...UNDERWEAR... Now that colli weather if Approach inn. the no osaity of buying heavier underwear will soon lHyiii to assert itself. Naturally yon will wain to no where von ran not the heat uradi' for the liMt.t inonev; us iffy body know that The Magnet in the place An asanrtrnent nnexeellen ancl trrteaa eat to the bottom: sales uni.k ami price cut to profits small. A chance for a Kohl watch t;ivcn with ovi-ry dollar putthaae, THE MAGNET CASH STORE: Clements dt Wilson. Court and Cottonwood WBDNKHDAY, OCTOBKR 10, IMO. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET run PHRtlDKNT, William J. Bryan. OK NEBRASKA. KOR VIOK PHItSIIIENT. Adlai E. Stevanson. OF ILLINOIS. filK I'RKSIPKNTIAL XLht'TOKS, W II PIKRi'E. of I'm. till.. IKL1. trrt'AKl. ( MullButn.b J. WHITAKK1. of ll- n-.-'i K KRONKR. ul Multnomah HOPE FROM BRYAN'S ELECTION. Candor demand the admission that the republican speakers are partially justified in raining a question an to the sincerity of .1 i.m nniajsit i. to trust. It in deplorable, indeed, tliat " many of u who are at the front in the democratic column of titthters am by inclination ami habit ami self- nteeeat prone to favor anil profit by that very aame trust which the demo cratic plattorm denounce. Many of the ilmm vratie orator- are hypocritical, two-faced, do not mean what they nay. mid not destroy a trust mold they. mn - it be some truit in whicti they have no interest. Nevertheless the hope for anti-trust legislation ami enforcement lie. in democratic success. No one ha the effrontery to suifgest tint the reptihli can party will BO anything against MM truit sviteni. No one, excepting a liuttinrisl. conlil picture the republican national chairman uaini: the maclnnerv of that party to dppoee trntt. It wouhl he (he heiglitli of absurdity to think of the father of trusts murdering hi. own chilil. And. in the same degree, it is absurd to expect the president to act in real opposition to the trust. . Ilia incumbency in dne to the support of tin trust, with Mark llannn an tiieir agent. Hi would in? flagrantly un grateful were he to endanger the hold of the trait upon the eoiintrv's in dustries ami rouinioree. Ami in one can correctly say that .Mr. McKinlcv n tfiiilty of the crime of ingratitude. Mr. Bryan, however, ha demon strated hoi aincerity in public advo cacy. He ha witbstaaal all the com promising offer made by machine politicians, tie ha- I likeawullnf adamant against the offeri of support if he would hut maintain lteoe upon tliiri or that iinipular iaiue. Ami In iiaH forced the other leader to com. to hi. gr.--o : not by the mhtleiy 01 tin- political schemer, but by the atreugth of a moral integrity and a aplendnl example of ilitnal courage. 11c, if elecU;.!, would oppose the trusts. He would attempt iiiti-l ligent and effective action. In him, in lieculiar aenae, lie. tin- hope of anti trunt legislation. NEWSPAPER NARROWNRSS It i noticeable nowaday that, when a citizen desert, the other party and e.iiiK the platform and candi date of our In. .