East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 30, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    TH1-KSDAY. Aft.l'ST M. l"tt
Ss American Girl
Tan Shoes
Just the thing for the mountain.
Best $2M) Shoe in the Murket.
Call anil see them.
The Boot ard Shoe Men.
a.V Main Ntre;, Pendleton tregnn
ami bridge
for salt- at
Kaillev A Zehner. choice cigars.
('..vote coili ami warrant- laaight.
Peter Writ.
Uring vmir second-hand school book
aa Frederick Xolf.
Seamless gold crowns,
work at Dr. Whitaker's.
Tallnian A Co. have
their stock of (a music.
Mi-Cull li.uaar tuttern-
th' Weasel leartment Store.
tin to Ir. Whitaker for lea tint
ami most artiitic dental work.
Tin- largest line of school lsk ami
u ppl ie at Ta'lman A Co. 't.
When yon want cream or ice cream,
telephone Ihitlou. Black, 'M.
I Hi rum the aale at the Wessel IV
' partnient Store all good will lie Mild
at coat.
If you want pure hiine rendered lard
with no adulteration go to schwarx
and (trenlieh
You can get many good for
little money at the Wnw Department
More during their sale.
Billie'e best and hot wienie at
Little Henry' Cabin. Tbev are nice,
steaming hot. Drop in ami get a hot
A ladv's chainlet Columbia, good a
new, a 7'i wheel, for .$o at the Cres
cent agency ir the Kast Oregon i.m
You will never tlud any other nill
an prompt and pleaaant a- Dewltt'l
Little harly Risers. Tallnian A Co.,
leading druggists.
I have in stock a large lot of fruit
Dr. Whitaker l the dentm.
Dr. Whitaker fan all kind of
: dental work.
A girl wanteil to assist in general
housework. Appl at this otlice.
ioo-picee m of Knglih attrpero
i lain for fn.TO halav unit I ridav. at the
I Owl.
Mrs. L. Kdward will give massage
I treatment at her room No. IT. tlnlden
1 little hotel.
Bicvcle. confectionary, cigar, to.
I laeco, etc, at tin 'I'vide". K. W.
1 Kletcber, l'roprietor.
F.eery child who buy it honk
at Tallnian A t'o.' will' la- presented
w ith a companion box
I'art of our fall ntoek i in transit
ami wr want to make room for it. sec
our display nil (or prizes.
.1 ut in. an up-to-date line of picture
moulding and picture mount. Thpy
are stylish. Call and ev them. Clin.
The Verein Kintracht will hold a
special meeting in it room- tonight to
which the member ar, earnestly in
vited to come.
The Petti Leed and Livestock
cnniiany will have office! in the new
building on Court street, rear ol
First National bank. R R Perlagtai
will be in charge.
Luna Bishop, treasurer of reiidleton
schn.il district. No. 1. has iued a
call for warrant' up to and including
No. IMO, and stating that they will le
laid upon presentation to her at her
othi-e in Real Oteeaeiea building.
Thomas W. Couklin. of Waniner,
Shoshone county, Idaho, and Mis
i'.dna A. I'ayne, of Cove. Onioa
countv, Oregon, wen- married at the
bride's home at Cove at i n en Tu.-s-
day, August M. The .eremoiiy wa
performed liv lienrv (.'. riiomnn. D
' D.
John Barker. tht threshing machine
man wiio wa- severely injuria.! la-t
week while oiling the machine, left
Yesterday for hi home near Kulton.
tie may lose one of hi linger and is
certain to ha laid up from work for
three mouths.
.. A. Hutchinson, of Athena, who
has put in the harvesting eaoti with
the John Mcl'hail outfit of Athena,
was a viitor in IViidleton Wednesday
The .Mcl'hail outtit i a large one.
steam power, ami it average.! threading
1000 sacks a day while in operation,
which is big work. It has been stored
for the winter. Mr Hutchinson
officiated in the hoe down department.
