East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 18, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    ESlSS -f I S Jr ..." Bg B8
M 1 ma J mW " n"" jkwr "'" ,I,TaT'aaa,
t"ia. z-J"" "1 r
velum la Tollel map, tn vvyvy
Frederick INolf
A Man from New York
A Iwnyn the cheapen!.
Now Una of gob
mall aad Mbfnat
He, fy 1 1 1 1 1 it r
platarl Premm for;
alae iihotnu tn.. .. '
Haw inn! artlatle.
We iin agents fur "Si i
rtaad knivi'N, raaon and
t.i f-'.l.
too" guar
ni'innnr.n, L'."ic
Htatlonary, lebnol Bupplina tablet
Inka. fancy gooda, lad fa' nd Mll!
piirnoa, iIoIIh, tnya, games, bicycle.
Japanaaa napalm, beet inula m,.
hundred, larc Una eobool ahum ha t
3Sc. TiaiM, erapa and (anoy pnpara
beautiful gift lm,.kn, elhuma and toilet
--, ii.ll.jr lllllipn, CHIIIII ill-l,,-
ardlnaera mi ohtna noveltioa,
Wilt -'I,,, I,,,,;. ,V
A Man from Pendleton
a lam nayaagD ami be mldi
''I'll wmi many nt-irey and DHHW ntnokn of gomin
thm noannt, and I tell yon f haven't seen Mi. li
noting attraetlvanem and anon grand M f
porta m Alexander Heater are oflerim their
trade fortha toll and winter trade and I kaoa
a hut I m talking tboarf tin,. "
Mr Minnie Crockett Before Circuit
I mm, fr.,. Now york know what . ,,
. ilk lag about, onr itoab toll ..,,., la the laraaet
V; , -. haw in2
AiiTnoon Session Sues Many Liilies Pr ivtit.
DsfcDfltnt Shows ExpcN IVprcslon
and Sadness In Court.
ai could give a woman fair trial the
name a though she WON I iiirii
K. T. Wade liail read of the cane,
but hail (oraaad no Minion: eoold give
a fair ami impartial Verdict) had no
connriont imta opinion, attain.) capital
punishment .
V Mi iKenato, of Alba: know of the
eaee by talk a pan Mm annate ; hail
tormed no opinion , was not acquainted
Willi prinripaN; ronhl rttn or .1 fair
rerdlot i
nan no oonieieniioai opinion
iipital pnnifhmont. V-iiitil .
Our mil M lino of holiday
are arriving evam weak, Wi
"nun no- MiriffMi. ttnest, niint
ahlc lino of kohiIn ovor hIiowh
a I
in Pen-
Superb Qualities.
Attractive Patterns
Extensive Varieties
Excellent Values.
Frederick Nolf
We rofldeuUy believe thai Um tradt of IWIetoa will aKr,.H with Uh
Ma" r "rk" ami that tlmy will h-o tiiu wimiotn
aM Odaomy Ol glviilK nn tlioir patronc.
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
SI 0.00 $15.00
For tliis Week on all our Black Dress
Gun, is ending Saturday October aist.
2o per cent off
regular price.
Tlx following arc some of our fall importations
French Crape.
English Storm Proof
Black Stripe Soliet.
1 Figured Wool and Mohair
French Poplin
Whip Cords
lilack Brocades
Diagonal Suitings
Storm Serges
French Cashmere
At lm mintiteK to 10 o'l'lmk thi
niornniK, Itdfjl W. K. KIUm aalM MM
oano of tlio ntato of Ori'uon vn. Minnio
Oroenetti aeeaaad of nwrder in tiu
Hri.t ilotfrco, fur tho killiuu of her
hakaad on raeaday, Oatobar -. l m-
trfct Attorni'y llailoy ankiil that tln
name of John MaOatart ho added to bia
own to apMar of roconl a aaWMet lor
tho ntato. Carter Kaloy arc for tho
Menaa, Mr, Rale? i in alataga ot
the BBM for the hitter linn. The ap-
pearan if the ilefoinlant oreateil
ripple of oxeitetiient. The court Mom
wbh nrareely une-thiril tilleil hy 1
o niai ami 01 itniBo wIim wi re in at
tenilam i' 11 ilor.en or mi were lailieH,
Exainlaallon ol Jurors
The lict of In fori arai ralleil 110,1
alter whieh tln v arere
their qnallgoatloni
iieiii intr .
