East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 21, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    l UIDAY, SBITEM M'M 21, hhxi.
American Qirl
Tan Shoes
Just the thing for the mountaino,
Hest $2 BO Shoe in the Market
Cull ami see tliuni.
The Boot and Shoo Mon.
)' Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon
Had lev .V Zchncr, choice cigars.
Naur kraut, very Hue, at It. Mar
tin's. Ovyote scalps and warrants bought,
l'eler Went.
Don't lorget the I.eeier bakerv (or
Mid lunch.
BeOt set teth , at ir. Whitaker'-.
warranted anil guaranteed.
When you want cream or iee cream,
telephone Dntton. lllack, M0
Kor sale House am! two lotH, I
bargain. Inquire Of J. L, Aharon.
Ketneinher. during the carnival yon
can get dressed chicken at 1'emottV
Street and sour pickles, linihurgor
cheese, nice ami fresh, at K. Martin .
Nicely furnished rooms in Wenn's
new block for rent. Apply upstair-.
I'or Hale Complete net of hoiifchohl
furniture. Impure of Mrs. II. T.
If you want pure home rendered lard
with no adulteration go to Srhwarz
and (ireuiich.
Kor fanny vegetables. Merced sweet-,
chicken, fruit and fancy groceries,
DwMKt lead.
Why pay tin or 20 for a wet of teeth,
the beat teeth and plate don't cost the
dentist $;i er let.
If you want jellv glasses von should
go to Demott's. He has just trot in a
big shipment, all MUM,
Hig pip- tale at ration's cigar store.
One hundred styles of French briars
ut 1!6 cents each. See them.
Cold lunches erved doting the day
and evening' at the J.eeer bakery .
Main street, Seibcrt building.
Pill pickle. mackerel, MMbed
herring:, but tomaleH ami imported
caviar. Ifi oontl per can, at It. Mar
tin'i. Jam in. an up-to-date line ot picture
mouldings and picture mounts. They
are ityliih. Call and sec them. ('has.
To prevent consumption ipiickly cure
throat aad I u n- troubles with One
M unite Cough ( ure. Tallman A Co.,
leading druggists.
Belle Wallace, the handsome actress
who appeared at rnuer oera house
last winter in ". Contented Woman,"
died on Thursday ot apoplexy at tier
home at Warren. I'u.
When you visit the street Hair and
Harvest 'Carnival don't fail to cull ut
the l'emlleton umhrcllu works. Um
brellas recovered ami repaired. The
belt Hewing machine in the world for
i, warautiil tun years, repairing ami
supplies lor ull machine.
William II .lone has jiiHt received
carload of Monitor disc drills, seed
em. lever barrows, etc. Ills itock of
buggies, carriage ui d wagons is com-
Idelu. 1-armers wishing to buv any
lind of vehicle or farming implement
hoiild cull upon Hilly Jones ami in
spect his extensive stock on Cottonwood
When you get "that tired feeling,"
don't despair. Don't get desperale and
"go up ' the air." Don't you worry,
but go to Little Henry's cabin, lie
will drive uway your blues. His
wienewrurst ure ''out of sight" but
he'll ulwuys rind one for you. His
beer is iresh ami go, si, ami these go
very well together, (live him a trial.
The hit of the lair in the hand music
line was on Thursday evening when
the Seventh regiment and l'emlleton
iirass. bands pooled their issues and ull
played together in trout of the booth
platform, corner oi Main and .Vita
streets. They tore the music out in
huge chunks and scattered it broadcast
through the circumambient atnio.
phere in a way that Immeoaei
pleased the thousands who listened
The progressive nations of the world
are the grout foisl consuming nations.
Imod fissl well digested gives strength
If you cannot digest ull you eat, you
Heed Kodol Dyss psia ( lire. Itlg'l-
what you eat. TOO nee. I not diet your
self. It will even digest all classes of
food in a Isittle. No other preparation
will do tiiis. It instantly relieves and
quickly cures all stomach troubles.
Tail man A Co., leading druggists.
Dr. WhitnUer the dentist.
Hesl seamless gold crown", Sttt, fi,
at Dr. Whitaker's.
