach ta-rfect rest. It is tin- only preparation known that completely digest all classes of finals; tbal la wliy It cures the worst caaea of indigestion and stomach trouble after everything elaa has billed It may In taken iu all condition and cannot help but do you goJ. Tallman iV (',,., leadiug druggist. Want 100,000 Converts. Tomorrow at 0 a in. a district min isterial convention will la held in the M. K. church of this citv in the in terest ,,i the 1'wciitifth Ccuturv ror- ward Movement ol the Melius! it F.pincopul church, nays the Dalle 1 linen Mounluinoei . linn movement la to obtain the pledge of HHl,(MJt CliriM tiaiis that they will seek to bring ten s-rsons each to Christ during the com ing year, and that 10,000,1100 shall he raised for the work of the church. About twenty-five ministers are ex pected to atlunu tomorrow's meeting. m a m This is the auaaon when mothers are alarmed on account ol croup. 1 1 ia quickly cured hy One Minnie Cough Cure, which children like to take. Tat I man lading druggists. Mothers Children Bejoioe In the cleansing, purllj bag, and boautifylug propcrtine of Cv iu usi Hoar and OuTicvaa Oiutiuaut, puni and awtsitoat ot euiol limit akiu cures. Tlinae gentle yet effective akiu puritivrn and Luautiitata bare mad. thouaauda u' lioutae bappy by curing torturing, duliguriug bunion, raatien, and irritations of infancy lid chddliuod, ami rulieviug (suuuu ul care and auxioly hula en u tMMtt mi. ..n w P".! n (W .l'i. ,Ofc-. "XUU-.ll.u, . in Caa Ui,' u. Wishing to retire nun buaiueaa I ofiei my entire Wa:k (or sale at .oat, consisting of f a r pelts, Hugs. LdkCtl and Silk Curiam-, Portiere.. Hrfuuiand Irou Kedtiteadat, CoucbeH, Wall Pajer, Shades, Kewing Machine-. and other thinga kai huh to mention. Chance oi a life lime to inn theae good cheep. JESSE FAILING l uudluUUI, WlUgUU. ALBA N0TBS. Doing ot Residents and Visitors at the C ma Prairie Town. OaOrge How man. of rendleti':, -topped bore last night on the Inn l.indHev ranch, with .'IS head of yearl ing steers, which he bought in (irnnt county. He winters them north of lVn diet, hi. The saw mill hut down last night lor the season. John Urnwn, of Ta OOlMj has taken a contract of enttlng log for Millard Hick, of which a large quantity will he cut ami hanked randy for hauling on sleds when the snow come. Joh Clark has a large force of men working on the roads. Mr. Slaughter, of Pendleton, it teaching the achool here, which has a largo attendance. Her -ervi.e" give m i. at isiaction. Mis Qaatrlo, ol naanille, arrival here Saturday, and will alien. 1 selu I here during (he winter. R. Kn-tnian, of I'emlleton, ha renteil the hlackmtth shop of M Pick, and i preiianil to on all kind oi iron wore. .Mr. h.astmnu comes highlv laootntnanaadi Albrt Noble, the liquor merchant here, has returned lislay fnun a brief visit in I'emlleton. Jim Ship, the fod stable man, hit built a line collar and has his w inter supplies laid in. One Bi B, Hooreri who hdi her week ago for a load of groceries (or our menliant, bus not returned yet. Will the editor please hunt him up and send him, a we are a little short on Hour'.' (i. K. Stockcr has been appointed sistmuslcr at thi place in blue, M Tale who ha resigned. i teorge Jones, of McKav ccek. is here, ami has bought a bunch of young cattle of John lliher. SNOWT I. h K Your Faee. shows th' atate of your laellaga ami the stale of your health as widl. Im pure blissl make itself appan-nt in a juile and sallow complexion, phonics and skin erupt ions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have u healthy paarnMe, you should iry Acki'r's Hlisnl Kl i x ir. Il cure all blissl disease where cheap Sarsa parlilai ami so-called parinan fail. Knowing thin, we