East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 16, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    -h feast (ewvvav)
TURHDAY, itCTOUKU in, inno.
Ladies Welts
A new line just in, from
$3.00 ,
per pair.
Nothing bettor in tin- market.
Hnappv up-to-date stylish goods.
Call Ami M tliotn.
The Boot and Shoo Man.
80-r Main Street, I'enilleton, Oregon
Bad lev A X liner, eaoiot
Coyote , .iln ami warrant
Peter Wert.
Three nice dwelling house for Hale,
on reasonable Irnn- Inquire of II. J.
I lean
II you want pure home rendered Ian)
with no adulteration go to Schwarx
and (ireulich.
A nice lot of young and ld chickens,
dressed or alive, at Demon's, lasave
your orderc early.
Why pay 111' lo ) for a net of
teeth, when vou can get the verv Ivst
at Dr. Whitaker foi ts.
Iii. (V)lunibia, Main street, newly
fitted Fine wines, lliiuors and cigar.
Wi X. Schempp, proprietor.
If you have a houae to paint or a
nxnii to paper, a picture to frame, a
little plumhiuif to be looked after go
and see C. Sharp, opera houae nlock,
Court street.
If von want to buy your winter'
supply of groceries and provision you
should see Demon's Ntock. His store
ia well tilled with evervthing in the
fancy and staph' grocery line.
The lien method of cleansing the
liver ia the tine of the famous little
inlls known ax IVWitt's Little Karly
Itiser. Kasv to take. Never gripe.
Tallman A Co., leading druggist.
Headquarters for hack, buggies, ami
wagen at W. ll.Joue lie ha bought
in large quantities, not only buggies,
wagon ami hacks, but farm machinery
also. It is always a pleasure lot .Mr.
Jones to show his line of goods,
whether you buy or not
It ia well to know that DeWitt's Witch
Hard Salve will heal a burn and stop
the pain at once. It will cure ecsema
ami akin disease ami ugly wounds ami
ores. It is a certain cure for piles.
Counterfeit may be offered you.
that you get the original DeWitt Witch
Hazel Halve. Tallman A Co., leading
Met set teeth 8, at (r. Whitaker',
warranted ami guaranteed.
If yon waul to hir vonr wile a pi fie
present, join the Owl Dinner Net Club.
I Ice cream, chocolate, Oatfty
Dtltton 'n own make. They are awfully
I Tablets, pencils, inks, mucilages,
fancv stationery ami blank books.
. NolPa.
See our window for display of china
land oueenswiire given to member of
the Owl Dinner Set Club.
LaiHIinata detective work under-
token. Prompt attention. Striell
conHdential. Address IS. this olllce.
Nicelv furnished riMim at reasonable
rates, by the night or weak, in the
new RaM building over St. ,loe store.
The best tVeth cost the dentist $1.7H
per aet, and plate cost lUc ami
Whitaker charges f for, set MM guaran
teed. The largest Key Wesl cigars in town
for 10 cents ; Henry the Fourth and K.
I.. Sulelo at lark ration' cigar
Some new bicycle, to close out stock
(or the season, at tin- t'reeent aireiie)
in the F.ast I Iresmiian building. A new
Sterling bicvele, SMMnch frame, for
only 2,.ot. See it.
It vou are thinkint! of having vonr
house imperod, you should "look out
for wall paper" at R, ,1. Mnrphv's.
He has a large assorted stock ami I
making lower prices than ever licforo
offered In Pendleton.
Long Creek Hunger: Wilhclm
Weichel, of Monument, passed through
laing Creek this week with 1.S00 lanibs,
which he had I QUI filial for lust
spring, and received i the mountains,
from Kmil Scharff.
Fred Uruce " who was arrested last.
Saturday night at Milton h Sheriff
Kees for horse stealing bad iii hear
ing lefore .lodge tilasford ("day in
Walla Walla. It i said that Urn, It
guilty of stealing live head of horse
from Lew Matthew on Snake river.
