East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 04, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Tllt KADimi rPRa or
. ,n l. .KRnON
is rut
IHK i nn M MUt TH.tr.
nm . (V KRTlMtH.
no. ;:
III... 1
bar Peam Soap 15c.
Price the t.oweat
gy HI KP ' r weewweBeei type
,ul,.r aiH carnona gn.si gissls
little ni-ney.
... .! int. )... V i.,
.. , ...I f,iiiv . rcix1 ii!M r J.r
, sllllnliel'S 0 TO IOC.
Hi ,
billiul lamk lite.
, r M anil Sc mil.
tad utmii'iit' h i hie . igv
in toilet iuip, M I" Mc bar
sample line allium-. toilet
AlMMNkw Met, collar unil
1, k- ami school enpplie- a"
MtJ price.
I'liinawure, MM
You Have to Hurry
1'.. Lin gMUWba JnoM DM at theac price lnt at thin store
jroa Km wmb tin Waek, nosl Wwtk, mm Month, Rtavbc next Year.
14 potin.ls '.m irratinlatisl sugar..
7 pi HMtila Arhiuk tc nr I. nm coffee
7 BOOBdt YotMMnita or Koval Java
It poaadi raporRM pMcaM.
If mnil 'vaMiratii1 apple .
S8 poudf rnllisl oM
10 xninilf So. L' rice ...
M Kninl Arm ami Hammer MM
It) cans extra tiiii' corn
10 ROM fliperlM toinatoea.
10 on 11 mn onwi
s .'anii can net) "allium
I cans egg plum
I MM Hart lot penr. . . .
MM Muscat grape
I MM MM rl i ntr MHhM
If MM American ir Babbttt'l he.
1, 00
I .no
1 .(111
1 ,00
1 .00
. l.M
1 .IN)
lieim-mlsr these ric" arc Ml "rvial" for "one week only."
they are mi regular price which nir many custutner have liecn on
joying r many aajTR,
l.verv advantage that a large bMiMM enj..ye
stnal 1 'MM on get the lienetlt of by trailing
IM a
j a . rmj s. 1 -a-
rruci nun
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
Pendleton's Big Store.
Pair democrat of Montana nom
inated Thonm S. II.hhii tor governor.
Kx-Profiilent llrrinn will MlMI
two MMclMi in New York t'ity.
In t'oninH-tient, the elacUoM MMlttd
in a gain for M IMMMi the Mil "
Mamling' l.int. 72: M IhMIM.
a againi-t I ut'iii' 7.1. no lina H9, in
"Sir Ke.verr Huller," say tlia
Iailv Mail' RUttMpnildMl at
I'leterniaritrhnrg, "will n-torn toRng
laml. I hear, with Lord RobWtR, ami
Uiril Kichener will remain in the chief
eommaml in South Africa.'
i The tlrota-r rut In Ka-tern Manic
thi eaon will In- thelnrget in vear-.
The cut in MM RHtlon. it i estiinativl,
will reach 100,000.000 feet : of thi, 40.
000,000 will g.i int. i pulp. The price ol
MMVlMlMM liimher i higher than it
M UuH year.
The only hopyaril in I'nion ciinty HI
on the OMR farm of Herman (.-. r. It
! contain aliout an acre ami a half, ami
I the hop are iii nourishing condition.
Fruitgrower of tiraiel U"ii.le valley
will ii t at l a tiraixle Octoher for
J the ptirpOM of pMNBtlnt organ iral ion
jof tin' NOMtlJI tutaWl Kruitgro-ver'
! A 'ciat nm .
