jjjjj Buy Olothing From The Hustlers Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. 4 feast I .1, I r. - tit THDR8PAY, BglTEMBEH 20, 1800, READING THE HAND. Prolossor Starling Tells the l.liaracter litlci ol Leadlna CltlseaSa I'rnfessor Sh'rliiiK, in cliiotfe of t lu palmistry department of the I. urn ore goutsn, Ihih already reed tin palms al u number .if Pendleton', hmding citizen-, a number 'f then will io pub I lilted (run dnv to day, nm of this Hhi tin' foiiiiwiiiK haw bean selected for lu.lay ' iasue: J. E. Krausa, Western Union. Vim like t" carry mil t inpleti n iilii'thiiik! ynii MM cnmuiciiivd, bill ymi urr not greatly aiwojfed by fnterruiH lion ami mo Ihv line tuing i ' v and take op anotbes without roach dm advantage! You mi very tbofuach sod patient, run DOtwatftrata roar til ogl ti when occasion rot) n i nm il and fnHi w niit ii rabjeot matte in ull Iti detaila, Ymi are capable el coneoootlve think jag, never tedious and ituterall talk to the Mint. Ynu aim always in ! in i-iKiii i ircuniHtaiii'cs and will live Im-i iint tilt- uvitniirc nun. H. H. Weasel. Muiuhant. IIippinoMd i- all around ymi ami alan ymi will bold npnlilir offloe, but it will In' in the MMth. You trill live to I old Mli Ynu never will be wealthy, but ymi will never lie in aunt nml ymi will bavi- many Irlenda, J. M. Ucntlev. Real Estate. Vnii are lacliited tn pome an open an i dlred uutitee. to axnraai your sentiments fully mi nil ooeaafonii in Iiilb' riiHorvc in regard to im- lurtiinalc Hpin-cli. Vmi an' sincere and frank and kfoiierully express your thoughts ami emotions ill a clear and saaqoivooal wanner , Your friends all likv ymi und tliuy sec botb your vir tue and vour faults. Vou arc popular uii-! will live to yood old iikfc. J. F. Koblnsuu, Domestic Laundry. Von arc of u very inirtbfnl diepooltOD and en ji iv life to it fuliuiU extent. Van arc lioHpitabli' and deliirht t on tertain your friends. Von ari' vry popular uiiKiiitt those wbo know you. Y5 rinrinrs murrewis vmrvrv r3 I I e isnt 1 I the material That kjoen into your repaired vva'.ch tbut result in a perfeet job. It In the KNOW HOW that doe., the hilHines. Any I'lHiuler can buy the fine kinds of material that l une in repairing; but SKILL ll the inoHt valuable material that eaa be uaed in watch re- pairing and tic bungler can't buy it. I Nell iiiv skill (or what i' I worth, and it will, coat you leu than Dangling ut lower price. L HUNZIKER, I Jeweler and Optician. . . a 'Xi UiHir lu AlexauaU-r ,V lU xlvr's. . la 8 VAJLfiJ. iMJLSLSUL SLSULSLUtASLSLS. SL- During Carnival All our Dinntr Set- will 10 per cent. Also all kinds of Lamps will be sold at a Big Discount. This is an MM) irtunitv to gat the best articles at very cheap picea, c:ull and see them whether you want to buy or not. Oregon Bakery and Grocery Chas Roluman, Prop. 3g and 311 Court Strtiet, - Pendleton, Oregon. Winn. noeratJy beloved and von have no cmMiiifx. Vmi are inclined to in' verv orderly ami systematic in nil your awarajaaienta. Von fan keeii n Mmet and bava steeliest reasoning powers. Von have a uoisi head ling and yon Vfll live to gOOd old akie. Joseph Ell. Harness