DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION Tlu i t wm. r 1MB or ( isTERN OKBOOfl 1. TIIK EAST OKHflflNI AN thk iron tutu. Tim lAff URKOONIAN IU T' TMB FAfRN I IIBBt- VOI- 13. 35c bar Pears Soap 15c Frederick Nolf "m 1 nHiu,E'u, I'MATILI.A COIN! 'Y. OH KOON. A H liDAY, SKl'TI.M ItKI! J. 19(H). BRYAN AND ROOSEVELT d 'iiimi . . . .-.. Prices Ihe l.o wet n,. am Bgnnki fur Westminister Typo wr t r i.iM'r tmd earlion,. g Nsl B,,.,ils fur lltllo money. rjampnlgn BBBs amT naftft i to BUc, fall length fancy crHn. paper Me, Ill, hint viisol Im 7r. I pkfcx inattthw le. Lamp chimney He In 18 . Large llM bound books l.'ic. Toilet piiMT fti- mid Sc mil. Teachers' nnil rtndentfl1 bible Iflc to ff.46. ig values in toih t Hniip, Na f,, As, lilr Prnrnman munple Mm slbuma, Uiilel rases, handkerchief bmi liar ami riiff boxfl, etc im-f ill pmmttl at reduced prices. fclnsil Insiks ami school impplii's all hi radnond prints. Buioy china wana, llowor pot Bad lump". Vl here to l" fur Hip hunt MnAa .. I ,1.. I . Ti . . it ' 1 iowcm once. i,m t go Om 1 Our utttthing Show Hmmwrnvm b wflith wmiiya mm wax 'ap -s ami Jarket t,, Hore'i a took that will bow- ly plWM W an bowing .hit1 ratton an "llr MMflt antirsiy n,. nota of Grootry Department Dry Goods I Mm in 1. w j t limit a -cr. l-'very I Everything the latest and boa) nrtlela ami entry prior is 1 right, . , rble Linens ANapkina UnflerwefJ The beat, prettiest H.nl i,.-i lor v.. jroiahi fm iwoatker raloea are in.v.- .-v.r .bowa "" ' 1 w warm waathri Vmi'll aad Bet woathoi to tali all pureei them. vn. a l,m i ii- We have Many Hats !"Mlk d r lantml Blstfl .,f Many Kinds N truly haantifnl The for Many Men noMMt tarprialRfly low, -if Many Mieda. Lace Curtains and 1 to every woman w ho i " The nharaeiei i ! ' m leTS. ;,;:;,':;,:-Tr;p'::;;:r;: !.:;:;: ' ' bOJI V. 'Mm. ill Hi. 1 1,, n, Frederick Nolf LiIS5LndeB & Hexter. The WSfS uf IndlMrtrlal proKperity in KiiMp, which li nteainil rllMNl ninri 1SM,", Art i nir O limnl-tiein'ral llnnmipr. ol 1'rnnkfort, in a MpOTl In the Matt deMrtnwnt, ns tAkvn h turn nnil Iih bsi t nomsv TIip London canltallatt Wbo ilc looitpil (1,SN,000 w ith tin- MorgaoD (or thp patohoaa uf Um Ofcwp BW mIm, in UBIOfoill. bM tin' mom v raMfMa to llMNR, John Ravi llanimonil haviiiL' inlviwii aajalnol UM DOPohMO, The New York Journal eay that Homer lveiirl wnr oflenil 195,000 to refrain from niakinu MFioatUIW ilurini! Um rainpa isn. ami tlmt, on tie elhttafh he wan akei if a lamer MM woo hi indooe hlntoMolvt, to whieh he repliiKl: "I am not for ale." Rear Ailiniral John 1'. VJMWH. I 'ormerly in eonimaml of the navul force OS the Asiatic -lation. who I arriveil recently at New York on the' crnifer Italtitnore. ha- BOM Mlgnod I I to 40ty il preniilent of iIim naval ex- I atlti, liiia, It.xir.l til It,,. W ,i ut i tutl . i ii ,, . I MMi The fortv-nixth attflOOl report of the Ohloago, Barlington v Qalncy rnilfond MM IStSM ill Ohlesgn Thnr-.hiv It kIiokn Kro earn i ilia nl S47,rV3ft,4jO, an increase of 4. H" . !at."i : oHratlllg as ieiieM anil taxes, fMl,U,M, an m creae of f", , S70 net earninga, lti, IIM.OTs, an Iminsm of 1010,119, OnpMlS I'reilerick Metit BhfUi I'. ; . A., rettreil. cousin of lienerill I MOKtnM.V, It wi reK,rle.l (mm Itos- l ton worn,, tint, i, ,i, i ',.,,; M i i I ...... ' ", x niii, n- noiiiii iaor tm.iii. Democratic Candidate Cordially Received In the Dakotas. - KANSAS WARMLY GRIIKTS ROOSKVKIT Tun TbiiUMtii People Welromii Brjrto it Fir go, aad Roosrtvli Nik Elubtrrn Spfefhrs to Kins P"ipln. KFFRIT tIK A tnUST. Nln Mg Kn nd Women Thrown Ont of Work. 