THURSDAY, AUGUST IS, County court will convene in this city on Monday, Hoptomlior 3. Tnylor, the lianluare man, Im mime ifnoil ml nurri'is lor ran' i IS American Girl Tan Shoes .Inst the thing for the mountains. Best $2.n) Shoe in toe Market. Call ami M them. CLEAVER BROS The Boot and Shoo Man. 805 Main Street, Pendleton, OfgM BRRVITIBS. Kaillov A Zehner, choiw riiraro. Hoard ami NMMM at Mr. Win. II. Hale's. 012 Thompson street. When JrOQ want cr.'ani or hv erejni, telephone Mutton, Bleak, MS, Mc(!all liaxaar patterns for sal'1 at the Wosnel 1 Vpartiucnt Stort All kinds of fruits and fresh herries, nicest in the market at (i. K. Pemott'e. IMirinv' the sale at the Wessel IV partinent Stores all i(ikU will lie miM at cost. If you want pure home rendered lard with no adulteration g to Schwarz and (treulich. You can net many kimhIh for little money at tin' Weasel Hepartinent Stores iluriiiK their sale. A ImlvV ehainles.- Columbia, good a new, a wheel, for $35 at the Cres cent agency ir the Kat OmsmIm building. I.. 1.. Montague, the Sinner sewing machine agent, has oenel an oAm next dor to Im Kll. Call and set- the new machines. You will never tlml any other pill so prompt ami pleasant as DoWitt's Little Karly Risers. Tall man it Co., leailing ilnigni-t. ', (' Sharp (or paiier liungiiiL- and plumbing He has competent men for Imtli lines ol tradi'. Utu ll"iis. Id- - k. Court street. It vim want t put uii sunn' in o preserve ..u will nant nice fruit You can liml the DiOSSt in the eity at K. Martin's. IneladiBg pears, p acln s ami plums, .lust ripe enough to can or ireHlTVe The Best Is What You Want. We cury only the beat drugs ami eheiiueuls for tilling prescrip tions. We guarantee absolute correctness. tjuirk delivery to any house in the eity. We have a nice iip-to-late line of Damascus cutli-ry. Rfajfj load, guaranty, d PKOPLK WHO ABK IIKRE TODAY. C M. Hawthorne is a traveler In Pendleton todav, having lelt lleppner veterdav, milking the trip by rail. lie hail a nun- - breakfast bacon, mild sugar i iireil, At I perlencu Wltn rwst yesieniey i I, , ..-.;..., will nliir n mel liter. Iliift II. .illliini ". n . . . , .. ... .1.. ' - .limt storms. be ili'l. . !'.'. ... ..( 1.. ,.1,1 I thnin ves enlav. I thought I had n ill. i iniwiniM, ., '..- "" v.-; u.., 1 i,llv.. seen what von ; mini m-i"ir n, eall n nrr-tense of a dust s'oriu- A big stock of Kastem hams and via Arlington Mr- Olmrh-s daughter. Mi-' Walla Walla, are ticorge I. Froome r motile. M tss I r. and sunnltes this year. Horn, on Thiirsdav, August in, to Uev. and Mrs. W. It. dray, of the I Metluslist KplSCOfial church, south, n Ihv. Nice solid heads of cabbage, sweet I potatoes, grapes, nice ripe tomatoes, green cone ami green pepper in r. Martin s. (ieorge Turner has purchased the. separator of Oeorge I), I'eebler and Is now at work threshing his own wheat and is turning out H00 saeks a day. (i. It. Keinott is mklM a sta-eialty ; of fam v rawrtw. Mis line of staple groceries are of the leading brand Your orders left with him get, prompt i delivery. Mrs. Marv l.averv. aaed HS .ars died at Heiilab, Malheur nullity, last Satiirdav and her remains we r. in barred at linker City Tuesday. She left two sons ami a daughter. Charles Hoover, a few days ago, while in the mountains, near Alba, found a man's silver watch, which w ill be returned to the owner upon demand and the est of this advertisement. Mother's endorse it, children like it. old folks use it. We refer to One Minute Cough Cure. It will qutokly cure all throat ami lung troubles. Tallman A Co., leading druggists. Regular mail stage for Teal Springs leaves Mondays. Wednesdays and Kri days. Freight and passengers carried. Iamivc orders at Tallman iV Co. 