No extra charge for work during the
carnival at I'rivett's barber shop.
Wanted An experienced woman as
general servant for small family. Ap
ply this oilier
Wanted Information regarding Mr.
Anna Wise. Address .Mr. John Wisi .
Kastern Motel, citv.
The train from Walla Walla, which
arrived at ItU this afternoon, brought
several hundred people to attend the
Hen Diipuis, of Weiton, is in atten
dance at the fair.
Ladies' purses, toothbrushes, hiiir-
i brushes, clotheshrushei!, scrubbing
bru-hes, and duster, full line, at
Two kevs DTI a rih:' were found
Thursday ' in the fair ground". '"' r
may obtain them by calling at the
Kast Oragnuian orBce,
At the Church of tile Ifcdecmer tin
evening there will be service Bt7t80
o'clock followed bv a rehearsal of
music for the following Sunday.
Walter William My the Welle
Walla baseball team lias disbanded for
the season nnd th.it football will now
OOOBpy the attention ol Wall Walla
A ladv left a pacakgc witli A. C.
Ilalev a't the ticket -Her'- oAe in
front of the Boeton Store on Thurs
day, she can obtain it by calling
there for it.
Turkish rug- and embroidery lor -ale
at Mr. Ontnpbell'i millinery em
porium. Kor the (air time only. "-.
M. Slnssallein, manager: (, D,
David, ptoprietor.
The must dainty and affect I YT pills
made are DoWltt'l Little Karly Rieere.
They are uncqtinled for all liver and
bowel troubles. Never gri Talltnan
,V Co., leading druggists.
Julius Nelson and Mrs. Minnie XI.
Stearns, both of Vausycle, were unitnl
In marriage Wedne-day afternoon at
the iiolden Rale hotel. Judge i . A
lljirtniiin performed the service.
John !'. laiskev, well known in Ka-t-erti
Oregon, died at Nyssa, Malheur
countv, lust Saturdav alter an illness
of several years. He leaves a wife
ami several children and considerable
property which he accumulated in the
stock business.
Poloonotla toadstool.- resembling
mushrooms have caused frerpicnt deaths
this vear. He sure to u nly the
genuine. Observe the sum.1 cure when
yon usk for DoWltt'l Witch Hue
Salve. There are isdsonous counter
feits. DoWltt'l i the only original
Witch Hazel salve. It i- I Ufa nnd
certain cure tor piles and all skin di
seases. Tallman Co., loading drug
m - -A
Frailar's Umahallt Was Kntored and
Took a Hoat
Frank Kraior's llmahali- took part
in the Chamber Commerce I0Q0
mice at the stale lair at Salem. Tin
pace came off on Wednesday but n
not completi il until lliursipiv alter
noaa, The Joarnel ' account ol it is
as follows:
Chamber of Commerce stake pacing
.'il. .1 nnd , purse f HUM.
Ii wa : :'M I, clock oetore the tlr-t
i heat of the big pacing race wa- called.
The horse coming to the post were: A.
I Krickson's Altaior: . driven by C.i-t
Frank Kraier's I'mahali. I razier A.
Pratt Si. n se, Mosher; li. H.
Tongue's Hen Holt. Stetson. Van do
Vnator'i Diodeoe, WilliaaH; Amoj
Wilkin-' Al Me. lr;on; A. W.
Turner's Little Row, Lam ; L. P.
Limlsey's Arab, Lindsey. and KOSt'l
, Harnecle, liorn
After losing considerable time in
I scoring they left the post with h good
start. When the stretch was reached
' they lillt Up a fide lilli-b, lien liolt
tirst. I'mahalis leeoBtl, Little Hilly
third, Harnacle fourth, Al Me,
Diodeoe and Arab -hut out. time 3:33,
j The second heut of the pace brought
out live horses, lien Holt took tlie
heat. IT me holla, second: Beeppoooo,
third: Little Hilly, loiirth, ami
Harnacle shut out. Time 3:S0
Third heat only four hOTOM OSOM
out, I'mahalis inking the heat Hen
Holt second, Sca poose third, and
Little Hilly fourth, time SlSShj. Fol
lowing thl heat the judge- po.to,nd
the remainder of the rate until 1 ft,
m., Tliursdav .