The wolf in the fable put OB BtBM -clothing
because if he traveled on hie
own reputation he couldn't accomplish
his nurnose. Counterfeiter- of le-
Witt' with Hale. Salve couldn't sell
their worthless salve mi their merit-. '
thev put them 111 boxes and
i u I ....i i. .
onlv DeWltt'l Witch ,n,,r
. ii . . .ii receiv
It cur.. pi.e- an i a:i
pi:rsonai, hkktion.
eraaeefi like
them. Take
Hand Salve,
skin disease,
iug druggist
Ta! I man A l"
County Clerk W. I. Chamberlain
went to Athena Welneday.
i.eorge R, Mocker, a merchant of
Alba, is in I'onillrMn this week.
It. J. Stillmnn ami family have re
turned from their outing at Menchain.
Ldward Spencer, of Sikane, ha ar
rived in reiidleton to remain for some
Mr. and Mr Frederick i. Nolf
have returned from an outing at New
lirt on Yaipiinu hay .
H. I'. Milieu, proprietor of lea
Athena hotel at Athena, wn- n visitor
in I'endletnii Wednesday .
William W. Doroth) and Mis Carrie
M. Ocborii, of Milt hi. obtained a
license to w, . We hu-dii
Will Marsh, bookkeeper (or t'harle
Ceenieflfaen. i in 1'endictoii toia.
culled here by the accident to Qoufge
Mi Kllie Worreter returned lat
night from a Viail to friend at Mimp.
tor. Lawtoii and other eitie- of linker
and tiraiit conntie,
l'etcr tieiss was in PaetlletOB WihI
insday from nenr Wetnn. Hi Wheel
went :Ci to :'-"i bushel to the acre,
which in former year ha been a
high as 47 l ubels to the acre.
.Mrs S A . r uin, nvording secre
tary of the Oregon 1 ederntioii of Wo-men'-
Ciaht, will arrive in I'einlleton
on tonight' train from the eat and be
the i-nest of Mr. 0. B. W'mle until
Satn rday.
I 1'. Kthngcr, for the ast threi
years head Nxikkeet-er in the employ
of the r'irt National bank of linker
City, has resigned hi position and
will leave (or nirtlaed on Boetsetoer
1. Mr. Lffingi-r mi- BOOMstad a si
lioi with I'owniug. Hopkins A('u..
wheat and lnni broker, in l'orthind.
II. R. kenindy. wife and IwO child
ren, have returned from a visit to
Ciutoi lieach. Mr Keino-ilv did
missionary work for the street fair and
harvest carnival by distributing
literatim . They were in Astoria on
the last day of the regettu. Saturday,
August Mfc ami ptoaeeMMl it aeeeMaa.
K. s. Wnterinan. of Waterman
-'.ate ii. wa- in I'emlletoii Wedneilny
on his way to Hot Lake. He anil
County Ueeorder Maloney have -I.Vi
.lire.- nf wheat from which they
h.r -i-ted 7274 -ack- of No. 1 wheat.
!4o iMitiml to tin- ck -eme of it was
bi eealeM. 2o bushels to the acre,
which cut the average down. Some of
it went over 40 to the acre.
C W. Lawrence, le-ideni manager
for the distribution oi the liennngton
tpvewriter in the Northwest, with
headipiarter in Portland is in I'emlle.
ton tislay. .Mr. Lawrence and Miss
0. Holme. nf Holme Busines
college, iii I'ortlaud, recently joined
matrimouia. lOTMeei ami he is
receiving oiigr.ituhitiuii- from their
many friends in l'endletoa, (or Isith
of them. Mrs. laiw rence not iii'' iiii .iiiy.
nig on thi trip.
ad. .pted fall the Anterlean wtt
jofiili in knickcrb-s-kcr-. Tin- In"
wn- the sp.ikesinnn oi the pnrty . Whorl
' kii whnt be llllbaM in tin- conn
' trv he gravely repl iiil :
"We like. sir. your nnple and y inr
; pumpkin pNO. "
, 'Mow did von leiirn Knglish so
Iqniekly akisl the reporter.