Keinurkaiiie progreaa waa made In
the Bell i t i. 111 of juror t.i wrve. Kmlit
were Heenreil within Wt minntea nfter
the exam mat ion commenced.
r. WooilBtiick. ol Niilio: liuil
IihciihmiiI ami hml rcml
Kant i ri-k .ti inn ami
nan up, hut
ox fdeuee.
William Dnfl inawetad nuaalltaii by
eonnaal for initb tidei aatkifactorlly
ami nai Hccopteil ax the eiithth jnror.
Tlis rancl Exhauitad.
The panel of jnr,irn ngflng t m 1 1 ex-
baaeted, the lodge urdaren the clerk to
iniio a inacial venire for twelve from
the body "f tho conntv, ami It wan
glVM to Sheriff HlnkleV to HOrvc.
A I IIiiiIh.hi ami T. .1. Itlair wen
WOn an bailiff to take analga of the
jnrv in thii cao.
Ooarl there upon adJoffMd until
1 we p. in.
Ladlai In
box tille.1
amiiieil an to
nerve in the cam
lii anl (lie cane
f it in tin
I rihitne ; hail his minil
it cuiilil he , haiik'i"! hv new
Aeoepted b lelenne
mi' heen iiilent imieil.
the ntale .
hut, after hav
wan rejecleif hy
tieorire Jomm hail reml il the .
pnbllaaed la the Baal Oragonlan, ami
hail heard nome talk of il -i thentroot ,
hut it had ntada no particular Impma
ion noon inn in 11 1 cuiilil render bin
vennet aRooruiiiu to 1 ,, ,W , ,,,
lelice; wn'lhl uivo a ivnman Hi
trial without buM or prelodloa
won hi a man. Acoentod.
a vi
an lie
rotor Ralaon bad read of the eaae,
am', 111 aililit i in. Inn nn.l, . .
upital ponlahnitanti Kaeoaal for
K. JanlaaoO)
Wanton, Rajpoaad for
I. II. Roan. Vtoaaani hml taike.i
with a iiiiniiM-r of people, ami, an ,r, I -iuu
to tin vernation, li,n 1 an
ipmion which it woilhl take nwom
viilenee In chanp-; nal inUol ,rv In I, nth
iilen umi war- ai plcil.
,1. Hudi inan hail no conncient loM
pinion agaiaai capital pnnlahmanti
oiuhl ive a woman a fair an I im
partial triul rej-anllenn of nex. Ac-
Attarnoon Saailon Many
th. Court Room.
v 1 ' no 1 r 1 H I 1 III- intern, 1,10 t lie IT t
more interent nhown. Tile numlier
npeclatorn liail ilicreai.e,, ami of thom
nreaent nearly half a humlreil nan
! lailien. Mm. Crockett a chihlren wen
not III eoilit I he ilefeinhiiil . ,1 .......
;.. 1 1 .. .
111 main, aim our ' I . II lllcil I II III - n I ei
brown hat ami heavy veil, nat th
mom 01 me nine Hun ner lieinl rentiiiu'
upnii m r rutin iiauu. AIMongn 1111
I ilniihteilly feeling an inteiin term
111 the proceed Inga, the noaoaaled h
feel inn., ami nut t-aiiiK lixilly II po
Hie noor, wlien tier (ace wan not rentii,,.
upon nor muni IVnnn the rei'enn 1
lonortal lt)0, athlta awaiting the r
turn of the npecial venire which lia
1 1 1 . 1 .
1..1-11 iniieo mr inree jumrn, tin. air o
'! atniiun the npeclatorn iiinn
Peered, ami ooovenatlon wan Indolat
m an ,1 1, it were nn oecaaion of
meeting lor plcnnuro, with no human
Hie Hutu! .1 111 the Imlaiice. Ami that
the 1 1 n of a niniiiii, .
Vonlr Man Examlnad.
j R, I, Suininerville wan not
qnainteu a Itn the principal; knew 1
the killing from hearing ami from hav
1 Ing read of it had Inrined an opinion
excuntni .
lnlv amie, remlletnu: hud read
an ace, nut of the killing in tl
paHTn; imd no iixed opinion ragardina
i no t; 11 1 1 1 or innooenoe of ae unml.
