East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 29, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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Every dollar's worth of seasonable goods will
be closed out regardless of cost.
Cleaver Bros.
1 fount
n Brought From Athen
, D ibonl W years of ago BMMd
nlip Mi lm " "mugm irom
ltiDA ll I 0QU HUM m r.in
fttl'l' ' L. Smith. He had only
to AtlMn Irom MIllM "11 the
nig arm lag Itt40 p. in , and mi
Sm ith B '1 while n his wiiy
II.- was taken t.. tlie
ithftiu li t. . it ii 1 treated by Or. J. P.
Pnoion.l.m. v ho derided thut tin- best
thins that con Id be done under thecir
..,,, . . u i- I., -end him t. I'ondlc
BaMaibari !.im examined ii t bin
aviitv. Mr MiiaflBBjl BB the
nbin't investigation by County
Mp- Barttnan today.
Mr. Smith bud the aaalatance M Mr.
Rutaaa, ol Pendleton, in bringing
., , . all I . i.l kin. train
ne juoug nun. ...-. mMM . ,
be again Md l lit. an t lint upon arrival
rs-rs he (M i"' ajajrt In- had to la
nrrieil a -tr.-tcher and was tuk.-n to
Us-count v (arm in West Pendleton.
From m ar t found in Mr. MeAdam1
picket it ;- l.armil that bfl if from
V. Mexic 1.
luring 1 ir- apparently rational
monifiiti- b y state tbnt bi was BB
bard MM of tb biirnini! vessels in the
luftirr ai lli.- Hob .ken, N. .1., llrt-two
n.'iiti.-;i- ..!. ! i'iuiK'd into tin- river
Iumvi- I i- i'-. while in tbe water be
Wtf struck "li the bend by a piece ..f
timber aiul -im-e that time bin head
bar been troubling biiu.
Had a Fit In Pendleton.
Young ! -iii tu Mi-Adams wa
Mm with a tit at the corner .(
Coart uml.I .lui-. ui streets Ibis morning
Uu! had I DC lajMM buck to the county
(arm. Be reeted well I ant night Bnd
tin- atrthoriti thought they Might
l.-ly all m him to continue Ilia
journey, to he waa allowed to so free
and MMM Dp t'.wn umici-oinpan I
Tbie tit. though, will necessitate him
twing MB) ther to the hospital or
the asylum lor treulment.
Vanilla's Harveat la Pretty Close to
the Flnlah.
D. K. ll.-ll ix getting hia threshing
outfit ready to ahi). to the Paloa
MBMTy, having finished up her.-.
Dm- Turner ill finish up today and
totaormw nu tlie lathernian piac. and
fir g-.u-r: tit-tit k-i.ki wheat laud.
EEa Finn threshing outfit will mora
May to the Murker .lace (our miles
!.. I -. l..-t in nu the recervaii' "
Mr. Barker a still laid tin bv tin-
atcident which hupn-ned t" biui lunt
aak, ami will not be able to work
taia eeae-'ii.
A. Michael will BkMM bil outfit
tuiay .ruin tbe (ootbilla to n.ur l'.-n-oletun
uu the reservation.
Tom Kerr will commence today n
t OnnningbMi and "tttuobf't"
heat lami betwaan Uail.-r iprlnga and
Tk- I. r.-ueu outfit in htill at work
It isn't
the material
That gin into your repair. -.1
watch that reeulta in a per(ct
J"h. It is the
that doea the buaioeas. Any
liung.i-r .-an buy the rjiiu kindao'f
Btarial thai I ua- in repairing;
i the i,,,IHt valuable material
that oao le uaed in watch re
pairing; a,,d the huiigler cun't
Kv it. I .ell my akill lor what
t is worth, and it will coat you
thai, bungling at lower price.
P Jeweler and Optician.
! -luor iu Alexaudar ai Heiur'. J5
SAU a AAA S.JLSULS.& fljjflBOOflOgfllt.!)