"From the soldiers, sir, in
! we'k.' h replied.
"The plural of the DOOM is hard t"
mm Win.. i IMU1 ail.- 'mull III the nlural
vou do not n 'man bol 'men. n
when von siiv'child JrOU nv in the
plural' 'children. That i- very bad.
sir, verv ld. he added, slinking his
lioml m a ilesiiHirim: war. "It is bnril i
to keep to myself. Ami yon mature
the pealtlotl o'f the ndjecfivi-s. sir.'
went on the little scholar, with grnve
tnce. "We sav in our country 'The ekr
blue i U'liutiful.' 'Tin girl pretty t
here,' 'Tin horse black is on the
street:' hut here von say 'The him
akv is beontifal,' 'The bleak hore."
The prettv girl.' It i verv, very
bad, Mr, ho returned, shaking hie I
bend , I
'What W" era III ti s,. - the snow."
said lxirenro, and the other boys
smiled and bowed ! unison.
"We wish to skat on the i.e. of
which we have henrd so much."
The bovs nre nlrendy much at home
and refusV' to he surprised by any yarn
spun (or their baWHH or b any sight
show n to them.
l . mt CjkAy.1 aI lii'i.-r-itiiiii P. is nun a. . I
nc will give i i5icvii iicvuui i vi uiic ceK on
Wen-s' boyi1 anil children's clothing. We have
insi received a nice line of boy's school suits.
Children's knee pants suits. Newest styles out: buy
these goods of us and save money. Remember we
carry a full stock of geneni merchandise at rock
bottom prices.
On of Charles Cunningham's Employes
Meets With a Serious Accident
tiirge Ivan, u man aged ftboel i1'
year, an employe of Charle Cunning
ham, the sheepman, lie at tin- point
.i: death a: Ir. I n- - li. pit;i. In.-
Frank Kelly.
Shot Himiclt
of Milton.
Milton. Aug. .'in Frank Kelly, who
r.-nle- ...yen or eight miles northeast
of Milton, c minuted suicide at an
enrlv hour Tue-dnv morning. He and
tin- rand, near I j i t lo ck 'nr. wa- in
Pendleton last night, and had lieen
drinking. He went to Mr. Cunning
ham's barn at u lute hour, presumably
for tile puriioec of remaining there for
jars and extra cap and rubbers : also the rest of the night. At an earn hour
voting man i ordinarily employed at j hi ll-year,old son Arthur were up
some nice stone jars and crock. Tin-w
are bargain- ii. K. Iemott.
The largest and moat complete line
of fall street hat ever shown in the
city are now on display at Mrs. Ki.
Campbell's. Call and see then..
A waterpnaif lunch bos that folds up
and can be eMfaaa in the tcket. may
be had at tl wl Tea House today
and Friday, for I'lc. Just the tiling
for echool .
Plenty of spring chicken, d re seed
or alive; aiau sweet potatoes and all
kinds of vegetal. Leave your orders.
Thev will be debverval promptly Q,
K. lVmotl
"Fleet giaaja at lowest price-' lias al-way-
been our motto and we are pre
pared to carry tin- out. Lvervtlnng in
the grocery line can be found in our
store. All we ask is for jrou to drop in
and get our price and see the quality
of our giJ. City Bakery ,. i,r. .
K. Mar: in. proprietor.
Millions will be spent in politics
this veer. We can't keep the cam
paign without nionev any more than
we can keep the ood'y vigorous with
out food. I'yspeptic used to starve
themselves Now Kudo! Pvspepsia
Cure digest what you eat and allows
you to eat all the good food you want.
It radically cure stomach' trouble.
Tallnian A Co., leading druggists.
thi morning young Ivan wn- f aind
in the harn at the leol of a stairway
leading to the loft. BbxsJ had been
suing from his nose and ear and Io
wa unconscious. He was removed to
the hospital and is in a MMrtOM
condition. He had either fallen down
stairs or had been kicked hv a horse,
but which i not known. He is ap
parently suffering from a concussion at
the i a-. : the brain.
osorge and Tua-Tua Will
Await Trial in Jail.
