East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 10, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Ml l.AIlfW or
. isTKKN cillEOON
Ttlie ftfin I RHAD THK
NO. .1941
Ainni'u i I'll i
CUv i ivn i ivfi i
Toy"' l die end Albmns.
Wlii,r ware, nil warranted giH
Here's a Chance
To buy an Elegant Winter Jacket
At a Reduced Price
i,. hi
It i I mill pitcher 1 .in.
l. ., , u. mill saucer Hlr. bowl" III.-
sad .Stationery.
L .1... u ICM. .,1 If...
Uj;l'l. Ml."' p:iH-l I." BlieJVSS I. 'I,
HRH HIIII cmpse paper,
mill. pencils, ladies ami
A big Jacket Sale
Will be held in tuir Cloak 1 honi tun-nt
This Week.
A York maker of Fine Garments consigne'l us the line
line of Jackets We've been showing, this season. All .unsold
gnrmenta are to he returned October 15. This is the last week
we will have them.
Hence this sale.
Help us to sell every garment.
When yon reail or hear qf this sale don't overlook one
important point - namely, that even garment is new, fresh and
clean. It's one thing to cut the price of a carried over, soiled
or out-of-date garment its quite another thing to offer the
newest of the new at prices like ours.
a . . ftJ .n )
ivUCc ilk I liNi Alexander & nexier.
int Clnus Headtiuarierii.
The Boston Store
Hiving bought from Gofdos A' Futgerteo, the
Lteding Furriers of the Northwest, their sample
line of Fur ( ollarettes, we will givs the ladies f
Pendleton ami vicinity the lienefit of a 26 per
cant diBOOtinl off the regular price, tlie Hale nun-
nondog MONDAY, 0CT0BEB 8th and last
Iqg ONE WEEK. We wiJl also include a line
of Ladies1 Capet and Jackets with this disci. nut.
Pendleton's Big Store.
The smbytety fot Chicago decided
today to recommend to the general as-
enMy the pfotsjsltton of aaaanMnen
tnrv creed.
portlier Senator T. I!. Hill, it i"
official I v ruinonnred at ciwiorratk
heedqmtrten in Chicago, will take an
active part in the campaign in the
An nepretedeaM drouth la prowil
injf in the district of Chaehar and
Silhet, province o Assam, India, caus
ing the greatest anxiety in regard to
the tea ami other crops.
A petition for a writ of mandmeoi
to rompel the Cook county, 1 1 1 inoif.
hoard of assessors to tile with the
countv clerk a statement setting forth
the value of the capital shs-k ami
beiak of Okieafco'i staat Itanehtes cor
porations was filed in the circuit court
hv Miss Catherine Ooggin, hSed "I the
Chicago Teachers' Federation.
Paw son advices rert the drowning
in the Yukon of B. A. Tonne, S well
known Klondike minner. Tonne and
hi partner, Thomas Allison, were
building a rafl nix mile ahove Ogilyie.
when tl.e former slipped and fell into
the river. A swift current carried him
down to death despite tl Softl ot
All to save him. Tonne whh a
nntive of Kairniomit , Minn.
Ah tl.e remit of a number of enn-
ferenceH, the Chicago building contrac
tors have decided not to oppowe the
formation of a new central labor Is.ly,
provided the various trade engaged in
the noealiail Inti of buildings withdraw
from the Trades Council. The one
thin the men have held out tor dtir
iliK a wr i 1 xt oi eight weary months is
their ri(ht to a central organization.
Reported by I. L. Ray a Co., Chlesso
Board of Trad and New York stood
Bsrhanre Broken.
October I(V The wheal market vv s
dull toilav and the close showed a loss
of ', unit closed at the Imttom. There
was a Mood husiliess done in the MStl
wheat hut little doing in a "pcculative
Liverpool closed unchanged from
yesterday, HM'4 . New York 0Mat4l
SI : s, sold up to MS and held near
this lintire until near the close when it
declinisl to Ht -H, Stocks lower.
