rz ,i i if you want some genuine bargain! in harvest supplies go to m MA.'iNKT CASH STORE. If you want a warm recoptioD and I deal, the Magnet is the place for JIOU. A chance for I gold watch with ever)' purehaae. square dollar THE MAGNET CASH STORE Clements & Wilson. Court and Cottonwood TIIPRHDAY, AlHiUST Hi, lHOtl. DAILY. WEEKLY AM SEMI-WEEKLY v Tin- Bant Oregontan Publishing fiism-nToN, Compu;, OHLGON. SAIL. ftllULHIPTIOT. Milt - ,,V; , M . Tll . . (.-.'.. faofitl... t'V .nt. I . '-off per ..k. IT . . - ' . i . tin . s .- i o x 1 . . itagio niaal.... .Ml VIHL1 tl'SSCBirriot, AT1I; Oh ci.py an. MI I'n - . . iv tit umotht T.ltl MMMM Strif I. ..twn VIULV M'SeCBIf-TION SATIS, DM copy oae raai I; lint .apt tit ntofilbt rl TiuKtumpM f ,." i- H ADviansis.. batssi (Ditplky Arltf nit.mtBtt 1 On itch, a, lett. in s,rn..W,kl pti laonlli . Sk Ott Itrb, Of ItM. it lt.lv Ml tnantli 1 to To largM. of lM, In Ok.l, BM WtftlfOf. month . . , OS 'r tbfoo Im ht.. Stit . wtt h If , pt i in, n pt f mi.nin .in f MflWMllf fl HUM In, lift. In W. 'ff I IMHinchM.ln lltily f mntlli ff liuh pf imntth t to lint mi h. urlrtt. in Wffkl ptf Month tot .ft I tnif io MS. In VYt.kly. rf ln.li pf Month . ... I. Of.f ,hra tnrhM. In 1 , t. 1.. . ,,.,- of Mlfll-WMklf. p., In, h ptf rooflth , , t Solid nonptrtil a Iff rtitroitntt in Sm i Wr k I , Weakly I Doilf.ftni IMOttlM. pf lotk.fi.uu, toco tuutequent UM Moo, to. . Lo. al DOticft. If n ..alt pof Hat. f til. .aaerUoa. The Now York Kvi'iiintt Post, bitterly npiMHKMl tit Bryan mi the money ipios tion, says of his speet li of acceptance at lri'l innnM)l is : "It in impossible to deny thnt Mr. Bryan's speech was u ureal literary ami oratorical aehieve ment" "far in advance of anything Mr. Ilryau himself has ever ilono be fore on any topic of public discus sion." The fact in, tain great niieech of Itryan should lie read by every voter in the laml.aml everyone will lie given a chauce to read it before the presi dential campaign in broUhi to a alaaa. The varioiiH attempt of the Chinese government to imiiice the allien to abandon the relief exieditton having failed, it han nameil Li J 1 11 rie ('Iuuik, the astute and adroit old diplomat, mininter pleniM)tenliai y to negotiate peace with the iwerc Kveryone will agree with Minister Wu at Washington, that tin' apiointment in an appropri ate one, but It in more than appro priate. It indicates that tin pen i government han at last recognised tin' gravity of the situation and its rcsn--mill! for the outrage and atrocitien which have threatened, and ntill threaten, to plunge China into a war with the entire civilb.il world. Had the governim-iit leen blamles- there would lie on occasion lor peace negntia tiona. lieamt'n Chicago American die I a res that it taken ten generations ol fisdinh neas to make a dinnipated duke, goml for nothing, while it taken only out) generation of go.nl teaching 10 make the most useful ot men. The Ameri can, therefore, advocates the nation spending a few hundred millions in chasing ignorant;.