East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 05, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    "- ' 5 - MB
KjjB SegagaeBY - i. JJ ByBI gBBBaejPBs
' SgaBBaBH HBarV BC si,
Buy Clothing Fram
The HustTers
Cleaver Bros Dry Goods Co3
il'AY. t'CTol'.l.i: :.. id 1 1
roter SterllnK Tell! the tharaiuer-
latict of Leading Clltiana.
Crofwaor sterling, in obarae ol the
laiiniierv ueperi iiiem m me bm ure
(onimi . has alrt-n.lv rea l tin- palms of
nn . r of I'ttndletou's It-admit riti-
im. A iiiimla-r of them will Is- puh
IWttd froni day to day. out ..f this
!it tlit- follow intf have lieeii e lee ted
lor to atf'l iaane:
Jaiaa. 84
Yon tut vp ft (rood hand, and strung
trill power; yon itionld In- a good
t-r .
r. a svnaihle matter-, if-iat t in
dividual vthoae disiait ion it- rami and
evt'ii : jroo liavt- plenty of eelf-i-ontrol.
You art- a vt-ry good person : your
lint- art' fint-ly developed and yon will
maki-a orund mui-eas in your under
Itking y hi should MOW worl. for
Bother, hut uianaite vnurtelf.
Graea Ban.
Y-.a iboold have boon your m
but; you are inclined to rule; yoi,
Iim a itrong Imagination and .
nl an t-xritatde naturt-.
Sandy. S.
Too baas strong poWOT OBpabli
and d.- rmi of arciiupl isliing mini
(fixjtl tttiri titc your eojoiini mi thii
earth s planet.
Yoor rlUpotiUon is an affi-i-t iniuilp
-mi' aini jroa ar- t-andid and straight
I -raard ami entirely imaftet ted
(.'all M tin- haat Oregonian ottoa and
Kit Um propofW iheet for taking tfa
outline- ol tin- palm.
At any druggist' get ." i-t-nt worth
uf tatinii- acid, aid a teussionful of
water, mix Mil and then apply to
with palms, ruhtuiig your gafttM ' '
getlicr w a- to haw moisture iiu iral
the lines, etc.. iti oroiighly. Tht-n
ajaOl poor hands on tin- paper. lidding
it Ikon -it-adilv and with praaaore for
two minute. MM your hand tirm M
th" thttn raiw hand gently.
inly Ml a small amount of the MM
nisturt- on ymir palms, jut enough t i
alar the palm. Iio uot have it in
treaics on the palm", heeaiiae that
ill make it hlur on the impression
Sheet .
D tloM how t - rem ne tin- stains
(run iba pal no-: Wash haul' in vine
gar tbofoaghly 1 then Um- h oap a
u- la
After iiiipreHnioii uf hand- htin tit-en
taken return nheet to tin- ha-: ureg in-
id. . ii: .. i i . t . i ... .. ..
M '-utee. M-it-ii wiin auv name voti
MBilw, ami aauie will he read hy Prof
1 r Merlin?, and the reading ptlb"
li'hel ,M the Kant Ureg-minn.
ulmeriherN wanting the ibaatl
'il "in ioue 'Je for imntage.
Il Savad Hn Lag.
Pi a. rnftrr1h, of l.a flnina.. (.,
iifti-re.1 iiiteiiHel or nix moiitln- with a
'rightful running nor- on hix leg, hut
nlM that BmcIw'I Arniea halve
holly cuml it in ten dai-. Kor
MHi, W'uindi.. htiriin. lxdl, pain or
pile if ht-Ht naive in the wrld. Cure
gimranteetl. Onlv Ha, hold by Tall
inai, a. Co., druggi-t.
aatlnc to Meld Saturday Evanlng
in Carlar k Ralay't Offle.
Tliere w ill he a meeting tftl thedeuio
cratii i iiintv central lonimitlee in
New Arrival- in Jtwelry.
Kair Ornaments
and Brooches.
50c to $1.25,
Call and et- iln in .
ll Aiiiri l-l . -a -.11- -
louis nunziker,
Jeweler and Optician.
New designs and the latest tints.
A large slock ol lamj's and glassware.
. Oianope
bllltt, rtt
or lilni
IU .
. ..I ... . .