The secretary of the interior ha ap
proveil a patent of I HO MN i" Hie
Oregon t'ltv laml iliMrlet, OragpO, to
tin- Willamette Valley . DriMM
I Moniitain WRgOD ROM) MBMMjTi
Work i g.'ing KlTVBrd M thi Mam
I for Um Iji QraaojR l ight ,v fomwt
coniiiany. at i ro llell. The OH 'lam
ha iH-eii eutirelv removisl. The cm
tractor hope to liave construct I. 'II MM
pli tod he KfOMMMt I
The ini,ille c,i-lhc r..a.l p pill ist stale
MMMMmm Vfodoaadar lowd nut t.
place a ticket mi the mM. K s,.I ut I) i i
were passe-l urging all ipulit t"
0MM the fnsiMii ticket ami MBfMl
the six'ial fMMMJi
sixtv carlomls of wheal are lying in
the fanners' warehouse, ay the lone
I'ost. reaily to lie hipsl, ami an
RMMMM pill of grain is slacke.l rIoMJ
the track. M ON MIMOM will have
tu ! Mailt if car are not ism fnrth
cluing. The tmiihle U'twis-n I II. Mi- ami
wune slieepnu'li fmin t'oinloii was
Mtiafactorilj Mttlad by the si i n
paying the ilamage askcl. The RBaif
napponad mr the Middla I .rk . ami
was canseil dy the heepmell allowing
their tliK-k t. run over Mr. Ihihlis
Uraii'l KnU'lc's hig imlnitry.thc heel
sugar f.ictnry, is now ifl the height ol
UIMRllllW Tin- lllolag "I heets DRgM
Momlay, ami the first hit of new sugar
of tin- i rnp of WM MMOd "'it M
WisliicMlay. The factory in all it daw
partmeiits is working with the regu
laritv of a llook, ami i working up to
it- full capacity of MWH '4' beets per
liaker City has a Rood race meet mi,
ami MM than 10 bMd of bOTM have
olrood orrivod from djHJMMl polnli m
Oregon ami WaahlngtOO la parti, iluRta
in the nORR. A IMIRIm of horse NM
Calif'Tina, mi the wa to lie- Ml
inii't ing at Unise, siipns there. The
track is in gissl ciiml it nm, anil ROM
fast time i rXaetisl tu be miule. the
races will last fur ihr lays.
iri:iRRL1- TlW C ' 111 U!MfciU MmI
We are now reailv for business
i.eur WiMihiugtoii' .V Columom
hiur Ireiglrt let w'th u
ra. assortment of luinb'-r
qirnel (Ojq our own saw mill,
Rod nm furnish anyth U ;
ptuluptly. Cuuatry onler in
II . els rihippeU direct fruin
'nr mill iii carluail loll at
-r- t .rice. Oive Us a call
tor infants and Children.
i ...u.rii is n. liuriiiless suli-lil ut
Boric, Uroph uud ootUli4r Byrupa.
OUkatMtoe. It .l. stn.vs orina an 1
.....I.lea uud 'irs Ji.u-1 't-' .''"
trim ( liilUr;u l'aiiuc;i
, ,,-lur Oil, Iur-
lt is Plfw.ff.rt it
nor otlu-r !Surrill
ulla 1 eVMiRhllMOi
It rehevcB 'r tli-
ll r-;iinu'" lua
h.allbv nnil imturul lc;.
i'Ih- .Mollier 1 neuu,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears, the Bitfuaiure i
Life, Aci lUwit, I'lat Ulaaa, ntf
ft City jj Couiitv Proutirtv.
Hi 19 - w '
Real Estate
- wit 1 11 1 111 1 t n v II'
r.ui liruttuniau huililinK.
In Use For Over 30
I, aval t ttvmaatitiSUk
Im your Hair
worth One Dollar ?
If , 17 UiUIhoI New I'Hi'i III r; 1-
ride uu I U'p II. i dftielruH tlisi i
ftjuwly I Kit surely rvisli ring yiai 'vi.
mcwamo-m Htnrtoiuk
I lit I'M rlbiatj M Ihe nmrin t
thai ruttlfv will tUtp it, fr It I Uw
I1 utw tllmt kill tilt-III U lula ill Murk
on UM Imlr Piot, tlnia fjoMttvylfJ tif
i mum- iumI UiUMuvutly rt'iuoWiirf tlw
. m i .
(M.i iriul .tli'ii'ihilliK von tluMi'n
tor WW at ll f irtt-CUu lru Sum v
o -
Former Elected Treasurer of Demo
cratic Clubs.
