East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 24, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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f verv dollar's worth of seasonable goods will
be closed out regardless of cost.
Cleaver Bros.
I08T 84, HHHi.
I Be a Suloi'ci Tor Limsmuvn, i
Asn B. Thompson.
gag. Tl peon, of Kclto, repre-
-atiw elect t" "if lonisiniurc 01
E whit-ti nlll " i mrxt January,
EC a recent visit to Pendleton, wits
Ejftii qii in ion us in tlu different
grists nl li'L'Klut inn i which be
5a, Hi' stated llmt there wort' u
kbIit n( bills to which ha bad bean
anting wiiii'' study, ami that probably
a,ni'.t Importnni mm, as Inn Mina
aunt ant wliicli I hay would endeavor
. r.'i'ni.i! uiu freight ruti'M. Mr.
iiwni li t- been in sonierence iimi
aadance with u number ol gen
.., mn.rc.tcil 111 this Hlibiet't.legis-
am shippers' and buyers, and ii'
ad that hi' thought Ida pnaasl ratal
i.rv tixi hiifh.
)lr TaaaiMon did not go into oc-
ailf BbXBWUII! !"' proposou measure
iit lanadnewl.
Dliftieis Cannot do Cura t
trwipii atione, m laaj Manuel resell Uii
4nrui4 tainiMii ( me aar. Than i only eac
m eeareSeelnoee, ana thai - by eoeetliu.
aaa risMdti i IhmUimm t Miwad by mi In
feme! rumbii ll Hi'' MUaaUl llulliK "I tlx'
li.u.m.ii !:! When till-, till"' set" Hi
lueeliisi liav.' n riinil'IIMK aoimit or Lot par
tnl Imrlnii. mi l lunm II l entirely clim-il
twin... I-1."' f' 1 . ' i mii I tu:li'i tlic in Ilit in itiK-
IMQ rail br Uk II "ill ittl'l till- llllH' rttMlori'll In.
ii'Donaii coadttloD, iu'rtiin win baaattroyad
unifr. nint' .A n hi ti'ii itru seitees bf
1V1 ' ii i- 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 .' but mi liitlrtini'il
nrstlliou l Hi. urn' on- .urtm'ua. Wc will Kit"
err nui'trisl .lollitr- tor any SMS of deefiieae
MMt tiy i'Httrrl. , tlmt Manfli It' cured by
lalii Catarrh i lint. semi (or circular., true.
r i CKBNRY a 00 Talaaa, o.
Mill hv all ilruit.-ut.. 7 a,'
Hi. r'.tnlh I'll.- .in- thr bi-".t.
larnerly Lived In Umatilla County.
lr. Mnnittr.'t lleudrix.w ho recently
41 al llnriliiian, was Htl yearn olif.
Maaa tba wldoa ot Bll 0. Hendrlx,
h"ilil iii sm. Sin- wan burn in
tt. Clair i .iiiiitv, 1 1 1 iinif, April 4,
iM. hr maided nana being Brown
atiil. In 1838 sin- wai united in mar
riftfe aiili Kli i. Haudrlx. Of tbalr
imp aklldren Ave ara living, till in
tttu-rii Oragon. Mrs. Ilendrix. with
f hully, eroaaad tin- pluius ami
ttlnl ufur Atlit-na, in Umatilla
twnty. in intts, baiM antong tba
aarl it arttlttra. In 1K77 Mrs. Ilou
a Barred i ii Morrow county, ami
attini on i;, k OtMik. Here aba Hand
mil iboal a month previous to hat
bath, than aba want to tbf boina (
pawGaorga, naar Hard man.
Wot .c Than War.
I! linlr. .i- M LrilliM. in uiir I a a t
wwiraiji u! tii' tti nit in Is i&n k 1 1 !! hv
"! i t nn i it1 in'
'it-i'j in ill tr irtt inn-
U II... .... m . . . . .If . . a I
lArmttl.. It hi t tl...
I'll k l Ml h Will rt'lllllM 1. 1 If
k C, 1 Ii..., .1
bTb'KIT X Xir irvvY-vwvwinrvYTrN
It isn't 1
the material
nal k'""- into vonr repaired
tel. that reaulta in u uerlect
r- it i- the
nut dis- the biiHiueas. Any
Witujler run buy the line kind-ol
Rrlal that i use in repairing
'till- In,.,., ... l..l.l - ...!..!
