East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 19, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Pet turn "Ail - in
The i t Oregonl.n
The East OreironUn
Will V it for
VOL. l-i-
NO. 3928
I 'L-!
g en Change Tobacco $c plug.
Frederick Nolf
PrtcM ih i " i
Candy More
Kihhon miarad, lr. Boston Fancy ,
mixed. Inc. Dwll4d nnt, i4c.
Tuffv -nape, pure gnods, a4, John
,,,11 . : rirv i rf'H ins, ir-inus, IV.
St Arrival
McKinley ami Bryan badgaa, 12e.
Walking mnaa. Mm Jap. mm ifcjrie,
V and :c. Drummer 'i eaniidr Hue
alhnmfli toilet cases, cnfT and collar
koies, BO K" rent off,
We Extend a
Cordial Invitation
to all Visitors
gflWM i" and laapeet oar MaajajUkwl Pall stork.
dnr store and -ur booth will ba aajMNj the most interest ing
attractions of the Street Fair and Harvest Carnival.
Xii batter limn tin' btat, bat I letter than the Nat,
And you'll will nay no, if vou will OOHM ami see.
Ck00l Supp'le
12 tens -Ir. etc
, ate.
Indian Baskets
shipments ol colored buakote, mad,
in Indians. Tin' line oonaiata of apw
lag baskets, humH'rr, flower baskets,
LOOK at tlir variety of I a pes
ami .tuckets for Women ami
satisfy yourself aa to tba super
iority of our lod for fvm prc
fwreaat, New abort Jackets.
Raw Lang Oftpaa,
Fall stylos in Suits nnd Ov r
coats for man Of boy. We never
bate shown a larger or bettor
ml lection. Many efcelaaive
tdi hen-, ti . You'll ire t a
bettaf idea of l)i.. stock if yon
look through It costs no.hing
to I.Mk.
See onr snittings an.l skirt
Inga varied to the taste and en
Using o the bohnldai1. Some
pain. aoBM fancy. Others with
plaid back-. Munv new grays
All of them at fOOi as yon cx-
rsOKi.WF.Alt - Kx.ellent
stvles. Kcuiiirkahly low priced.
While yon are here Mpptff your
self for the winter BOM to collie.
Satisfaction guaranteed or your
money hark if you want it.
Frederick Nolf !5!LJ1
The Boston Store
Early Fall Arrivals.
This weak we Min OUBCe t lie arriv al of srvwal lint's of Tall and Winter Goodl in
cluding Ladies' Misses' and Children Jackets. Plash, Cloth and iolf ('aj.es. Calico.
Fleeced and Welch Flannel Wrappers, Colored Wool Drees Qoods, Black Wool Dreti
Goods, Part Wool I'tidci wear . All Wool Underweir, Wool Snd Cashmere Hosiery.
Woo ami Eiderdown Flannels fll colors, silk Waists, Blankets, Comforts
New Line Golf cloths and Cheviots for Rainv-dav Skirts.
I a lies' heavy ribbed cut ton hi we . 10c Worded dress plaids, for m lead drosses. . l'."lie
Ladies' heavy ribbed hoee, double wile and heel 12'.. i -too yar 1 wo. I Ire-- jti.1h. worth LIV to ihc tic
Children's- heavy ribbed cotton hoee, all fine ltir Fleered tlannellette wrap peri, worth $1JN 96c
l..ili-s' natural fleered ribbed vest- and pants 2 V Ladles' mark int. -lies at one-half marked prices.
Ladies' natural fleeced union units. TV I'nre linen buck towels, hemmed ends, worth 35c 23c
Gray Idanketa full fixe 0V ; FSaoy rolored towels, worth 36c 2Sc
White .Marseilles uuilta 78e Pillow eaaea, .5 12lfc
All linen crash toweling To j S'-bool umbrellas 60c
We've opened up the largest line of direct Imported BUck Drssj Qoodl this week
ever shown in Pendleton. Cull and see them.
Ladies' Knox Hats for Fall.
Pendleton's Big Store.
The low nl lile at tialvesiton is eeti
mated at over HtlOO. while the lose of
prupertv will not fall abort of 112, 000,
000. The republicans of Colorado, assem
bled in dtate convention at lener.
nominated Frank 0. tioudy, of IVnvcr,
for ftovernor.