Oregon Bakery and Grocery
Wl are agjUflg Fruit Jarsan-1 extras c!n a.t i
than anybixiy else in the city.
Try our 2-i-e nt Oaffw for your hWWt 'rew.
CHaT Street.
Mormon Bitalioptf' P
MB HH " ax-7 Tai
fat w
b lilt 3
utr, Hudaoh,Unritn
Or Co
lien tkjtk. It itr ! dHuuI-M,
Mi ..u.'TUr Lu .'.r Aaantte, a.er-P " Co.. mmm rnt,, ou
ujt nv tallmav m oo.. witutiuwia. Mnwufc-ixi, UUBUUM.
Dry Goods Co.
.n MTBOr'l w h.-nt north of I'elull.-ton
Riotimond DNMlMfl have ntore.1
their bin onttit an. I will threnh Ba
BMCa until next yt-nr. They chiini the
BMefOtJ bai been nil uupr.'titiihle one
for ihiaanlna Machine bmb gaMrally,
on BOaOWN of the relatively large
BBtBBBl of straw at- compared to grain.
Olorlout Newa.
Comes from Pr P. H. t'argile. of
Waehita, I. T. He writee: ' ' I-our
bottlet ..( Electric Hitters has curd
Mr. Brewer of scrofula, which had
canned her great suffering or years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, and the best doctor
could give no help: but her cure is
complete and her health is excellent."
This shows what thousands have
proved, that electric bitters is the
best blond purilicr known. It's the su
preme renie.lv for ecr.ema, tetter, salt
rheum, ulcers, boils and running
sor.-s. It stimulates liver, kidneys anil
bowles, expels poisons, help digestion
builds tip the strength. Only "HI cents.
Sold by Tin! man .V Co.. druggists.
Home to Pendleton.
Kev. C. A. Potsoii and family will
arrive home tomorrow and the Hrt
BBBMd will resume preaching for the
Christian church, sen ices being held
in the Congregational church, comer
of Webb and Johnson street. Mr.
potsoii hue la-en located at PandlatoB
for more than two vt-ars, but left w ith
hi- iiunilv lust spring OB account of
ill-health. He uud his family have
la-en seiiiiiiig the most of the sum
mer at Chehalis. They will Ik- wel
comed BpQB their return and the
reverend gentleman congratulated iihhi
ha ing regained his health.
A Lire and Death Fight.
Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la.,
writing of hi almost miraculous
escajH- from death, sa: ''Rssoavra
afi--r measles induced s.-rioii lung
(ronbla, which aaaM la consumption.
I had frequent hemorrhages and
t-ougiied night and day. All my doctors
-aid 1 iiiu-l soon die. Then I U-gun B)
us - Pr. King's New Pisc-.verv for con
anmption, which rmupletely cured me.
1 would not tsc without it even if it
rn-t f'i a Isittle. Hundreds have used
it in my n miueiidation and all say
it never fails to cure throat, chest and
lung troubles." Regular size "hJc and
M, Trial Inittles free at Tallmau (V
C". 's PrUg Store.
Operation tor Appendicitis.
Treasurer S. K. Yates went to Mil
ton Mon. lay BBjd from there 108001
DBniad la W year-old son Earl l Walla
Walla. The' young man was taken to
OfODp'a hospital where an OBBTBliOB
was performed upon imu for BMBBdi
altla, He remained there in the
hospital and wa getting ulomj nicely
when Mr Yates left Tuesday aft.-r-
Boaav and arrived home la FaBuatoa
at 'i o'ct.H-k in the evening.
To Whom It Bay Concern.
Notice is hereby gleli thut my wife,
Mary E. Oillatt, nil left my Ids.-,
bad and board, and this is ja notify
and warn all x-rsou that 1 w ill not be
responsible for any debts h.-rcaftai in
utiv manlier coiitraete. by h.-r. August
gg, jiaju. M. H. OILLITT.