OM Hum BYTAl.i.vl EJ CO UKUUUtal-i. I'atN ,t.K IHM. OUEun.1.
('art t A Raly'l otn n Sntiir hu
evDing, OctoMrC, at r iiO 'etoek, tit
dlaottM pi in fur the campaign and
transact other important hunine. It
i eariuntly desired that all mi niher
of the committee Ik- MWMtTt. Sot only
RIMMbari of the conimitteo, hut all
democrat-, are invited to I- present
. H. RALBY, Chairuiftii.
A. 0. RALBT, Secretary.
an a
f 100 Dollar! Reward. SI00.
Tie r.'it l, ri ol ihi-iwH't wi',1 If iileet In
it-nrii la at tfaara i- t t...t on ,irt-n,titki uaaaaa
last ielvarti it- baaa able to tttra la all lu
u,-. km i laal i- oalarra. t laiarra i are
I- lie iin.y io !:vt- I lire now klliiHtl li thr
meil I c-a I iraternlt)r, ftHrrh being cnnntnu
t.ellitl ,11-eH-c Te iiiin m ,'.in-ittut i.iti! imn.
tnrrh t arc ir- taken init-rnally.
nil the lilo,il Hi),! tniiceuf ur-V-l'-lu.
tln'i,'l,v ,lt-trovin On
ni tiug ,11
laeaa !
jtpaadalloe oi me rneeaea. au,l givnig um im
' t ltii I vtrciiffth tit liiiililtng up the funitttutUiti
and aaalatlng aftinra ladotni n Work Ike
prnirleter have ,i nuich talth In it- curatlve
. i' ou r- t Imt they effei on,, lluieired Pnllar for
any oaaa thai 11 (il lu cure Sen. I for lUt ni
- i . , ill ih 1- A.l.tr,
V ' ' IIENEY ,V t il . Toledo, Uhlo.
- il ! b rttuiftata, 7V
UaU'i'Famllr l-llli are the beet.
Arrival! at Hotel Pendleton.
W B Kowlnnd. San I rani-inco.
W T Hltlop, l'ortland.
F BoMrtl, Fortland.
i' x T iwnend, 0 1' By.
1. DoWiMT, Spokane,
s I'hiniiev. ( hit-agn.
N Met-le.' Alhany, nr.
I. Tophats, 1'oriland.
s YoUftMui, l'ortlaud.
II Comau. l'ortlaud.
1. Iliiii-in ktr, iiokane.
E c' Pradleton, Bp kune.
.1 dm Atfa worth, Bpokana,
He BoRBMbltt San I rain i-to
,1 A AUkno, PortlRod,
,i W OftTMO, Portland.
Your Face.
Bfa m the Mate of vour feeling and
M Rtata "f Volir health H well. Im
pure Id tod make- itelf ajiparetit in a
pah- and nallow complexion, pimple
and -kin eruption. Il you are tawing
Rajajfe and worn out and do not have a
healthy ippaarai you hotild try
Acker' Hlol Klixir. It cure- all
IiIo hI dieae. wle-rc cheap .ir-a-
parillaa ami to-calked pf tBaw tail.
Knowing thia, are aell ev.-ry boltia on
a poaiiiva ynaranttt For ale hy
Urock tv MoCotnaa,
They Are Beauliei.
K. L. Smith In- j'i-t Maalvea a
car'oad of (' liimhu- and Kacim
bngaiai and ha k- and ha them net
up lor diaplay. A large crowd wa ad
miring them and tln-y protiouncod
them "simpiy grand." Mr. Smith i
giving a very low price on thee
gooda in fact h" given hi i-uetoinert
the hem-tit of a eah iliacouiit and a
aaviug on Ireight hy getting them in
car lota.
To HaofM late th"e who art
partial to the use of atomizer in
applying liquid into the na-al a
Hftgea lor catarrhal troiihle, the
pr opriet on prepare Fily' I.iounl
Cream lialm. I'rice unhiding the
praying tuhe i 7'i cent Iruggit 'ir
hy mail. 'I'll- liquid emholie the
uietlicinal proa-rtie of the olid prep
aration. Craam Halm i qniakly ah-
BOrfaad hv tin- inemhrane and tioe not
drv up tie- Men tion hut change them
to a natural and healthy character.