The CbamlsT el Commerce rlissj
pace, which wu ftOl OOOeloded Weilnes
dav, was railed ut 1 p. in. Thur-i.e
Three horse- tarted, Ron Holt, Little
Hilly and I'mahalis. Hen Holt won
the heat cailv. with Little Hilly
oeoodi tine, StsStt, Dm belli broke
badly on the hack sireich and was die
tenoed. A- Hen Holt alrcadv had two
heat to bi credit, this gave him the
race and the big purse.
Or Your Hair Will Fall Out Till You
Hoeome Bald.
Misiern science ha- discovered that
lundriift I- cans, 1 bv a germ that digs
up the sculp in scales, as it burrows
down to the roots of the hair, where it
deetoiyi the huir's vitality, causing
fulling hair, and, iiltimulelv, bald
ness. Alter Prot. I una, of llumhurg,
(ernany, discovered the ' it 1 1 I r 1 1 ft
germ, ull efforts to lind u remedy
failed until the great laboratory dis
covery was made which resulted in
Newbro'i Herpiehle, D alone of all
other hair preparation! kills the
daodrafl germ. Without ilandrufl, hair
growl luxuriantly. 1 'Dee troy the
cause, yon remove the effect."
State Fair at Yakima.
For Washington state lair to he held
at North Vakima September 34 to til,
inclusive, the Wa-hingtoii .iV Colum
bia Kiver Hallway com puny will make
u round trip rate from Pendleton of
Io.T.'j. Tickets on sale, Neptembet -1
to inclusive, ii,,,.,! returning up
to September I0i
W. ADAMS, Agent.
1 -. ..
r 1
pm( erer
ton tmi
i ' ii
OK a nuartcr of a cen
tury Foley's Honey and
Tar has been curinrr
babies of croup ami
whooping eougb. In that time
it has saved tliousands of little
lives and every year it yoes on
savin" more. Physicians who
have tested it know Foley's
Honey and Tar is the best med
icine for little folks and
much superior to the old time
muriate of ammonia mixtures, so
often prescribed by doctors, and
which are so often ineffective.
It's entirely free from opiates and
it'. unconditionally guaranteed.
Little folki like it.
BANNER SALVE ia the greatest
healer known.
OUHHAL.lt BV KUK iN 1'II AUMACY, I'K N 1 1 1 . K. 1 o N , OHKUOM.
Miss Mabel MalbewH.of QibOOU, is a
guest of Miss Delia Hendlpy.
i, Savior, of Umatilla, wn YllitlOg
bis many friends ill Pendb'ton Thur-
,1. L. Khun, ol Walla Walla, i- ague
a visitor in Pendleton, ut the note!
A. Halter.ore, a blacksmith of
Adams, is among those in attendance
at the fair.
Mr. anil Mrs. Simon, of Hole:
Dae fee. Walla Walla, are gnaati at the
Hotel Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lake France Of
Athena, are interested spectators in at
tendance at the fair.
PenatofU, W, Proa bete I rem down
flOtn Weston yeftefdnv on a visit nnd
ll enjoying the lair.
C. W. Hollis spent Thursday at the
fair nnd left on the night train fur
ids home in California.
Clark Wood, who steers the Weston
Leader, i in town and thinks the fair
a mighty entertaining affair.
Oliver Knott came in from his
llirch cre"k ranch with a loud ot
pumpkins for exhibition at the lair.
Thai K llnnrkc, ut Portland, came
t Pendleton and il taking in the fair,
with headquarters at Hotel Pendleton.
L. Bi nnland and family have
move, I to Pendleton from Helix and
are occupving their new resident c on
llluff street.
Kay Lai. row, of Gibbon, interested
with his fatiier, I.. S. UaOfOW, of
Walla Walla, in sheep at lithium, is
attending the fair.