A Good Thing.
llur great-grand mothers' garrets
contained the Ham.- herbs of all heal
ing foiual in Karl's Clover K'-.t T.-u.
Thev guv.- our ancestors strength, kept
the "blood pure, and w ill do the same
for vou if fag aay . l'rice 25 its
and'Stl ets! Ta flRMl B A Co., leading
St. Joseph's Academy Pendleton.
Boarding and day school for girls,
with separate building and ground- for
buy. Buildings are furuiahed with all
iii'Kf. rn con veil ieiii-ee. Incorporated in
atitutions, emiwere.l to grant dagtaaa.
gta lie will le reniiuied on Monday,
gepioBibaff u.
LbOk at Your Face.
And we if it is reflecting health or
,li...a. Karl's Clover Koot lea
beautifies the face and comnl.-xlon, and
assures ported health All druggists.
25 cents and 50 cent Money refunded
if reaulU are uot Bjajajajajrg, lalimau
& Co.
Bicycles can be nurchaaed at the
Croacent Agency in the Kaat Uregoniali
building on installments, payment ei,
or more, a week. No interest.
r. . Loat MaMhooJ. Im-
larce. a.iop Her
Speculation Now Is to the Effect That
the Road Will Gobbled up By the N. P.
Reports are in circulation, and ap
parently not without MMM) reaon, that
there is .-onneetion between the cesea-
tion of building oHraliou on The
Palle portaga railroad and alleged in
tention of the Northern Taciticto build
down the north hank of the Columbia
river to Portland, ay the Portland
Mag nun. Evidence i furuiahed in
the suspension of work upon the
portage road at The Palle, engineered
DJ Paul Mohr. Thi road wa to have
Ix-en Balabad by thi time, hut lack of
funds made it neeeeaarv to diaehargc
the workmen, and until more money
i forthcoming the road will not In
completed. It i more than probable
that the neceary funds w ill lie ftirn-i-li.-d
bf the Northern Pacific.
Outrider will wonder what connec
tion the building of a road by the
Northern Pacitic has to do w ith tlie us
peatkm of work nrsm the Paul Mohr
road. The latter Mud was incorporated
a the Central Naviagti.ui a Coniruc
lion ooatpaav, with a capital tck ..(
aV0,000 and with the RTOWad purpose
' lormiin: a linK in a river trau-imrta-
tion line fortiauling wheat from un
Columbia point to tidewater.
Promises were made the farmers that
their grain would e handled this fall
In jH-r ami l-low railroad rates. In an
interview puhlislu-d recently, Mr.
Mohr stated that under course oil con
struction at Portland and Pasco were
three steamers that would run in con
nection with the road, and that thee
us well as tie- i-ortage road would In
completed and ready for business the
latter part ..I Aagus't. Tin- boat- arc
not finished, h -wever, nor is the road
completed, fhe 1350,000 capital pro rod
inulhcicnt . Unit I lie road is embar
rassed bf luck of fund- is evident, Ix-
cause all workmen to whom was owing
more than f 1 each, were paid only M)
l-r cent of their claims, w ith promise
of the other 'Hi x-r cent in the near fu
ture. The Northern Pacific Needs It.
The Northern Pacific, of BOB rat.
would not Raad a steamer line and a
railroad also down the Columbia.
Therefore, its onlv direct interest
would la- in securing the portage
road, which would give it a vnluahlc
link in the main line. Because of it
pOaltiOB the MirtAge road coiiiniand
UM only right of way it is isis-ihle to
MMBPa OOWn that portioa M Um Col
umbia. I., tterlinger, who has right of
MB -cured down the Columbia, i
now in the courts fighting the portage
road for trackage rights along that BuV
turn, as there I ii"t sutticient r-Kini
there for two railroad-, i.erlingers
scheme. o far a known, has no con-
nection with the plans of the Northern
It naturallv foil, w- that the North
ern Pacific will want to get the rmid
u cheaply as possible. In connection
with the plans of the bigger road thert
is a very pretty story going the round
of the inner circle. It is said that Mr.