Joe II. I'arken hud read of the enm
in the Rant Oragonlan 1 imd luiaieu m
opinion; could render a fair ami Int.
partial trial; BgoMaa peremutorlly hy
the pmneciit inn.
0 bar lei A. Freeier, had road a nmaii
plana eoaoarnlng the killing In Port
lami iirenllian. II 1 I held pni-il
deputy anerlfl for aeveral year-.
onaad by Donnaal fnr dafanaa.
hi ni
I.. Oi Rotbroek had read nt the
Ing at the lime; hie I Loth fnrmod
espreaeed un opinion Iron whui h
lalkeil ami read ; cliullHIik'cd I
cut inn and exciixed.
ami had
Th'ituu- Chandler hud Iixed n
regarding Ibe cane, bnl it eoold
llm ei ,y , , M, ,,, ,
attauiht a woman and
(air iriul . Accn .
J. F. Rerinti anenaad,
nun, 11
M re.
Hid nn hian
mi Id give her a
T. J. Kirk. Ainena
talked of the case ; did
prinelpnli ; hud no inae
umvHui nun irom tn mjf
had read and
ma knnw the
that would
Wntiiull a
We are mm read" h.r hu- 1. -near
v. .. .1, .; ,11 di Oolunibla
River Irelgiil deppl with a
Ifenurul aynorlliieii' nf luinher
direct from our own kw mill,
and can torn lab anything
promptly, Ooonlry ordaia la
car louiln aliippi'd direct from
arlnuil ai
for Infants and Children.
fuir triul. Rejected by the -tn'
f, m Pnrgnauni Pandlaatav wu'- aol
aeqnaintaa with the principal : had
read and talked nf the cane, could ilia-
regard that in lavanlng an opinion oa
nworn lentimnny; hM,i aanaeientiooi
opioioui aituiimi capital panlvhneni
ana bia verdict would he governed
thereby. J'.xcunud.
it. K. Rana had rand u ihaaak in the
Kant Ovagaalnn ulniut the cane; hut
had forned no opinion, Accepted
t he remaining time to I o'atoak wun
taken in accepting (on. M inner, ex
enaing Winn Johncnn ami u, Hetrv
Mmirhead, M. Coanpton. Wiii
1 Itagevald, 0 R. Hem, ami
Ohna. White.
The jury haviiiK baafl tiled
in oept ing
iy the
le the i
i. ceded will
nwnrn ami the cane pri
opeiiiiiK ntateinenl.. nl (.i, . . ,,i ,,,,,
umi iieieiiho were then upon 111. 1. 1,
whii h will uniicar in deiail n i ,
r - - -
lav n rei,..rl nl the trial.
Itinerary of a Ropubllean Campatanar In
InetOVl Oraeon,
C, . Magara. ..( MeMlnnville, nia-m
WMlneaday uinht in lendleton ami
went tmlay .. Kcho, when- he .Hakn
tnninht fnr the repuhlicnn ticket He
npnke Monday nbibt in Athena, Tnen I
nay atohi In tdama, and, alter .peak-i
ine in .'el,.t l.iu Uln..M i.L I I .
z m ...in i.ii i.hi'p nun in'
mne on the I'M li. ( Igni Mile on the
RRhi ip the afternoon, and tn .Hard
man in the evening. Lone Itoek on the
IM, May rl tie on the RM, Condon mi
the Nthi Oraai Vallev on the Mtb
" on the nth and t'uscade I nck
on the 27th. Mr. Matter. pu.n.l
thrnngh Pendleton in WTg, before the
railroad hml come and w hen only via
the Overland nlatfe could one travel. Il
needa not the my Ing thai be hi nnr
prleao ai the gronth ami Importance
now of the little hamlet ihr,,,,..i,
which he rode In. hind a nix borne team
twenty-one vearn iil-o. and nave no
more than a oif-mor thmiuht 1,. il...
Inniniitiie collection nf i n.i.l, aaut
the on icre annetii hlaue of iiih.ldl..,).
"Ot coiirne," naid Mr. MagVTf. "even -
me nnwaihivn km,w. that 'emlleloti
' one t,, t, ; ,i, , nrv eilhi le-- il
orpnu. in nie to nee no
nam a lib evidence ol Men
limine- Intermte. "
Democratic Jooes Commeots od the
Trust s Concession.