Merchant. Tlir moet striking feature of Mill pa in is u,e in,,. ,,f a linaiii-ier in the I nolay world. Ureal undertaking in t h i palm's rule. Nothing of defeat or failure is MM in it. Very llnent with p.'ll or voire, tin' bund in of a MMNMI Mil. i enternrletng man. a promoter of ' I'll "I I'- utlair. oiir lines indient t '.ii vmi have alrealv sneiil nimiev in Jronr life anil I would Ml be if ynu iiad krone thronuh a I enterprise, It r( make differ, nee however, for von Mirpnm irtlllle in Inn littl have I in aiMiny to make mure, inn neein I one creui refiio inn pnverf. ami in llllence oyer other; one h i niunt b ami who it woulil he a ilitli. nlt ta.k to lorce, ion have been Boenstoned i. oaaini; your W IShe re-pecteil ami Vollr r ile 1 to he ntatiOf more than w-rvatit You ur dotneetlo in your taMee.. S'ni have ireat love for your fumilv and an a man WhOOB honor DOOM rKH he oiia. a 1 1 V a a a. a . . . am, i "ii aim your iieaii n w ill rOOfl remain inicpnrahlc c pan Ii ,i you nve a me inouiie flrict ohe.lienci to nature law . all a) the Baal Orefnoian offloe ami u'et the prepared iheet for takiiikr the outline ot the palm. At am driikririHt ' jret 5 eent wort I ot tannic acid, uid a teapoohfui ,, water, mix well ami then apply t loth palm, rtihliink! your palm to ir tln r o a t,. have liiol"tlire HUietral, I he line, etc., tnoroiikihly. Tli place your haml on tlie paper. In. Iilini! I Ihen leadilv and with preHure for I WO minute. Keep vmir luinil tints mi the sheet, then raie ham! irently inly ne a nuiail amount of the acid mixture on your palm, jut enoiiirb I color uo palm, lio not have it in "freak mi the pulm, beeauae tbul .viii make it hiur mi the iiiipreiuon peel . Jiireciioti how to remove the laiu f i in i the palm: Wuh hand in vim I'l.r tle'roUk.'lilv ; ttien ue Hoap a ii- ml. .liter imprei. n ot 1 111111 1 - tin liech ink. 11 return -beet to the Kuat Urekron 11111 ailuee, 1.' 1 with anv iiaiiie vmi deir... and nuie will he real by l'rof leeeor lerliiikt. and the readiiii.' puh liabed la the Kat Qtegonlaii . M.ail 1 1 - -riher.- want Hit' the heet will enclose IV for pmta.'e. - Worse Tnan War. Hundred are kilhl in war, but i- of tboiinund are killed by I coiciuiiiptimi I here would la' In 1 death', at nil caue'l bv thin terrible diaaaw, ii laaude could la' made to un derhand thai Bfailob'l OOOgfa and 0111 auinption cure i a ure remeily if taken in the early Mtaite. J'i ct-., 5(1 eta. and III a bottle. Druaxlstl will refund the I nionev if a cure i not i'theti. Tall- man i (.:., leuilnik! ilriik!k!i"l. Five Hundred Acres tor Rent. Han ii a bargain. Five hundred acre ui luhble laud two and miedialf mile eat of Helix lor rent for eah. Til IM bind ia excellent (or wheat and anyone wishing to rent land should loveetlgate chi otter. Apply to or write to Edwin Rtuhi Athena, r. - Allen Halva-rami of West I'rairie, Wll , av: 'i'eople 00ml ten mile 10 bay Poley'l Kidney Cure," while J. A. Spun, ol ilelnier, Ind.. aay : "It la the medical wonaat of the aie." Koenuen'i Pbarinaie, Week in- wld Iam markets. i-ocai wneat Market Not Affected by aastein Advance. 