East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 25, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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All Kiwi" ' fl"'" '
The BMt Oregonlan
Will .1" it
Put Vour "Art." In
The V.mm OragonUfi
urn! burn II
VOI- 13.
NO. 32
Frederick Nolf
School Books and
School Supplies.
New mi! mimvmI-immhI booki
Honghl end iold.
pMK'il from 4o dMMi to ii.lm
Tablets to .
jtovflf rcgnler now We.
Po,-kii knlvBi - large line ol the
gaam nrami jusi
r.nrv box flowered paper, regular
)t P " ' hox.
ju-vili stimlrle ' cost.
Tnil.t soa pa largest lint' in I'eti-
gtmt Sc '.iir to "4.- bur.
Weekly l-xamlner Acnt.
Frederick Nolf
"Little Men's Shirts"
F K BOTI 3 to ( yean old.
If von want the little follow to swell liis breast
with pride just put one of these "Juvenile Shirts"
on him. It's once in IHstitcM he will wear a
real man's" shirt at three years old.
We have them in three styles, two fancy stripe
and one white, si.c lo to li1.. 75 cents.
W also have thv n, w high turn down collar to
(it them, We also have m our new fall stock of
hoys and youths suits and they will please you.
Big Men s Shirts
20 to IOC
No one in Pendleton shows as many styles for
l.ill and winter as we do. Our Dales demonstrate
that our shirts pieftM, We have a line white
shirt with 1 real line linen bosom for 50c. BettSI
unes for f 1 ,00 anil It. at.
We especially mention our selection of Fancv
Madraa shuts at tt.aj tad Hi. 50. This is just
about the amount that many want to pay for a
shirt and we show as tine a stock as you'll tind in
most any large city.
We also have just received a complete line ol B
and W. cothui and cuffs.
Leading the Summer (lir!
Tut nncTniu cTfiur
Joseph Ell's Stylish wi
The Mid-Summer Clearance Sale
Still Continues.
ol til kindi are bt Unmercifully Sacrificed in order
M reduce st,s-k and prices arc tli- lowest ever offered in this ci'y.
Intending pun hasers will do well to jive us n call and get our pricas.
That's hII we ask a rail the prices will iln the rent.
New Line of French Flannels, all colors
Plain and Polka Dot, at sale prices.
Pendleton's Big Store.
He u!f carrie- a large stock "i Sad
dlrv. Tent". Waiem ('overs, Canvas,
Li hunters, Koh', String Leather, etc.
Opera Mouse Block, Court Street. Pennleton.
AUo Wholesale Agent for
In buttles, barrels, or cases.
tall up at p
Id. plume i U. ii
Put Yourself
in Peters' Shoes
N'e handle the Peters Shoe C"'s celebrated "Diamond" brand
of shoes and can suit you doth as to style am! price.
We can save you money on underwear anil hosery. Try us
OUR COST BALE will not becotinued
on all lines, but we will still sell at cost some line of Hoods,
such as summer waists, wrappers and seasonable piece (roods.
Ol R MOTTO: "0 hkIs Satisfactory or Money Refunded.
THE FAIR, Bennett & Tarbet, Props.
The Best
Ever Brewed.
V . .. ,1. A .... LI
----- ' 1 1111.-11-.1 .hh:i . iw,-,f,ii-
BaasM i pbyaiolaae. You tan drink
411 you want ,ii it hii.i not have th.-
beMBSbs Of tf' t di.v.
hultz Brewing Co.
to, Ufa, aaeteef, Plate uiaaa, etc.
OH and County Property,
Real Estate
t25D(' Vu improved fit v Lota,
Haacbm and Wheat ftmm
-.'OruKouiaii Building-.
ALLthe NEWb Taka lh Baat
Hwuan. Daily s.oo a yor by
a yaar. Samoa aw y aSS
aaaaaaaw w vsggggggeW mm bbbbbb aaaaaaat an n aaaai earn mmr
tor Infants and Children.
