East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 16, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Now I hut OoM weather h BfjpKaMbtOfJ . Ilii' M
easily Of buying heavier underwear won
liegiii to assert itself. Naturally you will want
to go where von BM get ""' botfl grade (or tin"
load money j ami overylssly knows Unit Tin1
Magnel In the plaOO. An BOBOTtMenl unexcelled
and prices ml to Um bottom MiM iiiirk anil
profits small.
A chance for a gold watch given With every dollar porch. tse.
Clements & Wilson. Court and Cottonwood
Will Vote for Bryan.
Thin dispatch is lignifloant: "Flory Tom, manager ami
out of tlif largest itookholden of the Pennsylvania tihi-s
company will support .Mr. Bryan and the democratic ticket.
He has always voted the republican tiukal heretofore.
"Tlif growth of the trust evil has caused him to coin.' out
for Bryan. The Toms faetory, which employs 300 people,
lias always remained out of tlm trust.
''Mr. Toms says the trusts of th country threaten t
wipe out the small manufacturer! and become absolute
dictators oJ trade, lit' is interested in
Hartford City. Ind . ami with others is
Torn- Saute, Ind."
a j:!ass factory at
building U plant at
! that time is in a nntiniml election.
Iieuiocruts write ami speak from (ho
itutnp and harangue Ir in tin- -ir.-et
NOW of the KHJ per cent, vlll.iinv
of thidr opponents, and Um pure good'
neas of thir own associates ami leader ,
while republicans act a. though they
, .... 11, reallv believe all the virtue centered in
What iinalitication for llrvaiusni do . .
men have who own luxurious republicanism ami tin evil in lirym-
mansion!, live at awH I cluni, wear fine ism.
clothen ami have intimate connecttoiiH
with great corporations that pay them
well for their tine talent, ami ennspieu
on- industry'.' Why, they have no place
in the Bryan cauiu. They are utterly
diualitlod hy tne standards Bryan
himeelf aetH up. I'ortland Oregonian.
Here is a detjnition oi what iirvan
iani is not, and. in a sense, hy in-1
vertetl reasoning, of what McKinley-j
iani ia. The I'ortland paper cannot
easily escape the eoiise(ilenco of its
printing such an astounding thing.
Certainly, in the midst of a national
campaign, with the issue pending as
to what are the distinctive cliarai -teriaties
of the two great parties, it ia
of great assistance to Um Bryan forces
to ruad in the editorial columns of a
great republican oewapaper that
Hryanism. ia not for people who "wear
line clothea, live at swell cluba, have
intimate ctmnectioni with great cor-j
porations that pay them well tor their
tin.' talents and ounapicuoua industry ,"
and, hy inference under a logic per
fectly correct, that McKuilcy im is for
wtio are connected witl
oororationa. The trend
ment is that all persona who an- not
ersoually inlereated in great corpora
tiona must vote for Mr. Bryan. That
ia what haa been the burden of the
campaign by the democrats, the legiti
mate and law abiding corporatinna be
ing, of course, excepted from inclusion
in the liat.
Yet, everyone knows, who stop- (or a
moment to think calmly, that he is
probably subscribing to some inane
someone else framed, mill is shouting
for a platform which came down from
a coterie of leaders and was sent over
the country for party endorsement.
provid by previous experiments. Two
ami one-hall ounces of pure alcohol
was mixed with wilier or eollec nnd
i.'ivcn in six small doses, llircc with
meals and three at regular interval bc
tH.cn meals, to avoid any effect tlH)ti
the nerves. A bottle oJ claret or three
glasses of whiskv contains about the
same iinantitv oi alcohol. When no
muscular work was lonnei ted with the
experiment the alcohol furnished one
tilth of the total energy of Ihe diet.
In experiments with severe execrise
it furnished one-seventh. With tliree
men in thirteen experiment- alcohol
was used, results showing tint Bo per
ent of li e ah olol wis hurnetl tip In
the body and transformed into energy.
"Is the energy of alcohol used for
warmth and work?" M.inc have re-
piii I thai it is wnstctd and not used.