- from among its peo ple, imttead of wanting them in Irving to inako the Filipino meet our tin -reasonable demands. Victor Hugo was tin-author of the epigram tiiat "when nation opens a school it closes a priaon." The American says: "The beauty of education is the quickness with which it does it work. Illiterate Nancy Hanks sees to it that her boy, Abraham Lincoln, goes to seined regu larly, and nhe liven forever as the mother of a great man." The polity of compient and imper ial ism cotn money, and those who re ceive moat of its fruitn ntri Htit.- the least toward it. Since July 1 lant, Ilia war department exieut.ituren have averaged 7Uvi,Ytf pi ar day. Thin means a high army ili-ticiency hill at the next sf-iiiin ot rm jri'ns It i. oas ier to upend the public's money than to provide it. And what make- tin' matter worn, there in no Immm tax, through which the very rich, who profit from the government's extrava gance, could be madr to carry their altar the burden. National taxes are an levied at present as in allow the very rich ami the big corporations, that share in "national glories," u escaiH' their just share of them, and there in no effort being made by thus. in control 01 tlie nation s anairs to cor rect thin injustice in any parln ulai . Hiatrict Attorne. Hal ley detwrvea credit for his determiiiat ion to break up (he practice of carrying concealed weapons on the person. It in a viola tion of the law, which should not be tolerated, as it has not one redeeming feature to commend it. A pistol is a useless weapon at best, aud when it is packed around by irresoiJ3ible men and boys it becomes an enemy to society ami to law aud ortler. To every person that this practice .tit. ml protec tion there are hundreds it threatens. The practice has a tendency lo incri-a.-r ' i line, and the expense ot tin nmrt-. anil to maki' young men disposed to brawls and lawlessness, wltei. without the piatol aud its environment they would be mure peace-luving and law abiding. No civilixed, eulightentil l man hai any use for a piMnl It ha hail its day of U'oflllMM and the law should he enforced againM it, and Mr. Hailey's detenu mat ion regarding it is both gratifying anil i minnf ndnhlc. I . Frederick I'almer, a verv reliable newspaper correspondent , whom Ail i, nr. i Dewey endorsed as "most pMIMh taking, accurate and reliable, nays after a visit to all the larger islanil- 01 the Philippine group, that his con viction, and it i the conviction of the great majority of the army otllrers, in that at no time ninee tin- occupation of the inlaiids by the fones of the United States have life and property in gen eral been more unsafe than they are today; that never have we hml so few real friends among the ieople; never have no lew been merely indiflereut to our rule rather than opposed to it. And he nays there is a decided ten dency on the part of the administra tion to send there because of the di--tance and of the diltii iilly with Which I information linds its way home even a worse class of political heelers than were sent to Cuba. The departments i are encumbered wild "fathers' sons" for clerks. AN KNGLISH CRIME. A quotation from a letter written by Itichard Harding Davis to the Chicago Itecord, dated Pretoria, .May IT. "An Kngl ishnian s house is his l castle,' aud he can defend it an'ording Iv, i- the oldest ICnglish adages. The litter has merely Iteen ilcfending his