Th Kind on lime Always Itoii-hl hits home the, Miirua
ture efChSk. II. rieteher, and has In en miMle uit.ler hU
gsajaaaal BBBaaviaiu tor o. r :U trarn, Allow no one
t. toestvs tbia. ount. rieits, laaltaainaM unti
JnHt-ttH-tfoiMl" ure hut KM-riiiients. and . iiditiiLjer tho
health oi rihlklraai Mlfperiaaitt aaateai KniMThnent.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
. , - - t
The lVs lMaines river, Wlaaomla,
has overflowed itd banks. The danmwe
la Crnns will prolmhli v,esl fill). 000
I -A trirl hahy hsa haea horn to Mrs
Geotfa VaedarMII la BiHBKM house,
liville. N.l'., Thurmlajr, Mr. Van
eSrhlll BBBOSaCM that her name will
be Cornelia Rtvjrveaaat. The bebjr is
heir to W,tHXt,00n.
A ajatHhi hail, wind and rain storm
'isited .lanesville, Wiseonsin, and
vicinity Thursdnv. Several (arm
balldtnaji were deatrared, and whole
lirids of iaeasaa are eel la eieeaa, the
j ilamaiie is estimated al lOO.otiO.
Captain OSS. K. Wilde, lemmandiiiK
the littleship Oregon, has notified the
navy department from Kitre, Japan,
that the vessel , which has lieen in
I dock there 0IMS)(OlM tenisrary re
I pairs, lias base andoched and ttill Im'
reedy for -a la a weak,
Ke. Willinin Daunt Scott. the
, BpiaMBal minister of Salt Lake, latelv
tesaporary rector ol a parish at iaa
LooNad, Oal.) and whose disappear'
taee for two weeks causisl his frietnls
nnctl anxiety, was found in San I ran
ciseo in a hopital. where he was re-
isntafflajg from a serious Illness,
.l,a AlvsrSS, the richest cattleman
..1 Kl Paso count v, 1'exas, .bed Tiiurs
day of wounds reeeiveil in 11 pitchetl
battle with lour Now Mexico outlaws
on his ranch near Vinton. He came
BBOa the band while they were killing
but cattle, and they OpeSSd tire on
bin. The osleefl are in chase of the
NotwitliHtainling fverv eflort will lie
made to avoid taknu; Chinese territory
as indemnity for the losses to the
I'niteil States iroverntnent in China.
there is a tear that such a territorial
indemnity may have to lie taken.
Other countries will make latya de
mands on China and there Will not he
cash enough to iro around.
L. H. Hirschneld, ex-president of
the Merchants' Natioiia, hank ol
Helena, Montana, WBI aeaittad after
a two weeks' trial, OS the charge of
makinu fals- reisirts to the tsmip.
trol ler of currency as to the hank- -
dition. The verdict was found mi direc
tion of the court, which arasled the
defendant's motion lor an instructed
verdict .
Salem's council has passisl the or
dinance to 1 111 m - a license fee of .'0
rents on each telephone in use in the
Mrs. Mamie Morel.s k died ol con
sumption at her home in Suintnerville,
I 11 ion county, aucd L'.'i years, a lew
days ago.
senator Teller is to canvass Northern
Idaho lor the Hryan for, , s, w ilh M., ial
reference to giving I ri-d T. Dobota'
-i natorial aapilStloSI a Insist.
At GeidsatAele u aabaarlsiien ( t'si
has been raised (or the UBrpOSl l
hlustiliK out the Little Klickitat falls
so tisli can puss up the stream.
Walter S. Mckec, a native aoti, diisl
at his home, at McKee, Wasei ty,
Thursday, aed Xi years. Heceased
was Isirn at McKee, and was widely
known and a highly esteemisl citir.eii.
Three priests of the Cut hoi ii church
lisik out their "llri-t na pen" (or
aatarallaatien atBpokaae QmSM last.
Tbsy an- e,.r;e Keix, of Uerasaayj
Joseph Malaise, of lieluiunt , Joseph
ToaUtiSi of Ireland.
Salelli lyslire ( Klks, No. 31, is
makinit preparations for a great dia
play at the Portland carnival, Klks'
day, Septelnlier .. It will have 10U
men in tilt i form and a hand of Hi musi
cians from its BMaebaeealp,
Charles HaniMer, a uierchant and
iiiilliiian of Millowu. Bkaglt county.