Long ('reek Ranger: Ivan, tin and
BeOfgS Sloan and Win. bee piloted a
band Ol about too bead of cattle
through town last Saturday, coming
from near Hums. They were owned
partly by Ivan, partly by the Hotter
creek Sloan and some were Isiught for
Pendleton butcher--.
Ho not get scared if your heart
troubles vou. Most likely sou sutler
from indigestion. Kodol )vsH'pia
Cure digest- what ,.n eat iml give-
toe worn out stomach perfect r -t. It
is the onlv preparation known that
completely digests all classes of foods;
that is why it cure tin- worst case ot
indigestion and toioach trouble after
everything el- ha tailed. It mav I.-
taken in all Dondltloni and cannot help
but do you good, Tallman at Co.,
leading druggi-t.
Two carlo.nl- of horse went through
Pendleton Moielav m ruing from the
interstate fair at Moist-. One -id
for the AnteloH race- contained liich
moml .iii,l Haby Kuth. owned hv lloyn
ton, tormerly owned bv Tom Milarkev;
Pendleton Untie, a Ilenpner horse, Mav
W., (iray Handy, Hill Nye, Mctliiity
and u -'-year-old by u son of Hanover.
The other car, for the laiwistoti races,
contained Annigeta and Annlla.
owned bv A I Keliev, of I'avtoli, Wash.
Mr. ami Mr. Charles II. I've ol
Oregon City, arrived in the citv Molt'
day mottling, and me tin- (meats, of, Mr.
anil Mr-. I MoorhOOtO, Mr. DyV IS
a pTOm I IMUt t attorney in the oW time
capital of Oregon, ami Mrs. Hye is
the gifted author ol "McLaughlin and
Old Oregon," the best lok on the
early dav of t It is- state yet written,
ami recently published bv a leading
Chicago tlrni. It deals with event be
ginning as early a IH'JI, and covers
more than thirty years. While the
book in question is termed an "histori
cal romance" by the author yet,
touching questions ol fact, much time
and labor was senl in it preparation
in order to obtain the exact facts.
Mrs. I've descends from revolutionary
ancestry, i a native ol Ohio, and was
graduated at Ota rl in college. Soon
afterward she removed to Iowa, and
spent a good deal of time in searching
for fads concerning Iowa history,
arising a number oi articles there
upon, some of them apiioaring In the
American Magasine of Hitory, pub
lished in Philadelphia. She has been
a resident of Oregon more than ten
years, and is an enthusiastic student of
its history. Something more may be
eipectisl iron her in the year- to come.
Mr. and Mr. I've vlslteil the re-cra
lion on Mondav. ami Indav thov Weill
to Walla Walla. While there thov will
visit Whitman' grave.
Tallman & Co.
Loading Druggist
aa-l dealers In
School Supplioa
Extra fine line of
Ladies' Fashionable Stationary
Latest in told and tint.
Cor. ruin and Alia 3t.
The last named horse ha- a mark of
S:i:Hj in a trotting race.
First Natloaal Bank ol Walla Walla vs.
Donald NaOonald.
F'irst thing this morning t'n- circuit
court proceeded to tackle the interest
ing case oi the First National bank of
Walla Walla v-. Donald McDonald.
The same cur.- a- tried .r tie- June
term, at which turn- the jury dis
agreed. It was necessary to summon
juror this morning from the Iwslv of
the commonwealth to till out the re
quired dozen, t.'. A. l-ramcr. Jerry
Harnhart and H. F. Hayes, who
chanced to U- in court listening to the
proceedings. were caught by this
special summons. The case involves
a disputed question as to the location
of the common corner of the southeast
quarter of section 2lt, aoiithwesi q i.ir
ter of section .), northwest quarter of
section '.i'-i ami northeast quarter of
section M, township B north, range Vt
east, Willamette meridian. Tin- one
corner is stipisiscd to be the same for
all four quarter section, but it ha
slipMit from it mooring in Bgaw
straugi- manner, and it-correct loca
tion i what is troubling the owners of
the land. It is presume,! that tin
case will attract the attention of court
all of todav ami thi evening, ami
!erhap part of tomorrow.