Roosfvflt Tilks to NtbnsU Cowboys SfU
Nfttled at thr PopullslsDriuo
MM Spill io Arizona.
IndlRnRpollR, l titi . . Oct. 4. At-
tractisl by Hrayn's presence, Ihe ernwil
at the national doUMefftttc club was
largely inoMMd tislav. The MM
iralu caii'lnlate iiniuil ill -' 10
Imk. being met at UrMAM hv the
state lOinniittee. I ike 1 ochran
irincl at ROM from t hi 'ago. At the
nioriiiiig aaMlon an tne mu oinci rs
wire re clectcl. RMOpI Senator t'lark.
I Montana, treasurer. It was an
DOOnoad that he was too buv to MM
IhlM the w.irk ami Marcus lialv WM
chosen. -pisn lies were imioe ny le.en
son, sun ul the caiiiliilule for Vice-
preiienl, alel I'. K DOWOi former
pralldatlt Of the t'uinmeri ml Traveler
lies ilut ion wen- a lopleil coiiileinu-
ing the war. c luiiial, i'uerlu Kicau
anil ltn-t RttlMOM of the republicans.
in.l pouting out the ilaugi r W thi
uiiutrv when one man J, Pl0T I
MoMOfl can "i llle a strike or is-rnul ,
to eolit 1 11 lit-.
dan. IRacArlhur Samls tioldlari
Unm the Caplur nr SMaldi.
Wash ingtoii. Oct, 4. lien. Mae
V 1 1 hill It Mam Ko( , Hrj
tne iranssirt Miatngiv, ano ain an
linunce an RIPRdltlOtl will ls sent !
MorlndOOM to avenge the cul ture of
Captain IbtOM ami Ins cumpany. the
l'wenti -ninth infautrv. MacVrthur
av : "lirt infantry gs to M ini,
dttqM on Oclobof i on the llRtttBRf ,
lien. Hare lM coiiiuiainl the islainl.
withniiler to push operation until
the llMQIKNlltM i timpcl out, ah
sulutcly. He will hae twelve full
companies of infantry fur the porpOMi
tnleron's llrsl opt ration dMOfopRll
nothing. No resirt have MMR RHMR
Octoher "
Relumed to Work Tbls
hnl ol i he Strike No 0n VfBlurm to Pndlrl,
ind Prrswlent Mllctwll Mtimilas HI)
Adiiniini lo (In Situation.
Chicago, Oct.
through Chicago
in.. ruing, en mule
Bryan paRRod
o'olool this
Imliaiiapoli. hill
i here RrM no ilemoiistration.
shehlon, 111.. Oct. 4. Kn mute to
Imliaiiapoli, Itrvaii was OOtdiali
receiveil here. peakilig ul tne ie-
pablloM claims in the imrlhwest, be
ai.l: "W lien you gel out mere, iney
are going carrv tne wesi, ami wneii
hi are in iiikIiIIc country, they MMt
u make gains al ! ii eml.
Riuiavlt and lh Cow Punohar.
ValMtlM, Neb., Oct 4. -livery cow
puncher in I alent ine ciiuiii v i up
here Ihl Illurillllg w hell the KOORWfOII
train arnvisl. 1'he MM) sike to
MM in a happy vein, saying:
Prion "I rattle are up, M't we illilo I
get Iree sller. We never will gel mi'
liver. l beers . When Hie Irani
pill leil out, one hiimlrcl cowInivn oii
pan Ml i haseil the train for nearly a
mile, one earning a banner with
faddy" InaerlMd uu it,
llassett, Ni l... ut. 4. Kuiwevelt ran
lulu a populist crowq ut .MiiNwortii.
where he was uilerrupleil Ire.pii nllv by
irn-s: leu in one nrvau i arrie
hr.i-ka . " The OWgBM MM
neltleii, ami, in ROMImIIm his s h,
mm I "I wih you all proRuorlty
aoaalMMl with the total wreck of I lie
Rboll populist, nit til in Nehraska
I'h .-ii- lull,, wel for 1 1 r VII 1 1 , III II I MUM
cries uf ' 'ley to one.
