East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 27, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    MuNPAY. Al" I"-i
American Girl
Tan Shoes
Jnat th thing fr the mountain.
Best $2.0 Shoe in the Market.
Call ami e? them.
TIm Boot and Shoe Men.
SO' Male Street, Peudleton. Oregon
Batlitv A Zfhnr. choice cigar.
Covote scalps and warrants tUkf tit.
gold cr'.wn.
Wn, taker's.
ami I.ridire
iwtli line
l'eter Wnt
work at Or
McCall baiaar pattern (or sale
the Wessel liepartuient More.
Ui to Dr. Whitaker (or the finest
and most artistic dental work.
I 'tiring the tale at the Wee-! I'e
part men t Store all goods will be told
at coat.
If you want pore home rendered lard
with no adulteration go to chwarz
ard tireuhch.
You can fret many g-ods (or
little money at the Weseei Iieparinient
More during their fair.
Billie'i beat and hot wienie at
Little Henry' Cabin. Thev arei.i...
(teaming hot. Drop in and get a hot
A ladv's chainles Columbia, goal a
new. a $7o wheel, (or $J5 at the Cres
cent agency ir the Eat Oregon tm
I.. I.. Montagu. the Singer sewing
machine agent, ha opened an office
next dor to Joe Ell. Call and ee the
new machine.
sw ( sharp (or paper lunging and
He ha competent men lor
.ine of trade. Oiwra li.nise
block. Court street
You will never And any other p; I is
o prompt and pleasant a IvWitt's
Little tarly Riser. Tallmai. A Co..
leading druggist.
I have ;u stock a large lot of fruit
jar and extra cap ami rubber: also
one nice stone jars and crock. These
are bargains. 6. R. Demott.
The largest and most complete line
of fall street nat ever shown in tin
city are now on display at Mr. R--Campbell's.
Call and see then..
I'lenty of spring chickens, dresssd
or alive: also ( potatoe and all
kinds af vegetat-s Leave your orders.
Thev will be delivered promptlv. Q,
k. Demntt.
Mother's endorse it, children like
it. old folk use it. We refer to One
Minute Cough Cure. It will quickly
cure all turoat and lung troubles'.
Ta:lmac A Co., leading druggist.
"beat g-lr at lwat prieaa' ha al
way been oar motto, and we are pre
pared U earrv tni- out. Lverything in
the grocery m- can be found ii. ..ur
Muse. All we ask i (or you to drop in
and get oar price and tee Mm quality
of our good. City bakery A .r..ery,
I:. Martin, proprietor.
Million will be spent in politics
thu year. We can't keep tbe cam
paign without mm any more than
we can keep the imdy vigorous with
out food Dyspeptic used to starve
tnemselve. Now Kodol Pvaueisia
Cure digest what you eat and allow
you to eat all the g.! food you want
It radically cure stomach troubles.
Tallman A Co., leading druggist.
I'r. Whitakcr is the dentist.
Dr. Whitaker doe- all kind
lenlal work.
Tallman A Co. have replenished
their sbick H Me music.
Tbe largest line of school Imnks ami
supplies at Tallnmn A Co. 's.
When you want cream or ice cream,
telephone Initton. Itiack. liiln.
Wanted--liXH second haml school
hooks in gcd condition, the blue
1 Front.
, Every child who buys its hnok
at Tallman A Co. ' will" be presented
l with a companion box
The city of I'ortiand ha a salary
: list of I1K7.000 and a population n I.-
1 than KO.Obv.
bishop b. Witnr Moms, notwith
standing hi adavneed year, is making
one o( his customary stage trips n
' Co and Curry counties.
The new lierman Lutheran church at
, Salem was MlMsi by fire Saturday
and also the residence of Rev. Wet
next dix r b the church.
Tlie genera, mer. hah ;i t '
RUckaby. Jordan valley. Malheur
county, wa destroyed by tire Friday
morning. There is some insurance.
Mis Alio Thayer wa declared
elected ijuern si tin- Kik-' carnival,
receiving vueaa, n IS, 4 (or
Mrs. R. B. May. the next highest.
There were cast 42,t7S votes lor all the
candidates which, at " cent per vote,
represent- '-. I
Iar. A. Ma has sold hi brn-kyanl
at Athena to William Morgan, of
Albany, an experienced mage of brick
of IS year ttudv. Mr. Morgan will
burn another kiln of something like
22. 000 brick this fall. Nick Springer
ha returned to I'endleton.
A footrace is to he run in I'endleton
on saturdai . September I V batflflBBB
Tom Scott, of Westun. and J. H. Bslal
ton. ni Sampler, (or a (Ida. The
forfeit of :.V a side is already up.