Kvpuhllrio Pajrne Rapllei Thai Tbn'i
Anthrtrltr Truat AllaRM Jan'
l.onic Is Not Lole.
in a
prooporona a
Th. (aitla
Thl.v.a Plnart (iulltv ana
Ar. Svnteneaa.
ipenina el court thin njotnlmi.
a nurprine. Irntik II
William Sliinber wu
liin opinion, hml tin
O 'II iiiu uguiiint c itul
unhiai-i'd in
oonaelenl lone
n repn
Koriaar Oltlclal In Uuoallon aaioHavlna
Hoi olvoU Mutiny
aniiinut.iu, tcl IH. ( iii.ien of
it ia Mated,
nur null III
enrrect prima
dive lie u I
W. J. SEWELL, Mgr.
The Best
Ever Brewed.
Cusloria to IiurmloHa Htibwtit ute lor Ctaagor OH, i n -MaiCf
DvOflW " ''"'dliiiio; Kuiiiik, It la IMouhltlit. It
WtnillH ncitlii-i )iium, Worpliluo lir other Nunotlo
HllbHtuace. It denim. Worms ami ulloyH I V i Tlnliuena.
It OUraa lHurrlni u umi Wind Colic. Jt rolieva 'J'eieth.
lllfT Troubloa unil ei.i en Conatlpntion. 1 1 reKUtatea til0
MonHtcli ami Itowi in, Kiviiitf lieultliy mid iiuliirni eloeu.
The Clilldrou'a Punucou -The Motlior'a Frioud.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Ecurs the Signature of
In Use For Over 30
thi camrauni con raft
r MtfHM' tmtlT. maw umh .r.
PILSNER Just Received
Rada from Rltniad water. Recom
mended by nheatotoua. Yon ' 'lrillK
III you want of il ami mti have th"
headache or Kei dltuy.
chultz Brewing Co.
I have ju.Hi reccivml an elegant aaaortmanl of QolaVal 'k Library
Tablua. A I mi KiiunielMi and Uak Wall I'uckele, Comb QanMi
Olool Shelve ami Towel I'm I lorn.
I'ricen In nuil the cilHtnnier ut
Joe Basler's.
Th. Papar of tha faopla.
Bv.rybody Baada II.
t nn Laraail hlraulailou.
Ua.l AUvbrintu. n.dluio.
ia the in. mi toogad'tur de-
"I y r y wuiuau.
ni., - atiiiwa n luii a pnw.i-
lul aid u i, li la,
aii-i tiidvav.jra tu inuke
law own aa aoft, al'
uud i im k aa uiaailUi
' luiauvuly Ic w ,.
,..111 .... . ...... y, i
ihat .New hm' llvruetde,
u n i . nt macutltiu d i
Oui'ury, will ciutblv tluaa
to tiaai hair aa thick
ajid luxurtauiaa aayoiMi
eould leair.
1 1 wnrk. on a new Oic
'ry of dcaUnyiiur tba
.:.-llil Hint r,-.l. n,..n o...
hulrnoi, anil lliua uiak
nia ilaudrutl aud lulliuy
liklr luilnjMlhh-. It UleU
,fm t.rfU to l.rodui. a
Kinnlh nf Hi i .
Iialr llikl arniu ljtHua
on- .i . oi ii. owucr.
Oua Irlut wtll Loiiviiioa
you ul iu virluua.
aoa aaaa ar a Li. ,.,
eunaa v.ua aroaae-
ntticial liner reenrdn.
here III the hill, I- of i Ml lemail
ew nik, which prnve the churn
lliut Wehnter HavM receive I (IJ.iatn
uueriim f..-i,iaai, und Mnntuiie Whil
V 1 ,iai,mai tn rume utfitutlnn in tin
aleten. All ollii lal at Hie ntute dcpurl
I wont nam thiil imtli i uat in the otlicial
i, r I ; nt 1. 1 -I, prmif of the charge
'II.. nlhcial hud Men enpicanf tl
purnrle, liner remrda, hnwever, and
orivate letti-rn Irom Booth africneOTI
boratad the ahargei
inraa Um Linutt.d lu by kuiiii.nt
Bacl.riolub'lal and Ottlelai Miyalclaua
man rram li-i .. l, I. ia. -Tliroe deali.a
have n. eiirred In rhinuinwii here dur
liitf Ihe pant tan woekn, all ol them
uuuamen. it ban been nifind h
the Man PranclaOQ Ijoard of health, by
lir .1 .1. RlnyoajB), the federal qaaran-
In liner, and by llr. RyoBfau, the
bact..ri.,lnit of the alate Imard nl
neaiui, a. wiuonia plange. Tha Uai
victim wun alive when Ihe cam- wan
diaeoverad laai Handay, No known
caae. are now exiallua' alia city new.
paper, are ntleiit on the nubjwt.