Wuulay Talk lo Colonall.
Lexiugt Kv.,Ocl. 4. -In the heart
ol ihe "enemy I iiitry,' the ptollit-
i MBdidalM were web MN bofR
In three IhlQIRRltd I pie, who
liatOIII I t" t'amlulale Wisiley's
Democratic Spill In ArUona
I'liueiiia, Arm., (lei. , tiovernur
O. Murphy, republican eumliilate
lur ileleg 'e I I OOBMOMi ami two dotltO'
eraiii Mn4ulaiaa, H. A. smith ami .i
I-. WilaMt the present ilehvate, have
pagan r mmmuju "' ArlaoM. rba
doniooratic split is likely to mmIi la
MutelloRM victorv, in which nam--i.
iii ttood ix aipooiad iiomeiliately,
Kalhoona'i A ilogaliom .
IMavaua. (Jot. 4. I'.ighty-four eaaei
o iev ' wen- rapOftad blay. Il is a
auof Iderabla daoMMO, Iriemt ul
l uriner Director Katbhoiie djMWM thai
the ree. nt . barge are u part ol a
pulilical In. k, aiet thai ihe a liinn II
i rat luii aiet Ion. WimmI are parly to II.
IMJMM BMHlM a Siandott.
Uuafuii, Oi t. t. I he result- ye
lei, lav ' pulling in the i r iiaiiienlar i
neru ! elei liuii" .o re I. -- ttrikiug
ii. an tie.-:- iii ruaadiy UoMrvatlv
UMtiurltlM still buw iuertNUMM In
i, uiiieru. i - contests but in a leas luarkisl
JUr (III the oiler tlillnl till'
liuarali have gaiued aibiilioual anal.
I III the wh lie llnlicallolis this
m. i . iif an- that there Will not be
mu. h nhViiga in iba ciupb of the
IR pari lament. Al l.iatl. i- uuw atanu
it of the 2R ca.ieli.laWii NtMMMl the
liatiM atii ogiii 01 the parima la as
Miuiataialtata His ral, lie lielmg
ui or ue itiuan Hi MataMtlaMi -
AlliMRlllnl the libera I ii liav gain.. I
o aMt ale I tin' coma-rvalive seven
Chlnaia l rlmtnali to Ba runlihad hy
Their Own liovarnmaiil
WaohlnQloa. Oat. The Ualtad
Slates has Mpllod I" the MMd ami
more moileritle OblRRRC DotO from the
QarMM emperor. Ii agrees with all
the prOpOMl RHMM by Ihe kaiser, ami
licrmuuy ami the Uultad Male are
OMR more in arfecl MMfd on the
Chinese ipiesl lou. I he I ormaun..lc,
ii is lMfaad,MMpti the OblMM adlcta
onlarlng pttniahniMil ol PrlntM loan
ami oilier high ..tib ials, ami relin-
ipiishes t be original posit n.ti I bat ibose
men flu hi lil be turncil over to the
powers ..r pun ishiueiil . agreeing thill
tliei-flect .U having ii Infltctad hv ihe
t'liinese thOBMltrM Wuiihl he BRltal
tbaa ii they were paaiilwd to loraln
er. ihe note al.. propuKca thai the
ministers shuiihl lake steps I., assure
;hciusclvcM that I he seniencc OMMtl
BOO i-r 1 1 1 1 iii I f are . arrie.l Into RIOM'
l ion.
WaahlngMR, Oat, 4. In sympathy
with the lieriuan note, Mist rucl lotia
were sent to Conger to rci.orl bO Ihe
state ilepart meiit whether the eight
men, Incladlni PrlMO luan, are
really guilty.
beimani Ualaal Hoiira,
shanghai, Oil. 4 Wofd is receiveil
here ul a llen e eiigageiii. nl I . I ween
the iierimin conl iiigeul ami tw.
i in l llixcrs al Kaiikumeu. liu
llMRMM Mpalaod Ihe Chinese, killing
f..ili Inimlreil. The iiermuns h.l live
Team Nnbbar Identified.