castle, ton can make nottnng more of this war than that. The F.ulgish man will tell you there is much DION to it than that; he will talk gliblv of a franchise which he never wanted, nl unjust milling laws and NDtfistiOM which are much more generous than those he has institute.! in Itritish Columbia, and which he could have avouletl, li.nl lie not Inn m I lie was growing rich in spite of them, by simple remaining in his own country; he will try to bund you by pleading that the nar was loneil niioii bun bv the Doers' ultimatum, an ultimatum which came onlv after he had threatened the borders ol tin- 1 raitlTMl with 10,080 soldiers. tie will present . verv exeu-e, i verv sopistrv, every reason save one. whicl is that he covets the liner's watch and chain ami is going to kill him to get it. It is too late now to go into the injustice of this war. The Itncr has lost heart and is falling Imck, leisure ly, as is his wont, but still tailing back. Iletore tin- letter reaches America the end may have come anil the l'.uglish will Is- pumping the water out of the gold In i 1 if thf have fought no long ami so luiril to win. It is possible ii.i' the gold may re nay some ol them (or their losses, but it will not bring 700(1 men back lo life again; it will not re-tore the lost prestige of the Brttith army, imr pay for the ill-feeling of KbtOM, nor lor the loss of what was once (treat Britain's hoisc an alliance uith the United States. "Never envy a man bis riches until you know what he did to gain them" is a saying as old as Kpictedts, and who will envy Kugland her slaughtered, bleeding republics, now that we see (he price they have cost her'.' Kxeept (or the excellence of her (ranssrt service it has cost her her loriner place as a military ismer. her position an a religious nation. F.vcn tier archbishop ol Cape Town is tmiay with tl. Mm down howling in (he name of "peace" for (he complete ami Ut(er extvroiination of the two pros trate state-. It nisi her the llu'lil (o speak again in the nan e ol Christ ians, for lite otiiel hml of her sol diers is the bibles they tiud upon the dead bodies of the men (hev have killed. It has given her a breyliis scandal of her own, ami by the light of the homes she is burning in the I' re.- Stale she can read her acts as she read the "Bulgarian atrocities." a his conscience. I.xpliiiniiig (he nec COalty for retaining (he Philippines, he sums up hin answer in Leslie's Weekly ill this nentenre : "If we ask n reason for (heir reten tion we have only to refer lo the great richness of the Islands." "If you didn't mean to steal the gold you took," asked the judge of an un fortunate, "Why dill vou keep It?" The prisoner replied : "Because, sir, gold in valuable. " , A good deal of Mckinley boasting niav be ex ected as a result of (he plac ing' in this country of $26,000,000 of Itritish bonds. That is an explanation, we shall be told, of what hen DMI Ol our enormous export balance of a billion and a half. DpOfl 190,000,000 of it we ere drawing interest from British taxpayers' See'.' But LV,000, 000 is n very small proportion of $1, 550, (NX), (100, which is (he amount in round numb rs of our export balance during McKiiilev.s administration down to the :llst