MONDAY. OCTOBER I, !. Ladies Welts 1 ' is. ru. h - vwt A new line juit in, frwrn $3.00 , 96.00 per pjiir. Nothing Issuer in the market. Snappy up-to-iUte stylish Call ami see them. CLEAVER BROS. Tree Boot and Shoo Men. do". Main Htrxt, Peodleton, Oregon BREVITIES. liailler A Zehner, cliuicv tlfm. Coyote scalps and warrant! Niiitflit. Fete'r West. Beat net teeth t, at i)r. W liitiiker's, warranted ami ituaranteeil. When yon want ervani or MM erentn, telephone Diitton. lllaek. 2li. H you want pure home rendered lanl with no aihilteration ft SO MmM ami tiretllieh. l-aney olive.-, Young America eheese, nice trreen onions ami lettnei' at K. .Martin -. Mutisev, Cosmopolitan ami BtrMT'l niauaiuie- for October are :or s.ile at the BlM Front. A nice lot of young ami old chicken, dremecl or ulive. at DwMtt'a. Leave your order early. Whv iiv or J0 for u set of teeth, the best teeth and plate don't cost the dentin :t per set. The Columbia. Mam str.-et. newly fitted. Fine wine, liquor ami cigars. K. X. Sehempp, proprietor. Nicely Inrnished room at reasonable rates, by the night or week, in the new Keiin building over St. Joe store. For nab Household furniture in good eondition. Apdy (0 John kroniser. sppOSUl lr. Smith. Lewis treet. If vou want to buy your white' -mpplv of groceries ami provisions you houlil see DMMtt'l stock. His ftore is well Mileil with evervthiug in tin fancy ami staple grocery line. !:.- toadstools resembling mushrooms have cauel lrei,ueut death this rear. He sure to use only the genuine. Obeerve the same care when you aak for DeWitt's Witch Haiel Salve. There are siisonous counter feits. IleWitt s is the only original Witch Hate! halve. It is a safe and certain cure far piles and all fkin di seases. Tallniau . Co., load tag druggists. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists aal Ueaieri .n School Supplies Extra fine line of Ladies' Fashionable Stationary Latest in fold and tint. Cc. fUI. aad AIU St. r. ndl-tuu School Shoes esif Pendleton. res. Webb Thev 1'hlis. Dr. Wbtlaker the dentist. The foothnll BBTI will niet at the council nsims thi' evening lor ration. ." to Me n Ixvx for the largo"' , cheaest. Is'st line ot toilet soup in me state. (1011 s. K. Martin iias added to hi- grocery stock n full line of fane toilet .- "Hps all high grade brand-. Hevond a doubt. we have the gram line .if ladies' jacket- in Alexander i Hexter. Mrs. Ihtmev K. has two furnished rooms for rent at her ileuce on Chestnut -tr.i t near street. An excursion of Portland business men will leave Portland next l-'ridai night for Walla Walla where Ike patty will attend the fruit fair. Just in. an up-to-date line ot picture moil I lings and picture mounts are stvlish. Call and set- ttiem. Sharp. We stick to ..or motto Bad 0 "d at the lowest ptieea. Heathj Baden tot butter. "J. O." is the le"t. 15. Martin. To prevent consumption ,)tnck'.y cure throat and lung troubles with One Minute Cough Cure. Till I man .v 0B. leading druggist. .I.s' Connelly is building tine new residence on Johnson street, between Webb and Alta street-:. It will bo a handsome h.iildiug. I he front wall Be ing conerete. Kltner ii raves, of Ant lope, has re aaivad the contract (or carryin.' Hie mails kalsssa the The Dalles and ihaoiko. -Mr. Orates will rseeive U--0 per year for his -ervn.