Fly Brotbara, H Varraa at., X. f,
Low Ratal to Spoaane.
For the S,kune Indutrial exoi
lion, ftntokat - to It,, theO K. A X.
Co. name a rate of vll'i lor the round
trip fr Pandlalon, Ticket will lie
kohl Oetoher 1 t, In inc. unite and will
In) good lot return puage lite day
from dale of aaia, Call at 0. K. A S.
ticket oil,, i i ,r eal particular.
rive Things.
The five diaeaawe for which Bhilob'l
Coiiauiiipt ion Owa n- aanaeiajlf rcom-
meudtttl, are CoUgln-, Cold", Whooping
Cough, Croup and Conaoniption. no
rnaoil me WVr inatle hy loan in eiual
kilt in any Mapaot, Bold under a
poaitiva guarantee. Money hack if it
fail. 25 ctn, 6o eta and (1 a hottle.
Tali man A Co.
Ail laaraona knowing themaeleis Hide',-,-!
to me will please call ami settle
their at cou utl. H. M. BLOAVi
Acker's Knglish remt-ly will st-q. a
ffh al any time, and will cura
rotuioh-d. 2-i ets and sje'- I f
hv bris k A MoOwniaa.
tlaSlota, i am
t oa i.f alaj
or ri I T f I
cn.. r ,j,o .set., l.l.
A Readable Paper rued In Walla Walla
County. Washington.
The defendant ill a divorce cae in
Walls Walla roitntv, Washington,
raeantl) had oeoRalon to tile hi
aaawar, lie prepared nil own piand-
ing, BOl caring Ld MMMW the aervice
of an att away, From the anawer, the
following ha boan m-htletl a ol ptvu
liar literary merit :
"That plaii.tifT terceitive facilllit-a
are ad!y deticienl. If plaint If wanltd
the 'ln-t the market affortletl,' then
noabontd have alleged that other
ami niitt fatal error of defendant '
life -one that tower ah,m allegation
1. I and n like Ml. Hood altttve a
I opl.er monnd, In defendant toothful
day w en ih I hrilliancy of the north
ern light- wa not In la- 800100 fad w ith
MaillMlit imagination, detendant tit--dial
tad hi life to irfOrMaM the vice
thai rantuHaa of Ignornnaa ami lav
nioralitv have Beada hereditary in the
'cr, to' clement of the land that claim
a parpataal copvrighi on 'tfijoloa,
ii'iuariente and I -males colhMtO;1 mid.
now, after three aWodaa of MraianitM
toil with Intalloat nil and phyaicftl In- i
Brmltiaa that naturally accompitny
traveler" on the downward alnpe, lie 1
realm- that life Ml tM abort for the I
aocotapllaknaaal of th la purnoaa. Talk
alioul the crime of 'TH; it i not in I
it' It l! to that error a a ball
nonthod nakot of Qnaao Anne' time!
i l" a Maxim gnu, and futurity will '
i'oi. cede it the right of way even over
tin- mi-take of M c.
"XI. Plalntll toid the datandnnl
recently that, regard le of the past.
Iba wa trying to load an h. neat Ufa
now. If iba atari with it, the ardent
a. peal of dalandant to the throne of I
grace shall lie that 'He who tonipof I
th- wind to the ahorii lamb' will guard
her lovingly and temlerly tor a thou,
ami year-; and then, piinth-d and made
holy he th,. RadaaOMf'l love for IBOM
who lift their TOioi in itenitent ial
prayer, and Uirne to that radiant ahoro
on the white wing of the angelic hot,
may he ba let in on the ground tloor
of all the baalltadai ami ten la-r rent
of the gate money.
"Xir Hut, if the future i to lie a
repetition of the pat. then every lime
the chime ol the church hell are
wafted to her ear, may her memory
revert to the foil Idol on her ch i ldrt-n '
name. May the flapping of the w ing
of the IVluon of Parkin- In- heard ho
tween every Ave Maria, ami. after the
Dual tlav that come, w ith i loaetl eye
and folded arm may he fulfill the
man i feat deatiny of the claa that ahe
i in hv tloing acavenger Work in the
! Digger quarter of that place the
r,. .ktltl..,. . I .... I t.. tl... i.ui,,..
f Adio mi Alma. "
Owner! of Bicyclei May Now Get Ready
to Pay Tax.