Mohr got a senator from Washington
interest.nl iii this plan to build the
srtage road in connection with a
it earner line and that the senator in
turn interested his financial Iriends to
the extent of l2').tkM. the estll.iuted
cot. It wa not imagined that it
would be in s-ary entirely to com
plete tie- pood. The intention was, so
the st -rv g to lore.- tlie u. It . . . .
to buy it at u huinlsome profit. That
road would hurdlv consent. It Is said
to have Ix-en thought by the promo
tors, to let a iwerful rival enter the
Bnld. The promise to Paul freight at
much less than rail rate- was con
sidered a clincher, the reKirt has it,
which the O. B. ix H. could not
Whether or not the story i- true, the
promoters are temporarily einbarra.-'l,
or else th.-v could have paid their men
off in lull or completed the road,
wlii -li i- almost finished, Eeeliug sure
that the O. K. A N. will not advance
aliv monev, tlie ortiiern raciuc, it i
said, will allow the stockholders time
enough to become dis-atistied, and
when th. v are willing M sell at inmost
any price will -t.-p in and buy the road
at it own price.
Charles Johnson Is Badly Injured at
Baker city.
Oka.lM I ii ti siT ut I . , . i r I ' v was
ai work 0B the extension of the citv
water works aid wa- tila-tmg a way n-r
the pi pa line. He was using black
powder and becoming a little careless,
after tilling the holes, left the keg of
i.nu.ler tell or twlevc feet to "lie side,
and proceeded to light the fuse, eiiect-
W T . . i --i 1.4. L.J i
ing to take tlie powuer wiin iiiiu in n
r.-adv to retreat la a safe distance. A
li.. I..' i l p. ...... ai.M I, low in - at thi- time
ad IbM bafoM he got raady lo rem....
the k.-g of powder a spark from tin
liurillllg tuse was oi.'Wli 10 wi.i-rr n
ignitel tbe pOBNteff and a terrific ex
ploaiofl occurred, us there was from ten
t., lift.-eii pouuda of powder yet in the
Mr. Johuaon wa knocked down and
-..r. iv lairaad but not iBvioaaJf
injured". His eyes ttecaiasl injury, el
though his face was badly burned and
nil . v.- I. rows and part of bin hair was
burned off.
A Postottlce and Store Robbery at Gold
At (iold Hill. Kouthern Oregon
sol. h.-rs entered the postolticc store of
W. T. Heames and aucueeded in taking
g of s.st-ilhce funds and sUU 01 Mr.
I ' wealth I bej -irilli d a Id
inch hole through tlie top ol a large
fireproof safe and pfobabiy blew the
safe up with nitro-glycerine. The
front d.s.r of the aafe, which weigh
msi pounds, wati thrown about eight
f.-.-t by the explo.ion, cruahing its way
through the floor. The I BO 108 door,
als.ut two inches thick, wae uleo blown
out w lib exnloeivea.
Nearly all ol UM pmaic pus-rs 01
li,.- iUaaaai Br., w.-r. aBpaad and
UatfOyad bf the exohaiiou. A sack
ooBtaiaiag 2T(i Lb gold daat was left
unmolested, and atiWi worth ol United
MaU-a poeUga Mtumps were undis
turbed. The box containing the soet
ottice money order husiueaa wae
-ii,..r'..-t and the content, with the
exception ot 5 cents iu small change,
Survey Said to Be Completed By the
Northern Paelfle.
It ia aaid that the Northern Pacific
has iu contemplation, in a-ldition to
tbe Lind-Kllenaburg cut-Vf, a proposi
tion to further shorten the line lie
tween 8sjkane and the coast by a di
rect route from LUM to Oakewlale,
Waah. The uroiajaed aurvey from
Uad fJ tJakeadale, or a nearby point,
will 11 through the eastern syrtioo
of Adams county iu an nearly aa cao
be figured a straight line ruiimng eaat
by noith, crossing the Palouae river
int.. Whitman county juet aouth of
Kock Creek and on through a greater
portion of Whitman county to the eaat
eru terminal. This section it what u
kuowu aa the 1'alouee country and
while now well settled, there is aaldtu
b an abundunce of uuoccopled laud
along the proposed right-of-way.