of May, Besides, our excessive extmrts for June alone amount to double all these British b mis. Yet we are shipping gold to pay for the bonds. Why do we ship gold if (be foreigner already owes us a billion and a half',' Isn't it lieeiinsc in fact he dotsn't owe us anything.' Isn't (hat boasted excess of exports after all a goml deal of a bunco'.' "Unearned increment" may not be a felicitous term. It was adopted komowluit carleens'y by John Stuart Mill (o describe increase in land values. Mill had noticed thai hind values, unlike other values, tend to in erease. lie therefore referreil to them a- an "lUffaiUMt." And a- he tin -dcrstoinl perfectly that they are not earned by landowners, wherein they differ from other values, which are earned by laborers, he called the in crement "nPDDfmd." I( would be (utile now. and If altogether needless, to quarrel with the felieity of thin term. For all practical ptttMDa it is excellent. It Ml DDtNllMI excellence, bOMMD It directs attention to the fact (hat owners of laud get a value which they do not earn. The injustice of that is instinctively reinguied, and has -'iggested the propriety of faking the "unearned increment" of land lor OOtntnOII use, Upon the theory (hat "unearned" values are common prop erty. To sav (hat Mr. Bryan's speech of acceptance is one ot those great efforts to which great men rise upon occasion, i - tn a him no empty paritsan com il i linn t . It is a tribute which even his adversaries cannot withhold. In conceptions of statesmanship, in clearness of thought, in precise ness ami richness of diction, in manifest integrity of purpose, it is the landmark of an epoch. Whosoever bus really accepted Hit absurd notion that Mr. llryin. grasped the presideniliil nomination (our years ago wilh a catchy phrase, may undeceive himself by reading (his speech. Mere phrase makers do not construct such speeches. We could wish the republican party no worse leek than that every voter might read this speech and Mr. Mc kinley's acceptance speech together. Pendleton Planing and Lumber Yard Dealer in all kinds of Lanbtf Mid Hiiiiiiinu Material. Big stm k Ol lath, shingles, tar pipit, mouldings, aali and doors tliat arc quanntotd QOt to warp. BltimitCT furnished Otl building material on slmrt notice, R. FORSTER, - Proprietor, OF l!E ww"iiia mttm,mwwwmmm,Tm?mmm,wwm(,mmmm! HARDWARE For all Kinds ,if E Shell Hardware, Ti I, Granite, Iron and Copperware I Oils, Axle Grease, Lime, Coal and Cement, i SAVAGE AND WINCHESTER Rifles and Ammunition. LOVERS Spotless Skin Aud a clear complexion are desired hy every woman and admired by every man f.niplions, pun pies and similar blemishes arc caused hy an im pure condition ni the blood. These skin hlemir.hes are ponDMWHtly removed by (he us -oi Dr. Tierce's (.on leu Medical Discovery which thoroughly pun ties the blotxl anil cures the cause of the disease. hut uUul one VMC sit.t u h.tll III) Is CP W It s till it ! lirokm out " whim Mist Cirri- AtUms. of 1 1( West M..1H hi., Halllt-crrek. Ilich, M 1 iprni s grvui deal of tii'taey Willi doc tors Slid for dllfrrrnl khidt ot rocslli-hir. but received no bene. HI. At Ul I read one of Msjf ailver tlsenienls in u psper. suit olituinetl h bollle ol limtor I'leice's ttoldeii Mct'.