-. Harrv 1". Chase, who left Botat srHfc t partv'of government seekers, writes his father from I'ekln that he i amped in the iniiiorial palace grounds snd that the Boise boys are all well. A. w. G rover, of Helix, was in Pen lleton today. His horse ".iiin Cor fiett.'' a grade Shire. was on exhibition during the street fair and took fir-' petes of blue ribbon ami diploma in its class. If you are thinking of having VrJBf house islpercd. you should 'look otlt tor wall siier'' "at K. J. Murphy -He lias a large as-orted t. ek aim i making lower prices than ever before ottered la I'endleton. There will lie a meeting oi the stockholder- oi the I'l'lldb toll Woolen mill at the mill oll'ice. Tuesday alter eaoa, at -i a'al k. it Is las desire of the inana.Mii n' tba' every s o kii I n r may Is- resell i. H. I . Lewis died at hi- home in The Dalles from a stroke ol spopleay, at the age of To. He had liech in hi usual Health until stricken, and died almost instantly. Mr. Leo) WSM I pioneer resident of Like and Cris.k counties. The Btet-orological re ..r.l for la-t week as eoinpiled i y iii.-erv-r Hi, lot, show- that Wedne.-ibiv was the eoldeel dsv, when the tbermoineter registered HJ degrees, while on Friday, the BMh, it reached HI degrees, which was the high point of the week. ilea lipiarteri for hack-, buggie-. and wage lis at W. II. Jones He has bought in large qnaatitias. not only bagaiaii .va.-on- and loo k-, i-'it larin iiiachim-n It i- aiway- a pl-a-nr. i..r Mr tones to eho his line oi go. .is. whether you buy or not Ho you need a now fall suit or a nee overcoat.' It so we would like for ou to drop in here and see it we cun t tix you up. Call and see us. Needn't uuy it you don't want to. tint we want you to at least know just how well we can serve jraa and at wh it price. Alexander t Hexter. It is reported t at Wade 1 1 1 1 r -body was reeovereil at the point altera he was drowned in the Columbia, at BxaaagtoBi oaposlks Datatlllaioa We.i- ne-lav of last week. It i- Haled al-o that the remains were shllipsd to leattU). his former home ami alters his mother still lives. Waller Nie in attending tor. -i,-nig machine on in-orge Chandler .-farm in Baker couutv. attempted In clear the cylinder, bv pushing the grain le with his foot, the result was be losl his foot ami part of his leg before the machine could Ik' stopped. A surgeon wa callei! and amputated '.in- leg above the km-. . At the footiiall HaaUgsj in the eoaaejl rooaa tonight a saptain ami manager will he eleeteil. Those proniiiiently BieBlloaed for places on the team are Drew iirillin. Sol Buum, John M. Brlaaley, A. '. Halaj . sl Wattle, John Lust and A seiberl The last two named are blacksmith- in Ike employ ol loin Nelson and It Is thought they will strengthen the The progressive nation- ol the world are the great iol . on-iiming i n-. ( food well digested give- strength. If vou cannot dine-t all i.m .mi. ..i. ueeil Kislol Dysjs'i'su ( or.-. 1 dlejasU what vou eat. on neeil not di.-t your self. It Will even digesi ail ei.lsses oi fissl in a bottle. No other pea pa ration will do this. It instantlv relieve- and iiuickly cures all stomach troubles. Tallman A Co., leading druggists. A small a at Milloi Mni.l.r. inorn ing ruiseil havoc with one of tin car alaaasN of a asenger coach on the regular train us it wa- pulling out. The missile used wa an apple, fur which Milton w- laaMMM. the glass was broken and the upple ueuriv .truck a lad) who was sitting in the .eat next lo the w imlow . 