1 enuteton, Sept. JO. The mnrkeil auvance in wheat at I'aKtern jiint and Liverpool ha marcel v afteclei V ai market, the advaiKW lieiiin fully ahaorla'd by increase in prbH "i umsriere at -i on laim and nifrel Siuim rums, reporters are ofleriiikt 4U centa nir no, 1 club and 4S (or bin. .stem 1 nese prices are oeensimiallv shadi) hnlf-eent in tin' interest of' the farnu wnen the warwhounwosea gel to bidding .iirecny Hk!inst each other. Hie nlaivv are prices mr krrnin that is free to ha o inereo 10 any warehouse whlcn mnv ia- ilesiiii.ateif by the purchaser. Wheat In Portland. Portland, tent. 10. -TboOoMmerclal neview in its issue today sas of th wnent market : The local market lias DeeO lair and heavy the area let part m the week )iil closed. Values have not cnanged mucli bat 1,,,. averakte has rarOO a little linrher. At lime then has oesn considerable Strength and activity shown. The Situation sl-oiik! as to farmers views and the majority of them will sell, they claim. wnen they can cet .ihc Bt home. Tbi mean llU to 114 ben- in rorllniid I he carno market dnriiik; the wea'k ad vanced somewhat but nut e Safe to )Ustify exporter- to pay any aaeh priit a- larmers want, l-arniers have not oeen oirering dnrtaa the week, sales reported an' verv few . It looks as if hikrlier prices will have to rule to in iinco the lariner to let on. Shirks ut tidewater, here and at Pugel Sound are very larire. enousrb on hand to load every v el chartered prior to January 1. Leading reports (rung the Sound stale that there is a wheat blockade ami unable to ,( room tn nut wheat into warehouses. Two vessels cleared w ith IgS.OOO centals of whent the past SWek and about six more will Hntsli mis motitba At no time has any ship la-en detained this season for want of wheat, ami Ibis fully demonstrates that exporter have plenty of wheat mi hand to meet their requirements for chartered totinakrc. We nuote club, 5T0 bluestein, "iUc'j . valley, iMIr ar bushel, as exporters' bids. Whoat in San Francisco. San Francloso, lept, M. The wheat market here are somewhat lirmer: crop new- (nun all oer the -late lias peen vary disappolntlnga The tonnage in iirt dlsenkjtikteil is (our vessel a Parmer have put scllinu freely this week but exporters show erv little anxiety mer Hie fact as they are well tilled up with wheal at their respect iw waaTSahoUSeS and bava' enoiiktb (or all pressnl naads and are not over animus to work for wheat at funcv prices. Shipping i oiioted at 11.(15 a-r cental; nllling, 11.07 'j to 1. 10a Wool tn Boston. Boston, Sept. L'n. I inline emit 1 hues 1. 1 weaken prices. Trade in territory wool is piulicnlarlv slack. Territory Scoured basis, Montana and Wyoming! line medium and tine. 17 to 18c; scoured. ftOe; stnple, 5'J to Vic; I'tah, tine medium and tine, ltl to 17c ; scoured, to ."Hie; staple, U Ui 5S0i Idaho, line niedium and line, in to 17c; scoured, 4S to 50c: staiilc, U t" He, Australian, aeon nil basis Sjsit prims) Oomolnga superfine, nominal ly, si' to K7c; kjoiiil, Ml to H2c. Wool in San Francisco. San Prune ioso, Sept. aii. Wool -gpring, Nevada, ll to i.ie; Bastsrn Oral hi to He; Valley, Oregon, 6 l" I He; fall, mountaiii lamb, ll to lo, . Humboldt and .Mendocino, Id to ll'c. Wool In Portland. I'ortlnnd, Sept. 2tl.