The proposed aurvey eaat from
Oakaadalfl will probably ). into
Idaho just north of Karmington, ami
continue through a rich agricultural
etretch to the mountains. After pass
ing through Lord's pass a rich fruit
and grain section of Montana i found
la the Bitter Root valley.
With tbaaa propoaad cutoff coct-
-tru.ted it will shorten the distance
fnl St. Paul to the coast -Ml miles,
thus giving the Northern Pacific the
hortet trani-ontinental line operating
to (be .Mast.
Bears Ihr sirrisl.tr of 0a. tt Ft a
la u-s for more than thirty rsrs, snd
nu gMd Pea ast .i;v" A.nrA
Failure to Grasp an Opportunity When
It Turned up.
11. H. Capp, a well known resident
ol Walla Walla, and it brother of the
late John Capp f Pendleton, returned
a few day ago from a business trip to
the east, say the Statesman. While
la Carthage. Jasia-r county, Missouri,
Mr. Capp met the OPPOTI&nlty of his
life, and by a trivial circumstance
missed DBOOflning B very wealthy man.
At a little place called Hell's Neck, a
wandering miner discovered a rich
vein of lead and zinc. Near by was an
SO acre lot which was up for sale or
trade, valued at IM0, I'nderstunding
the go low na I formation. from u
twelve year-' eBjBBfteMB in mining.
Mr OBpp decided that the vein BBBBM
through this plot. Not having MR)
ready cash he offered the owner some
ao parlor r.-ui aatata In trad.-, of which
Mr. OapB wa a half owner. It wus
accepted, but his partner could not
In- induced to sign the pan-rs, as he
did not believe in Mr. Cnpp's mineral
rein. The transfer was delayed, mid
in the meantime n stranger secured
the StO acres Iu less than a month the
valuation of the laud had raised to
1500,000. It wus the sensation of the
On his return to Walla Wul In Mr.
Capi wn BaatMBBBJllad be his brother,
William If. Capp and wife, who may
.le. id.- to locate there permanently.
Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton.
B E Bmwn, Nome.
V U Keimer, Phila.lelibia.
s Harris, Portland.
Ben Salmon, Spokane.
J A Keiter, Portland.
N B Maeklia, Portland,
Mrs T Baker. Colfax.
(' W Alders and wife, St Joseph.
W li Cis.k, Ss,kune.
M II Patlon, Spokane.
I1 K Hiiusacker, BpokBOBi
S A Hammond, Spokane.
J B Moran, la Oraml.-.
Mrs M A Piinham, I'omeroy.
Mis Eaiinle Purr. Huntington.
A Eortlouis, dan Erancisco.
E A Kllgpal, Portland.
Is-ui .Salmon. Newton, Iu.
K Payaa and wife, Walla Walla.
I W Conklin and wife, .Mullan,
Mrs Pr Ely, Walla Walla.
Q W Hunt, Portland.
II l.ippal, Athena.
B L TupM-r, Chicago.
Wm Maher, Chicago.
O E Summons, Chicago.
Jos Meyer, Portland.
E Barn-s, Seattle.
Mrs rani La I IrBada,
1-: f Brace, St Punl.
i.-o Elliott, Borland.
It Will Do You Good.
A bhssl puritb-r and tissue builder is
Karl's Olorar Kis.t Tea. Sold for half
a centurv on our guuranb-e. Money
refiimled if results are not satisfactory.
