GAILY EYENIHGEDITIOfl DAILY EVENIHGEDITIOH riir i.iePiii i'fKii" or pram oHKc.oN IS TIIK BAST ORKOONI AN THC rftorl.e. MUD THE GA0TORKQONIAN 1 M T' TUB AWTirilTtMWA. V(H.. 13. PKNDLKTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OH BOON, TV KSl) Y, CM TOBKU 9, WOO. NO. .UMO Ha-diuareri for Raatman'a i'n rtiirne. at One-hll Kegular Pr. Frederick INolf Toy. I) Us ami Albums. gtlr of While warn, all warrant! good I GENERAL NEWS. Bowl and pitcher tflate 7c Mp and MM Mfi, bOWll tOn iitioiis aad stationery. I lairge package paper 120 rhectr I Tic . Inrdhoitrd, llmM and rro"e paper, Itradeinv iHiaid, wnc i I h , Indict and lnts purse. Here's a Chance To buy an Elegant Winter Jacket At a Reduced Price A big Jacket Salr Will M held in our Cloak Department Tins Week. A New York maker of Fine Garments consigned us ihe fine line of Jackets wi 'u I., , ,, showing this season. All unsold RarrM nts are to be returned October 15. This is the last week we will have them. 1 lenre this sale. Help us to sell every garment. When ou read or hear of this sale don't overlook one important point namely, that every garment is new, fresh and 1 lean, It's one thing to cut the price of a carried over, soiled or out-of-date garment its OUttC another thing to offer the newest of the new at prices like ours. Frederick INolf Alexander & Hexter. anta Claus Headquarter. A-- The Boston Store PENDLETON'S LEADING DEPT. STORE. Heving bought from Grordon A Furgereoo, tbe lit'iulinj: Furriers of the Nortbweet, kbeir sample line of Fur 'ollarettes, we will givt tlit ledlti of Pendleton ami vicinity the benoftl of a 26 pet Out discount off the regular prion, the na!e eom- nesoinj MONDAY, OCTOBEB Bib end lant IngONE WFKK. We will also include a Hue of Ladies' Qapea anl Jackets with toil dieoo-ua. THE BOSTON STORE Pendleton's Big Store NEW LUMBER YARD. We are now ready lr business near Wueh ingtoii & Cidum' ia KlvWf freight depot with u BUPaaaJ assort uieut of lumber direct fmiii our own raw mill, and ran film imIi anything promptly. Country order in caf load ahippral diruot from OUT mill In carload lotr at correct price, tiive or a mil ,lwyvwxx: for Infants and Children. n gaT;-:.-iuSr LeLltL " 1 CUildrcu-lperieuce .vfc-atu.t The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears me oiyummo m A. C. Shaw & Co. W. J. 6EWELL, Mgr. FOR Insurance ". Life, Accident, Plat Ulaan, etc. Loans 011 City and Cuuuty Property, I Keal Estate InOrovad aud Unimproved City Lota' natajb. Kanehe and Wheat Farm J. R. DICKSON, kl 'at Oru.-on1au Building In Use For Over 30 Years. The anniveraarv of the death oj Charier Stewart I'arnell war celebrated Bt Ihihiin Iiv a amall oMMMMWIOM t Olarnevin cemetery. Mirr. John K. Redmond and 1'atrtck J. O'Hrien were prvaeilt. Twcntv-two waiters in tle cadet mearrooni (topped work inrt Defute the dinner lionr ami rianMWnen n raise of $.'i per month in their aiilaricr. Major Hall, treaaiirer of the com iniraary department, . A rtrikn la area paaralan in Iwe othel da part incut r. On Monday, the blahoe etJareaelem, on behalf of the pope, and in t lie preiH'iice of the Herman ennrttl and ,V Herman pilgrimr, laid MM aomefttoM a Mm church which i to he aTeoteil on Motint ion on the rite Abdul Han Id prewnted to Bmpator William on the aocaalon el the latter'r viit n Mm Hold band, w. I, M.Canicv. of Philadelphia, hii actor oln on; w ith A Wonum the I'aw compaiiv war killed at Hnntin'ton. W. Va.. hv Pearl .New man. HeCauley ami MWM fncndr had entered a retanrnnt ami were talking to Mirr Horrev Krown, when Newman opened tire, killing McCanlev Inatallt ly. Newman creaped to Ohio. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. The new Heppnat hand Iuih ordercil w.irth of new llWtMHDaBta, The man arrested in Wirconrin ar Kitlhugh, who rnhbwl the hank at joMcph, or., Otto her, isttT, mi mad eat to le Home one elre. The demand (or lou- rceliir to hold good in "pile of the diihion irorpect of a month ago. The Manon County ljOr2tK BOalPanj har oraen for a half Man raftr of hgr ahead. There who attend, d the horticultural fair at Hood pleat Saturday came home with the higher! praire for Hood River people and their wonderful ex hibit of fruitr anil vegetable. Two new rural delivery router will be crtahlirhed out of Moscow, ar a re--nil of the virit of the rpccial agent of the pfMtotHeo department. The rervice will 1m crtahlirhed November 1. An effort iit laong made in King'r Valley. Kenton count v. to L'ct tclenlione connection with the outride world. It ir raid that the tel. i I authoriticr have offered to connect the valley with I'hilouiath. if given a honui of f ISO. The nackiutt houan at The ImIIo received Friday from Klickitat county, four cow r of the foiled Aiikuh breed that weighed BMO poonde, two of tln-m weinhing over l:UKi rundr apiece. Thii U no enaaeal weight for neura. but for cowa of auy brted it ih a record not often equaled. Another gold t-trikf hur heeu made near Suranville, tirant county. Ihir time on free-gold ore from the May llowcr mine, owned hv a in. in from Heppm r.and nrrayr ar hitih ar4) per ton. The location of the lind ir about a mile to the northeart from the town, in the oranile ladt . A recent cenrilr of the Swinonnrh rerci vation, OMuatM LaoOflMT, by Heuutv Agent J. Y !., rbOWl there are M'A liKlianr and half carter, I 'ai inuler and M felnaler.thc oldert Indian irdug TU yearr and the majority about 85. There were hut ill birthr during the year, and 1'.' .1. ath. The prereut liimlair output of Tilla mook bay ir about l,im,"N) led i..-r mouth, and the indieatiohr are tlmt thin outnut will he doiihlinl for tin coming year, ruyr the Tillaininok HeadllKhl. I I ity rnlllr are cull ink MM lof San I rancin o and have tin BsaHive aaaaraiMa that will hi there mud - of :tU dayr. The capacil) of I ( null.. W ill he lln rea-e. ur roo'l aa the tirrl carviMrr are rliipix-d, and tbev will la- kept raaaiaf ateadil'. IT WAS TRIED IN 1896 Manufacturers Threaten to Close Their Business if Bryan is Fleeted. Mae o- DKNOCKHTIC dNITTRIIil SAYS SO Detail or lb imv's Dolnns bj tbc Poll Helens Who Are in the Public Eye. Chicaw'o, Oct. ft. PenuHTat ic t'oin- nlltaenaa Oanpaa today in an lata lew raid that the connnlttie hint in innntion that the republican natioral muilttet. intendr to caitre mnnu'ai- turerr to notify their employer that in ae Itrvan ir elect.rt thev will abut wn their huritterr. BIQ MINERS PARADE. N.nrlv 2ft, 000 Man to In Line Tomor row at Scranton. Si ranton, Pa., Oct. It. -I'enditn! Kri ilay'r convention, the miner's gorrip eomernitiK the pfOBOewl rcttlcment 'e later to a detcrininal ion DM the part of the men to have the scale tixcil definitely, ro that it cannot be chamtisl in the Innnirllate future. All the pre parntiona for t..inorrow'i parade are mniplete. It ir climated that pa tween llfteeii