OoMMll lllillfs, III.. O.I I Ihe
Irani lubber kilbsl I act night hv Sir
raiM llaxtcr ha been iilentiflel as
Al I' s.rmaii, a harher. 1 1 is su-pei leil
pill, giving the name ol l. Ii. Knight,
lias MM iiipturisl.
Ill) roi WAI.I.A WAIL.
Peiidlalou D.i t AllracU a Small Iruwil
to lio on Ilia Kieurtlan.
Today is Peodlatoa ilav at the Walla
Walla Iriul bur, ami an oiursmn was
run from here thi morning. Owing
lo the fait that Ihe weslls.un.l tram
wa I le. Ihe OMaMlM train l nl u.it
leave ig.lil alter HI o'olMfe. Ihe
w eat In i was Ibreulenlng, which ini-
luiihli'llv .leti rrisl main Irum going
who w..il)l iitherwls,' have he,-u pleas.!
lu avail tMMMlVM "I ihe privilege of
IrataralRMaj with the gisi paaafa of
the Uaraan City, s u was, ihe mrmI
Wlls there III some lone, ami IM lee I
log wiis thai street lair- ami Iruil lairs
are guisl things to ilraw the two citiet,
b.gi Iher. Imliuii In ihe RRMlM ol y.1
were there, n lailies ami I. braves,
in charge of l.ee Muurh .use ami Cbn l
ol lodiM I'ulne HriabnW, Who Will
I fiele ami give Iheir war BMMH thi
altaraoon ami . v, mug
Aiming tbv oaMraionata ihe fuiiuw-
nig wire MMd Mr ami Mis. O.
HarttMU, Mr. ami Mrs. 0. K. II..
veil. Mrs. N. Ilerkeley, Mri. rank
li.inral. Mrs. ma Oabhart, Mra. W
Ii. I let. her. Mi-s Nell Cameron, Miss
Augusta Muurle .um Mias Christine
l'r.. bi-iei of Wisiuii, Mn Nail to
Mini, Mis- Hess liuman, Mia l.a
Vl'Ue V hullse, M.llshal .lohb HmIIi
.man, .lubn II. ui- . jr , . I I'vpoiy
Shi rill Jne I ..... ,
S-ranlun. ra., Oat 4. Not a man re
laraad to work tin momMhI in re
poni to the oiler of an lucrvaae in
wage ..-ie,l a few ilay ago by the
l.arkawana coinpanv Thi notice
i i ri.-. i thai the laarMM aoald Rpoly
only lo Iheae who returmsl t.slav. The
altilmle of the miner riniKliiia1 tin
bail great I v strengthen- the conitilenre
of tile union I. real crowil gatherisl
aruiin.l the collieries of the I a. ka
unil tmapaa) w - nung. MpM
Ing to MR at least a few men go to
work, hut nunc came. N'., ho.lv is
willing tu venture a prediction aa to
when the strike will eml.
Pendletoii I Uliem Indulaa In fanciful
Winn on lha Remit.
11 in all previous national
campaign, the present one brings out
sum., peculiar wagers ami agreement
today, two men, a republican ami a
ih imsrut, -Leek ban. Is mi thi agree
mint, which was vvltne s.il hv several
reliable pOMOM
lu Ihe event ol M. Kllllev ehs tion,
I . I Howard agrees to wear a McKln
lev bailge or butt. .n (or one year. In
the event ..( Drum's success, Kil C.
Mien agrees to wear a llrvan baige or
button fur OM year. MH aaaeveralea
that he will have the pleasure of at
taching a ba.lge to the coat lsl of
tl Iher.
One other Mtaiineh upsirter of one
..f the Mtioiial camliilates ha onlerml
hi- l.iitl.er lo cut his hair rather RMRR,
bo tie reus.. ii that he has nromoasl
nut to cut It again for foal vear if tint
can. 1 1. laic ul bis npisisiug party be suc
cessful, Nnmcrniis atruightup bet are lalnR
nunle, Ihe mills liivonug M.Kllllev.