1 he Jr. no wui- hacked up and the name of the boy a.i jolteil iIomii liy the COUUOCIi r lor iutur.' reierence The hoy himself laaalad aaay so rapidly that In- could not Is- caught just then. PERSON,!. aBNTION. a visitor in Pandit It. M. t arty leiab Hiim aii ton tislay. a Uhuf Hranstetter and A are in the citv. I.w Moorhniise sinuit Htindav in . Walla Walla and returned In the even ing. lir. Ii D. IManinndon. of Athena, moot Sundnv in rendleton oh bis wav home from l.a l. ramie. ..ire of lir w Olo.rel, ill has accented a po-i- i nn , . -. ItOB as stocktender for B. BoettcheT . j He is an exert in pastoral mutters. .1. V.. Latbrnp luis been in Walla Wullu lor the past three day-, bating none over to be present at the openinw Si tlie fruit lair. Heorge Piatt, waiter In Oodeoke's restaurant, lelt Sumlny on a visit to Chicago. He ex Is to be away a month or -ix weeks. x i: Rntintta. the UWUerOBS stock- man tad farmer oi Alba, has returned from a trip ! I'.ii"tern Washington and gone back to his home. Uinirer llerinailli will deliver a loll Hani addre.s under the auspices of tl.e lotal repttbVican club at Ia (i ramie . n the evening ol the Ith m-i. Ir. J. W. 'Morrow, formenv Iraated i i I'endleton, now .. .uncled with u Portland bosnital. hu be':: visiting here for the past few days. Mis. K. I.. Oleott, forinerlT of Pilot Roek, ami Mrs. John Bust, will lease bnlskt tar I'arkCitv. Mont , where Mr. RUSl i- engaged in the. hiisines-. Judge W R. Blltl arrived this lor noon Irom Heppner end alll commence to hear set ca-c- t. timrrov . li-ginar term of matt wir. commence on .Mon day, Oetobei 1. J. K. Shield, son of Dr. Shield . f rilot Rnek, i- in Pendleton tiu ironn I MW foftttnel nwnillng him in her bunchgrSSS bills ShU lowing herds. iiotln r wanted to raise wheal. One could teach reboot, and saw in OrsgOO an open doorwav to etiiineiire for everv Worthy aspirant. One ON maid rc ,M;,rkMl that it wn- an honor to grow among such spiciinio sur.roiiiniiuM" i.iuiiiU! mini "I the l ucinc ensn. it,, old lady, who had seven laiiL'hters in our real to return to tune her daughters and their as (our of bat "ns in law. were in me peniwniarT, ranning lor presidential elector- oi the prohlbTtloh ticket and one hud just started his fourteenth newspaper in the Intercut of some "boom town. a- tin1 And . miirrie. -lute, was anxious The kind that don't Rip nor tireak A large line of the very best make just received The Peoples Warelioihc SHOE STORE. 71 Main (Street, Peudietou, Oregon AN ACROSTIC ataead Orsgea I Kj aatlvsaau, mi . awn i la aji tiesri to Mine. on,, men ihjr itsar. IrMtulgsnt nsiw, Tin- nndilii" 'roiiinl my 'tow hli twim- Tho kiln sad aata tii ae ifrlng I rem 1'hll.Uioo.t I" Iks Ml rn SStats . Tie hsimt mi dream ae.seBtlj tuns mi. Msulai round ihy weauenag aea. The mission of the seventh biennial convention of the LrjeomOtlV l ireinen i. totalled, it remains to is- seen if our coiineillor- were wie and our ac tions toward the end of justice. The problems which came before . nr meet in; are 11..1 belae dhs a 1 bv Utt tire man alone, hut the oWIHsatjon of tli- grandest centttrv i struggling to settle them in some intelliwent tnan ncr for the l't interest- of hninanity. We asa siinnlv OBC of the minute heeii aenotii of human government ST. JOE ..The Leader of Fashions.. We a ri ot our storr. Wa hiivf itist various departments receivinfl new goods daily in all the What we an- nut 't todnv we may huve tomorrow received a nrw assortment id. Mens Clothing, Ladies Skirts, Flannellete Gowns, V icuna Wrappers, Etc. : til "itr st. ire. ( xamine our good and learn price. E LYONS & CO. work- . ... I.. . o . Itl i ing olll ill our H'lO.Ull ,l - i t I our best wav. the tangled web of hu- man destiny an striving rtponiia, in, ...Ion, and instice. the c ndi'ioli of the! toiler. Whatever we nccmiplisii mr, ! the general good, whatever aeaddto the UaltiillHail of our craft ami kind, nr.. onlv .Iron- added to the va-t ocean of human progress, and that , toward tin- dawning our eltort- eatlie. rn i """ inward the i awniiiw oi that; Mo., wher.' he will enter the .Marion ( ),,, ,(,.,. w, hire and th.e Sims dental college. who lire bin d. shall walk t.gether n- L. f. Cook, formerly proprietor of brother-, in the sunlight of under- the llot.