-al Itiseovery. Before 1 had taken one nettle oi litis ninttuue I uoliced a vliauire. MM alter lakuiK tin,, Isittlet 1 wsa eulirely curcd Free. The Common Sense Medical Adviser lrss nana, is sent free on re ceipt of stamps to cover expense of mail in?' only. Send ii one-cent stamps for paK-r covered lunik, or slauis foi cloth biudiiSK. Addccss, lXtctor R. V Pterot, iiuii.ilo, N. Y. work naturally have itrong like and ami dislikes in this regard. I'nless (inely done up, mlond -hirt- and shirt waists i-n'i half pre-entable. F.idier garment DOBtl) owes it- line listk to the laundry. What n da shown the supreme re-ull ol tie' Tn.y pnODM. It's the spic and span that woo fortune successfully. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY J. F. Robinton, Prop, Telephone 60 NEW LUMBER YARD. Till pi) ' ' '""Tr This may net-in hysterical and un-l just, hut it in time,' now (hat it is too late, (hut we should sett clearly what baa Man taking place while the world sat idly bv. We have been misin formed and blinded by a propaganda I against the B.ier, a man i punt ion oi l press und parliament which bus never baan emalaa in dexterity of mimic I reseiitation imr audacity of untruth, not even by (he Uiulnvurtl j.HirnalistH who live on blackmail ami the Monte Carlo sustenance fund. The murder and rohU-ry of a Boer on the veldt is no less a murder and robbery than though it hit. I taken ! place in Whitechatiel or Filth avenue. I The Boer lias lieen murdered and r l.l . .1 .....I .1... . tk.- L 1 . , al,,, ,, ,arl 1Im, i,ei,,re i,is life was attempted his character wh allackeil and lllltad is not the bast of the sins for which the "empire builders" of Kimberlev, Johannesburg ml (he colonial ulli. . must some ihty stand in judgment. TIMtLY TOPICS. Imis 1. fact (bus comnMnti in his paper, "Ilie I'ublic." iiiiblislied in Chicago : When I'reiildelll MelvlllleV, III the lace of hin responsibility for (he presence of (16,000 trotms in the l'bilio- pliles, and of his unconcealed hostility to the principles of the declaration of independents', together wilh his record (or having se((letl the money tpieslloii (rieH to m. ike the silver issue para mould in (he presidential campaign he is, in (he shrewd estimation of tin Verdict, "talking through his crown ' "Meet us on the Midway" Tin' Kvellt ol Ilie Tlliiea Great Street Fair and Carnival occupying main solid blocks, taking in un entire street from curb to curb. Portland, Oregon, Sept. 4 to 15, 1900 Under the auspices of (he Por( land Fiks. RUKPA&SINti In MAUMTUDK and QRAND i i i: ANYTUINd OF THE KIND BVEK ATTEMPTED us THE PA01PIC C0A81 Something to reuiembnr up to the date ol your heart failure. Ttts Streets of Cairo TKe Oriental Theatre The German Uillage I e Dancing. Qu is We are how ready for htin near Washington .V Columbia Uiver freight depot with a general assortment of lumber direct from our own saw mill, and can fnralsh anything promptly. Country orders in car loads shipped direct from our mill in carload lots at correct prices. ( i ive u ,i eall. A.G.Shaw&C') W J SEWELL, Mgr. Q.R.&N. i.trnti 1 nno Schedule aksok ton From Pendleton. tsus Ksat Met:. Sa. Ukc, deliver, Kortlt-sti Mall Do. I Worlii. Oinslia. Kan No. I ttta in. as (it), si Louis. 