East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 13, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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' ft
fill lie
ETh Wheat Market , Firmer Than
Week Ark.
tVil,t..ti. Sept. lS.-ThtTp have
jnot heen n ureal MM ale nf '..-.-u
reinrted diirina the pat weak, Farmer
5 cfs a Yard.
MM ol thMn nl mi l v. t the Intercut
, ,.,.! COMM. io M mini I t hi
" ii waned nir
MOM alone, h-it
. .1.1
', much i" jnl h"l' lor. AS .in 3,000 yard- ,,f HrHM
r,., , , iinj an.i mw.rn.,n. ,, i,.., in -I,.- wi.lv, in ,,ninv
,,,. ii.l even prettier pattern donienn than tli, iB.- of t. other
. i ,r umtorwwir, drMBinti .c.ii,., wrapper and ebiMran'i
liming: will launder perfe H jr. Should m for l.V t..
ttv a yard, baffaahlg "WHfa Monday and while they lat om
price '"
5 cts a Yard.
;ieaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
fssiv. si:i'i'i:ini-:n ia ! i i
iTsrisroi'K I" HM vauey rersonai
and Loeal.
a. knt. 10. The Hon la P.nther
Em nntflt, which ba twn
BE ai ind Pilot Rook) baa r
g la the valla MM it at work in
i ri linitv l prownt.
Ir. pan Keuiaf. ol Pendleton,
pleeMiit vinit to bar iter,
g b, w oker. f thi place. bM
imnl bomn. iM'tng MMMipaalaH by
;,..-!.. V - Miiy Moi ki't. Mr-.
r. fj , umll and Mm Frank
rata visiting with roiMifea Ht
MM ud Mill n.
II (,.. iirove head nf tne beel
a from !. ar vnllev, srelghed and
country Imih which they ilrnw their
lari;. tmdi . anil aru MSMM M) meet
paraonally the mere baa tl of PMdleeon
ad I'raatllla county and adjoining
territory, The party will leave m tba
night ol Friday, BepftMnbtr tl, in a
paolal Pull man - roand trip rate,
Portland to Pendleton ami return f tr
baviag ban (ranted by tba O. K. &
N. ounpany.
A Thousand Tongues
Coald not Hpreai tba rapture ol
Annie K. Springer, ol U2"i Howard
t.) Philndelpblavj Pa., w hen Mm found
that lr. Kine New Iicoverv forcoii
minipti.m hal couiiletelv cured her of
a backing ooagh that for manv yearn
had made lite a hnrd-n. All other
retaadlei and docton oonld (rive her no
help, bat xhc nave of thi royal cure
"it aOM removed the pain in my client
and I aaa now ilea. iaaa4ly, toaaa
(II i UK I can urn reel y relnemtier loitl(
bal Tr. i feel Ilka aoaadiaa it pralaai
throng boat tba aataataa. no will
every one who trie Ir. Kine' New
Dleooveri lor any troobla ol the throat,
BboM or Innga, Prlot BCh ami , Trial
bottlai (rM al Tnllnuui v Co. 'i drag
"t M . every bottle guaranteed.
Reduced Rates In Effect Via the 0. R. fc
N. and S. P., Salem and Return.
For the above 001 anion a rate of t'.i,
or one fare for the round trip hetween
1'endletoti and lalaat ban Ix-en put
in afleet by the o. R, .v.- N. CV Tieketi
at thin rate will he Hold mi Sept. 15, Id
and IT, there datcc only, and will ex
pire Hapten) her 25.
Data of fair, Sept. it to fltiaelaalva,
Cull at o. K . & a, ticket ottice for full
(ami I
-in an
im mmn to i nariaa
f l'eodletoa
mlaey ha Hold bin home in
.lobti Harvey and moved
t hie raneh MM t ii it- plane
wtlgagad In the borne liu-i-ii-ive
Look at Your Fact,
ill tee :l it in reHix't inn health 01
ur KiirlV Clover KiMit Tea
itili tie face and complexion and
iMarw tn-rii-et iiealtn All iiruiiiriiitH,
Sitiit' an ! 1 -'- ntH Money refunded
. .,- ! sat ixfuctory . Tul 1 man
tin Inamoc ot Commerce Will Come
in a Bod In a Speolal Car.