.1 .noiuuii- iii.iiertai
"ut ean i. j irsteb ,
""'"-' l and the bungler can't
W "s I - II my skill for whul
FJ worth, and it will eaat you
m 'li.ui bungling at lowor priot),
Jeweler and OpHcian. I
' uoor I,, Aktwlir Al HfxlurV J
In.... a
rpornn Rohn
Wu are sellinj; Fruit Jars and extras cbnfM
Van anybody i1n in the city.
Try our 20-eent ( iofftM lor your harvest crew.
iimuii Biaiioi.-y PH!
-' 1 .-.J ti.ll . . ...... f. .... ,
u l: iM. di..i..u, .
mi ti ra ,,..i'.:,:t,i- '. !
i ' i "
BUm' AUUMM, Wleooe BemeUr 'rano.aoo. C.I.
Dry Goods Co.
A Pleasant Party.
Mi-- Btbal Paiaom antartalnad
party of young (riandi laat avanina at
btl noma on Kant Court street. She
wai aaaiatad by Mlaa Pntaonai Mrs.
William ParxniiK, ami Mi Made I
Parklna, of Boiaa, who bait bna bar
guaat for several woakai Ringing ami
ianointi were the principal nieaiif of
diraranjit, Min Laval n Moorbonaa
ami .Intne" Wulch contribtitetl a little
eakawalk that wan heartily enjoveil.
The evantng Wai u very pleasant one.
Thone present were: I'amlion Ilorie.
Maliel Nye, Te.l Thompson, l lo Mill
loek, I rclii Kneslt. Jessie llartman,
Lola Oar I, Dana iiemiiev, Kama aw-
telle, i.avelle MoorboOM, .llllill Mailer.
Null Cameron. Itertha Alexatnler.
Paarl bnokajr, Lena Janklna. ; ktaaara.
lien IliirroiiKhs, Mark MiM.rhonse,
lames Weleh, Karl Horie, Ralph
Wade, Oliver Kelaey, Will sturciM, E,
I'. Dodd, 0 beater Folrtar, Charlie
Cameron. Royal Sawtelle. Qaofga Curl,
Hoi Bnum, A 1 Waffle, iterkelev Hailey,
The parlors of the Purson's home
bail been elaborately ilecuratetl in
Japaneae style f"- the Dooaaion,and the
efleet was very pleasinn.
Rod Not From the Gun,
Wai the ball that hit Q, It. Steail
imui of Newark, M ieh. . in the civil war.
It cutlseil li'irnlile DleOTI that ii" treat
Maul helped lor H year-. Then
Bttek leU 'l Arnica Salve cured bitn.
Cures cut-, brataaa, burns, boJIa,
felon-, corn-, skin eruptions. Baal
pile cure on earth. " cents a box.
('nre guaranteed, Bold byTaltmandi
Co. , druggiati.
Swlndleri Arreitad.
C, F. .lohnsun, the muii who i
wanted In Wuiia Walla for simliini;
A. II. Harris, editor of the Watchman
ami Inland Empire, out of several
gOOtj haul plunks, has hei-n raptured
und is now latiuuixbintt in the Portland
city jail. Johnson upparently bus u
partner in the business ami the two
men were oapturod ut Asloriu a few
days ait". The men ure newspaper
fukers those who yo from town to
town nettiiiu' up boom editions for the
weeklies lor u certain percentUKc "f
the protits. When arrested they were
eiiu'iiiied in the same business on behalf
of the Astoria News, whose proprietor
expressed himself as fe'lud that the
scheme was nipped in the hud.
If Thla Plain Enough.
If you have a Bagging BOaUjh and ure
Iumiiik tlesh, tf to a ilrujt store, and
gal a bottle of Bblloh'i Oonaumption
cure. Tttki' two-thirds of it, and then,
if you are not benetittsl, return the
bottle to the drugglat, and be a ill re
turn your money, isn't thai fuirV No
one could ask ' re. 2."ct..MI cts.
ami fl a bottle. Tullman Co., lead
iii driik'KiHtM.
Fire Sal ot Damaged Wheal
Hids will lie received by the under-
fayned for a lot of wbaal originally
consistim; ol l.'Htti sacks, which was
burued Auguai 14, IWO, on bvao ol w.
Dale, aaar Killian Junotioa, Ora-
gaa, "ii WaabingtOO ami Columbia
river railroad.