-a organization, he I a wall loyal to hia country, of broad olmervation, ol pureat patrioti.m ; ami that, when a man desert our party aud .wear allegiance to the opposi lion, be i a renegade, a traitor, a wabhler. an inconsistent political mountebank. At leat, inch is tlui ruling expression in the column- of the partisan newspaper. lour year ago, L, H. fox. C. E. fl. Woul and other democrat of Oregon: joined the opposition to Mr. Hryan, I und throw the weight of their potent influence in favor of those who would encompass the defeat of the No- hraakaii. This year, tney are work-! mg heartily for tin- regular nominee; ol the regular democracy . Then 1 1 . . - were noble-minded patriot- aivept.il without question by the BieUlbofl of 1 the Bryan opH.MMtion .' ow t. judge from thoaa aame hryan opponvnta, flirty are of doubtful linearity ami ipioationed politioal probity. The aame srroof H done to man who in lW"i I, -it the democratic party to remain permanently with the re publican pam Narrow democratic writers assume m every case that their motives are to ba qMatifMd, The truth of the matter is that there are some who honestly left the repulili ian party, some who honestly left the democratic partv in J MM : that some lioneslly returneil to tint democratic party this year; that others In. neatly remained in the republican party. True some have been insincere, hut tin- does not warrant the partisan imner in avriiiiiiL' unworlnv motive to all those who loft the party that fmWtS tiiirt. Wore ureater generosity shown and less ol i. arrow .isier-'i. n of t lit- charac ter of everyone diflering ill H.litioal opinion, the iolitics of the country would move to a higher level. While trying to reform the remainder of the world, newspais-rs . old better la-gin to reform tlieinselve-. THE PACIFIC SLOPS. It was lea than ninety years ago that Hryaiit wrote ot what is now one of the richest and tnoal populous regions of tin Western Hemisphere Or lue lliraclf In tin- cnntlaiions w,h1. Whrn- Mil In. i 'reuou. sn.l hear no an iiinl Save his own iImIiIiic It wa only Dfty-two year- ago that gohi waa iliaeovcreti m hi fiorailo cimnt.', Cal. Hut the Columbia river of tiaiav floats the ships ot all the nation; the roar of industry in the populous cities along it-hanks long ago drowned out the last echo of its primeval "dashing"' and a -tret, h of over IMO mile of the mighty 1'aeitie washes the Western confines of three states, whose scenery la at one.- the most grand and tie mo.t pi, tun - pn in the world, oe gold and silver a when'Ver on the gloie civilization has set it foot, whose loreat and mineral wealth is almost iminea-ura ble, who- fiaul prialucta are among the marvels of the new world, who. commerce ami ina.iufa- tun - it-m-k. the prnte ami tlie envv ol the oiiler Kaat. and whose p,-op,, m t . -i r in telligence, progress i veiies- and ninhi tion. ar w ithout rivals anywhere in the world. Ion. ti the I'aeilie const miitrv ha brs-n phetioiin rial in its extent and variety it- well a- in its rapidity. The three state - Cali fornia, Oregon and Waditngton cove an area 0 1 08,870 aipiare mile- and support approximately '-. ', "' i pie, yel only nalt a century ago the lace ot that entire region was practic ally just a .Nature hail lashioneil it. for civilisation had touched n lightly only in sai. Of its score or more of great citie- not more than two or three had been born when men n w in middle life -tildied geograpliv. J ei Chicago was old when Kan Kriincisco waa in ifs swaddling clothe-; and I'ort land, Me., which wa over '.mi years old when Cortland, Ore., wa taked out in IM-to. bad in Imki a population less by 10,000 than its iiustling and ambition Pacific namesake. 