'rant. III., Sept. In th- ,i MOW Ol Um Ug of the norkmen al the HlOOMM llolske plant tin oWS oftirant, a ntborb ol Chleao, has boon Mwetioaili wih.i out "t aalatiaaea hg l lie ah rtrical Inift.aii I 'Hi i men ami wo men, npotl whom MOO persons depended for Mooart, have baajl mailt- Idla, (Imnm rhttlnii ol a graal trad eomblna lion, wh eh Is eontrollod by lhaUi oral Klectric enmpanv, face the oomiog winter with 4nm Seorea arc ksavlng tna in ii itailv lis onh In- diisiry ha hren hlMMd bayood hope. The Operators taot Will Grant Demands. Impor- THRIS NOT ANNOUNCED AS TET Opfuion RefuM to Mnai (be Ualt, But th Mlorn Will Nat ProloM IX Slrlkr oo Thil Accouot. i I0T IN A CHUHCH. b. i Irani ovofdoaa of bfouM pWTpOaa if n lieviin; pain. OapMtn Shari dtd at KSMMM City from an I '""I pioph Chicago. 111-.. s,.pt. 2I. -The fo low ing dlapatrh has own rec Iran by the Scripps-Mrliae News taanolation from W. .1. Bryant "Wahnoton. N. D. My Bndionoaa In Sooth Dakota raatorda) wore dnobly the ulae of my mi l rMSSB BIISIBrgSS SHOT diiwn wiiilk in tliai -lite in Iso,.. Thai means IN ruim I'Rayinc. anoiothing, " Slgnod . w. .1 BUT AN." Thousand! Graat Brian. Wahpotnn, N. D., Bawl, Hnan's Brat stop thli sioralai in North Dakota I waa al nanklnaoa, where bo sike to j aoraral band rod, ai ffahpotnn Iboni I amis of people gNOtad the catnliilale in I the pflbllc Mpiare. Ten Thousand at i-argo. KargO, N. l.. Sept. tB,- fen tlioiis-i The Boston Store GREAT SALE OF CAPES, JACKETS Tailormade Suits THIS WEEK. Pendleton's Bid Store NEW LUMBER YARD. BTa are now remly for buainwo m ar Wiudiiiiitton .V I'dnnilnn Hivnr freight QjOOOl witi, I O Moral it-eortiuent of Itimher ilins't from our own -. w mil!, ami ran furnish anylhiilg promptly. Country urdara in car loails Hoippisl direct fmn, HI mill in oarload lota at i irrect prii es tilve n- a call for Infants and Children. Cuxtoriti I Iffilnas sabatltute lor C'ustor Oil. Itrr ork , Jros ami .SiM.tliiuu ByrUM, It is I'lfUMint. It ooiitulua ueitliei Opium, nurpluuw nr oUmm Kuriotio aubatouoe, li deatroya VVornta wid iin f ovorlahiMaai It OUrea lliarrlnca ami Wind Collfl. It MlMWM Tootll lntr Troubloo mi l o'trws Couatipatiua. it raaulataa tho BtSuiaoli uikI Boweiaa g-ivtna baaltby and i.uiu.ai nleey. I'll.- t hildreii h I'aaaccu-Tlu- Molher'a FrUuU. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A.CShawflCo. W. J. SfcWfcLL, Mgr. JOSEPH E L.. ' ar In Use For Over 30 Years. , an. it Iron Beds frIAT YOU CAN Main stroot, Pendleton. - Oregon. Have taken u drop and a larjje allipOMBl hus just arrival dins-t from the facUirv and w ill li Wild at greatly PodaOOd pr hi Joe Basler's. 