Hi rrauca
, Nasal
Tlia Old Han May kai
ii...iu ..... ... . .
nil-, ni;i. in. -. 41, ,et H
alarmed ut the proiram beina' made
in Brrangiug the watoome to Prmidaat
Paul Kruger. Thi aovernmaut feara
mai Hie oi iiiuii will aet the cniintrv
game, it ir baiieved thai he xoen to
r.uroua, n n an a rmagaa, but In tuuki
a Um deapemte tliroar. Botha ami
uowiu nave pmiimanl him to reaiat tin-
oritiah null, tin, reault in ki.own
tare) Waahatd Up bold
neauie, iiri, la. According to the
iaie.1 aoiiim ailvicua, the recent atoriu
there depovllad a layer ol "Kuby
--.ii. . on the beach, which yielda uooil
pay. Winter Heather wun prevail!
anil the lundura wan caked with it
lu all tu .iu.'.i. tliara
atiuuld b. tkiuuu.a.
Ely'a Cream il.iliu
clMUiaea.aoi iUic. tadBMnt
tli. diMnv-mil Haanaraaa.
Hcuraai alarrb kudu, ivae
away a told lu llul uied
C'reauk Balm la plao d latO the uovlrlla, apm.it.
ov.r ilia uieiulir.uiv and la ktiaurUnL KaiilMf ia liu-
iuwlu.uaiiuci. foiiuw n ia out dryum-dinaj ie'oe day
Butpwalllti iaaaaill I-ege Uuc.W HUU J,ua- ,, . t , c" m V , , , t
ii ?,., ... . 'ki I inlin- Viuiuu (vie i, in. Tkblaui All
ai.u ur by Mg ; Trial Bia., IV aaa by uiau. druaglau ruluud lb uiouiy II It l.il. ii i ur.
XL ttUoiUkLkUi, 'jQ Wui OUMl. M.w Yk. kC. W. Oluv.'a aiaualuru ia uu aauii bua. Hu.
lUlllnaihaiii Varmout liaoator.
alantpeliar, Vt., Oat, IWmar
Uovarnor V. P. IMiiJugnam haa been
elm teU Uuitaxl Stalea aunator to auc
cued the late Heuator Morrill.
At th
t llere wun
t hilder an, I ,laine rurdwell w hn ha.l
ami looelj pleaded not gntlty tn the m
diitiiient of tin. Krand jnrv for trruml
larceny in Hie nleulinu of "l I head nf
cattle fmui T. T. (ilenn. of Mummer.
Villa, withdrew that plea mid entered
Instead ana nf guilty.
Upon baina a-k.-.i b .lu.i,.,. nlllla it
they had anything to my In eitenna
lion of their act, thev replied that they
bad not. (' imd for tlefemlantn waa
Ihereiipi.n inked II he had amtluiik- to
nav in reuard to t.
.1. II. Kalev, of coiinnel, replied that.
in eonaidoration nf the fait that the
yoniiu men had mivod tl untv the
nln of an exiiennive trial hv nh.ii.l.,...
....II... I. . I " . .. . i ' :
anutv unpen that in,, jtui,. wmihl
nhnw leniency in nunnim. iinli.ii....
riiereupnn .Indue Kllin m.i,t.,n...i
each of the defombuitn lo mulerun In,.
prleoi nt in the nlut Bilanllan ai
Haleni for a term of nix voarn.
Hual Hava Cork Halmata.