At a u ting of the council held
Wednesday evening, the following
i' l-iii - wa- transacted :
Tl rdinance committee wa re
quested to limit an ordinance for the
licensing ol hicycles. This ordinance
will proridv that not all owners of
iiicvclo,. must pay a license. Il will
provide that those who wish to ride
their wheels on sidewalks w ithin the
i res 'lit pros ri I limit shall pay of
th- license to o do.
The request of the lire department
that the large licll near the central
engine hmise and the smaller hells m
the several tire districts shall Is- Used
for no purpose except to give an
alarm incase of lire, was granted.
I Tli- hig curfew hell will no longer he
riuig-toiiight, or auv subsequent night,
during tie- life of thia action of the
council .
A petition from Dr. C. .1. smith
for privilege of riding his liicvcle
upon the sidewalks at irght and in
emergetn casi -, was nut granted.
His ta-e will he provided for hy the
adoption of the ordinance licensing
owner of hicyclea to ride upon the
-1 lawnlkSa
Ordinance (or the improvement of
certain streets passed. This ordinance
in full will In- found elwwhere in the
Fast Oregon ian ttalay.
Kecord r's report was presented ami
referred to liuam in in it tee.
The s-cn tary of the lire department
wa- b) motion re.iuesletl to turn over
hi- old b'Hik to llie recorder.
The claims committee reported the
following hills, ami they were
allowed and warrants ordered drawn:
The Bill! lor September.
Jos. Haler, 4.tt I'. F. I., tk I'.
Co., 2i: l.aaw Urns., fr,?Jt; .la.
brink, BI.Wi Jas. Hoteblnoon, tiM I
Chas. Eggortb, fit Jar. HotoMiinaon,
IIS; Mark Shackleford. fj J.
Marine, lfj ( has. Boola, IJ0j Ma
bovd. B3; Will Weis..rt,l.lft; D. Ken,
ler, $H.T,; Van Orsdull V Koaa, l:t.ol);
15. - Wallle. I1S40) Max Haer, fl.gli
t.0. Pnb. 0o., S.7Sj A. 0. shaw
Lambai 0o.. IM w. I'. Fuller a Co.,
tJMJ . heek ,V t'ole. jt To. Hansford tk
' la.1): brisk iV McComa, It.W;
lert Hoe Co, :2; i. T. Meeker,
10 Meve Jones, J; 1'elidletoii S r-
log mill, fit. oa : Win. Ilickev, 6;
J, F. I5eaui, f!i; T. FJ. Well, (III;
Chaa. Cahooli, lioht Forster,
( J ; .-. II. Micks, 12: PrOtOI tu n
Ih - I'., i; 11. Mi Mahoii. I2;
Fmlicoli, L'I ; A. beam, 2 Ih - B
II , 1.. Co.. Mil -I. summers, I2;
Plek ata'e, 'io. 1'heo. Howard, Iio;
T. T. Xilaon, l. Vi: lieu Hageti.
14; Koht. Forsur. (MTl.tl; T. C.
Taylor, 7.Hi Ch..- I. an. , itft.Mi, K.
ForaU-r. gMO.QBi Heary Kimhrell, tai;
Jas. Motobinaoo, 12. Goo, Meeker,
lit KM A beam, (It; It. H. Bouipla,
(,'i; total, (12H.1U.
Biamarck'i Iron Narve.
Wa the result' ! hia aplendld health.
Imloiuitahle will and IfOOBOndoM
energy are not found where atomach,
liter. kldnOJTI and laiwela are out ol
order. If you want !, tpialitiea and
i he Miiteaa they hriug, uae Ir. King's
New Lite pilla. They develop evt-rv
B0W0I of brain and lly. Only 24e al
Tallman A Co.'s drug store.
Al Vogal Will kow Hut Acrei With
Golden Dawaon Wheat.