- Wool Vulley, IL' to .tc for course, 15 to hc (or bet ; Eastern Oregon, 10 to 13c ; mohair, l" per pmind. Eastern Livestock. OhiOagO, Sept. 10, -Cattle - Native steer, sti'adv t" 11 sbnde 1 1 . w er ; I ill tche r stock, Western and Texans, steady steers, 6.U to I&.8&; t.:5 to S4.g6. hl, k. L'.7'i to M.00 COW, k(oo,l to prime poor to medium, and feeder-, is.ttu to n. to heifers, fil to f.i; cannon, 12.20 to fs.sui Duiia, 12.no to M'OOl calves. $4 In 0.g0i Texas tad steers, t4.4H In $5. 1 5 . fras-i-rs, fl "SI In $4 :l; hull, tL'.T". to :i.V). Hugs I ail over, Slim j luarket, ac- UVU M hikther; top, fo.lio; mixed and butchers, ft .15 to k"i.ial); (jisid to choice heavy, IS, Id to f 6.J6' .. ; roucb heavy, 14.00 to 16.00; light, I6.M to M.0li hulk of sales, 15.211 I" 15.45. ShiH'ii Steady, lambs. II) to 20c lower j good lo choice wether-, IS.gg t. 14.25; lair to choice mixed U.25 to :t.WU ; Western sheen. 2.m5 to S4.25; Texan-, 12 fid to :i.40; native lambs, 14.10 to 5.S'i; Western lambs, 15 to j.75. Five Thines. The five diseases for which Sbilob'h ( oiiMimiil ion t'ure is esis.ciallv recom mended, are Coiikrh, (.'olds, Whisii.iukt C'oUkrh, Croup and (Niiisuuiptinu. No iiiisiicine ni r mane nv man is I'linsi it in any ia ,. t. rsiid in.;. 1 positive ktuuranlie. Monev back if it fail. 25 i ts, 50 eta and 11 a Isittl Tall man & i. DR. ALKIRa HtAHD FROM. Ha Is u.iiic IndiK'iant al the Raporls Conoarnlne Him. Dr, J. W. Alkire, who. it was re pirted, hit I a i el I e h in in aoiuiuuy will married woman about two week an", writes tin' lollnw in.' letter, w itl out plaice Oaf dale, ahich be reapieslH the r.a-t uri'iioiiian lo print. o the Kdilor. A vou iiuhliahoa! the article against me without IHVeatl Ratine oolli times ul the atory ol my alli'kosl eloiuuient, 1 wisli you to puu- lisU my side of it, ami 1 w lali to uao mr column to repudiate the blackest lie that ever w.i- placed liefore the uhlic, as presented by tbo "Trib une. Vmi slated, as ia-r diclatioli, that Mrs. I'l i'hter wa under aHiypiiotic m- BliaMS. HisSj if asked, which .be waa not.) would very quiefcly tell you that sucii was nut the caw. 1 would to (iml I could use this power. 1 would em ploy it on a few pefOOAl in your city In lease them to tell the ah.-. nil. truth, which tbaV are not able ti do by lUsrnSslvSS There are a (ew o( tbo biukje.t, blackest liars, with tbo kinallest prlneipie. residing io i'uiidlu tun, that (iisl ever permitted to exist in one plana at one time. "Meeting clandestinely." Now, 1 will say, that never was a livery team hired for that purpoau, hut once, and then rilh the full council t of ail In terested parties; never hut two walk, taken, and thity again with (ull con ant of all parties iutereatwi. I always hold the kindest regard for all my patients and auo no banu in it. Now for that "Tribune lie." I will forfeit $500 to any man who cau prove me a muchly married man, or s dia lurber o( the "dolneatic (elieilies" poked by the Tribuue. There ia jut one man, more prtiporly a thiug, who ever uttered such a atalcmen I . and that party .poke of the same thing wliile 1 wa. there and, if he dou't lie out of it, lie will nay bo waa calltal dowu over that dirty falaeln.!. Hi. ueme l. not I '.hi. k but synoiioinou. lie knows hi. name, and he ia a liar, and I will (orfoit the above Uieuliuiiud aUUl (OT hull Ul plane the aUUout'iit. II he can t prove it, which I ileiv an) livinit man to do, then it is mv turn Threi' years in rorlland i anotln 0110. 