Census statistics so far rerened
how Oiat in the last decade the until
bat ol tnanulacturiim estahlishmeiits
In the I" n i ttil Mates increawsl from
:t2:?.iH to 52S.0OO.
The Sovereign Kr""d lodge of tVId
Fel lows met in this city tUy in
annual oonxent ion. The convention
i was as) hai to aMkar b) Grand Site
; I'inkinton. The aeeeinn was iMnflned
to the welcoming ceremonies.
The New York Prcslivtcrv, with the
other 2;l prestn terie- in the United
States, is getting ready 0 answer the
quest iclis of the cominittee of inilliry
I about a revision of the Confession ol
i Faith. Tliis coniniit'lee was appointed
i last May by the gaaarftl assembly at
St. l.cms.
An appeal to all Knights Ol I'vthias
I for nionev oottlributloBI to relieve the
Texas siitlerers was sent out from the
offtoa of the supreme chancellor,
I Knights Ol I'vthias, at .lanesville, W is
..'iisin. It is urged that tttonejr Ih'
raised tiy snhscriplioii IwaMrtaBtoly
j and sent to (ieorge II. (iriggs, chair
I man of the K. of Pi committee at
j Hou-toii, Tex.
- - -
The assessment roll (or IWW shows
that UrSnl coiintv has gMO horses,
14,410 cuttle, Ht,!ai0 sheep, and .Mill
nan l.amont, on president of the
Northern I'ucilic und ex-ecretary of
war in Cleveland's cahinet spent Mon
day in Portland .
The treasurer of I. a Grande is calling
in w irrants issiien prior io .-epiemoer
8, 1!I4. They hear S it cent, which
I means $'. .4 for each dollar ol Indebted
Hess. William C. Miller has brought suit
against U, A. Hurcli at eattle tor
I204U. lie alleges he wasinjurnl to
this amount bv a loaded cigar, which
Iturch pnaentaq him.
K. M. Friiilricb. about SO yeara of
age, was found dea I in hi- hed at the
farm of II. 1.. llcnts, Ktweeu Viin.ru
and Itutteville. Bonday. I'riedricb
went Imiii Portland to pick hop-.
A lirm at Whatcom recently manu
factured 2'i' cords of s.iiiml shingle
holts out of a log that had lain on the
ground for SO years. Tba log Ma IS
fii't in diameti r at the hutt and nine
feet at the smal I end.
At the Spaugh bopysrdj loor miles
north of J n i 1 1 in City, i.aue county,
Joe lluckstcp. u bo IS ears of age.
was accidentally shot in the left side
with a shotgun, and received injuires
which resultiil tat illy.
The republican campaign manager
of tin state of Idaho have asked imv-
graor (teat to oVrvoto nil ins time after
Sepleinher 2 i a id prior to his depar
ture for Oh io in October to campaign
speaking in that state.
Spoukne's postal money order service
in to he unproved. It is the intention
oi the department to make that city
an exchullge oSm Willi Bfltlafa Ool
iimhia, and later to enter the postollici
in the clearing house with tie local
Captain Wainw right and ass -i ai.i
have returned here from laistern
Washington, where they have heen
huying horses and mules tor the
United Slates cavalry service in the
Philippines. Neurly luno horses ami
2isi mules Were p'lri hll-i d.
Both Sides Are Seemingly Conlldent
of Success.
A Huee Breakwater May he Hunt at
(ialveston, Sept. Hi Ninetv-eiglit
more bod lee an- reported as having
DIM fnSM in the ure. kage. This list
is far short of the accurate nsmbef
dead found liecause no otlicial records
.p. lire kept. The total niimher of dead is
still rstimatiil at from .'moo to mxhi
THKRB MAY BE TROUBLE IT 4IDID0 TJ rrr iit ia,.wr htoo. -,.-
gresHiuan llawlev a.lvisates the huild-
o . nig of a breakwater, beginning at the
south iettv ami eitotMlng reatwrd
Strike MiDiK'r Dllcbfr Says H Will Close pnrnlleflng the diore of Galveeton
i it iki ior a insiance ol anoiit seven
miles. With a hase of ft feel ami n
crown of s feet capsd with heavy
granite bloekl he btfletea that will
break the fun i a tidal wave and
adeipintelv protect (ialveston.