The aowing of Koliora whttat in I'ma
tilia county haa ljen a gain of thoua
anda ol dollar for larmere. Al Vijgal
was in Fendltitoii Weiliiuwlay from Tils
farm near Pilot Kock, ami told a lew
things to a reporter. He raiaod lti
aat'ks of wiieat and 2HII aaekn of harley
thia year. The wheat waa Koliora, eowu
laal spring, and he waa offered I umU
per liuahel for it aoine time ago. He
would take it now. Mr Vogal will
pul in between 7iaj aud mat acrea of
wheat al hia home place aud on the
reservation thia fall, if the weather
don't interfere with bia calculation
He leaaea reservation lauda lor ihr.
He said: "Sonora wheat ia the only
kind for spring aowing ill thia county,
ll is even giJ for winter wheat, (i.
W. Itighy told me that hia winter
gfanara wheat made a g-ajd aland; atood
the mid when red chaff waa froaen
out. '
Mr. Vogal recently received two
aacka or four hushula of mtod wheat
front his hrother. ll was grown withio
um aud one-hall milea uf Lauaing, the
capital of Michigan, and Mi hualiela
Best Suits
to Buy
The extra wear and service
if forded hy the H. S. M.
luita ire enough to recom
mend them to evcrv careful
Vthcn vou Icirn how
atvliih ind becoming thev
ire, how well they fit ind
keep their ahapc, you will
never buy any other kind.
T( aak no more for them
than vou have to pav for in
ferior goodi elicwhcre.
The Peoples
was grown on two acres. That is prein
good for Michigan. Mr. Vogal will
plant this wheat on four acres of hia
land and give it a thorough test as an
Binarlnianti alongside oi BonorOi Tba
w heat received from Michigan ia called
Dnaraoo Goldan OhaB, Mr. Vogal
aaiti donaornlng it: "it i not as Bloa
ItMiking as Soiiora. lu fact. Faatotlt
wheat is nlntoal ulwavs darker. It is
cut with u hinder ami ia cut greener."
Breed! Dandruff. Which Cauiei Palling
Hair and Finally Baldneaa.
I'm!. Dmml Bnnibnrgi Gorman y,
Furopean authority mi sk ill tliaeaaes,
says that dandruff ia as OOOtagioOl a
My other malevolent diaBOOO, and
that one i-nliimoii aoucre of the spread
of dandruff is tin- use of the same
hairhriish hy ilifferent persons, flu
way to avoid catching dandruff or any
other dlMnaa from anotnor'i broah, is
to insist on the urn- of X'ewhro - Herpi
didOi It not only kill the dandruff
germ, hut il ia also an antiseptic that
will prevent tne catching of any di-east-whatever
through contagion of an
other's brush.
Fourth Annlveraary ol the Accident Will
Occur October 0.
Among those who have DOOM in Pon
Id- ton recently asking alms of a chari-tahh-
peoplu, no more worthy one may
he iiit-utioiied than Sam ini-loD, who
arrived Thurstlav from Central City,
(' dorado, on his wav to Itcpuhlic,
Waab, on Ootobor S, I IBS. ha wa tba
victim of an ROI ideiil hy the explosion
of part tif a boi ol caps used to ex
phsle giant 00 ardor in the mine in
which he was working, both of his
hands were bloWR off as though cut
with an axe, and the sight of the left
eve dcstroytsl. Mr. liaatou ia of a
t l rful disposition, ulthotigl, he said
this morning that he had pOOtponad
eating -upper until todav on intoinit
of not having mono) siiihcieut t pay
even for a cheap ne a I .
Mr. iiasto'i will ti l. l, rate the fourth
anniversary of hi- in ideut tomorrow .
It is not hy any IMaOMI I" he Ml pOOad
that much Mirth will accompany the
cel-'hrat it ii, hut if In- should remain
in I'eii llcton tin- oddl are largely in
favor of per- ni hi tting that In- will
not have to p-otjm a meal from oiiu
day t another until he get - so far lat
hind he can't catch up.
Worae Tnan War.
Huiilri-ls are killed in war, hut
hundred- of thousands are killed hy
consumption Tier-' would ! no
tleaths at all caUBWl hi this terrihle
disease, if sol,le lollhl I' lllll e lo nil-
dnratand that Bhiloh'a ooogh ami aon
au in pt ion cure is a sure rOMtody II taken
ill the earlv ilK.'o 'ITi eti. .'.tl eta. ul.it
(1 a bottlo. Hruggists will refuml the
money if a cun- is not ellt-tUsl. lali
man At l.'-t., leading -Irnggiata.