Hid- will he closed ut twelve o'clock
Balurdav. Auanal gfi. IMtm.
Tlie u'ndersined reserve the rijjlit
rejeet any und all blua.
m it.
J Bafflf
Agwil PlrarmMt'i
i athana I Iragon,
Helix i Iregoo.
Fund Inauranoa
Five Thing!.
The lite diseases for which Shiloli'i;
Consumption Cure is especially recom
mended, are Coughs, Colds, Whooping
Cough. Croup and OnrMnmptinn. M
medicine ever BMKM by MM is eyual
toil in any resH-.i S.,1.1 umler a
mJiIm MmntM. Mi, net hack if it I
tails H eta. it) aU and 1 tioatla.
Tullman fi Co.
To Whom Ii May Concern.
RothM is hereby given that my wife,
Mary E. Oil law. mi b-ft my bonae,
bed and board, und this is to notify
and narn all persons that I will not be
reeponelble for any debt baiaaltai in
uuv manner OOUtraCted by her. August
Notice to Creditor!.
I huve sold my busiiibss out and
wish to i-ollcet all uiv accounts. All
ip. r.-oiis know ing theiusel vw Indebted
p, in.- will please .all ut my former
office an settle w ithin tun days.
and Hrnrprv
J UIIU vi vvvi
. . nn I) UK I- '-' si II M'-msi
i. nuS wl ks 1 '
il niM.ii Cure, i.oi is.i""yw.L ;'
Juat Becauia a Han Held a Mortaaae
on the Fair Grounoe.
Mr. Oeorge I.. Hutehin, of the Tort
land Blka Street Fair ami Carnival,
jPBg the following an the hitorv of
the oriKin of the ntrect fair ami har-
veot carnival, of which one into be
KM-en m Pendleton. September Is to
"Several years go, in Abtabnla,
Ohio, ihe n, county fair aoonciatlon
found itself tinaurtnllv emharrastntl.
with a mortgage on the gwnuida. A
wealthy man who held the naoatgaga
torecloaed it and l.s.k issess;on, refili"
lag to yield it up aain, nnlew paiil a
sum .if nniiiey. which it was impotihle
for the fair association to raine. There
was a dlanoaitioa to feel Indignant t
tile action "I the (tentlemen in BW
tmn, who tool Mvantaga of bdubb
technical leverage anon them la a Vagal
way, and at a ioaal meeting held to
clode up the affairs of the association.
or find ..ut what thev rhould do, -, en,,
"lie exclaimed : 'Let )iive the fair in
the street.'' The remark was not really
made in a Her lour vein but some at
the members of the inx-ietv ttKik it up,
and soon the idea piinod jircvalenct
nun n was a leasihle plan. I lial year,
under strens of circumstances in' the
lOM Of their fair grounds, thev gave an
exhibition in the street exactlv like
they would have given had they' held
it within the enclosed grounds thev
formerly used.
"The next yeartliey In'gan to el imin-
Bta some of tl Id county fair features
and to add some that were copied from
the Bmonean fetes and festivals. Thus
Otbaf towns look it up, until it be
came, and is now. the NUN throughout
tl IBt. Kvery town that has held a
street lair and harvest carnival, IB far
ar my knowledge goes, and I have heeii
actively engaged with them lor scteral
years in Illinois, at my old home in
BloomtngtOU, continues to hold them
every year, so eminently successful
have t hey been.
"This then was the start of the
street fair und carnival. They offer
Isiundlees opportunity for variety from
year to year, ami almost any sort of a
nature can be added that is daairad,
ami thut will lend attractiveness to the
exhibit ion. ' '
Broke Ground tor the Arch.
I i round was broken Thursday for the
tret area of the Street Fair and Har
vest Carnival. It is across Main street
al Court and no ceremony was ob
served, no bottle of wine was broken
and no bompiet was thrown. Workmen
simply made a dusli at the ground
with pick ami shovel, while a few
spectat"rs gathered around to w itness
th" imposing event. The happy in
auguration M actual work of construc
tion will lie continued rapidly until
arches, buildings und everything else
in connection with the fair is ready for
the reception of exhibits ami ex
hibition of the displays.
People are Warned Agalnit Burglari
and Thlevea.