1 can prove, as anv one else can by ktoini? lo my 0000 in Pendleton ami lonkiiik: at my diploma, that have not beaui in practice three veers and prior to the Issuing of the di pb'ina, I can nfOVO iuap presi'in'e at school in l.os anfeles. Calif. To the public: I will anv that while many thiiikr are la-inn ebnresjd iikrainst me. I am able and willnikt t ktlve them sncb evi.lence of my past noird from the cradle to the present time, that no atnuht will linger their brains, as to wbo is InckiiiK virtue. DR. .1. W. Al.KIKK Tin- lelta-r nseeivud from was uoetmarked at Mary Pr. Alkir, ville, Mi aouri, but parlies who know bin recently from P rtlaml, report having seen him in Hint City within the pa week and assert that he is still then at this time. The doctor could bav written tin- letter printed alMive am sent il to some iriend in Marvsvill who nailed it there. A New teIUt Matsh. V miib Ii has at last Is'eti diooovere which can be maiiufactiired ahsolutel witln nt the the aid of phosphorm riiis safely match contains neither re nor ve ow nhiistih.irus nor a , of pfiosphours. hut posoesaas the grai ndvantakie of being able to be miiniifin rarea wnn ine pnini ami miicninerv hitherto In ITSO. Invention still stri.b inward through every line, ami vi mere are some t Ii ings w Ii ich seem mi lerious, to Improrement. For Instan . -tetter Moinaeh Hitters. TTiat fumons medicine, has stiid unequal le for liflv veers us a corrective i stomiia'h disorders. Imitations huv pruiii! in- aomit it. bin ikea beacnii light, it has atooil immovable, point mii: the way to health frnm all siicl ailments as constipation, ludlieotlon ivspep-m. in I ioiimii'-, sliik:k.-ish liver weak kidney. Arrivals ai Hotal I'ondleton. Wm Malier, Portland, 8 H Martin, Portland, aloha II Dos lev, Portland, R s Bdgerton, Seattle, T L Rogura, Bnokane, I K Cochran, Huston. II Preston, Walla Walla. .1 (' Mackinnnii, (ireai Northern i r.inma Stott, Walla Walla. M !' Hrennan, San I rancisco. .1 A LaUckel, I'ortlaml. i tionsacker, Hnohane, 0 I. Wordaa, Portland. Mrs Adams, Adam. Uitt.i Bell,. Portland, Al Barnes, Portland. K B May. Portland. 1 nn .i Mitcbhi, Ban francleoo, 0 W Phelp, lleppner. W Hunt, Portland. .1 l Mann, Portland ('has Btnbling. Hm halloa. .1 W Buaasll, Port land. w i: Qlasudinnlng, Porltand, w w Bobaneon, Portland K io Bameey, Portland. II L Lata, Sew York. P W Custer. Nan I rancicso. .ia. VnnoOa sun Prancl II K Harris, Portland, (irant Oopeland, Walla Walla. GeO Stearns, Sp,,kiine. i W llarirs, Portland. 0 k stacv, Portland. A 1 Slillmati ami wifa', cili-. Mi Kalling, Walla Walla. 