-l rendleton, now in linker . ,tund ing , that these effort" and hos- t'itv, and Mrs. Cook contemplate a visit to Uiaeiuaati, the home of Mr. Cook's parent- about heceniiier I. Charles M. Pierre write that he is I present at Bryon, Calif., abere he will remain for some time. Me write cheerfully as follows; "I am im proving in health and en pest to ! my self again vat) soon. " Mis. i:ditb I.-wis. of -alein. where sh. wa- with the "White House.'' oael it the hirgesT ury w:n iih.'mi- lav down the gave held in Which we tnd hardship- which on. I r-h oil b those VS. he not in vain, w. once more, l tit labor, tin- perils we meet are littb who ire more fortunate I v occupied extend the fraternal band to all. What concern- one laborer In another Beld, aoa earns u-, elan. In no preceding presidential eannalga within our maatary, has there been such n dearth of etfomenl and aaeiuataat It hi cnnnssign of thought. In the east we The Street Fair Hai come and gone, but l he Fair Store I- in re to stay. Remember, that aa are i little lower la price than the other fellow- on the same gmsls. and our gisxl that we sell at the same pri,-, are a little U' .,ii can't make a mistake In buying from n, for ae guarantee everv article we Mil, ami if van are n..t satisfied ae refund your menu, l)ur fall nadef. w,.ir and clothing are the U't to i,e had. Mncifiirrvi. . . . . i ' V,J THE FAIR, THIS IS THE LAST WEEk of the capital citv, ha- arrived la Pen- muni dleton. and has taken a position with the lllg I! MOB Store Walla Walia W. I'. Fell, of the Pendleton w. olen mills, is in the city. Mr. rWI l- here (or tin pur I plaelaa a line exhibit of woolen Droit nets in the fruit tail building. II i- will I- one of tin hat tares of the exposilion. the same Little lleii-y kei-ps the g I - In Little and original wool The tie -t Use and lioiirlsui whiskey. That make you feel piu g ,v and friskv ; LiaUnVI of the tinest kind, Kvary aae ahoakl bear th"s fact in niiu, I. Ilen'v iierlich' known to all Kvery old one, voting one, short or tall. Need not falter here lo .-all. Itare gmxU in varied stock complete You'll rind at the Cabin on Main street, liillie's Pale on tap. Waivad anamination. Kidney J. hliton, hoy Hunter and Amlraw Huja, the three young men arrested for robbery ir in a dwelling at 1 1 nil". i. on Ihiirsoav oi last week, were brought liefnre Justice of the PeaOS I Kit tierald this forenoon ami 'arraigmsl. They all plead not guilty , and were hel I U) the circuit court in the Mai ol " each The juaig I taken hack to jail, not U'iiig able to give bond. Court will convene on Monday of next week, WO they will not have long to wait lor trial. None. All person knowing themseleis In debted to me w ill please cull ami settle then .e ..11', . M. HfjOAN. Mr. and Mr-. Cliarle- W. l ielillng will leave the latter part of this week for California, where they will spend the winter and may locate permanently. .1. S. Fielding and lam l ly I. that stale -oiiie time ago and ure now residents of Santa Cm .. Joseph Herald: Win. Wobef re turned from Portland and rendleton, last Friday, where be had Is-en attend ing tie -'reel fair- for the past tblUI we.'K- Mr. Weber -peak- m tin highest terms of the lairs at both Port land and Pendleton At the latter place he was joined by his wife. ileiirv t. Pierce, who came home from Nome Cut, arriving in Seattle on Hentember 'jr. left Pendleton an the afternoon train h.r Milton ami e on to Walla Walla to take the night train for Hen Frunciseo. .Mr. Pierce left Nome on Ii member it. Ha need hi sluicing , utlii iroin the terrible gtara that devastated the beaffh, and now has the oul) steam slun ing plant in the district. Mr. Pierce intends M return to Nome uring Junuarv, going bv steamer to Kutmai on Cisik'.