Maitses Dispotad at
AiMelte vs. Hover, enlict By jury
giving ilelemlunt VI, a ,lainages,
J. S. Smith and I). H. Krils vt.
K, I. Smith. Settled by stipulation.
I be dclendunl a .idiudged lo he I ie
puasusnor of the two mule described
in plaintiff' complaint, namely, om
ertsin dark bay mule named "Pete"
and one certain hav mule naunsl
Josephine Knott vs.,Alonzo Knott.
Knott untied. Pat rati of divorce
Paul Klingle vs. Samu- I Muhlemaii.
Judguient on verdict.
For Man or Woman.
The Peoples Warehouse
710 Main tttrawt, Paul U too, Urtoa.
Tha Work ot Miss at. J. Galthar HlKhly
The Indian ch,.l on the reservation
ha recently la-en visile, I by Hi v.
Perry ('handler of Whitman college,
Wallu Walla, and Frank M t'uiio-r, of
Washington, H. ('.. attaarvltOf of In
dian sclnsds.
Itev Perry (.'handler says: "It was
a pleasure foi me to again visit the
government school on the reservation
uuder the most en el lent supervision
of Miss M. V. Galtbar. Miss Haiti
McDowell continues her faithful work
in the M-hisd. Mis (isitber has
recently been in Washington, D. ('.,
ami present. I the need of another
building i aci-ouHslate tin- wants ol
her increasing sclnsil. The best oi
order, system and harinonv prevails in
the school. Miss (iailher speaks very
highly of the kindness shown her by
many of her Pendleton frHroda. Noth
ing but goisl can result from a sehisd
under so g,s,d management. ' '
Mr. Conner, who is a guest a Hotel
I'cmlluton, also speak highly id Miss
(iaither's work.
Hsportod ay I. L, Ray Ct,. Chlsaao
Board of Trad and Nw York Slock
Ixtbanga Brokers.
wci. in. i ue wneai marki'l was
firmer today on tins side, although
foreign market were lower.
Liverujol closed l 7-H aitainst
n 1 1-H vcstenhiv. New York opened
'j liigher, 71 5-H, and closed at 7 ll.
after ioaaaiaf Btfc. Tk sharp local.
Of nearly two cents yesterday enabled a
good business to lie done in spot wheat
in the easl and steadied the market on
futures. Slock strong .Money, .'( per
('loan veaterday, 70 -i-H,
0-n today, 70 VM.
Kauge nslay, 7ii o-h to M0.
t low- today, 79 ' ,
Uaoeuiher corn, p.'
Thomas . I. Kirk, ol Athena, re pre
sentatlve-ebct from I'mutilla coiintv
in tin- coming legislature, is in town
having lieeu caught on jury duty at tin
circuit court. Mr. Kirk is giving at
tontine to several measure which In
believe will make for the betterment
of the state and Kastern Oregon. Hi
has hud previous legislat ivo experience
which will U' valuable to him thi
a inter.
Her! Huffman, of Kamela, spent
M mlav in l'i mli, ion Mr. Ilultinan
known lo munv is-ople of thi- city hv
his writings through the Last Oregon
lau. His letter have created n verv
favorable impression ol him ami a per
soual acquaintanceship does not lessen
it. Mr. Huffman i a hsoinolive tin
man on the t. H. V N., ami he will
always Is- a welcome guest in I'endl
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Henry Means, of I'inatilla. left
lor home tin morning, alter having
visited here briefly.
Mr. and lira, W. I-'. Matlock r.
turned Monday evening from their lri
to Arlington and lleiquier.
I!. Hums, general agent of the O. I
v .v at walla wallu, wa a visitor in
Pendleton eter,hl afternoon.
Mm,' Love ami Win Hurtoti, of
Athena, spent last evening in I'endl
ton ami returned home tistay.
Miss Liana Mihtrkey ha returned
from Walla Wallu. where she has
been visiting for a couple oi weeks.
James Washington i- on a visit t
Kansas City. He will return the latter
part of thi week or the llrst of next.