Mr. J. R. Bean returned last even
ing from Newport, YaoOiM bay.
when ho ROJ been for a COnpic ot
month. She stopped over at Portland
and Hie Dalies on her return trip.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Davi , Ol the
Helix neighborhood, have been in Pen
dleton since Toeodaj attending tin' fair
and are very much pleased with it.
They may return Imnie on thi eve
tun.:' W. i C. It. train.
Mr-. James A. Howard arrived on
thi morning'. train from l.awton.
tirunt countv. where she has been for
several months, Mr, Howard Being
s. cn t.try of tlie LaWtOO Townsite com
pany, anil locatetl at l.awton.
William S. l,oodmau, a well known
east end citizen, mid a successful
stockman and larmer, is in Pendleton
attending the street fair, which Mr.
tiissliiimi ay is much beyond his ex
pectationo end exceedingly creditable
to Pendleton.
Albert Cohen and Miss Hertbi
Cohen, of Walla Walla, were guests ol
their brother, Leon Cohen Thursday.
Mi-- Lena Cohen returned from Culi
lomia mi Wetliiesdiiy, and alter visii
uig in Pendleton briefly, left for tier
home at Walla Walla.
Mayor HeN, of Walla Walla, accom
panied hv his family, have been visi
tors in Pendleton, attracted beta bj
the famous street fair. The mayor bus
extensive business interest here, also,
that demand his personal attention
every once in u while.
From Athena tlie following were at
th. tair: Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. Hill.
Mi Jack t'raig, Miss Nellie liitliens,
A. J. Willabv, Herman Llppold, Dave
Love, William Well-. Charles Dunn,
Louis Ilergevin. Tom Newport, Frank
Mornn , Kd Ksjnt, Key. Meliord W.
Smith. '
Nicholas Lux, of Walla Walla, who
has spent the last three year- at Daw
-on City ami Nome, is a visitor at the
fair, lie say there is lots of gold in
t .at coiiutry, ami i- 01 the opinion,
notoithituiiiling what other sav, that
Nome i going to be a great camp next
William Scott, proprietor of the
Hiditwa) spring summer resort, came
down Thursday and will visit here
several duyi. A partv of Pendleton
gentlemen an- going Ui take a bunt
through tlie monntalni noxl November
mid make their noadqttertON al Mr.
Heotl ' hotel.
Jajnai scott. of Athena, Ii in Poodle
toll. Mr. Sett is a prominent larnn r
of his section, but ha- other interests
und employment which entitle him to
more than passing notice. He is un
artist ami entitled to enrollment with
liaslern Oregon's literati. Mr. Scott is
cartoonist of the Athena Press and has
recently named t ut nam gmsi work,
with Clark Wood. ,,( the Weston
Leader, ami F. 0, Hull, of the Milton
Kagle, us victims.
The Quoon In Slate and Proflosior Utam'
Clauoi ol Uanoari.
The anean of the Pendleton Street
I air ami Harvest t aruvntl will appear
in state with lull court retinue at
I r.ier opera house thin evening. I'rof.
J. N. Heggs' cl.i--e oi dancer- will
he present in full force .1 on Monday
Toning. Ihc program ha- been
slightly changed with some pleuniug
new teutures added. The setting of
the stage w ill hi a pretty sight. I be
dancing of the children, anil tin- intro
duction of two or three musical num
bers by the best talent ol Walla Walla
and Pendleton . will 110 doubt he
heartily enjoyed
Will Siurgis. us court jester, will be
present in full regalia, und il In
graceful movements as he glides uMiuid
over the stage do not pro, lie favorable
comment, it will not be hi- fault.
This court cervmuiiiul is one of the
prettiest mid most attractive of the
entire fair. Admission. Adults, BO
cents: children, H cent-
Court Street Ilia Plaoe, 10 O'clock
Saturday Poronoon, tho Tunc.
I lie exhibition or parade of driving
horse. Ikith double mid single, will
lake place ut In o'clock Saturdav fore
noon on Court street. They will be
judged at that time and the award
made, Thi I according to the wishes
of the livestock committee, consisting
ol Joe Hoch, John Hailey, jr., and
sum vorehaw. Rntriei may be made to
either member of the committee, at
any time, but the nicker it 11 done
the better they would like it, for it
would prevent too big a rush ut the
time lor entries to close.