hrtlaad, mi t. olraa1daMOaorga
jrlnr. of the Chamber of Commerce,
un ia tin- chamber ban da
IMto.' 1 i ndlcton on the baai
am ' BXcnratooi ariivlng oa tba
tahaj ol Hatnrday, Spptemher 22,
iMMlnina there daring tba day,
laaara on tba lata niuiit train. The
rnuiiiii-nt h ilfHulura and niaiiiifuc
I I: i- city are much interested
i In- pr foot of vialttag the interior
iirolioumied H
Ioi-mI raaatdlei
i". re with kieii
I It isn't
the material
I'Imt- . more i tttHrrh lit thli HflUOB ol t ht
cminirx tltnii all titluT itiwint-- put tu'tht r,
rtutl until tti- litdt i.'U yen.- it wh- uimiw-I i
Im- tliruritl'k'. WOI IT I Mil fMfl tlttt-tt'tn
I'll ttl -ItFi.-lt. .Ill i if-T! tn-t
mill b tunitHitlly (mIUuk to
trMtnfBl roiiouiifl (t In
bit" BfOTVM HtHrrU t Ik h
a.'iiat , unit t(nTfiri rtM'iilrlng
1 in' it f IIh!1' Htttrru ' ' i; r
wnm v Co., Mado,
iKinllit 0MIV M KM
ally In dot i (r-.iu
mul. It net- illrtM'tly tu
io MriMM "i tilt Hyait'IU.
r-i I iloIUra tor anv . It
for livtaUn Hii'f it'Mtiuio
K. J. t'UKNKY ri OO.,
it ti
Dial. Aitilro-
Hol-I hv ilrumiiMv "
lliui ramlly I'llU an- tUt- Ih-i.
job. It
into your repaired
tbal renulle in a perfuet
that M
the IninineHH. Any
"in buy the fine kind- of
- that 1 uae in Mpairiagl
i- ti-
Hmm .
BU it
I i- a "h
low than b
moHi valuable material
n lt uhi'iI in watch re
; and tba hunger aaal
I -11 inv Nkill for a hut
and it will cost von
1'ii.MiiiK at louer pri,
Five Hundred Acrea tor Rem.
I Here U a haraaio. Five boudrad
j .ht -!!.. liiu. I t aiel mi. -half
j mile eunt n Helix for rent for canh.
j Tii in land in exrelleut for wheat uml
fl My one winbiug to rent land ehould
iavaatlgata thin offer. Apply to or
a rite t Edarla Baabi Athena, Or.
It Will Do You Good.
A bland purifier and tiaaM huilder in
Karl'c Clover Uoot Tea. Sold (or half
a eaotary m our faataataa. Maaay
refuiidi-d li r.-MiiltH are not nati-faetory.
Prii-e 25 eu. and 50 cto. Tallman &
Hacks and Butties.
W. II. .lon-.-H, the implement dealer,
ban in ntoek the uiont complete line, of
liaekn and Immjien ever hIiowh in the
CltV. UUIllMV tH-.tia.' th- ii.-nu leatum.
lewder and Up.iclan.
.' tu ataaaaaai sTeatnra
S.e ti ia line
.. t - la-iore
of Monitor
vou buv.
drill- and
Allen HalvamM of Went Prairie,
Win., na' "People eotM tea nilea
to boy F'oIo.v'k Kidn.-y i ore, " ahile
J, . gparo of Halatafi tad., aay: "'It
la IM medical wonder of the ae. "
Kwppan'i Pbannaey.
World Best
Teas and Coffeefl are
Chase & Sanborn's
Our Bakery Depart meat
Is the best tu be- fuund
in liastern Oregon
Oregon Bakery and Grocery
Chas. Kohi man, Prop.
0 ' aid 311 Court Street, - Pendleton, Oregon. 'Libit.. muai uk bold promptly ui
jeliera v uhn !...,.. ,.)..... ... ...i .... i
are Indenendent nr.- iii,,.. f.,r vi ; l,( honor and other
per boabel. Fxtxirtern are luivinu 4it sal
7e for No. 1 clnb and red chaff and !
to-.MV for blaoatot..
I.iK-al miller are paving the name
and are petting wheat at th.w fltrnrea.