The distance to I run is 100 yard.
Ske lion wa one of the leading runners
of the Baker City h.-s.- team in :.
k. Alexander is in receipt ( a net
hammock which wa knit by the dafi
band of Charles E. Neberjrail. w h
bad the misfortune to receive injuries
from which be lost hi eye sight by
the bursting of a bottle, when he BJM
employed by Loin-- C.-m a: :iie ih .
Pendleton. He ent Mr. Alexander the
hammock in appreciation of kind-ii.-ss.i-
hor. t :n..
The wolf in the (able put on "lei-
clothing because if he traveled mi
own reputation he couldn't ae-omplisi.
hi purpose. Counterfeiter- of He
Witt's Witch Haxel Salve couldn't sell
their worthless salves on their merit.
they nut them in boxes and
wrappers like IeWitt's. Look out (or
them. Take only ivWitt's Witch
Haxel Salve. It cures pile an 1 ail
skin disease. Tallman' A Co.. Lead
III.' druggist.
Sam F'orsha is in the city.
Robert Starkweather i home from
Lehniun spring.
John Stanton, of Athena, is a visitor
in Pendleton today.
L. E. Mcltev. of Hotter cri-ek. WW
a visitor in Pendleton last Saturday.
tieorge Uillett has iicceeleil the
popular Toui Vaughn a Western I'll ion
Mrs. William Iial is in Pendleton
(rom her home in Spokane on a visit ,
to her iter. Mr. Ingle
Miss Flssie Tatom retunirti Saturday
evening from Lehman springs, where
she has been rusticating.
Carl titiiott, Of Kirkman's orchestra,
ha returned from Lehman pr,ng.
the dancing season there having mm
to a door.
M. R. Yute. with A. M. Oiltia. ot
the Athena lumber yanl, visited in
I'endletun Sunday and went hack to
Athena thi morning.
Mr. William Bern 'ii- Wet
who ha Iwc tbe guest ot hor daugh-
ter. Mrs. Nick springer, (or a week,
retanul to her home today.
Mr W. C. Stiinson and daughter, j
t'lara. wiii leave Thursday for MoOJr
lam HOOM, Idaho, MOM which pi ace '
Mr. MiOJOOB lias mining interest.
J. F. Bennett, tor tive years postal i
clerk on the rendieton-nkiiiie nin.
now a wood aaxtlMOa af .leacham. i
sepnding a le da in Pendleton.
George Carl will leave WoteoadM
evening for ladand Manfont uni
versity. Me Will sail Ihnrsday even-i
ing from Portlaud (or san Francisco.
J. Craig, a writer of a nnmber oil
tenderly worded ioeui. who has lieen i
.1, Pendleton for the )4t' lea week-,
... ivave this- evening lor i'ortiand.
Mis Mattie Talland and Mr. ami
.Mrs. A. H llarn-. Miitoi ..-,
INHie. I'llot hock ; t. Miller. in wile.
Baiter l it'. . are guest- at the oildei.
A. P. si. ..man i " ri-tiirned tiHlay
from a trip to buffalo. . Y.. and fnm
attendance at the Wfa dmen of the
World seasimi held at Salt ijike citv.
Canyon City- Fiagle: Dr. Vaughn and
wile returned Tuedu In Prairie City.
They are well leased w ith our t.m'i.
and may decide to return and reman,
.1 mv Ualfer foviiicp'.v Wltl W Ii
f : Manlorvl to., win leave tin even
declined als. , but later ronnsidered j
her decl-ion and coiieltnlixl 11 BCBrfll,
Miss laura ll'tii'. BOB of the hrO
teochers. t a sister of Dr. A. I. j
Heatie and Mis Jennie Bestir, s-.e
la graduate of the state university (
at Fngene. li Sadie llauni. another
ma teacher, is the daughter of Mr.:
Han ni. of the i-toHire stri'. and ai
sisrr ot Sol banm. She also i a
mdnate of the stale university of ,
MMOl Vtil otn on M.mUy. Sop
atmbaT 10,
Senool Books B. th Million.
Million of school books are usnl in
the I'nited Stale annually. Pendle
too oar her share, and of all the
varieil assortment that ha ever been
shown here that noa to be seen at
Tallman A O is the greatest. Any
thing from a primer to an unabridged
dictionary. All the tett-book au
thoritetl to lie used in the public
rcbool of I'matilia county may tie ob
tained there at price to pleae the
purchaser. If you wish anything in the
school Iswk line Tallman A Co. ' is
the place to go.
Exeunion Bati to Portland.
