PAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION All K ! ' 1 The Kt Oreronlaii win ii i M ...yon... Put Yonr "Ail." tn The Beat Oreg onlan PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, ORWSrON, THUHHDAY, AUGUST 16, 1900. NO. 3894 Toilet Soap dalore. oWberc re naeh values offered us ,t'tlii doro. nmrv .mum, Glycerine, Honey, Turkish Hutli Ooooenut oaetlle, Elderberry, Crab Apple, Pine Toilet soap Be for dozen bar- 45c Induced Krce While These (binds . .l I A I'M liangl! looal I'll, .SIC dIuk: -"" .lapnfH'se parH-olw. IBc: Ham- KjUTUHMIlK li J REMNANT SALE, GENERAL NEWS. RUSSIA EXCITES ALARM OB U U cent off: Be iron Hiv " 1 ' , , m - i ,, wufiili- :i" re.lticeo price. ; rmiiipto iii.i jjjjjpj, .,t 25 to 40 pit cent under rage Large iin'' noioi paper ii Chewing gum ' pkg lr price. anl l l,k lami linn paper novela, regular 2.rn- UT .. -. . in.. .....I 1 ...I, mile, M'ni . -' i BleliiK' punching hags toff.15, RjH,.- iim'.I Html guns. .Ykl.auRhlln and Old Oregon." H. lateil book, published nt $1,80, 1 jienun sale nt I1.8W. Don't nilan mMbp. tbi. hook. A "obroalele" of f B pii iP 'T day. Frederick INolf Weekly Rxamlner Agent. HniitlrcH of remnants of all curt!, of new thin voar'sl men-hand lap which have already been marked down from regular price, will U placed on kale Tills WF.KK A T I I All- PRICE All arc good, fresh, desirable, gnoib in length, from two vanls up to MB vanl-. ;IN(11IAM REMNANTS Alwmt twenty length- are nan, aoaaa piece. n U-n yards slightly toiled in d isplav, tli i v week ONE HALF OFF. REM NAM LAWNS unA THIN GOODS. In all manner ol nice things fur mid-summi-i or earl y fal I . Bobm an- LESS THAN HALF MICE. LIKEN CRASH REMNANTS Nearly twenty piece! of various lengths are here a I most every eoeghtfoi fabrics ol tin- peer, THIS WEEK HALF PRICE SHIRT W4I8T ODDS and EDS 01 almost every Htvic ami laiirir. He meat toll than ai any price they will bring, Voloaa up to :!, have lawn marked down to "." cents. Some threc-tniirihs off, others one1 hall off. And many other goiai thlngi an- Inelndad in thai sale. ALEXANDER & HEXTER. Major f. A. whitm-v, of the sixth infantry, died at Manila on the Uth o i,,M::;'L:;;r,:,:;:::M,,v ,., Japanese ImM Oyer Russia's Occu- girl, who in nerving as an army nnrw at Manila, denounce the mistical y ti m of ilie army. A motor car ol the Omaha Council ! Bluff- Railway and Bridge caimpenj was held no and the conductor robheil of about oO bv two tna.kisl nan at ini.lniglit at the Walunth crossing. The passengers were not disturbed, j While tK-rlorming Monday evening at the Rojrtl opera IMM at BVldaiNBrt, i the well known opera singer, Mine. Ncmethv, drank a virulent Poiaou in stead ol colored water, supposed to he i 1 ou the stAge Mine. Neniethy fell before the horrilied audienoe and .lied nn hour Inter. Her dcnlli was hie to a miKtake. .lodge John II. K eaten, chairman of i the Texa etate railway commiwioti ; and the only xurviviug nicmlicr ol Jeff Oavin' cabinet, in which he wan puM- Diaater gencrnl. annotMaaa thai ha will ; reign hi position next JaMtary Mini I retire tn-rn anent ly I nun pnWIc life. He Kavx : it he will deote the re- of Iiih life to writing his .lodge Ri'iUNUi i l years policy of New ChwanR O' ' IHTERHATIOHAL SITUATION CRITICAL o Japan Proposes id Armistice Btlwrou Ibe Powers and China, ind the Litter Country Accepts It. Leading the Summer Girl I n i.i- .i-iiro whi'ii ilom' with h f Joseph Ell's Stylish Harness. natiajaor naaaaeia, old. Fort nrademv THE BOSTON STORE. The Mid-Summer Clearance Sale Still Continues. On la of all klndf arc being Unmercifully Sacrificed in order to