1'he coii i rvative and nn-re ino.li-rate east hs no adeipiat. m-eptioii ol the Indus- trial, commercial and general business development of the great I'ai'lOfj states, or of the magnitude of their many enterprises. Beyond the superb climate of ( ali fornia, which is known to all thi world, ami her fruit- that have hi-coim lamou- public interest in thai stati and her two northern ueighlairs ha nnver arisen to a pitch that would an rely mark it, if the people of the country could only lie brought to fully understand ami appr.i i.it - tin marvels that the Pacific loia- ha achieved To Hi-i.imnlish this to bring tin- people of the Kaat into la tter acuaintaucu with tucir Pacific fellow iiiitrymeu, to promote . closer svmpathv and thu to develop and advance the husines. tntereaU ol both is the ambition of the New York Commercial. ... This newapr is lie' first in the kat to make a specialty of Pacific cnat business news it is, in tact, tin only one to do this. t has established a Kan Kranci.o oflice, whose manager is in chsje touch with the commen nil .'enters ol al! three states, and it i- de voting a page daily to their market of e.erv i-ort. to their c... inoVelnetltS, to tiieir l-u-i'ii-s. n.-w- ,.- it . .n., - to lm surface each twenty-four hour, and to tin- publication of everything of in terest in connection w ith tin-commercial life of thai great section. Already the prarticahilifv of this innovation has been demonstrated, and expres sions of appreciation am pouring in upon u from all over the country. This is only n beginning. It 1 our intention to secure the services of tiaineil correspondents at all important ; ..mi- in the coast country, to oMab iish branch olHce in other cities as last as circumstance warrant It, and to IttCnfsMe the Pacillc new service in variety and volume until this news paper shall become practically indis pensable in every Kastern counting room that does business with the PaolflC coast, and in every coast count ing riann that dors business in this niirt of the country; incidental Iv, the general interest thus awakened will in time make the Commercial in demand i everywhere among general newspaper readers; and no effort will ho sparial , main direction whose tendency and iiithience are to promote the welfare of that great section, which is even now the gateway to the trade of the Orient , and i- destimil to become a most im portant factor in trans-Pacilic civilisa tion and commercial progress, A groti ol states whom1 very names somehow suggest greatness, an inspec tion of w'hos,. natural resources and last developing industries complies in stant wonder and admiration, may well claim the la'st efforts of a newspaHr that ialior- unceasingly for the up building of the country's business. The Kaat and the Middle West are eager tor information about California and the whole coast country; that far-off region aspires to closer relations with tiie rest of the United Slates. New York Commercial. PENETRATION OF SUN'S RAW We Imp. that men, women, small in I int- humans of all kind will profit by the recent discovery that tin r.iv---the sun pass entirely through the hu man laslv. All ol the sun's ra- penetrate hu man ilesh to a certain depth. All of tl'.etn, lor