Price 25 i ts. and 50 els. Tallmau .V
0. R. v N. World's Fair Prlie.
' The Pacilic northwest has Im-.-ii
brought to the attention of the whole
world bv the tin.- exhibit of .. real
made by the l). It. A N. at the Paris
exsisitiou, and which has captured
the gold medal. The fact that this is
tie- only railroad in the United States
to receive a prize, is iu itself a feather
in the cap of the O. It. V N., and tne
credit and glory are shared e.piully in
Washington, Oregon and Idaho, which
stales pr.sluce.l the samples thut
captured the honor The trallic de
partment of the II. li. A N. workisl
hard to send a crisiitabtfl exhibit of
the resources of the iiorthw. -t to the
I'aris exposition. Colonel It. (' .lud
son tbe industrial agent, was a - tad
by M. A. ( arl.ton, assistant patholo
gist of the department of ugricultiire.
at Washington, and al-o bv S.-cretarv
Makethe Hair Grow
With warm sluuusss ef Cora 1 a Hoak aud
Uxai diessiug. ofCrno as. i ..n t .1 .-n..l-Ueut
skiu curs. TBif lessleisnl m eaaa
atop faiiiug hair, resaoves eresu, ei aiss, and
dsadrufl, suoUsse lull Bled. kW hnig surlacas,
stiuiulalee Us hair follU-ta-s, suppli the
peeM wiUi vusry Bad n .sinusal, aad
bakse tlai hair grow wi.-n ai I el si falls.
s.as umwksri a wi furfssli.ssi - ...
b. y ivt .assise- " U ui ua iaasuisi Usu," baa
Planing Mi
and Lumber Yard
Dealer in all kinds of
Lumber and Building
Material Big stock ot
lath, shingles, tar paper,
mouldings, sash and
doors that arc .juaranteed
not to warp. Estimates
furnished on building
material ou short notice.
R. FORSTER, - Proprietor.
Atifuit Herman Will Probably Not Make
a Bank ot an Old Shoe Again.
ugiist Herman, of Walla Walla,
ha- recovered his sarings which he
dapoaited la an old shoo and which
war, stolen on Monday, rtta amotinl
wi- IS90, If transpires that hi two
daognten were the publoiner of the
cash. Th Blfla say thev were In
stigated to take the money by one Ma
Miller who was sadly in iuh-.I of coin.
The girl took the money from the old
BhOBi and gave iurt of the sum to the
Miller girl aim reserved the rest for
themselves. The Miller girl was
found and the entire amount was re
BHBjag (Q the owner. The girls were
then released from custody on promi-e
of better N-haivor in the tntnre.
Uettlng a New Crop or Hair, and Has No
More Dandruff.
BVOfylaady g the Northwest knows
Col. Pani'el Sealre. the veteran
journalist and publicist of Butte. Jan
narv 10, llkkl, the colonel writes: "I
used a couple of lottles of Newhro'
Herpicide with marvelous results. The
dnndrnff disappeared ; a new crop of
hair has taken root, and the bald sxt
is rapidly Ix-ing covered." Ilerpieide
is tbe only hair preparation that kills
the dandruff BBMU that dig- up the
scull- in scales as its burrow its wax
to the ris.t of the hair, where U de--trov-
the italitv of the bnir, causing
the hair to fall out. Kill the dandruff
germ, with Ilerpieide.
Hot Weather
Sick Children
Children will get sick.
The l-ost care will not prevent it.
When vim iiinl tlu-y are so tin
fortunate r uit-tiidcr that we can
fill your proscriptions, anil besides
hiivt- everything (or the sick
Comer Main and t 'oiirt Sts., I'.-ndletoti.
The Closest Scrutiny
of your linen and other wa-hahle gar
ments after they have Im-cii through
our bauds will only deepen the con
viction in your mind that we have th.
"know bow," the facilities and the
willingness to "do things up" iu high
class style. Not the least of our
merits is promptness in delivery you
know w bat it is to wait !
I. f , Robinson, Prop.
Telephone 60
Alba Sawmill
(iood Lumber
i ili Rough and Dressed.