Judging from the numls-r and variety
of the crimes committed in Pendleton
during the past week, it would he well
for the people generally to guard us
much as possible against the acts ol
had men who come here. The
burlgary last Saturday afennon ami
the lodging Inuise rolibery of Monday
night were quickly made public, I - it
not a trace lias been found of the per
son nr 1.1-rsuiiM uiiu oernet riited them.
I'm- crime, which did not obtain
publicity, in the hoc that the perpet
rator might be caught napping, was
mmmIHiuI lu.it Siitor.bil- liitlbt. A
gentleman named Stan fey was the
victim. He aecured a room at the
St rale in lisjgiug house on Court street,
and relired at a seemly hour. When
he arose in the morning tin- tirst thing
In. discovered u us tlott his Hold watch
iiad been extracted from his vest
pocket. It was thought that the thief
might pawn it at "lie of the Pendleton
nuu-iiHtiiiiiH but iintbini has huniH-neil
since in connection with the matter to
give the officers a clue, so they could
bring the offender to mst
Erroneoualy Thlnke By Scouring Her
Scalp That She Curea Dandruff.
Cleanly woman bus an erroneous
idea that by scouring the sculp, which
removes the duudruff hcuIhs, she is
curing the dandruff. She muy wush
In-r scalp every duy, and yet have
dandruff her life long, accompanied
hv fulling hair, too. The only way in
the world i cure duudruff is to kill
the ilundruff germ, ami there ia no
hair preparation that will do that hut
Rawbro'i Herpieide, Uarpieida kill
ing the duiidrutl germ leaves the hair
tree to grow as lit alt , nature iu
l. tided, llestroy the cause, you remove
tie aflaot. Kill the dumlruff germ
with Herpieide.
They Harveat a Crop ot Notea From the
Four alleged ss ialists have been
playing a utah game with a nambai of
furiin-rs south of The I taller, says the
Chronicle. I'heir agent, who registers
as K. 11 v in s, of han Francisco, hunts
up partial bo ure uttlieted with rup
tur. und other troubles ami contractu
for a cure or nu pay, but iusiaU that
the patient shall draw tin a note for
tl, lee payable to himself ami eu-
dureed over to Hraaaof "lr. sbup-h.-rd,
" another of the parly. Hi this
way tins quartet secured a note for $SJ
Ip-iii Mr. Rodman i Ol Mamie; uiiolh.-r
lor f 100 UKMH Juines W'sdery, of BOfd
iiuothtH- from u Mr. Sndyer for $&0 :
another from J. W. Uusm-II, of Kings
lev, for BUJ I another (rum Lane Smith,
Ul Twelve Mile, tba uuiouht of which
But learned bmbmi from J. u.
Haveley. of b"td, whotie uiuouul waa
not learned, and another for too from
Willard Taylor, of Hufur.
Several of those who gave the notes
reOOVered Ibam by threatening to have
the gang arrested. The ao-callisl Jis
Htl an- still doing busineas and may
la- exwcl.sl turtMr east of the MOM'
turns shortly.
Page-Tuailn la Again Hade
U. S.
Commlaeloner lu Alatka.
Fretl Page-Tustiu has been reap
isjinted IJaltad Stati coinuiissioner, at
Wrangel. Alaska. He has already held
the office for two years. He has Ueii
in Beattll for aeveral days, accom
punitsl by Mrs. Tuatin and their aun.
h, i will leave for Wrangel on the
steainor sailing from Seattle t'slut ,
Wrangel has laien made the recording
place for district No. 1, and Judge
Tuatin bas been designated as its
recorder, su s tin- bcuttie limes.
The order' of Judge Brown uatabliah
iug this district t.x.r- the houndariee as
foflowa :
Wrangel district, or district number
one, shall be bounded a follows:
Commencing at Cape Fausbaw (as
defined on the official mups and
charts . thence running due east to the
international uounuury line oeiweenj
British Columbia and Alaska; thence
along the aaid boundary line in a
southeasterly directiou through Port
land oMUal and Portland inlet to Cape
Fox; thenre westerly along said
boundary line through Diaon entrance
to a MIBt due sotiln of the center of
Chatliain strait ; thence due north to
ami up to the center of Chatham strait
to Frederick sound: thence easterly
along the center of Freiierick .noUBN to
l ae lattshaw . the point of tieginniug
S. M. Perclval. or Oylmpla. Enjoyi a Visit
In Pendleton.