- Inlet, and theme by d gte.un W1 miles aero tl.e aMiaaula w the camp. "I look for quiet season next year," -aid he, "but think that two year heme .Nome will eil)o a tremendous boom. By mat time titles will have keen Mraightciie.! ill. Poring the coming '.U year- Um Nome distri. t will pnstuce more gob! than any other loealTlJ mi earth. ' BACK FROM fU EAST Intis Oesat Central Weit-Peopls Who Long to Be Haek in Oregon Th Con vention or Locomotive Ftrsmsn. Kamela, Sept. :). Alter a sojourn of twenty ,Uy- in the great "Central Wet," gmong the thrifty and progres ue b.wans, I gladly take up my - i' again, .mien' w iti. u.e niessiugs and shorteomiugs ol Oregon. There is some indehiiuhle fascination about the west, which grow Bp around u. so strong, so enduring, and yet so tender. It is second nature for a man who ha' once lived here, t,. want to return, if he wanders away. Whv it i-, or why it should i 'institute any part of the destiny of 1 iregorrlaiis, is outside the OOpS of lb Ml arti'le Ir, impiire. but that it does exiat, ami is a potaBl factor in our live and fortunes, goes uiiiUslioiied. While in the cit of Dai Monies, met eleven separate individuals, who hail re n led at different time.-, in dlfterent parts of I iregiui. Kach ot those .,--ur, .1 me that a- " on .,- thev , , old .Ii- of interests in Iowa, they would immediately return to Oregon, tie-re to rookie permanently. To my inquiry a- to their mam laaaoa for lining each gave a dlrtereilt answer. One just simply loved the West, -her way-, people and her resotlcrer. Another .ought health; another mttted to get rich la her inexhausti ble mineral districts. One loved her R BBlbOT loOl variety of occupation, tine ge:.i spirit ol speechlessn,-- which prevail- 111 the treat. The Utile groups ol men oa tin- street corners are not dkMUMlag polities. Tlie qaeat Ion was hardly mentioned on the train, over the I entire Imsi mile- ITOU Del Btoliua to I Kamela. Old "war horses' who II.. " fit. Or .elf-'' ikbo III thi- ' ubm, have so little to say. that ae await in wonder and surnrie, the in tellectual lea-t winch i' i- hoped tl are vet t" -preaii n tni- snen.i all gold-h." Ilrvan is losing Hut when men think deepl and MVolve the great problems over ami over, in silence, aside from tl llhttaiasfl of spread eugie ipeeehaBi and eampaign elixir of liie. their eonelaeilXM are generally founded upon rea-on and logic, ami we do not fear the judgment thii readered. Autumn, the widow among the sea sons, is here in her ueeils. er whole story is that of partiaga and farewell-. She is tlie mourner, whose breath among the barren tree top-, makes one lonely, it i- -!.e aim ah i span in the distant an ., th. riling storm, and causes the little child to nestle closer to ii- Brother's breaat. It i her hand, that shake- down tlie lingering blossom, ami casts it upon the heap of leave- to jiorish. She I- the sjs-ctrc wh pae- through tin' forest Bathe, mi, I -trip.