( Irden Promptly Killed.
J. L. Bisher & Co.,
1 1I K PIKgtl aol'BB TO
.Montana, 1,'ttth, Colorado
.in I all luistern FohitH
Hives elselM of two feverltsr reeiee, vie the
i -,ii. n pa. in- r.i m.ii Uaaj ui it., kio
No Change of Cars
uu tut Purllsud l.'ulceau Hut. I.I, tlie In.. .1 la
II.. WtlSl."
Baigpad vvuii
I Icfant SlandarJ Sleepers
I l iic Ncvy Ordinary leuilet sbrpcr.
Superb Library Buffet Cars
-.pi. ndi J llncri meats a la carte
Tree Reclining Chair Care
Comfortable Cuacliee and Smokere
I ut lr e Trala Completely Vcatlbuled
tut ferllisr luluru.slluu suuly u
if t W AMSI.KY.
Afeut O K 4 u , p. i. I Or
Trev. Pass Agi ocu'iAgeut
tl Thlra It., fortlana, Oregon.
Sacks and Dressing
98 cts
In Kaad) Made DapartrrHsnt.
Men's rnrnishers.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New
Strictly First-Class
Excellent Calsloe.
Kvery Modem
' rMl
ij. -
IUr and Milliard .looms.
The Hest Motel
Van Pi .in Bros., Props.
Byers' Best Flour...
To make gixnl bread use Myers' Mest Flour. It took fii.st
pre iiiitim at the Chicago Wotld's Fair, over all coniietl
tlon, and gives excellent 1 1 i--i.i. i ion wherever uaed.
livery sack is guaranteed- We have the beat Steam
Rolled It it U-v , Seed Kyi-and Bcardlesa Barley.
Pendleton Roller Mills
v s. BYERS, Prop.
r.M.a.e ssre
J. W. Mill M. . r.i-.ii
Ukvlstesaa Te 0.s. - IfBi bMBI
A Hoardlna end Bnl.ool t)nsr
eat inaisseciiii sine, in
rrtmary. Frepsrslssnr end A- ts
sn:iinia. olie;s Kriir.ilun, miui;
irfft TeT. J iMBjgeNpjgyL
I HUH fll A LejgagojLem
' fieaw. Wij -t jr
0 ' , ZTir
t I . aUMLl M, Pfyy.
S. Onl) llltt tls
and C.niul.ls Hutsl
in Iks Lily
Cor. Court and Johnson Streets. It NIU.l TON OlitUON
Il!-Pendleton Academy
Academic Course d l.nir years pmparatory to the ls-et standard inll.-g.w
east or weal.
liueineae Courae e.piiwtieni i.. the boa) baelueea txillegai
Teas h.-m' OouraBi wimh prauarve (or Oouuty KaamlnatiuiM and for KPATI
Acer. slit. -I by the Male Hoard of I'alucalioii and graduates are) admitted uu
the same basin for Htat Inploioas us any sclesd iu I he stale. All grade main
taiu.sl. I all term BagMta rlondav, -September tolh.
I or catulouue and iiiforiuatioii
Grouse Sh)ootiog
Is Fine ttys Year...
fid lUr.is. ill old' ! lo P I Ihell. VoU In ed BgOfl all.
munition We have Ihe is sl sinokebiss on the mar
ket, (ksttie i" wh.-n you start hunting and try auiue
ot oaf C P- VV. ahells loadud with V4 draclime of
lwdur and 1'4 ounce,, ol 1)4 - hilled ahoV They are
Glie Us a Trial.
Rates $2.00 a day
Special Rates by
Week or month
Hi.idquarters for Traveling Men
In tastern Oregon.
Successors to J. I Moore
Kmn.'Shorth, Peer, elc
Us. ai. an FagMi
IfSS tUmsl. Muoini.
IBBbB lnhii,
III, fi.uf Bsileisg.
- .V. K. I.
IrUBBKH) M Pa,, on i p i