S. M. Percival. claims agi-nt of the
Northern PaciHc, is registerctl at the
St. Ceorgc. He has been enjoying hini
self here visiting with old-time
friends, Alex Prys.lle, the grain and
insurance man; John M. tioar, of the
Boston store, and others; in addition
to attending to his arduous duties. It
is generally pleasant for friends to
niifi ami uiscuss ine iuipcuiugs oi
previous years, and even more than
usual pleasure is attendant upon Mr.
IVrcival's visit. He waa prominently
connected with the business interests
of the capital of the state of Washing
ton, during the palmy days of the early
HOs, when graded and planked street.-,
electric street railway, the elegant
Clytnpia hotel, and many other impor
tant improvements were added to the
site of the city. Aside from a
thoroughly equipped business know
ledge, Mr. Percival delights to discuss
baseball matters. He won the game
for the Bine picked Inon the different
cities of the sound, when Washington
was a state, about ISS'J. again-t the
nine representing British Columbia,
whose players were principally from
Victoria, where the game took place.
The game lasted eleven innings and
was won by a long throw from left Held
of the home plate, Mr. Percival hold
ing the championship .is a long dis
tance thrower. The score was 10 to tl
Ourmg Mr Percival 's stay in Pen
dleton he is being chaperoned by Mr.
Dryadale, which is aaaaranos that
his stay here will lie pleasant,
o. o) e
A Modest Young Man.
Levi Ankeny, the well known
Isxnker, tells a good story on Charlie
Voorhsaa. son of tHa late Senator
Haniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana.
Charlie Vimrhees mav receive the
MIMImIIiM for governor of Washing
ton on the democratic ticket, as he is
prominently mentiomsl in that con
nection. "It was a gissl many yars ago, said
Mr. Ankeny the other day, "that I
whs visiting one of the towns in the
I'alotise country where 1 happemsl to
run across a young man. We engaged
in conversation ami I was surprised
and pleased to tin. I he possessed more
than ordinary ability, und a wide
knowledge of current events. He was
a gissl conversationalist and 1
thoroughly enjoyed his talk. We started
to -troll about the town together. To
my surprise he produced a hummer
and tacks and a number of -ton 1 1
posters. The posters read: "C. S.
ViHirliees will address the citizens to
night on the issues of the campaign."
From time to time he would p.-t up
one of die hills. I beeame interested,
and finally, u'ter I had accompanied
htm for some lime ..n his hill-sticking
tour, asked why he wa- so Interacted
in Mr. Voorhees' campaign. Imagine
my surprise when he replied mislestly;
' I am M r. Voorhees. ' "
Arrival! at Hotel Hond'leton.
Chas Kiugler. Portland.
M li Macxlen, Portland.
W li Cook, Spokane.
G II Ankle. Spokane.
tie,, w Bbewrood, Taooma,
K It Comun, Portland.
A W Arnold, Hilgarl.
ti S Younguiaii, liilgard.
J II Morau, l.a ' IrSBMB.
F 0 Savage, Portland.
P 1'. liunsufkcr, Spokane.
Wm Moagrove, itnana.
F L Blair, Weston,
S II Wood. Kansas.
I Colin, Sun I ram-i sco.
F W RoBB, W Anthony.
I. F Henderson, Moscow.
J W Dobbins, Spokane.
ti ti I. inch. New York.
K t HlllMM, San Francisco.
ti w Bradley, ttbema.
Mrs Fnaar Campbell, Babo,
Mrs S A Olivet, Fib".
J a Allison, Bono,
Bx-Governor Lord Banqueted.
The Standard, published at BtleSMM
Ayres, under the date of July ( gives
an elaborate account of the celebration
I the Fourth by American residents
and tin- reception at the private resi
dences of the Hon. W. P. Loffu, repre
sentative of the ('mind States. In the
evening there was u banquet ut a
prominent cufc Tin- MM wus hand-sotin-ly
printed on UMMBBMt w ith t he
I'hitod States and Argentine Hags
crossed on the first pugt- und run us fol
lows: liunqtii't giveo to the Hon. Wil
liam P. !.--! i, Untied Mates Mlnlstar
to Argentina, by the American resi
dents of Bimbos Ayree, "4th of July,
Working Night and Day.