For the Portland street (air ami
carnival. epienii?r 4 to 0, inclusive,
the i R A N C ha named a rate
of fo.is for the round trip from Pen
d.etoi. Selling date. enteniher 3, 4,
. lb and LI. Ticket limited for con
tinuous passage going and to sjrnjfi
three days after dat- of sale Call av
the 0. R A N ticket affioa for particu
lar. F F WAMSLEY, Agent
lg for v ansvcle to asit in construct
ing an addition to the balfour A
Outline wgnMojaa,
Mrs. C. C. Van ursdali. Mr-. A.
Bollerman und Mis Balls Ma0J . re
turned today mmi salt Lake city,
where they attended the sessions of
Pacittc Circie. Women of Wioaicralt.
Mr. Alex Prysdale and Mi- Fannie
!'ay have returned from their extended
trip to N'anaiiii' . Vancouver and other
british Columbia cities. Miss Iay is
a teacher in the spokauc public
Mr. ami Mr. 1. M. Helmick and
daughter. Miss Maudte. are visiting in
Pendleton, guest of Mr. Margaret
Jarvis. Mr. Helmick' mother, fhey
will return to their home at I'kiai.
within a (ew day.
M A. Rader, the lurniture dealer,
went to Walla Walla Saturday even
ing and returned sundae afternoon.
Mrs. Kader and children will make
I'eiidleton their home a souii a a
suitable boose can be obtained.
Frank J. Van Winkle, of Weston, i
in Pendleton bsiay, having hmhed
surveying Mime land tor the govern
ment in I'nion county. During the
coming year lie will officiate a princi
pal of the public school of Port
Augele. Clallam county, which will
commence on Monday , epteuiher In.
Joe Salt marsh . who was as seriously
injured by being struck 0B a crossing
in Pendleton by an 0. R. A N . pa
seuger train, ha fully recovered and
gone to hi home south ot Peudletoh.
Ballotm at Brnrt Ball for Carnival
Qun Was Interesting
At the benefit hall given Saturday
evening at the Armory hall, the VOtfaBJ
lor carnival iiirei; resulted in placing
Mi Tearl Luckey m the lead by '.'4
vole over all other candidates. The
ball was greatly enjoyed by a large
number of p-ple, who qnile unani
mously pronounced it a sncces. The
decorations were tasty and trail
lormed the ballroom into a eofjl attrac
tive room. Tin- is tin standing of the
various candidate at the close of the
votiug :
Pear. Ltiekcv. -
Clair- Moo u . 4'r.
l.ura Sharon. 4'-.'
tiertrudg- Whittem re. !?."..
It i now believed that 'he public
wedding- mie for each day of the
carnival, a ill he satisfa. t. rilv ar
raugeil. None of the names will be
given out. and evervtbing will U
done in gil tat . The presents to
bo gbfoB Ibe ibohiIb will bo oi bb
hibitioi, at BBBBBoJ of the stofwl alter
t.slav.si.nie being already ir. the shorn
windows. The laaird of director ha- been in-
rited to meet at the Armorv tonight
witness the practice dancing the
voting BOOfJM nmler the direction of
Mr. Beggs. tho difBBtot of lbs qoaan '
The Indian feature BOBBBItttsa is ri
ceiving encouragement that thi will
be a most prominent and attractive
part of the fair, and esiiecially Bo on
the lost day. BajNBMIDB B, when
Portland poola are aipaofad.
15 Il best California fTMMlaied siijar
Best si'liil packed tomatoes, per can.
Hi'-; -near .irn. pT can
goal Kt brand hams, not picnic, per H
Best Rta brand bwcowi dm ii'
10 lb COO Kt lra"d lard lor. .
5 lb can Rei bratM lard (or
7 bars savon laundry soap tor
4 lbs Arm A Hammer soda for.
1 oc
. . IOC
12 Imxes best parlor matches for
3 lb fine evaporated apples for
3 Ibt line peaches for '
t- ids brst navv beans for..
Iboa, lolbit. So. , white"macar,;n; f '
One 2 gn jacket Lyons V O drm! Hr
One J Micket Lyons P. 3. drj JJ
- if. I4IUUI rocK ran.;.
Remain be
nc-t ItOCkl :
in Pendleton.
One in! iatket Lvons m-i, 1 nP t.io
- "uy drips J, "
lg rtata, Shoes and Furnishing Good.
Come and sec us.
Fifty-Four Figt-trs In On Family.