reduce stork ami prices are the lowest ever offered in this city. In tending pun baser will do well to aive u call ami get our prioaa, That 's all we auk a call the prices will do the rest. New Line of French Flannels, all colors Plain and Polka Dot, at sale prices. He also i irries a large stock of Hud illury, Tenta, Wugon Cover, Canvas, Ui lluler-. I(om-, String Leather, etc. Pendleton's Big Store. IGE 11K1CK SAND WOOD COAL Ainu Wholesale Agent for SCHLITI MILWAUKEE BEER In hot ii,- harrela, or cases . tall up C lelephonc liU. D H. KOPITTKE. The Best Ever Brewed. PILSNER BEER. Maile t n in, HUeriil water. Keeum ajMldix l,y iivHieittii. You can drink .von .mt ol it nmi not have the Headache ,,r i.t ai.( Schultz Brewing Co. IWW. C. Q, tIKAP. Winsloiv & Head Contractors and Builders Jobbing a Specialty. Tanka to Order. ( tenWOOj St., iMitween Alta and We.hb. 1,1 '-I'l.KluN, OKKUON. The city.T Livery, Feed and Sale Stables... CHk,S S'rir'SON . Hroprlotor jJJyU.ltj New. New Hor.., Boat rifpi and teain J " p"y- Boardera given the MaattMtloa, 8ervice tt"V hour of the uight T 'phone Ma. 70. II... FALI Our new (;u 1 K arc coming in everv day and our liaaaMnont in I aflita' ind Gents' Furnishing (;mds ih cjinpUitc. Wc also have on the roitd to arrive in a few days, a good line of liht bell hardware, tinware and gcanjfwaee wliiili we .in going to sell nt prioaa thai will keep than m then in ive. BUY u pair ol our fine shoes tnanii lactured bj the PETBNS SHOB CO. They fit w. ll, In ik well end woar well. We- 'tarantee every article we sell. THE FAIR. Court St., Pendleton. cadets at the West Polnl have la-ell aMtanean to the most severe nunishini nt ever tilth ted in the 000)100 of di.cipline af the institution. The iinishnients wore Inflicted been net tea guilty ones had greeted Tactical Olfleer Lindsay with "silence" when be entered the mess hall. This was beanOM he had re liurleil the oii ; , (,.r haihi; a plehe and it is this class that will suffer. Arthur Taylor and Qeafga reullier stonc, each about H vears of aire, are under arrest at Victor. Colorado, Charged with causing the wreck of the Midland Terminal uissenger tram hull a mile east of Independence, and try ing to wreck the Florence and Cripple t'riK'k tieln trod Hull Hill In the yards at IndeH-ndei They caused a loss ol l-tii.lHHi worth of pniMrty in the lirst instance. Their agonal for the crime is that tbcv mauled to see "a great, lug train reck. " PACIFIC NORTHWgST NEWS. The twin inlant daughliTs of Mrs. .1 . Kenyofl died Tuesday at I'.ak. r t'ity ol bowel complaint. Jesse Clayton, one of the pioneers of Oregon, died at his 111 Coos Valley, Southern Oregon, day. I'rivMte William C. Ilowlan. Troop H. First cavalry, now at SeHttlo, hav ing enl isted under false pretenses, has heen dishonorably discbarged from thtfserv ice. The health olliccr ol Klickitat cotititv, Wash., reports that ha has found and iiinirHntined Is mild canes of snialliiox. and savs C re ar oldest home Tiles- Rom VaHt, Aug. in. A dhrpafoh to the HetaJd trow Washington says: Russian occupation of New ChWOng Icanaad a decision to land (roups at Shanghai, in which Ureal llritaiu is Mp ported by the Japanese, tiermany olijei Is to tireal Itritain's pollcf at ! Shanghai, and propo'H to offset it by statioiiinii a sipi-idron then-mid laml- , ing troois to iirolecl her interest The 1 ooaepaUon of Ron chwang b gaeala has aronseil great excitement in Japan. International situation has entered upon a dangerous phase and the greatest skill will have to lie extended to prevent troeble between the powers. Japan N.aotlataa. New York, Aug. It!. A