Mi Kthcl Meach hit for Portland
last night, where she will make her
honie, her parent- having precshsl her
J. F. and J. It. Kilgore, of tin
t anner lunik of Weston, are in Pen
dleton, inti-re-ted iii circuit court
Long Creek Manger: Fd Welch, of
Pendleton, formerly a Hitter rancher,
is in the .Middle Fork conntrv to huv
I stock cattle.
Long Creek I'anger: Mart Hiinlap,
of Fox vallov, arrived from Pendleton
last Wedne-day with a load of freight
for Long Creeker.
Long Creek Hunger: I-M ('. Allen, of
Pendleton, arrived in Long Creek la-t
evening, with i lem niaekweii, on a
visit with relatives.
Henry parks and W. H. SUtBOtO
have returned from a visit to lint
Lake. They give that resort the
highest kind of u testimonial.
Lawrence Huirhinsoii, of California,
i in Pendleton, a witntai before the
circuit court in the Weston land case
growing out oi a disputed corner.
Huntington lb-rahl: Mr. C. M.
Smith of Pendleton was visiting rela
tives and trietid- in Huntington thi
week. She returned home Wednes
day morning.
T. 1. (ileun arrivtsl last night from
Sniuinerville to Is- present at the trial
of Chillier and C.irdwell, who lire
charged with huving stolen hmrt i
head of his cattle.
Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Huloril are visi
tor in Pendleton. Mr. Huford is
cashier of the First National hunk of
Wallu Wallu. and is here on business
BafOft tat circuit court.
Mrs. Henry Miller, of Kcho, was in
Pendleton yesterday on hu-iiiu. 'h,
O. It. A N. graders are at work on
their farm near Kcho for the Mtofl
that is being prepared.
Cha. M. Pi.-r,, came over from Im
(irumie thi morning and went up to
Weston. With his family he will
leave next Monday in nid the w inter
in California and Arizona.
Mis Minnie Hose, uftor visiting a
lew days with Mr. and Mrs. Ibnrv
Caplinger, near Athena, and with
other friends there, has gone to u
hospital at Wallu Wallu, she boing a
trained nurse.
Horace Wulkor, county , oinni'ssioner,
ha been in town for a couple oi day a,
He will return on Saturday, Novemher
1, for a -MS'ial session of coiiuly court,
the regulur session of which will bil
low, coniliiem iug on the otb.
Mis- .Myrtle Smith rctiiruod Monday
evening Iroui The Halle, where -hi
ll ud been visiting lor a week. She was
pleased with the street fair and
thought it compared favorably with
that of Pendleton and Portland!
Count) Hecorder.l. W. Mnloiicx io
al his desk Mnndiiy after it week's
absence ni t he seashore ami ill Astoria.
This was the Hrsl time he hud eve
Baaed upon the ocean, and he enjoyed
Ihe trip for that and nlher good
R, L. Harm-It, cashier of the First
National bank of Atlietia, came down
on Monday ailernoon 's train and left
this mnrning for Hot Lake. He is a
sufferer (ruin a severe attack of rheu
matism and goes there for a week or
two for relief.
I rank J, VanWinkle. formerly 01
the Kaslern Oregon state normal
Btbool, now principal ol the public
schools al Porl Angeles, Clallam
Bounty, Washington, bordering on the
-trait ni Juan tie l uca. is in Pendleton
as a altpttt before rlrttull court in the
Walton land cases.
Middle I'nrk items ill Long Creek
Manger: Hav Ibdlowav Itartan to Pen
dleton Wedneaday after his wife and
Kirov ami M 1st Bell" Adkins. tlhq
have baan vlaltlng In Dayton, Wash.,
for Hie past few week-, they will le
acMDipanial home by Mrs. Miles
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. MrCoy, ol
IpaJntaa, ire gttaatt ol Mr McCoy's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, .laines Cruw.
ford. The Craw fords have BIB0 a
guests Mr. Crawlord's sister. Mrs.