A Hirininghani lady has at tbe tm I
I brother-. I nrt bombIbb, 48 iseoDd
cott'in ami an Onela, making '4 alto
gether, and ;:' BOMBlni bv tnar'iagi
were BOaatad the total w 11 1. 1 exceed
9, savs the London Mail. The whole
of these VOlBOasafod fOT i rvice Some
have lies-n through the siege of laldy
Bttiith, other ;n Kinitmrb v. Ma felling
.,,! Wananor. Iler iter 1-1 bmtbb in
M.int. iirg -: .ta
An m-to-date bicvcie at f.'o. ladiaa'
Whaall ffA, at tlie CfoaBSMt Agency in
B Ka t'reginiiaii htiilding A
.mi-hatid bicycle 111 g"l OtdoF for M.
Term easv, without interest
(ipera Mouse blnrk. Coart Street. Pennle
t in.
Put Yourself
in Peters' Shoes
tW 1' ters Shoe Co. "s celebrated "D.amonrf
t ( ginti'C Anil ran aaiifr . .tl, aa b , "
'u styie anr. price
We can save you nionev on underwear and h-en
on all lines, but we will still sell at cost sonic ilne '
uch a- Mimtner waists, wrappers and seasonal.).' m 'is'
ic past goods
N nn u: (. ...J - ittsfuctory or M.nev
Chlnsss th First to Use Ink.
The Chinese e,ini'le them-e
ujnor on Bsanj grow !- bat largel
tiecaus,. they wer- th
various arts which are n
nor MB 11 civilisation, -a
Tribune. Thev were the t
of ink. tuough even a II
they emplov b prefen
commonlv known a In.
I a solid sustain-. BOauM
lampblack urn! giui .ri: t
10 make the IBgMiiahB
place of a paa they ut.
hair brush, which 1
adapted for BfOsJajelBsj
ttsas. sf srg stars.
115 Court St.
Bennett & Tarbet, Props.
V. B.
Conklia, Ii
ay: '" Maanajd m r
Foley Kidney t'ure
of treatment bv phys
!'.. Sllbstlttltl K "I
All parties indebted to me over 30
days are requested to call and settle at
once and save cosu. I. KLMLLK.
Krank Vanloo, near Forest tirove,
Wasbingtati county, rdawtell on 4i'
acres 36 bushel of wheat and Us.
bushel of oat. Me mid the crop, up
harvested, to Jacob Voh recently fur
a. bushels of wheat, just enough to
seed ooe-half the land (or the BOH
crop. Voh took special pain with a
13-acre place of tbe early spring wbeat,
and he report that Ike crop wa killed
i tin H. -s.ai th
it is tated. to pay ah
Mr. altmarh w'hile
Charlie irahani.
tiir eXs.-ns.-
in Ir. Cole
Come and look at ibe biejrelei at
Crescent Agency in the Kat Oregui
building. Bicvcie for a small anm
down and Hm balance in uiontl.lv
menu, no interest.
We have the largest stock of School
ever brought to Pendleton. Our prices
in and ice us. Our stock include-
and Si
Slates and Pencils.
Tablets and Cop Books,
Pencil Boxes and School Bags,
Separate Leaf Note Books,
Composition Books.
Pens, Penholders and Ink Erasers,
And all kinds of stationan.
' Hantineton,
vititad in I'eiidietun and left yest-nlay
morning for La Grande, and io the
afternoon played rignt tieoi for bjg
baseball nine against La orundc.
I'harlie Cameron received a telegram
ironi him stating that bit team had de
fcateii i, ',rui. Ie teun. in an excit
ing game Sunday ulteruoon by the
cure of 14 to Iff.
Mii Iaiy tewart arriveil in I'.-n-liet
in tsuuilay morning fur I'ortiand.
where she i emplujred in tilds A
1 King's establishuieitt! She spent sun
day here as a guest of her nrother
Win. and left thi morning for Stew.
art' eating station on the PaasiMoa
and I'kiah stage lias), Wliere she will
I- in a vaeutiofi for a week or B0,
then return to I'ortiand.
Orerrnn Lumber d
Shitigl 1
KuilJinu Paper,
Tar Paper.
Mciul JlIls
Lime an.i ( leflMBst,
P.rivK 111 Sand.
Buh and 1 m r
Screen Doon 1 IVlodowe,
Terra Gitta Pipe.
Borie & Light. Prop's
Alta St.. opp. Court House
The Best
Eer Brewed.
rlT. j i Tll: ' f 0EU AtVHAU, Pro,.
'taarial;--. .
Lleoily Poroied. stui lui
Huropem flan.