's or the White House (iroeery. John Ward. "Hennis" Smyth, of Siimmcrville. Union county, has received a badge or medal as a surviving veteran of Karragnt's Meet. Mr. Smyth served gallantly during the civil war under the great commodore. LM Hurker, a plasterer well known in Walla Walla, on Monday night be came Involved in an altercation with two fellows at Starbiick. and was seri ously stahlied several times. The assailants escaped. His condition is not dangerous. The Ixxiy of a man was found in the Columbia river, near The I'alles, hv several children Wednesday. The man was. as near if could be judged, about ,Vt years of age. with red hair, ami was dressed in overalls and juniper, with heavy underw ar. There was nothing mi his person by which to identify him. but when way will it comes to a real nusi mnrm have to be made fur those thev can -care up between lleppner a. in Arlington. It was frightful. I he aUK was in a solid cloud and the wind blew. I want no more experience like it." Personal Mention. .lames A. Fee, Rsq., is a visitor at Port Intra, Moorhoiise left (or business last night. "Uncle .lake" Frnr.i"r improved in health today. Ir. John A. tiros.-, of Holix. is a vi-itor in Pendleton twliiv. Conrad Kohler. proprietor olden Rota hotel) continues pr.n from a speciti- i rreiton when in an Him Cully, of Walla Walla, is Pen Heton. ' Inn Im returned from outing at Lehman springs. II. J. Hcan left Wednesday for Ncw BJOtt, where his family is. lie ex pects to be absent several weeks. Miss M. P.. tiaither, superintendent of the Indian SBheoll on the reserva tion, is enjoying a vacation at Port land. I. I.. Sharon, right hand mini for Joe Rasler, has departed on a n ip to Hid way springs (or a vacation of two Weeks. Mrs. .1. M. Ferguson ami daughter. Miss May Ferguson, have returned from a pleasant outing at LehsMII springs. Lester Hicks has returned from his vacation at Lehman springs and has it ion at the wool scoiir- RnaMll and her Nellie RttSMll, ol tlie guests of Mrs. ami Miss l'-va me will return to Walla Walla nh mem this ey,. . for a visit. Ihence to Athena to be the guest of relatives fur a while, after I saw which she wiH engage in icaci iu school in the I let, lieruisirici on ....... ! creek. .. l I..- I l : ' , l urmi'ii " r I'lili.... IM. ii'iir lias returned III days' trip t" (Iran! coiinlv. vile to Prairie 0lt and the vv,,.',.ler cninn. He is entliu-iastic it comes to talking about mining prop erty as he think- the Oregon Wonder Is indeed a wonder. He says thev in tend to commence work very soon on a MO-fMt tunnel on the above mentioned property. Boon the dregon wonder is the rei'uiiraklile win ol gold bearing Miuirt which ha attracted so much attention in the newspapers on accoon of its magnitude and from the fact that si, much of it is exposed by tin cutting through It ol a creek. Tfrli ledge can he s i In ni I'tairie ( itv. Mr. Cleavei mivs lite country ll remarka ble, not ohlv for Blnea, hut on ac count of the excellent hunting and llshing it afford-, in which -ports he 1 with p inaraklile success, nun ST. JOE STORE OUR DOORS ARK NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Portland on what of the im- The several tires in wheat fields, of wheat in stacks and wheat in sack-, and of two or three separator-, have had the effect of causing a number of farmers and threshing machine men to insure their irODfl and machinery. They could not rest contented with their proierty oxscd to danger and uninsured. Million- will In- spent in politics this year. We can't keep the cam paign without money any more than we can keep the body vigorous with out lead. Dyepeptle used to starve themselves. Now kslol lyss'psia you eat ami allows vou to eat all the g.ssl food you want. It radically cures stomach troubles. Tallman A Co.. leading druggists. There has been tilk of the gentlemen of Pendleton organising a shirt waist club. The cooler weather of liday nipped the scl e. and its organisa tion will be sisptoned until next year. The tirst man to wear a shirt waist in Pendleton will simplv take his life in resumed his pi ing null. Dayton Barn hart, of Barn ban A Dupiiis, Weston, is a visitor in Pendle