The preliminary examination el
Columbia tieorge and Tua-Tua for the
murder of Annie Ldna wa held before
Justice of the Peace Thomas Fitt
tierald today, and tin- defendant were
held without bail to appear in i Iveeil
court, which will convene in Pendle
ton on Monday. October . Tin wit
l me 1.1 who had previously test i he. 1 at
the croiier moil. -' w.-r. .i i. ; ti
the number of half a ihneii ami
in the mountains about 4H miles nearly
east of Milton, near the divide he
heJaWM and Walla Wulla rivers,
on the headwaters of the latter.
Arthur returned home on Wednesday,
hut said nothing of hi lather death
until tin morning, when he dated
that he and hi father were together
'Sniping m the mountain, ami that
hi- lather bed arisen verv early and
hint taken his gun and liot himself
and huil died. The news wa brought
Id Milton by Dlevid Kelly, an older
brother of Arthur, wl o wa accom-punii-d
by Frank BOWpie,
Deceased was a nephew of P. J.
Kelly, who formerly represented L'lntt
tillu' county in tin- legislature He
leave a wife and tune children.
iieputv Sheriff Joe Hlnklev. ..f Pen
dleton, is here looking up the case.
Coroner W . Ii. Cole I- eXa-cte.l to
arrive thi evening to hohl an impicst.
The lasly ha not yet l-een brought
home. The ! Arthur gives Ii. excuse
for failure to mention his father's
death the moment he got home, which
adds a slight air of mystery t tin
affair, with u suspicion of murder, for
deceased was believe J to have been
cruel to liis boys.
An investigation will disclose
they 1 w hether tie- .et-U wa- . olinnltt. il in
To Make His Head Swim.
Frank iBBovlta. of Rea Haten.
Conn , is a luckless suitor, but MO
needthrift. He eoerted Bophie fera
pliin, of Montowese. three yea''- Ihe
gave him the mitten In.; week. Thee
he .rt .-lit. d to In r an it. mi II
count of the money he bad ipBBl OM
ni-creaiii. s."u water and candy tor
her mid in car hire to her home. He
had kept account. Be 'ays jf he can't
get the gin he will make bat ia i BM k
tne money the courting cost him.
Bophie raiereed In- pr Bte, bet ob
jected to the bill of 1310.
"Pnv it or marr me." he said.
"1 will do neither." she unswerel.
She ha a bill for kie-. aho declar. -.
thu' will make hi Deed -wim.
Kid Smith's Dell.
Jack Smith, the Kid. write from
l'orthind stating that he i- n hUSW MM
auxiotia to meet Kid Walton or Tom
keott, within Ihe next two or throe
week, the men to weigh in at IM
n Hind- at :! ..'clock of the day oi the
tight. Winner to tnke so and loeor N
I er eent oi net receipts, or winner la
take all i- Kid smith's prop. -it ion.
All Ul-to.ilate bicycle at tl''. Indies'
wheel- IM, at Ihe Cre-cen: AtpNMJJ 111
he Fait OleglllliMII building A i--.nd-l.anil
bicycle in gi-sl order for 118.
Terete eeey, without I ale reel.
Upern llou.se Hlock. Court Street, Pennleton
Put Yourself
in Peters' Shoes
WY handle the Pet an Shoe Co.'s celc-liratoil "Diamond in
nf sinu s and CM suit you liotbJas to style am! price
unaerweai and
We can save vou mOMV
nd be convinced.
on all linen, but we will still sell at coat some
The World's Petroleum Suppl.
Statistics iboe that the Dnited
State and liussin are Is'tween them
pnxlucing. ,n round numbera, 180,00 -NO
barnh ef petrolenn per real aed
that the production of uumda coun
tries bus of lute iMereaeed n neeh that
they ate uble Ml c.lll'ribllte enough MOW
to bring the world' aggregate annual
production to about tM,U)0,flU0 burr. Is.