1 rank l.ee, San Kraneirn'o. Irs .1 W Ituckley, Sail I'raiicics. s I. iirfioks, Bumtnervllla. Thus Wade, Summery 1 1 le Mrs ,i t Wolfe, Union, That Throbbing Hoadachu. Would quiekly leave von, if you used lf. King's New " Life Pills. Thousands ot sufferers have proved their mat. bless merit fur sick and nervous I eaikni lies. They make pure blood and Strong nerve ami build up your health. Kasv to take. Try them, only 'J.'i cent. Money hack if not cured. Sold by i'alluuiil . Co., drug gist. Bids lor Carnival Knolosurs Lumbar. Healed bids will Is- received al the headipiarler hoitli in the fair and carnival ground up to Saturday, Bet lemba'r 'i, at 10 o'clock p. in., for the mrrheae of the lumber of the fair SnOOS iilnl enclosures, bids tu Is- cash in advance. h'ds will be consideled for the entire lot of luinchr. or dr any part. The curniial association reserve, the right to reject any or nil bids. Inquiries may ! made at the luad- liiarters lusith. PKNDLRTON HTREKT PAIR IND CAatMVAl ABrKHJIATION. No Keller for Twenty Years. I had bronchitis for twenty years." anl Mrs. Minerva Smith ol liaoville. III., "and at time- have been bedfast, I never gut relief until I had taken Kolev's lloiu'V and 'lar. ll i- iib a ant and gives qulcll relief, and is a sure cure for throat and lung difUMaa." Take in, Hung etaM, For Sal. oOO acre of straw for sale, Address IMw in StubLls pasture and IM miles east ul Helix. Itush , At lii'iui, I Iregi OMfcN and .in iiiKlhui laru y Y " - ' ii. i I i must eookpeileut to upiiias'iuU' Uiu put lit, twwUl.u. .lad 'laU'iaiy ul I II' I'll SOA lul ll 'tally . lu It. '. mall purlf) l.l II' IIS1, lla. s Ull I I" J I naaa it ,a'U ii-i i I lu ( rkatilav tfiuolllviai, i-la,.!,.- lupajltl. , Ui mail I, .,! iklU 1'Uiaj ia..d ,,,,,, ., , uat It. uu.T. ...a 'llvlila, fyiiiii, .uii U.'.uUI)lliKtliBia,iiii,!0i,, hands. ii., u iu , uinl in ii,,- lunn ,.f vatuli, . in,. I M,lu Ii n. lur aiaenlire wealueasr., aiaiiaitlng lll.l ill. .Hi. Mll'i a-lualllifs, luu Ilia- ,.i uSl'Malt. p'l-ah.,lli,i,, in,. ,- niftut , laliuUt f l.urisasajs win, ii mail toy iiu.gcst Uiauisiilva.. imaliy i.r nic I.- , 17 .a it -'"' '"--. will prulu ul aVluIlUlitlag laLlat dl. Saa4lltr Cvk, . av.' i l..,Ull.. ...,UI 1' .1 T III. I...1.I ,. I'i...Uu4. 'ailu,U.sli.j. 'fcai. it I sole ttr Wishing Ui retire (rom biiaiui -s I utti i my entire atock (or .ale at coat, couaiating o( .riH.t.-, llNHJJJ, La c and Silk fJiirtaiun Porticrs. Hra.s-suuJ Iron litdstta i-, (Quiches, Wall Paper, Shades, Sowiua; Machine . anu oilier thing, tajo numerous in ul luu Chalice ol a life time buy tbeae good, clnaap. J ESSE FAILING I', i.dli luo, Oregon. HO IM, CONTKST. Jack NeMahon Knookacl Khl WaltOS Oat In the Seventh Round. The boxing pun toil in PrasoT nnem a Mi I. .... . a '. . noose vii-ine-.iay evening drew n in i r house. The contestants were .lack Mr Mah on. of San Franolino, and Kid Walton, of Portland, It wa to have been W rounds, but was ended in the seventh. Then were several prelim inaries to "jadly" the crowd and keep them in a gnod humor. It was nearly 11 O'clock when Kid Walton made bis appearance in ine ring, and quite a while after that Jack McMahon carat to the front. There was BMaTS than the usual wrangling over tiinekociters