Wash., was murdered hy rohla,rs W0-
aeadey algjhii boeJ & unis from ins
store. His body, with the poaketa
riiei) was jend w ith the skull arohsn
ulid hi '
A visitinit Chicago physician finds
lbs sjiaaals at Bpsasas 'tha BMaf Is
vibrating he baa eref asaoeetarad."
He has heeii wnding his pat lent i who
required a phases to the naehovs. hut
declares purs. in (iiture lo advise
them to c ine to the 1'acitic northwest.
Alfrwl Oloseh. recently hnal Salt
Luke, died iu ftrlliajtna Teereday fraai
heart failure. He had suffered (oreOM
tune in salt Luke, and a week ago
came out le-re with the hoM- of hciny
hepeflll 'l H- was aesiiiiniil on the
journey from that city It) his son
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Special Sale
If you are in need of
Fruit Jars
Here in tin place to buy them
aoc dozen are being sold at cost.
Joe Basler's.
Helen's 1
A Boarding wd
Day S( hool for GTrts
u. s. i.u-uilsjr 17 Kor clriuUrn ad-
aim ll.tA.MiK linitiiw, i.. v
tm. I riu. ,1, I'oOUlel Oiaguu
about women's Hla oan bo
frankly told by one woman
to another.
Rommmbor that Mrs.
Plnkhmm la m woman.
Romombor that her advloe
and modhilne have cured
a million women of weak
nesses peculiar to their
Romombor that no man
ever sees a latter written
to Mrs. Plnkham for
advloe, that the latter la
opened, road and an
swered by women, and
no testimonial over pub
llahed without apaolal
Remember that L ydla t.
Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound la the recog
nized aafoguard of wo
man's health.
Remember those thing
when some other remedy
la suggested, and remem
ber thorn when you want
advloo. Mrs. Plnkham's
is Lynn, Muss.
Chinese Emperor Places Himself Under
Japanese Protection.
Trosps Arc Pouring Into China Vli Til
Forty Days' Rations Go Forward tor
the Allied Troops at Ptkin.
London, Ann- 1?V Street tihti'iif
hreaks out internnttenly in I eklu, ac
cordinc to diepeteheo from Shanghai
alllea not having rafltoleni forces to
ponce Hie vasi city. oauk'nai uis
patch repeal- the ri'isirt that the
JaBSSees pursued the dowager empress
ami ner itxirt an.i ..mtiook inemeiKiiiy
miles southwest o( I'ekin. The em-
eror, it is added, placed himscll
under die protection ol ins captors.
The prisoners have not yet reachml
I'ekin. The hWStfR residents at
Rhanghal are alarmed at the arrival of
B extraordinary nnniln r of warships,
ami are fearful of Kumpcao complica
tions, hut they have heeu assured hy
the naval commanders that the aether
int.' was entirely accidental. In an
enaagsnenl at Men Isin, one thousand
mei i. ans, British and Japanese
routed three th usaml Chinese and
killed 100 ol them.
Pnnrlna Troopt Into China.
Take, Aug. V Transports arc
poarlaa troops into Taau. Three tier
nian vessels have arriycd there. One
regimes! is mi its mi to rakla and
anothet Is bossd for Tien Tsui, three
liiii:in e-cls are alsi in the harhor
The rifteeiith I'nited Slates infantry,
the Third artillery and skki nnirinc
are cainssl at Tien fain. Itatious for
forty days are psJOQ lot warded to the
I'ekin cont IiiKent hy Isiat. fine hundred
civilians have left I'ekin, IselsdltM
the customs lorce, and are on their
w ay down the river.
LI Hung Chang Startad.
WashiiiKton, Aiit! 2ft. Tim Chimsi
i.t!icials express the belief that l,i
El Ung Obeng has started for I'ekin or
I leti Tsin. If this proyes correct, it
may hrinii ah. nit an early opt'ortunitv
(or personal exchanues hetwiHui Karl
l.i and the comniauders ol the allies
and the ministers of the resicctlvc
Rusilani Forbidden Communication.
Washington, Auk. ih.A cahleurain
from Admiral Remey states it is re
Mirteil that the ltnssc.n commander at
i'ekin has lorhldden anv couiiiiunica
tion bOtWOOB hi- forces and the
American lonsuls In China.