Ih.wever. not enough betting ha lasan
.I.. ne to iiivolve any ci.iisiilcrehln
Rinonnl ..f nay, though as the sixth
ul NOV her .Iraws near some of those
-purliv. lv inclineil mav I . ne. te.l to
put up miiiiii fat rolls.
A Talogram
Thai Made Mayar Abraham
Pay lha Hllli.
Meer Mnabam, a genial traveling
man ol Portland, is at Hotel I'einl lettui
III i- like most traveling men
in that h is alway willing MM
knnwhslge when the joke Is mi him.
thine ills. u a time, an the fairy lale
Mi Mr Unraham MMmJ a train He
telegrai.hisl to a frieml lu the town lo
which lie wa traveling the fact, ami
Rtldad for him lo "lake one on htm."
The frieml Mimply took him al hie
wool, went out ami accumulatisil a
l retty little skate, ami at each plan
gave the neiitleii.au back ( the bur the
high sign anil the mystic signal
"CttarfJR to tbruham." Mr. Ahia
baWi upon his arrival, sett leil i,.r
iitsuil f7 worth ol ret n shineiits, I lipl llle.
clgals, etc , an. I b.uk a enleiuu menial
raaarvatioR thai horaaMr whe he
wishe.1 In present a Irmiiil with a cigar
he wouhl wait ami haiul him one, ami
not telegraph to "take one i n bun '
ii kuan ri.y niHNiMir.ii
M. A.
Just Received
I have juat received an elegant awrtmeul of (iolden Oak
Table. AIh, Knameled and -ak Wall Pockt, Comb
C, rihelvea ami Towel Koliers.
pricua to uit the eiiatomer at
Joe Basler's.
y Kaat riis..,n..n a.i.u..t
Tba Paper " 'aa.
baei aararualaa aealeam.
Ill AVli ttUt'fa iaV4k
, ii. u U iia- i '
Ki) tmm Wtlm
i4fU-a ""lii ttl 1 1
I.AJ 4 I ;
Hmtw tufTUfM. U
away vuA iu I. -i
uumJi V.
r.uuiBlie --"'. P1'
, Uw uu. 'aus "i - " ""'
usUaiai.'i'''-i It aiH drjiuK -d.sw
aui pi sieM .waaum- J-s-i .' "-'
gUu of by hull ; Trial Bum, 10 bU by Bail.
fcLV liUU'lilRUa.lsl Wwreu kiwi, R v.
in W. J. anil Mrs Ketes,
MtiaatM of the Aim ri. aii
Beliool ( i . 1 1 oj ... 1 1 . , at
Kirkaville, Mo., are jr-maiu-ntly
haatisi at .01,
OfiTTiRf of Thompson ami
Alta Struct, Pendleton.
liiveNtijiatiou Rrjgi tiolly Soliiiiwl,
Transfer ani Trucking
Ice Delivered
All Winter.
W archouac Agta. Olaaon , I r ti uiao Co.
Wir Pioin heelllo lo Skaawap.
s.atlle, O. t. 4 Ihe llrsl telegram
mm .-kagway to Mattle, markiog an
S.. Il III Ihe IllStlifV 1,1 blW.ilew, lie-
' ....Il tlassa .U. i ,. . Ai.i'ie W'.rl'l,
was re. c v. I uv'li. Vtav.
A ajaa'ial t' the Times from fori
foatuaaiel mvr i The steainshiii Nom
I'll;, 1U lay Irom OopR Nome, arnvvol
laet evening ami before la-iii viewed V
to pr.se.l lo Seattle 1. of )ut :iwi i
pa-si tigers wi re l.cil t . iiib-ull
iu vai oliailoli I'll If w-y I'diii'1 I
uocaaaary ro aapotwt MIM1 (l
"" " """" , u.llbrcuk ol
I be Vessel llU'l tin
S.ikiie OuaulflK Dal
I be oi.viniig I... ul He 111 Spokane is large ami well
Inihisti lat apositn.u was an un- I aleo
.plalllleil since),, li,i puhl .elmls
su.ii were ai.ii tin, greatest ev.r
I n M al aii opening .lav in Ihe his
lory el IM annual lair.