7:.ia n. No. -' I'lin-aKii aud fcaal, via No I tM p. m. Oltfii ahori Lint'. p. ui Hjpokanu Walla Walla, Spokane, Suiksin Flyer. Miniieapolit, gt .Paul, Flyer. N" s Imliiili, Milwaukee, No. 7 :IAa. lu. i lot ak'o and tati, via Sip. m Ureal Northern Faal Mall Portland and Sail Fait Mall ::toa ui. rrauilseo aula, ui 1(1 :t p. m. o:au o ui sMi p. m. Ocean SMamthlpi 1Mb From Portland. For-,, Frauiisoo fc'ver) Ave dayi. suua.ni ; Columbia River 4::iip.m. F.v sun. lav Steamers. lax sumiai Satltirda) I Aklorlu and W a) lea. ui. Uudiua. I.i Kii.aria Snake Blver, LeleWr'aU "") hum nana, ui l(iiana to Lewiilou. jm.u.iii Mile. I tram leaves ivii.lii-toii l.,r w .. . n dally except Sunday, atoi.lin in aadamve at p m For full Information rail or write Ui W II IttlKI.Ill'I'.i tivuersl Paaavust r Aaeal, Pnrtlaiid, (irvsuii f. F. Wtsiuv, Agent, Pendleton. Re. den. Otis'M literary style is as blunt etn Arabian Pageant , Growninu ' the Queen King of the Garnial Attende.l h. Mis Magnificent Court Tln-Kieai i.arade ol Ike Uka aud oilier order The Italian Park ail. I FoiiiiUIii Tlie iiiasillli lent liniuiphal sr. h and Kiand MldHal lllhsl With uoinlerllll alliai llout Mmiuu kl I Ilie, Agrleulliiii', llortiiuliure and oilier In I uutirial ti.ii.ii The tVouien't Pmiiiou I detigiied li women, hum hy nriuaea and . dseoraled hy Momeii ioi t he exlilhil ol m.i,,, u iiidiitiiial aork Tlie grain uals.e built ..i OtODtn and VVasliiuxlon giaius an. I grasaaj Huale, Uayely and run Nlxlii lurin.l (a to Pay lamest raft autl water rales ever Klvell In Portland Irou. all pan-, ol Ilie Paelat' North weal Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway (or Chi sas Bl I'aul, rst. Uw it, Kan St. Jot, Dinahu, and cago, City, All Points Cast and South Portland and points on the Soun-J. a a 3 A few odd sixes of cut nails nt fl.00 per keg. Special orders given prompt attention. j SKK I Taylor, the Hardware Man 721 Main Street. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Wool for Sale p iutLy '"i i ureok 1 wilt boat the Golden Ru. Hotel to receive Beald bids on Lots of Wool, No. 5, 8, 13 and 17, about 500 sacks, now atored in the Independent warehouse, I rower ve tho privilege nl' rejecting any all bids. .1. E. SIVIITH. You Can Get The Celebrated Pilsner Beer In bottles, delivered to any part ol city, at $1-50 per JDozen mmm Bottlnd bv Ooo. J. Pottner LvVll I ,1 La.lL..L..Lfl I L I 1 I ff I j I ' I I I H Tl 4-' """""" ''"ttafafBa II M t 19" ' Hi Si. beoi OBO DAKVIiAll, Prop. Lie intly Furoished. Steam Heated '. pent (Man. Klock and a -half from dcpnt. ample Koom In connection. Koom Rate 511c. 75c, : i in. SPECIAL, To He Wead Every Day Get Your Gun... OfOtIM Season Opanfl Aug. I. Tidily of Shells at H. .1 Bttllman'i Oaraai Wabta sun Mam hi- French Restaurant.. Itn CLACK TO EAT. Where )i all gel Miini'lhlMK (IOOI). Otis Lai ontalne t'rop-lrtor Quick Cab Service. ... Oeml I.i verv Itlu-Itig- for Teal SprlllS" al All Time. ' , 1 i ... i 1 1 . . Katos, BLVIM 0BAIO rraarMar, Depot Stable. Contectionery Canned Qoodi, Tobaccos, i ii i, W. M. Pickel ATIIKNA, ORE. Farmers Custom Mill Hred Walters, I'roprlotor. lapai it,, t.'ai barrels a