It must la' understood that the animal-
competing in teams must ba
owned and driven by one man. It is
aineoted thut the sin, wing of driving
horses 011 this occasion will ls lurge
mid imposing. Many entries for single
drivers have already been made and a
few enl riei ot team
Kxlubilors are instructed lo have
their animals there promptly ul H'
o'clock lor inspection by jiulgei.
.Third Public Wedding.
The third public welding of ,e (ar
occurred ut Ssati this afternoon, the
uriueipnll being William Oliver of
Kelto. and .Miss Manny Kl lie, of
Uklai). ihc marriage wu perlormed
by tho Rev. F. L Vothm, president
of the Puudletoii ucuduiuy.
On Thousand Chlldron.
Children from tlie public Mhooll
und Pendleton ucaiinmy, and from out
side point, to tho niluiljur of 10UU as-
laemhled ami paamd thrmtgh Ihe" main
fair and Midway thle afternoon. The
hearty arqaleeeene of Mr. Jnbonr, of
the Midway, I" the plans of the usso
eiatlotl committee in granting tlie free
dom ill nil the attractions to the child
ren, was u great source of pleasure to
1 those direct Iv interested and was up.
predated, Tl"' sight of WD many child
ren in a body, seeing tlie sights and
enjoying themselves, was an inspiring
Pondloton Woelen Mllli Booth.
The booth of the Pendleton woolen
mills at the fair Is one of the uiot
representative of all that have been
titled up Wool of different kinds MO
shown in varum- slate, from the Lime
it leaves the back oi the sheep until
ready to be spun. The ceiling nl the
booth i covered v ilh wool- oi many
different colors fantastically Brianged
witli a inot pleasing 1 'fleet to tie eve.
Ill tlie foreground is a IplendW mlbe
tion of photographic landoMpe work,
the entitle work .d R, V. Judd,
Visitors at the f air
Among the many fr.uu Walla Walla
in attendance at the fair are the follow
ing: Walter P. Moore. Mr-. M. A.
Oronell. Mrs. Ryan, Beatrice Ryan,
JameeO. Kid well, Mrs. Klehle. c. R.
Uriffltti and wife. Robert Mellon,
Richard .Mcl ean, D. Herrlok, Oeorge
i;,t -er. John Bachtold, Loo hi Ran, K-
C. Ileister. Peter Werner, imiy
Mat.ei, Qui New berg, Nick Beldiih,
Walter Williams, Henry Him kiiiau.
Tom Kerrlek.
Both Husband ami Wife Still Alive, But
Nslthor Is Expected 10 LtVO,
Fred Kane, the miner, who slot hi
wife and daughter, al their home near
flnmptor. Wednaiaayi 1- -till alive, a
ie alo hi olio, but neither of them Is
expected t" live
Than are many conflicting report.
It seems the man was seized with a
udden lit oi Inaanlty while at home
with his family in the mountain,
anOttl three miles' Is'Vond RuniptCT, He
went into the bedroom Hourllhlng
hi gnu. saving that he WM goinc
hunting. Hi- wife asked him to wait
until daylight, He then shut the door
and shot tlie child, an s-yeur-old girl,
then came out and shot hi- wife jot
Itelow the heart .
Not seeming to realize what he had
done, he asked hi wife who I hoi the
babv. Taking in the situation, -he
replied gently thai the did not know,
hilt wa going to try and lind out, and
asked him to go witli her, winch he
did. Reaching the outside ol the
kooee, revert says the woman sent her
boa band bark to gat hi- hat ami it
and -he then ran to 11 neighbor'!
cabin for help. Hefore enough men
could 08 obtained I pa with the
crazy man. he had lired tlie cottage
and escaped to 11 cabin further up the
mountain, where he shot blmatll be
low the right nipple
Tlie wounded w ife, with the neigh
bors, returned only to Bud her house
burned to the ground and the body of
her wounded daughter a blackened
crisp. Mr. Kane was found and dis
armed, mid friendl took both husband
and wife to the sumptcr boapital.