'lis''ttK l KKFTON I li.r A I K AMPnniliatl HShssTHE EAST 3REG0NIAN. The Paper of the P.opl. Kverybody BaaOa It. The Laraaat blraulaueo. Beat AdvarUalaa Oaaiuai. iinahh Ol till an. I it is sii,;h!sihI he had la-en to proper I v (inane the iiianli1y uriiir. Alfred Prexfns has written a letter to M. Treinx, formerly monster of justice, in which he savs: "Tha moral effects of the iniquity still exist ami the mental torture is as (jreat as ever. Since justice has not 1 n done to me the aim I pursue remains the same until attained, the t-al revision of mv trial. " pacific northwest news. Boo Jama r. Tannar diod at si. Via cent's hospital l ortlaml. Wednesday in Ilie ,ntii year ol tils ago, lie was I the father ot .finite A . II I or' laml. The total tax levy ill Bnokana will he close to three and t hree-loiirt lis pat cent, divided snhstaiitially thus: state levy B.0 mills; city levy, Ift mills: city school levy, I or I mills; county I evv estlmatisl , 7 mill. The formation of miners' unions has la-en progressing t l,ro,iuhoiit theSnmp. lap distrirt, ami onaolaad labor will soon lie a poWOf loj olOBlOBt, which Mnnol he IgBorad, The chief demand w ill lie f I.MI tor a ten hour Jay's work. Tilmiin lord, eandiilnte tor pr,'i. dent ml elector, will open the repobli. can campaign at SaloM OotohorO, with an address. The Workingmen's rcpnhli. can cliih and the Salem repnhl lean i Inh will work bogathaf for the BOOBON of the iHcasioii. Boppoaantatlrai of all of the lug as purling linns operat ing in the North Waal nu t in Portland Wodnoaday and lixed the wheat standard at kg ponmls for No. I Walla VSalla ami BBW snimls for No. I hluestein. No grade wuses tahlished for valley, hut the matter may Is- taken up latter. The Siiiieyi-ide I nut company's prune ilriel ai Uosedale, near Sahm, was aatlraly doatroyod bj tire w. in. day morn ing. It was the largest drier I in that Bastion, ami the loot will he the more serious Iss'iaise only alsiul one-hall of the company's prunes have la-en cured The losa is estiliruti-d it with ttaai laasranoa, Tin bolld ing wa- valued at alsait tlMMI. heereil l!r in n i n his . tiiki-n (or tin-' arrival here this morning. The largest aaraosanaaa and I politienl daaBoaatralion In tha history wastotallv hliml of lliia slate is now taking plaoa In this city, i he randHlata waa oaoorttal by the lalaad I'ark unitoriued BJMKhiBg ciuh to a temporary stand when- Bryan pi ke an hour and' tl (teen mlBOtOB, up pool I Of l.i Hie people to RtaMl Of American nh as and not MPTCSoVr to loraignora. lb- ebanad the rapabll an parly with Imitating ail thinga Britlah, aapeoiallj la its noloolal police To-la v 's lour will end at Oruokfton, Uibbm win-re Bryan speaks thin evening. Thence the party will travel on the regular train to Unlulh. sN-miiiig Donday there. Brn miiig Mimlay as a ilay ot rent Rootevalt In Kansas Neal, Kits., Kept. I'll. 1 mm earlv dawn Knoaevelt'l rooontioii throii.