dispatch from Kohe. Japan, to the livening Journal says: "Japan has proposed an armistice between the powers and China and China has accepted it. The terms are that the ministers shall either be planed under the protect of the allies at the gates ot I'ekili or the allies he admitted to I'ckin to re ceive them. Japan has liegnn negotia tions. Special Meeting or Cablnat. Waobhnatoe, Aug. in. A anaalal meeting ol the cabinet was held today, .it which the Chinese situation was thoroughly discussed. The messages from Conger and Consul Oeneral (iiaal now, on the appeal of l.i IIihik Chang, that the allied forces halt at Tunc Chow, were carefullv considered. An answer was prepared in which it is understood that Ibe government agrees to an am III la. (or the purpose of re lieving the ministers and people tinder their protection. If the ministers think arrangement can he made hy Which their safety will he assured, in mov ing from the llrittsh legation V) (he in side gate, this government will agree to an armistice for that ptiprose, and after Conger has 1 11 safely delivered, the coveriimeiil will, (or a speeillod time, cease hostilities with the view of arranging the terms ot peace. Tha Armlatle. Propoaal. Washington, Aug. III. The Chiimee minister this morning received a Iw- !ii. l dispatch Irom Minister timber, for Infants and Children. CJtHtorla In a imrmless Hiibstitiito lor CusU.r Oil, Pures. Kt rlc Dropa end Soothing! jrrupa. It in Pleoagatt. It eontiims BOithei t Itttj Rorphlne nor ..lh.-r Nareotio M.l.stum-O. It ,.. soys W orms and -000000. 'J III- lllliurcii n m iiiiivv.t.v m . The Kind You Have Always Bought T , l,, GinnnliirA lit .'(I or more cases across the hue in Skamania. , apa-al from l.i Hung It Spokane, Snmlrv, il, e laitjreMIBr: the allied army atop prebeeded a young and pretty Woman, who was looking for her hnshainl with a revolver. 1 hey t.aik the weaK.n and released her, hut refuse to gj0 hag name. TI Id Presbyterian church hi f.ew- iston. Idaho, is being moved to the lot in I Ik- rear of the present site, t0 llixe way (or the bnipjing ot a new and hltllilsolll lithe, whit-fa w ill he erei ted as soon as tin- gTOOOd is ch ari'd. Mrs. I.. .1. Iavis, ot Jeflersoii. in. t w it It a singular accident one dav hist week. She was canning creel, bOBna and a can exphaleil, the contents strik ing her in the (ace Fortunately, her eves were not seriously injured, and .lit- w ill soon recowr. Tliiiiii.s Watson, need U2. a nioi r, AlmA ..I Vm.II Whi'i'ler euilnlv. Sun- I day. He was atrickee with Slndnaoi about a month ago He came to Ore- gon in IM0 and to Kaataan Oregon in 1871. lie left considerable property. He was horn in Fngland. The Aetorle peopla have a pr...i. tioii before t belli whie'i, il Bi-eepted, will cause the I'loiiDur Woolen mill., now at lJullas, Poll county, to he ieeelad at Astoria. A suhsidy of gt, taiu. to put up the aeeaaaaj balkiingt ami provde a lite, is asked (or. Hern M Readall, third oeVar ot the Valeneia, i-lml himself on Isiard that veaaul, at Seattle, ami died ul nei.i instantly. Mr. Uandall was a soher, unlet, oong man, and no cause (or the Mile Ida i- KUOWB, He had heen with the Vulencia for 17 months. nt'LLl D LUC Bltuo.uiv m Arr Av At A In Use For Over 30 Years. Do not forget To buy your ST tVKS ami BAN0E8 whtre you cud buy thi best ami ebetMtt, bttidfJ uiglit tlif fereut liiu-s to select from. ( Thfc place to buy is at JOE BASLER'S. LIKE MANY OTHERS I'l.r . Kup Wrote for Mr.,'. 