Roth oi them are well connect '. I. and
have stiHui high here, where they have
lived a number of year.
James :.umy and Charles Voormes
bet Awav From the Penttcnltarv.
Walla Walla, Spet. 91.-Jame Mur
ray and Charles Voorbeil, convict- No,
leTB ami MM, aaaaped from the nte
mill at the state peuitoatiar) at 1
o'clock last evening and Up to a late
hour this morning nail not beet appre
hended. The men were under the
direct charge of Kngineer W. II.
I o 1. manner and NighlWOteh l id Mi"
Don Ml I at the time the escape oc
curred ami tl othcer are blamed lor
uol keening a closer watch upon the
men. They had been kept al (be mill
to repair a pump an I it wa about an
hour after the regular force had de
parted that the e-e.ipi urred.
Warden Catron offer- I'm reward
each for the capture of (be prisoners.
Martial Law Leasas.
inhesion, Sept. 1!!. Mayor Jon, -proclaimed
that martial law would
cease at noon li day and the civ il au
thorities would aeume the direction of
municipal affair-. This was done at
the magaatioO of Gen. Scurry, who ex
pressed the belief that the conditions
had reached such a atnta mat the civil
authorities were able to cope with the
situation Thi-. however, doe- not
mean the immediate withdrawal of the
military, They ere to co-ocerute w ith
the city otliciuls in the enforcement ,,!
order and will continue on duty us a
pan 01 the government,
Corboll Will Return.
London. Sept. l'1. Iii an loterviea
Corbet t, the prize lighter, suys he w ill
return to the slate- Wednesday next
and f ee the charges against him. He
says a j - r- 1 1 .1 1 friend lied about him
to his wife mul led her to believe
cluirg which letters ami eublegram
received -how were fajag He love- Ills
wife .nid will return lo show 'be is not
Unfaithful, also to prove toe light will,
MoCoi was not a fake. He had a
healed argument witli Coiisidlnc, who
said that fjorbetl would have to ret irn
ui olice.
Hawaii tor Hawaiian!.
San Francisco, Sept. Jl. Advici
from Honolulu: Reg let ration for the
November election shows a melorit)
of ten Hawaiian- to one while poreon
Itepuhlicans and democrats concede an
overwhelming majority ir tin- native
iiarty that stands for "Hawaii lor
To the Ladies of Pendleton:
We call your attention to the
Latest Imported Novelties
Such on French Embroidered Taffeta Silk fronts, latest
I 'un , 1. in embroidered Schlffono, Gerrpnn spangle
Hritssfls net, latest Sclilffone AppK(tra trimniiag, ge
our eaat window for Endiea' latest Buropoaji novaltlei
m ladies' wraps and many other imported lines that
will attract tin a) n,
Wc arc the Leaders of Fashion.
Rnportsd Bv I. L. Ray lo.. Chicago
Board or Trado and Nrvv York Stock
Bxohaime Brokers.
Sent, -i .The wheat markei wa
vnai and strong bv turns today. The
liquidation which was in evideiue yes-
teniay wae continued on.a larue Mali
at the opening, which carried prices
from s-i'i to inu in ten mlnntee,
I nun thi point there was a recovery
to M'., , closing M M, Liverpool
closed M lower, 84). Htncks higher.
Money. per cenl .
fjioee yeaterday, W 14,
Open t'.day. !-i'4.
Range today, iwTj to si .
ci. -e today, M .vs.
per cent-rebate.
I , I ' I ! V , ' Till' BmMStMM .....