It i well known that the nrednetlo ol
Ftusiu is much less now than It I b(
in-, ow ing to the lack oi enterpriee "i
the people slid to I lun l-. ll.lt - UNU -tation
mi uuucrwni and heserv t
i-k cosr sale win no. !,,:
wnl still soil at cost some lne nf
virIi as iiiiiinci waists, wrappers ami seasonal. 1. .77'
I glKsJs
OUR HOTIOl ' ds watistactrv or Monev Refunded
KOEPPEN'S THE FAIR, Bennett & Tarbet. Props
fiu, eip-tc Jitf Jf-,: ttorr.
115 Court St.
The World's Larttstt Diamond.
The rnjuh of Matlan own thn
largest reliable diamond in the world.
It weighs SnT cerate, and is shaped
like an egg. with a aeeer little dented
hollow marking the smaller end. Nunc
notion of the value nf the tone cat. be
formed from the fact thnt when the
king ol liorneo w ished to add it to his
treuiires some years ago ha offered in
exchange f..r it M0,000 in cash,
wppleMieBted bj the gift oi two "wur
ships" fully equipped, n nnetkef al
cannon and n large .piuntity of
powder ami shot.
m SL Genu
''eeV'sw- :-rTatjpW QEo OARVEAU, Prep.
Am M
I ur ipcsn Plan.
Block and a hall from depot.
Sample Koom in connection
Room Rate
50c. 75c.tl.N
again testhieO, nothing oi sensational 1 " vmmnm
interest Is i ng adduce.1 that had not m
been previously known. WALLA WALLA
Ticoiia, an Indian, wa held a ui.
... William J Johnson
A. I. Stillman and WIHkM l'ar- I . appeared'
jitia uoiM-ared tur the defendant, and. Walla Vullll.
T. 8. ilaiiev f.r the sute.
'Mytlsriouily Di-
Thrsa Days Abo.
Aug 'M. William J
We havt the larj;est stock of School books anil Supplies
ever brought to Fendleton. Our prices will be right. Conn
in and see us. Our stock includes
Slates and Pencils,
Tablets and Copy Books.
Pencil Boxes and School Bags,
Separate Leaf Note Books,
Composition Books,
Pens, Penholders and Ink Erasers,
And all kinds ol stationary.
Johnson, proprietor ol the Johnson ice
.ream parlors n !i,:- . i". i- missing
and in- w herealsiut- i- being s. light
i in aiu As a result t. cases Mt-re
l tiled in the superior court dm - ln
I The Oret wea oy Joseph M-r. iium to
collect the sum of II h. 4W Ulnl the
.-.olid an uction n Milt f, Morgan
to secure laym.-nt oi ij.Vi. tin- same
behej awe on a milk account. Iii the
meant inn- the missing man is not to h.
found and all efforts to discover hi lo
cution apieur truitleOB.
Jt apM.-ar that Momlu . August 0,
Johnson drew the slim ol fMJO Itoln the
hunk in this city in wiii' h the money
of the biisinevs lieing carrieil on b
himself and win was delsaiited. Tell
ing hi wife that he was going uul into
the country to take orders lur goods he
t.s.k hi- deitrtiir. ami sine- that time
ha- not been seeu. He did not with
draw all of the money from the bunk.
1' being left still ti. the credit of the
firm. Neariv u mouth ago Johnson
went I.. rseaNlde "for hi health", and
.ellt aolne .'a ' da - enjoying its
II. all re- .11. il -i.-ing ill. at 11,1- - I'll-
lar timmer resort. Stones that he
hud gamhied and swut money re k
lessly while there were generally dis
credited. He lre the reputa ion in
this city of Ix-ing a teinperale, I ml us
Iriou man.
The property he left behllul will he
more than enough to meet his debts.
for Whooping LoubO.
"Itoth my children wer. taken with
whooping cough." writer Mr. (I. K.