all " know to the contrarv. mv pas through the hndy entirely. It has been proved scientifically that the "actinic" ray of the sun that is to say, the rays which OwtoflV POM chemicals have force slltticlent ti go tiirniigli a minimi tuaiv ami take a photograph of an object placed on th far aide of that I ody, ... Headers are asked to consider the uses of the sun as an agent of bealtl mis writer a tut many other in finitely wiser have urged treipientlv the necessity ot physical exposure t the sun's rays. Young babies and children aliowe. to plav about unclothed in the ruv of the sun improve in health invariahlv Kvervlaalv ha noticed the sad pec! of p int deprived ot the sun light and influence. the human hoilv n--.il- sunlight as inil.'h a- ,1111 cucumber vine or peach tree. We know one wise old man who eacl morning paiiiiie- uncut tor at least mi hour a nature made him. My dresses in a risun into which the sun - rav -treain. He shaves as Adam shaved if he shave at all. lb read- hi- paper ami exercie lieiore putting on civilin-1 garment He eat only Irutt tor I iiih ii.-m . u ill a little bread, eat- u good dinner when hi day's work i- done, drink moderately ot g.sl red wine. Hia health i perfect and the 'amount of work he accomplishes phenomenal. ... Many men and women have haughty settled conviction that make sun bath seem to them undignified. Mnnv other have no facilities for taking sun baths. Yon cannot "ranbatbo" your self very well in a small hull risani without sun. Put all children could get sun hath-, and their parent should see to it that they get them. Chicago American. ALL A niSTAKE. S;it i MigMy Sarious Fact Just the Sunt. Tli'rr la a atorv nf n mnn who was put in public pillory because he couldn't par a small itebt. An anxious friend eanu- to In. piirr about the elfcatnataneei and ihrn rxcsxlaird arinimcntatively ; " Wily, ri oihii-ssgrscuniamati. thov can't put i -ii in the pltlofy, jut for tlcht P. i i it- not." replied the victim of mistaken butler, " hut htrr 1 .. B O .si 4- v -I Il a! l st 4 w t "You'd L Ws" ' sH" A a. i IE I I i E And select n ii'""' heater from the enr bind ol stove just received. We have Air Tight Heater from M.00 up. '"" l' nir-tiybt. Om- third saved in find. Stovea put up on short notice. HKK I Taylor, the Hardware Man 721 ,M;iin Street 3 3 .Next Monday Sol ieitur-tieneral Itichard of the department of justice at Wasliingfon will Mbtnll a motion relative o (be Neeley case, now 'iid inu' before the court on appeal from the decision of Judge Walla.e of New Y'ork, denying a writ of halH-a- corpn. Br v k3a9y VJwB Karl's Clover Root Tea Hraullftw th. Cwnplaikai, Purl An thr '--',... a r rasli, c.r n.ui, l urra v uii oiaai.n, li.'.ia-ll,Hi, .,. all to.li.. a Sklii. A,, - - -rrr I ,.7i..V s. 'Ionic, h.4,1 mi .Itsoluui M.ia.auloa by all JruraisU at U, tax. ail. ai.oO. B. WELLS a CO., L HOY, N air SROSSIETOB V. The rtainglv Itnposalblr ottrn come. I fritc If a ra m should trll hia friends that in was dvina-of indlFy'tion many of them I Woald exclaim: 'Why man. indigratmn Isn't kil'ing complain; I" Hi- all sulfi citnt anawrr would br, ' n riVmr m " The t'.ict i- inihgcalinn in the full sense of the terui is the most killing of all com- nlahltl The wnrst ilia.