The busiest und mightiest little
thing that ever was made is lr. King's
New Lift- Pills. Every pill is a sugar
coalisl globule of health, that changes
Weakness t" strength, 1 1 -t I. --n. - - j j . I -.
energy, bruin-fug into ini-utul power
Thi-v're woieb rdil in building BP the
health. Duly Rs PV DM. Sold by
Tallmun A Co., druggists,
B.t. Sharon Coei Kael.
T. 11. Wells, grand rcpresentul i le,
resigned, says tin- Paeigc odd ll
lows, ami the gran I muster BMOInted
iiruml Secretary Hbarun to nn the
vacauey. He started east August is,
stopping tirst ut San Francisco to visit
two days with Oruud Secretary r-haw,
then to Chn ego, (rom Ibere to Detroit,
then by way of Buffalo, Niagara l alls,
New York, Baltimore, Washington, Ut
Riebmond, visiting the grumi si re
1.111. - ill each of these places for tin:
purpose of learning m w und obi
n. et hod.- of doing the Work ol hisolhee.
All letr'ies indebtid to no- ou r 110
days are rtsjuesUsI to call and - tin- ut
once and save coats. 1. KKMLFK.
Hunt lush, tuflauiuiU"i... ItciUiuj ,01 Ualloial
ami olianngs, uutlue oroffuusive perspn.- lee,
ami uuuiy other aoiiatite usee, uoUnug to
ouoling, purifying, and refreelilug w a I -.'U
with ri.Tic.cau HoAr. followed In the eetersr
foriM by gentle anointings wiUi I'm. 1 aA,
Ine great skin cure atel purest of qmoJIUmiIS.
Cuvicve. So.r a twywul duubt Ih ,ut g.-c'i.
ekui purirn,f .ud tMBunrylne iw m will .. 11
ee4.WMMpr UMbl. IkU., and ims.ii s,.',l
Ml Um eurllT r.'lt.s 0, ..I. I mi. Co.,- . SsU
Elq .S una 'aVw !Mwt).iaus.ekUt.'b
Mrs. Dr. Frank Will Vtilt the Tarts
An excursion that has been looked
forward to w ith pleasant anticipations
will be tiiLeo hv Mm. 1r Frank th.
skilled refract ionist who is now at
Hotel Pendleton. She will leave Pen
dleton lor New York via Chicago on
Sunday morning, Septemlvr sailing
thence to Bremen on a North I tcrnum
Lloyd steamer. She will visit relatives
near Dreedon, and gO sight seeing to
Berlin. Munich. OW'ramnic rgiiu, iLi
delbarg, Frankfort, Hanover, Cologne,
Paris and London.
This trip will be extended over three
months of time, as Mrs. r, Frank is
anxious to visit these cities ami in
spect 'he art galleries, witness the Pas
Passion, s,H. the World's exposition,
etc. sin- has already traveled eaten.
sively ami has gained much know hslge
in thai niHnner.
Those w ishing to consult Mrs, Dr.
Frank will please remember that -In
will leave Pendleton on the morning
of September Her optical parloin
are at Hotel Pendleton, room 4.
Bict cles can be purchased at the
Crescent Agency in the Fast Oregon I Bll
building on installments, payment $1,
or more, a week. No interest.
Hot Weather
Sick Children
Children will get slotti
Ihe Ih-sI care will not prevent it.
When vim and tliev an- so tin
tut tun. itc ri'tneinlirr that we can
bll youi preBcnptioDB, and boaidns
have every Hung, (or the gJeli
Corner Main ami Court Sts., Pendleton.
Karl's Clover Root Tea
maeaBhe Sm OeajeeealM, PjerMai ttir
III I, Kit.- l-rn-li.C'li'sr Skill, t ,iri-l'oii
lipali..ii, 1 . .,, a,,,) a I , 1.1
Hie Nkln. An ermsl.le I. alive Narvs
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For aal" Ui I sllinan A f.
DON'T Be Duped
Tin n ten bM pUMWwl Umii tlit- inurki'i
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t itfc nil undrr vitrlout tium ut u 10 r
flfMlfpa. Halllat, IIU 111 at fl'W 1 1 lt II 1 1 1 )
Mf M prtMllllllll forrlllnafrlitlil to NH)f4-r
A mm tun nt in 1 in'"' mi 1 it 1 u 1 1 ' 1
ri'i-rint- arv wry iiiihIihiIiiim. Tlu' mm ml
Vt rflnK) HI ID' HI' BlliawiMiiT mi lijlllt HH fif I
H IiikIm-i -J'lll
1 . whlli- Mo ui nil
Reprint Dictionaries,
pbuUM t iMM tt ti Ih Mrk of twr fifty
ft 01 - uw". whit h wh - fuj ui" .1 I - lit. mill
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lbs) tltki-uagv and le proOdMd bi opyrigbt
ti -ni ubMji iniital ion As it elelMsnerj! lasts
lite! 1111. will 11 noi la- la in 1 mpuroaUM Hit'
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This Book ia the Bct for Everybody.