Miini'v, per cent.
Oloae vestenlav. st .S.
It pen tislav, II M.
Range tislav, si M to M.
Clone tiMlav, 81 1-K.
He Replies to the Assistant War Secre
tary's Explanation.
- o
RppuMlcan Doctrine Tbtt "CooslUuiiua Dofs
Not Follow lb Flan" Supplies Mite
rlil (or a Potent Statrroant.
The OrSfM ltaptist aflnisterlel
conference convened today in annual
session in t'alvarv r. iptist church. The
fort land is the largest citv in the
Northwest hy alsiut ten thousand. Shu
ha a population of 10,416 1 Seattle,
alsiut mi, 1)1)0; Taeonia. ahout tO.tkKJ
and SKikane, M, MX.
The prettiest si(ht ever witnessed In
Astnria was that which greeted the
eves of shipping men, when rive mer
chant ships seed ill through the
heads at the samu time.
The Klamath Indians are repotted
to he prospering under the new order
of things at the reservation. TheV are
building homes and irrigating ditches
and are fencing their property.
It is reported that the Sampler
Valley railroad company has concluded
to build a first class wagon mad from
their new town of Whitney across the
mountains to (iraniti , a distance of
seven miles.
Hood Kiver's local telephone system
now haw B 'phones. The syMoin was
started less than two years ago, with
II pbonea. The Italics has more than
.'HI0 phones ill use. There are two
companies represented there.
Mrs. Kmina I'otter, of Snmpicr. in
stituted suit against John Auitln,
marshal of that city, for defamation
of character and false imprisonment.
Tlie amount uskeo for is IM7H. The
suit irrew out the arrest of Mrs. Potter
last summer on a charge ol keeping a
disorderly tiouse.
l ln h'.ntcrprisc hepuhl ienn Club was
orgauued w ith the following olllcer:
J. I. tiurdner, president; W. 1'.
Siimms, first vice president; W. .1 .
I-unk, second vice president ; Carl Hoe,
aefetaJsjM W. Steel, aeaMSBt sec
retary; John W. Rankin, treasurer.
Knthusiastic siaa'fhes were made by
w. f. sanui.r. und f, a. Clarke.
At :i o'clock TuesdHv morning, the
fruit dryer oaneil hy C. K. tiliolsoii,
.hi tbi' state Inn- road eight inilei. from
tt'.iiu w.illu whs dests.Mil to- lire.
tnthitr with all it" ennteata. Tba tire
sturted fr in a defective line, .iiul
within a fcwtiiinute the building was
enve oned III names. lln- beat was so
intense that it war iinsisible to save
nvtliiiiif in the building, and work-
meii ami neighlsirs weN kept busy ill
preventing the tire spreading to other
i . . 1 1 1 - The tirisluct of tlie aaaaoa'S
run was destroyed excent ulsiut seven
tuns nf dried prunes shi. h had Is-cn
nlaced neur the drver. The loss was
M5(io; Insurance, I'-'OtW.
Iiowagic. Mich.. Oeta 10. Itryan to
day reri'iv.il from Assiatant Secretary
of War Meiklcjohn a letter relative to
the existence of slavery in the Sulil
archipelago, lie writes denying the
president's responsibility for the con-
lit too- described. Itryan sent a reply,
saying that "the republican party,
with the approval of the adniK. 'stra
tum, has adopted the theory I.. at the
constitution docs not follow the ling;
and that, therefore, the thirteenth
amendment doei not interfere with
llSVery in Sulu. The Puerto Itico law
a.serts the doctrine that the people of
Puerto KleO are bevond the protection
of the constitution, andean he gov
ern. si by the arbitrary an I un
rest raineil power of the president and
congress. If the constitution itelf
can not reach the West Indies, how
can the thirteelh amendment Itud Its
way across the Pacilic into Asia. The
president repudiates article thirteen
"f the treaty, giving lull prote'tioti to
the sultan and his subject., in the
event of foreign interference. The
president, in his letter of acceptance,
declares it to ta dangerous (or the
United Stales to agree to protect a
Otarietian republic in the Ph lippini ".