Army ollicern were connuleruhl y
niiriirined al rem inu ,1 inout, hn ,,f 11,..
uhferlnga of tho American 't in
t tuna, From the heat, on n nut of
Wicir hlltn. II wan Ihe Indlel Unit the
t 1 1 1 II 1 II tn netit In I 'lunu had I
Hiiiinpi.l will rk helmet und that
teir cuniiuiiiiii Imln had I .1,.
anhil Ihe heat ill Ihe nun in damer
am, tint nver-hoatine of the diuenlive
iK.um in even innre nn In i, veil umi.
rrilnt inn and oilier nlnmiich troiihlen
thele in III it II I III t mal II,, I. II.,
tunarii iiittern. s,, amttar Imw lonu
-Ullereil irom i u.at Inn
1 1 I ii.-- I . ,i, , lUnpepmu, liver and kid
trniililen, tho lv.it, i . will curt
oil. It alnii crellfen a hcurll 111,1,1 in..
: i i .. v , i
n an excellent I, .on Inr II
lierven. Try it.
n.puri.a by I. I.. Nay to., llilnauo
eoara ur Trad and Nnw York Muck
xahanaa Brokara.
Oct. IM. liWer cilhlen nlurtml wheal
weak thin murium. I n , rmml ,.,,U,.
'l-H llitaillnt I, l. ,.l.i,.l.u Mmm
York opened 'a lower, 7l'.. und
uinler free ulferinun nnld nil lu ;al:
Innilitf 7U.
Keeeiptn were ':itl cum ut CI i ic.ui.
anil Igfl . urn Ul M inueuouli. i
Huluth. Stin-ka ateudv. Muiuiv. ;i naw
ami '
t lone enterdav , 7tl4 .
in.n tmlay, l l-K to 7II'4.
In,' Imlay, ?M4 tu ft)af ,
Cloned tmlay, 711
Deoamhar corn, tl 7-h.
Mra. Varl lu Vl.lt Ka.l.ru star.
Mm. Jennie S. VcM, wortliy Krnml
matron of the Order of the Raeteru
Mar, will arrive thin evening front
lleppner, On October n, Ht Haeunli
riuiiple, Mrn. Vert will i 'I here
with Baaiuaa Chapter, going to Milton
un October 14, to Weaioa on October
M, Returning to Pendleton) aha will
later , roun d to other Kunlern (tnajou
oiwun, viailuia! nllicially Ihe chaplurau
t' rder. Mm. Vert will he in Pen
.ii... i i , .ii .
.,,..inii 'i-uui.i in. nut iiiuyn. umi nuain
K'i in neau rn i irin.n to complete Hi
..ili..;..i .:i... .I ... . .
...... i.i . i.un. urn. yen will l,e a
aaaatMl Mm.it t.. rbompaaa duiiiia-
me cnmiui Mnit l i re.
Hbsmokin, ru., Oak m. The pRflga
ih lphia ami Ueailine mmpanv . -t.nl
notice, at all jta collier inn thin morn
ing arcepting the termt made hv the
Sennit. .ii convention, advancing warea
tan per cent, and abollablaa the aiid-
ln male, ami iirbitratlnir nth.,
Krievanoen. There in great reioirint
ai the miner..
Jonai Intarprata taa Coneaialon.
Chicago, Oct, m I'cinucratic Chair,
an Jonaa iaamnl a ntatement tbia
morning on the eettloment nl tha aaal
irike, mylng that it clearly imliratea
to ''I- i I that the trtinta am beirln.
ninit tn hava a WhotoaaOM regard fnr
public nplnlon. and wmihl not vinld
to the oaniand- nl the except fur
fear that the nonaeiUeneN miht
dieutrona to th,. adniniawnttoaj,
which bafl lnen a friend to tlie truata.
It in a hopeliil rign f,,r t,,. ,h, tBf.
Iayna Aniwara Jonaa.
Ohleago, i i.t. is. "flak toil of th,.
"tnl mment, VI Chairman
I'm..-, reiathlicati, nai.l that June,
-tart-- on a wrong pram Im and the rent
ol the Brnuinent falln to the ixroiinil. II
Henna brought alniut the nettleinent
he did tl fur the g,M- ,,( ,, ,,.
'J'"1 I pie nf the cntintry. He
deiueil Unit there wan an anthracite
Hanna on Bryanlam.
Madmen, . Ij t)0. IH. Hanna
pened the .lav ut Klandreaii, with an
Indian deiminntrutlon. Al mmm kn.
nam in an amlienee nf Llai that, when
McK Inlay ia re-elected, he I lamia
will feel nut nf a oh, fnr then llrvan
Inlli will he dei.d an a dmir n.il V
a 1 nicu an. heme
Hanna -peak-smiix
h t here
...in here liilllulit
in I'ettiiirew'n h..m.