Alcohol ai ling on the nerves control-1
lino, 'he hlood vessels brings hlotsl to I
tin inrfaoa ol the lslv, thus radiating1
more heat, and proving that the
drinker loMt more heat than is gained 1
from the alcohol. llx perimcutr' slowed
that this was not true, only a traction
of the heat yielded bv UM alcohol be
ing radiated. While ill'., hoi does yield,
heat to the lualy and probably imparts
energv for iniisrnhir work as well, it;
is dilllcilll to prove the hitter. When a
1111:1 takes a Variety of food every
day with wine, bier or brand.' IM
one Mil H exactly what is done with 1
each ( soni" victim in the can" of
science would diet himself 11 lean
meal anil ataottol, twimbard labor day I
after dm, the remit would yield
some valuable data.
H inures are attraclive. In experi-j
incuts with a man at rest, without 1
alcohol, eneiev ol material burned 2277!
calories in- mills of heat. With alcohol 1
.i- calorie. Ilti.rgy rIvui off as1
boat, without alcohol MM calories. I
Will, alcohol ttU calorics. In case of
a man at active work, driving a
stationary bicycle eight hours a day,
the daily income and outgo of energy
resulted ill energv 01' material burned
Without alcohol 'tHl calories. With!
alcohol SW-jm calorics. Kneryy given 1
of! hv the l.slv as heat and mcchiiuical
work, wlthniH alceuol N88 calories. 1
Wltn alcohol fJOJg calories.
AttOtboi lli' .iry r. legated to fiction is I
that alcohol fatten- the boar drinker. I
It is because beer contain.- so little '
nitrogen ami so much in material,'
especially starch as dextrine, that it
fattens. The same is true ol other
alcoholic drink-, it has hen found that
"alcohol resembles fats ami rarbohy
drates in the protection ol fat from
consumption, but is interim to them
as a pri lector 01 protein. "
l'rofessor At iter closes hi- paper by
referring to the use of alcohol' in ill
ness. When hi. lily functions are weak
en. si and the power of digestion is im
paired alcohol often torn is lies the
needed fuel o carry the h-sly thorugh
time of weakness. Il does not re, pi ire
digestion and is easily absorbed by the
stoma, h ami intestines. Why it siioiild
have ieas effect upon the nervous sys
tem in illness than in health is not
In a succeeding article he hopes tu
view more than the one side presented
in this. It will relate to mctlesls of
rational temH-rance reform and the
teaching of alcohol physiology to
mans lifols shortened
by the hardships
endured in searching
for Gold Dust while
a womariis life is lengthened
by using it
The best
Saves time
House work is Hard work without Gold Dust1
Col. Kooaevelt aavs: "Tlie para
mount iaaue ia Uryaniaiu; 111 Illinois,
it ia Altifeldiani ; in New York, it la
Urokeriiui. in Kentucky, it ia (Joebcl
iam." Col. Ksaevelt apeaka correx.tly.
Kvery wiau democrat will endorse liia
peech at LexingUjii, Kentucky, at
leatt in ao far an it refera to CMkeriam
and Ooubttlisin, However, these are
local matters, and the central organiia
t ion of the democratic party is able to
hold down these bad elements, thanks
to the gallant light and lolly attain
ments of a young man from Lincoln,
But, can one nnd auy local nation ol
liaunaiam.' Or rather, ia it not
diffused throughout the varioua statea
an that one tinda tho same brand of
paramount issue everywhere he linds a
republican nation.! caiiiiaigii being
wsuwi? In New York it is llannaism ;
in Illinois it ia llannaism ; in Ken
tucky it is II mi, .nam; everywhere it
ia llaniiaiim and nothing alae; the
greedy graaping. swollen money ahark
seeking throegh a trust-controlled
party to tighten his hold on a free
country. Col. Kooeovt-lt ia right.
iJeuiocracy lias some locally bail ele
ments witii which to contend. Hut, 111
an lairneas ami In can. lor, It has 110
audi damaging thing as a national
organization absolutely owned and
operated by the most conspicuous res -reaentative
of the trusts in these
United States.