referee, etc.. but everything watinallv arranged ami time was Canada McMahon weighed IU8 ai-.d Walton less than 180. The disparity in thier weight and slrenglb was apparent fn tn the first nml (ears were entertained that the former would cat the lalt with. ml salt or pepia-r. Hut il was light from start to Bnlsh, although Walton wa OHtolaMUU ami beaten, in the opinion o( the spectators, iroiu the second round. I here were numerous knockdowns and pretty work ducking, so thai il wa quite an enhihition of the tiianlv art The llnih wa seen in the sevenll tonml. Walt .ui was ku tcked down and the releree counted seven. He got up and was knocked down and lav Ibers until the referee told off nine A third time he went doWfl and eight was counted. There were cries from the audience to count him out, but he again arose, and for the fourth film w is knocked down. The referee hid noted three, and Walton was pluckt- ly trying to regain his feet, when Billy Hogart, hi second. tossed up the sponge troin Ins corner, and the tight wa over in McMahon 'a favor. McMahon I hen stepped to the (rout I the ring and sai l : "I have taken pari in 107 tight and Say that I have never timl a gainer mill than Walton. I aw hi the Real Iregonian that Tom Sell, the local o hired lightweight wa going to chal lenge the winner . f tbi light. I will tight Scott for money, ami grass t" knock him out in 10 rounds. If he wants lo make a mailli here is a hance for him. " That brought tint mutter lo a lluisb and no aii'lieuce di-ierid. Mr. It was not present, so it is not known whether he will make the mulch or not. rnert Is ssore eeiarra In this Metloe el lea trvllinn.il iilliei i . ., ml Insi'llu r. nml until tin' U-i fan yes. ii eaa sapptaaMl in b. lliilltial.il'. Pol i, aiti'Hl iniotv trio-titli'turi rulliilllli'i'il ll , ...il illsi'H-a' ioi.l lita--. I lln',1 oeal remsdlaa, sud nv ritcatsnilt uihnar in 'ire Willi l.aaial I rt'.ttlla'lll , -.tlinillla'a-il It ill urn i.ie. lotenee baa ejevee eenksra in be . llslllllliaillHl UtlSaWM, nllil llla.ra'lnri' ri .pllrlllK un-lllni nl ireaiini iil Hull's i ii i hi 1 1 1 run lliNlmlat, hin'il I ay K .1. I'lu-ni't ,v Co.. let.. In. llllu, I tin ulilv i 1 1 1 ul (..Uii I i ill. .ill Ilia' iiiiirki'l. II I- htlaeii ui1. i i , in iloaas ui (ruin It'll at I . a laa n tensssitl(lll. II net. fUieCtll nil Ihi' laliNi.l Mini iinii'iauia aT.olHi'a'. ui lite BrslalM tlta'v ufTer una' luiuilri"l ilulliu. 'ur nut cm. ii r.iu in ears Bind far circulars ami t.atlsaai Hints. Aalalra's. F. .1. I'll KN K .VI II, Tiili'ilia. Illllaa. Hoi. I iiy driigaMs : at, 1111' I .11,1,1, (Mi- nre lli, tta-sl. Hot Weather Sick Children Ohlldren will get sick. The la-st care will not prevenl it. When ymi nml tbtjf an- so tin frtunato ratnambat tb.it wo can lill your pmacriptiona, and besidas tva everything lor tin- .n I. room. BROCK & MgCOMAS tTRUOGMTI met Main and Court St.., 1'i'ii.ll. tini. or those who wear Hbirts und shirt wuinla, collars, culls, nlc., the IbJieetic Laundry nil. is icciai advantanea. We never vary frnin the A I standard Kvcry article sent to us is carnal for a. wll a. Isandeted In parlaot style. Patron. liml that their linen and other eJMM sories lacl nMiah bnikfiir than was the aaMi when their work aas sent to other establishments. I'rnlit hy their ei perlenea. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY J. ft Kotinton, Prup. Tttlvpftorut 60 The la.t i bancu to VI M l 1 1 I.K. It will (uy aiiyone in trouble or liuaucial aitU -eultiea to call AT OJKJB on Miss Yamena Tin: Turkish Clairvoyant. (tmbilailoa HuiidiuK - mm JLISt WEEL I AaaiMiiation Huiiduig j , . j VVVWeMtWteVAAfVWaVMVW I f - ...... i I! - I I JS i j ftaaW i ' j j j ', i ' The Pooplcs Warehongie Men e Fiirnlahera. MANHOOD iii-i v urn i , ih.pt, n air a ' 'Oi In !.. la i, I ,, I ,. ,(,. , Ilrlallll. I'laa.,.1.- f SSI "... S.HawsHiigr ISmltaa, Vatrl.'.rr lr uatal I a.nal I aaasl laaaa IIM,al I ... I.. .1 ' ' ' ' i lotstila .......fat. ai. -Will ll If laaat HMaieil lit. nil I rautl.irt's ai I aa ,.n ,,, k lUlla'H 'I I I I'tPl Nl ! aatlWII 011...I, ,, , ,,. ...u I I III' uy until aeni ,..r luani lu'iilu an. I iiaiim,. iiiiiii, ni.nuni,ioi VIM' s I I.K V I'll l,VI X , ii O. .. Hotel Pendlfton Und'-r New A Stnctly First Class KxceUent Cuhinc. Kycry Modern Convenience IUr and llllllard lio n . The lies! Motel In Vait Drail Kros., Props. GOLDEN RULE r : t. F.HUHLkN.Piuii. Ihu Oitly I rit (Ji it Iful t nihplatl HoM "i th Cily. I Of. Court ami Jo-liiisoo Slrt:tv, School Hooks and School Supplies Kerni I Is, Tablets, Oomisnoltion Hook, Lusah Itoiee, ('ra)iuiN, llixik slraH., hlale. and HsuaMsi. 7IB Main Bt. Wool for Sale Thur 'l,i i' ii vi itk I will bt) al llm I ioldtut UiiU Hotel 1 1 ' if ' lotvlod lnii mi Lot- ol Wool, No. 5, K, J Mid 7i about 500 jftTff. QOm Hlvirtxl in til Illtloptflldoni a .ui Iniu i- I rAMTVt tliw pnvilcu of rftjeoUng tnj 01 all bltltv J. E- SMITM. stfaSibi" i ' ssvvsHawawAtrstttttt Byers' Best Flour... Ti. 111 ike (god biead nee Hvers' Beat Plour. It took that )retuiuui at tb t'linago Wurbl's Fair, over all coiupati tioo, and givi . ' ttcM'iit sitlsfai-tluu wherever used Kvtry aacL is Kturauteed. We have the best Steam Ki led Hut ley, Mfd Kye and Beardleaa Barley. Pendleton Roller Mills W H. UYtKS, Prop. I., ,, n . M., 1.,. l ci, cic I' . VOU know the fill ...MS If you limi t and want tn gel bequaintad with there call at The Peoples Warehouse rtM latest for this 1'illl'a it 1 . 1 1 RESTORED "c? I Ktstssh ah) .leinn, will lent-si r r.r. ynu Ufa Srrnal V.bpH. Iitll. tt ' IH., . ,' . IU. , Mil ul Mil hi. h i I I'llO li: Isaaiatlin l . ll i-l lift W. .,r,-Mrfil.. i.a I sii iiniiiiliil uli l"ieesaiMa , lall.ni. Jam la'.U lata. V i i III. i . ITan t .a i.. ui I. no ll "I Ml.il I faar SS.IBI Iltn .ICS, Haw I'll nwmessruTa), a l t 1.1. I'S-MIII STOI. IHltTllnN l.in.ii im itl. tiire Us a Trill. Rates $2.00 i day Special Rates by Week or month Headquarters for TraViSlIng Men Lastern Oregon. Successors to J. E. Moore HOTEL rt.a "-la All trslai. Iiss Ksmsli Isaias. tlssliK ligkll. lira fi.af SsllSlag ll NIU t TON. OUfctiON MAX BAIK. (II O UAKVtiAU, flop. hlbfiuiillj Furulsufld. Uum HmImJ iiiii'ii-mi Htan. tllu. k and a -half from dapt. 5auiple Hikmm ia tonoettkVue. Km III 1 k'alt. Mk , 75C. 11.00 Hi ijho