4d . i. . mm! I. n- Mlml it did lur U.r. " pKAa m a. i'i.skiiam : i baee aaae ao luauy l.tlvra froui Tbdie. who weru cured by bydia r. rinUliuni rcmi diu. Uiat 1 Uiought 1 would ak your u.lvice iu reguid to my comlilioo. i, Uaw u n float nrlng (or four j on unit have llllil Ii li t). o I put eut u hoi revived very little I rie ' 1 am trouhUil arltb hack auho, iu tact toy whole lsly anhaa. htomach feels .ore, by apeils get .horl of breath and am very uurvou.. sine htruatloti i. very ir regular una aevere bearing down paiua, ciuiupa and baekt- aehe. i bone to at from you 7 ti t.l.AUA JLud., Sept. 87, ibj- at wine Koer, Uoc-kport, si. i s in A Boarding and Day School for Girls KeulKUh (saituliiLsir 17 Kur circular. A- .ice-iiuss V-i.KANnK ii'-uuitrrn, Ph. l., Hrmclual, I'urllainl, OiugiiU "I tbloU it la my duty to write a letter L.- you ill regard to what l.ydiu K. Hiukhajn'n Vegetable Couiisoind did forme. I wrote ou komc tiuui ago, deicriblog my ay mptoui uud aakiug your advice, which you very kindly gave. I aui uow healtby aud caiiuot begiu to praiae your remedy enough 1 would aay to all sutTciiug women 'Take Mra. F'iuk ham a advice, for a wo man beat euder.tunda a woman a auf ferlugb, and Mra. 1'iukhuiu. from to i vaat experience lu treating female Ilia, can give you advluo that you can get from no other bouice.' "- (.i.aua Koi-e Euokport tud., April II, low. Opponent, as Admiral Sevm ur hail done in his advance on IVkfn. New Orl.ant Sails. Waahlneton, Aee, u. Wu sung, re- lernsl to in 'he llerlin dispalch, is near the city oj Shanghai. In COOnee lion w ith the f. Helen dlffaronooa aris Ing al Shanghai, it may he dgnlflaanj that the New Orleim- saihsl reetofdaj from Oavlta (or Wn Sung. ROUsgVILT S UNCt.R. Ha Statai In an Intarvl.w That no On. Can Boss r.ddy." New York, Aug. HI. Four yean ago one of the strongest supporter- in Sew York of the Calmer and ttUCtnef gold denns-racy was Robot) H. RooaeteU, the banker, IVsplte the fact that Mr. Iloosevelt's nephew, Theodore, 1. tha repebllena candidate for the vice presidency, the Uoosovelts have heen democrats I r L-ehorations. Uohert II. R 0080 tall tn Sn; was a third party man. A reporter saw Mr. Kiaisevelt nt his summer home in Sayville, I,, I. In answer to a tpUestloli he said : "So far as pafCOnal fltinss (or the presidency there 11 no couipart-ion bo I ween Hryan mid McKinley, "llriiin is a strong, sine'ere, fon-e- fui man, Independanl in arery thing ami with firm convictions. "McKinley is ahsoluteh without a m i ml of his on ii. He is nothitiir more than the tnonlbplaOa of the men to whom he owes his otlice. "Theodore Hoosevelt's father was a democrat. When a man as von eg us the son lias heen so remarkably suc cessful in politics, you cannot blame him it his 0800 grows a little hit swelled. No one has ever boOBBO. I'll dure ami no one ever will. "That is, if Mr. Hryan is not elected. " THK BAT r I KNII I r 0HKU0N. Roiiaim to H.r .r. N.arlnu ( ompl.llon and She Will Soon Uo Back to Only. WashiiiKton, Auk. H'. -As the Jap anese government is likely to need its big dock irt Knrc, only teuiporarv re pairs will he made to the Oregon, The repairs will Is. iiimplettsl as (ur a. they go the repairs ol the hull hut the repairing ol the IntOf lot lltttngs will he postponed until some con venient tune in the future It is -aid at the navv department that when she leaves the Kit re duck the Oregon can resume active service and remain in commission us lonu as may he deemed necessary. Admiral Kemp's trip to Kure doObt ag was to impure into the Oregon .triking a rock olT Che l ist ANTI-NKURO no. i Uccuri ..... addressed to the stale department riie department also nas received an t hang to have the it. I vn nee at linn; Chow, where It inav hi- met