sell every Isittle on a isitive guarmiti-e. Kor sale hv r.roek A McCoinas. If You Want A buggy or a hack, yon should in spect the slock of W. H. June. He has an immense stock on hand, includ ing the famiiiin Studchakcr buggies, ac knowledged to be the Is-st ill tilt world. The pulut ing and tritniuin ig ol Mr t llw buggies are the newest out Junes also has a large stock of ilrdh ami other (arm machinery at price li heat compel i t ion . , CASTOHTA fhsar. Ih. slgnnlniv uf Ciiah II ri.KTCHKas In us. for tuor. than thirty yrsrs, ami Th Ami 'um Uw .lSMii JluUfM. As to Prescriptions lu-,-l when phyaiciana ructminend you to have them cumsuiudeil hy iim, what diMis that mean'.' riimply the certainly on Ihall part that you will get exactly what is proscrilM-d the right quantity und the right quality, which ia even more important . Kut we go further than that, for we take honest pride ill our skill in compounding. BROCK A M,;COMAb DBUUOlHTH (Corner Main and (.'ourt Hta., I'endleton. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Dealer in all kiiuU of Lumber ami liuihling Material. Hv .! k oi lath, aliincjles, ui jiapt r, inoiildiiiKh, -.a Ii and doors that are ijuaraiilccd not to waij. Kblimates furnished on bo(l4lfl material on abort notice. R. FORSTER, - Proprietor. THE BATTLE WON Thoy will le haupj . fggj luu lr) lrubl'ui aulved THE DOMESTIC LAUNKOY dijtm the wurk unci it ia alaaya aalia factory. Butt laundry iu Orotfoii. Doua kocmI work, (iivua quick aurvit v al rasauiiabl ratea. i. f . fUaoMe, Pn. fa4eanewi 60 OVERCOATS 8BB th Mftortmfjnl thM wo carry of up-to-the-timeA Overcoats. Made rilit and ac- oording to tbo newest modela hi all tho new matoriala and by dependable tailorn who havo given them tho oul and tyh) that givoa Iho woitror u swell dfMiy itpponranoe. RANQI- OF PRICKS: $5.00 to $25.00. Hen' Clothiern and Hatters. 4rfr Hotel Pendleton Under New rianagenient. Strictly First-Class Excellent Cuisine. uTry Modem Convonience Bar and Kllllard Uooms. The Best Hotel Van Dran Broi., Props. t 4 JDa , aaaJLr) vBh glaV Hsafcw BMnlllll HHHffil fgBHIi lal w BBSbVsbBsH f nHIH 4jtw HKaaraH Byers' Best Flour... To make gorxl laread uae Byera' Beat Flour. It took ttiat premium at the ChicaKo World's Fair, over ail competi tion, and gives excellent eatlafactton wharevar nacd. Hvery auck U teuurauteed. We have the heat Bteaiu Rolled Barley, Seed Rye and Beardless Barley. Pendleton Roller Mills V S ItVKKH. Prop Hrun. Shorts. l-'Be.i. . to PARK AND WASHINGTON STNKCTS A. P. Afiiiitiong, LL. B.rPrin. 'a, " J. A. Weace, Penman and Bey OPEN ALL THE YEAR Illustrated ''.iiuloKUe, Cllege Currency, liuhineawt Forms, Speci-iik-iim ol l'cmuafi.ihip, I'.li., Mailed I'lic to uuy Address. We havt: hundreda f (ormer students in i sitions, and sliall send mt thousands more. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL t. F. B0HUN, Pro. furupsan siiil Amsriuiii ru Tee Only First Clu and C.s.sMs H.W I. Iks City JjlaMBIafPPHBBl sE. BWBaaBgl BBP Cor. Court and Johnson Streets. PENDLETON. 0UE00N Babbitt Metal. srw For Salt; by the East Oreitoauau Pub. Co. SUITS for Boys and Children. Nil aU( I iii f 1 1. a'lntli rat ii ooIoh. ntttattt ahntnki m l laal t nlor; va 1 1 1 1 thiat 'illi ftit'l lltit'ti thritaft lliroitjfti. Ul. I'.tlil l.i.ll.l. ,, )UM( ilutjhlr k II . a .ir Hi.vrw i: hoi f htitTT u bfoatl nn tin' immma! NttM itvnrr tfrninl. 'i1ay t-onl rrn tur thau Uit onlUM aiud. DAUBE.COHN A CO.. Manufacturers. CHICAGO. I OR 5ALC BY L8AMN0 DBALER5. Gin Us i Trial. Rates $2.00 a day Special Rates by Week or mould Haadquartera for Traveling Man in Eastern Oregon. Succegsors to J. E. Moore BMrfSavH Iwi WsaaNasM. Bat Masai ail frsnu, Free faartrki I Ligab. Mi lagaag tue Yiod I