John M. McHride, of Albany; Walter
Hums, secretary ol the Shaw-Horden
Co., Spokane; and Harvey Hums. 01
Heardon, Waab,
V. A. Maui) and Al Penrce. nl Haker
Otty, and the Mi-es Nellie and May
We-t, t rou i near Arlington. were on the
westbound train thi- morning. The
gentlemen were OA their wav to Port
land on it btisines- trip. The young
Indies, nieces ot Mr Mann, were on
their return journey after bating
visited ilieir aunt at baker Oltj
a a "?nP AT ITT lrx. .
ttnnn nur k t" a i i muiit r .
Coinnteiii K v utincaan .mi. i 1 n
iiiK lines id gowb forONK W1SEK
we w 1 1
' Hi", C ut in
0 must liurr
! r"-!H on
ii vou
Kl't fir..
Dress Goods, all grades. Mens, Boys and Children ci
Ladies Capes, Jackets and Collared th
Wltan we pal tho knife to prit
lui chi iip. lt-"l nriiiL; tin- ali
l oiti St.in h lor 5c, wortli IOC,
s we cut deefo,
we will soil I
o coma and take advantaRe of ,his
on Coffee R pnekagea l,.r $,,,,,,
.1 I
CI rand
neoplc i
gratiihiti o on
now coming in Irom Mali to cultivate
small beet farms in the (I rand Honde
valley. 'They are a remarkably in
ilustrioits and intelligent set, " be sn id.
ami Ihiiy are making a since ol Is'et
raising w here other- have failed . In
fact, they have taken several contract
off the hand of our farmer, who were
still twiiiml by agreement to raise hints
for the sugar factory lor three year
more. Dtvll Cultivation and strict at -tout
ion to the little details seem to la
the fort" of the newcomers, who do
hot hesitate to get down nil then
kutes ami follow the tedious process of
beet-thinning for davs at n time. No!
machinery has yet U-eh invented to
help out in this buck -breaking work,
ami so the young beets have to he i
nulled by baud, where they are grow
ing up to,, thickly.
"Kew of oltr people were used to I
nlowing to a depth of V- to 11 inches, i
'ail the-e .Mormons seem to umicr-tam!
it all right, ami the subsoil plow fol
low the surface Blow, making the soil
resemble an ash heap in con-istency.
"The newcoiner- will cut the big
ru-che into ft-, in- ami jPiattB tract-,
and they expect to build a town ol
their own, in which the block will he I
live ucre in sine. The settlement can '
thu- get together (or work ami social
advantages and the colonist will be
oaill happv in their new home.
"Several hiisine men ol the .Mor
mon faith have located in Lad ramie,
paying cash for their now lv-anpi in ,1
property, and the .too, simmii to poes.
the talent of untiring industry.
"In heel-raising, however, a go,!
deal .lepeuds on the BUalitV of Ihe soil.
ami care is necessary in the relent inn
d land for this purpose. In BMtala-
stances a high a- J I Ion- ol beet hae
been raised to the ucre tin- year near
La l liaaaa.
Intsritats Fair, Oct. if. to 20 Ineluitv.
Low Hound Trip Ratal.
Kor the la-wiston interstate fair
Which will he held oil the BDBft dali -the
(I. H. t S. Co. will sell round trio
tickets At 17. IB, Ticket i on sale Onto
her 1 4 to lit inclusive, return limited
t toiler 21.
P. K. WAMSI.KV, Agent.
Building In Pomaroy.
Millard f. White, the architect an I
contractor, sent Sunday in Pendleton
and returned to Poinerov, Wa-b. on
Monday, to timsh his work a contriu -
tor on six of tin ten one-story hriek
now in course of construction then-
Mr. White state that the hricklaviug
on the liuilding will have been com-
pleled within a couple of week. At
the next session of the county commis
sioner it is thought that bids will be'
asked lor plan and sneci licat ion- i,,r
new c urt house to cist so thing
ike 170,001', -uui i,,r the eonttroct iiai
thereol. Mr. Whit,- ha hi
that contract, also.