Would not it In- wise for him to with
draw Ins agreement to protect the
Mohammedan mil tan?"
H r Was Compelled to Speak at Michi
gan City. Indiana.
New BsffJalo, Mich., Oct. 10. Itryan
began a tour of Michigan tislav hy be
ing routed out of hi l at Slicl.iguu
City, Ind., to speak to several hundred
people at the depot, and Is'ilig intro
duced by an excited Ib rmau democrat
as "James W. Ilrvan." The first sh-ccIi
in Michigan was made at llentoii
Harbor. Iweutv three speeches are
scheduled for the next two days,
Saginaw Isung the last of the tour.
lie speaks there on Ihursday night.
I hence liryan goes int.. Ohio.
(irowt Indignant at Story Tlial He
Sneered at Olttcere.
Chicago, Oct. 10. -Roosevelt pas.ed
tlinnuli Chicago from St Louis to In
diana this morning. Ills party lcked
Up w vent I spell-binders here. The
principal slops tislav were at Ham
mond, Ijogausport , lalayetia and Kurt
Wayne. Ruoaevult was very Indignunt
at the story that he told a correspoli
di nt that the men of the Tenth cavalry
were all right, but that the othcers
were iieoinpetent.
The Oovernor at Hammond.
Hennsaler, Ind, (tel. 10.- The fl mt
stop out of Chicago ny the Hisisuvelt
traie was at llailililoiid, where the
school rbildreu si,.-, k band with the
candidates, who later ssike iroin a
stand in the public park, tolling the
big crowd U compare conditions now
Willi iie.se lour yeara ago.
A. ;in- now rvatly for hnsinei
near Wuahingtoii .V Coliiinb'.n
Kiver (reighi depot with a
(Mineral assortment of lunilH'r
uireet from our own miw mill,
ami can furnish auythiov
promptly. Coiintry orders in
ear loads ahipistt direct from
air mill in carload lots at
erred prices, tiive Us a call.
A. C. Shaw & Co.
W. J. SEWELL, Mgr.
". hile. Accident, IMate Ciltute, etc
on (Jily itud County Propcru ,
Kcal Estate
'"imned nud Unliuproved City laita'
S.Uh-( Bjanohett and Wheat Karum
fcaat Oregon lan Kuilding
f Kaet Orewonien, dahvarwl by
JiiXl.'. .. .
for Infants and tjniiaren.
The Kind Yu Itiivo Always ItouI.t has born the altrua
t .ro ol'Chus. It. J'le.eher.uiid has been SBSttS "ur bbt
mmm a... rvisi...i for oter M ye.ira. Allow no MS
XTSSiTm LS this- ...... terleits. WHll
.. Jata-irHHl are lpeti .its, and IlllSSiPf the
health JIMISIS BtlllTr-- utfaiuat Kxperhneut.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
bhw a. O Z . . , ot ii eaata r
UCUlb lUe DiUHiuiy ws
In Use For Over 30 Years
Just Received
have just received an eleaut aaurtinent of Oolden Oak I.ihrarv
Tables. Also Knameled and Oak Wall 1'ockeU, Comb Caaea,
(aaflj Hbelvos and Towel Kollera.
Pricia to auit the cUhUimer at
Joe Basler's.
The Paper of me People
Berybody Bead. It.
The Laraeet Clraulalloo.
Beet Aerllln Mluaa
Kfieuiuatic painearethc crien of protuet
ami dutie.vi loan lortuicd muscle , a. hmf
joiiita uu.l excited lici ve. The blual hat
been pouoiitil by the accuuiuluiion of
waste uiatUri in tlie eyetrm, and can no
longer supply the pure and health mc tain
ing lood thev n in. nr. The whole svetem
fctla tin fleet of thih acid poison ; and
not until the l.'looel lias Is en purified and
brought bai k to a healthy coudiliou will
the aches und p due ceaee.