PMnen generally have hauleil their
wheat to the warchounea, and thone
who have not nr.- doing ho with all
poHtohle np.-iHl. Within 10 (lavn the
wheat of I'matilU eoaaty will" have
Ixvn nlaoad in the r,-l III1.I-. It. til 111
the milla with the ex.Tption of lenn
than 10 per cent withheld for need and
a nmall portion held hack nnavoidahlv
""o umm uroppea in pnoe, ami M
only worth ikic for milling. WfU c for
Wheal in Portland
lortiand, Sept. is. -The Commercial
Keview in itn lrnin- tvnlay aavn: TI
wheat market ia fair. There han Un
naaaj tailing during the weak, ami
vii, nen rule.l from bn to ttt for clnh
Bloaataai and Valley, mK' par inhol
at aeverai rom patina in.intn in OragM,
wnooingtoti aim lilaho. immpatlttM
u more or lens active, with a.lvanc
on above limitation paid. Kxporter
mow no anxiety, ami generally refuiw
in uieei exireme price iHing paiil in
everal localitie, the feeling lieing
mat value will aoortly nettle ilowti ti
ai . (port value. Wheat in coming for
ward very freeli eant of the mountaliin
ami warehoUHe here arc verv well
.111.. I ; . .
linen up. roreigll MMVIC.-n are ot a
I intle character. A nlight Improve
mcnt in cargoen in cabled. The aelling
.it new- w in al upon the market in nart
accounin lor tne in.l itterence -it cariro
opeartor. stiff pri.-c that have heen
pui.l raoantlv in tin- Interior were o
greatlv iii advance of market valuer
that laraeri banana n Imbaed with
the idea that pric.-n would go higher
mat many are not auxioii to let go of
their holding. Bone of them will
realize their error. An long an the
freight market remain In., wheat
ill have to ntand the loa of vain.-.
Venlen here in purl are uorkimi. none
f them very rapidly, MMMtM hae
plenty of time to tininh name and no
ne.enniti to he in a hum. Keportn
from the I'aloiine conntrv are verv
liatteriiiL:. o l In turning ..lit l lter
than exiHMte-l. The Itritmh Hteamer
H ivernilule, the otilv veel tin North
iengage.. a chartennl hint Kri.lav
at 47n tid. At the price of eargoe
ahroad, wheat,.would hardly he worth
here on dock over Me. limitation for
sl.fa wheat l.y loading Mportlag
hoiine are 5tt'a t.. 57c; Hlucntein, ,'ilc,
and Valley, 80e per l.uabel.
Wheat in San franclseo.
an Krancinco, Sept. IS. The wheat
trade aince the heginuing of the mouth
han heen lair: there him heen no pre-nur.-
to f.tiv- and farmern are aeliing
: r--. lv . en-.d an-r. i ing fairly good
dlHpatch an exiHirter are pretty well
looked up with grain. No. I nbippnig
wheat In held ateady at ll.Ogla I" '
cental. Condition thi eaon o far
have tie.-ii againnt the farmer ; tonnage
It relatival) nmall and freight rate
ntiff. II. .Idem have not a a rule Ikwii
utm-anonuhlc in their demand and
have met tuner at each "tage of the
Kastern Livestock.
Chicago, Sept. IS. Cat 1 1 e Market ,
ntrong; good to prime nteern, 5.45 to
6. 1A; poot to mudium, tt.'iU to$5.iKI;
-In k. r- and feeder, f.i to M-"5; cown,
t.'.T'. to t BO: beifara, s to 8i ean
aara, : t.. S.7Si bolla, t-'.7". to t.7u;
.-alven, 5 to to 75; Texan led nteern.
M'Satoloi araaaara, gi.:i-" to t.j:;
hull, nj.au to fs.-iu.
llogn-Market nteudy on the average.
Fop prim H 86, Mixed uml hulchern',
to. 15 to f. oil: g I to choice heavy,
IS. SO to l6.S!Si ; roogb beavv, BJ n
5.15; light, n.n to aa.W ban at
Hale, 5.25 to 5.4U.
deep Sheep and lamhn. market
ntrong to -hade higher. nnl to choice
arethere, IS.6I te Ml fair to choice
mixed, S. 40 ti S.li5; Wentertl nheep,
18.64 to 4; Texan, f2M to HUB
native lanba, Va-Bl tofl.ni Wentem
Itttnh, M .25 to ft.5.