-sara that tleah ia heir to. Iiiim llteit beginnings in bad diges tion Noah who die of wating illnesses and bliaal disc.ist-s ate simply starved to drstli becaam the stomach am! liloixl mak- bin glands don't furnlali snfficirnt nourish- , ment to frrd the constitution Moat of the peonl. who die of consumption die because then lungs can't gel enough good blood from the digestive organs. When these fail to do their work and a i toipid vl allow- tin circulation to be- . rutin choked up with hihou- poisons, the I whole system ia laid wide open to every form in' malignant and fatal msl.ul People h bundled- writ! evetv day to Dt l'nice, it ItiitT.ilo N V dccl-ning that 1 his "...ldvn Medical Discovery " ha cured j tlicnt ol so-in dangeioii- illness that the . doctors could not tntuttt yet an that tins . '' Discovery " din-s is to tnabte the digea- j tive and nuttitivr orgauiam to make good hfood, and give- the ItVfJI powci to keep it pure. N ilnre doe- the test An Instance of how the digestive organ ism afftct- the who, body foi gisid or evil 1- shown in the case of a little girl living in Chase fCh.iae Co N' Ijr.i.k.i Met father. Mr C C RtMNMU, in a grateful letter to Or Pierce, writes "hi Fffinnn ii,.. our little girl hail a aever. , attack of grip. ' tt aettted in her .tnmacti caua- 1 ing inltinimatlmi ..t sl.miach ..mi IwmeU We 1 ad iwu Uectora who gave up the esse thi-thint 1 rclirvrit her: but acpl.mber foun.l her he tnless. I In tact a mere skelit-m ihinliaor larinn tllteell miles sway il was almost impoasiMe to go to 1 him once ,i week, so .rim lilitrt! to trv Or Pierre's i'..-Men Mcllcaf ln-K-iverv anil 1 rleaa ant lvllci. 1 Nine bottle cuml her fhir t-ilf j to effect ilitnr- wa- oat- hun.lre.1 dollars aiut i to Irr. Pierce only nine dollars " A new IcaM of life is given hy this mar- i velou " Discovery " to all who are victima ! of mal nutrition ll creates a vital activity I of the enlite system which promote- the elimination of pois,,nou- dieae gerni- anil wasted tissue and the ranidlniililing up of solid atnatntaf fleah i, s Mnnty, Kaq.. ol Am.-lia Alleghany Co.. N C. writes ' Alter recoveiitiK from a aneil of typhoid I fevrr. I was taken with a terrible cough After trviilll aevrral reine-tles and att In no avail . decided to try Dr. Pierce a l .olden Medical In cowry Alter takiiiK one laitllr I felt greatly relieved, and after using seven bottle I was entirely rnrei. Di Pierce's median.- is all il ia claimed to tsr II ia worth its weight in gold to sulf- mi; '.Ufa 1 1 1 " b'or tniiiy vi ar- Dt Pierce ha- been chief consulting pnyaMan of the Invalid' Motel and Surgical Institute ol llulfalo. N V , where he lias had probably a more exten aivc and practical experience in treatian obstinate chronic diacaae than any other physician in America. Hi- remarkable prescriptions have an unmatched reputa lion through ml the Knglish speaking world as the moat marveloutly efficacious remedies evet devised They re the result of genius, experience and acientihe common aenae Hi- l.itu.iu. " i-.ivortle Prescnplion " for women uiupi.-tiim.ihly the moat perfect and auc e- i.r t.-m. dv i ver invented l -i every form of icm.il. complaint Taken in con junction with tin "t'eilden Medical Dis coverv." the two constitute a complete and efl.