luat now, with a national campaign
raging in all its fierceness from one end
of the country to the other, with
partisans declaiming the merit- of
their policies ami the weakness of their
opponenta, ia a time to remark that
aomuwhat more ol lairueas and candor
would be good ingredients to mix into
the political potlagu. If there ever ia
a time when Americana lake leave of
common eMtan, hid adieu to Iraukuasa
ol the houuet kind, and aay that lor the
nonce wo will indulge in g rM, u
clap trap an long a it helps our parly,
Kor the last tiltv vears the oin-i: n
of the nutritive value of ah hool lias
been discussed again and again. As
the essential piinciple of all spirituin
liiiuora and intoxicating drinks, ninny
failings of the race are laid at its
doora. It may U- manufactured froan
a variety of articles hy fermentation
or distillation. Apples, grax-. pears
and other fruits: corn, barl ,
molaasea, lieets, sjlatoes, even Iroin
whhI or any substance contain in.'
sugar or starch Kxperience has
proved ita injurious effects mi boiv,
miiiil and character, and no one denies
that it is poison when taken in large
Scientists and the genera! public
have conflicting views. Tnoroughly
sincere individuals join oppnaitc sides.
I In oni. mi. I. nr.- I HIS.' Willi ill, II it tts
iissilii 1 ii.ims ussi.rt Oil Olll it 11... II.
ol such argu-1 nutritive value and la alaav- polaon
il- even in small quau'.ilie-. On tin
other aide are number ol pbysiologi is
ami hygieniats taking the middle
ground; that in small quantities,
alehs)l may serve the body lor nutri-
mnt, at times may is valuable, al
other times dangerous. It is argued
that a substance so abundant in nature
must have its go.sl aide as well a- it-
bad one.
l'rofessor W. II. Atwater, in Harper's
Monthly lor October, descrilsw the ex
periments conducted in the chOOlioal
laboratory of Weaieyan university lor
the purpose of discovering the nutri
tive value of alcohol. Three years of
elaborate exsriineiit iiirnish data.
From three to nine men assisted in
a single exiieriment, some ol tin in for
several weeks at a time.
Kxpenments were conducted t,v
means of an i paratu- called a respira
tion calorimeter. Its main h-aliif is a
copper-walhld chamber 7 loot long, 4
feet wide and tl'.i feet hiuh. It was
iiimishtsl with a folding bed. table,
chair; scales on which the occupant
weighed himself a number of times
each day, and sometimes a stationary
bicycle or other appliances tur iiium j
lar work. Devices fur ventilation,
measuring and analyzing the air
passing in and out; (or regulating tern
jieraiure, passing in fixsi and removing
impurities were connected with the
chamber. The dmr men experiment
ing with the calorimeter ion ml it not
iiiipleasunt, and were always ready to
repeat llieir visit. Itcst ricleil spuce
was tin- most um ointurtable lealure.
Air was gisjd, temperature even ; a
window two leel square lookod on the
outer world; a Ulaphona permitted
conversation. Newspaiern ami II. email
came daily. An opportunity for
trciae was given in the "work" e
1 n r 1 11 um 1 - and ease in the "rert" ox
eriments. food conaiste.1 of ls.-f,
eggs, milk, butler, bread, breakfast
foods, cake, cisikies, preaered fruit
and coffee.
Careful analysis ot the ir b. fore
ami alter 11- passage Ihrougu the
chamber, weighing and analysing 1 1
and impurities, proved just what
chemical element- the lualy received
and gave off. Ileal exhaled from tie
body when at rest and when at work
was measured The difference between
the two represent the "jutgo of
energy. .Materials burned 111 tun
body furnish an income of energy.
Kesults are drawn Irom thirty vxtwri-
meiils with four men under different
conditions oi diet, work and real dur
ing ninety-three days.
Mult Have Cork Hairnets.
Army olllcers were considerably
surprised at reading dispatches of the
sufferings of the American troops in
China, from the beat, on account of
their hats. It was tie' belief that the
regiments sent to China had Man
, 'imped with cork helmets and that
their campaign hats had been dis
carded. The heat of the sun is danger
ous, but over-heating of the digestive
organ- is even mere sn. To overcome
irritation and other stomach troubles
theie 1- nothing o equal llosletter's
Stomach Bitters. No matter how long
you have -uii rtd from constipation,
indigestion, dyspepsia, liver and kid
ney troubles, the Bitlers will cure
you. It also creates a hearty appetite
and is an excellent tonic for the
nerves. Try it.