hv ullicialslof the Chinese gnverillltclll ,t 111 - powafaoto negotiate aa armistice. This government will reject the prosisal for an armistice. Tlm message from Conger is the tlrat one received, show ing that the cablegrams scut him by this government nave reached him. Manage Front R.m.y. Washington, Aug. III. The navv da port men! has made pill. lie the follow ing dispatch (mm Admiral Kcmcv : "The (rout unheard from since tin lltb. The latest report. from Japanese sources aay the ai I lea occupied rung Chow on the r.'th and would at tack I'ekin on the I Ith " "UF.MF.Y." s. .in its. Oan.o.d. llerlin. Aug. Hi. A aeitti ollieial dispatch from Shanghai say.: "The lOreigl ountula, acting on the joint resolution sent to the respective gov -eminent, say if Indian Bfltlah trOOUj are w ithtlrawn from Wu Sung, it will conatiteta a ajaajajag to ahoaajaaf ( Shanghai aud that these tnsipa ought to Ut laudeil on a of an inter. national understanding. ' ' Tan Mil. a Prom P. kin Tokio, Auk lo. A mtmi-otlleial ills patch from It) UK Chow, dated August I'J, .aya : " The Japanese Inaipe Bpiod Tung Chow today. We are now ten miles Irom 1'ekin. ' R.achad P. kin Monday. Loudon, Aug. IU. -The alliea are re ported to been reached I'ekin Monday." aays the Shanghai correspondent of the Daily gspfoaa, He a. I. Is The Oklnaaj official news is without detail." A I'aris message reveals this, but this statement, e.M.ciully aa il emanated from Shanghai must he ac cepted with considerable reserve. loi doit aapofl are dlvigad iu opinion, some believing the alliea have already reached I'ekin, while other heliefa the relief will not BB Bei Kill pi labcd tint il the end ot the week . From Yang Tluu, Auguat ', the Daily. News corre.siudi-ut .aya: Sir Alfred I iuseh e boata to keep the elle.:ty running and to follow him right into I'ekin." Old Nut Plra a Ktaot. Ngan I'iug was oceuplwl without firing a shot, according to a tliapatch to the Daily l.xprca Irom ihul piatu dated Auguat II. "It la believed, tha oieaeage ald., "that Qang, Tung Fu Siaug, Ma and Chung are entrenched toot) atrong at Tung tliau." Tung t han appear, to be, ulsmt 1 1! miles from I'ekin. A diapaUih to tbu same paicr from Shanghai yeaturday say. the ollieial. profeaa to be willing to hand over the foreign ministers, their laioilii.ainl at-rvauta, but will not i. ... the departure ol native Chriatians gmbarrastad By Bunla. "The Kuasiun aoyernment," du dure. tbi. telegram, "baa notified l.i Hung Chang of Ita willingne.. to receive De tiler, outaide the walla of I'ekin time avoiding the entrance ot the buaaian force. I hie action la calculated to emharaaa the alliea acri oualy. Japuu demand, that Yung l.u shall meet the allien outaide the city walla ami deliver the ministers ami all native Christiana." barman kmperor Talka. New York, Aug. !, A dispatch to Ih, Tribune from I .on. Ion .aya: Tbu li.-ioiuli emoelol addrcs.-1 UK .-.. ral otticer. ou their departure for China, exhorted them uot to re.t until the eucmv begged lor mercy. He waa atronaly opiaitd to the partition of Chiua, allien waa not to bo thought ol for the preaieiit. tiermau oltlixtr., hi. ,.,,,... t, .aid, uiuel not underrate their In N.w York and Took Polla. to ilupre.i II. New York, Aug. III. I'eace was not restored in the auti negro riot district unlit after I o'clock this morning. DuriiiK the riot five hundred police were on .hit v and amhulances were kept lutay. The pi. In sttmate of the re sult puts the uiiiuU-r of wounded at AO. The most dele mutual light during the riot wa. between tie tent Ive John Kennedy ami a negro, Lloyd l ee. 1Mb were luidlv