Kaiman ' it v. Sept. IS. Cattle Mar-
k-t. nteady , Ti-xan nteer. 2.50 to
14. no; Tam oova, IV.H ho S 7 .
native rteera. 14. 'i to 14. 70; uativi
..wn and beifere, (I.5U to 15.80 nt.K-k-r-aii'l
I b-m, l'i.25 t 4.i5: bull,
aj.go p S. 75.
I log Market, weak; hulk of nalua,
o 27 to 15.32',,; beavv, S 25 t.,
5.S2'.. ; packer, 15. SO t 15.3.5;
mixml, 5.25 to 5.35 ; I ighu, 6-5.20 to
5.35; Yorker, 15.30 to 5.3.5; pig,
4.7'. t.. 15.30.
tie.-p- Market, Hloadv; lamb, M to
16.10 1 mutton, .'. m to l.wi.
Skins, Pelts and Hides.
fhe.-pi-kinn Sheurlinga, 1 5 to 20i
phort wool, 25 to 3.V; luudium wixjI, 10
ti. 50C ; long wool, In to 1 each.
Pelta 'BaareakM, each, a to aize, u
U BIB; culm, each, ! to 6; badgi-r.
each, BOtj ail. leal, 25 to TaOj hoom--cal.
5 to 25c; fox, oumiurin xrvy, 4(k
I,. 1.00; do red, 1.75 to 3.50
.n cr.mn. r-'.-'KI to ; lynx, a2
t. 14.50: mink, 40c to 11.7.1
UiartMi dark Nurthern, ' to ll do
pale, pii.e, 2 to II , luunkrat, M to 12c ;
nkunk. "nit" Mai "Her land, f
; panther, with head and dawn jut
feet, tl to S; raccoon, BJ lo NOV; wolf,
i , ii-.'.iin. with head perfect, 3.50 to
5. wolverine, 2.50 to ti ; beaver, r
kin, large, ) to 97 ; do mmliuin, par
akin, 14 to ' , do nmall, pL-r akin, tl to
ft-, do kita, par akin, ) to S.
Hidan Dry bide, No. i, in ... imi-
and upward, 14 to 15c dry kip, No. 1,
to 16 ponada,lia r pMIMj dry calf,
No. I, under 5 pound, 15 to I'm-, dry
ttl tM i mi. -third b- than dry Hint;
alted hidea, aound ate.-rn, ) ouiida
aud over, i to He: do aJ to pooicl.
7'vi ; do under 50 pound and owa, 7c;
kip, 13 to 30 pound, 74 to He; do veal,
111 lo 14 pound. 7'vc,docalf, under
In poundn, 7',c; gren-n umialted,
lc M-r 'Ulid lunn cull bulla, -la;.
motllMtaa. adly cut, wxired hair
lipped, mi atijerl au-u or grubby ,,
one-third leaa.
All the Work Will Me Complelea In
Time for the opening Meal Tueaday.
All the work planned to Inv done Oy
the (street Kair and llarveat Carnival
Aaaociatioii will be completed in time
for toe opening of the gate on Tuea-
day( iaptawbaf in. Kverv detail ha
been careful 1 1 planned, aud each
.lay the work annigncl for that.purto i
lar day i being done. There i not
the nlightent danger that the fair rnd
carnival aaaoeiatioa will not be able lo
make ail ita preparation in comulete
ueaa. Thoae who have taken booth
apace and intend to make exhibit iu
the dmplay auction form Court to Alia,
aud alao tboae who intend to place ex
hibit in the fruit aud araio action,
ay.minc ncing at Alta and ruuuiua 72
feet aoutb, abould hurry their exblbita
iu at aaoe. The aaaoctatiou complet
ing it work will not alone iuure
having all the preliminary work duue
ou the opuuiug (lay. I lie luUividual
the matter am! at once Ht up their
bie-th and place their dinplay.
The Crownlne of the dueen.