IfSff Mine in Ibe Country Io
Win It Niressary.
We ure UuVi ready for Inisines-
i .-it r Washington & Columbia
Ritrar freight Sopot with u
general uswirtineiit of iHHiber
direct from our own saw mill,
and can furnish anything
proinpily Country ..rdcrs in
ar loads hips-d direct fr an
our mill in carlnud lots at
correct pricei.. dive us a cull
tor Infants and Children.
Ml Kind Vou ll;n Mvvi.v- Itoilt-ht lius borue the aijflt.
tore sTOktaflt H. Fielclirr, ttiul lius b.-n iniule under liU
nw ' wu$mnUUm tan over :to .-. Allow ..
to deceive v.m In this. OsMissisHs, luiitutloua and
iTjuai ti j.ni" nr.- bat Wnnlssssiiii ! sstatsssfSt the
i i.i. ..t . l.H.lr. ii- l.xi,. ricuce uiruinst KeriineuU
M UltU V -
The Kind You Have Always Bought
. . . . C 4 . , . a-j.
A. C. Shaw & Co.
W. J. SEWELL, fVlgr
In Use For Over 30 Years.
fs assurr
Iron Beds
Have Uken a drop and a large shipment has just arrived
.hr.H t from ihefa, SOTg alio will be aold at greatly reducod
prices t
Slaiii Street.
iMUe's AUvorlUlug Ajcucy 6
ahtttv uuuUaala lof Mlvvrustua u1 l
Joe Basler's,
Tii Papar of 'toe Peepie.
roey Beaaa It.
Tas Laraeat Ureelauoa.
eat AOverUato. Miaa.
For dlsordors of the
fominlno organs have
gained their great renown
and enormous sale bo
oause of the permanent
good they have done and
arm doing for the women
of this oountry.
If mil ailing or suffer
ing women oould be made
to understand how ah
solutely true are the
statements about Lydla Em
Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound, their suffer
Ings would end.
Mrs. Pinkham oounsels
women free of oharge.
Har address Ih Lynn,
Mass. The advice she
gives Is praotloal and
honostm You oan write
freely to her she Is a wo-
Iir W. J. and Mrs. Ken -,
graduates of the Ami roan
rkliool of Oaleopethv, at
Kirksville, Mo., an per
manently hwatud at 701 ,
corner of TIiouiomju and
Alta Streets, Pendleton.
InvestijTdtioii Respmfully N)lititl.
ALL THE NKWS! Take the Kaet
Oregoeuau. Daily Sj-u. a year by
Bail. Weekly S.o. aavd Satui
HfeaSdy Sauae a yew. SanipU py In a
S. ranton, I'a., Sept. 19, -Captains
of the ThipteMtrl regiin.'Ut have iH'en
notified to arrange to u-et out on short
BJOt lei In order to bt at llaeltoll in
casi of tffOWblOi rrobably it iiiniereiice
of oHrators will la' held todav to coii
htot tba lit nation. They are a unit
in asserting that they will nev.r
rerogniae the union, prworrln. to
allow the collieries to remain idle.
The first district is now rontpletely
I led no. the last colliers at
cloeing last night Strike Manager
Pitcher says be never saw a strike so
complete on the second dav . If mu'es
sary to win he will close even
bltnOllltorM mine in the country.
Sal Back tor Mlneri.
Wilke-harre, Sept. IS. ThS Ursl seri
ous set hack for the miners was the
operation today of the West Rod mine
at Mocamiipia, which has a lull HW,
The com pan V has sent lor the ''inker-
tons and great ntimlicrs of miners are
The Aoeuied Takei trie Wltuaii Stand
In Hla Own Ralialt.
Frankfort, Ky., Sept. IS, - The de
fense in the Howard trial hegan to
day. Forty witnesses will lei callisl
Howard dsik the stand ami leetifted
t mi t he aa- tttlUg at a lire in (be
Itmird of I'rii.te hi.li! uli. .11 I 1 1. . 1 1. . I w a
PlttetoO I thot, ii,, denied the remarks at-
trihuled to him hv Cull. m.
(iot Klght Montln.