The Dominion surveyors who have
bOM engaged in an .Hurt to locale the
international boundirv line where it
passes through the .Mount linker mill
ing district abandoned the work Octo-U-r
b and left tin- country. The matter
undoubt edly will Im iiiado the subject
ot negotiations between the two govern
ments as to where the line shall be.
Sporting Goods
I "You'd
I Better Hurry"
We carry a lull line ol the
la-st cutlery on the market.
Large line of rill.- and shotgun
ammunition. Specials on
stoves and range.-.
Diet was changed to show effects of
different food materials uml how they
were utilized in the lualy. A holed
was given 111 a number ol eases, so as
10 bring it into couiiatriHou with lata,
Stan 1 ami '. i- To make it plainer,
an ordinary diet was given ami results
noted. Under the same conditions the
same diet repeated, except thai a pari
ol the I. u- was replaced hy alcohol
having the same pntOQlllI energy
fiewra She
Just Inuliiiiie into womanhood, to
fresh, so fair nnd n.i. thai wc turn u
watch bar aa aue pusses, kbo ttipa alone
i!n sir. 1 1 a picl 1, 111 iltli and beauty
Antoug the pasting crowd ot worn and
wrinkled women,
she looks a iaing
from another
world. Will she
ever lie like thv.111?
Could they mice
have been a fujj
a,- the? No hotutjf
can last under the
strain and drain
of female weak
OSOSi (km which
the majority oi
women suffer in a
greater or less de
gree. They mi .'lit
preset c their fair
ness of face and
tonii if they would
asm the lUaaotroMt
diseases which
die, 1 the wom.111
lv organ-. Women
.ire cure. I of such
diseases hv the use
of Ur. Pierce s fa
vorite 1'rescrip
a 1 notl, It (lop tin
ryil enfrebliiii' drains.
'teals innaiiimi
tiui and 11 Icera
tion, cures liear-
IflJJ -lii.Wll 1 i,S,
slreugtlun.s the
nervous vf.lcin, and rOStorat the gen
eral Tic.lth. It contains no opium, co
caine or other narcotic.
" thuPtli
aaufc 1 Ajti'tV rA
W. D. Hansford & Co.
Pianino- Mill
and Lumber Yard
I iiler 111 all kinds of
Lambw sail Building
M .Ut rial. liiu. stock of
lath, shingles, tar paper,
nouUingaj sash ami
doOTI that arc iiiaranteel
not to warp. Estimates
furaiilMd on buildiai
mate-rial on short notice.
R. 10RSTER, - Proprietor.
Oregon Lumber Yard
...SI.,1 i.s.,.,
buildiup. Paper,
J ar I'ajicr.
Lime and GMMBti
Brick and Sand,
Sitali and Doors,
Screen DoonA Wiodowa,
Terra Cotta Pipe.
And select a g(s d heater from the car load
of stoves just received. We have Air
Tight Heaters from (4. Oil up, also the coal
air-tight. One third saved in fuel. Stoves
put up on short notice.
1)K. ( '. .1 . SMITH, OKKIOK OmfiT.
MUn M. vi ms Bank Tclepfcss. D a.
ooaaa u.iooiioU(. ,r
Buiuilni. "
I'll. I '.-I. M'l .Ml iiimiM 1; V--01 h
aaoaa, oia.-k 1;
I Taylor, the Hardware flan
E 721 .Main Street. g
1500 Bucks for Sale
K. W. (i. n...i; i ikkii'k i s pifvTiTT
lea Havings 11.01. miii.ilnir. oOaa iaHiZ
! in tulcplieatf).
u Ma. m. : 1 to :
K. W. VINHKNT, M 1). iiKKH FRHir
t-ielylVi H""k oa"'
UK W. I.. l'KKK V. ill'KI. K IN J L'UU
htill.lum, onHlii. Klr.i Nuiwui tut
iirnc.i liniirs. ifsy ami niiclil.
nun ui'i ..in- iii.i,iM'- sllil illiiftMMtf V1BM
iii. Hotel, rnr W ai. r nd S.m pa link
lull, tire
K. A. V AUOilAN,
111 In. 1.1 UullillIlK
I aavlugs it.. 11 1.
1). U. H. 0KKICK OV.K
its ..lmniutcrad.
Hon III. . II. .IV.