Monday evenina it the open booM
occur Im formal coronation of the
M66.J Minn Herthu Well. The nla
of mate and the contnnie of the maid
harm ten In tba
ceroinonie have Im'cii all arranged for,
ami the preliminary work ha been
done faithfully by Mr. Bcgg. director
of the queen' feetivitie. The corona
tion ivn-monie will W well worth
witntMwing, a lot of time and trouble,
and no 'atnall expense, han bOM in-
cnrreii to prepare for them. An admin
ion RM will be chargcl at the 6MM
houae, the entire evening ln-lng de
voted to the ceremony of the iMronation
and the mnuerou fancy dance which
are to Ih given by the young people a
entertainment in honor of the queen
Kvervone will want to c, the young
folk in their pretty roN-n and gorge
on continue, and it i heped that the
oi'rB limine will be crowded on that
Take Car of th Visitors.
The town ha been thoroughly cam
MM ti leonrn a iit of ail naraoM
who have Fooni to rent during the fair
ami carnival. Thoae lint w ill be kept
at the headquarter and added to if
any additional one are cctircd before
the iqiening of the fair. Care nan exer
iiaad in going through the loan, but a
few may have been mi.d. Any who
have not lvn calleil upon, and who
have room available at that time are
rcqneeted to leave their name, ad
drenne, number of nnnnn at the head
quartern in the Pnnonlvry bnlidiM on
Mam ntreet, tn-twoen Court and Water
ntrect. or thoe who have telephone
mav call up headquarter and give the
InforsMttaO la that manner. U ll
urgml upon all thai there in neceit
to provide additional BOOonnodatiM
for the main people who will l- here
iiurmg the ttve ilav ol the lair. Sep
tember 1 to 22. It i alo nuiigvoted
bv tin- MtMMMM.1 that many men of
the town ho have rmimn conl.l i nch
orannodata nn extra mart, Several
voluntarily off -red thin, living the
extra room rent that would come in to
tba landlord or landlaO't Iroiu whom
thi-v rent th. ir r.n.ni. Thin i a matter
of boapltallty, and vet it ll hoped that
uianv ot the ningle men of the place
II avail theniele of thi oppor
tunity to iinnmt iii providing extra ac-
muiodat ion. Such room a thene
otild In- rencrved and utlli.d oiilv in
the event that there are mi other at
Th Fir Department Accepts.
lame K. kraiino, chairman of the
entertainment committee, i in receipt
I a letter from II. J. Stillmau, chief
of the fire department, mating that the
lire depart incut accept- the Invitation
f the fair ami carnival an-.-ciatii.il to
he rcprccntfd in the parade on the
in-ning dav, Tned.iv, epteinhi r 18.
The department will he a-nigm-d a
prominent place in the parade, arrangement-
Inn ing already been made.
No Roller tor Twenty Years.
'I had bronchiti for twenty vear,"
-ai-l Mm. Mim-rva Smith id lianville.
III., "and at timen have baM badfaat,
I never g-.t relief until I had taki n
I'olev' llonev and Tar. ll in i.banimt
and given quick relief, and in a MM
cure for throat and lung dlfMe -Take
nothing elm-.
Arrivals ai Hotel Pendleton.
Maggie Cochran. Athena
0 K Karln.ur, Km honti r.
J li I'ntter, Walla Walla.
W T DOVOI, Walla Walla.
0 I. Ingram. Walla Walla.
II B lleatlield. Spokane.
.1 C Mack i u noli, u N K.
.1 M Chamber, -an Kraneieo.
W A Trepliager, -an I rani laeo
W Candiah, Spokane.
W ll Rankle. Hpokane.
I Shultn and wife, Spnikune.
G w Harrla. Cortland.
Q I -i.n v, Portland,
.1 II l.ana't.-r Walla Walla.
.1 li Moran. Walla Walla
N llerkelev, jr., cKj .
1 ii Fletcher and wife, BilvartoB.
A .1 Hall, BpokOM.
.1 W lim kii-y, Baker City,
.1 Hemingway. Cincinnati.
II I. Hlalar, I'ortland.
W ll Wiiiiu., Portland.
John C beunure, linker ( it V .
W It UlandlnnlM, itakcr Olty.
Jo Mei'ab.-, llaker City.
Ulcer, olien or obntinate nr.-,
m-ald. and pile-, quickly eurnl by
llantier Salve, tin- mont healing
medicine iu the world. Kia-ppeii'n
i j
For Sal.