ton, lie expects to return to his home on Saturday. Joe Morgan, for the past three months witli the Ooldtfl Rub' hotel, is ! taking a vacation. He will shortly go i to Hot Lake for a visit. James M. Ilyrue, of Siiokane, for 1 veurs manager ol the Motel Pcilicnrd. was tin arrival in Pendleton last even- I iug and passed through for u stay at Hot Luke, Union county. Miss Katie Williams has returned from a visit at Pilot Rock. In i- pany with her mother, Mrs. John Sylvester, of thai village, she enjoyed a brief camping-. nit vacation at I eh man springs. F.d Thompson, with the First National bank of Walla Walla, a brother of Harry Thompson, of the P Met. .ii Savings bank, is visiting in Pendleton. He will leave Saturday, to continue his journey to Portland and the seashore. Idward S. Isaacs and Phil IsaacsJ of Walla Walla, arrived here la-t eve-' tiling and passed on to their respective de-tinations, the Brat-named to Wasco, I where thev have a mill, the latter to the John bay country on mining busi ! ness and pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. II. (.. Walker, of Wes , ton, are visitors in Pendleton today. . They will leave this evening for Lehman springs to camp for three we-ks. Mrs. Walker i a sufferer from I inflammatory rheumatism and goes to the springs for relief. II. II. I ticker was in Pendleton today I arcompanied by L. W. Carson, of tiar- lield. Wash. Mr. Meeker lives HI miles I ..i I 1 1... ....tit,,, t lu.r, in.rhl V . I'll jt n eo i in - The Halt Cant. A movement is on fool to put a "lie- half ecu coin in general tm In the United state-. Ho vera I mmhimI - have Ik Ml made to the g veriiment, and a document wai preeentetl, signed by the lends of the big department stores in the large Cltltej throughout the country, showing ilie ,, i- for thi- money in making ehan Progreai Buds many methods of Improvement, hut for hall a century past, in spite of many Imitations, nothing has arisen t ial llos- tetter's Htomach Hitt.-r-. the greatest hem factor the human race ha- ever kno vn. This medicine cores const I pa tten, imligestiot , dyspepsia, bilious ness, nervousness ami sleeplessness, also nrevents malaria, fever Hint agu He sun We have Inn' Inn It will bfj Remembel we ,,t General MerchandiM to 'din the trade hi corroct New munis arriving dalh . to your intereat to look through our stnro before buying i arrv a mi1 "", si'"-1-"" "l ""nii nn , prices. E. M LYONS & CO. Renn Building, Court Street: Munitions ot War. Norfolk, Vn.. Aug. H'. -What is re warded as one of the most Important orders received at the Norfolk vard il 1.. i the Snaiii-h war was tic lending ol seven carload ni IMwdar and projectiles UlOgdcn It is reported the deetlnatlon I rancis o and from there the linns will be forwarded to th shell Utah, is San 1 1 il ll i - Ameri can lleet in onineaa waters. Ih" aeroai the continent niiisl be mail, s 'veil days. Nottoe. All'ies indebted to tne iluvs are reiiuesteil to call and run in over setth ami save i osts. H. K FMLKK. ur privat of the in Fire stacks Hand. country to get tlie genuine w in revenue -taint, over tin- bottle. Wheat Deitrovsd by Fire. mi Wednesday deitroyed of wheal the timpertv of J who resides in the Cold Spring I'.'l.ill OhII Kst iiri' i'.'k UX 111 IL' mil. n rlhwest nf ton. Particulars are muciuim seems that Richmond Brothers present with their threshing ready to commence, when th start! d from the engine. All tin It ware outfit DM ma- el f7! his hand, but men actually do wear nort,wet of Pendleton and has them in New l nrk ami liultinnirc. it is merely ipiestion of time until tin' habit will prevail elsewhere. TALLMAN A CO. Leading Dru "fiiata. Andsrson, the Football Player. Andy Anderson is going to play foot bull with th! lleppner team during the coming season. He has played g.Msl foothull for Pandll ton. and will of course improve as he gains experience. He is now at lleppner uud has a steady situation. Mr. Anderson is one