Senator I'ettiurew will
Bryan Talkad to al.clrlolana.
Behenaotady, R, v Oct. g, fMm
hundred i ph. areleomed W. J. Mrvau
lo re thin iniiriiliig. e talkeil on the
genernl innnen of the campaign lo many
employee of tin nural Kleclric man-
Booaavalt In Talking Ordar.
Akron, Ohm. Oct. IN. Oov, K.niae-
velt'a volm wa. la g,i oeaW admai
be "It pt.nl t iuimOo hern thin
iimrnina with -...emi aaajhaaa in Mm
railroad yurdn. lour thoiinaml pao
pie Inn,,, I QO t.
Booaavalt In HaKlalay'a Hoiaa.
( 'anton. O.. i let. im i;..v u.u...
veil ninike to thre., Il, m.,1 I.. ,l.u
IWbernaele. aalagialng tba iiraaiileata
Bryan al Utlaa.
Dtloa, N V., Oct. IH.-The llrvau
am reaeh.nl Ulica at I, ami tOUU
aaara him apeak lea twenty mhaaaaa
King Lynah In tho Saddle.
Idkt Kv.. (Vt. IM .IkUaa Ul...
Hold, culured, agml 23, Wan UUen frm
Iho lull hero hv a Innh U.I .....l.t ....I
hanged In il tree. Oi. r.,.l.v I...
Irlnhta I ii while fannar a wife hy
buiiamling admltnaBM in her home
Brash up ti Little
rurtland'a Miiknelal rilgln
Portlaadi Or., Oet. ih. The poliai
lapartment i to he uindi-bed on ,,
u.. .. . I 1 'I", I .
"onnei i i ii. re m u lliuliev li.r
aalaricn r.,rllund will he witl..,ni
f w.l i. a- protection until Junuary, uiile.n
make voiiiuiary kiihai rlp-
the cltlxelin
H lean lu Cuunt Waldaraaa.
Hekin. o. t. ik - Count s,.,.i. ,., .
arrived and received full honor.. Th.
" I"'' iiipiiire oi ma , lug r ii aya.
Dt; Shilohs
Couah and
;(Tiimi mpiioii
Thl is bmyttnd uuc.ft.iuii th
numt uuMa.alul ( oukIi JLIttli
ciu wr known to mvnLC: m
Itw diMR iiivmiatbly uurv th
wtfTftt mtri of uiitfli. (ruuu
Mlitl Hit ii. Ml, e, wlnU lift wuo-
dvrful ftutitftft in the tuig u
CulUUIIintlt.ll U without at Lakt!'
atilrJ lu lb hiat"t y o jiiajajluu.
Hitttim lift Al ht dlaeLuVrt f li hM
bma at old on u uuetiAUtraj M
which no 1'itnr funlklug
vua utatfid It you buv tt
Couxh, w cMinwMly tk yuu
to ii ; It Jli United Sutcaatud
( aiiMdrn V UK mud 1 Uf, mid
III KlltfUaUd 1ft. aid. At. Hd. atlid
4ft. (id.
soie PROPPicroRS
C My k m - . arm O aO
1 1 hoy. n v. li
'i t ti n tkj 4 b , . mi rim
LsMa ' Jfm
I 'nine
II torniah the bruahea.
in and au on i i... a
Timili. .Nail.
Miu', Mr, CimnJeiJga)
Hiit, IM and H.11I1
in all
III., kern
vat i. lien
from th,,
I . nl
Koeppen's Pharmacy
' ' ! 1 ."ti. .1. Iirun aHuraa.
IIS (Courl Strtrel.
K loetiihcr our delicmua clun'olatea.
VIMallg to rail re from buaiuaaa
I uffei my entire atock fur aaiu
at uuet, ouuaiating nf
l TKJts, KlIRtl.
I .i c aud Hilk Curtaiua
llrarm nod Iron Kedateatdit,
Wall Paper, 8kada,
Sewing Mach men.
and uthor tbiuga too uumeroua to
iiieiiiiun. Cbauoeol a life time to
buy theae gooda cheap.
raaadtotoe, Oraajnii
w aaia by laoaaaa e Oa.. Lu uiu.