One limine and lot . bh k- from
Main atreet. ulo the lioiiana building
on .Mum ntr.-et p.r -ulc luoiiiri- ol I .
X . Schemp.
Aw ful Itching of Eczema
Dreadful Scaling of
'i un Ml Hoar, m cleauae the nkin of
MM and wialua, Ccin caa OlutaMMil, u,
allay ii- long, and -nh. ami In al. uml
i in ' ma KaaoLVKM, to ooal and i
the ateaa, uiua ih um aattph ui bm
ly i un- lr.aliui.nt lor tortunng, li
Bfturii.g linnioni, rawhea, aiui (rilatiidis,
li. I... -ol hair, wliu h li-v, lii-Di .1 1 i,i
of tin. brut uliyniciau and ail otln-r sanaa
ill-, a nliigli- net l-ing olliili mill, mil lo
uru tlii: mini oOBliuato caav.
- . it Ol-. m.I. a,.,i . . . i
.,). i. i, r o u. k c i s i', i
r tu tftu eoaur.
ll Makes a Van I iiioiiiiiiilalili'
f- -n-4.v
to have hia collar and cuffa abow raw
udgc aud li,k like candidate for re
tirement inalead of I reel, graduate
from tin- laundry. What we can't
make men, uew might aa well ba
thrown away. It like a patient too
lar gone (or the doctor. S,tleaa linen
iu au iudiaM.-nible drec factor, which
you muift have uot to be among lite out.
J. r. RotaaaiNi, Pitai. I eictaic ou
A rtcaaant Wddlng larmonv al Bitten
on Wednesday.
Mtlton, ON,, Sept. 12. Mia bihbie
riichmoud wan marritvl on vTadaaadai
at II o'clock to B, It. Fletcher of Sil
vcrton. Oregon. Key. Adam, of the
PiMngtarian church ofBclated. and the
ceremony i witneaaed by the rela
tive and immediate friend of the
bride. A mlOMM wedding dinner nan
ncrd and the guet dcartcd lata in
the evening with hearty congratula
tion, and many useful and In-antiful
praaMtl were tendered the happy
couple. The bride i one of I'matilln
i-onnly bent ami mot highly PC"
ipartad ladlM- Mr. rkMbM ha baM
aoanatad with public tntwol work for
II year in Marion coitniy and i at
preaent the pontnuiHter at LBWMttCOi
near Silverton, where he ba tock and
farming interest.
Mr. ami Mr. Fletcher left for Pen
dleton on tin afternoon' train, ami
after npemling a few day thaM w ith
friend- will leave for their home at
Value of Man s Lit.
The nupreine courln have recent l
daotdad that the life t)l the average
man i worth jiit what he in able to
earn. A man earning depend to a
great extent upon hi health, and it in
alwav w ithin hiiwer to improve h.
condition The ntoiuach i the meannre
.-f health ind ntreugth. F'very man
may he bright. Active and happy, if hi
dlgeetion i normal. If it i not,
Hoatattar'l Stomach bitter will make
it o.
It put- the digc-tive organ in condi
tio, to oropari) digMl ami aaainllate
load. Try it for count ipat ion. indigcn
tion, dvM'pia, bllioilnne, liver or
k hlney troiible.
I'here i- nOtbilMJ jnnt a g.nnl. The
genuine han our private revenue ntamp
over the neck of the bottle.
Japanese looll Labor.
JapanaM ooolia labor i- drlvini
white lab-.r out of the Wanhiugton bop
flebln. The Japan era pull the Mlal
and pick the bop for :'." rent a box.
The padrone nv-tcni mark the adVMl
ot thaM iorcingem in the hop Held-,
ami they are herded by thaM BOMM
and paid from t'i to fs a mouth and
hoard, while the padrotu- are paid It
oanti a box for the work. Indian
will not work in the name Held with
the .lapn.
Hot Weather
Sick Children
Children will get nick.
The U-nt care will not prevent il.
kt j 0 LJ. ' ' '" v "" ""'
HPi ,tffi
8s j i
H von don't ami want to
get acquainted with them
all at
The Pooples Warehonae
Won a Furnlsharn.