and twenty-live tbourand men will lie in line. PraahJnMl Mitchell will add rear them later. It ir Itryan'r cry of deo.erat io.i. He tiiilonr all collateral irruer upon CHARGES URAND LARCENY. Bryan Talkt About tho Rapubllean Party In Early Momma. Quincv, Oct. tl. A crowd of ten thousand here I m telle. I to llryati, who raid that th uniiin out of an many -....irh la Ihe morning war evidence I the illtvrvaf the iieople are taking n the ureal ll(ht. He had lieen hur i for yaart i.rorecutiiiii the republican' nrtv for grand larceny, aad i, declared I that prleM of nearly all manufai lured art icier arc hjgher now than they were t hree years ago, and that farm pro nets wi re not briiiKing ro much. HANN A SAYS IT'S UNTRUE. Ropali Bryan'i Aeoutatlon That Trut Glvan Monov Hii Baan Takn. Chicago Oct. II. -Hannrt todnv made the following rtateuivnt regarding that the republican campaign iiuina- u'err are collecting a huge campaign fund irom tbetrnrt maitnali s to hue ter and corrupt ehs'tion olficialr: uaipc era! i hu h In- har uiaile an eltort to unr ead the American copc. He forgets ie .lii'iuiv oi uie uikii omce 10 wincn in a -1 i r , and lowerr hiinrclf to make mi infamous charav. Hir accural ion is untrue. He known it ia untrue. fberalore, MM jmblic can draw, their COL. ROOSEVELT RIDES HORSEHACK. In St. Louli, th Canaidata Alto Spaaki to lha Paopla. St. liuia, Oct. . After a lale ireakfart, this inorniiiK. ltoose, It r. Ivad a nanbei Ol private t r ion. In at ic Planter H hotel. At iiirm a coiulnll- f one hundred escorted him to the Merchants I'.xchaiigc, where he made an addrera. Thence he went I . ih. traveling men 'a club and the uni vurNitv club. This afteruoou the rough rider war driven to l orert park, where .anted on a borm be m. I oil a I. .hit ride, tin hir return he will rest and await the formation of the ro.ession whiih will ercort him lo he col laaWB tonight . WESTKKNEK BETS ON OHIO. r.v.'. i .::: II THE I ROOT Of YOUK HAIR , thould look lrk this, Wk but U you have DANDRUFF the GERM aotroyi and wtaV tri it like Oil. ST - "Dutroy the ciiat you remove Um Heel.'' - No Urndrull, M P.lllnj Hair, aa lUldncii, if you KILL THE QERM with NEWBRU'S HERPICIDE far uU by all Oufrfliu. '''" V ai i in I KANxINIi AMI HI' i I CATARRH CATARRH Just Received 1 have juat received tfl lejael aa-ortment of GoWen Oak Library . an. It - I. t Uauu Tablea. Alao Kua.ueled ami Uak MM rue-..--,, , Clock W.olvea and Towel Kollera. Price to auil the . uaU.mer at Joe Basler's. lily's Cretin Balm JCeva) muil ijl'Maii I u Haw-. ouUliia UO ill II i - , ' I 1 1 a. 1 v ii I ian ' 1 I ' 1 1 tl l lit AlUye COLD S HEAD Hmi. nii. I un.Us-u Ho' Mvuitir.ur. Rcitor tlir a-UM: uf iHlr lll l.liu ll l-sr. Hw 5lc .1 liruioilrli. ur tiy lu.ll : I rUI WW, UM' I,) uial) tLV HKUI lir.lUI, '. Wsrreu m., nv, k-uii Ureconian, dalivarad by ""-y 15 canto a ak THE EAST OREGONIAN. Tb Papsr ol tb P.opl. Bvarybody k.a It. Th l..rl Clr.iilailui. aaat AAvarUalac Maaiura SEALS! Notary and Corporation $3.50 to $ft Delivered Order of u anil aave money. ifdera (or Kubbnr Htani aiao uucluwl. EA8TOUEGUN1AN FUB.O) llnravorabla to Youtiay. i leorgetown, Kv , Oct. II. -After hearini; the tertlnionv of several wit nearer, some of which ana very un favorable to Youtaey, the jury In the care left tor Krnnkfort to view the rtate house and ".round. THIS PHYSICIAN IS GUILTY. TH K CHICAliO INXURANCK SWIN0I.K CASK I S VKNS