Walla Walls, Sost IS.Wllliaaa
Sharpe ideadeii guillv veslerdav to
having tried to cuiivev niorih ine to
the Inmstoa ol ibe penitentiary He
was given a sentence of eight mouths
in the state prison.
The nil-.. I, 'meaner (of which HhaPM
was convicted and lenieneod incurred
..I. II I..I.I ..I lll,.l.l OS I.USI
leav ing l..r the bituminous fields ahottl sharpe, in r panv with" James
1 ittshurg. Stephens had ju-t 1 11 released from
Mora Mines Shut Down. the penitent inn Uolng l- a drug
SSSMfelS, Sept. in. The Alaska, I store Sharpe pun ha I IS bottle! ol
Mount Oarntel, Qaaon Sldsa and I mnrphlne, known aa "dopo,' (or the
Natalie collieries at Mount Carmel I use ol prt-oiiers addicted to the habit.
shut down today,
May Ho Tronblo at Jedldo.
Ileleton, I'a., Sept. 111. Trouble is
braying abooi Harsls itms. pilnoa at
Jedldo. where union men last night
succeedisl in getting several hundred
men 0 .put work in four mines I.e.
longing to that Bmi. Markle hros. say
that if poaalbla ibay will pratranl
Ire-pass by Wiling 0B the stale lor
tfOOne, lirst calling on the coal and
iron sdice and the sberitT's poaat,
Markle's mines nfOOSbiy will lead in
the issue of a call for military force.
lierinany In nan. is that Antl-Foraluu
l eaders Be Turned Uvsr to Pnwari
Waahington, Sept. in Minister Ws
this morning laid hetore the state
department a demand form tierinanv
that the h uders of the ant i fofSigfl
movement he delivered to the powers
hefore imv iTIiirt lor negotiations are
begtlB. The demand, W11 snys, is im
poaalbla, ami puis a slop to negotia
tions and is ispiivalenl to iinnoiiiiclug
the ill-melnhermenl ol the empire.
I he datuand is evliianlly aiaaad at the
empress and I'mn e I'lmn. If tba de
mand is persisted in there will la- no
llegot lilt ions.
Mat Not Sail tor huroua on Ilia Oats
USrSSSi Sept. hi A calilegram lias
baafl recei visl hint 1 ug thiil K ruger w on t
sail for Forope (fon i.oreno Mar
quel 011 the twenlv-eigbth as was in
tended. It is Is ll. veil he I- .1. lain. I
by the Portuguese gnvernmeot .pending
pof parleiirs from tekSlloS ami Llabon
Aooaplt I) a loh bovarnment's ORor.
Tba Hague, Sept. Ml. Kruger baa
accepted the itler of the Hutch govern
ment to supply him with a v ursiiip lor
his passage to Foroc.
The Praildam in Wathlngtori.
WashingUm, Sept. IS. President
Mi Kinley arrived here at 7 10 this
morning Iman Canton, Ohio. He was
met by to-ueral UoPbin and iinundniti
h drivas to tba White House. He
will probably return to Canton on Fri
He was eapllired liv a -i n I while III
the ml ill burying it near the hrick
yard inside the prison grounds.
Nlaainar Wrecked rl Noma.
Port row May nd. Hapt. ih. The
steamship si. Paul nrrivad Iron Nome
last night hrimnng additional news ol
the storm. ln K8epteniebr B the storm
abalad, hut on the follow ing day it
sprang up acain Willi ailditiomil Inrv.
esselsat anchor, however, had made
preparation- for it, hut ueverl heles the
schooner Seipioia whose owners live
here, naa driven on tba beseh Santoni
her BT7 ami the schooner Arthur It met
the -nine fntoi I he rlhiir II was
pa re ha sod ami Sited anl by a huago
syndicate last spring, and wa- sent
n .rlh mi a trading ami mining OBpedl"
I loll.
I reeno, Oalif.. sept. pS, I r.d
Hlmaa, aged tnlrtoen, on trial
charged with murdering bit: lather
stilted in a isirreenonrtont I "Pat her was
cruel, o I killed him by putting
rough n ruts in bis eoffeQi I did not
intend any wrong, and think I should
go tree. 1 '
Prltonar Bieapea at Spokane
Spokane, Sept. III. Sheriff Col. and
deputies: are semiring Ibe country in
search ill .lack Williams, a dtiepered-u
wl ajaati Iroui lb untv jail yes-
lerday , Willlanw and his partner held
up '.fO men iii a gamlding hall one
year ago.