- them of their grandeur -he send- the BMNJBteri away from their nest-, and supplant- their minstrels, with something which is not a song, and vet h near it, that we hesitate t.. call it aught else. BERT HUFFMAN, Bennett & Tarbet, Props. Opern Moose III :k. Court Street. I'ennlcton. New Today Ladies' Children' and Missits' stvlish Jackals, Hox Coat and Limj; Cloaks. verj Smart Autumn noveltiaa. Also Fur Capea, Cloaki and rVstrtkan C.i I ii - beautiful line tit Fur C'd larettai lr-s gOOdl all now and handsome in uri'at quaAtltiaa. The Wessel Department Stores. llcCall Bsaaar Patterns lor Sale. You want to jet the best When vou buv Harness y -(Si w 1 make onlv hand sewed harness Call and cot niv ami pri guarantee :es. - ary piece of lea thai I A. HAIA'KY, CtLtrt Bt., op. Golden Rule Motel Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company BARELY KSCAPKD. COMBINATION A NM ITV I'l.AN WITH raoviDH hum sin arm roa Jos or o. The cjat ul the preaeiit be upwards ol tlo.UUU.UUU. rill Ion (III Run Into by Ts.ini h , . Hitohad to a Cab. Joel', ii returned last night tin- delayed Ireis Iraas Wllbar. abets In- had heel! I.., king alter hi- -t ! Inter -1 I' a- ie ariy I , clock this hi,, rim, g when he wh- wending hi-way home a r.l from the denot. He was walking Bp Court street i and when on the cm-sing at Cottonwood street, was run into by the DmoI stable cab learn driven i,v I'ercv Otoss. Mr. Oan nelly says lie was tired and -leepy and that apparently the cab driver was in the same rendition The team tun,,, I the corner MtddSBly en the wav to their stable, and seeinul I. he in a lug hum to get home. Mr. CoaneMy grabbed the Beskyoke ami pels of the cab and yelled "Whou," good and load at tie horses. The driver pnlhd them up, but not until Mr. Con Belli had bSSS pushed along 18 or Jo mst by the momentum. He w .- indeed thai he was not kn.s knl duwu at lir-', so he could not grasp the neckyoke, or hi- injuries might have been eel i I lll.M k-U. ACullM-N s. Psatfa hi A, ' idem 5,000 I,s- of ight o.UUU Amputat i 'i. .,f Both H ind- 5.000 Both Feet O.ISSI Om Hand and One (-...t .'i.UISi Fool and Um oi o.niS) Hand and Los of Rye 5,000 Kigbl Hand . g.500 I'.ilher Arm .. Leg 1!,.VJII Lsn Hand t,iNi Either Foot I .WW Loss of i ins Fve ii&n Indemnity total ilisii Week.- . L'.'l I mis BIB hy s-r week for partial di-ability, limit e.'k- M I HO Mmil of total Sud partial Disability . . ,ixi ah Heemlaass asa Rsaaswes' in ..- ot ,. . i.i. ntel He , tii. I.r week lor ability, limit Seebaccam I a word understood hy shoal 150 people in Peadle- eill. Hut a larger miniber how illiderslanil that our "41)0 BLEND" Coffee i just light for we served it ire,- each alt. r- nOOn during the lair HottM wre utilised, so we will serve it again Hatarday bin- Iweeh three and live p. m Come in and try it. Owl Tea House. Cheap,.-,! HUce in Oregon. THIH PidNU IH BMPI OM I'll. I AT K 0 Luke's aitvrlltlii( Aj(oi' si u . f: sr OBanta' Kn hsnve Hsu srMleo, tluornu where niuiwa lar .Ih-oi-Imv . , uZ or I. 1 DENT POUCY NO. 6. RETUBK 'l ALL PRMMIUMI lint Ml. K tbsw sin. mills l( liijnrl. - are rveelvoil ui.i.. , I --i.SoKn in pis., i.e psi-.'iiKurs in in onairgAM BtglTRCC or 1 AHI.K eon v.') .,nii' ul i. .'oiiiiiiiiq Carrier. h it'BLS ibsm assaesu n inpiri.s ass leaetsed wlillu rMISS Ins PAS.sKNi.KK KI.KVATOK. Pol III. I lh. , , nil- i: inpirie- are eauasil liy he Bt'KNINU op A III II, HIM, nil,-ui-ure, I i- Ussrsm. UNK-UALI Am. nuns II lujurles an' caused 10 II 'ruin ,t,, l,i, ot by external ami aeel .lenial stesSSl I ink iKsrii laess Amnuiiis If injuries ere eausad by elthe. tiAS, VAI'oli PoihoS. ar in , les intentional! untieieii upon the in I b) au) otbei persea. -sn- or UMese, (eacepi aseauli rvmailtled par He paraeseel benilary si rebberi aaM lor in lull). ONK-HALfef the Pellsy win keseasj psyahie if 11 th - iii- i b) utbei ihiI) m, of win. I, there exlo- external rlifble con- lllslOO or is, ,,,ii! ii..ii lie ImI. Ir.. ii i ov e. li or If death Is eaiuetl lo MI'NHTItoK K ,,i J I'.KK.IM. PriBetMl kejs ssi i laemamd from wsai kj ibl) Ml seel through Ike Auuuii) Plan .,,.v..'