Herineiiu Tuekday Night.
liingt-r Hermann, eoinmissioiier ol
the general lan-l oih, ,- at WaahingtOU,
U. (J., is making a few iDOOefaaa lor
tin- adinliiislration d iring the pn - nt
aaiaiailgn. and will speak iii Pandlatoa
in tin- ci ortbonaa noal Tuewlay eve
ning, October '1. ll W.t- -l..le. II, al he
would lie here VodOOl lay atroning, Imt
sin h was a mistake. Me will pc.,k at
lat liraude on Mon-lay evening, Octo
ber I, Pondloton, October u
He went aoat on Thurstlay evening
to Iio I at , where he speaks tonight.
m e
Thia ia the season when mother are
alarmed on account id croup. It ia
quickly cured hy One Minute l ough
Cure, which children like lo lake.
Tallman & Co., leading druggieta.
A Correction.
It haa been Incorrectly slated thai
Mi I- Faxon A Xowliu have "2n'
Belgian hare, when they have "IfJO,"
Mr Noaliu wishes il alatt'l that he
will alao Ite phastsl to lmw anv'ssly
through the rahhitry, who will call on
him at hia omit- in the court house.
1,1' It ll .ml,: Hf .. I. mil lo .r skta
Fruui BeWBti f CI I 1' i i.
J hail a hraaklug out all oter nil hack.
Tl.c tu .nag was aituw-4 u
One s I lew uu-t it etsatd I
Utc skin oil my lawk. 1
gal b. um
Att iurm' pre-
i w inn, at
i, i
etrii ii I. : i 1 1 . i i-i -out t i in i a a icue
dl in Hit- laduuMkHilis Asmj. AlU r Uirea
apiilitvailuiis, tay tatcl. uil lu-aiitg, ail by lite
tlUM-Uir Iso ul l i llo'ltt -111,111, to. t its. half
Unc i tic. Ueaklag uul id sn .h.jj i ,..i,,i.
.1. Ii Tioial Ah
ij'.v l.viucll An.. I :.'ilai,ll, lud
lOuilut Kit rtiagr a 1 1 (I ) it i rinal 1i 1.1
nar-iit lor Kviv Mtm.oi
Mihr i.t. i iM-aei Otmi rHA kenoir
i. ruul ubii .-'i-.4i.-r- th. tj I. Moid
r-wurkd. Pul i laiHi u Aku( MaUI.
r. t (Mk
tsfeif MugjaWu
n IKinUwai. " Uvw lu
lU Jilttg; Uuuavi' Irojaj
arwOTi r a
orin,iii i i aari iitffuMii
II la HlRh-l'laaa Vaudeville and loinadv
That la ComtiiR.
I'ritiiut ing t'oniedv iarce ami brief
vaudeville. Manager John J, OclliOl
has rOrolntlonod I lint form of enter
Inmntanl which wa torntorly knowna
"variety." For aeveral yi-ara. the
"Vanity Fair" eompanv ha Mjoyod
the COflfldOfll i the public to an ex
tent never before known to theater- de
voted to this class of tut or I u i ii null t . It
has a high reputut ion in Pood.eton
among those who saw it when last
Almost from the llrst hi- haa won
public confidence hy a policy entirelt
new, while al the sumo time every
effort was put forth to provide a varntl
ami entertaining bill, including acts
thai would please each respect. ihle in
telligence. Mamigcr Collins assumed
that variety audiences were outnpoaad
of ei f-ri-jeci mg poopla doil root of on
I it ing il little nonsense, together with
i h ter special! iea.
Another factor in the success which
he has onjoyod is tin- uniform avornga
of merit ill the bills presented, not re
lying upon an OOBMIomI alar of
rlaaiTlng brilliancy, with nothing but
mediocrity between. Me has preh-rred
to in,: i nl m ii an undeniable average hy
presenting ii consistent array of the
heal available artiata all the lime.
ll Thia Plain kiiuuan.
If you have a nagging cough and are
losing llesh, gn o a drug store, ami
get a Isiith- of shiioh's OoBonniptioo
BUM, Take two-thirds of il, ami then,
if yon are in it banoAtod, return the
bottla lo tin- druggist, and be w ill re
turn your money. Isn't that fair' No
out uhl ask more. 'Joels., .Ml cts.
and (1 a bottlo, Talluian tV (JO., lead
ing druggist.