-clive course of trcitaient ful weak.ucrv ais overwrought women A N0J ot l)r Pierce s great thouaind page illustrated Nsik thr "Cninmnii Sense Media Adviser.' will be aent free of charge on receipt of 21 one cent stamp, to pay thr rust of mailing only ; or for 11 stamps a heavier cloth-bnttnil copy Ad th M Wi rM DtaaWMMfl Mcdniai Auo CLiliuu, liiiialo, N. V. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard aiaiiUiiiiUUiaiuiiiaiaiiuiiU.iiiiiiiaaiiaiUaiiiisiiuir. nr v u" o o" 8Tf iToT oTrroTTcT tr irrs trms wsrvwvv wins ms jnnnrB' b tr a IHn 11 s- ibj a .Tk, ma mm a i-r-x 1 at a ain CAItirTV K umun mu i ual hiu ouuit i 2 W PACIFIC To THROUGH B 1,1 1 C on 1 Hnmn Officii. anoratad un.ls tile lWI nl I Iregoll) Portland, Orngon. "Iii-t.-r t'nv. a voiitii: man who lots hsMtl in tint employ of the (31 an far llros. lrv (tnajd '' lias a is itptt d a ptMltlufl With the I'nion Mnt'liil Aid Society ol PoftlaiHl rapraaaiit'd here l v W. II. Strwt. Mr. (Joy g'.'s (nun Pvtllllatnn to La Orttufo whota ho will work in tin- interest of the Society. Mr. Oov tins mtmtlnH hWaivai! a pack ! of certificate from the I I ii a in Cortland . liavina -cut in a long iii ot appiic.ttion i - tin lc lia- -in-, .-.'di ll in piitciug a large iiumbnr of proininunt iiaiue tiie incinhershiti roll, bv rea-on of the excel lent udviiutugi's offori'tl u ; lorfli in the "ail" appearing elsewhere in the l'.nt I Iregou iilll. ' ' The ah iva effort what a VOailfl nan inpeared in tin pa par Suturduy night und show ol g.i reputation and gcutli'ina lily tiianner- cnii do. What lias ha dont. ? Providad mmny :notlrar and wib- with jii s o pitr wntk ahila the man through sickness nr accident lies helpless This is nn charity It i-. a I ills i iioss transaction. Von uy $4,011 tn secure 0,0.00 when noeiled. Mr. W. II. Stri-i't, the Sie cial Kepresmilativtt of the SiH'inty, now in yonrcttv, at Stanlteld'- laaldaBCe, SOB Main atntet, who will answer all inquiries, anil receive your application. Mr. L. U. I rau". agent of the l'ai'ilic Kxpre compiiny will also re ceive applications al his ,,fli. , Z'ssAy 0 Weeceoe Mlv...!1- 'A t . . - hiiVtJwi ,. 'HICAGO was, and nil 1.,,,,,,., t . 1 '"It tlVl M. i nar..r;!l! J.tw .., .. CH.du., Train leavus iwn atHasiii.il, "'""sinir, for furth.r liilorm..! "" iv cal rVm.if ton. Orejon, nr '.'", Thiril ami Momla,r n i ake theM. Washinptftnix Columbia RWer Kailway For Chic, Ht, ... - aas Citv, St I'snl. M n '"Si, bnthij PARK AND P. Armntfong. LL- B., Prin. ' Ulastratcd llR'lls WASHINGTON STRECTS . J, A. Wevco Penman and Scv OPEN ALL THE YEAR Collect' Cttrroncv, Htisintss Ininus, SjK-ci- lnji, Btc, MaiUtl Pfaa tn any Address. Catalog Mi of Patmani We ha ' positions, an hundreds 1 !"Kill sent of former students in 1 out 1 at thousands more. SPECIAL To He Weed Every Day Old Newspapers ti Til R BAH ton OftflJOffl TO IT1 I'NOKU ;ak m MU, uii fhtiTea, w til In, or l Mr ii -iii-1 r-- I n -its n t.tiiiiiu I l " I . U-l la- French Restaurant.. 01.1 1 i.