... I. 1.... 1 111, . i 1 . ! 1 1 .V; , , ..
purchaser ol gomls from our st.,r. In "
imonnl of his purchase, due prices Hr 1 '
than moat of our eomiHitlton prices hm !"
get Is'iier acquainted w in, ib.: r'si.tS jf!
ton. and Umatilla countv. we intend I,,
one wl... buys something ,, pressntT,
' --. !' "nrt ti. r'
DonN ntMlhiscbance i f satuea
dollar or two on u suit of cloths
"A Hindoo H00J00
o Iv " A II indoo II,
at I ,
wi rAIKi
vttse 0110.11. lo 11 .11101. 00 1 I lit III. 'I '
all tin scat ami boxee tiown itain and
a goodly number nl the gallery, The
play la a mirth produow Iron the
-tart, ba'ed upon the principle ol
Hindoo superstition and tin o-ophic In
lief that a person may projoel hi
astral body or soul from hi human
bndy, and alter traveling areiiml
through space have it return to the
body. The souls of the two principal-,
having beep projected, got into the
wrong bod 1 01 when the) returned to
earth, and IbeOI BUmeroni absurd
ItnatioM resulted. The audience were
kept in a continual goisl humor.
All persons knowing Iheinselevs in
debted to me will please call and settle
their accounts. II. M, BL0AM,
At tona, Indian territory. Wcdm s-
dav, Poil matter Dlimuke was shot ami
Inatantly killed by Dam Aahtoo, a
well-to-do itoekroan, Dlimuke'i sou
rii-he! to Id lather assistance, and
was aleo -I ot. He died mon alter.
l 1 ii after mi during the
Htlr between the lors oi
three and live we will
-erve our
Bennett & Tarbet, Props.
Opera HOUOS Itlnck, Court S'reet. I'eunletan.
Department Stores,
1 all line of Jackets, Capes, Ladies
Tailor Made Suits nnd Wrappers
are just in. Tint; art new ami
You Can Get
The Celebrated Pilsner Beer
in bottloa, duliveretl to any part ol city, ut
$1.50 per Dozen.
oaw Bottlnd hv Cioo. J. Pottrir
t loffeC tree to all. ( olije ii
and have a cup. It i.
ItlOng and pungent.
Owl Tea House.
l-ancy leas, Collces, .Sphva. etc.
Lvrrytfting that It kept in a first
flan, up to date tit m ttorr-
1(5 Court St.
Hr. W.J. and Mrs. lane,
ernduati the Aanvkai
SebiHil of tMeafathfi n
Kirkeville. Mo., rr p-r-imiiieutlv
bs'ated it 701 .
aoraer ol Tbonnnea unl
Alia Htnwtl, IVmllrtmi.
laveitigatiou Respectfilly MM
ll, HI'T I'IDU (ll
't. ,m6lw..
,ir wispSK rr
mi -iMWjH
llCWvlimit 13 i"iutiiwn yi --
. .w r , pgJ
1 l IIP. MB
ton oriv"
1. -1 -itronti abatisl
s ..UUK'k VmMdM
Stock with Groceries to its Full Capacity.
Warm MoKinley to spoak.
t'hicago, Sept. 21. It is possible
that Praafoani MoKinley maj make
several speech, - In the West helore II, e
eos' of the campaign. To induce tin
is one of the objects of the visit which
.senator llaiinuwill make t,. (anion
next Mliulav.
o IllllillllS
steal ing
Ud NavtOo l.o.,.i 1
10. ......iv A r s:..... .j.
j a, .1. eu,i,
ported this morning thut a
eru .ruona liaml ol .Nat;ti
i..i. .1... . 1 '
11 11 ui.' miiuiiiiiiiiii msi are stealing
ami slaughtering cattle ami meoioimi
the I i Ves ol sett brs
Puraliases kvening Paper
San Pranaiato, Kept, kl. W, n.
Ileurst arrives here tomorrow, ll is
rumored be has purchased the Bvi n.
ing Poal in San rraaoiaeo and the i.,,.
Aniielei lleruld.
0. R. Demott's More is filled with everything
in the (irocery line to lull and overflow intf.
In Staples
In l:ancv Goods
The line is ifa ist
to We round in tlie
The store contains
tlie vttry Itest that
money oan buy
If Vmi Want
Hruits, Vegetables. Butter, Chickens, bggs,
Vot. DaW findtheiu at tliis Store-
OJ. Demott
SSL'S am u. N-ier
" --"wo. J I l , til l'iillthl.U ftl..aVV.
-rv ""'ivp, itlllt
TATOAl BROS., Proprietors.
and Fugs. vr
MaJh Strt. Pendleton u