Hot Weather
Sick Children
Children will get ick.
The boot tan- will Mot prevent it.
Win n vmi anil tlii-v an- hii im
i j
fortunnta romemboi that wg an
till your proscriptions, ami In sult s
have i-vcr) tliuin Im the sn V
l i rin-r Main and Ooajft Sla.. Pandlaton
Sporting (ioods
We i airy a full line ol the
last cutlery on the market.
I ..'.- line of rilh- anil shotgun
ammunition. BunoioU 00
slo.es ami ranges.
W D. Hansford & Co.
Wishing Ui retire from laiaiueaa
I offei my entire stock for aale
at coat, c.iiaiatiug of
rarpetn, Kui;n.
Lacg ami Silk Curtaiott
lira.HHuuJ Iron Hcthteadr.,
' I.IK lit t,
Wall Fajvi, Shadi-M,
Scwiim Maclmic.
and othr tiling tii nmiieroiia lo
mention fliaiaTB ol a lifu time to
buy thtaaB g'ssl t heap.
I . o il. 1-. i,. Ureajou.
TO , , ItH, S, M. l .. .ff ,
Tho Peoples
Hotel Pendleton
Under New
Strictly Flrst Clas!,
bxcelloDt Cuisine.
Kvcry Modem
Itar ..i i ttllllard II its
I in- i.-'si Motel
Van Drii Krus., Ins.
s- " I
Wool for Sale
I'liui l.tv of each W99k I will bo .it tha Golden Rttlt
Hotel in raoeivg Bealtid hidi mi LeOtl of Wool, No.
,S, H, anil 17, il it 500 -ifick.-y, nam itortd in
tliti niltetidonl warohotiMt, I rswirvg thg priviltgt
uf rejecting hmv of nil bids,
j. E snini.
Letter Piles
Cop in'. Booki
and Presses
Typewriter I'apcr
and Ribbon,
7IB Main SI.
Si III ml
" A
' aL ' ' "Oa?
r aTjJ gBfRjWBaBaBaBBaJflr
I jl '
1500 Bucks for Sale
Tln-y nr - lull blooded IUiiiliuilltjl ami
Polled PtlftiM Mori 00B, Tliuy in Urge, w-H
iiiatinnl and Btffjfully BeUoitd Inn ks. tfjtp
nun iboold bm tin-in be (ore tuavking oonUiitj.
ConvejAnoi furnielied free to Iniptol thin
btnd of tboroughbrede, Addrt
I' mi' 1. .11 ' I rt
Byers' Best Flour...
To make good bread uic Hyctk' Beat Flour. It took fiiat
prtinluui at the Chicago Wurld'a Fair, over nil conipotl
tlou, aud glvea eMWfleet aatialavrtion wherever lined.
Hvtry Nack ia guaranteed- We have the heat Steam
Rolled Farley, Heed Kye ami Reardleaa Barley.
Pendleton Roller Mills
vt S. BYEH8, Prop. Bran, Short. Fee1. eic
Own a
If you coma to ui for
yonr m ci coat the prlca
won't Hind In the wav of
your hivln( the but coat
you ever wore.
The fineat that cm ba
made BOOM no mora here
than you'd hive to pay for
vcrv ordinary quiiity
omrwhrre clir.
No ahargjl fur trying on
the new atylei ind Inquir
ing the pncei. Wa ara
Iwavi (lid ta ihow our
1 very (atmeni made br
Hart, Sihaffner Miri
ii sold Bndtt the maken'
gjngfM(ag of aanifictlon.
Give Us a Trial.
Kates $2.00 a daj
Special Kates by
Week or month
I-- - Iquarleri for Traveling Man
In tiaatarn Orrgon.
Stitcessors to I. li. Moore
ri.iin at
School Sippfce.
0HO. ItAHVI All, 1'it.p
hlftdDily hurDhbed. .Steam Heatled
1 in it in Mian.
ltliH.k auila-half from ilrpol.
sample Huuin In von net lion
ROM Kale
Me, 75c. SI. (Ml
PUe4 Mock.Oru
Hole! 1 mm