Mr.. laeMt Belli ' ?W Mnih etreet. N.
WeslnuKC'ii. ti. C , wrMee a. lolhvei 'a few
Bioullls agu I hail sa ItacE ut feciallc BLcuiuh.
ItMn iu it worst form The
tlalll wub B. nil. II-.C- thai I
ts-cunie comp'.rtflv uroe
iretr.l TUreiteeh waean
urn. ... ' ecviic ..ut. end
By . "nditioa wee regerd
c.t s thi( very deaaer.
ou. I we ei tended by
oue of the in"-1 able dot
loo. iu v. . ). . : . who U
eiv.i a uicuiImt oi the EaO
allv of a UailinK medical
col. iv. hire. He told me
to i.,utiui.e hi. preK-rio-
tlou. and I wouM Kel well After btrlue I (tied
twelve times v..'t. ..I rr.-rlvtug tie fehslitcet
beneht, 1 dei Uned tn t ootinoe bu tieuletent any
longer Hu vine heard of a. h h I Swift h4jcific)
reconiii.eiiitcd for Kaeumaliaia, I decided, aliuoet
In d. ahail however, togi'c the medieim- a irial,
eud alter I hud takeu e few bottles I was able U
bobt.lr aroos't ou crutches, eud very aoou there
sfier lied uo use for theai ei ell, s h hevlus
cure.l nie ...und aud well. All the distressing
E'a have left mi, my appetite ha. r.iuriii.i,
1 ant bai-py to be again icM'rcd to perfect
jyer- jSBja afrP ' ' vegetable
L" fjy" j.unlitr ami tone
k, ea the ideal remedy in all
kgA k-B rheumatic t r oublea.
JJSV ejaSw wJsssW There no opiates ol
mineral-, in it to dUtuib the digestion and
lead to ruinous habits.
We have prepared a special Isjok su
Rheum. Uisiu which every sufferer from
this painful disease shoulu read. It is the
mort complete and iutcreiting tsxik of
the kind in existence. It will be scut free
to any one desiring it. Write our pbysi
cians fully aud freely about your case. We
Luake uo cnarce for uushcal advice.
IMC WI SPtcitic CO., A f LAMIA, UV
The Bast Oiegomau is Bastcru Orc
gon's representative paper. It leads, and
he people appreciate il and snow ii by
their liberal patronage. It is the advn -using
uodlueu of tbi . aewtioo.
ralrbank. Is Confident.
hennsaler, Ind., Oct. IU - 111 ail in
lett " . Bane tlaT Kairbanks said Ihut
he thought Indiana was sure lo go fur
McKinlry, us he had hta'n in personal
contact with the voters all over Hie
stale, and knew whereof he spoke.
The senator was also confident of other
states, having ju.t returned (rom lb.
Pacific roast He sutd Ihut the people
are ready to vote tomorrow their ap
proval of the udliilliistraliou.
Harrison Ha. Been a sphinx
New York. Oct. In. roriuor 1'iesi-
dent 1 1 urn on al N o'ebs k this etenmg
will give an oral statement of his
view, ol the euiiipuign. Il is awaitxl
with Intel. -I in view of the fuel thai'
his silence has latcn construed iu van-
oils ways.
Lsndldsle Wsolley In Mleblgsn
llowaxiac, Ml. Ii , 0t, 1". the
prolnl.il ion .peels! train arrived in liu
i hanaii this morning, where the candi
dates addressed seven hundred people,
(ho- tbou-und met them lu re. Iiolroil
will bo tin' stopping1 place th is veiling.
Interesting lo Horsemen.
At a sale of horses liv If A Mr-Mli.-Prat
his Willow On.vo stork
farm, of the uurclia.es the 0BMBt in
cluded in the sale were, a hay gelding,
piirehased by Dr. Mcllauiel, of linker
City; live buy., by Toln McKwtu, of
baker City , a sorrel gelding, hy
Itiihard helley, two sorrel mares, hy
J W. Scribe r ; s hay and a sorrel
0117, by N. K. West; a sorrel saddle
horsu, hy ('has. baker; twu or three
hy Jas. Parker, and one or two by J.