-iii-i ; in IF YOU WAN! a giaai I i vary ng e.tii on aa. II you mt . night nr day let us knnw. s, 1; ar tt.r,.. blvim uaan I'roprn-tor Depot Stable. tn plaoi to kat. W ll"ri )' aa Ki'l OUI.ItlllllK 8OO0. Uii. 1 al milium - Proprietor Farmers Custom Mill Hred Walter. Proprietor. Cspacltr. Itai batrnla alar. naaaaaaaaaaatl lor aaaak nuur, hiii laau. caoppaa rl, tr., always on ,iauil Varialu bv Tails I A IV) l.nmlata Young Girls How easy it is for young girts to to into the ' 'decline. They eat less and less, become a a a a paier ana paler and can harldy drag through the day. They are on the steady down ward course. Iron does them no good; strychnine and bit ters all fail. They need a food that will nourish (hem better, and a medicine that will cor rect their disease. u both of thcae. elegantly and per manently combined The Cod-Liver Oil nuke, (he blood richer, and this jfivu better color to the face. The hypo phosphite of lime and Midi act at a strong tonic to the nerves. Soon the weight increases, the digestion improves and health returns. At all 4f.tasa ; a. las! fiao. Coi l Hi bOVYNK. CWuiub, .. York. THE CITY... Livery, 'Feed and Sale Stables... CHKIS SiriPSON !' oprletor Kv.irytlilnit N sf. Sew Horse-.; Nw HUl. Beat tiy. ai.il teams In tlie eitv. Hoanlers stVM the bass iMaaatoo, Service auv htnir nf the niflhl Telephone No. 70. Dealer in all kinds ol Lam bar ami Baildiai M.ilenal. Big stock of lath, shingle s, tar papar, inoiilt!iins, sash anil doors that art- ijii.iranteeii not to warp. Kstimati s fiirnishi.'tl on bttiidiag material on short notice. R. f-ORSTER, - Proprietor, Oregon Lumber Yard POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK. PALMSTRY! HAVti YOUR HANDS BY PROF. STERLIN0. 7 Tlif d'li'lirait'tJ raJaU and FtlcUtrial -nil I'KnpKftNUl: V.... .1 1.1 . - "s nt ,, 1 STKHI.INti. He ,h ueK,,owle,Ke.l ,1, f...... .....1 1. V1.1, " rat, aad is hTiturri.Y c .s v hknti Ai ""W 1 rot. Mto-rliiiK a,eaks (.erman. I'arlors 0,1 ' Johnson Street, .SKI I S. i I It Wiahinir tn rutin- from Inisin.-ss I off ft my entire k (or sain at tout, - .11,-1-' 11 of ttrpetts, Hiik. Lace and Hilk Curtains Portira. BratSKund Iron Hcdsteadh, Couches, Wall Paper, Shades. Setvinu Machine-, ami othr tliintfs tiai nqiarotn Ui mention. UtMOea Ol a I lie time to j laiy theati goials ulieap. JESSE FAILING I'enilletiin, OreKon Lumber, Lath. Shu -I. Buildinu I'apur, 'ar Paper. .MtiuldiiiKs. Pickets, Lime and Cement, Brick und hand. Sash ami Doors, Screen Doomjl VVindntvs, Terra Oitta Pipe. Borie & Light, Prop's Alia St., ,,. Court Houae. Transfer and Trucking Ice Ielivered All Winter. Warehouse Agta. Maaon, Hrhman Co. TKIsBPHOiil. No 1 Monday, October 8. Tuesday, October 0 yan orsdall & koss. Wednesday, Oct. 10. between Webb and Alt,. Q . ..... W Vwl Charges 50c and $1. 'J'his is Iba LAST 1 i:k I'rnf. Ktorhng will remain in tins eit v anil if yon MB) i" Bad out aboal hnalnaai. nnirnae, aitkn. death, ulianaaa, trnvu, dlvoraaa, fceparulions, htaauihi.wiiU, "'" noHaactsi, loat or in-, nt Irieml.- ; aSo truly ptadiatl in sueeesa or fail urn of now involitioin-, patanta paading, laiiiaion eluiui, luiliiug eluiins, eie , ten you a hat hat you Will reeoivo (air tlaaHni Kith your iiartnnrs, if you oare to know what bum - M - you should follow to be suuoeetffal, what linlils 1 wak aad wao to avoid if yotl iulend to en.i,- in business, make changea, buy or vitll any roerly or in fuel take any iinMrtaut sliip, is of gruat valun to all who consult him !! ean ili,ee a iiliin your roacli a rainady for tivory failure. There fa no beartjao aor rowiul ami lomily that aanaoi b SnTflttitl ly a visit io tliiri pliunomoiial imliiiiat. Thursday, October 11.1 Friday, October 12. Saturday, October 13. ! mm 111 D-:x r- n minis cast and '"liana a easts on the Sours. t1a?!S sstnil .. . i -'i-aiiara. I fllmtae. ..a a p a in pmarti oaIIi mi'saiaai, -1 ""f AlliW iaJ 8. B. t.'Al.i.KHMKAD.U. r Wall, WalU, ' rimicim i vi .. i . i' uuuioa... : rsiiij(- naillA OUllilltf I Iff , tOHI.B.llli.ii.i lf.e;.i.a'- . Ll ' 1 " i . n. ii. i rr 1 1 i. ui rirai t i i.ma' Hani iai. 1 u. e. u. , ti .1 p. ru il t ' 1 UVIt'Pli , iui..u ui'ioil kwiik. tut). TNtHaaV IL '! lit f H'll'IHilMII 11. H. QART1KU) Ir Fhrslrisn ao.t HiilliUiiK- aapai . .