WashiiiKton. A lit! -ft. The state de
partment is takiag ite pa to have all
Aniericaii OOSeeli in China returned t,,
the several ,nsis as mas ai Isusedlate
danger from aetilovsbja oetbreaha has
No News From Chsftss.
Washiiiiiton, Auit. 'Jft. The war de
partment has not yet received Item
i.eiieral Chaffis, the ISPMi rStSeetsd of
bite a few days atto uhiii the comli
Ii. .ii- In I'ekin In fact, -eyeral recent
cahleifram- addresmsl to him have not
laa.ii answerisl. It is siipsise,l that
the enoertainty of eoaemaiiteetloa be
tweea Pekia ami Tien Tsin is isepae.
-ihh- for 'haffee's silence. It is re
Ksrded a- very unfortunate that there
should he such difficulty of communi
cation at this lime. The deiiartmioit
is depending upon f haflcn (or intor
mall. n tu Kuele the admin 1st rat ion in
movements ii,,. imiuediati' future.
Th. pole to the amhassadors and minister-,
represent intr the coiin'ries hav
ing intsreetl In China, decided upon at
the cabinet . .inference yesterday, has
been prepari-l and forwarded lo 0ST
minister- for their gaidanM iu coin-
niuaieatlng with the loteiga govern.
incuts, relative to the future action hy
the pOWOrf iu China
...- ... i Alesander Hslurm.
Sew York, Ann Z'. lieneral Alex
ander, who was apSO luted hy President
Cleveland as arbitrator in the POMH
dary di-pute Is tweii S icarattua and
Coate niea, has returmst. lieneral
Uesauder's work was the cause .if a
clime survey Isoiik made of the ir..-
poeed b1 leafagjaa canal, lie belisvsi
tliet ratbei than not have the canal
built, the Nieeregsea gsvoreasel
would aeeede lO almost any terms
made by the United state-.
Fairbanks Lomlnfe- lu Oregon
Chicago, Aug. 2lt. -Senator fair.
Iianks will shortly Is.giu a cainpaigu
lug tour under tee aeepleei ol the re
publican national i llllillltw, wl.nl.
w ill einl.ru. the states ol Kansas, Col
orado. I'tah, California, Oregon,
Waablagtona Montana, North and
Huath Hakotu, Nebraska and Illinois.
aaiisst Bttf't Population.
Washington, Aug '.' The popula
tion of Kansas City, Mo., as an
nounced by the census bureau, is IDJ,
; 59 an increase ol 11,000, Of IS JO pef
coot, over latsi. The population of
Km. iaa City, Kas., alo announced, is
11,410, an liinraeaa of II. Hit, or n.l
pel . est, over IMS).
Won lha futurity klaks.
Si v. Vork, Aug.. 'J.'i.- The ureal
luUlfit stake was won lislay by
Italhyhoo Itey, Olympian stsond,
I'uuimv Atkins third. Time I 10
BalloytiOO Hey i- owned by W. C.
Whitney and was ridden by Tod Sloan.
aealnla, Will Not OS.
Washington, Aug. ZJ. Owing to in,
conliuued on -sure of puhlic business
President NcKiuley is obliged to with
draw his acceptance of the invitation
to attend the National Kncainpinenl
(i. A. H . al ( bUSgO.
Hobsrts ktlablishst Maw UuarUrs.
Uosdoe, Aug 2ft. I... 1. 1 l.i" i ' has
1 li lt rri'ti.ria and establi-he.l his head
US! H Of I at W'oiiderloiitein station,
m, -i of Mai had. dorp, wburu the bulk
of the Honrs an- suppostsl to I..
New orteaaa1 ropuiaiion.
We hingloii, Aug. W,Tbe siula
tluO of New Orleans as announced by
1 the census bureau is 2M7.104, an in
crease of 10.01 per cent.
Further Trouble Feared.
Lii'Vi-isno , , Aug- ev- , i I
Nash loar- there may be mora . nog
at Akron. For that rottaon tnsjjai will
. Iju Iwld there utilil Muuday al Uawt.
An Anarchist Klndlv Mskss Known Hli
I.lncoln, Neb.. Aug '.'". Itryan ar
riyisl at Lincoln this morning and left
this afternoon (or Omaha, wham he
will sak tonight.
A Crasy Han's Inianllons.