I), Mueieneon,
liisputches from New York indicate
the placing by the Imperial Herman
government in tin. country of an order
for .10, OUt) cavalry, ambulance and
artillei. horses, together with a
praticul. .nil m,i. I touiiinssiuii for
high elus. "111. ers' charges. Thu order
is idiielly for tin- grade of horses that
is now tleeuied best for liioiiliting n
i. n in for ranid transportation Irum
polat to pOtBt in war.
hew Car. tor U. At 0
The balliiuore tV Ohio ruilr'oad com
puny will shortly award c.oitracts It
b. const nit lion of from 40011 to .hi. o
freight cars, dividtid between the lead
ing builders of the country, including,
hog and coal cars. The (ormei will
have a capacity of ,U,UU0 to K0,0ia
uouuds. Thev will be euulpued with '
! the latest appliances, including air
brakes aud aalety couplers. The coal
cars will be conatructetl ol steel, wiin
capacity ior 40 to 6U tuns. j
Uoebel on the Stand When Defendant
Went Mad.
IborgetoHii, Ky., (tit. 10. Yontev,
who eaiised the sensational scene in
court hist night. wa still in a -toper
this morning, and Judge Citulrill
pie-sed the case Until Thursday.
After the removal of the prisoner
from the court room to his cell last
night, he became violent. Three men
were necessary to restrain him. There
i tiiir.ll a doubt that the prisoner was
suffering from a temporary insanity
when he made the outbreak. His
physician says he may recover his
senses in a diiv or two.
Some say that when Arthur (loehel
took the witness stand, his likeness to
the dead man, lioverimr tioehil,
caused the defendant to become frantic
from fear. The case will Is' resumed
so soon as Youisev recovers his under
atiiinliiig. A Most Dramatic Keens.
I ieorgelowil. Ky., Oct. It). One of
the mot remarkable scenes ever en
acted in a Kentucky court occurred
last night in the Youlsey trial, llm de
fendant himself being the chief parti
cipant. The courl lean vvhs crowded
ami excitement was intense.
WhMi Arthur Ooehel was put on the
Itaadi Judge Iten Williams, who for
the lirsl 'nr. appeared h.r lue proseeu
(Ion, did the o ne i n.n mv Arthur
i loeeel saitl :
"I talkisL with Yoiitseiy the day hi
was arrested, bile in the afternoon in
the jail in I i ii l,i it in reference lo
I In1 murder of my brother."
Just at this siint Yoiitsev arose lu
ll i ml his attorneys ami in a loud voice
said :
"It in untrue' It is a lie! I never
-.poke a word to that man in my life
nor lie to mi' ' ' '
Col. Crawiord told lulu to be otiiet
and sit down and others took holu of
bun. He would not do so and said:
"I will not sit down! I never said a
word to that man! It is untrue!"
He wif shouting hy this time and
eyerviilie was on the tip toe of en pool ;l
lion. Yoiitsev 's wife sprang to his side
siel rhll n delivering to make him
sit . ..an could be hoard saying:
" miw you have killed my husband I
supp ise ynii are cat istic.l ' "
Then Ynutsoy hysterically annates
aguin: "I am uuiocuiil. I'hure is no
blissl mi Inv bauds! These men are
swearing my life away!" Two or three
. I 'put ies went over and giahla d him.
lie atregtllad w lldly and said i
"Let RM alone' I will not ill down'
After Youlsey was forced into bis
scut lie shouted aguill :
'Uoebel is not dead! All the
demons in hell could mil kill him."
Youlsey then settled hack in his chair,
closed his eves and seemed in a state
of collapse.
Slops the Cough and Works Oft he
tai.stivti BNMBr4tnieUM TaUetl cure s cold
In nlii. .lay. No cur. , ll pay. Pilen '.euiilv.