DUN 1 1ST. in moau-
II i lopuin'ioar.
t. k. HOW A ltu, aki;iiitki;t ASP II
l- iiiii.'na. in main', couiplelfl tad nlulit
puun lor liiillilui( 111 Ihe cltjr r MtWi.
n.i.1111 I,, .1111111 linn.
mn I OMUU, I'O.OUh Tu
Kt'iiersl lsiikiin( liu.iiiuM
ami tcli'irsulilr IrsilOiT. nolil mi I klrci HI
Prauetaeo, N Vurk sml DrlodMl wiau
tin- Northman, hralm linouuilu.JM1.
ami KiirniN' Van... ivilo li.iu.
lenaa. laivl Ank.iiv. nrtalosul; M Uni
vK.-prraltlsnt; e II v.k' caaaiai s 1
Otivniavy, saat.ta.nl caablrr.
tiiil-lilooilcd Rambouiiiaitfl
I'ollad liulaiiiti Merinos. Tliy um lurgo, wall
maiorad and tmnfully aalaotad buolM, Sheoji-
nion should m Ihatn btflWI making fonlrat ls.
free to instt!i this
I kmvayanot ftu oiafaai
band of thoroughbrada. Addroai
I inlh tun, Oregon iiriauisru Marekl, ua.
eapllal, ItAi.uUI. Inn real allul an UaaaV
posits Kd tasuiie Itoutlilan t aoM m all pni
I'lpal e mils Sl ( lal alU'Ull.Ml flltm wools,
liona . J, Kurultli, ; ; i.-ni . Tal,
vite proaldauti T.J. Norrla, oaiklar.
. . . . . . k,..AU l.U.I'l
HUM Pi A I lo, a I. n A. Mir ainana.
oroicuu. 1 ilul.VJ.UiU; aurptaJ.rJat'
tcrtwt un tlaic liopotlu lll In orall" ul
iljuioatic en iiuai- 1 oil.tiioni ivaljjf
tiii.l. 'l 10. limit) 1 A laiui, pns14Ml; H
MoArlbur, vlis prualdautl h i. Ilaroatl,
lor; L. W. Baruett, aaaliunt caatlar.
1 UK i a I; Mid; - HANK OK W1W.
tt.'.lini (iri'Ken I'm- jrlifral aaai
Pendleton, frv
Pilot oek. Or
1 ' .Ln
UbU-i"iA1Vi I .
Borie & Light, Prop's
Alta St., opp. Court Uovat.
Byers' Best Flour...
v iv laJ ,eS 0,'a! satislaetion wherever useti
SSL We have the best Steam
Rolled Barley, Seed Rye and lleardless barley
Pendleton Roller Mills
Hf ty. m-,.,rt
111 leinalc
I Mm .1
avsn and
roars, imi
yuui . 1 1 , . . ,
-I IihiI Isrtn it i;rent .ijllrrrr
wcasiKs.,'1 m riU. Mrs M ft w .ll
Mrr. Cis t. Co Tcaas. " IrM ot
UilHt Uti( Mf uKY Ktt. I Mjft.ti-l
ut last 1 l(i,iii.! -i-h.l I i,.ll...u.l
toa t sik Blehl i itics si in picrct'a PavorUa
Pli crlpllou .mil l.ni ol Hi 'Uoldtn MeUkal
j..-.'.r,y 1 uuiv nil ia, u,,u ,.,muH
Have gsiiu- f-.iKlitc.il ss,uUa"
Dr. l'len
lO.e I,
i'I l'ltutnt i'tllt-u cure bil-
Livery, Feed and
Sale Stables...
chris sini'soN
everything New. Nat.v Horses;
New lUga. Beat rlga ai.d 'tIHH
in thv city. Uoaraera elveu ihe
Is ei atUiaUou.
Service OV hour ol Ihe niKlit
at. JO.
Alao Yiholesilc Ag m for
in bott'ea, barrola, or caa-i,.
relcphuoe No.S
TO PUT liNilfcli OAK
eeia, 1111 aui-lm., walla, or
loi wisielna i,iM..,,.K
iiV'WautiUvis uuiiii ul on,. iiiiii,ir,i
' II. I'll Ml 1 u fc.