I lie jatrade allraeltsl great RltaotloOl
th. artuiigeiu.nl ol I Im bills ami lor
lb. ilurl ol Ihe natrons ami manner
III RbtVIl the . lo.s acre hainllevi all
won approval. The cniiipleUuieaa uf
the RRBTDitli their scupe an.! arrange
Unlit Were cmpatnl Willi Hem- ul
lonaoi narii arid tM raaalaj aa
iirisln ti ll, that t,huy MR UlRg' Rml
battel H Ji VCI ItV RMtleRI was all
tba eUgt Uu deaitial - bright and
inn. A .ootiiiiiato.n ol fair weather
la prvutotoii. The oiit-ol liW n atten
llRIII o la alrea.lv Urge
New Undertaking Parlore.
Wabb and Main.
M. A. llailer ha hi new un.lertak
ing parlors lilt. -I up luliirioiiely at
MRlu.aml Webb street entrance on the
Utter, Ihe MM la ROIRMff with
Rrnel ami rugs ill the latter one le
mail.' nl five black hcareklna aial
ue Iher UM of an Angora goat skin A
divan ami other hau.ls.ime liirnlliirvi
make it much inure cheerful Ibau un-
darlablag pariur- Irautioatiy ar lu
RllditkHI to the I ii r ti leh luge, the riaiR
hghte.l A night Issll
. on v en lein oriie laosoll
is preneni .lav ami asgbt lo atleml to
tl,. wauls , I , ii-ti.kvii.rs l-uuerala aa a
general Ihlng are not very pleaaaul
uttiiirs, hnl II. e unpleasant feature
MR) l v loin ! ib.wn nl eliminatril
w beu umier thti dlMRtfoa "I M A.
Kalwr He has hail great i . . i ..o,. ..
ami bia .a k i cmpleti
All i knowing theiuanleya in-
I. bled t.. in., will pleas,- call ami seiilr.
tl., ii .,. ..mis. II. M. SI.OAN.
'lake iatallie Hnmni t4ululus leblesa. All
t.uaglels reiuuR Ike awaaf il it laila Wrur.
R W Oluvu's slaualuru Is uu eacli Uwa. JAv.
Praildaul boat lo Weihiiiglon.
Canton, O., Oct. 4 Preal'leiil Mc
Knb-y will have on Momlay for Wash
ingtoii, rimaining mere a wtspb
Raporled by I. L. Ray a Co.. ChlaaRa
doard of Trade ana aaw lora mcs
Rauliana Brokers.
uciola-r 4 -Tin- wheat market was
very dull bslay within a narrow range.
Liverpool dossil 4il higher. t1
N, w Y..rk opened H-H higher, fc.it4' and
hehl arouod the o uiiig pritai until
neur the . baa- when there wae-a aiuii.p
Ui :t 1-H dosing agW. Oulaide new a
wae all hullikh, but there wa a lack
of tradiug. Htmk higher. Money, i
per ta-nl.
Close yeaterdav, H)i 8-H.
Open today, aa- ....
Kange U-Jay, l- to M44.
tiloae nalay, 4114.
Ikucaiuiber Guru, 4J4
a, a I. . Waico. Panutan ami becy.
A. P. Arm.tror.g-. LL B., Pr.n. "M- a
in.... I c..i..l Colh-oe ClIirt'lHV. IllliiuCaMI
I I I l I . I I Mil 'I V I' 'I'', . - O - - - - ,
Kb . Mailnl IMi'V I'l miy t"""-
FnrtuR, Hpecl-
niin . ol l'euiitaualii
Wo have IniiKlreds of fonm-r students in
IositionS) 8nd shall scul (.tit tlumsands more.
You want lo net the best
When you buy Harness
I iii.ikt only IohhI m wc.I Imtnobb ami oUgtantwi every
,,:. . ol leather. Call ami ".el my pricea.
Court St., op. Golden Kttle Hotel
' "" ij cuu a week.