hurt At o'clock this morning the police had the riot in hand. Auaravat.d Hy a Murderar. Booh furious abolition o( raiv hatred as found vent in the ri.. line last night, the oetgrowth of the Murder u h-w day. ago of Pol teaman Thorpe hy a negro mimed Harris has not bnan aqnalled in .New York iu many years. As the result of the d ist iirhunee, which raged from Blidnigbt until g o'.hiclr, there were alsitit Ml a rsons Injured hv pistol i. aii, raaota, leitraa, poeki and clllhs. Chief Juillo. Atlantic City, N. J , Aug. in. Chief Justice Henry ufOaBJO, of the Tennsvl VaoLt supreme court, died hen- tisluy. In Waahlnalon. WllshillKloUi Aug Hi. The I'residelit and Mrs. McKmlcy arrived at the White Hoime tin. morning Tha Wheat Mark. la. BOO Francisco, Aug. III. -Cash a heat, fl.lgi per cental. Chicago, tug. pi. Bantam bor wheal. 7:t. cellls per bushel. NBW YORK UARKKT. H.porl.d by I. L. Ilay Co., Chlea.o Board of Itsd. and N.w York Sloek Kxehana. Nrok.ri. tiuual hi 'There w.t- a dull drUK- gitiK market in wheat tisl.y ami the lose was at tin' low point of the day. Liverpool opened and t bawd at same price, h I vi' l ork ope ueu tin hangi'il, (U ', and ilecl llle.l .leadllv to the close at 7H 7-H. I he large raeaipti diaji not encourage buying ami trailing la so light that there arc no special loetorea, tltorka itaady , Money, s r celll WAY TO CHECK IMPERIALISM The Anti Imperialists at Indianapolis Point it Oat. BOUTWuLL'S DRAMATIC ADDRESS a Resolutions AdrlM tbe People ti Withhold Their Support From IcKiikii add KM It to Bryan. Indianapolis, Aug. in The second days' session of the ant i - imperial i.t league began lb if morning Tending the rcsirt ot the committer on resolu tion., Dr. L. W Hals r... m, of Wa.h inaton, a.l.lrcswsl the convention. The meeting of the league last night wa- largely attended. (oirge Mercer of Philadelphia called the convention to order, presenting Kdwin llurrltt Smith of Chicago as temisirarv chair man Permanent Chairman tlov. Boot well was a. is. r. led a great ib-mon-stration when he look the gaval ami proceeded with hi. atldreaa. The itreatesl .le,ii..iistraton of the m,.-hi,.ii came when ltisirg lloutwall, . govornor ol MaaaaenoaBttei im . 111. I, si h is address as chairman with a declaration that he hail tinned liis booh ou the repnblieoe partv ami should supsirt Hryan for the pre.l- doney . The reading of Ihmrke C.shran letter was a signal (or tremeutlon. ap plause. Pavor Hryan for Pr. aidant. The rcsirt ol the committee 00 reso lutions ttMik the form of an address to the American people. The resolution, advise the .Hiple to withhold their support from McKinley (or president and Kive their support to Hryan lor president, as the most effective meant of checking ittts-rlalisui. HRYAN TO THB IRISH. A simple Otltaae u.r. Ii .altar Than a Km. In Oth.r Landa. Qh leaflet Aug lo. -gryen, ami others made .a-eehe. at Snnnysiile Park on the OOOMioO of tho annual eiing of the United Di.b aoolaalaa of Ooni aaentf, The atteodeoaa wa. large. Ilii. m in the BOflfOB ol hi. ipOOCb su id : "I do not waul yoti u think mv happiness di'ls'llils upon on public ollii c within the gift of the people ol tin- BOUBtf) I have a higher ambi- I than to he president till ambition to do what I can to make tin. nation so ureal and g.s.1 that to he a simple I itieo will he greater than to i. a king in any other land ' Cloee yesterdav, 711 ft-H. Upen iisl.v, 71' M. gang, today, 78 7 a to 7U A-a. ClOIB b-lay, 7H 7-N. Nolai. The Concord. N. II. , Monitor harKis Clark of Montana with Inlcml in.' to use money In lliul slule imleieal the re-elecllou ol I handler to the I luted Mates senate He wil thus gel revenge ou ( handler for keening him out of the seal lie claimed Iriiiti Moniana. (ioveruor Lee, ol South Dakota, aay. : "Mr. Hryan i. in no danger in our state. 