Ilutton, of lanville. Ills. "A small
bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar gave
such relief that 1 used u M cent bottle,
which saved me a doctor's bill."
Nothing else So goal. Koappon'l
Thres ol Them Will Attend College at
Ann Artoor.
Three Filipinos will be students at
Ann Arbor whuii the college year
opens. They are said to lie the II ret
Filipiuos to matriculate at an Ameri
can university An educational society
in Manila sent lln-in to America.
heUoree Ariraga. of Manila, and
Juan Tecaon, of baiacau, twuuty-oiie
years old, will study civil engineering.
I.oreiuo Orirabia, uf Cavil, eleven
yuan old, w ill remain eight years ut
Ike university.
Tbo older boy i wore khaki suit
with sandals, but the youugtutl boy had
Conic and hsik at the ni.-v, le- a' 'he
Crescent Agenc in the l-.ua! l.r.gonian
building. Bicvdes for u small amount
down Bed the liulance in monthly pay
ment. Iio interest.
Walla Walla, WasUorton.
For beerdina and day pupils.
Healthful ba-ation, in l-t residence
part of city. Preparatory and ucademic
departments Kxc-ptionul udyuutuges
in Milan and Kneiifti. Individual in
struction tor those whose ediicutioli
has been irregular.
Health. Cemrtcter. Schol.irship. Culture.
For talatepa, apply to
lis Imogen Boyer, Principal.
The only exclusive maker of hand madt harness
in the city THE RIGHT PRICE. Good
stock. All Work cuaratced.
C mrt St., . Ci lden Rule Hotel
We are now ready for busitie-n.-.ir
W'asliingtoii a Columbia
I. ' - freight deait with a
MBBrel u--or:nient of lumU-r
dir.-ct from our own saw mill,
and can furnish unytl.io.'
promptly. Country orders in
car loads shipia-d direct from
our mill in carload loir at
correct prices, tiive u u call.
( !
pa, ...
W.J. 8EW1LL, Mfr.
The Best
Ever Brewed.
.ma. .-u
J eeai oaissai isWssliIsi
lee. Mt-
l.I I K LNSUBikNCE 00.
Life Endowment
and Accident Inauranoe
I '..Wilde fitlior in a siiitli 1110
or in installments.
It has the e.Mt .mil I'.est Ot h'ani.ation
I or Policyboiden oi anv
rVntaaricen CompeDVi
Muile fr.iui tilt.-r.-I water. Hecoin
loeudeil hy physiciuiis. oil BBC onnk
all you want of il and not h.n. the
heitilu. li- ..r get du .
Special Sale of Crockerv and Glassware
Thursday and Friday, August 30 and 31, we offer our entire line of crocker) L
glassware at greatly reduced prices.
Schultz Brewing Co. j
, lead hi.
100 piece Knglisli Mini 4orce!eiii
IW Ii tlllot.l..k
SO laai table set
tc (old iug lunch boxes
Hix elei'trn plate IDOOns.
Buy yuur wile a dinner set now
' 0 r'railied SlusniMl. war ni.-tlire. '''Ax'Si Miches
Katleetf heiea gi,n n.ai ah ..uuunuiiii
nrsMIS el achuol dislri.-i No h, I'msillU
ui.. o! ,L",eik,,?.V mZittMtoVteuSi t,,k,;,h ukc" at prices.
llrcguioal. I -OMil.t IVI, I,. I.,l, f,n.,. Jn
U-rel . Ir.iln lUle lit lbh,-llufl
lailol August ' IWS.I
l.I KA HIslKir
1 tut Inn glass oil . .ins
I uuey shue toilet sot
fsf.00 lamp, with shade.
Six burs Owl laundry soap
while you can get it cheap. All dinner sets less 10 per
Court and Johnson Street.
Pendleton, Oregon.
tsrundb ot Cauncd Go
TATOM BROS.. Proprietors.
Staple and l ancy Groceries, Fruits and Herrie a 11 ,u ,.
Brands of Canned Goods. I'resii V it w .f u..
Main Street, Pendleton,