of the fiercest looking ami nc t aatSMd "kickers" who ever roine,l across a gridiron uud liis friends here hope o se- hiln become one ol the U'st in the business. Money In County Trsaiury. The call for outstanding warrants of Umatilla county issued by 1'reasurer S. K. Yules on August s will release l. i princiiml and 7M interest among thus" holding the paper of the county. The money held subject to this call is siithcient to pay all out standing warrants of the county issued prior to I'ehruary I, IsUts. In other words the county is only two an. I mie hall veurs Itehiud in the payment of its limit i indebtedness. acres ot wlieat tills year, wiueii yienicu 2tl bushels to the acre on an average. Two hundred acres was spring wheat, which went I ft bushels to the acre. Mr. ami Mrs. Olio lloettcher have leased the Welch i i.ttuge on Thompson street, between Court and Water street-, ami will make their home there. Mrs lloettcher had inteiidisl to taken trip in the near future to Chicago, but has posptODOd it in definitely. Hilly Krassig, the popular ambi dextrous lather plasterer uud raor sw inger at Mark Piltton's, lelt W'edin -day evening on a trip to Portland ami the la-aches. He was joined at I'ma tilia by Joe Kloeckner, liaggugeniaii on tin' I'l'iidleton-Si.okane run, famil iarly known u- "Kb-g. " Kl 0i Allen returned this morning from a trip to Portland, where In- h.i baetl for the east tVO months on ac count of ill-health. He is improved and of the opinion that he will fully recover. He underwent a severe surgi cal operation whicii bus left him in a weakened condition, but trusts o the invigorating breezes of Umatilla county to complete the cure. . sninery was cotton to place ol sai iy. 'but the stacked wheat and BOO or ''i grain sack- were destroyed, and the ' tiro bumed over a large area of coun jtrv. Hunger at one time threatened i between UK ami ,'Ski s ick- of wheal. I hut a road leading through the large lield made it possible to put the tire I mil w ith tlie loss ju-t mentioned. The j lire could lie seen Ir. in Helix four or I live miles away. New Wats System. Tin' Indian oiliee at Waslun has prepared plans for a new wafer system at the DasBtlilS Indian School, which will ho installed SI soon as tlual ar rangenicnts can be coinpleted. Work is being pnshed, SO that the new sys tem may le incorporated at an early due. The system will include a new supply tank, a new pump, with an in company ing engine, ami also embraces tlie taking up of tl Id water mains, r novating them, and patting in new sections ami additions. A complete sewerage system i- also included in the plans now under consideration. Osafneis Cannot oo Cursi by local sppbi'Htlons, ss they taaatrt rem-h tin- .Vsi uesi'ssisi Isiriiuii .it in. osr. mora m only onti tionsl reuuslli't liusliii's- i..n..-. b) an In a ,i in. i .. .ii.t it i. .ii ii the sieeoas iiuiim of Ids Kuits.'lilsn lube. W'hun ttiln nib,- sets in Osinisl you lisvc a riiialilnig miuii-1 ut iiii.t iaet searing. sad when li In eatirsly clessd ilsfllis- I. tin rysllll slel unless he ItilUltlins tlou sea i"' taken out sad itn- inn.- restored to Its 'I'-n ... i-ntiilltliMi, hesrltis mil a lorwver ; nun' esse, out ef lea nr.- nsHseil by eatarrb. wblcb i- notiimg bill mi laaseisu eoenlttoti ..i the nun mi- surfaoei Wo v in . one liuii-lri'.t .InlUrs for say c-,-.- ..i ilsefnutu feftuse.t by conrrh) Hist eaeaol b eureil b) Hall's slsrrli t'nre Kewl dr circular- Iree t, i. OHICNKV .v ' " . Toledo, n Huld b) all iIiumkUIs. 7 .. Hall'. Faaill) I'lTls an- lie best Mr. l.u. a-, mail carrier from Rlllall to gannyslde, Vakimu eounty, Wash,, dropped from his horre and was (oand dead of upoplxy. Ha- raised the brokers' price ol tea ten to twenty cents per pound on act-mint of hunkers refusing In advance any ninncy OB the new crop And w hile coffees have raised esnslderahly we are still selling 1 Dri ID ii lor twenty-tin for the taonsy cents, tlie iii Oregon. beat Owl l ea House Kirk's Toilet Snaps KOEPPENS MODERN PHARMACY fcvtM )1rnnk! that is kept hi a tint rlat'.t up tit datt drui; itort. 