-.. ... ... i., ivowa linn l.li.i . l.-li-plinin N; 1-ti.iu- lilaek 17U. 1K. W. K. I'KUKY. oKrui; IK, imiiiiuiK. 1 i . - -1 1- nm tlftle,- liiiurs, .ia) aiel utsbt DENTISTS. le a V I I . I . V. IV V TUT .1 III Jllilll ll.lllillUI A. I.. HKATI K. 1). 1). 8. 0m0( 0 lssvlu Bank -.,..si . A. MANN tiiiii Uluek. uv. IIKNTUT, IN . i r B ABCHITKCTS AND BUILOtl) T. K. Hi A Kl'. AKI HITW'T AU allllt,'inl"lll ...-. I usiiNCb .fill. plaus lr biiil.lniii. lu U cllj v mm 'I.u.m, ,,. . I..,. ,lin. BANKS AND IIOKIIV a.-,,...,- . t ,- I i . V . I liilil' llli P uiu i auuai. man; .eiicra! IM.11I01.V OutlUSM ami lei. Krai-in. irauau-ra mss ai. Praaelwe Kia Vori sad poaojs. Hie .S.irih.e.l lirafi. npiiostaVJ sin! huroi- M.ike .t)llsCUMl iHflllN lVI Allkl-IO vleeranleii; H "sdc iluerussy. asslalani culittr- I II V I.L-MU K'lllX KAVIWM ....... .,.-.1 S.f.1 I -ll,llel,n, no a.iu vmi.u.w. ins I.- F.l'-lia ...n suu IILMil I. Hill- . ,lI.II..H-."7- , 11. in. w. I, riralak, V'mfU' lis t)tlilclil . I J sli."" , ul- ,iv AT I I 11 " Ml. 1, 1 . ui.uui nurp.ua. Icrwi on nun- .i. saiu issu. m limn-all. uji liane. 1 oilrcuuu. n.leil 10 Henry I. aas. ( Mi Artlnii i-rsi.ini. ' H ler.l. W ll.ruolt, BtsiM.""- Ill r. I A 1, 11 1-1. ' i.i.. .-.l,l. on a. Hi lass. ...... K..,..i,a, 1"' I.-. 11. .1.- Muaiptii MtaaMfi. iuwtla.ll.il. . iiiinuliiea ui r- , ..w . 1., niii latsina.. - , '- -T-:. , a u ,..u.i..,.. v..,- irtiaiu..i,v,w l.r.w J K Kiilsori. aaem Knallal. ORDIUANCS- All ..r.l 1 11c. O' i i s . 1 .1. .1 I..-V...11 Hn .-I. l-"au. "--j-j, M...II...I. Bu.ll "e." " mil 1 t.iiri ,1 1 . ' , . m I lie lM-.ile ill ll" Bvellol. I I"" u ..TLIaal BBU -LV. .,-11 He U'u' r. ...iSl iiri'iu. 111." .in. 1. i l.a.. . .. " " :. T.e '" 1. Vmiii It.-Ki aun thai portion '""'''.''J '"JJ Tk lrul ami naicj "". ,'taiH ,ir-r. ll 1MI' 1 ..-iin! isa ,u,l ika lener."!. ....i""'" iKaa.ua kn.il. ale I aoi.ua ntaipa . 1 ... .,1 i.Iiiii .inri ... aura airi-ei- .m-m UliU' l' ". V. ..1 ...... :.ib- l.K , .H ruaiin .itKiw'"-;. S, aJ sirvvia, inn -MS""' lion of . ..nn l,l"el?lT5ClUl'"1 I tic Ka.iein '""'""fzlSSi " ll.-relo '"'" '... ..'.idaaal . .1 I ..'.7 1- Inl I il the I'll) x "' , .', , ill u .1 i,rt lous ..1 .- - kj. ueaeil ul uravel 10 II 8.'.'llili .ant -11. e. von i.-ii 1 ' u.uil on kSI ..... U, I . i, ..'".r..M ... win "1 .....it. ., -,,,1 uu autl ':. . i fuiln? ,SJJ aT"",:.:,v,.,i..H...-"sa " - . ., ,1... it., t.-.u- ' r - .... ...i 1 1 -, 1..1 mmm . I I..- .Lie -rr..ui w.ia .' u . .man --rawaa " L alllls , reran" V . .i,liu. ...l . .... in.." - ayss-aa "ii" whet. "BBZkr. C 1., SfWTjlW imal loiiiu"","" lutatJsTai III. -am. ' j MSSS'V.L s -JTaVva ... llli.maa"i illeel t"e""l1lu''rt Of from III oliiliia Kiel anno "" ( n . U .... 11.. 11 1 tin' 1.T.1 1 i,r..l riy '- al Jfovl.le.lb) 'r'l''; sVj , I.. . klaviir. aaa. . . . i.it.ii - ml rasasn n' .....sT.as lleluU.1, US AtUMt: J. Ii .aa. .St. I