-h Tannar, of I aanraa baa boon most ploaalng, Tha orowqi are lilg ami ti boorina Voeitorooa and heart). His vocal chorda bara boon atrainod to Um ut most. Booaatall is Inlhsl to make rlgbtoon -i obai today, andisg al Kansa- Oily tonight. His tirst stop today was at Kldoradu "Wa appeal in Mia campaign", he said, "not onlv to rapablioanc, bol to tboaa who i,-rt ai lour, six and BiflBI gSSM ago. There are only two great partu s, the rcpiili-Ill-all ami Hie llrtani.ed lemocraei I Tha popaliat party is a side show, it you cannot Is- w ith Is- rapiarely against us." At Baroka Rooaawll addpaaaad an 'audience of two tboiisaml BOOplo. Some fanners BMUJ as far as Ineiitv miles. I wo bsadPon bopaamon ohaaad Um train down tin track boating for "Toddy.1 While ineaking hen. ka said Kansas made linn the candidate for the vice resiliency . Daiuoerata Taka I'copor Ai llon. Victor, Colo., Sept. g, , solution. hate boon adoptod by the doatorrallc county aoarautioa and olab Vlotof oundemolng tin- "spirit of Intolaraaan ami diaomirtear" aabibltod on the s i asii.ii of Ihsisevelt 's recoil visil I rkOJ d Been Nolllled That II Thar PaaaabBl th would a gingg. Columbia, s. r.iscpi. gg, -Favtional diflereiut-s m the conureifal ion of H.-l. Won I Haptist church in Newl-errv Billy, this state, resnltisl oi a not In tin- church last night, Tha Bara, Young. Reader ami Indraa Wllllami were shot down in the pulpit a. 1 1 wen- land ing in prayor, tn Mbara ol the congregation aotlSed two ol thoor ministers that if tUOl undertook o reach hi that church tnoy would 08 Ikillad, Tan onmnMnhmnta hara boon arroatad and are charged with the 1 murder. PHICIPPINk NEWS. ; " Incandiarv Publlrallcn ; Rami rre raal Railroad Traffic. Alanila, I". I., ug ;. , li4 aiail. "rlllplnaa ante Baropa" is the na f an inoondiary publicatioa thai is Is-ing extensn.lv circulated thmiigboul the Islands. It is i.rinte.l in alwuvs ainl ilateil at Manila, the tie-t oagi aontaialng local adrorl laamaate, Tlx title page is ornament, i with like 1 1 esses o Agilinaldo ami Hon. .1. M nuss ami im- urst article Is one itrgniL' n auers il other article I ion " is (roin hnnselt Tin is ol the HISM and a perusal tin- place, and deploring the folly of bringing him into the slate under tin naplooa of tlmt cordially do tea tod trai tor and eBOgBSO, Senator Woloutt, Caenaglt Suppurt aeKlnley. N.w V.,rk, Sept. '.si The Norlh t mar loan BavioW, in its advance an aoonaamanti shtlM (hat And row OsPnagia has an article in the Oetobof numbop ol tin- gMgasina rappurtlag THE BLUES Suffering Bringa Discourage merit- Aire. Pinkhana Shown Women How to He cover Health Head Theae Lett era. Falling ot Utorua, Painful Monaam " I 'im. Mlts PnfSaail I I want to tell you how much good our BM BjioUM ha done me. I au II ei . fur two year with dilfereot female troublea. 1 bad falling of the womb, wliilea. irregular ami paiuful uieustriiut.on, auch u-rrible lieadaithe. and bearing down paius, 1 was nearly craay. 