Omaha. Neb , ug. n sll.g.-l
anarchist o( tins city, it is said, an-
ItOll need this morning that he was going
to kill Wm J. itrvan when he name In
attend the Jack-onian picnic here Ibis
afteteoon. The police were netlled
and arreatSd the man an Innir later.
He is Win. M. William-, a WcNhman.
Very precaution is being taken to
prevent anything from happening to
the candidate while iu this city
A Mars's Nsst Exposad.
Omaha, Aug. '.'.V The police this
afternoon mleaaed Williams, rinn
believe the Information denouncing
William- was IfTOOpoaolblo, if not
null ic ions.
Property Assessments Reduced.
Isooem, Aug. 10, - The board of
isptalirati.m setting here tisliv made a
borisontal reduetlon of eaceeemesei of
real estate in I'icree count v iimmititing
lo fj UNI.ISSi
Ohio Man Wllh sixteen Chlldran Tells
How He Does II.
To have 'JO children to supsirt is
enough to make the slr.uige-l man
hunt at heart, hut to do so itsin l..'tU
a day and even less seems an impOBti
billty, Such has len the problem
with winch Henry Moore of Monroe
Kalis, Ohio, has oean confronted ami
has Mtlved.a Death has cut the pambtr
down to 10 living children.
Mrs, Moon, gives Ibe following
chronological list of her offspring
Surah, '.':; Hertha, 'J; Lucy, 'JO;
John, 10 1 Ham , IT Delia, IS; Haaal,
II Maud. 14 1 Dsmny, II 'dead
I rank, II , uios, Charley, 0
.h ad ; Austin, :l ; Chester, I
dead . mid the baby boy, 'J weeks
old. The family, not fsdng large
enough, a little one earned neralooi
agist .1, was adopt, si t p resent two
of the children are at home. Sorab
was married two weeks ago and
Bertha is in Akron, says a POFPCepgC
lent ol the Chicago Ktsrord. Mr Mis ire
says :
Yes, I have found It a little elom
to bring up a family on i.:ui p r gay.
and even tl.'Jtl. hut I managed it, I
go I,, Akron and buy my corn and
Roer by wholesale. It takes a snug
sum to -hoe my fn in 1 1 x . I usiiallv buv
! v slns's iu do.en lots, and the last
merchant I purchased of threw in
sli.s'-butloner. Hut th nigs are gelt ing
easier. My hoy gets nearly as much
as I do. and two girls work here, tOO,
Kvery one in the family is insiircil,
and when Chester died in March
enough came to the family to provide
a proper funeral.
HH0KF.N PI. ATK liLAl-l.
Kven Small Pieces of It Have Soma
When one -is'- a sheet of plate glass
siiuisliisl be know- that anv large
pieces that call he cut out of the frag
ment- will be H value, but very few
are aware that pieces thnti or four
on he- ..in. can he ut 1 1 1 c. I . I I. ..ii
amis of such Hay -piares arc used in
.alumn cannerie- in the can making
lepartmeiit , savs the Oregoniau They
lire sel III the machine in which the
strip (or the luslv of II an is rolled
into shape and sohlensl, I he piece ol
glass is so arraugisl as to come just
under where the -ohlering inm is lo
Is' applied .il1 1 1 the seatll. I.I.I- IH a
poof conductor of heal, and when the
soldering iron is inn along the seam
' gla-s ilia's not rob it ol its bent,
anil so il i .iu lie usisi many lime- with
only lase heating H untul SOTC used
III place of the ghl--, Il Would sisili gel
bol and the sohleiiug iron cold. II..-
small -on, i. o( gla-- are ... i worth
so much as when they were all in one
large plats, but Ihay etillae wbal would
othorwioo he of lio value, and help lo
lessen the loss hy breakage.
Political Notas.
It is oflicially announced that W. .1,
Itryan will speak in New Turk city
October U and at Albany October 17.
I I.MsnatOr Hill Will preside at the
Albany meeting.