ATI0N AL. Tha Dlieloiurae and rhenrl.n ol Today. Trial Chicago, Oct. o. .Today's develop ment in the alleged insurance iwlndld care consisted mainly of theories hv the police and the examination of the paiMTr found In Krown 'r desk at Ihe detective agency. Ol all the the.. ties, the most IWrtllni 1 1 Ilia' the girl la not dead ami that tnbetltetlon of a corpse war really aecoinpl irhed. Thin ia hayond proof, unless a confession he made, lavauao of the cunt plate covering of all traces in the dlrirwitlou of ih. bodv. Another thimry ia that Ir. Daaaii tird of ihe air I, planned her dealb in order to free himself. The rtalcincnt that Siullley made a con fesainn baa rcceivml no continuation. Tha Confaaelon Mad Public. Chicago, Oct. II. Ihir aftcruiMin the C'intcraioii of Sinilev was made public. It ravr that he war to have received a thoauand dollars, lltown aeveii, and BT, ('tiger the rest. With the money, llr, Ihiger war to take the girl I.. Kurope. It war then diacovered that more insurance war Irung taken out, when he objected. He did not know the girl war to be murdered, and when he found her dead he decided to give the information which led to the arrert of all tbn f the men. Bookinakor Saya Odd. aro Vivo to Ono Aaalntt Bryan. N...U York I lei U -Inlerest in Ihe national election war greatly rtirred up today when James Kildntt, a ... iltl.i. u ..-I, r (I..I10M 1 1 .. I luyelitv thousand dollars in cash to be lad at prevailing irldr that llryan will carry Ohio. Il.sikmaker Oilman aaya thut Ihe chancer are live to one agaiurt Bryan, und that he will take part of the liet. Support the Praildanl. Irtanaaa. N. v., Oct. 11 In the antial New York Methirjirt Kpiscopal olll. lellie t.slav the colli III i t till Oil teini.erani e i.rcscutcil a report wlilili el the army cairti'cn ami urrf.-d the enforcement ol prohibitory luearurua. hirboii McCabe aanl thai It la nol always imlicv to deniiun, e Iboae liinl n authorily. I believe, be rani, tl l... . .UHI,LI u-ut.l. O. ,lo is right. He ir one nf the best, out of the t.nrerl and one of the bravest men I ever knew . ' The bishop's remarkr pr.iinked great anidauM' but mine meiubera bnk cm i . lions rie Iilshon rcnlle.1 that lie war a man before be war a hlnhop anil wi cease to be a bishop lie fore he will rease to be u mail. In a political ampaigu, he raid, the preaideut of the I n i i.l Htaler ouglil not in ii Utilise.!. Winning Back Oold Oamoerali. Carthage. Ills., Oct. II. Hrvan ri in-.-.l lo leave the car to make a ten iniiiiit.- at ( 'until Point, where the paopla had arremblud in the public aara to bear lum. At iioiiien he poke (o two llioiiaanu. v mis ,iueo ix 1 1., i.e., ol.- greeleil II.. can. II late who. through Una .llslnci It la claimed, u trying lo win back the gold I, inocrutr by Ignoring I I II III ajMataeaa. Bryan'a llllnola Tour. Uuincy, 111,, Oil. H, llryan began his rrcoud day.' tour ol Hllnoia here Ibir uoralBfi The itinerary include. rpee, lie. at.ik fltlc., . toning ut Juliet. On WiidmiMlav. the camlnlute will leave f.,r two 'day.' campaigning in M icb igali. Praaldani Uoa. to Waablogton. Wu.diinglou, Oil. U. The iiro.idcul and I. is wifa arrlveil troin Canton this morning, and will liold a cabinet me. I iug. 0UM HONOLULU POLIflC. Ct.lNKSK TOOK TIIK HINT. Power' Military Repreienlallvaa In vlied l hen, lo Submit In Pa Chi LI. Koine, Oct. s .MesKiiggero raya : Wahlcrscc and Ihe admirals of