1 paiit out a greut many dollara fur doeior medi cine, but obtained no relief, uud Uie doctor to id ue 1 uould uot Ix; cured. My buabaud inl.t I on ujy taking your u.. . i and 1 mut aay 1 never hwl anything help me ao much and In no ahorlatiuM- I have now taken right bottloaof the Vegetable oiusiund and am well. My cough ia gouu and 1 cau work all day without feeling tired My health u. betUrr than It tout been for u-u yeara 1 know l.ii..i I. I'nikham'e Vegi i ,. ble (iuiuuud aaved my l'fe and 1 advinv all women ui take It ' - Mae. C. jr. Tu.aicxirr Weggelaud, Minn Utorlna ami Ovarian Troubia " Daaa BUSV 1'i.nauAM : 1 hara followed raw kiad and tpaa BdrkM aud am Uda, a uew wo man My laat doctor told me 1 would have logo through au operat. on before J could at well 1 had womb and ovarian trouble. would auger aomething terrible, auuh ain in my left aide and it teemed aa though 1 waa all falling- to piece Waa uorvoua all the time, and could not sleep ulghta. J uauuot thank you euough for being ao kind to me. 1 ahall alwaya BaaaSHBSgd your medlciue auu hope that my letter may bane lit, some other poor auffering woauui. Ma Wat broaa, North baua, Maaa. A Baautlful Baby Boy "Dbau Maa. PiaaiiAO It waa my aru.nt dealre to have a child. I had been married tin, , yeara and waa ohildleaa, au wrote to you to hud out thereupon. After following your kind wlviue aud taking Lydia K. Finkhaui'a Vagotatda ' 0OB- xuud, 1 became the mother of a beauliful baby boy. the lov of our home. He ia a fat, healthy baby, thauka to your medmiue. "Maa. Uimua t ian.i t., Write to Mil Pinkham, Lynn, Maaa., if you are ill. The efficiency uf her advice is proven by thousands uf letters from women who have been cured of aerious female trouble by LYDIA E. RtHH HAM'S VEGETABLE OOMPOUMD tlllile the war. All a BaaasM ot Um Uei i he m f Agalnaldi Manila oorpoapoodonei ir.ler as the tirst article t'ltihl lead one to think that the rebellion was growing in HPangtll II roilghoiil the islands. Ploods In the Ulandi. log .i.,. .ui . have m-curred on thi i' i t i'1 railway us a result mensem rains I ratlin can only go as lar as situ Kermindo. In one plana between Mnraia and TbpIbo, the wash out is mer a mile in length and ftp paaaabla It is npootad that Ihronsb out the rainy season it will he mi isissmie to ...ort, nunc u,., i, sirliou oi llle line, Tl... a I . 1 ... neiipi ii wcaiinr now prevailiig i inosi severe V ii,-, vcsm'Is an tv tug in ilie i..iv at anchor, awaiting a , nance i,, is. elitere.l w lieu the wind goes down It i. BB te. that till' gale will conl mile another week, -r-haps longer. Tha Old Pooula are Dyina. r. BMUrfcaMl lOWg list ol centeii arians have dnsl in Manila rime t mar lean ojaoniaillon, as shown by the reoordi i tha board ol health l in y range in age from IINI to I ' v ara, and Mod ol He -in i-, active lives right up to the day ol their death Thcv 'Irallk the vile BOaO lllel lollee, smoked Inoaaaanll) ntrasg elgarettaa, got nigged Iraueaatly with aatira drink, and generally BnaWSBlBB themselve. in anv bill a hvgi-nic way ol living. Tha laal death waa Honor Bans, a resilient oi rain- Madalana. Ma was a MN rilipino, and died ol old age at 110. The many centenarian now olive a ng the natives prove, thai Ills climate is healthy to so if not I I A im fit alls. BBgataaMa Bsi Baaggg tgUlualdo has had his I.eioiUliil span o black carriage horse regisUmsl a the i heii... aouaptmoal by hi llrariod eoaabman hum ihi ami Imllai im ideiii., it a aviiiaal that tha eritwhlla dictator is in active ci.mmu- i nation with hi relatives and tr Is in this