Advanced Honey to University.
Iri.no, Calif., Sept. HI. Mrs.
Ptioalat Hearst ad v mom the stale
illi I Pars it V lorly lllollsulld, liei-disl In
nonet rail the president's realdenee A-
0OB M slate lie an- is avullahh' she l-
t i in- raHMlhsraadi
IB miliar Hotel! Burned.
Spring l.ake, S Sept. IU. -Three
lurge summer botch., and ivalvS B0t'
i ages . iiesides nnmerona other ha i idioms,
Were bSIMtj here early this mollliiig
one BjSaftor million dollars is the
estimulisl iOBBi
A Bank Closed.
Bng(ns Haiti IS. Tha South li.in-
vers national lunik, 0l I'eulssly, has
linen taken charge oi bj . ouiptioller ol
currency. It is the oldosl In the state.
Reported by I. L. Bay n Co , tblaaBe
Boara ot Trade and New York stock
Bieiiauge Brokers.
Se.pt. IH. The wheat market was
strong from tha start tins morning,
higher cables, log es rt demand and
large buying orders from the North
west lieing the strong leat'iree.
I.iv rissd cliieed 6-N higher, It -4 6-H.
New York "isiiieal l-H to l4 up, H4 U K
to Ht1.,, and advBMad to HS M at the
eloae. The cleareuces lor two days
an.oiiiii iii i .iww.tiuif ai n mw tors,
which is only pait of foreign pur
chases. Stocks lower. .Momy, Is, ar
C'loae ve leiday, B44 .
OlBMI Uslay, Ht M.
Kange Usiay, - I M to sVS.
(.'Iisae ttslay, Hl M.
Slops tba Ceueta and Works 00 tie
Uislus Broiuo-Oailalae Tablets cuio e eeld
lu usui day Nu usue. svo pay. rrtae i. iasuu
l II II 1. 1 1 WklMIIM..
Wllham U. tlwlngs and Miss Anna
Irelibow Die Principals.
The public weddiUK at the booth
orner nl Mi a ami Main street at : -stsl
thisalterm.ini atlraclcd the nl I out lull
I an audience ol .'inki. .lohn tl
'livings ami Mis Annie i FwbtMMB, of
Itnlge, soiitliern I mill tl la cnuiitv, were
the principal- ami the OoraMOBy was
lierlori I hv llev I i.. I nrln s, presi
dent of I'emlletuii academy Mr
Dwings is a atochlunn and hoth be ami
bis bride are very popular ut home.
They reoeltred a nonber ol huudsimie
and costly presents
in Hi i u I INDIAN AbKN Ts.
Periml Indians to Kill bsins Out
Season, Say Mr. tjulmby.
inline Ward. n ijjiimhy, ol I'ortlaiiil,
colli llilles Iii lament Ibe III. I lllen lire .if
Indian agents, who permit the redskins
to leave the n -erviil o hi and kill game
iii or out of season to th.ii banrt'i
content, lie slate- that there is only
one Indian agent In the state who up
paSIS t" have any regard for tin- game
laws Ibis agent is Applegale Mr.
A pplegate exercises a strict surveillance
over tlie government wards under bis
barge, ami MBR Hull I hey show Ibe
same rcsH-ct for the laws of the statu
that is .untried ol the whites.
I be Indian, though a ward of the
gov ii n Hi. ni , la amenable to tin same
state laws, Mr. Juiuihy savs, that
the whiles are Ibe game law applies
to tin in witbe.pi.il loree. Mr. Qtilui
by'a priuuipnl complaint is that the
Indians are perm it tod to have their
reservations lor ibe pnrpua. oi killing
Roosevelt Continues His Tour of loo
taoa and Idaho.
Says He liai Retelied No Challentie From Sin
alor Hanna, and Thinks, toe Ltl
ter'j Speeches Are Funny.
lawvenwnrth, Kan., 8pt. Id Bryan
-poke to six thousand people here this
mornlngi When . piestmnisl as to
Hanna's allagad ohaflengea h.r debate
on imperial i-iii he said that IKI chal
lenge b id been received by him and
that he wouldn't accept it if it came.