Senator Haiina siatakiug. ol the re
i. ..ii that Andrew Carnegie had an
nooneed himself for llryan, said: "It
ridiculous. I don t believe a word
.1 it."
liovernor Tanner, of Illinois, an-
peenem that tie will rapport McKisloi
foi precldent. o to a ilglit made
ppon the governor by friends ol tin ad
ministration Tanner has not I u in
full accord with Mr. McKinley
lu resismse to a call issued hy Cat-
in k Kgan, miliistel to Chile under the
Harrison ailinimalration. and others,
over IU0 Irish Americana nml in New
York and . I U ni..rarilv the
Irish Ainirnaii union The) announce
that they ill support llryan Ih cause
I hi- anil-imperialistic attitude.
Portland I'elegram : Itryan, iu ell
his respouana to not iticaliona, can
scaruely improve on Ins lniumasiu
ssa:, h ol acceptance I I,. it really was
his masterpiece and l( be were wise be
would say hulllltio morn. As a spetuli-
maker Mr. llryan is a success, and il
may be taken for granted that In will
not "tail down.'' The republicans
have learned that il is necer.ary tu
lake Mr. Itryan seriously.
The Uesltstlese or Oetere,
in the endeavor lo improve Iruils it
must not I., forgotten that naturu only
perunls variation ill' lo a certain line,
says Meeliun'e Monthly. We shall
never sen a pear aa big as a pumpkin
or a strawberry as larg. as a wall
grown tomato. Thus far thou shall go,
and go no farther, is as true of ,Mria
tions as ol the waves of tile sis. Tu
improve the pear it is little u-e lo -ow
se.sl u the Seckel il a g"sl, epicv
flavor Is desired, or of the UUUIld
..... If u.. .h.lre larun sise. Wu must
select some uru'li Ihut alrcadv le'k"
-,,ln. one isdnl ol psuellelice unu im
prove on that,
.lorn. Iii ii,. vit-initv of II... k Hol
loa, Wu rman county, a lew days ago
washed tho wagon natd away 'Ibe wa-
i... i.i, in. down the canyon carried
everything before it, even uashing the
Osb OUl ol the creek r'iall the IVCll
I,,.,; i. nig were found iu iho ssg.ihrush.
i.. e
Tbe Sailor Wis Koocked Oat io the
Second Round.
Sharkm; Knot'tri Fllislmiuons Down Id tlx
tint Hon nd and Full Over Him
In a lad Rush.
New Wrk, Aug 'Jo. --"Whipped into
insensibility in less than two rounds"
is the -tore lu hriel r( Tom Mharkey's
meeting with iiob litaslmomne at the
i ' v Island granting club last nitht.
Kitssimiuons said all alone that when
the opsirtunity presented itself be
would prove conclusively that he was
Sharkey's superior and eottle accounts
! (or Ibe injustice don,, him when he
met Sharkey iu California four years
Igi Hie result ol last night a liattle
ami the brevity rd it proved that Kits
simmons is still a great tighter and
ihl" to heat Hie Is-sl of henvrweighta.
I il si nil i was the divided favorite
in the batting owing to bis showing
with Kuhllii a short time ago.
Sharkey Was Aaaresslra.
When the men MOM together
Miarkev i--tlni.il 1 1 ... iggreseive, rush
ing lierccly ,ln.l suniging wildly. I it
ImniOBI had no diltlcully in side
stepping out of the way. ilob main be
gan feinting Sbarkev into leads, and
when the sailor trnsl In- round arm
blows be left himself oh'H. o( which
fact Kit.sliumiins was .pin k to take ad
vantage and he stepped inside and put
powerful right and led -mashes .hi the
sailor's Isaly and neck. He pililasl
Sharkey with Ins Ml, making the
sailor loss' bis temsr. Then Sharkey
rushi-l more wtldlv than Is-fore, tulas
ing most of tlu swings while Kitsslm
limns was gelling lo h l III with great
lone and o-n g both bands. t the
close of the tlrst round Hbarkey, with
a lerrUk swing thai landed on ihe
shoulder and neck, put I lOsimumna Ui
the II, Mir and Tmn fell over bun in lila
mad rush. Tout regalmsl bis feel
ipnckly but the ladl rang with F llsaim
minis still on the lour,
Pltiilinmoni the Pest lieneral.