ell) . Nolloe Prum tha Banks. I'liu hanks ol Manila have jaailed uie loiiowing not e " ,,r and in la--hall ol the I'uited Mate., lullllurv gov urnmoal, tin- vwiaraingod hank, will baiige all gold aiel sllvei pi. int.. I Ul tin m oval Ho counter at He rate ol is local currency dollars I r one llailod St itoa dollar ' II I. BMSJM thai la A mar lean itovepnauMtl ha .me I i the paaoaa and will protect II. oall money. H is welcome lino In the army ol wage worker, now in Ilie HblllpplaaOi an-i aiaani that tka nl lo r inn spend his meagre earnings w ithout having them diat'OUnod a. ha. usaa Ja raie pooaally, Ii also mi an. thai lh bil.inesi hoiiics will now BM t lucrum, gold liisli.nl ol Ihe bulk) "dhoika" dollar I. .ii I, d uiunded, ai-d that American gull will no longer bv liaaoantad gl tw.. gj r aam in Amen- an territory, The ipaaalatot that aar ahaaad ailvai at a dlnoual In llong kong and aold it al a n inium m Ma nila, taking luck American UMSMty Hut II hud d I.I.. I re lo ex'. change al a premium tin re, must hunt ooaomaihing new. fha inratTon i, why del l ot. ihe military goven nt do tlii. long ego'.' Boa V'rKi .j,.,,, H rim BkisasR dont ,oai Oparatan and others con nooted with Hie anthracite trade were ii i brown stu.lv today regarding what a. Hon the presldenta of the anthracite carrying roads are taking for Im settlement ol Um strike No one in ailtliorilv , hi la- seen by new auar men. bal there seems to Is- no iloiiht that in i, reemettt had Is-en reaclnsl to settle Ihe strike ami that Ihe amiouure- " as being withheld until all Ihe details imd h.am arrangixl, Not one of the rtpaaldaata would admit Una morn mi.' thai a rattloWJOnl was in sight and it ,- not piahabM that a statement will In- given i ut lislay. Mils. Ssiilsin.nl Near. ScPan BM, nt., Sept. IW.- The eiclte- n, cut oaaaad bj the paadlag urgotia- ' ion. for a -elllemeiit of the strike baa afaaldad thi. morning. ITm atrike ia realli toaaidorad over and evervlsslv ealml) await, an order to resume operat loon next Week. Although preabionl Mitchell says the enoeoaeions oflarrai b) tho OporatDfB db BOl .atialy Ihe miner-.' union, it is generally be lieved tin-differences w ill lie satisfac torily settlisl, hut in, o,H see ma to care iu what manner The men are willing to let tl,,. os. raters delude themanlvea with the BctlOO of not reeognlliog the miner's union which is the only de mand made hv the miners which the operators do not care to include in the term, oi settlement. Political tutluence ha had min i, in ,,, In bringing vic tory to the tollers. n nil KILLKO DBPUTV SHBRIPP. Attempt Wai Mad to Lyneh a Naaeo In Loultana. Hon. Ion, Tex., Siel. SJk - A gSSSkkl from Lake Charles, l a., -ays: All day there were ruinora ol the probable lynching of 1'iere Ncott, a negro in jail here charged Willi crilll ii, il issault on Mi i i. wild, agist M, a sister ol Judge liormaii. Aisnit H o'eloOB an namaakod crowd gathensl at Ihe court house. Hue of tin- crowd called for Hberifl I'erkius ami de. maadad the key. ihe fail. In the ttieantlma Jndgo Millar awdrasBid the i mud and told the nun i nt ol r mils must l.e h-lt to the courts He