Sinkers and Non Union Men Coma
Tbe "Inert' Parade it Ucrtnton Wit Sit 1 1 lei
Loda Mltcbell Stys There' i No Pol
il Irs lo tbe nolermnt.
Potarllle, Fa., Oct. IS. aWnkew
n in I nbn-Unlen moil clashed this morn
ing at ( use brothers' Oneida colliery,
alter I he former had failed to persuade
the non-union men to return home.
Sticks and stones were used freely,
and then shooting hegAli. Italph Mills,
A coal and iron company uHlfer, was
instantly killed. Joseph I.iso, a
striker, was shot in the groin, (ieorge
Runner, an nlln er. was shot dead.
Superintendent Kttdtlch was hadiv
beaten with clubs and stones. Many
others were hurt, hut friends "nrrifsl
them away before their names could
he a-., ri unci The strikers were sue
OaSalol w it Ii the workmen, until the
police arrived in charge of Superinten
dent Kinllich. When t he train carry
ing thonH stopped, tiring began, and the
afRcari soon realised that they bad run
into a hornets' nest They ceased
hooting and defended the mine
ollleials. Tnsipa are to Is. sent to the
.cen", which is somewhat isolated.
Arrival of Milohell In 'Ber-anton He
Made an Impor tani Speech.
Scranton, Pa , Oct. ID. The great
feature iu the mining situation ttalay
is this afternoon 'a parade. President
Mitchell ami his staff arrived thl
morning from llaeltou to take part.
He received a great ovatien at th
depot. This morning it waa estimated
that twenty-live to thirty thousand men
will be in line. President Mitchell
will address the multitude at lainrel
Hill park, and much weight will he
placed ou his remarks,
Scranton. Pa , Oct. ID. The parade
was a tremendous affair. The line of
m. in h was six miles long. Knur
thoOaana breaker hoys were a feature
of the parade. Vt the mass meeting
Inter, Mitchell spoke on the sa
lines as at Shainoken yesterday, ' when
he said there is no politics in this
Itrikei ami that any advance iu pay
must be guaranteed for one year.
Missionary Money In China.
St. Loaie, Oct. 10. TIM American
board of foreign missions of the Con
gregational church began the ni net y
lirst annual session here this morning.
Special uuestions, caused hy the
ant i-l'hristian demonstrations in
Turt-ey, and China, and the famine in
India are to be discussed. The resirt
of the Hi-crctiirv shows that out of 1117,
ISBi spent for foreign mission work
tins year, China received l'J.'i,O0U,
mid H.ain SI7.U0.
Trouble Feared al Celvllle
SM,kane, Oct III.- The north half
of tbe Colvillc Indian reservation was
thrown open thla neoa. and a big
rush of settlers fallowed. Nnnm
"siHiiiers" have already erected cabins
and are buhlin their claims with
rules. Trouble is expected. The tract
opened is as laigc as the slate of Delaware.
I, melon, (),, In Further election
soaalta today show that the conserva
tive have ebs ted twelve mere candi
date)! and the liberals eight. Midloth
ian, the bile W. R. I Hailstone I coii-
tltneney, retaalaa llaerali The
bill nee stands: Conservatives, MMI;
opwislllnII, lu.'i
The absolutely pure
ROYAL the most celebrated
01 all the baking powders in the
world celeb rat ed
for its greal leavening
strength and purity.
It makes your cakes,
biscuit, bread, etc.,
healthful; it assures
you against alum and
all forms of adultera
tion that go with the
cheap brands.
IB) AjM wM
in ' aiasl BhTiasBsBl' llfl
AJuui bakiisii powdvia aic tuw piksal, aa aluai t uU
Itvu iiu at potiiid ; but alum la a ioirualva fuiaua
it i tunic i Ibc bkua poveJai Oatttfciuus luuu ki
ROYAL hAHlHii tVOWW M CO , 10U WMUAM 61- HtW VUtts.
"my i j miiu a weak