1 here la no doubt in my mind but thai the .late of South Dakota will go lor Hryan ami the fusion elate ticket by a very handsome majority . Our lorce. arw well organized. Borrow no troeble ab nil aoota Dakota. " lieu. Patrick A. Collin., of H0.I011, ha. not hail any of hie old-time en thueiuem lor Ibe democratic cause and will tbi. year vote tbu straight parly ticket. He will apeak duiing the campaign lor the parly nominee, "whuro it will do Ibe moet goad.11 a. i 1- it In I Kilo he 001. "Bed the .iectluu of Hryeu to the presidency. K Talbot, for several year, the law partner of William J Hryan, and until aiicr the Kansas City convention 11 leader in republican circles in - this county and stale, bus given to the press .... i. derive coiiL'itru ing the personal 1 ly ,,( tbe democratic candidate, in which he laud, blui ami saya ne wen u'Mira ... I P..i.l..i,l anil I I ... I he will support him this year, which lie did nut Uo III i s. 10 IS BABK8B ILIUIBLBV A Uu.allon Raliad In N.braaka Crea tea a Saniatloa. Chicago, Aug. lu. A apeelal to tho Reoord from Lincoln, Neh., says . sensation has been 1 ansasl hy the ilia eoverv that Wharton Rarker, thn middle of Ilie road candidate (or pre.l deNt, is ineligible. It i. sin. 1 that while In Reaala - pean ago Marker was made "lord of St w nss.slas ' ' by the ear. Ilefore accepting tbe till, he ditl not ask ...ogress to grant th privilege and he istherefore Iiieltgtbb to la'cotiie president IwcaiiMi he for feited hi. ritiaaaahlp, N.w York Slat. Convantlan. Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. W. Thai deuiiM'ratic stale eouimlttiw voted to hold the stale Coll vent loll hern on Pk-p-leinher II. Ka-Pk-nalor Hill's candidate (or teinirury ehairinan ol the slate convention. Mayor Mcdulre, of Myre 000) wa. tie fen 1, d Bryan Knroule Horn. Onoeoll Hlufla, la., Vug. III. Ou hi. homeward .niitiei was received hv g.ssl crowd, at Atlanta, A vis a. Ne.ila uud I . .11111 II Hliiffs, hill he luadn uo sp ib t" Ibe people at any c. roRKM neas in ioloraoo. Minion, oi raM or in. Pineal rtina.r I in o.l. lied. tilcnwisal Spriuga, t'olo. . Aug IU. OleOWOod springs la eniel.iissl in a cloud of imoae, eunsisl by (oresl tires which surround the town. Iiinber Thr.aieaed. Cresl , Colo., Aug. ii. Ureal lone. Iin. are raging lit Crealoiie cuiivoit. i 11 less Heavy rain .uoutu fall millions of feet of tin, her will tnt deatrot ed. Plallop Mountain on Plra. I .,1. land, ColoM Aug. 10. Tbe notains west ol i.iiveiuiei are in- lelolasl iu a dense 1 loud id .Inoke a. 1 he n milt ol lore.t lire, oil Plaltop mountain. Kepsold Copa( Itraiuly We have ju.t re-eivad a .hiu meol id thl. Hue old Calilurnla Hrandv and il you waul a Hue llavoru.1 Hraudv vou .bould try tbi.. Put up lu pint bot tle. . the original package at 75c ill aOUrai we have ulhcr kind, and "ther grade- Shaw's Put Mall Is a whi.kv that we eau ret . .,11. in, .ml for Mirllv and llavm. , , . ... ........l ...,.rl Tbi. 1 .'iio. in laittlea lur MciliViiKi! frtpm Wm know we can pleaae you us wu have a flue aelecUsi ,Us'k ui UK ANDY, WHISK I 1 and WlM'.S iu original package, ami iu hulk . We pav par ticular atteuliuu to ae 1,. in,.- thu verv Ileal giaxla made and shall be pleased lo have you iii.pavl our line. koeppen's Pharmacy Kurutcrly Pluuuer lrug Hluca 115 Court St. bistur'a ureacrlplluua aud laaiil) cacsipl. uul up lo 0OUll.tUl no u In nn pari drun. Oiii: a. b ul.i