He would ls glad to debate public
onaatloni with lb. republican candi
rlnto i'.r the presnlencv but would not
be .w i 1 1 tint to debate with one whoee
reeponaibll Itj was less, for, if eleeteil,
he wnnhl Is. president. II. n.. if the
republican loinmittee will certify that
Hanna is to ls pMalthMl in case nf
republican success, be will willingly
meet him in punt ilelmto. As to
Manna's charge that llryan was in
Srteuced bv sinister motives in BBSSfftH
the rat ill. ut . ni of the peaOB treaty, be)
said he nnal confess tiiat Hanna is an
aipati when he SaWMM sinister
m. .live- That he can stand his
crTtloiain i( Senator Hour can endure
Mb praise Itrvnn savs he reads llan
ii.i' .ri In- wtien he wants something
Teddy at Hutle.
Snttai Sepl S It. ...soy It left hen
ut S o'olnall tins morning (or Salt Lake
via PoeBtollo, The nl ucent of the
OrOwdfl nl CotnmhiS garden meeting
here hi t night was antagonistic t..
Booeev.lt ami the republican cam
paign committee bad correepnndingly
glum ltd. ml the situation in Montana.
Speaks at Rexbure.
Id xhltrg. Sept III. Iloos. veil spoke
in the opera bouse here today,
rhroiighoul Montana he avoided the
liver issue In Idaho stops were made
at Market Fake and Idaho Fulls. He
had an audience of twelit v-tlve aople
at the latter place.
Prohibitionists' Hpoelal Train.
Cblaagn, Sapti IS I'mbiiiltionlat
pec ia I train, currying presiilenlial
oandklataa on a trip of the Nerthtaasl
left Ibis morning, resting ior the night
at Burlington. Tha IbsJs costs seven
Klind Pad dollar per day to run
less Smallpox In La brands.
fresh case of smallsix mad. ita
appaapaaea In la QjSAtda Monduy
morning, savs the Chronicle, John
Uolitbnn. an engineer in tl mpbiy of
Ihell. It. ,V N. company, being the
person aMIctod. I'mper ii.m
liuve hiH'ii taken to prevenl the apreud
ol the disease, it being of tile -nine
mil. I type as former cases. It ia sup
ppaad be contracted the disease at
linker ( ity. at which place he has been
working out of lately.
It This Plain Knouah.
If you I uve a nagging cough and are
basing Mesh, go to a drug store, and
get a bottle of Mhiloh'e I aiiisiimption
lire Take two-thirds of it, and tbeii,
if yog are not baMatted. return the
bottle to the druggist, and be will re
turn your money. Isn't that fair? No
one could usk more 2ft eta. , ftO eta.
and (I a Is, til. . Tallman A Co., lead
nig druggists.
Athena n Htll.
The Vtheua lloiiriug mill Is install
ing a new IIihhi universal Sottl Isdtar,
Inrli w ill do the work of live ordinary
Loiter- The new uiacbinn weighs f'sur
lour, coiitiiius eight sictmiia, and has
3S eievea. Three Hew slunds of eleva
tors will be put iii, ami every machine
in the mill, cxi epl the llour pucker,
will undergo a Herat ton.
Bditors' Awlul Plight.
I M Higgins, K.i 1 1 tor Seiiut-a,
i Ills , News, was alllict.sl lor yeara
with piles that no distor or remedy
helped until In- tried Buck leu's Arnica
solve. He writes two hoBBB wholly
i ni. I him li s Ibe surest pile cure on
inrtli uii. I Ibe kaat salve III the world.
I'm. .. i, t ... I 1 1 1 1 1 v -" cents. Sold
I .illinan Co.
AholikK-.v Pure?
Pof the thinl oi I century the
btaiivlaril lor strength uiul purity. It
makes the hot bread, hot biscuit,
cake and other pastry light, sweet
and excellent in every quality.
No other baking powder is
"just as good as Royal," either in
strength, purity or wholcsomeness.
Metuy low pi u eti. iuiiuthuu betkiiiM puweis me
ujxni Hit n.jiibtl 1 bsMpe atir matdc vllb stluitt,
atixJ GsUSJ aJumltl Latkcil lo 4VuUi tkfcaSB), luu
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