In the second round Sharkey, having
gamed conlldence from I, - kma'king
F'lt'simtuons down in Hie prisislmg
round went for Ins man as II to anni
hilate Inm, bui PJtoolaieSOSC having
the eiHiler head and hei'. i ildgmellt
out geueralisl the ounger man, who
weniled lo lose all control o( I sol(
in hi- I runt i, endeavors to land ou
KltaaJreraoiia, Ihen Kitssimmous
slepaal in with a crushing right to the
I ...K mi l ii read) lell to the jaw while
the best Sharkey could do was to
rwlag a laM which lauded in Ibe
mi. i. ii.- ..i i iiBaiauaona' baaki rTteeim
BMMW1 pool new never i..i...k him.
KilSSillllllolls' ste,ns Into llllll IS 1 1. 1
llterall) hatter,. I Sharker duwu with
rights on I he bed) and lefts and rights
mi the head. Sharkey lisik the count
and came up groggy, lie slugger,, I
hai'F lo the ros's with Fituslniiiioiis
hot after him. Sharkey was then un
able to prated hlmsell and Kitssim
iuons -cut that learful right once more
to I he Isnly f..l,,w iig Up with right
and left lo the liiHiy, n.irk.-v wob
i l. d. hut still had striuigtb eiioiipb to
keep on Ins feet. Kitsiiumuus sIi,insI
in again with another right OS the
hisly, following twice witli righta and
lefts on the head and tlulslilns; Ilia
work and tight with a slinging left
hook on the jaw, which sent Sharkey
.low ii ami out. 'I hn attendance waa itOlsJ.
Amerleaas Wan.
I'aris, Aug. -ft. The eighl-oer.si
i ran oi the V, .t lloal club, I'bila
ilelphia, won the trial heal by IA
lengths, here t.slay defeating the crew
..I tin Saul ical chili ol France. The
Mnal I,. .,t will la- rowed tomorrow.
the Wheal Markets.
San I rauciM'o, ng. 'ft. -Cash wheal,
i or, ft. pa cental
Chicago, Aug Jft SeplMiulair wlieat,
73 7-H.
aa w voaa sabkbt.
floported by I. L Bay S to.. CMeaaa
Board of Trade and Baw VarB lleeb
tOgnel "Jft. There waa a very ipjlet
lay in wheal today with prices a trille
lower at New York. Liverpool cltsard
l higher, ft II 7-H.
New York o. I 70 ft-B, g I a
lower than yesterday and chasm! W.
tliuiieaailis reports aa improvisl ap.
mend for Hour Willi prospect of tbe
balance of mills starling up. There
has been g I Imslituaa dime lite paal
h a .l.- iu tbe ' ash wheel lor eapurt.
Htocks lower Money, IS par eaatt.
I'h is., ycctarday. no.
Open tislay, ?0 ft k.
Kange t.slay, 7U S-B to li ft-B.
Close Uslay, 7tl,
is Otttnili tylitstuable I
tl.n.usl. tbe use ut
h,v MtifM.tJs. tjas woitjr
trmu srnliou em mm MtV- j
i Uaaii rr-egajsa eisal ot-
uiliiUUt Ua goim V
to toj
. .1 o tf.at I
tt.le fiaf nil ajasift Onto-
1 1 .-I MAI eJnTltsTai. '
u..ellVi. atOtJ 04SM uunfc.
ixsMlfeie. sj
' 111 1 , . I I Sil t 1
ulurtusi tiu, Wlstte ir
The ga4.ilrutwu mill auUetl
tJ II tu lussltnusblfl Umfi
iu Ilium, avs U arurhn Ian
aiwaj ua LslJ btsevde, kriutu aWita
atroertli ut null, tUeJl IsaUsT ILni mttfwit
tuigbl be tffwutl "f
Kvsu dtucjgrisle
pest tLe (ullwUiaj .
Otu W l MtavuirYftUlti,
hnnWrtBlMMt lUusttttol.
as eJkTiviLLtt, nftiiiT . U-lt VJbV
isle trtMliao Ibn vUeekee, ami
I ta i m V iLts . as OUT , Is 11, T.
sauer- aVari; H-rrrHlT m TrTittsiavly ft
nrllcto.itJiJ wlll.ii. lb wurk n olTnrtanyiil
lh,i( I. .l,t . ..!U. I a UeViatlltaW nvn xit
iisaI I'lssadtoiouta
lie , sikI huusi luu baM MiUT
l-er 2Uk at ett First Use. Drug W