da,. BtaaraaaaaaDtd lor wheat. Kltiur. Mill Peed. I lioiasl Keeil, ete.. always on hand. HDWARD mm KESTAHHANT. In rejr of Kentuckv Saloon ai aaatOOi Oregon. Sli ci Onljrs Meals 90c, 1500 Bucks for Sale They are ulMiloodfld Hainlnmillets md l'ollt'd Dulaine Myiinos. Thajy are large, ae)l matored and otwfally Mtotd imcks. Bbgep. mun ihould set- thcni wore making OQQtnota, Ooovflftnoi lurnlahed IVee to inKpoet tliia I and of tboTOUgllhreda. Address CHAS. CUNNINGHAM, t'ciullcton, Ore. Pl ot Puck. Ore The Pendleton Academy iiiiii.is W Acatleiiiic Course of I, .III UiiU-ti -- ' a. a east or vyost. V""y I'- the la-st sUhilard colleges Z'eT8 "'''-' bialMH colleges. DIPLOMAS. prepares tor UOUflty Kxamin.aiuus and for HTATE A t III I I I ... Lv Ilk. a Ciil.. O I i the same basis s I tt ",n KraduaU.s are adniiti..,! .... Uioad. KI.H Ution olfered. - '" Mw ". All grades main- rorcalulogue and iuforiuation addreas L QW, M. I'l,., Principal. 5 Ml II tor boaTtlloa anrj , '"it. in hi. Wi part of ,-ity. PrBu.ratr.rv. ,, r.""S imiuiis llxcepti,,,,,,, , "' ill .iiusie lull Pile ., " ''t'lltlrs, . -'I'uiai " 1 Illct struction f,,r thom iiie- baan intgnlar. lo. AIMS: Ht-alth, Gtfcrtttir.JrtolOThlp, Knr katatogat apply lo ni8 Imogen Boyer, prlr(cM NORTHERN PACIFIC RUNS Ptillomn SlcepinK Ciirj, l U uant Dininu Can, Tourist Sleeping Gm To IIIKOIX.II Arrives Monda II M. iu. tH.l.u u Itepart. dally ondayt, Weduesdaya aud Fridays. laeadaya, Thursdays and Haiurdaya tfv,w.t. oaiij 1 n i ii nuunay ai i,:i,i i, Ul ii itiuiuit nun iiairiiuii rtk. and acioui uioalatlwut, tall oil or addroea W ADAMH. Ageut, H.U (JAUthKtlKAP.II .K'""."--"-V.alla Walla, Wash. Old Newspapers Hi PPT UNPKK DAK uels, ou ihelvet, walla, o' lor wrappius puraiaa. Did uuw .papers In large hiiudlns of oue hundred eai'h al 'Hi etoiiu m k.i . .... 1.. ai lllf KAal tlUtiiDNIAN DFFICK, Peuttle toil, Oregou. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL !?T PAUL i .BQO ''ASP f-obkh TICKETS m CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHti NEW YOKK BOSTON and nil iMiints Past am! vn Through (lak.U in Japar tas Daa. i I 1 1 1 1 ii h aad Morth.rn rQfleTUfeff aim Anierieaii llllu. ' w TIMR si Hi. , iii K .t?..V.B.VC,'en,,'' l ". )- i 1 1 fiirllk.ir ai ....I llek..t, eall on , ,',: ttTdiw fiffi' ton. Oregon, or A P ni ahi.t'i.v " Third and Mornum si. . PorUanil, uk OregonShortLineRailroad Ml DtatCT KODDJ to .Montana, Utah, Coloradi) and all Eastern Points (IWes ahatM of two himriU' roiita. n,.a i.KANDK Hi'onlc 1,1 ties, No Change o( Cars on tlie Portlajnt-Clili ago Si ial, "tieirsst u the West." Kl ii I lip.'il with I Icjian; SUndard Sleepers f:loe New Ordinary I em is: Sleeptn Superb LliraryBuflet Can ipleniliil Diners meals a la carte Proa Reclining Chair Cars Comfortable Coaches and smoktri I nt it e Train Completely Veatlbulee Fur lurtlior luturuial Ion apuly u jr. a as lit, Agent 0. K. A N l o., I'cuilleUHi.Or J, K. NAOKb, n. K. C0UA.1, Tray. Psas. Agl. lien'IAfttl 142 Third St., Portland. Oregon. PHYSICIANS. UK. W. ti. COI.P. OKKICK I.N PKND1.B. Inn siavluga Hans Mlldlag, OSti.