115 Court St. DRGANIZKT) 1868, THK PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE NBURA.NCI 00. OF CALIPOKKIA. OfTen DISTINCTIVE PROWTABLB POKMSoi Life Endowment and Accident Insurant I'uvnblc cither in a lingle SUM or in hUtallUMBtS, It hnl tin' Safeal ami Host OrRaniution lor Policyholdan oi any fVmericsn Conrptny. PRANK N. McCANDLKSS, OMIMAt flOBNTi ELLENSBURG, V.h1 VWWWWIMWMMMWisAsIW OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM, OREGON. September 17 to 22, 1000. Bigger and Better Than Ever Before Grounds Greatly Improved, Buildings Repaired and Keno vatad, all Stock Building! Thoruoghl) Dismlected Evrrvtliing in First Class Condition for tin' Larist and Best LIVH STOCK SHOW AND AGRICULTURAL EXP031TI0M KVKIt MUM ON THK rOAHT. $20,000 IN PREWIUnS AND PURSES. B 1 llex'lnn Bvory Atieennnii stnaio aud Kim at Main. AI'i'TloN SAl.K ol I.IVK HTIH.'K will Is iiih.Ii- s li-silluir nil other vsblbll biuiled KKKK over Ilie Hniilhcru I's. In peMwaaet retei sa sii nMlraejas Iftof psssslaai hsis smi eta. M II IVSTIIIHTWfl. 11.. M . W Utiloiioro, Irasiou, csliir.' All llvt tlorl Itiiilnwl Knlo.T-1 ' r IllluruiMtloll ijilrte I I ll, trr.. I'ih'I I. "nv Ss" WW W W rWrWWF w w W V W W BABBITT METAL I.niKt or - null (iuanllllM- ! na4 1 1 111 1 ill tn asasaw n The WHITE HOUSE GROCER' Staple and Fancy Groeajrlea, Pruite aad Berriaa, All ilie Pupuliii- Brande of f anned timids. Prtab VeKc tables, HutUr uud Fggh. TATOM BROS., Proprietors. Main Street, Pendleton. 0J Locked Up --Must Be Close( I Out! V Opening Dav Saturday August 18 1 ocUi'i tin .Momhiv i VfimiL' tn iniiiilc s and s hantt im U i,,,- f liis-niinr w-.i a , .u1l m 1 ....l.i t lie I , . . n 1 t i 1 ' 11 1, 1. 1". ' , . " wiuiuay, nUKIMI lOin. V lien I , tukuiK Bueineaa ,,l W m. Neleou I had to bny bie entire stock ol house 1-iiruishiuv.s with it. Now hr 1 .m voin, A .tnnk of Hisl m that I don't want, but the people want them and muel have them. 80 in order to dear tho room that l mn.i , ,,, fi,.V, Undertaking l,'riofl be market at less than nianuiac" bought the stock so cheap that decided to shape theee aooda up (a great portion of whioli liave never bean unpacked) and pui Lhem on the market at less than manufactw eosi. ki, nooinion v-ruwei wiiy in ui worm mu you ao so uere s the wby In the firsl place I bought tl afford it. In tin- leoond plana it must go. I ii are prices thai will do the work $75 Bedroom Suits, $50. $45 Bedroom Suits, $30. Thirty Bedroom Suits at Correspmidinj- Reductions. $32 Sideboard, $23. $5.00 Rockers, $3.50. One hundred and twonty-livt' roekeis must 'o in this ulauahtsr. Oounkaa I 1.....1.. o . . . Qn 0 Center Table, intension Tables, Kiteben Tables, Writing Desks. I took Cases 1 1 al 'IV. u .. . , o ' rar or 'lX SM Wi.ulowSba.lewC11rl.1in 1 nles and Fixtures l.a.r I ImimgL- n,l rl IIU K. "tZ" a T? """, coquet OetB, l.aWtl UOsh, . " - - - - , - """"'vunwiii.oiana UOVers. Hues C.i.-., Mimr- o ciotu, nirrore, noutaings, riowres, r.aei8, ewmw, maureesee, t'tllowe, Comforters, Iron lk-ds lu Si.-T.' J lXZ7' Mnebine Ne'?. riv.l in '. J? '. . . ' '. 'I Oil, smves, stove Polish. Stove Pipn, Cooking Uteneils, Crockery Ware, Tinware WaTh Tnh 1 1I,H:1"4,W,?1 aeniues, m Baakeu, Boy'e Bxureae Wagons, Bab3 Cab., Toy Cab,, Pocket Knivai b im Q, hi Sf Mat PsiivT m ?' l. T U "T vo draw a line (or I have a heavy line and a fine one of Queensware, Glassware IL, ill 'l S"1 1I,U, Wttre tt,ul here- now' y i ...i ... .. . 1 . u.. "swhic, vjia.vsware, Bedroom China Sets, and n I Minns. Home I of which must go at so and 60 cents on the dollar Come earl v and secure choice goods at your own price. am m i..A M villi "u .1 ChlllH Si'U nnrl . ... I amnu Home ';i,t' ie, 1 vi hi s tin 1 a ' ' ' far sr -e.v to iiy and will treat you right. Yours for Business, M. A. RADER, Successor to Wm. S. Nelson.