STANlJAMh Al) I HOKI TY of ilia U. S. kupranw
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twhoolbouka. WARMLY COMM L N 111. I) ky
Celleai HraaUaeia, Steu BuparlBUotlcau al
Stl.tsil. anJ many utti.r amlecul aulkorlllc.
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Rcccfilb atridged from the li.uiii.ii., 11. J and MSI
10 ll lha beat tor the familr end aludael.
Ml 1 1 Io.Ab inclsue.
.S,,i 0111 11 jio rJtul limik mul or tin ilaltlllU. I
G. 0 C. Ml k kl AM CO., Bpriugfiald. aUae.
Alba Creamery and
Cheese Factory
Order Promptly rilled.
J. L. BlfHBR, I'rop.,
Alba, Oregon.
Children's Tan Shoes
at Half Price
Whit It means tint n
Jti.iv slnic iiciiitni-s cot anil yon save 50c.
Il.fj) slim- bncomes 7 si- attd ou save 75c.
jtj.mi shoe becomes .i no anil von save $1.00.
Jta.S" slii'i' bneomaS fi.25 ami you save Hi. 35.
Women's Shirt Waists
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will k;i (or 7J1
All 1 In- bettm Kin i ven to th,. gj kiml will go (ot $1 .
Tins includes id.uk, white attd all.
Agents Bvttcrtck'g Patlcins.
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Under New
Strictly First-Class
Excellent CQlsloe.
Kvery Modern
Bar And Billiard ltoom.
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C. t KUMIIH, fo.p
Ilia Only lirtl CBM
In.) l.nlnpli-ti' III, 1.1
in tSa Lit).
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Cor. Court . n I Johitsuit Streets. ll NDLI TON. OIt OON
Byers' Best Flour...
To 111 ike x"d Lread Use Ityets' Best 1'lour. It look hist
premium nt llu- CUoBgO Wmld's Fair, over all comctl
t ion, attd gives exii-llent sitlHlinlioii wherever used
Kvety Btek Is M 11. 1 itccd We have the beat Sleaiu
Rollaid I! ii lc,, Seel Kye und lli-.udli-ss Hurley.
Pendleton Roller Mills
V S. HYI KS. I'rop. Itrun. Shortn. Fee.', e'e
reeal.l ine
I. W. Mill, M. r.i..ia
arl.laiu Ta o.u. Bat ia. aeo.
a gaarjirsj " ho"' Ltnuair iw
Brt ll 1 . a
PitBian PreaaMsan end A,aieiuo ue
. ,1 ' ulleee Kteoaratioi. aiUlu.iv
tiMrj!!i.e. Mj..1 TreJiUi. UWye ef all
a . raslvea.
IlPendleton Academy
Ol -'I'I '.MS
AcaUcmlc Course ol lour vers preparatory to the I mat standard colleges
east or weal.
Uuslneas Courss aquivslMl Ul tl"- bent bttsilMM coIlagBB.
Teacliers1 Uourae, atbiub prepares loi tJouuty Kaawluatlons and lor HTATI
Accredited bj tbS Slate Hoard ol Kdm aliou und yjrudiiatvs are adniilltsl on
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1.1, 1, "I. l-'all term begins Aontlay, iiepleinber Igghi
ror l atulogue and informal ion address
KKV, V, L. rOKBICH, M. Ph., I'rincipal.
Grouse Sf)ootiog
Is Fine th)is Ytar...
LoU of llinls. In order to gel tbtiui von uood gixal aui
Uiuuition. VVn havu the Imsl amokuloaa on the uiar
kul. Come in when you slart buuliug und try some
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powlor and 1 '4 MMM of 7'a chilled shot. They are
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Kates $2.00 a day
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lle.idqtiarters for Traveling Men
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Successors to J. li. Moore
Bui Mast. All SBM
I raa Sample Sausi.
lletl'K lighti.
lire Pionf HuiltliHa;