I'll.. Intent for MM
I all ' wear
When yon ami llti-y arc so no
(ortunata rarnenibaf that i an
fill your iHM:ritli)iis, .mil In-snlcs
have aVMythiag lor tin- mi k
C luer Main and Court St., rendh-tun.
f Ml t.i ! InMiiMiila,
mfW 7 H IM lit. It... I. S, . ,, i Imlasloiit rttlius MMl 11 im pli
JK JB I .IIIHrealu im i I Is I Mar III .it tsi it It ! Mini linHftltlM
"JBr H in i iiir)K. iratiMjMih
llVlT, lit (lllf H iiIm I I 4 I'l IlKM K itHMigtli- uB
unit ri'tfoic- ami I i Hk ! a -.
Ii oalMtlll-
i y hn - v . t'ii i i n i n n o ih -i , i .f ti rmni ii-ninii A Wrlllin
iin.tr i tlft k an.) I iciurbi I If hb v . .( -. , n i u I- i 'iui.i'l cnr leu a tut.i (in i,
i:.i ii i id i- s.11
by mat I Uril I f r lutK ffrrtil .r mm U nliiii.-
Bl "I, I 1 1 I I i fii
Kmc i V I .f IIV r I.I.M t
J. Hut J'n, Hun I'laiHlattj, 1 al.
Mm i iHiw i-H ui, i ion , nnMNVMi
Hotel Pendleton
Under New l1angtnrtflti
Strictly Flrst-las
L'xcelleDt Culsloe.
Kvrry Modern
A. 1
Lt v , Give Us a Trial.
Kate, $2 00 a day
it rnMsiW
Special Kates by
Weel ur mont ti
9 T
lUr l.d I'.HIUrd lluoma. Headquarters for Travellnu Men
The rU-st Hotel In Castern Oregon.
Van Oran Kros.. Props.
Successors to J. E. Moore
Inn want Ac Besl
'Mi.- Milium nf your life nn
..( VI I 'Ah I NTKItKHT to
if not to other. (iel tin-
Miss Yamena
Turkish Clairvoyant,
1 -it liallulni
1 ...... 'i
rFrn V I w "nr w w w W s eFF M a V
C f KOHLIN, Prop
Hb Oil; Mr. I Ql
4 I I f . I. ll
"i the C't j
c aaisan- . -
am mmii aii ftaaa
I ts aamiis Nouwi.
MM i.ii.
I li Ciaaf awilli(
Cor. COMli .""l ioluisoii Streets,
School Hooks and
School Supplies
Pom lla, Tnbleta, Cnwiaaallloa It.n.k-, Lwwh Hoiee,
Oraywna, l!..k ntra. -late, .in-l -aiu.
7lfi Mam si.
Alao Wholeaale Agent lur
In bottle, barrel, or caaca.
Call up r
Telephone llU il
HII SI. lifilil
UttO. ItAWVtiAU, 1'iop.
KltsiDtly Furalstied Slum Heated
l.uropeaii Man.
Mlock anil a half trout itepwl.
sample Uoom In toiiii.tlon
kiiiiiii UaW
SUc. 7.x. 91-00
Wool for Sale
n die ii
WinhiiiK Ui retire from Imaine. -I
offer my entire Ux k for alu
at 0Mti conaiatiug of
(4trpctn, Kuks
Luce uud Silk Curtttints
lit a-. . i ml Iron Bedstead.-.,
Wall l'afr, Shaden,
HfWlag Machine .
and otlier thing tuu nuiueroii to
locution. Chain-- of a life time to
buy tbeae g'aala cheap.
J . i.aiotoii, Uregou.
ili'irnil i li neak I will boat tlmUoldou Kill.
KoUt) tu ' i m Baalad bitig mi Lots of Wool, No.
5. 13 ami 17, about juu Hack, now utortnl iu
tit. nxletMiideul Brarahouie. j reaarv. tho pHvilifB
ot iitini-i in;' ,ui v 01 ail liiiiri.
Byers' Best Flour...
To egg goxl bieud nt Hyers' Brat Flour. It took fiiat
praminin at tba Cblcajgo World'a Fair, over all compatU
tioti, gar gives excellent aatiafaitiou wherever uacil.
Hviiy -uck la guaranteed. We have the beat 8 team
H led Hurley, Seed Uye and UeardleM Barley.
Pendleton Roller Mills
W 8. BYKKS, Prop.
Itrau. hhorta, t kmI, wU