Block and hall Iron
-.mpic Knoiti m .unasctis
t ti'
real offi.
pleased to
ezt to t
will lie
hi frieti
a tier
e Uj
Miss Yamena
Turkish Clairi.-jant
koom Rate
Sam Lee's
. Tbe
cuse w a
Baa) lag,
Columbia G.orsj ana Tua-Tua War in
Court Friday.
Columbia 'o-.rge and Tua-Tuu.
; two Indian- who are alleged to
murdered Annie Kdlia, whose i
011 tnr rM.-rvatioii occurrcl K
BraMlag were i-(.,re Justice of
feace Tlioiiia Hit ierahl thi
BeaM charged with murder
I n rt her exai.. I nation of the
potMiiied until Thursday
August a, at lu o'clock.
From experiment made !r. W. 0.
C.e iliacovered that the ciaitelit oi
tbe noltle which were partaken of by
des.easvd were alcohol diluted will, wa
ter, with a much strychnia as it
would carry. Hue tevi'inful of tlie
mixture would he sutln lent to kill
u human being. I'r. Cole administered
adaaB on miuday to a Kitten at In no
pital, an! tin- ji.noa, .).,-.! within hw
in mute. The color lest wa applied,
and the result left the matter beyond
aaaottoa that the peieaa ud wa
stry china.
the funeral of the deceased Annie
l.uiiii lAX-urred Sunday on the renerva-
Me- wa an Indian daaajg and had
one of Tua-Iu' children oa patient,
and it died. It is said that on that ac
count Tua-Tua ha leen heard t.
threat against her life.
BAM 111.
Made from tillered water. I.. .
mended b) phynii iaii. You can drink
II you want of it and Hot have tin
headache or get dizzy.
Schultz Brewing Co.
Walla Walla. ItitiogtOB,
Alba Sawmill
Good Lumber
Moth Rough and Dressed.
j I tatoi Pnmptiy Filled.
J. L Bishcr & Co.
Lin; N8U&AKCE 00,
Life Endowment
cind Accident Insurance
PajraMa cither in a vJagk sun
or in installments.
it has the Safest and lit-st Oraniation
hor rcuvcywudart of any
Aineritaii Company.
"rffiii ai.i bTi
i.. a ji 81. H
A Boarding and
Day S- boo) (of Sfi
liU'lu ''
irm Mine 1.1. t
K. - . j i .
l,.r ri
HANOI r.Bn. m i
Mastpal, I'urtiau'i orvu
s a
Special Sale
Tns List of
Four Ses
Fifiaan looludss
Tlie school bissrd ho finally cum
ieted the ulei-t ion of teachers for the
coining winter, and tlie list i a ful
h: II B. t onkin. , principal; Boy
Conklin, aaaistsiut priuciMsl . J.-ume
Beatie, Carrie Bpple, Kva L WihhI.
Mam i. Bitiiur, Hish- Bpple, Addle M. -laloab,
Margaret LaaeatO, Mrs. Khirfla
lilsgerald, Mise Neva Lane, Mist
i:iie Kols.nu, Miaj Laura Beatie, of
Oregon Oil) . Mi Ia4ia Bauni, u(
Kugnue, Mn. lv.nho.' and M,., U-a!
of Im iiraude. With the exueDtiou of
the last four nioutioned the I mi com-
ries thuse alio have taught here
eretofore Mrs Ii. I' Boss-nUrv.
ulecletl as . teacher, hut declined the
(nation. Mr.-- Ivauhue, oi
For Ixsarding and day pupils.
Healthful location, in best' res-iiluine
make I part of city. Preparatory and academic
ie4srtuient. Kxc-pnonal advaiiloKer
in Mum. and Bnglin. Individual in
traction for thuae wlne education
ho been irregular.
of Crockery and Glassware
Thursda and Friday, Aug 30 and 31. we ofier our entire line of crocker and
flEMWan at greatly reduced prices.
Health. Character. Sholarshlj
for '.llj(u- spplj Ut
nia Imn
lou piece English emi porcelain
fl.So water set
50c lead blown tumbler.
M sfiaw table sets
Sn- folding lunch hoxea. .
Six electn. plafa Baaaaj
tickau lr - m can Bet it cheap
I. Hi
I r.ui.,.1 Spanih war picture, Wx-T niche
Oalluii glass oil i-an
laiicy lsass luilstl aat
0x1 laaijB, a ith hade
-ix hurt Owl laundry soap
All dinner sels less o per cool
Buyer, frincipai.
Court and Johnson Street
Pendleton, Oregon.
staple aud Fancy Gruceriea Fruis
Brands of Canned GoodjT FVfJZg"' thc Mff
CsSSjTATOJI BROS., Proprietors. SSSSl, Pendleton, 0"