Iheii reasonisl indlv iduallv with the tieiihew. ol the m-aro's virtim Indue Miller urgisl the crowd b dls- pers aiel proini.e.l to take the mw igaiust the negro up tomorrow morn ing. On this promise the crowd broke lip. At II o clonk another mob advanced wards the jail with au iron natter tug ram In feet long and three inche in iliaini ii r l si. A Harmon and I'aul hloau, deputy sherllls Inside the lull warmsl Ihem to come no further ami Hi hot oyer Ho- head, of the road when - no in ;, mob Ureal at the da Mt la I'aul s. waa allot and hitallv wounded He dnsl al 1:11V this morning. Ihe sheril! ami h put ie then disoersed the crowd at ihe points ol their pistols and mem ber. o tin- iiioi. began lo call lor the BPraal Ol the man who allot Sloan Bararal i ibaM ol the mob who were known lo have Usui armed were ar mated. Ihe Boars are I omnia. si I'aul, Sept. aw - The UIoIm today ..iv. "Ilumlri-ds ami iierhan. thou.. and. ot Hoon will emigrate Imm Houlh lim a t the I lilted Mule, and settle in the iioithwc.l this. lore Vwu .re. In ol Holland who baa of late "al n, eb I. is home iu the South Wrnon republic is in HI. I'aul In arr .in. . sal i-l.ii lorv railroail rab s v.r the Ae.ierii iiea Vanlirer-ht will bring a large coutliigeut ol liners tin. coualry in tha spring if cuudi- lions are favorable. 1 A Staauiphig on Hi.. Urleaha, I. a . Sept. Saw llrleafia, I. a . Sept. gg II rtnamer Amurican, ol Iba Wisi Indian Hue, one , , the I n,, si ships coming inio im. H.rt, t oil are and i.a. I n miming ail day. Ktght engine, are pouring water into bei bateaea, Her cargo aonalate III Ihrue hundred thou, a, d i us . Is ot wheal, and Ion thoiis aidbale. . I notion. Saattia, Sept l. Ihe . lealner' in iaha, engaged iu la) ing the Noma! able, is reported aground in a danger ous pneitioo. Ihe laying ul the cable will he o.t,ne. until null year on auu 0 it oi tin. accident. EB Tha Latamt Solantlfki Ulaoovary la lamed i ui tha prluelpla, DaatiOf theeaUac, fgaj remove UieetTect " II- i pil nle kills I Ii s Jrrms that cause dan ii, It by diagtllg U the walp a il., burrow Ho ir s.alifemua way t. n.i - or risrt, where thejr finally dealroy the hair Without damlrulf your lialr will grow luxun antly. Nowhro'm Hmrploldm hip. I. neb nit and tall lug hair, audaBaPta gi ow ing will, In In dak I he I . .1 I li Mill UI lllce ou ul Uila. 1 Pw Baai al aa bias. OrisglMw lall- BJ hair lay, IU4W aiuioii anil Buraed Mendocino, Sept. u. Ihe i i on of the Albion luiuls r MS At ami I I.IVIAIK Kelltlng but . Iecl o ,..l. or change el , In,,. lu will curs CATAHRH. The Spaelfle Ii My . Creaui Balm CATARRH nnmeliBe Ii i. wa. destroyed by lire, I he loss is 1 1. .ii. i kio couipanv I hie in--in here Ing. ro cuaa a colo im one day. T.ks laxxmilve Brouiu kluiniuu Tables. All Iriisgists r.-luiiil tin- in. mi , if n lall. lu cure. B W tirwv.'a aiauwluie i. uu ai l, box i. All.,. II. si lie n lullsllllu.tieu soil Limn . Is lb a 9 COLD SHEA I U.t rU .In II UU, Ml llrUaUladki ui by 1 t V iiKimikMHW Waurviitli , N. v Yuia. M. ii. In .uu . KualAilL'n l I naif nli.i riiiicll. Nu Umi'iirf . Waa liijiiritm Inn,' Uttfulsu ia j0 , Kmuily aisM)