In ordet to inert , tsr nut tr.nlt', wc have decided t BUUtfl the follow
ing SPECIAL. UPPER. Anj poraon buying $10 wurtli of goodi
Iron) our store, .will be allowed to tolecf any $1.00 artidla Irom our
mock; it yoil blljl 1 1" WOMh yOU you et B 5m urticlr; if yiui buy f. 5.,
worth you gal a i$t articla; but bo premium will ba nvan oa less
than r, 00 trade. Yon l" bol have to buy nil the gooda t one. time,
'but we will Itirnisli you with .1 card with the amount you denim to
trade out, With amoitlDta lot cub pin idntae mi tbe margin unit when
all are cancelled vou get your premium Tins is equivalent to a 1
per cent rebate on our alreadj low prit ea, and it will pity you to ctmie
I ID gild let us explain the lyatem to you, There is no driiwin in our
ayatom, bill each cuatonter geta a preinium without tlnr ebnnee of
being disappointed. Kemembcr you buy .is you need the fluids, and
when you havi traded out f. Sm nr tao aa the cgao may be, vou
Try thig plan and save money.
How Tliov Ac Inuirovlng Farm Molhods
In Grande Konde.
linker, an attorney, of l,n
who was at the Perkins taB"
am the Oragonlan, think the
it union ,-oiiniv are io oe eon- , . - ,
Ion the class of ,iiiM;M"uV"" I""" """"
THK FAIR, Bennett & Tarbet, Props.
Uti'cnncrrv tfi'iiins;, aini'i S'reet, I'ciMleton.
ok Vn'iMm i
' Ft ')' . -aM -3 -
- M
, Sl'iksn. Wn Hilk p
1 .''' ' hiiii,TW
no. i, ..n.iiiu 1
a: s. -""iisnt
' t . K m Pun..
D hi ,,. .... . I
C. f . HOHLlH.Frop,
Th Oni, tint Class
and Lomplstr Hntrl
In the City.
flio Brntt AM Trains.
Frisi Sample Rooms
tlKtrtc Ligliti.
Im Frsol Building
Cor. Courl and Johnson Streets, PENDLETON. OllEGON
The Wessel Department Stores.
Fall and
Winter Clothing
Second shipment bos pist arrived.
All Inii st gtylsa gg liishion shown
I" " .mil .' f;n .11 main oibers.
Suits fron $4.85
to $22.50.
' H. III.
Kn Sumluv
Ma. a
hv llli.url
aa s. ni.
I'lirHsn rnatkai-.
COlUSlH. ,1 ,
UgiHip ' 1
M!x,-il I r,i 1 1, n...uu ...
.1 om, ,' " ---"SS
ll,0 I, ill,.. ! t., I. . .
(it lull tiifnrinsiit! rsll orvrma
k. r. Wasaiar,
Vou ar not twin ni ib
I'ast tiiiu und HMrkfj
Boott am slim :, tot
a I ui aaaortmant.
winter wear
The Weasel Department Stores.
Kdited by AI.KKK.D IlKMt Y 1.1 '. W I S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iitt i ml it iit I i r 1 1 ,
I ' iwerful
I t lifatsfJM I
Wltboal fear of conl rndiclioii we aaanrt
that THK VKHDI0I i the heat thing
thai ha liaiipatwal in Blty raart of ft gift'
lean joiiriialiui. "
Ilurlington, la , lienns ratie .loi.inal.
Cow vent ion.
KVEKY I.uyai.
- piciigcd lo agyaart Um
DRlfOGBAT owus it to hi sirt
uoniineim of the KaiiMa City
mil to himself to read
Dk Shilohs
Couah and
This is bsyund question tllo
most .u,-c-e..lu C'oUKjh Unlit-ill
ever known to swience; a
lew do.es Invariably cure tbs
wer.l uaitt u( Couah, Croup
ml . Ilrouvidtls, while Its won
derful aut'ce In the curs ot
on.unipiion 1. without a par
list In loehl.tory ot medicine,
hind us Ai.t di.cv.iy t has
hwu sold on u uuamntee
which tto other mt'li.ine
tan stand. K yon have
Cough, we esine.tlv aok you
ton y it. In Unite,! 8ltea anil
Casiaduav UK ud l.0u.