.l. i sad ..I h sorted "f This If the Last Week DON'T FAIL to HAVb YOUR HANDS WEW BY Prof. Sterlin hel", out. I- iNtvahle Moll I ."k- lailennll) srarlaui' wid f.e f,,nu. r inj.irks , a le.hi l, , I In niH ol liealh. liw uf Mighl, .'.mp.llalnih in hlMlililly. Aeaaulss fas parpese el buralar or Itohbery are i eeerid. iii.lennoiy ..i I'liriu! .r..Krlloiiisil lit , riage ilegrs ..: DTaebli umbi -i- nrofeaaional and 1ms i nets men ho-i exposure to accident i . hissed l.vtr.i Preferred, ayesr, Prelerred, I80.U0 a year. Proportionate prassiumi for other smoants. ;ooi) LIVE AOGNT8 WANTED. FRANK N. BloCANDLESS. Tli.' iviflirjuil Paling and !STliolist .-.i i iwiTWPKKPro! i ni- ir in. - r in tin city Si"' want to hud out aisiui - s - , e ll 1. CIIIWI 5 , ir.oe'.i-, mlmtm ....rswes'"- Tal Agent. Kllensburi, Wash KOEPPEN'S MUDERM PHARMACY tryir,rg Out il kept in i f rit on - se-to-Sita it h itoit. 115 Court St. OSTEOPATHS. lo- '.V. .1 um) Mrs. Keve, graduates oi the American bVbool of Osteapatby, at Kirkavllle, Mo., are per llianeiltly hH-nted at 701, oornei of Thompson and Alia htreets, Pendleton. line HcsiHiliully Solicited. Subscribers sickle' divorces, se i ,1:"i:'ur1 . :.,ubd also iruiy pie.n. Lt. , of new inventioai, psnl'.' asasion clsims, isnj I toll VOU Whether yuu ,(-g dealing with your !"j 'Jk t knot what u;'iiS follow P. is ''':; ." jgggi took anu win. m , engage n i iw. huv or se., aui i i j pw Ulie any no I- 'W,,. UtSt value h, all who consul' III"' ,,gi plhi-e within your reacli ' 1 every iailure I here orrnw n tin, I loliei? aSTI .... O, iHiiiulitbd hy a vish ua al salinist. Vea should ...i .,. i i, i . . i.' ...iisiiu T.-j m -l l l'lI.ISl, e IS '"- j:iaa gieatest living '"."7i7ttjeianj lorn, and l BTOW1 WAT. ....slrf P Office lioiir- are 10 daily and Huodays. I'rof. Men nig "r-" .. . ul ilRS OK 1 Aivov - Ctret. bet jonnauu Tb Oregoman is Kaatern O e Ma icpKieniaiive paper Ii leU, and the pe p,- app.tiute n and Show it by their Um : ' in, rag, it i be adwer- I at-. - - nm Di ,fir,n If VOU WANT TO sl'B n rtbfl for niagasiue or j uewHtmrr lu the Dulled 1 stale- or hurope, remit, by uul a. tie, .-heck or end i., Hi. Kir oasuo NUN the lie i pilhllthers rhi' ,,f ii,e publication v..,. .iu.., -A .. , , j . 'B,,t, nte. wo. ...... i, nui ii. yuu ami awume all rial o ........ -:,. , ,,. ,aii. it ,ave yuu un ii. . you an- a mBSBI w UM tin inotooNUN 111 reuillUliK yuu eau deoaclteii per r, . ,,i,.i.hen' urlee ' ' I I as i iiKh'ijOMAN i l ii UO reodl Ion Ori'von to Magazines ii 1 Street, Webb and Alt 5ti- and''- iC Charges 5 I'rof. .Sterling "jlrlSf. Private "' Z0 Karl's Clover Root Tea lie-.i-j tit--, ti- t 'irm-.i-iUMi, F jrltk- ti Hl JjBivs--,a Kmh.CW-ir&klu. Curcsl'ou Sllfcatil. Iiulig-srati.rtl, and til KpjpttOlis. of l haviu. An ivin-i' I n to.c Ntv Ttsnic. bold lmi alraoluU M'taaotaM by aji druhifiaA at -VM 6X. auslft.OO. S. C. WELLS 4 CO., LCMOY. N V. OLC INUSHLTONI " A a; nrli WW n arws4s dtfal ine will lb HOUSE GROCbK Staple and 1 a,Uy GNOfUifft, I rtii's utul Berries ...1IU II UHIUICU (lllllils fat sale by Talhaao Uu., Uruauu T ATOM BROS., Proprietors. Ail the Hontiiar 1 a ... ' Jichn cKeiables, liutk r and 1 ks. Main Street, Pendleton 1 '