ihe I i.i. is haie inviled the civil aud military authorities ol the prwlnee ol I ' ' Ii' 1.1 to sul. mil H.I hill toll t -eight hours. Nearly all of the I'lillie.e in oieslioii biive agree, I loiiccept the III- Vltallon. ' The paper raya that general I followed; Messaggero adds Ibul eight thoilnind CIiIIikm. who were ill work on the hui in. , it ion ot the great wall lied when the rc.piest war served. CIIINKSK SI Ua.ION IMPH0VKS. Cabinet lake. Opllmlitli) View ol the Cuurae of KvenU. W i ihington, ict. tl. Tbn cabinet aeaanui l.rlav lartirl (or two huitra. It conn lered all of the dispatches which hit vi been received Iroln the I7nittd -till, s OeVelatl III China since the last melting. Ihe later! mea.age from lien. Chalfee I. lo Ihe effta't that the mariner will leave I'ekin on Thurrday. It waa the expreaaiou ol opinion hv the cabinet thai the general Chtnemi aituu t inn ir looking more lavorabln. A r'reuch note on the aubject rail aad cou ridurahle dir. unsion. tl waa decided thai the (Jutted Staler should ,r. ..ue an annwer lo il. aettiug forth the peel lion lo be i.i ken hv tli in government. Uneailnaa. al Houa Kong. Canton, Oct It. I he deb at of the Chinese imperial trinp. by Ihe triad, north ol here la regardml an a aeriuu mailer. I he trils s an r. ported lo la. inarching on Hong Kong, the bir. ign I r, sips ut Hong KM are preparing to uicel uli v euiergeuc) . Kmperor Will Relura. London, Oct. '.). A, cording to the 1'eklli dispatcher this ultcriemn, the acnnafOf Kwang Hsu is willing lo re turn to the capltol ao ,ain aa Ihe peace negotiation, lake a lan.rable iiiru. In an edict dale. I Ihe ln.l in riant be ha. ao siginllirl. Mi unsri.t Killed all Wounded. New York, Oct. II.- According to a slalemuot by tbn American lliblu aoelato. Ihe total iniioli. r of MMB)kM ariea killed and iiiis.iug in China la I7. Union PettMHaaa Puol.lied. Washington, Oct. tl. VI ml. ter Cull gel cablea Ihe names of a doieli high olltcial. who ought to uu pun I. bed . TO CUHK A COLLI IN ON K DAY. I.k. i s .'.. liiuuio uioiiluu libltf... All druajflela reluatl He. uuutey u u tuuuru. B. W. tirovu' igueuir. ! mi tati Ii una. ' WANT OIL MAGNATES Texas Demands Rockefeller and Others of the Trust. O KOOSKVuLT RKPKRS IT TO f OODRUPP Their Arrrsl Asked lor Violation of tbe Aid Trust U Tbey Wire lodlct-l lo Wica la 1894. St. I.ouir, Mo., Oet. ft. A formal demand lor the extradition oi .Inhn H. liiakeleller, Henry M Kiaglnr and oilier, prominiuit in the affair of the Standard oil company, wua made here Oft Governor Koa-evelt of New Y'ork today, lo C. F. Ttioinaa, county at tnrney of McLennan county, 'fuiaa. Tie. Standard (hi otlnera were indictisl ill Waco in I sim lor the alleged viola tion oi the antbtrntl lawa. Renalal INM was nuide at that time for II. C. Pierce, preridetit ol the Water 1'ierce. Oil Co, a weatern branch of tbe Stan dard Oil I',.,, uH.n i.overnor Stone, of Mlrroiiri, and on (ioyernor Klower, of New York, for other, hut wa denied, both claiming that the magnate were not fugitives. Itoorcvcll war aaked if he would honor the reoiiiaition. He raid: "I can't do it now, a I am not governor. Mr. Woiwlruff i. " He alao staled thut he would take up the mutter on hir return to Albany, and Would honor the requisition if Ins at lornev general advised him to do no. MTOrs TBRRK HAUTB NBWSPAPBBB. Slrlke ol Steel Car Kmployea Shun off Power From Local Journal!. Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. ft. The ni tdover ol the Stwl Car company trnck this morning for an incroaae of pav to conductor ol seventeen and a half to twenty-two and a half centa r hour; to firemen o live cent an hour, and to linemen of two and a half cent an hour. I'be newspaHr of thla city got their power from thi cotnpam and are therefore unable t.. print. Andre Killed by lavaaea. M inneasil is, Oil. ii. Harry S. Knapaaat, a neeananw man, returmai lode Irom a pafllnoi trip to tbe Hud son hay country in which with mm while men and eight Indiana Im railed IKHI miles up the earl ahore ol Ihe great inland ea. Knappen waa ar -ure.l by Rablmoa whom lie met that a "srvhoat" had come in Ihir reigou on the extreme liorlhearl shore ..I the Iray two year ago, that it came to the ground and that the ravage who In habit that countrv had killed the while n in il I'lii-. he explain, war Andre' ill rtarrod expedition. While Liner Kaeapei Wreek. OilcflirUiWh, Oct. ft.-The lug While Hlar liner o.eanii' narrowly ercal ahipwreck earlv this BMVVaiBfJ otT the Irish coiirl, iliinng alinitv log. Ihe fog suddenly liftis.1 und allowed the laud dead ahead. Tbe signal for full s I astern waa given, hut before tin. head way wa overcome, Hie venael grated on the rock. A moment later it aw iing clear ami backisl away. Irindon, Oct. U. I'l. lo Ihi morning the .lauding of the Kugliah nlertiiMtia wa: Conervallvta, MJW ; nppoaitlon, Itttl I. .Ml Olslllets Hill BOld eleCtllHIB today. Arthur O'Connor, a Healyito, ol Karl llouegal, ir the luteal to h de I, ii.d lie' liberal galna tiaiay num la'red three, conaurvalivee, one. f Dr. Shilohs Cough and (i)ii5umption cure Mtlnn lb Ii M.-l: a leti.: m y cure th ThU Is i v --ti-t in .t ueceeehil lilt MM known tmw immj) luv ((, VA'-lfct tiara tli ( tlUatll. t IUUU ad lit. ii iiitie, wi. ' Me wui () (til eiiLte-M In ih wr uf t imuniiiiion U without pu- ol ill lh hlfct.iry nl rne-Jl In bin. e lie in -i dtiaJQtmi f it baa Itrt-u MMal OH tfuatrenle trtt wrii h nu other lyediclM can taint. If u bv it uUffh, we eerneatily k vu I n I o.iv. I I at le eiul ..lea ktV fait. himI 'ID, in KngUnd le. ltd. m Sd Ad SOLt PROPPItTORS S.C.Weils &Ca LCROV. N.Y. TOKONTO, CAN. Vol . Tsllm.n IW tlrne.l.U I ved WtatU aad Native.. II. .....loll, Val 9 uiu hlui. tnuU Oct 9, I'.verylblug buru i. .entered about iH.ntiin Thru.' parliua art in the mid, and the republican, an aplit. The probability ia that the winl. i democrat will fuae with tbe native lo down the niaaioiiurv purty. The supi.-ine court haa decide. that only it...-, who were here previoua lo the loin, coil, are entilted to vote, dl fraui'liiring seven buudred und admin laUatloa VOlere. Kefcialratioii vloeea in Ihe lentil iiiKlaut. Ho far the r-jgia tratioii ba been three native lo one white. The tight ia uot between tbe Um in i party aUto, but by tbe nearly arrived white, and iialivua agaiuat tbe uiia-aimutritai. MARK AND WASHINGTON STHECTS A. P. Aimttrong, LL. B Prin. e -a e J. A. Pearaaa nti tacy OPEN ALL THE YEAH liUeetreled Catalogue, Cidkt Cunem-y, Busiiica Form. Speci men .,1 PanmiUtaUilJ, 8tC., Mmkd Krec lo any Addieaw. We heivo hundredi ol fermer students in positions, and shall send out thousands more. You want to net Ihe best When you buy Harness . 1 make only hand sewed harneag and guarantee evety ptaca el leather. Call and get my pricoa. P. A. HAKYEY, Court t., op. Ciolden Kule Hotel