I -imwV
l,,lklll.,kk K., .' llMIISl. I
IvelliiUB proiupll) in n tislki. Afaiitlaas
uscrllvut i-ou.liliiiii. ami ao utmHaj tfSt 01
liivuallK.lliili 1111. 1111 1 t.-.iaal Mailt;
tiOlt It Inn il-. n i.rB.lneui. ua -
Lu.k.i.1 ...... 1. 1 -r y nttm.
J. K Klilaorc. aaai.ua'l ! I"?!
(J. A. lUrti.iai. M M Johna. T. J. lTOt.. J
1 .-hi .... i...,i lelAklll. U
I li.fl.Mi. jt
....ift..i .1. 1. ...... )..-., 1 ukeu u 11m
if ('..Ik il.Va fa.r 1, Hlil f Ist'llM."
V. ' ..lit. i,.nf I
... 1 au.i ..Hill. 1
7 ytr- uhi ut-iK"1 uuu- " r-
I I MIL I 0 .'I ll I I
JJleli -I UI'IDIH'I I'. II" u.-t-l
j. m ijkatumaVi m$wmm
wharo cuuirvru lor vJtfilinf cm
in the Country recognize the
. 1 superiority of
aaw.sa or .mo. 00.
I ... .1 A. .
2Tl "a, Koaala, Soups
1 'vlure
" Bolll?.
t. Illuat Intaluiablc.
1"HH U"su' .So., Asa.!,,, Naw y
1,1 itiiniii' mot. 7-.,-j utm
,1 tual iHirtlon 01 '?ll,,ni.
The Eastern Oregon Babbitry
a 1 aa 11 ii . ..e.,v .. hut? for ibelBi
it .'i'I. imio r. ,
oi Jacks..!., Balay. Lea-", '-'r.'";,.; wi
Mtutlaon, Buaii, HI iff. Railroad, luatm.
tail Court alravta. , u .Hi.i,miaiasi
the peoploof lliadiroi IIBllltmf tl
,1- lolkowa : i -1 turn
Haction 1 Thai ih.i l'" "iJS
Heal between II" i"" uIaiia
urldm and B net. i.s
lo.i. street
IMMtu Jackwjii aloe " ; ;
Iliat Isirlliniul l.niniiii .
.11,1 Ha no Hreel, and
Jeflaraun. Maillse" sml "TJSumI
I . kSOII and tt'aaliiiiKieli '''"kmtat
- ran
.. ". in. " - ,
iliiri betue. 11 oo . - jaa.
N railroad, o -ms U
Tuatln alreel tn n." " " ait that par
itrtwla .....1 ..Met
lion of I'oiin aii.-ei fl
Ihe Bsalurn Ismmlai )
are hereby ordered lgLMitU
rvell..l and a-rade.l In ffltU t
prattliM 01 wid atraei- ' " " ,ila)'
1,1 Ihe City 8111 .ever; pro dw", a
ol aaW uorllou-ol ' "." j- iaeeat-
pesuil of srsvi i ui on "V'-i lot
.1... 1 in.. 1. u 1 i.,iew
11.111 01 ii.uii -
Aiiib aireela. and II"" I""" ,'. lk,0.l
aald airett
' ii- "illy one id ;.n. .1;
- -" '. I II I' I I -I I I I s,
I"' I'di.-.l to fumiali d.H
Dltth .( ul.,-1, l- . " " 'm'm iiwiii
6 Stylo, and othora . ,, w" " "h vk".
1 j h"i- linr nun .c
IB EMtorO Oregon,
Bolgiin Hans from
well known itnportoi
Myles and othori
' Hilly tile , i v 1 ., .
, . j i,u .j
well tu 1n1.1i ..... u..i 1 . 1 .
"oupitry i.eim. i.rci,aKi,f
IS Sll III III.. I n
rinse only Hi
'MIV OIK' 1. ... o.l.o 1 I. Ill
h will
Nowlin & Faxon, Proprietors.
. . - .1 ms1 wi . ba
ilie "" " e ., u
ball be.- ""'' ".j isis IJ
.aoi.ntly -eeure.l lu'VC
u.e.1 nil aani aneti- -- .11 i a i""
I he Btnwt Coiuui laal wis'. " "! 7jd ft
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