In hntfhutd l.. m. bis. Jhl. and
is. fid.
S.C.Wells & Co.)
sat ar tallata a uo., iuauui
We have a Hue of llaviluml
and farlsb.nl China in din
ner set that, we would ba
pleased tO show you whetlu-r
yOU buy or not.
Also, a part of our holiday
sta'k of . Ii iitit iioveltibis, ash
Iraya, boa iui ts.xes, ss,on
tray, it'., has utrive.1 and
make a display that i dear
to every Seine ll't heart.
Come just to se.
Owl Tea House.
Cheapest Place- In Oraaon.
Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line
Mutton a Caraey, Hrsp'a.
Lagva Pandleteg an day at 7 o'clock
except Sunday, for I'ilot Rock, Nye
Hidge, Alba and Dkiuh. Uoud ac
coinimslatioii Keasonahlc fr. iidit ami
p'iNsenger rate.
( Ity ollue at Tallman A Co's
nllhaaalt the
ret'lllar 1.1 . ii l isl u.. ,
mail lor si. ,,,,. ir , , , i .. , ',; .""'T ?P" H" 'r""!,
we will I .-.. u .: r. . ". 1 " . rt" mrtner imlucenienl
ind,,,nihle ""!!.. "" : itatsl
and a !.:.!( .In -,....1.1 "V . V ' "" !" r.'civsi for ..n,
Her stand oi- t v.... ..V i .rEiT.. ssjiisjs ami a quarter. This
, - .... , -,, ,,iiy iron i i i
lib I III' of
dol lit r
lL.m v fcaclTrainetfttla
If van, i atiii.it take taa aarnLafl
IIIK'I) fUlpp0.
ni.ui I 'ni.it. blpjrt,
I l.n.ru ff ittaSl Hair aUBsf r
otlnlni; Chair Can.
Iliillf- ol Hint' aTwl tt UaWaV
..lit Ml atatalairfll iMiltlta.
II l- in our niit-raai -? a-
I . i I I I i . b.ii. a llll all'l-lblUbT '!
I- .V...I l,. K. F. fctaut.
ol J. II l.oTIIKOr,
licui-ral Atsul.tt'Ttleia.1
m m w m m m
I U.I ., i. ,
t ..irir.i.r , "7t
u.o, up to-abala
n. i.ni n Jm
gltaf atWtas
Cr. W, J. Kayas.
Or. Ida Koyne.
f.ra.luale i Amerhiu, School of
Oataouatliy, Kirk.vilic, tin. udlcei
endieton, Ortwon, one block seal oi
....r.,.n nure. sisteopatliy is
IiimIIksI of curing rtltiato l'i
,our neighhor what it i hut
call Msuoall and hae n
in a buitishiclorv manner.
r n
Kire, I. ii--, Aai ri
nature V
not ak
write or
-x plained
Farmers Custom Mill
Trad W altera, Proprietor.
Qggaelai in BMaalBaiaii
Klour ait-baiiKwl lor wheat.
ri-Mir, Hill rd, llhuppad roud
ou habin.
. alw.yi.
WUhiitg to retire from hnsine.,
I oftei my entire stock for sale
al cost, consisting of
1 ariH-'ts, Huns.
Im c and siik Curtalai
I ortiern.
BrlWMnd Irou KedHtuadH,
Willi I'tiper, Shades,
newim Machine .
and oti ,.r things too numerous to
!'''''"'"" (!'naB0l a life tune b,
DOJf these giasls cheap.
Pendleton, Orebrmi
. - . ... UnaaSw
a a 1 Vai'Ate
. .i.,it
I . n il IJUI'(- . . Lai
at t a
la llll m
a ai a a
. . . ...... nail J
Hcadquartern lor Uuttcr
I'tnts (ji-nve I
Best CotTee on the Market.
.Wstala A ..... a ati - a
I'liicUmvaf . ?WHl l,K,ttn dreamery.
. . .as