- ooun. In tu 12 .. iu. I I In .1 i III. K'lenlloQi' 77. r. W. VtMCKNT. M I). (iKKU.'KUKAfl ol Klral National Mailt noire liuun Id Is IJ a. m. ; I ui p. nt. OK. (J. J. SMITH. OKKICK 0 VIE PUS dlelou Maviugs Bank li'lepimur II, res deuce luiuphoii.) :i H. 8. OAKPIKl.l), SI. I'. HtiMKOl'ATH le Phykieiaii aud bu:g.'ii offlos in JudJ hull. ling UKNTISTS. DSN I 1ST. OFKH'IS K. A. VAl'dllAN in Judd Uiilldlng A. U MSATI K, I M . S. ( iKWUi OVKK Savings liauk. oat admuiiaiered. K. A tion M A s iii. ok, ovi DKNTI8T, IN AbotXU F. II. l l.iit.M'a oOse., ARCHITBCTS ANP HUILDkib. r. K. UOWAKD. AKt It I I I.i I' ANP SI' iKiciutundeiit, nakei ,.e'ii' sad laaae Jlaua lor hiilldiuga iu llv ctly ol od Kuom 17, Judd tuilldiiig ALBKaT MASON, ON i ItAOTQjt Ag lllllhlur. ktlllualet. ui.in- and .uevlucaUSB luriilahiid All wolk giiarallhwd. "ajt" Jay Ai Juus.u a hlack.ulllli .Imp. Uutwus1 lieet. BANKS ANP HHOKKiS. S.WlNliH BAK1 THK PKN'lll.KTON Poudlotoll, Oregon tugaiiui-'i MtST capital. i.il,IMI illlei. sl aii.ise" -oo.lt. kaehauae Uiilghl alel wJd on allRr elpal uoluu. His.-, lal allenliou given Ui .si tiuus. W. J, Furuuh pre,! lent; J. . vliw presldeut; T. J alorrl., caaoie., Kl aUT NATIONAL HANK I K AT HKN i .. .. . .,,,,,iii. 17. jX u ncgoli i.apuai., - .j ...... .... ....... .I.....ll. iN'l l in loicigu douiealle oaelial " ',r"","ual, leuded to. Usury c Adam., proUihin ; JJ MoArUiur, vioe-presldeu I I ttefanii. isa. lor; I.. W. Baruett,aiia!iii"j . KmST NATIONAL V-A Nh MM lapllal, I7U.0W. '""".Mt .. "a , , 1;....' ii.l I.-learalilne 1 1 i.nsii-1 - m'i" TTT-t. . ....eXw 'Vuriaud .-"'X'TO .....i .. tiaii... . .i,i..i-iui.ou reavu".. .inn cniui'i 1 , . a . I a la - '1 '. . I ......l.lanf i' H VMlJC. caaa4w. J i I -i i - 1 . i fs ' on. i usey, aaaiataut l aaliler- rHK k'abmkk'h hank ok wmj noalon, Oregon, m " - wU. i eusiiieaa. &a i.ji.i. , rr.irt ID ass leciiou. promptly atleuJeJ ""juu W . k.elUiii condltluu, SUll I'' !LTB&i tiivesiigatioiiviiiuiiiio t , ,., ou s. ottt.ers: K. Jameson ee - ''"' 1.1; I'rooUtel, vice preaiih-ui ;( ' 1 ,;K jlmut, J. n Kiugore, Mtit.." . p.KV.ti 0. A. llarlmau, M. M Joint., 1 (Haw, J. F. KlUgurc, tieiKn f.- . i. . uoaan or BOU ALI2ATI0K The county hoard oi wtulU4UJtfl tiled i.. meel t the ufli lu"S jt, n Chaiulierlalli oil Moieia) MON.nourrt, okuoon. Pall term oH.n, SoptemUe, 18 SW"" tl'U. Sh' ilu,i,."l..tUy,o,1Kr.d" 'os'litale, ruadiiy gou i(iii akUe of yar iroiii ia) io i5e SIlilllH A...I,,,,,, . ,.,, amnm ",!;"' """ Manual Traiulag. vn.ii gstuippea Training i..',.ri.n0ui. aiPhU1"''""1" "".'.'"."""f '"J .huuitueemeiu of LL. t itl i Wkl L ' ' -ft- . or W A WANN, bee. ol Kauuliy. SSf mil"" t..i taxes are al... imiiiici ' . ''.fuavte. t ... ..iu, ii ii.ui by tai ..", , , , luoiriii.i.n.vtt... -. .jgoBoa ajjjgs .. . .;.,.-..., ... tiu'h tm.i""-T. .'... i... btUlUtSH in . ..nil" I""' 1,1 "".JS? w " ne "iHSSOLUIlO'1- 'loall whom ii ma ''.". Ji K " kiwi, inn the "JSS!fES . Vl.uilg tK'lwotiii ,- . jri'l.. rcL umler the tlrui uami m ! v ...ooJ "1 ....l.l.. .... .h.. t-atl tl.li i ... ....', , vk'. .1.1. .owl Alia o.. this day mutual i-ouaelit 'I'll ,i. el.. ''."iSdlf inlliw"1 tKU liillllial eousellt ne ,. '': ii ii IBf present I I ' ' JT ifft all tlehl. of the .aid firm f ul Ihe .aid kssfliuk. Ja or J , gge " I'.illllla dee or lo la ' will he payahie I" ellhei. Ilale.l Augusl' I i.tKl-JWy-ISAAC I'